Extraction of Uranium From Tailings by Sulfuric Acid Leaching

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Extraction of uranium from tailings by sulfuric acid leaching with oxidants

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2017 IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 69 012050


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3rd International Conference on Advances in Energy, Environment and Chemical Engineering IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science1234567890
69 (2017) 012050 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/69/1/012050

Extraction of uranium from tailings by sulfuric acid leaching

with oxidants

Jing Huang1, Mi Li1,2 *, Xiaowen Zhang1,2, Chunmei Huang1 and Xiaoyan Wu1
1School of Environmental Protection and Safety Engineering, University of South
China, Hengyang, 421001, China
2Key Laboratory of Radioactive Waste Treatment and Disposal, University of South
China, Hengyang, 421001, China

*Corresponding author. Tel.: +86 0734 8282562

E-mail address: [email protected]

Abstract: Recovery of uranium have been performed by leaching uranium-containing tailings

in sulfuric acid system with the assistance of HF, HClO4, H2O2 and MnO2. The effect of
reagent dosage, sulfuric acid concentration, Liquid/solid ratio, reaction temperature and
particle size on the leaching of uranium were investigated. The results show that addiction of
HF, HClO4, H2O2 and MnO2 significantly increased the extraction of uranium under 1M
sulphuric acid condition and under the optimum reaction conditions a dissolution fraction of
85% by HClO4, 90% by HF, 95% by H2O2 can be reached respectively. The variation of
technological mineralogy properites of tailings during leaching process show that the assistants
can break gangue effectively. These observations suggest that optimum oxidants could
potentially influence the extraction of uranium from tailings even under dilute acid condition.

1. Introduction
As a zero carbon-emission source of energy, nuclear power has recently led to an unprecedentedly
increased demand for uranium [1]. Furthermore, the number of nuclear power plants in industrial
nations is increasing: China, India and Russia are planning to commission forty-six new nuclear power
plants in the coming years. Therefore, uranium plays an important role in the search for alternative
energies to nuclear fuels [2]. According to incomplete statistics, the current global stockpile of
uranium tailings has reached 24 billion tons [3], which has become a potential secondary resource of
uranium. However, there has been limited study on recovering uranium from uranium tailings due to
the difficulty in recovering uranium. Due to depletion of uranium rich ore, recovering uranium from
tailings is presenting significant opportunities to improve the nuclear fuel reserves [4,5]. Extraction of
uranium from low-grade ores, however, requires greater efficiency in the leaching processes. It is
necessary that hydrometallurgy processes has been identified as one of the optional way to solve the
beforementioned problem.
The concentration of uranium in the tailings is normally range from 0.005% to 0.02%, which is
much lower than the average concentration of 0.1% in the nature low grade ore [6]. Acid leaching has
been largely used due to its low cost and relatively high uranium recoveries. The uranium leaching
process was an oxidizing process in which sulfuric acid was normally utilized as lixiviant [7].
However, single acid condition was not enough to get satisfactory leaching efficiency for uranium
tailings because low grade uranium often existed in the form of micro fine particles and disseminated
inhomogeneous in high content of gangue. We found oxidants can destroy complex uranium gangue

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3rd International Conference on Advances in Energy, Environment and Chemical Engineering IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science1234567890
69 (2017) 012050 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/69/1/012050

structure to improve extraction of uranium [6]. Youlton[8] proposed can use the change of mineralogy
parameters in acid leaching process to predict the dissociation pathways of uranium. The uranium
dissociation from gangue mineral can achieves efficient extraction of uranium. Therefore, destroy
complex gangue structure in uranium tailings and dissociated the uranium from the gangue are the
important way to improve the leaching rate of uranium [9].
A series of strengthening methods for efficient recovery of uranium, including reinforced
composite, ultrasound method, segmented cascade leaching, oxidation strengthen method and
cavitations strengthen method, have been developed [10-13]. H2O2, MnO2 and SO2/O2 were usually
used as oxidants to leach low-grade uranium ores. However, the uranium tailings mainly presence of
high content of silicates, the effect of reactivity between these oxidants and silicates on uranium
leaching is worthy of further study in sulfuric acid system. The aim of this paper analyse the effects of
H2O2, MnO2, HF and HClO4 on uranium leaching ratio and revealing strengthening mechanism of
these oxidants by investigating the mineral properties changes of uranium leaching residue.

