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Scaffolding Work Procedure

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1. Scaffolds must be provided for employees engaged in work that cannot be done safely from
the ground or from solid construction.
2. Scaffolds must be erected moved dismantled or altered only under the supervisor
(competent person) and by skilled and experienced workers.
3. Each scaffold and scaffold component shall be capable of supporting, without failure, its own
weight and at least 4 times the maximum intended load applied or transmitted to it.
4. We shall prepare the construction designs, drawings, and design loads for all scaffolds used
on site including forms concrete ceiling supports, platforms used for storage of materials and
others. and same must be approved by the consultant engineer. prior to erection of scaffolds.
5. Scaffolds cannot be erected, used, closer than 3 m (10 feet) near energized power lines
to avoid any contact between the scaffold components and these power lines
6. Supported scaffolds with a height to base width ratio of more than four to one (4:1) shall be
tied to the building structure vertically and horizontally. The first bottom tie must be placed no
higher than four (4) times the minimum base width and vertical ties shall be repeated at
intervals not greater than 8 m (26 feet). Horizontal ties shall be placed at each end and at
intervals not greater than 9 m (30 feet).
7. Supported and suspended scaffolds shall be inspected by a third party inspection body
approved by Dubai Municipality and a proper certificate shall be issued of this company.

(As per DM)

Safe Erection of Scaffolding

a platform at least 450 mm wide along the full length of the section of scaffolding;
(iD edge protection across the space between the uprights forming the outer frame
of the scaffolding at the level the scaffolding has reached; and
a means of access (for example, temporary stairs or a ladder) to the level the scaffolding has
(c) We shall ensure that before each level of scaffolding is erected (except in the case of the first
lift), a platform shall be installed below the level at a distance of not more than:
3 meters if the erection of the scaffolding is housing construction work; or
(i) 2.4 meters otherwise.
(d) We shall ensure the following points during the erection of scaffolding:
a section of the platform may be left open to allow the passing of planks or other scaffolding
components between levels for the duration that the work is carried out only;

a platform does not need to be installed on the bottom level of the scaffolding;
a platform may be removed after work has started two levels above it; and (iv) if platforms are
removed, they shall only be removed in a progressive manner.
Prior to dismantling the complete scaffold, planks shall be reinstalled to ensure safety of

We shall ensure ground conditions are stable and inform scaffold erectors of any factors which
may affect ground stability, before the scaffold is erected. Where there are known ground
stability problems the designer shall be consulted and further control measures implemented.
(f) Scaffold 'fittings' and other connections shall be securely tightened. Where 'safety fittings'
are used, they shall be fitted in accordance with the scaffold plan.
(g) Scaffold components shall be installed as the scaffold is erected which shall include
installation of:
all bracing and ties; and guy ropes or buttresses.
(h) Employers shall ensure the following during the erection of scaffolding:
provide an appropriate number of scaffolders to minimize manual handling risks;
develop a methodical work sequence for each scaffolder to reduce the need of traversing the
scaffold during erection;
provision of a fully boarded work platform; and (iv) do not allow scaffolders to climb on
guardrails to gain extra height.
() Where the internal gap on scaffolding (includes hanging bracket scaffolding) is greater than
225 mm, employers shall implement appropriate control measures to manage the risk of a fall
by installing:
internal edge protection; or
additional scaffold planks to minimize the size of the internal gap; or (iii) providing safety
harnesses to employees and developing a safe system of work.


Scaffold Platform:

1.The front edge of all platforms shall not be more than (14 inches) from the face of the work,
unless guardrail systems are erected along the front edge and/or personnel fall arrest systems
are used.
2. The width of the platform of a scaffold shall be determined according to the purpose of use
and height from the ground to provide adequate area to work safely, but the width of each
platform shall not be less than:
1. be not less than 60 cm wide (3 boards) when used for persons only and not
for materials.
2. Be not less than 80 cm wide (4 boards) when used for persons and materials.
3. Be not less than 150 cm wide (7 boards) when used for the support of any higher platform or
used to dress roughly shaped stones.
4. Be not less than 43 cm when used as wooden passages.
The open side edges of platforms higher than 2 m shall be provided with standard guard rail not
less than 95 cm and not more than 115 cm high and consists of top rail and mic rail and toe-
board not less than 15 cm high above the platform, taking into consideration that the distance
between the top rail and the mid rail or between the mid rail and the toe-board should not be
more than 47 cm.

