DLL Empowerment Week 3

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School Bugo National High School Grade Level 12

DAILY Quarter 1st

LESSON Teacher Igieanne Mae V. Dayham
LOG Inclusive Dates June 24-25,27-28, 2019 Learning Area Empowerment Technology
Scheduled Time


A. Content Standard The learners demonstrate an understanding of:the use of advanced tools and techniques found in common productivity and software applications in developing ICT content for
professional tracks
B. Performance At the end of the 2-week period independently apply advanced productivity tools to create or develop ICT content for use in specific professional tracks. These may be in the form
Standards of, but not limited to: 1. Calculating spread sheet of athletic statistics (Sports) 2. Layout of catalogue of creative works (Arts) 3. Materials/ingredientsprojections for batches of
baked goods.
(Tech- Voc)
C. Learning The learners uses common The learners uses common The learners creates an original or The learners creates an original or
Competencies / productivity tools effectively by productivity tools effectively by derivative ICT content to derivative ICT content to
Objectives (Write maximizing advanced application maximizing advanced application effectively communicate or effectively communicate or
the LC Code) techniques. CS_ICT11/12-ICTPT- techniques. CS_ICT11/12-ICTPT-Ic- present data or information present data or information
Ic- d-4 d-4 related to specific professional related to specific professional
tracks. .CS_ICT11/12-ICTPT-Ic-d-5 tracks. .CS_ICT11/12- ICTPT-Ic-d-5

II. CONTENT Applied productivity tools with advanced application techniques

A. References
1. Teacher’s Pages 6-9 Pages 6-9 Pages 6-9 Pages 6-9
Guide pages
2. Learners’
Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional
B. Other Learning https://www.slideshare.net/maric https://www.slideshare.net/marice https://www.slideshare.net/maric https://www.slideshare.net/marice
Resources elbaldomerodelara/lesson-4- lbaldomerodelara/lesson-4- elbaldomerodelara/lesson-4- lbaldomerodelara/lesson-4-
empowerment-technology empowerment-technology empowerment-technology empowerment-technology

A. Revising previous Ask: How many times have you Ask students to have a recap on Recall the previous lesson (slide
Recall the previous lesson
lesson or checked your phone this morning? yesterday's topic. show)
presenting the
new lesson
B. Establishing a Ask: Did you use the internet after What are the online platforms Microsoft Excel, its functions, and Presentation of their output
purpose for the you woke up this morning? (websites/applications) you usually steps in making tables with and ( assignment )
lesson visits? application of formulas and graphs
and tables.
C. Presenting The teacher asks the students how The teacher asks the students their Example is illustrated through the
examples/ information and communication reasons why they visit those power point presentation
instances of the technology affects our daily lives? internet sites / online platforms
new lesson How often?
D. Discussing new The teacher gives a brief The teacher discuss what online Hands-on in preparing a power
concepts and discussion on information and platform is. point presentation
practicing new communication technology.
skills #1
E. Discussing Discuss how ICT evolve in the The teacher will present varied
concepts and Philippines nuances of online platforms, sites
practicing new and its content to best achieve
skills #2 specific class objectives or address
situational challenges.
F. Developing Group Activity: Brainstorming Group Activity: Class Feud (adopt Questions include: What are the
mastery Divide the class into groups, and the concept of the TV game show, websites the Filipinos mostly visit?
have each group meet to Family Feud). The focus of the
brainstorm and list down at least 10 activity will be the diversity of
technological advance online platform.
G. Finding practical Allow students to use their Say: Cite the top 5 useful websites
applications of android phones and have them a students browse on everyday.
concepts research to find the dates for the
technological advances they plan
to include on
their time lines.
H. Making When all groups have completed Ask the students to define online
generalizations their time lines, display them platforms; compare and contrast
and abstractions around the classroom. the nuances of varied online
about the lesson Invite platforms and sites.
students to compare the time lines
I. Evaluating learning Evaluate groups on their time lines Students compose an insightful Make a power point presentation 20-item quiz
using a prepared rubric reflection paper about the impact on the “Importance of MS Office
of ICT in their lives and in the , like MS word, MS Excel, MS
society. Presentation in our lives”

J. Additional Advance reading Advance reading Advance reading Advance reading

activities for


MS. IGIEANNE MAE DAYHAM SHS Coordinator Secondary School Principal

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