2016 FanThermoelectric Performance of PbSnTeSe High-Entropy Alloys
2016 FanThermoelectric Performance of PbSnTeSe High-Entropy Alloys
2016 FanThermoelectric Performance of PbSnTeSe High-Entropy Alloys
Zhao Fan, Hui Wang, Yuan Wu, Xiongjun Liu & Zhaoping Lu
To cite this article: Zhao Fan, Hui Wang, Yuan Wu, Xiongjun Liu & Zhaoping Lu (2017)
Thermoelectric performance of PbSnTeSe high-entropy alloys, Materials Research Letters, 5:3,
187-194, DOI: 10.1080/21663831.2016.1244116
The high-entropy alloy-design concept was employed to develop novel thermoelectric materials.
Our findings indicate that this strategy effectively reduced the lattice thermal conductivity, which
have important implications for the field.
CONTACT Zhaoping Lu [email protected] State Key Laboratory for Advanced Metals and Materials, University of Science and Technology Beijing,
Beijing 100083, People’s Republic of China
© 2016 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
188 Z. FAN ET AL.
phase stability,[33,34] which could effectively reduce its Table 1. Nominal composition, room temperature Hall carrier
lattice thermal conductivity due to the enhancement of concentration (nH ), and Dulong-Petit heat capacity (C p ) for
scattering of phonons.[1,21] Thus, it is reasonable to Pb1−x SnTeSeLax alloys.
speculate that HEAs probably possess intrinsically low Pb1−x SnTeSeLax
lattice thermal conductivity in a wide temperature range Label x La at.% nH cm−3 C p Jg−1 K−1
and may be a class of promising thermoelectric materials. Base 0 0 6.12 × 1019 0.187
Lately, Alx CoCrFeNi HEAs were studied for their ther- 0.5 La 0.02 0.5 1.347 × 1020 0.188
1.0 La 0.04 1.0 1.561 × 1020 0.188
moelectric properties at high temperatures.[40] How- 1.5 La 0.06 1.5 1.563 × 1020 0.189
ever, these HEAs composed of only metal elements still 2.0 La 0.08 2.0 1.836 × 1020 0.189
2.5 La 0.10 2.5 1.722 × 1020 0.190
exhibit the behavior typical of metal conductors and have
a very small Seebeck coefficient due to high charge car-
rier concentration, and large thermal conductivity, lead-
ing to an ignorable ZT value. In our previous work,[41] ∼ 7 mm in thickness with a density no less than 97% of
we designed BiSbTe1.5 Se1.5 high-entropy thermoelectric the theoretical value (i.e. 7.33 g cm−3 ).
materials for uses in the near-room temperature range Differential thermal analysis was performed with a
(300–500 K) with this concept and demonstrated that DSC 404 F1 Pegasus thermal analyzer (Netzsch, German)
increasing configuration entropy is indeed beneficial at a rate of 10 K/min using the α-Al2 O3 powder as ref-
for achieving low lattice thermal conductivity due to erence. X-ray diffraction analysis was conducted on a
the severe lattice-distortion, and thus may be a novel D/max-RB diffractometer (Rigaku, Japan) using Cu Kα
approaching for developing promising thermoelectric radiation. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) charac-
materials. terization of the bulk materials was carried out using a
In the present study, we simultaneously alloyed IV–VI SUPPA-55 scanning electron microscope.
