Research Proposal

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Dagupan City
Institute of Graduate Professional Studies
C.Y 2022-2023




Research Proposal

Submitted to:


Instructor, Methods of Reasearch

Submitted by:


MED - Mathematics



Mathematics is a fundamental subject that plays a crucial role in various

aspects of everyday life, academic pursuits, and professional careers. It serves as

the foundation for numerous disciplines, including science, technology, engineering,

and economics. Considering its importance, it is essential to ensure that students

acquire strong mathematical skills and knowledge during their academic journey.

Education authorities place a strong emphasis on students’ ability to solve problems

and use computation.

There are possibly several reasons why there are a lot of low-achieving

students in most Asian countries. Mastery of the basic mathematics still

predominates in math classrooms. It should be remembered that each classroom's

students have a variety of skills and show various achievements. Lacking adequate

time, low-achieving students are being made to passively accept information. It is

critical for low-achieving students to have more opportunities to learn mathematics at

all levels, according to Barr and Tagg (1995) as they please.

Quinaoayanan National High School (QNHS), like many educational

institutions, faces challenges in effectively teaching mathematics and improving the

mathematical achievement of its Grade 11 students. Students often struggle with

mathematical concepts, leading to low achievement levels. In response to this issue,

implementing a numeracy program could be a potential solution to enhance

mathematical skills among Grade 11 students at QNHS.

Here, we will present a randomized controlled trial of a numeracy intervention

for eleventh graders with low performance in Mathematics. Numeracy depends on

mastering a range of skills, for example, comparing magnitudes (approximate

number sense), counting, knowing number symbols, recognizing (un)structured

quantities, and estimating quantities (Gersten et al., 2012; Moeller et al., 2011). Yet,

students’ levels of numeracy vary widely even before formal schooling, and the

diffferences in performance levels often persist after (Aunola et al., 2004; Seethaler

& Fuchs, 2011).

Conceptual framework

Identifying low-
achieveing students
in Mathematics

CONCLUSION Administering pre-
Identifying general test to identify the
findings and results. weakness of students
in numeracy.

Studying the Implementing the action
consequences or result of planned and intervention.
an action.

This study will seek to identify the effectiveness of numeracy program in

improving mathematical achievement of grade 11 students of Quinaoayanan

National High School.

This will first determine the problem and will diagnose the students classified

as low-achieving students in Mathematics based on their grades in first to third

quarter of the current school year. After which will be the planning of action courses

or intervention to be used in numeracy program to improve the mathematical

achievement of the students. Then, the plan of action which is administering pre-test

to determine the weakness will be implemented to the selected students. Afterwards,

the numeracy program intervention will be implemented and will be evaluated by

studying the consequences and results of an action taken through administering the

same set of questions from the pre-test. Lastly, will be the identifying of the general

findings and results of the intervention implemented.

Statement of the problem

The study aims to identify the effectiveness of numeracy program in improving

Mathematical achievement of Grade 11 students of Quinaoayanan National High


Specifically, this study aims to respond to the following research questions:

1. What is the current mathematical achievement level of Grade 11 students?

2. What are the key elements and components of an effective numeracy

program for Grade 11 students?

3. How effective is numeracy program in improving the mathematical

achievement of Grade 11 students?

Scope and Delimitation

This study will cover the Grade 11 students of Quinaoayanan National High

School for School Year 2022-2023 who are diagnosed as low-achieving students in

Meanwhile, selected Grade 11 students are those with grades from 75-79

from first to third quarter of the current school year.

Significance of the Study

This study will deem importance in the improvement of Mathematical

achievement of Grade 11 students of QNHS. Likewise, the findings of this research

may also prove significant to the following:

Students. With the teacher’s effective intervention and content knowledge,

the students’ learning will be enhanced, mastering the needed skills resulting to

improved Mathematical achievement and acquiring the lifelong needed skills.

Teachers. This will boost the morale of the teachers and develop confidence

in teaching Mathematics, knowing they are equipped with the skills and knowledge

gained through their needed professional development activities.

School Administrators and Supervisors. The result of this study will may

encourage school administrators and supervisors to help their teachers upgrade their

teaching performance through planned faculty development programs.

Parents and the Community. The result of the study will give parents and

the community the confidence that their children acquire the necessary knowledge

and skills from the teachers in the school their children are enrolled in.