2. Materials and methods

2.1. material
The samples used in this study were obtained from a tailings dam located in Hunan province at south
of China. After drying at 110°C for 4 h, the samples were crushed in a laboratory vibration mill
(RK/3ZM-100) and then screened using standard sieves to obtain particle size distribution. All
samples were placed in a silica desiccator until use in the experiment. The deposit was a secondary
formation containing about 0.01% uranium, mainly existed in tetravalent (U4+). All chemical reagents
used in experiments were of analytical grade.

2.2. Experimental methods

Chemical composition of uranium tailings were determined by inductively coupled plasma atomic
emission spectrometry (ICP); The phase composition were determined by X-ray diffractometer
analysis (XRD); The morphology were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), The particle
size distribution was analyzed using (LPSA); the uranium content in leaching solution were analyzed
by ammonium vanadate titration method. The uranium leaching ratio were calculated using the
following formula:
V C
Y 100%
m β
In this equation: Y denotes the uranium leaching ratio, %; V is leaching solution volume, L; C is the
uranium concentration in leaching solution, g/L; m is the mass of uranium tailings used in leaching
experiments, g and β is the uranium grade in tailings, %.

3. Results and discussion

3.1 Mineralogy characteristic of uranium tailings

Chemical composition of uranium tailings analyzed by ICP were shown in reference [14]. The
uranium concentration in tailingswere about 0.008%, which belongs to the low grade uranium tailings;
It containshigh content of aluminum, while calcium and magnesium content was relatively low, sulfur
element was contained in the tailings, thus, sulfuric acid was selected as leaching reagentto decrease
acid consumptionin the leaching process.
Morphology of uranium tailings and EDS analysis results were shown in figure 1. The minimum
and maximum particle size of uranium tailings were around 10 μm and 400 μm, the tailings need to be
grind to decrease particle size before leaching. The energy spectrum analysis showed that the main
elements of uranium tailings were Si, Al and Fe, which was consistent with the XRD results.

3rd International Conference on Advances in Energy, Environment and Chemical Engineering IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science1234567890
69 (2017) 012050 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/69/1/012050

Figure 1. SEM-EDS results of uranium tailings

3.2 Discussion on acid leaching process of uranium tailings

3.2.1 Effect of MnO2 concentration on the leaching of uranium. Sulfuric acid concentration of 1M,
liquid to solid ratio of 20: 1, temperature 30 ℃, time under 2h. (All the basic conditions of the
experimental were the same.) Figure 2A shows that compared with H2O2, lower concentrations of
MnO2 have stronger oxidation resistance and the leaching rate of uranium was obviously increased.
While in high concentrations, as excessive MnO2 has been adsorbed to uranium in solution, uranium
leaching rate was not increased as strong as in low concentrations. In the whole process, the reasons
for the inflection in MnO2 and H2O2 leaching rate of uranium are the same.

3.2.2 Effect of H2O2 concentration on the leaching of uranium. The effect of H2O2 on uranium
extraction from uranium tailings at different temperatures was examined. The extraction result was
shown in figure 2C, the rate of uranium extraction with 0.2 M of H2O2 was always higher than the
situation when the oxidant was absent.
Figure 2C shows that within 22 hours of leaching time, as the concentration of H2O2 increased from
0 M to 1 M, uranium leaching rate increased from 75% to almost 100%. On account of the strong
oxidizing of H2O2, the next uranium leaching rate was raised. Part of the adsorbed uranium tailings
were dissolved by H2O2, and some uranium ions have been re-released into the solution, and then the
uranium leaching rate will be increased.