elements in equimolar ratios to form a quaternary Seebeck coefficient S and electrical resistivity ρ were
PbSnTeSe thermoelectric HEA for applications in the measured simultaneously on the LSR-3 machine (Lin-
medium temperature range (500–900 K). We discovered seis, German). The total thermal conductivity κ is calcu-
that the PbSnTeSe HEA possesses quite low lattice ther- lated from κ = dDCp , where d is the density measured
mal conductivity at room temperature, for example, less by the Archimedes method, D is the thermal diffusivity
than 0.6 Wm−1 K−1 at 300 K, and found that its thermo- obtained by the laser flash method (LFA-457, Netzsch,
electric property could be further enhanced by minor German), and Cp is the specific heat. In the calculation
composition tuning. Our current results indicate that of κ, Cp was regarded as a constant value estimated using
the PbSnTeSe HEA could be a promising thermoelectric the method of Dulong-Petit which was often employed
material if some challenges can be resolved. in the calculation of Cp of PbTe-based materials.[4,8]
Table 1 also lists the Dulong-Petit Cp of all the sam-
ples. Noted that the actual Cp value could be around 10%
higher at 873 K and the corresponding ZT about 10%
Experimental lower.[8] Hall coefficient RH was measured by the Van
Pure elements (Pb 99.9%; Sn 99.99%; Te 99.99%, Se der Pauw technique, and both the Hall carrier density
99.99%; La 99.5%) were weighed and mixed based on the nH = 1/eRH and Hall mobility μH = RH /ρ were then
nominal composition of Pb1−x SnTeSeLax , where x = 0, calculated based on the measured RH .
0.02, 0.04, 0.06, 0.08 and 0.10, respectively. The mixtures
were loaded into pyrolytic boron nitride crucibles within
Results and discussion
quartz ampoules, and the ampoules were then evacu-
ated, sealed and heated up to 1373 K at a heating rate For simplicity, the Pb1−x SnTeSeLax alloys containing var-
of ∼ 1 K/min and stabilized at this temperature for 6 h. ious nominal contents of La, that is, x = 0, 0.02, 0.04,
During this period, the ampoules were rocked several 0.06, 0.08 and 0.10, are designated hereafter as base,
times to ensure good homogeneity of melts. After that, 0.5 La, 1.0 La, 1.5 La, 2.0 La and 2.5 La, respectively, as
the ampoules were water-quenched and subsequently shown in Table 1 which also lists room temperature Hall
annealed at 873 K for 120 h. The annealed ingots were carrier concentration and Dulong-Petit heat capacity of
ground to powders with an agate mortar and the resul- these samples. DTA curves for all the samples are shown
tant powders were eventually consolidated at 823 K for in Figure 1(a). As can be seen, there is only one endother-
5 min in a 20 mm-diameter graphite die under a uniaxial mic peak for the base alloy. The onset melting tempera-
pressure of 50 MPa by spark plasma sintering (SPS). The ture of the PbSnTeSe HEA is about 1110 K and reduces
sintered samples are disk-shaped, 20 mm in diameter, slightly with the increase of the La content. In addition,
Figure 1. (a) Differential thermal analysis (DTA) curves, (b) XRD patterns of Pb1−x SnTeSeLax HEAs as well as (c) schematic illustration of
the crystal structure of the PbSnTeSe HEA and (d) lattice parameter a as a function of the La content.
there is a small endothermic peak near 680 K on the DTA the severe lattice distortion and complicated chemical
curves of the 1.5 La, 2.0 La and 2.5 La alloys, which should environment of the PbSnTeSe HEA. The observed reduc-
have resulted from the melting of precipitates. Figure 1(b) tion of the lattice parameter could have resulted from the
exhibits XRD patterns of all the samples subjected to the decrease in the Pb content which was substituted by La in
SPS process. All the crystalline peaks of the base alloy the nominal compositions.