Definition of Terms

Numeracy. The ability to work with numbers, including the use of

mathematical formula, such as multiplication, division, ratios and percentages.

Numeracy Program. A program in public schools which aims to enhance

numeracy skills of students.

Mathematical Achievement. It refers to the grades of the selected students

from first to third quarter of the current school year.

Pre-test. It refers to the test administered to the students before implementing

a numeracy program intervention.

Post-test. It refers to the same set of test administered to the students after

implementing a numeracy program intervention.

QNHS. It refers to Quinaoayanan National High School.

Chapter II


This chapter outlined the data gathering procedure, including the research

design, sampling technique, pre-test and post-test administration, implementation of

the numeracy program, data collection instruments, data collection procedure and

data analysis techniques.

Research Design

This study will use experimental research design in determining the

effectiveness of numeracy program intervention in the performance of Grade 11

students in QNHS. In this design, which will use two groups, the experimental group

will be given the treatment and the results will be gathered at the end and the control

group will receive no treatment, over the same period of time, but will undergo

exactly the same tests.

Salkind (2010) defines pre-experimental research design as the research

design represent the simplest form of research design to either single group of

participants or multiple groups are observed after some intervention or treatment

presumed to cause change. As the name suggests, pre-experimental research

happens even before the true experiment starts. This is done to determine the

researchers’ intervention on a group of people. This will help them tell if the

investment of cost and time for conducting a true experiment is worth a while.
Hence, pre-experimental research is a preliminary step to justify the presence of the

researcher’s intervention.

The Sample

The target population of the study are the Grade 11 students of

Quinaoayanan National High School of the current school year 2022-2023. The

Grade 11 students are enrolled in two strands of the Senior High School program,

namely General Academic Strand (GAS) and Technical Vocational Strand – Cookery.

With the population size of 31, the samples will be chosen randomly through

stratified sampling.

Research Instrument


This study shall make use of a research instrument. A validated questionnaire

that consists of different numeracy skills will help to determine the numeracy skills

level of Grade 11 students before and after the numeracy program intervention. The

numeracy skills of a student range will be based on the following indicators:

Score Numeracy Skills Level

0-5 below average

6-10 average

11-15 above average

The questionnaire is composed of two parts. Part one seeks to gather data

regarding the demographic profile of the respondents and part two of the

questionnaire involves the different numeracy skills questions.


Before the implementation of the numeracy program, both the experimental

group and the control group will take a pre-test to assess their baseline mathematical
achievement. The pre-test was designed to measure the students' understanding of

various mathematical concepts and their problem-solving abilities. The pre-test

consisted of multiple-choice questions, problem-solving tasks, and short answer



After a 12-week intervention period, both the experimental group and the

control group will take a post-test to evaluate their mathematical achievement. The

post-test was similar in format to the pre-test and to assess the students'

improvement in mathematical skills and problem-solving abilities.


Numeracy Program is a program in public schools which aims to enhance

numeracy skills of students. The program consists of different strategies which aims

to improve the numeracy skills of students. The strategies includes peer tutoring,

multiplication table recital and TABLET (Teaching Arithmetic and Basics in Learning

MathEmatics through Tablet).

The numeracy program used in this study will be designed specifically for

Grade 11 students and aims to improve their mathematical skills and achievement.

The program includes series of structured lessons and activities that will focus on

various mathematical concepts and problem-solving strategies. The program will be

implemented over a period of 12 weeks, with two 60-minute sessions per week. The

sessions will conducted by the researcher who followed a standardized curriculum.

Data Gathering Procedure

The data collection procedure will involve the following steps:

1. Obtaining permission from the school administration to conduct the study.

2. Randomly selecting the participants for the experimental and control groups.
3. Administering the pre-test to both groups to assess their baseline mathematical


4. Implementing the numeracy program for the experimental group over a period of

12 weeks.

5. Conducting the post-test for both groups to evaluate their mathematical

achievement after the intervention.

6. Collecting the completed test papers and ensuring their confidentiality and


Data Analysis

The collected data will be analyzed using appropriate statistical techniques.

Descriptive statistics, such as means and standard deviations, will be calculated to

describe the participants' demographic characteristics and pre-test scores. To

determine the effectiveness of the numeracy program, an analysis of covariance

(ANCOVA) will be conducted to compare the post-test scores of the experimental

group and the control group.

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