BS EN 10165 - 1996 Cold Rolled Electrical Alloyed Steel Sheet and Strip Delivered in The Semi-Processed State
BS EN 10165 - 1996 Cold Rolled Electrical Alloyed Steel Sheet and Strip Delivered in The Semi-Processed State
BS EN 10165 - 1996 Cold Rolled Electrical Alloyed Steel Sheet and Strip Delivered in The Semi-Processed State
Licensed Copy: Institute Of Technology Tallaght, Institute of Technology, Tue Aug 29 10:31:35 BST 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
British Standard
Licensed Copy: Institute Of Technology Tallaght, Institute of Technology, Tue Aug 29 10:31:35 BST 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
Committees responsible Inside front cover
National foreword ii
Foreword 2
Text of EN 10165 3
List of references Inside back cover
© BSI 02-1999 i
BS EN 10165:1996
National foreword
Licensed Copy: Institute Of Technology Tallaght, Institute of Technology, Tue Aug 29 10:31:35 BST 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
Publication referred to Corresponding British Standard
BS 4727 Glossary of electrotechnical, power,
telecommunication, electronics, lighting and colour terms
Part 1: Terms common to power, telecommunications and
IEC 50(121):1978 Group 01:1983 Fundamental terminology
IEC 50(221):1990 Group 07:1991 Magnetic materials and components
IEC 404-1:1979 BS 6404: Magnetic materials
Part 1:1984: Classification
IEC 404-2:1978 Part 2:1996 Methods of measurement of magnetic,
electrical and physical properties of magnetic sheet and
IEC 404-3:1992 Part 3:1992 Methods of measurement of the magnetic
properties of magnetic sheet and strip by means of a
single sheet tester
EN 10020:1988 BS EN 10020:1991 Definition and classification of grades
of steel
EN 10021:1993 BS EN 10021:1993 General technical delivery
requirements for steel and iron products
EN 10027-1:1992 BS EN 10027 : Designation systems for steel
Part 1:1992 Steel names, principal symbols
EN 10027-2:1992 Part 2: Steel numbers
EN 10204:1991 BS EN 10204:1991 Metallic products. Types of inspection
EN 10251a BS EN 10251: Magnetic materials. Methods of
determination of the geometrical characteristics of
electrical steel sheet and stripa
a In preparation.
A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a
contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application.
Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity
from legal obligations.
Summary of pages
This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i and ii,
the EN title page, pages 2 to 10, an inside back cover and a back cover.
This standard has been updated (see copyright date) and may have had
amendments incorporated. This will be indicated in the amendment table on
the inside front cover.
ii © BSI 02-1999
Licensed Copy: Institute Of Technology Tallaght, Institute of Technology, Tue Aug 29 10:31:35 BST 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
December 1995
Descriptors: Cold rolled products, metal plates, magnetic alloys, magnetic circuits, alloyed steels, delivery conditions, classifications,
designation, magnetic properties, geometric characteristics, physical properties, acceptance tests, quality, tests
English version
Tôles magnétiques en acier allié laminées à Kaltgewalztes Elektroblech und — band aus
froid et livrées à l’état semi-fini legierten Stählen im nicht schlußgeglühten
European Committee for Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation
Europäisches Komitee für Normung
Central Secretariat: rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 Brussels
© 1995 All rights of reproduction and communication in any form and by any means reserved in all
countries to CEN and its members. Ref. No. EN 10165:1995 E
EN 10165:1995
Licensed Copy: Institute Of Technology Tallaght, Institute of Technology, Tue Aug 29 10:31:35 BST 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
Foreword Contents
This European Standard has been prepared by the Page
Technical Committee ECISS/TC 24, Electrical steel Foreword 2
and strip qualities — Qualities, dimensions,
Introduction 3
tolerances and specific tests, of which the
secretariat is held by AFNOR. 1 Scope 3
This European Standard shall be given the status of 2 Normative references 3
a national standard, either by publication of an 3 Definitions 3
identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by 4 Classification 4
June 1996, and conflicting national standards shall
5 Designation 4
be withdrawn at the latest by June 1996.