could be indexed to the single-phase PbSnTeSe with a The corresponding back scattering electron (BSE)
NaCl-type face-centered cubic (FCC) crystal structure images of the polished surface are shown in Figure 2(a),
(PDF #65-8374), as indicated by vertical lines shown at which suggests that the PbSnTeSe HEA indeed is a com-
the bottom. Based on these results, a schematic illustra- plete solid solution without precipitate even doped with
tion of the crystal structure of the PbSnTeSe HEA can be 0.5% La. However, a small amount of precipitates was
obtained as shown in Figure 1(c). No appreciable differ- already observed for the 1.0 La alloy and the amount of
ence on the XRD patterns among base, 0.5 La and 1.0 La the precipitates apparently increased with the increase
alloys was observed, but there are two small extra diffrac- of La. The energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS)
tion peaks around 2θ of 27° and 38° for alloy 1.5 La, 2.0 La results confirm that the precipitates are mainly composed
and 2.5 La, indicating the presence of precipitates in the of Te, along with some Sn, Pb and Se, as shown in the inset
alloys with a high La content, which is consistent with the of Figure 2(a). To further determine the chemical compo-
result of the DTA curves. The lattice parameter a of all sition of the precipitate, EDS mapping was conducted and
the samples, which was extrapolated from the high-angle the results of alloy 2.5 La are exemplarily shown in Figure
XRD diffraction peaks, is shown in Figure 1(d). As can 2(b). As clearly seen, the precipitates are indeed enriched
be seen, the lattice parameter reduces linearly with the in Te. Since the La element is usually trivalent, its addi-
increase of nominal La content. This observation is some- tions should contribute more electrons to the structure
what unexpected, given the fact that the atomic radius of and induce excessive cation elements, that is, Pb or Sn,
La is larger than that of all of the other four principal ele- to precipitate out. In our case, however, the Te-rich pre-
ments. It seems that the doped La dissolved into the lat- cipitates were formed, which may have resulted from the
tice with a limited amount, which may be associated with decrease in the Pb content, further indicating that only
190 Z. FAN ET AL.
Figure 2. (a) BSE images of the polished surface of all the samples and (b) energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) elemental maps
of alloy 2.5 La.
a limited amount of La dissolved into the lattice of the resistivity of the base alloy increases monotonically from
HEA. ∼ 0.6 m cm at room temperature to ∼ 5.5 m cm at
As can be seen in Figure 3(a), the sign of Seebeck 873 K, which is lower than that of PbSe[9] and compa-
coefficient is positive over the entire measured temper- rable with PbTe.[7] At temperatures below 500 K, there is
ature range for the PbSnTeSe HEA, indicating that the almost no difference in the electrical resistivity between
base alloy is a p-type semiconductor and its dominant all La-doped alloys and the base alloy. However, above
charge carriers are holes. The Seebeck coefficient S of 500 K the electrical resistivity reduces gradually with the
the base alloy increases from ∼ 15 μV/K at 300 K to La addition. Compared with that of the base alloy, the
∼ 175 μV/K at 750 K, after which it starts to reduce with hole concentration of the 0.5 La alloy at room temper-
the further increase of temperature due to the onset of ature increased appreciably, which could have resulted
thermal excitation of minority carriers (i.e. the bipolar from the increase of the concentration of cation vacan-
effect). The Seebeck coefficient of all the La-doped alloys cies due to the reduction of the Pb content. However,
increases with temperature, a behavior typical of degen- the hole concentration just increases slightly once the
erate semiconductors. The peak value of the Seebeck La content is above 1.0%, which could be related to the
coefficient of alloy 0.5 La is around 180 μV/K at 873 K appearance of the rich-Te precipitates. The deficiency of
and slightly higher than that of the samples added with a Te created donor defects, thus reducing the hole con-
higher La content. Compared to that of PbTe,[7] PbSe,[9] centration and compensating the effects of the reduc-
and SnSe,[16] the maximum Seebeck coefficient of the tion in Pb. Figure 3(d) exhibits Hall mobility as a func-
PbSeTeSe HEAs doped with La is relatively lower, which tion of La at room temperature. As can be seen, the
leaves more room for further optimization. According to Hall mobility of the 0.5 La alloy decreases drastically
the formula for calculating the band gap Eg developed by compared to that of the base alloy. With the further
Goldsmid,[42] Eg = 2eSmax T, where Smax and T are the increase of La, the Hall mobility just decreases slightly,
peak Seebeck coefficient and corresponding temperature, which is associated with the formation of the Te-rich
respectively, the band gap of the base alloy was estimated precipitates.