Figure 2. Effect of oxidant concentration Figure 3. Effect of different variables on the

leaching of uranium on leaching of uranium

3.2.3 Effect of HF and HClO4 amount of uranium leaching. Examined the impact of uranium leaching
by HF and HClO4, the results shown in figure 2B, D. When the concentration was less than 0.4M,
leaching rate of uranium increased with the amount of supplements; however, when further increased
the amount of enhancer, uranium leaching rate has decreased in some extent. Adding HClO4, the

3rd International Conference on Advances in Energy, Environment and Chemical Engineering IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science1234567890
69 (2017) 012050 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/69/1/012050

leaching rate of uranium has dropped significantly more than HF, which indicating that HF and HClO 4
excess would added adversely affected in uranium leaching. The main reason of phenomenon was HF
and HClO4 added in excess, let silicate gangue structure was strongly disrupted in uranium tailings,
formed a lot of holes in uranium tailings particles. Therefore, the leaching process inverse adsorption
of uranium tailings particles was increased [15], result in an apparent leaching rate of uranium
declined. Therefore, the concentration of HF and HClO4 were 0.4M in subsequent trials.

3.2.4 Effect of sulfuric acid concentration of uranium leaching rate. The effect of sulfuric acid
concentration of uranium leaching rate, sulfuric acid concentration of 0.1 ~ 1 M, respectively.
The figure 3A shows that the concentration of sulfuric acid was lower than 0.5 M, the uranium
leaching rate was increased with time. While the sulfuric acid concentration reached 0.5 M, the
concentration of sulfuric acid was raised, the leaching rate of uranium was not increased. Because the
0.5 M of sulfuric acid was sufficient to extract uranium from uranium tailings, it is not feasible to
increase the concentration of sulfuric acid to increase the leaching rate of uranium.

3.2.5 Effect of temperature on the leaching rate. To study the effect of temperature on the uranium
leaching of uranium tailings in sulfuric acid solution, tailings in accordance with the solid-liquid ratio
of 1:20 and 1 M sulfuric acid (20 g: 400 ml) into a 1000 ml beaker. The figure 3B shows that at 45°C
or lower, uranium leaching rate decreased with increasing temperature, and the leaching rate increased
with increasing time. 45°C or higher, with the temperature was increased, the possibility of collision
between molecules was increased and the molecules were more likely to react, so uranium leaching
rate raised with increasing temperature. After six hours, with the increase of dissolution rate and
surface area of uranium tailings in high temperature environment, the adsorption of impurity ions to
uranium in the solution was increased, and the leaching rate of uranium was decreased slightly.

3.2.6 Effect of solid-liquid ratio on the leaching rate. Figure 3C shows that the uranium leaching rate
augment with time; when the solid-liquid ratio was greater than 1:10, leaching rate of uranium was
rapid incresed within 6 hours. After 6 hours, the uranium leaching rate remained unchanged; when the
solid-liquid ratio less than 1:10, the tailings and sulfuric acid solution reached reaction equilibrium at 4
hours. In addition, as the solid-liquid ratio increased uranium leaching rate was decreased. Because of
the solid-liquid phase reaction, if the solid and liquid ratio of the uranium content was larger, the
concentration difference between the two is greater. When the reaction equilibrium, the uranium
concentration difference in solid and liquid was zero, therefore, the smaller the solid-liquid ratio,
leaching of uranium rate was increased.

3.2.7 Effect of particle size on leaching rate. The effect of particle size on the uranium tailings in
uranium leaching rate with 100 mesh, 200 mesh and 270 mesh standard sieve, sieved milled uranium
tailings is> 150,74 - 150,53 to 74 and <53 four size range.
The figure 3D shows that as the particle size decreased, the growth of time and uranium leaching
rate was increased. When uranium tailings particle size greater than 150, within 22 hours leaching
time, uranium leaching rate was increased. When the particle size less than 150, the uranium leaching
rate was increased rapidly within 6 hours, and then the leaching rate was increased slowly. Compared
with the large particle tailings, the small particle tailings were more susceptible to the reaction of
sulfate acid penetration, the chemical control reaction time was shorter and the reaction ratio was

3.3 Uranium tailings acid leaching process phase variation

After the leaching uranium tailings milled to 74 μm, four kinds of oxidant were added in leach residue,
then analyzed by XRD. After the phase composition, the results shown in figure 4, which represents
without added any oxidant but directly used sulfuric acid leaching slag (the same below).
Because the main mineral content in the tailings included SiO2 and Fe3FeSiO4, the key to improve
the uranium extraction rate was destroy the structure of these gangues. The main component of

