Plant Leaf Disease Prediction
Plant Leaf Disease Prediction
Plant Leaf Disease Prediction
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1 author:
Vaishnavi Monigari
Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology
All content following this page was uploaded by Vaishnavi Monigari on 27 July 2021.
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.429
Volume 9 Issue VII July 2021- Available at
Abstract: The Indian economy relies heavily on agriculture productivity. A lot is at stake when a plant is struck with a disease
that causes a significant loss in production, economic losses, and a reduction in the quality and quantity of agricultural
products. It is crucial to identify plant diseases in order to prevent the loss of agricultural yield and quantity.
Currently, more and more attention has been paid to plant diseases detection in monitoring the large acres of crops. Monitoring
the health of the plants and detecting diseases is crucial for sustainable agriculture. Plant diseases are challenging to monitor
manually as it requires a great deal of work, expertise on plant diseases, and excessive processing time. Hence, this can be
achieved by utilizing image processing techniques for plant disease detection. These techniques include image acquisition, image
filtering, segmentation, feature extraction, and classification.
Convolutional Neural Network’s(CNN) are the state of the art in image recognition and have the ability to give prompt and
definitive diagnoses. We trained a deep convolutional neural network using 20639 images on 15 folders of diseased and healthy
plant leaves. This project aims to develop an optimal and more accurate method for detecting diseases of plants by analysing leaf
Agriculture production in the Indian economy is more than just food. Today's agricultural land mass has grown so large that it has
become an important part of its economy. In India, 60-70% of population relies on agriculture sector. Plant diseases often cause
severe loss of vegetables and crops. Plant diseases can also affect human health by secreting toxic metabolites. The study of plant
disease involves detection of visual patterns in the plants. Diagnosis of plant diseases is an important part of cultivation as failure
will affect the quantity and quality of product and human health . There are various types of plant diseases caused by organisms like
virus, bacteria and fungus. An automated disease identification process can be helpful in identifying plant pathology at an early
stage. The early detection of disease has a positive effect on plant health. In most of the cases, disease symptoms are seen on the
leaves, stem and fruit. The indications on the plant leaves are used to diagnose the disease faster, more reliably and at lower costs.
In general, the technique for diagnosing plant diseases is naked eye inspection by farmers, which allows for disease recognition and
detection. A large number of specialists and constant plant monitoring is required for this, which incur a cost when dealing with
large farms. However, in certain nations, farmers lack adequate facilities or even the knowledge of how to contact experts. This
means that consulting professionals is both expensive and time consuming.
Image processing and machine learning methods were also used to identify various plant diseases before the emergence of deep
learning. To prepare images for the next steps, image processing methods such as image enhancement, segmentation, colour space
conversion, and altering are used. The image's key features are then extracted and used as the input for the classifier. The overall
classification precision is determined by the image processing and feature extraction techniques.
However, recent research has shown that networks trained on generic data will achieve state-of-the-art efficiency. CNNs are
supervised multi-layer networks that can dynamically learn features from datasets. In almost all significant classification tasks,
CNNs have recently achieved state-of-the-art results. In the same architecture, it will isolate features and classify them.
A public dataset of 54,306 images of healthy and diseased plant leaves has been used to train a deep convolutional neural network to
identify 14 crops and 26 diseases. An accuracy of 99.35% was achieved for this model on a held-out test set, showing the success of
this approach. The general approach of training deep learning models on increasingly large and publicly accessible image datasets
presents a path toward the mass deployment of smartphone-aided crop disease detection[2]
Image processing and machine learning can be used to improve plant diseases detection techniques, thereby reducing the time,
effort, and knowledge necessary for the detection of infected plants. It involves image acquisition, filtering, segmentation, feature
extraction, and classification. This paper proposes a way to best detect disease by detecting its appearance from plant images and, if
present, evaluating its type among Alternaria Alternata, Anthracnose, Bacterial Blight and Cercospora Leaf Spot. As the minimum
accuracy is 95.774 percent and the maximum accuracy is 99.874 percent, this process gives almost accurate results. The process
detects the diseases by the area of disease, although it has a low affected region[3]
A neural network was trained on simple leaf images of healthy and diseased plants in this study using deep learning to detect and
diagnose plant diseases. The models were trained on an open database of 87,848 images from 25 different plants in 58 distinct plant-
disease combinations. The best performing model architecture had a success rate of 99.53% in indicating the corresponding plant-
disease combinations (or healthy plants). Since the model has a high success rate, it is an excellent early warning tool that could be
further developed to support the implementation of an integrated disease identification system in real-time[4].