When the provision of providing scaffolds and platforms with guard rails is not possible or not
practical, all employees working on scaffolds shall use safety harnesses which will be anchored
at the building or strong structure or a safety line at the nearest point on top of the worker
head. If it is not possible to do so. the worker shall be tied to the strong components of the
scaffold or provide adequate alternative methods to protect from fall hazards such as safety
nets, etc.
5 Wood scaffold planks should be nominal 5 cm x 25 cm. Gaps between adjacent planks or toe-
boards should not exceed 2.5 cm. Planking should extend a minimum of 15 cm over the center
of each support (unless cleated to prevent the plank from sliding) and a
maximum of 30 cm. the ends of wooden planks shall be encased in meta sleeves to protect
them from damage.
6 Where persons are required to work or pass under the scaffolds. Scaffolds shall be provided
with a screen between the toe-board and the guardrail, extending along the
entire opening.
Safe Access to Scaffolds:

1.A sate wav access. secured adequately for entrance and exit to or from any place where one
person works at any time shall be provided
2. It is preferable to provide a ladder inside the scaffold to reach to the work platform.
3. Portable single ladders when used as access means to the scaffold platform. shall not have a
slope more than 4 (vertical): 1 (Horizontal) i.e. one meter out for every 4 meters of height, and
extend at least 1 m above platform level to provide adequate handhold at all stepping-off
4. When the length of the ladder exceeds 9 m. it shall be provided with intermediate landing,
which shall not be used as a working platform or for storage of materials. These landing shall be
provided with a standard guard rail system to protect against fall hazards

Working Loads of Scaffolds:

Working load is the total load of all persons, equipment, tools, materials, transmitted loads, and
other loads reasonably anticipated to be applied to a scaffold or scaffold component at any one
There are three different types of scaffolds according to load (Light Duty Scaffolds, Medium Duty
Scaffolds, and Heavy Duty Scaffolds). As follows:
1. Light Duty Scaffolds: Designed and constructed to carry a working load of 1.2 Kilo
Newton per square meter
2. Medium Duty Scaffolds: Designed and constructed to carry a working load of 2.4 Kilo
Newton per square meter (50 pounds per square foot)
3. Heavy Duty Scaffolds: Designed and constructed to carry a working load of 3.6 Kilo
Newton per square meter.
1. Each scaffold shall be designed to be capable of supporting. without failure. its own weight
and at least 4 times the maximum working load applied or transmitted to it.
2. Each suspension rope, used on non-adjustable suspension scaffolds shall be capable of
supporting, without failure, at least 6 times the maximum intended load applied or transmitted
to that rope.
3. Scaffolds shall not be loaded in excess of the working load they are intended, and this
load shall be evenly distributed on the scaffold platform.
4. Materials or loads shall be moved or deposited without imposing any violent shock
o. Material shall not be kept upon a scaffold unless needed for work within a reasonable time.
these loads shall not exceed the designed load limit of the scaffold

The maximum height of scaffold shall not exceed 38 m (125 feet), and in case the need for
higher scaffolds, the contractor shall submit a design prepared by specialized third party
company and shall obtain the approval of the consultant engineer on that design before starting
the erection of the scaffold, this approved design shall be kept on site for inspection by the
concerned department personnel
Erection of Scaffolds:
1. Scaffolds shall be erected or dismantled by a skilled workers, trained and qualified to perform
such work, under the supervision of a competent person.
2. Scaffolds shall not be extended beyond its highest fixing point to the extend that will affect its
3. Worker erecting and dismantling scaffolds shall be provided with proper tall protection
measures and shall be provided with the suitable personal protective equipment to protect
them from fall hazard.
4. Where materials of the scaffolds are handled manually during erection or dismantling, no
workers shall exist under these materials.
5. All scaffold materials used for the support of the working platform shall be sound rigid and of
adequate strength and firm footing and well strutted and braced.
6. Loose bricks and drain pipes or any other unsuitable materials shall not be used for erection
or supporting scaffolds.
7. Proper protection from the hazard of falling objects shall be provided to the top of
scaffold If this hazard exists
8. All faces of the scaffold shall be braced diagonally, both internally and externally to
adequately support the scaffold.
9. Partially erected or dismantled scaffolds shall not be used, and a prominent warning notice
indicating that the scaffold is incomplete and not safe to be used (Red Scaffold Tag) shall be
posted. The access to the scaffold shall physically be blocked.
10. Scaffolds and scaffold components shall be thoroughly inspected by a competent persons
who is authorized by the contractor to ensure that the scaffold is stable. and capable of
supporting the intended loads and then he shall post the green scaffold tag after signing it
which indicate that the scaffold is complete and safe to use.
Scaffolds Ties:
1. When the height of scaffolds exceeds 4 times its width, the scaffold shall be tied to the
fixed building structure, vertically and horizontally. The first bottom tie must be placed
no higher than four (4) times the minimum base width and vertical ties shall be repeated
at intervals not greater than 8 m (26 feet). Horizontal ties shall be placed at each end
and at intervals not greater than y m (30 feet).


• OSHAD-SF - Element 1 - Roles, Responsibilities and Self-Regulation

• OSHAD-SF - Element 2 - Risk Management
• OSHAD-SF - CoP 17.0 - Safety Signage and Signals
• OSHAD-SF - CoP 20.0 - Safety In Design
• OSHAD-SF - CoP 22.0 - Barricading of Hazards
• OSHAD-SF - CoP 23.0 - Working At Heights
• OSHAD-SF - CoP 37.0 - Ladders

DM code of safety practices

Chapter 8
Page 102-118

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