to be about 0.26 eV, and that of the alloys doped with La is Figure 3(c) shows the power factor PF as a function
in the range of between 0.29 and 0.32 eV, indicating that of temperature for all the samples. The maximum PF
the minor compositional change increases the band gap of the base alloy is reached at a relatively lower tem-
of the PbSnTeSe HEA to some degree, which is consistent perature (i.e. 700 K) and about 7.7 × 10−4 Wm−1 K−2 .
with the bipolar effect being suppressed to some extent. Since the minor compositional tuning not only improved
The electrical resistivity ρ of all the samples as a func- the Seebeck coefficient, but also reduced the electrical
tion of temperature is shown in Figure 3(b). The electrical resistivity at high temperatures, the peak value of PF
Figure 3. (a) Seebeck coefficient S, (b) electrical resistivity ρ and (c) power factor PF as a function of temperature for all the HEAs and (d)
Hall mobility μH at room temperature as a function of the La content.
was achieved at relatively high temperatures for the La- consistent with the calculation based on the detailed
doped alloys. Among all the samples, the highest PF is model taking into account the band nonparabolicity and
about 12.6 × 10−4 Wm−1 K−2 in the temperature range multiband conduction effects.[19,27,28] As can be seen
of 823–873 K for alloy 1.5 La. in Figure 4(d), the lattice thermal conductivity of the
Temperature dependence of thermal diffusivity D and PbSnTeSe HEA with a highly symmetric NaCl structure
thermal conductivity κ is plotted in Figure 4(a) and (b), is less than 0.6 Wm−1 K−1 at room temperature, which
respectively. The thermal conductivity of the base alloy is far lower than that of binary compounds with the
at room temperature is less than 1.8 Wm−1 K−1 , which same crystal structure, for example, SnTe,[13] PbTe,[5,7]
is lower than that of both SnTe[13] and PbTe,[5,7] and and PbSe,[9] also lower than that of PbTe-PbSe[21] and
comparable with that of PbSe.[9] Upon heating, it shows PbTe-PbSe-PbS[27] solid solutions with the same crystal
a reducing trend before 650 K where an upturn occurs structure, and even lower than that of SnSe[16] with a lay-
due to the bipolar effect. The thermal conductivity of La- ered orthorhombic structure. This phenomenon should
doped alloys in the range of 300–700 K is slightly higher be ascribed to the strong phonon scattering that resulted
than that of the base alloy due to the increased electronic from the severe lattice-distortion of the PbSnTeSe HEA.
contribution. Unfortunately, the lattice thermal conductivity of the
The combined lattice and bipolar thermal conductiv- base alloy starts to surge when the testing temperature
ity, that is, κ L + κ b , was obtained through subtracting exceeds 400 K due to the strong bipolar effect. For all the
the electronic contribution κ e from the total thermal La-doped alloys, the bipolar effect was suppressed to a
conductivity κ. The electronic thermal conductivity was certain degree but still exists.
determined according to the Wiedemann–Franz rela- To analyze the lattice thermal conductivity without
tion, κ e = LT/ρ, where ρ is the resistivity and L is the the bipolar contribution, κ−κ e vs. 1000/T was plotted
Lorenz number which was estimated as a function of in the inset of Figure 4(d). As can be seen, the lat-
temperature, as shown in Figure 4(c), assuming a sin- tice thermal conductivity at 873 K would be lower than
gle parabolic band with acoustic phonon scattering.[43] 0.5 Wm−1 K−1 for the base alloy if the bipolar effect were
This rough estimate has been shown to be reasonably entirely eliminated. The lattice thermal conductivity of all
192 Z. FAN ET AL.
Figure 4. Thermal transport properties as a function of temperature. (a) thermal diffusivity, (b) thermal conductivity, (c) Lorenz number
and (d) the combined lattice and bipolar thermal conductivity for all the samples. The lattice thermal conductivity of PbTe, PbSe and SnTe
at 300 K was also shown in (d). The inset in (d) shows κ−κ e as a function of 1000/T.
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