A mathematical model is proposed that detects and recognizes plant diseases through deep learning, improving its accuracy,
generality, and training efficiency. After recognizing leaves placed in complex surroundings, the region proposal network (RPN) is
applied to extract symptom features from the pictures following Chan-Vese algorithm. The segmented images are then input into the
transfer learning model with the training dataset of diseased leaves provided. Using three types of diseases (black rot, bacterial
plaque, and rust), the model shows higher accuracy than the traditional method, thus reducing the influence of disease on production
and making it more beneficial to sustainable agriculture. This paper presents a deep learning algorithm that is of great significance
to intelligent agriculture, environmental protection, and agricultural production[5]
The current shortcomings of current plant disease detection models are discussed. The new dataset contains 79,265 leaf images with
the aim of being the largest dataset to contain leaf images. The images were taken in various weather conditions, under various
lighting conditions and during daylight hours with an unreliable background resembling realistic scenarios. Traditional
augmentation methods and state-of-the-art style generative adversarial networks were used to augment the number of images in the
dataset. Tests were conducted to verify the effectiveness of training in a controlled setting and usage in the real world to accurately
identify diseases of plants on natural and detection of multiple diseases in a single leaf. The trained model achieved an accuracy rate
of 93.67%. Finally, a new two-stage architecture of a neural network was proposed for plant disease classification in a real
In this paper, a system was proposed for classifying three diseases affecting grapes– Anthracnose, Powdery Mildew and Downy
Mildew and identifying the severity of these diseases using image processing and machine learning algorithms. U 900 images of
disease infected grapes leaves were acquired by the farmers and field workers from the fields. Images of single leaf or bunch of
leaves were captured with background from different distances and at different angles using mobile phone cameras with varying
resolution starting from less than 1 megapixel to 13 megapixel. This proposed disease detection algorithm consists of 4 main stages:
(a)Pre-processing of the input images, (b) Leaf extraction from the background, (c) Disease patch identification and (d)Background
removal. Performance of four machine learning algorithms namely, PNN, BPNN, SVM and Random Forest are compared, for
separating the background from disease patches and classifying between the different diseases. The performance of different texture
features like local texture filters, Local Binary Patterns, GLCM features, and some statistical features in RGB plane for classification
are also observed. It is observed that the proposed system achieves best classification accuracy of 86% using Random Forest and
GLCM features. [7]
In this paper, a real-time decision support system integrated with a camera sensor module is designed and developed for the
identification of plant disease. The performance of three machine learning algorithms, Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) and
Support Vector Machine (SVM) with linear and polynomial kernels was analyzed. A real-time decision support system using
extreme learning machine was designed and developed using Raspberry PI hardware. Results demonstrated that the performance
parameters, namely accuracy and sensitivity of the extreme learning machine, is 95% and is higher when compared to the other
adopted classifiers. It is also observed that the developed real-time hardware with Extreme Learning Machine classifier is highly
capable of detecting three different plant diseases and can be extended to detect many more plant diseases by training it with wide
range of train datasets. [8]
2 Using deep learning for Sharada P.Mohanty & Deep Convolutional Neural Github 98.21%
Image-based plant disease David P.Hughes network
3 Plant Leaf disease Vijeta Shrivastava & Gray co-occurrence Matrix Kaggle Minimum:95.774% and
detection and Indrajit Das method and Support Vector Maximum:98.874%
classification using machine
Machine Learning
4 Deep learning models for K P. Fereninos Convolutional Neural - 99.53%
plant Leaf disease network
5 Plant disease Yan Guo & Jin Zhang Region Proposal Network - 83.57%
Identification based on (RPN) algorithm and CV
Deep learning algorithm algorithm
in Smart Farming
A. Flow Chart
Input image
Augmentation process
Output result
Fig. 1: System Design
Collect images of plants with and without disease. A Python script calculated the training time by automatically resizing the images,
which was calculated using the OpenCV framework. By augmenting the dataset and adding distortion to the images, overfitting can
be reduced during the training period. The Deep Neural Network is trained on datasets of healthy and diseased crop leaves. It serves
its purpose by classifying images of leaves into diseased or healthy categories based on their pattern of defect. As the leaves have
texture and visual similarities, they are attributes for identifying disease types. Hence, computational vision applied to deep learning
provides an efficient way to solve the problem.
