Preventive Maintenance Requirement of Fire Detecti

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Preventive Maintenance Requirement of Fire Detection and Alarm System

The purpose of this preventive maintenance is to ensure the continued reliability
and effectiveness of the fire detection and alarm system by regularly calibrating and
testing of sensors and components.

This requirement applies to all fire detection and alarm systems installed within the
First College premises. It covers all type of sensors, control panel, alarm devices, and
back up power supplies.

Calibration and testing shall be performed and maintained each year, in accordance
with local fire safety regulations.

1. Maintenance Team: The maintenance team or qualified technicians shall be
responsible for carrying out the calibration and testing procedures.
2. Facility Management: Facility management shall oversee and coordinate the
preventive maintenance activities.

1. Calibration: Perform calibration of all smoke and heat detectors accordance with
manufacturer guidelines.
2. Functinal Testing: Conduct a functional test of the entire fire detection and Alarm
system, including sensors and alarm devices.
3. Battery Testing: Test the back up power supply to ensure they can sustain the
system during power outages.
4. Visual Inspection: Visually inspect all components for physical damage, loose
connection or signs of wear . Address any issues discovered during the visual
inspection promptly.

1. Maintain a comprehensive maintenance log, that includes calibration records, test
results, and any maintenance or repairs performed.
2. Ensure that all documentation is readily accessible for inspection by authorities
and auditors.

All preventive maintenance activities shall be conducted in compliance with local

fire safety regulations and standards.

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