6 General requirements 4
According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal
Regulations, the following countries are bound to 6.1 Production process 4
implement this European Standard: Austria, 6.2 Form of supply 4
Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, 6.3 Delivery condition 4
Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg,
Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, 6.4 Surface condition 4
Switzerland and the United Kingdom. 6.5 Suitability for cutting 4
7 Technical requirements 4
7.1 Magnetic properties 4
7.2 Geometric characteristics and tolerances 5
7.3 Density 6
8 Inspection and testing 6
8.1 General 6
8.2 Selection of samples 6
8.3 Preparation of test specimens 6
8.4 Test methods 6
8.5 Retests 7
9 Marking, labelling and packaging 7
10 Complaints 7
11 Information to be supplied by the
purchaser 8
Annex A (informative) Non-specified
magnetic properties 9
Table 1 — Tolerances on nominal width 5
Table 2 — Technological and magnetic
properties 7
2 © BSI 02-1999
EN 10165:1995
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1) Alloyedsteel is that steel the basic constituent of which is iron containing alloying elements in amounts equal to or greater
than the values fixed by EN 10020.
Until this EURONORM is transformed into a European Standard, it can either be implemented or reference made to the
corresponding national standards
© BSI 02-1999 3
EN 10165:1995
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4 © BSI 02-1999
EN 10165:1995
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Test strips shall be subjected to a heat treatment in For thickness tolerance, a distinction is made
a decarburizing atmosphere at the temperature between:
specified in Table 2 and shall be maintained for 2 h — the allowable tolerance on the nominal
at this temperature. The heating rate shall not thickness within the same acceptance unit;
exceed 200 °C/h. The cooling rate from the
— the difference in thickness in a sheet or in a
temperatures specified in Table 2 to 550 °C shall not
length strip in a direction parallel to the direction
exceed 120 °C/h. The gas necessary for
of rolling;
decarburization shall consist
of 20 vol. % H2, 80 vol. % N2 with water vapour, the — the difference in thickness in a direction
dew-point being + 20 °C at atmospheric pressure. perpendicular to the direction of rolling. This
tolerance applies only to materials with a width
The establishment of the decarburizing atmosphere
greater than 150 mm.
requires the removal of air from the annealing
furnace before raising the temperature. This The allowable tolerance on the nominal thickness
removal is effected by continuously purging the within the same acceptance unit shall be ± 8 % of
furnace with an inert protective gas. The flow and the nominal value. The additional thickness due to
pressure of the decarburizing gas shall be regulated welds, with respect to the measured thickness of the
to ensure good decarburization at any point on the steel sheet and strip, shall not exceed 0,050 mm.
test specimen and a complete renewal of the The difference in thickness in a sheet or in a length
atmosphere in the furnace several times during the of strip (see 8.3.2) in a direction parallel to the
heat treatment. direction of rolling shall not exceed 8 % of nominal
It is desirable that the test strips do not have any thickness.
contact with each other. The difference in thickness in a direction
7.1.2 Magnetic polarization perpendicular to the direction of rolling shall not
exceed 0,020 mm for the thickness 0,50 mm
The specified minimum values for the magnetic and 0,030 mm for the thickness of 0,65 mm. This
polarization for magnetic field strengths tolerance applies only to materials with a width
H of 2 500 A/m, 5 000 A/m and 10 000 A/m shall be greater than 150 mm. For narrow strips other
as given in Table 2. agreements may be reached.
The magnetic polarization shall be determined in an
7.2.2 Width
alternating magnetic field (expressed as a peak
value) at 50 Hz. The available nominal widths are less than or equal
to 1 250 mm.
7.1.3 Specific total loss
For the width tolerances, a distinction is made
The specified values of maximum specific total loss, between material supplied with edges in the
in watts per kilogram, shall be as given in Table 2. as-rolled condition and material delivered with
The values of specific total loss are specified for a trimmed edges.
magnetic polarization of 1,5 T. For materials supplied with trimmed edges, the
The test shall be made in an alternating magnetic tolerances of Table 1 shall apply:
field at 50 Hz. Table 1 — Tolerances on nominal width
Annex A gives for guidance only the maximum
Nominal width l Tolerance
specific total loss for a magnetic polarization of 1,0 T (mm) (mm)
at 50 Hz and for a magnetic polarization of 1,5 T
l # 150 + 0,2
at 60 Hz. 0
7.1.4 Anisotropy of loss and of magnetizing
150 < l # 300 + 0,3
field 0
The anisotropy of loss and of magnetizing field can
be the subject of special agreement between the 300 < l # 600 + 0,5
parties when ordering.
7.2 Geometric characteristics and tolerances 600 < l # 1 000 + 1,0
7.2.1 Thickness
1 000 < l # 1 250 + 1,5
The nominal thicknesses of the material 0
are 0,50 mm and 0,65 mm.
NOTE By agreement when ordering, the tolerances on the
nominal width can be all minus values.
© BSI 02-1999 5
EN 10165:1995
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For materials supplied with as-rolled edges, the In the case of sheets, the selection shall preferably
width tolerances on nominal width shall be + 5 mm. be made from the upper part of the bundle.