B. Dataset Description
This dataset consists of 20,639 images of diseased and healthy plant leaves, which were classified into 15 classes to train a deep
convolutional neural network which can identify the diseases.
C. Data Preprocessing
The dataset included images that were resized to minimize training time, which was calculated automatically by a Python script that
uses the OpenCV framework. The input data is pre-processed by scaling the data points from [0, 255] (the minimum and maximum
RGB values of the image) to [0, 1]. The dataset is divided into two parts, one for training and one for testing. 80% of the dataset is
for training, and 20% for testing. A training dataset consists of 16,511 images and testing is made of 4,128 images. The training
dataset is used to train the model while the testing dataset is kept unseen so that accuracy of the model can be tested.
D. Data Augmentation
Data augmentation is a technique for increasing the number of images in a database. Various operations such as shifting, rotating,
zooming, and flipping are applied to image datasets to diversify our dataset. By augmenting the dataset and adding distortion to the
images, overfitting can be reduced during the training period. The Keras ImageDataGenerator class implements in-place data
augmentation or on-the-fly data augmentation. Through this type of augmentation of data, we can make sure that our network, when
trained, sees new variations every time epoch. It allows us to come up with high results utilizing a smaller dataset[9].
Train CNN On Transformed batch
Batch of Images
G. Pooling Layer
In our convolutional neural network, the next layer is called the pooling layer. One of the main objectives of the pooling layer is to
minimize the spatial dimension of the data propagating through the network. Pooling can be achieved in two different ways in
convolutional neural networks. Max- pooling and average pooling. In Max Pooling which is the most common in two, for each
section of image we scan the highest value. Average Pooling calculates the average of an image's elements within a predefined sized
region. Pooling Layer serves as the bridge between Convolutional Layer and the Fully Connected Layer.
I. Dropout
When all the features are connected to the FC layer, it can lead to overfitting of the training dataset. A model is said to be overfitted
if it can perform proficiently on training datasets but then shows negative performance when applied to new datasets. To solve this
problem, a dropout layer is used wherein a few neurons are removed during the training process, thus reducing the size of the neural
network model. On passing a dropout of 0.2, 20%of the nodes are removed randomly from the neural network.
J. Activation
Activation functions plays a major role in the process of neural network. It determines what information from the model should be
fired in the forward direction, and which information should not at the end of the network. Hence, it adds nonlinearity to the
network. It has been observed that there are quite a few widely used activation functions. The most frequently utilised activation
functions are Sigmoid, tanH, Softmax, and ReLU. Each activation function has its own specific application. For a multi class
classification we generally use ReLU and Softmax functions.
1) ReLU: The rectified linear unit (ReLU) function is the most widely used activation function in today's networks. There is an
advantage of using the ReLU function compared to the other activation functions in that it does not activate all the neurons at
once. If the input is negative, then it is converted to 0, and the neuron is not activated. If the input is positive, it returns the
positive value of x and the neurons get activated. Consequently, only a few neurons are activated at a time, making the network
sparse and very efficient. The ReLU function also served as a significant advancement in the field of deep learning by
overcoming the vanishing gradient problem.
ReLU = max(0,x)
2) Softmax: The softmax function is ideally used in the output layer of the classifier where we are actually trying to get
the probabilities to define the class of each input. As a result, it is easier for us to categorize data points and determine to which
category they belong[11]
A convolutional neural network will be used to classify images without relying on pre-trained models. There are a number of
popular pre-trained models available that can tell the difference between hundreds of classes without training each of them. These
models have relatively complex architectures that help them handle hundreds of thousands of classes. The architecture can be
difficult for a beginner to visualize. Keras make building of custom CNN’s easier. We developed this project using Custom CNN.
