FR Om The Circuit Shown in Above
FR Om The Circuit Shown in Above
FR Om The Circuit Shown in Above
consist of two transistors and four resistors. Obviously, if transistor T 1 is initially turned ON (saturated)
by applying a positive signal through the Set input at its base, its collector will be at V CE(sat) (0.2 to 0.4 V).
The collector of T1 is connected to the base of T2, which cannot turn T2 On. Hence, T2 remains OFF (cut
off). Therefore, the voltage at the collector of T2 tries to reach VCC. This action only enhances the initial
positive signal applied to the base of T 1. Now if the initial signal at the Set input is removed, the circuit
will maintain T1 in the ON state and T2 in the OFF state indefinitely, i.e., Q = 1 & Q' = 0. In this condition
the bistable multivibrator is said to be in the Set state. A positive signal applied to the Reset input at the
base of T2 turns it ON. As we have discussed earlier, in the same sequence T 2 turns ON & T1 turns OFF,
resulting in a second stable state i.e. Q = 0 & Q' = 1. In this condition the bistable multivibrator is said to
be in the Reset state.
Let us assume the output of G1 to be Q = 0, which is also the input of G 2 (A2 = 0). So, the output of G2 will
be Q'= 1, which makes A1 = 1 and consequently Q = 0 which is according to our assumption. Similarly, we
can demonstrate that if Q = 1, then Q' = 0 and this is also consistent with the circuit connections. Hence
we see that Q and Q' are always complementary. And if the circuit is in 1 state, it continues to remain in
this state and vice versa is also true. Since this information is locked or latched in this circuit, therefore,
this circuit is also referred to as a latch. In this circuit there is no way to enter the desired digital
information to be stored in it. To make that possible we have to modify the circuit by replacing the
inverters by NAND gates and then it becomes a flip-flop.
Case 1. For S = 0 and R = 0, the flip-flop remains in its present state (Q n). It means that the next state of
the flip-flop does not change, i.e., Qn+1 = 0 if Qn = 0 and vice versa. First let us assume that Q n = 1 and
Q'n= 0.Thus the inputs of NOR gate 2 are 1 and 0, and therefore its output Q'n+1 = 0. This output Q' n+1 =
0 is fed back as the input of NOR gate1, thereby producing a 1 at the output, as both of the inputs of
NOR gate 1 are 0 and 0; so Qn+1 = 1 as originally assumed. Now let us assume the opposite case, i.e., Qn
= 0 and Q'n = 1. Thus the inputs of NOR gate 1 are 1 and 0, and therefore its output Q' n+1 = 0. This output
Qn+1 = 0 =0 is fed back as the input of NOR gate 2, thereby producing a 1 at the output, as both of the
inputs of NOR gate 2 are 0 and 0; so Q'n+1 = 1 as originally assumed. Thus we find that the condition S = 0
and R = 0 do not affect the outputs of the flip-flop, which means this is the memory condition of the S-R
The second input condition is S = 0 and R = 1. The 1 at R input forces the output of NOR gate 1 to be 0
(i.e., Qn+1 = 0). Hence both the inputs of NOR gate 2 are 0 and 0 and so its output Q' n+1 = 1. Thus the
condition S = 0 and R = 1 will always reset the flip-flop to 0. Now if the R returns to 0 with S = 0, the flip-
flop will remain in the same state.
The third input condition is S = 1 and R = 0. The 1 at S input forces the output of NOR gate 2 to be 0 (i.e.,
Q'n+1 = 0). Hence both the inputs of NOR gate 1 are 0 and 0 and so its output Q n+1 = 1. Thus the condition
S = 1 and R = 0 will always set the flip-flop to 1. Now if the S returns to 0 with R = 0, the flip-flop will
remain in the same state.
The fourth input condition is S = 1 and R = 1. The 1 at R input and 1 at S input forces the output of both
NOR gate 1 and NOR gate 2 to be 0. Hence both the outputs of NOR gate 1 and NOR gate 2 are 0 and 0;
i.e., Qn+1 = 0 and Q'n+1 = 0. Hence this condition S = 1 and R = 1 violates the fact that the outputs of a flip-
flop will always be the complement of each other. Since the condition violates the basic definition of
flip-flop, it is called the undefined condition. Generally this condition must be avoided by making sure
that 1s are not applied simultaneously to both of the inputs.
If case 4 arises at all, then S and R both return to 0 and 0 simultaneously, and then any one of the NOR
gates acts faster than the other and assumes the state. For example, if NOR gate 1 is faster than NOR
gate 2, then Qn+1 will become 1 and this will make Q'n+1 = 0. Similarly, if NOR gate 2 is faster than NOR
gate 1, then Q'n+1 will become 1 and this will make Qn+1 = 0. Hence, this condition is determined by the
flip-flop itself. Since this condition cannot be controlled and predicted it is called the indeterminate
Assuming that the inputs do not change during the presence of the clock pulse, we can express the
working of the S-R flip-flop in the form of the truth table shown here. Here, S n and Rn denote the inputs
and Qn denotes the output during the bit time n. Q n+1 denotes the output after the pulse passes i.e. in
the bit time n + 1.
Case 1. If Sn = Rn = 0, and the clock pulse is not applied, the output of the fl ip-fl op remains in the
present state. Even if Sn = Rn = 0, and the clock pulse is applied, the output at the end of the clock pulse
is the same as the output before the clock pulse, i.e., Q n+1 = Qn . The first row of the table indicates that
Case 2. For Sn = 0 and Rn = 1, if the clock pulse is applied (i.e. CLK = 1), the output of NAND gate 1
becomes 1; whereas the output of NAND gate 2 will be 0. Now a 0 at the input of NAND gate 4 forces
the output to be 1 i.e. Q' = 1. This 1 goes to the input of NAND gate 3 to make both the inputs of NAND
gate 3 as 1, which forces the output of NAND gate 3 to be 0, i.e., Q = 0.
Case 3. For Sn = 1 and Rn = 0, if the clock pulse is applied (i.e., CLK = 1), the output of NAND gate 2
becomes 1; whereas the output of NAND gate 1 will be 0. Now a 0 at the input of NAND gate 3 forces
the output to be 1, i.e., Q = 1. This 1 goes to the input of NAND gate 4 to make both the inputs of NAND
gate 4 as 1, which forces the output of NAND gate 4 to be 0, i.e., Q' = 0.
Case 4. For Sn = 1 and Rn = 1, if the clock pulse is applied (i.e. CLK = 1), the outputs of both NAND gate 2
and NAND gate 1 becomes 0. Now a 0 at the input of both NAND gate 3 and NAND gate 4 forces the
outputs of both the gates to be 1, i.e., Q = 1 and Q' = 1. When the CLK input goes back to 0 (while S and
R remain at 1), it is not possible to determine the next state, as it depends on whether the output of
gate 1 or gate 2 goes to 1 first.