7.2.3 Length By choosing a suitable order for the execution of
The tolerance on length for sheets in relation to tests, the same sample shall serve to check the
length ordered shall be + 0,5 % , but with a maximum various properties.
of + 6 mm. 8.3 Preparation of test specimens
7.2.4 Edge camber 8.3.1 Magnetic properties
A distinction is made between material supplied For the measurement of magnetic polarization and
with edges in the as-rolled condition and material specific total loss, the test specimen for the 25 cm
supplied with trimmed edges. Epstein frame shall consist of a minimum
For material supplied with edges in the as-rolled of 16 Epstein strips having the following
condition the edge camber shall not exceed 6 mm dimensions:
over a length of 2 m. — length 280 mm to 310 mm, the lengths being
For material supplied with trimmed edges, the edge equal within a tolerance of ± 0,5 mm,
camber shall not exceed 4 mm over a length of 2 m. — width 30 mm ± 0,2 mm.
7.2.5 Flatness (wave factor) Half the test strips shall be cut parallel to the
direction of rolling and the other half perpendicular,
Flatness (wave factor) is specified only for material
giving an even distribution across the width of the
supplied with trimmed edges. The wave factor
material. The test strips shall be carefully cut
(see, expressed as a percentage, shall not
without deformation. The cutting or punching shall
exceed 2.
be made only with well sharpened tools.
7.3 Density The maximum tolerance between the direction of
The density of the material is not specified. cutting in relation to the direction specified shall
The conventional value of density used to calculate be ± 5°.
the magnetic properties shall be as given in Table 2. When the width of the material is insufficient for a
sample of test strips to be taken across the width,
8 Inspection and testing the test strips shall be taken in the direction of
8.1 General rolling only.
The material defined by this European Standard 8.3.2 Geometrical characteristics and
can be ordered with or without specific inspection in tolerances
accordance with EN 10021. However, as a For the measurement of thickness, width, flatness,
dispensation from EN 10021, in the case of an order and edge camber, the test specimen shall consist of
without inspection, the manufacturer shall supply a a sheet or a 2 m length of strip.
certificate giving the specific total loss of the 8.4 Test methods
delivered material.
For each specified property one test shall be carried
In the case of an order with specific inspection, the out per acceptance unit. Unless otherwise specified,
type of inspection document in accordance with the test shall be made at a temperature
EN 10204 shall be specified when ordering. In this of (23 ± 5) °C and in the as-delivered condition, with
case the delivery is divided into acceptance units. the exception of magnetic properties which shall be
Each acceptance unit shall comprise 20 t or the determined after a reference heat treatment.
remaining fraction thereof of the same grade and
8.4.1 Magnetic properties
the same nominal thickness. Different acceptance
units can be adopted by special agreement. The test shall be made using a 25 cm Epstein frame
in accordance with EURONORM 118.
8.2 Selection of samples
NOTE As an alternative to the Epstein method, the single sheet
Test samples shall be taken from each acceptance tester described in IEC 404-3 may be used by agreement between
unit. the supplier and purchaser. In this case, the specified values to
be obtained with the single sheet tester may also be subject to
The first internal turn and the last external turn of agreement.
the coil shall be considered as wrapping and not
representative of the quality of the remainder of the
coil; the selection shall be made from the first
external turn excluding the wrapping turn and
outside any welding zones or interleaves.
6 © BSI 02-1999
EN 10165:1995
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© BSI 02-1999 7
EN 10165:1995
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In all cases, the terms and conditions of complaints e) dimensions of sheets or strip required
shall be made in accordance with EN 10021. (including any limitations on the external
diameter of a coil) (see 6.2 and 7.2.2);
11 Information to be supplied by the f) any limitation on the mass of a bundle of sheets
purchaser or of a coil (see 6.2);
For materials to comply adequately with the g) any special requirements for marking of welds
requirements of this standard, the purchaser shall or interleaves (see 6.2);
include the following information in his enquiry or h) any special requirement concerning the
order: surface finish (see 6.4);
a) quantity; i) the inspection procedure required including the
b) type of product (strip or sheet); nature of the related documents (see 8.1);
c) number of this European Standard j) any special requirement about single sheet
(EN 10165); testing (see 8.4.1).
d) name or number of the steel grade (see 5.1);
8 © BSI 02-1999
EN 10165:1995
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Annex A (informative)
Non-specified magnetic properties
© BSI 02-1999 9
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© BSI 02-1999
See national foreword.
List of references
BS EN 10165:1996
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