K. Model
We now make use of Sequential model. Sequential model API is a way to build deep learning models in which sequential classes
and model layers are created and added.
The input to a convolutional neural network, is an (n x m x 3) for colored images, where the number 3 represents the red, green, and
blue components of each pixel in the image.
For this model, we first create a 2D convolutional layer with 32 filters of 3 x 3 kernels and a Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU)
activation. In the following layers, we perform batch normalization which is used to scale data by a certain factor and pooling we
use maximum pooling with a pooling size of two. Next, two blocks of 2D Convolutional layer are created with 64 filters and ReLU
activation followed by a pooling layer. Finaly we add a layer of Convolutional layer with 32 filters followed by a layer of ReLU
activation and pooling.
Then we flatten the output from these layers so the data can proceed to fully connected layers. Flatten is used to convert data into a
1-Dimensional form. We add another 512 dense layers with a dropout of 0.2. Finally, we use the softmax activation function to
convert the outputs into probability values.
Fig. 4: Training v/s Validation Accuracy Fig. 5: Training v/s Validation Loss
From the above graphs, we observe that as the training accuracy increases, validation accuracy increases. Similarly as the training
loss decreases, the validation loss decreases too.
B. Confusion Matrix
All the pairs both having disease and not having disease were plotted on a confusion matrix. A confusion matrix measures the
degree of accuracy of a classification model with respect to each classification category. A trained model's evaluation and output is
determined by True positives(TP), True negatives(TN), False positives(FP), False negatives(FN). For evaluation we also used F1,
which combines both precision and recall in one term. The higher the F1-Score, the better the model. For all three metrics, models
with 0 perform the worst while models with 1 perform the best[14]. Figure 5.3 displays the precision, recall, F1 and support for each
class. The overall accuracy reported is 90%.
1) Precision: Precision describes all the positive classes correctly predicted by the model; how many of those are actually positive.
The precision is calculated by taking the number of correctly classified positive examples divided by the number of predicted
positive examples. The equation can be written as:
2) Recall: It defines how much the model predicted correctly among all positive classes. Recall is the ratio between the number of
correctly classified positive examples and the total number of positive examples. The equation can be written as:
3) F1-score: F1-score gives an overall estimation of the precision and recall of a test subject. It is the harmonic mean of the
precision and recall of a test subject[14]. Formally, F1-call can be defined as,
1− =
4) Accuracy: Accuracy is a metric for assessing classification models. Informally, accuracy is the fraction of predictions that are
correct. Formally, accuracy can be defined as follows:
C. Outputs Screenshots
A random sample of images is taken from the dataset and predicts the plant image's disease and class.
Fig. 7: Tomato Yellow Fig. 8: Tomato Late Blight Fig. 9: Tomato Health leaf Fig. 9: Tomato Septoria
leaf curl virus Leaf Spot
Fig. 10: Potato Early Blight Fig. 11: Pepper bell Bacterial Spot Fig. 12: Pepper bell Healthy Fig. 13 Potato Healthy leaf
D. Comparison of Results
Table 3: Results of existing versus custom CNN
S. No Architecture Dataset Accuracy
1 AlexNet PlantVillage 96.30% [15]
PlantVillage 83.63% [16]
PlantVillage 97.49 [17]
2 GoogLeNet PlantVillage 85.74% [16]
3 MobileNet PlantVillage 97.1% [14]
4 ResNet50 PlantVillage 98.2% [14]
5 InceptionV3 PlantVillage 97.1% [14]
6 VGG-16 PlantVillage 97.23% [17]
7 Custom Model PlantVillage 90%
Even though there are various methods for detecting and classifying plant diseases using automatic or computer vision, research into
this field has been lacking. In addition, there are few commercial options, with the exception of those focusing on the identification
of plant species via photographs.
Over the last few years, there has been tremendous progress in the performance of convolutional neural networks. The new
generation of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) has shown promising results in the field of image recognition. A novel
approach to automatically classifying and detecting plant diseases from leaf images was examined through this project utilizing deep
learning techniques. With an accuracy of 90%, the developed model could distinguish healthy leaves from eight diseases that could
be observed visually. On the basis of this high level of performance, it becomes apparent that convolutional neural networks are
highly suitable for automatic diagnosis and detection of plants.
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