21st CL 4 New

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School: San Jose National High School Grade Level Grade 11 Diamond, Jade, Gold

Teacher: Rosehur L. Alumbro Learning Area 21st CENTURY LITERATURE FROM THE
PLAN IN 21st CENTURY Teaching Date & Time September 25-29, 2023 Quarter 1
LITERATURE FROM THE 8:45-9:45 AM Week No. 4
PHILIPPINES AND THE Mode of Instruction: Face-to-face/In-person
WORLD Strategy/ies: Effective Lecturing and Digital Learning

Subject Integration: 1. Filipino - Analyzing and interpreting Filipino literary works

2. Arts - Creating visual representations inspired by Philippine literature
3. ICT – Making an adaptation of a text into other creative forms using multimedia.
Content Standards: The learner will be able to understand and appreciate the elements and contexts of 21st century Philippine literature from the regions.
Performance Standards: The learner will be able to demonstrate understanding and appreciation of 21st Century Philippine literature from the regions through:
1. a written close analysis and critical interpretation of a literary text in terms of form and theme, with a
description of its context derived from research; and
2. an adaptation of a text into other creative forms using multimedia.
Learning Competency/ies: Produce a creative representation of a literary text by applying multimedia and ICT skills

Knowledge Students will be able to analyze a literary text and identify key themes and elements.
Skills Students will apply critical thinking skills to interpret and present their creative representation of the text.
Attitude Students will develop ICT skills by creating a multimedia project that represents their understanding of the text.
Values Students will value the importance of ICT skills in connection with literature.
Creative Representation of a Literary Text by Applying Multimedia and ICT Skills

Introductory Activity
 Prayer
 Checking of Attendance
 Setting of Norms
 Checking of Assignment

1. Begin the lesson by reviewing the definition of literature and discussing the importance of creative representation in understanding and appreciating literary works.
2. Ask students to brainstorm different forms of multimedia and ICT that they are familiar with (e.g., videos, slideshows, digital artwork, podcasts, etc.).
3. Connect the discussion to the learning objectives by explaining that they will be creating a multimedia project to represent their understanding of a literary text.

Activity 1: Literary Analysis

1. Distribute copies of the selected literary text to the students and give them time to read and analyze it individually.
2. In small groups, have students engage in a discussion to identify the key themes, elements, and literary devices present in the text.
3. Guide the discussion and encourage critical thinking by asking probing questions such as:
o What is the main message or theme of the text?
o How does the author use language to create a specific effect?
o Are there any symbols or metaphors that enhance the meaning of the text?
4. Have each group present their findings to the whole class, fostering further discussion and allowing students to expand their understanding of the text.

Activity 2: Planning the Multimedia Project

1. Explain to the students that they will now plan their multimedia project based on the literary text they analyzed.
2. In their groups, instruct the students to brainstorm ideas for their project, considering the following questions:
o What multimedia format will best represent the text? (e.g., video, audio, visual art, etc.)
o How can they use ICT tools to enhance their project?
o How will they incorporate the key themes and elements identified during the analysis?
3. Provide guidance and suggestions to help students develop their project ideas, ensuring that they align with the learning objectives.

Activity 3: Creating the Multimedia Project

1. Provide students with the necessary materials and equipment to start working on their multimedia project.
2. Allow students to explore and use various multimedia tools and ICT software to create their projects.
3. Circulate the classroom, offering assistance and guidance to individual groups as needed.
4. Encourage students to think creatively and experiment with different techniques to effectively represent the literary text.
5. Set specific checkpoints or deadlines to ensure progress and completion of the projects.

1. Once all groups have completed their projects, organize a presentation session.
2. Each group will present their multimedia project to the class, explaining their creative choices and how they represent the literary text.
3. After each presentation, facilitate a class discussion where students can ask questions, provide feedback, and discuss the effectiveness of the different projects.
4. Assess the projects using a rubric that focuses on creativity, clarity of representation, and alignment with the key themes and elements of the literary text.

 Rubric for assessing the multimedia projects (creativity, clarity, alignment with the text)
 Class participation during the literary analysis and project presentations
 Conduct a 15-item paper-pen assessment.

Prepared by:

Teacher II

Checked by:


Master Teacher I Head Teacher II

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