Class 5 Maths EM SA Term 1 July
Class 5 Maths EM SA Term 1 July
Class 5 Maths EM SA Term 1 July
Name :
1. Which of the following object would have been imprinted by Geetha, if the
impression does not have any corners?
a) b)
c) d)
a) 105 b) 51
c) 15 d) 50
3. Akilan drew 6 flowers in a sheet. His friend drew 3 more flowers in it. The number
of flowers in Akilan’s sheet now is
a) 9 b) 3 c) 63 d) 18
Mottu Duration 45 minutes
d) has no corners.
2. If Rahim writes 75 and John writes 57, which is the bigger number?
a) 50 + 7 b) 70 + 5 c) 7 + 5 d) 5 + 7
3. Athirai had 32 sheep. If she bought 49 more sheep, how many sheep will she have
in total ?
a) 81 b) 49 c) 17 d) 71
Malar Duration 60 minutes
1. Yuva wanted to stick a pottu in each corner of the following objects. Find the
object for which she cannot stick any pottu?
a) b)
c) d)
3. Diya had ₹450. If she bought a doll for ₹275, find the amount remaining with
Classs 5 Duration 60 minutes
Fifteen students of class 4 and class 5 along with their teacher went to the flower
exhibition. The teacher paid ` 60 for each as entry ticket. He gave their entry tickets
to them and kept his ticket with him. It was mentioned in the ticket that the show
starts at 9:00 in the morning. The teacher and the students went to the exhibition.
1. The angle that you remember on looking at the starting time of the show given
in the entry ticket is
a) Obtuse angle
b) Acute angle
c) Zero angle
d) Right angle
2. How much did the teacher pay for entry tickets in all?
3. Which one of the following statement is correct, if the teacher had only ` 540?