Carretera GRI Isuyama
Carretera GRI Isuyama
Carretera GRI Isuyama
Project Details
General Customer Details Master Coordinate System
Project Name: Carretera Customer Name: - Coordinate System Name: utm84
Owner: - Contact Person: - Transformation Type: Classical 3D
Lead Surveyor: - Number: - Residual Distribution: None
Date Created: 05/03/2021 08:31:43 Email: - Ellipsoid: WGS 1984
Last Accessed: 05/03/2021 08:31:44 Skype: - Projection Type: UTM
Application Software: Infinity 3.0 Website: - Geoid Model: -
CSCS Model: -
Path: D:\DRE_Leyca\2021\GRI_GOREMAD\Carretera\Carretera.iprj
Size: 21.0 MB
Comments: -
Processing Strategy
Solution Type: Phase Fixed Phase Fixed
Solution Optimisation: Automatic None
Frequency to use in Iono Automatic Automatic
Tropospheric Model: VMF with GPT2 model VMF with GPT2 model
Ionospheric Model: Automatic Computed
Allow Widelane Fix: Automatic Automatic
General Settings
Min. Distance for Iono 15 km
Possible Ambiguities Fix 300 km
up to:
Min. Duration for Float 00:05:00
Solution (static):
Reference - GPS0001 Rover - GPS0003
Receiver Name / SN: LEICA GS08PLUS / 3495306 LEICA GS08PLUS / 3495194
Antenna Name / SN: LEIGS08PLUS / - LEIGS08PLUS / -
Carrier Offset: 0.0000 m 0.0000 m
Height Reading: 1.5800 m 1.8800 m
Antenna Height: 1.5800 m 1.8800 m
Reference - GPS0001 Rover - GPS0003 Reference - GPS0001 Rover - GPS0003
Point Role: Control Fixed PP
WGS84 Latitude: 12° 35' 38.19" S 12° 38' 28.54" S Easting: 479,759.8254 m 481,575.8606 m
WGS84 Longitude: 69° 11' 10.85" W 69° 10' 10.77" W Northing: 8,607,760.8344 m 8,602,529.4058 m
WGS84 Ellip. Height: 237.3830 m 206.9284 m Ortho. Height: - -
WGS84 Cartesian X: 2,212,247.3017 m 2,213,525.0905 m
WGS84 Cartesian Y: -5,819,604.5189 m -5,817,863.3418 m
WGS84 Cartesian Z: -1,381,651.1650 m -1,386,753.0005 m
SVs Tracked
Ambiguity Statistics
Number of Ambiguities GPS GLONASS
Fixed 155 132
Total 359 307
Independently fixed 789 789
Possible independently fixed 1,106 1,106
Average time between 00:00:22
independent fixes:
% of Epochs
L1 [%] L2 [%] L1 [%] L2 [%]
Fixed 95.31 95.66 90.68 93.40
Not fixed 2.86 2.53 8.10 4.91
Not fixed - contradiction 1.78 1.79 1.20 1.69
Not fixed - missing phase 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.00
Processing Strategy
Solution Type: Phase Fixed Phase Fixed
Solution Optimisation: Automatic None
Frequency to use in Iono Automatic Automatic
Tropospheric Model: VMF with GPT2 model VMF with GPT2 model
Ionospheric Model: Automatic Computed
Allow Widelane Fix: Automatic Automatic
General Settings
Min. Distance for Iono 15 km
Possible Ambiguities Fix 300 km
up to:
Min. Duration for Float 00:05:00
Solution (static):
Reference - GPS0001 Rover - GPS0002
Receiver Name / SN: LEICA GS08PLUS / 3495306 LEICA GS08PLUS / 3495194
Antenna Name / SN: LEIGS08PLUS / - LEIGS08PLUS / -
Carrier Offset: 0.0000 m 0.0000 m
Height Reading: 1.5800 m 1.9100 m
Antenna Height: 1.5800 m 1.9100 m
Reference - GPS0001 Rover - GPS0002 Reference - GPS0001 Rover - GPS0002
Point Role: Control Fixed PP
WGS84 Latitude: 12° 35' 38.19" S 12° 37' 48.94" S Easting: 479,759.8254 m 479,789.8963 m
WGS84 Longitude: 69° 11' 10.85" W 69° 11' 09.95" W Northing: 8,607,760.8344 m 8,603,744.4512 m
WGS84 Ellip. Height: 237.3830 m 207.4048 m Ortho. Height: - -
WGS84 Cartesian X: 2,212,247.3017 m 2,211,950.6091 m
WGS84 Cartesian Y: -5,819,604.5189 m -5,818,747.3964 m
WGS84 Cartesian Z: -1,381,651.1650 m -1,385,565.7957 m
SVs Tracked
Ambiguity Statistics
Number of Ambiguities GPS GLONASS
Fixed 83 37
Total 183 64
Independently fixed 834 829
Possible independently fixed 850 850
Average time between 00:00:08
independent fixes:
% of Epochs
L1 [%] L2 [%] L1 [%] L2 [%]
Fixed 99.28 99.17 97.26 98.63
Not fixed 0.72 0.83 2.74 1.37
Not fixed - contradiction 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Not fixed - missing phase 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Processing Strategy
Solution Type: Phase Fixed Float
Solution Optimisation: Automatic None
Frequency to use in Iono Automatic Automatic
Tropospheric Model: VMF with GPT2 model VMF with GPT2 model
Ionospheric Model: Automatic Computed
Allow Widelane Fix: Automatic Automatic
General Settings
Min. Distance for Iono 15 km
Possible Ambiguities Fix 300 km
up to:
Min. Duration for Float 00:05:00
Solution (static):
Reference - GPS0001 Rover - GPS0001
Receiver Name / SN: LEICA GS08PLUS / 3495306 LEICA GS08PLUS / 3495194
Antenna Name / SN: LEIGS08PLUS / - LEIGS08PLUS / -
Carrier Offset: 0.0000 m 0.0000 m
Height Reading: 1.5800 m 1.8900 m
Antenna Height: 1.5800 m 1.8900 m
Reference - GPS0001 Rover - GPS0001 Reference - GPS0001 Rover - GPS0001
Point Role: Control Float PP
WGS84 Latitude: 12° 35' 38.19" S 12° 36' 25.16" S Easting: 479,759.8254 m 478,517.4145 m
WGS84 Longitude: 69° 11' 10.85" W 69° 11' 52.07" W Northing: 8,607,760.8344 m 8,606,317.2688 m
WGS84 Ellip. Height: 237.3830 m 206.5617 m Ortho. Height: - -
WGS84 Cartesian X: 2,212,247.3017 m 2,210,961.9072 m
WGS84 Cartesian Y: -5,819,604.5189 m -5,819,723.9992 m
WGS84 Cartesian Z: -1,381,651.1650 m -1,383,052.9566 m
SVs Tracked
Ambiguity Statistics
Number of Ambiguities GPS GLONASS
Fixed 9 4
Total 565 225
Independently fixed 3 3
Possible independently fixed 1,456 1,456
Average time between 00:04:18
independent fixes:
% of Epochs
L1 [%] L2 [%] L1 [%] L2 [%]
Fixed 7.90 8.51 6.40 11.10
Not fixed 87.25 86.46 92.52 86.20
Not fixed - contradiction 4.21 3.42 0.00 0.00
Not fixed - missing phase 0.64 1.60 1.08 2.70