3rd International Conference on Advances in Energy, Environment and Chemical Engineering IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science1234567890
69 (2017) 012050 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/69/1/012050

uranium tailings SiO2 diffraction peaks did not changed significantly (except MnO2), under conditions
of sulfuric acid and oxidizing reagent, SiO2 without be damaged significantly. We selected H2O2,
MnO2, HF and HClO4 as the oxidizing reagent. When the HF as oxidant, the iron salts of silicic and
aluminum peaks completely disappeared in leaching slag, indicating silicate gangue minerals was
extremely damaged by HF. When the oxidizing reagent was MnO2, silicate peaks not completely
disappeared, but the phenomenon of wide appeared clearly. These observations suggest that, the
crystal structure of silicate collapse occurred at the same time.

Figure 4. XRD results of uranium leaching Figure 5. SEM results of uranium leaching
residue residues
The main component of SiO2 characterized derivative peak was significantly reduced. Not only
appeared a peaks of a salt manganese silicate, indicating that MnO2 and SiO2 simultaneously had the
ability of destroy the silicate under acidic conditions, but also the formation of new manganese silicate
crystals were promoted. Thus, the leaching of low-grade uranium tailings may have a dual effect.
When add less MnO2, which play a major role in destructed gangue structure, it was conductived the
decomposition of uranium, if add more MnO2, the crystallization and the new manganese silicate
crystals were promoted, the phase of uranium be repacked, therefore, the leaching rate of uranium was
reduced. Adding HClO4 and H2O2 as the oxidant, the silicate peaks have been weakening, there
were much less than that large extent of the damage to silicates compared with HF and MnO 2, it
advantage was that a new crystalline impurity was not formed in the leaching process.

3.4 Morphology changes of uranium tailings in Acid Leaching Process

The speciation analysis of the leaching residue was shown in figure 5. The MnO2 and H2O2 were
magnificated 13000 times; the HF and HClO4 were magnificated 50000 times.
According to figure 5, the damage effect of H2O2 on gangue structure was also obvious and the
main fine gangue granular was leached as well. When the MnO2 as oxidant, the particle size of the
leaching slag was reduced significantly and the agglomeration between the particles was obvious.
Because the MnO2 had strong impact on the destruction of the silicate structure, the manganese silicate
salt can form new nuclei, the tiny particles of gangue re-growth are promoted. In a word, morphology
and results of phase analysis were consistent. On the one hand, When HF as oxidant, leaching residue
shows irregular lamellar structure characteristics. It reflects that HF plays a strong corrosive role in
silicate gangue, which had deep effect on the gangue stripping structure and this structure greatly
strengthens the contact with uranium leaching liquid phase, thus the leaching efficiency of uranium
was greatly improved. The mechanism of HClO4 on the gangue was totally different from HF. The
leaching slag was sharply presented on the surface of particles’ sticking phenomenon, which shows
that HClO4 was useful in the "dissolution" gangue. On the other hand, although the failure mode of
gangue did not change the particle size of ore, the intraparticle pores were increased. Therefore, the
dissociation of uranium was enhanced.

4. Conclusion

3rd International Conference on Advances in Energy, Environment and Chemical Engineering IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science1234567890
69 (2017) 012050 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/69/1/012050

The main ingredient of uranium tailings was SiO2, polysilicate ferric and aluminum silicate salt,
uranium content was only about 0.008%. The positive effect of oxidants on uranium extraction from
uranium tailings can enhance leaching ratio and speed, along with the recovery and mechanism of
extraction. The results demonstrated that oxidants shows advantageous effects in improving uranium
extraction by reducing agglomeration, damaging gangue structure and improving dissolution of the
uranium tailings. The study revealed maximum recovery efficiency at a temperature of 50 °C, a time
of 1.5 h, a concentration of H2SO4 of 1.5M , and a solid-liquid ratio of 1:20, the order of leaching ratio
was H2O2>MnO2>HF>HClO4.

This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 51404141),
Project of Education Department of Hunan Province (16C1373), China Postdoctoral Science
Foundation (Grant No. 2015M572255) and Science and Technology Project of Hunan Province

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