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A Close Look at the Needs and Challenges faced by Senior High School

Students of the Accountancy, Business and Management Strand


Banania, Princess

Diamante, Princess

Mandia, Angelica

Bayarcal, Jasmine

Katigbak, Maydelyn

Palle, Aliah

Ortega, Mark Gian

Parba, Miguel

October 2022
Chapter 1
The Problem and it's Background
The Accountancy, Business and Management is part of the academic track under the K to 12
Curriculum. This track is for those students who wants to do business or any related professions or job
under this track.
In 2012, the Philippines introduced the K to 12 program. This includes the STEM, HUMSS and the TVL
track , the addition year given by this curriculum is said to add more knowledge to the student before
college. The main goal of this curriculum is to improve the prior knowledge to the 21st century skills and
gives a higher standard in this education (Okabe, 2013). Accountancy, Business and Management is a good
track to enhance and to make an improvement in learning on how to put a better business. However, the
students in this strand may have a lot of challenges such as:
too lazy to analyze and conduct problems.
memorizing ABM accounts and be an effective future financial
lack of motivation to do the certain task given and be an attentive ABM student.
According to the students, the needs that the ABM students must have are presence of mind and focus
especially when analyzing financial problems and conducting balance sheet to monitor accounts well.
Investing to their future tasks or works and the exploration of other media platforms such as Excel Form is
also a must for them.

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of these research paper is to identify the need and challenges that Senior High School
students on what they are capable to do. These research may be the way for the students to voice out their
challenges and needs. This study also provides information that helps ABM students to handle factors that
affecting them and analyze.

Significance of the Study

The significance and relevance of this study is to know what hindrances and difficulties that a ABM
students can face during their senior high school year. This study can also find much better solutions to the
most common problems of a ABM students. As a part of the ABM strand this can make the life of an ABM
student easier and more efficient, other than that this study also help ABM student to companies solving
their personalization, knowledge and alignment problems also it’s a guide to manage their own small scale
on moving a business someday, that’s why this paper may be a big help for them to minimize their
struggles also to share what they are facing as an student and to give an advice to the Grade 10 completers
if their desired strand is Accountancy, Business and Management.

Statement of the Problem

This Qualitative research aims to know the needs and challenges faced by senior high school students
of the Accountancy, Business, and Management Strand.
Particularly, this study seeks to answer the succeeding sub problems:
1. What difficulties do the students have and encounter as they take up the Accountancy, Business, and
Management strand?
2. What are the things that make ABM students struggle in their specialized subject?
3. What are the different factors affecting the needs and challenges of the Accountancy, Business, and
Management of Senior High School students?
Theoretical Perspective
Chis and Holt (2005) emphasized that most students do not have opportunities like trainings or 121ls
development in which they can apply their knowledge into real world practice. It has been observed that
education in most schools today is very theoretical, rather than experiential, where students are not personally
involved in business experiences. (Pieffer& Sutton 2000), Section 5 of the Enhanced Basic Education Act of
2013 specifically states that the Department of Edification shall adhere to the following standards and
principles in which the curriculum shall use pedagogical approaches that are constructivist, inquiry-based,
reflective, collaborative, and integrative. This is not surprising given that a serious knowing-doing gap is
clearly present among business graduates, which ultimately hinders their productivity and competitive success.

Definition of Terms
For the better understanding of this study, the following terms are operationally defined.

Financial Problem. A situation in which you are not able to meet

your bills on time or afford necessary basic needs.
Financial Adviser. A person who is employed to provide financial
Services or guidance to clients.
Accountancy, Business and Management. One of the courses in
K-12 curriculum.
K to 12 Curriculum. A short form for the publicly-supported school
Grades prior to college.
Academic Track. A set of possible courses selections available to
a specific group of students.
Curriculum. The courses offered by an educational institution.
Prior. Taking precedence(as in importance).
Balance Sheet. A statement of financial condition at a given date.
Investing. To make use for future benefits or advantages.
Exploration. Act or an instance of exploring.
Media Platforms. Technologies and standards that allow writers or
other media “producers” and readers and other “consumers” of
media to interface more efficiently.
Excel Form. A data collection tool from Microsoft excel.
Limitations of the Study
This study will revolve at The Needs And Challenges Faced By Crecencia Drucila Lopez Senior High
School (CDLSHS) Of The Accountancy, Business And Management (ABM) Strand. It is between the school
2022-2023.To know the students perception about the difficulties facing on the needs and challenges in ABM
Chapter 2
Review of Related Literature

Literature Summary
As described in Chapter 1, the result of the study of grade 11 Accountancy, Business And Management
reveal that listening difficulties occur in different learning situations inside classroom — lecture and class
activities. Students experience difficulties in understanding the lecture, lenghty english description, and
spoken instructions during class in which teacher as the main speaker in the classroom discourse is usually the
reason why students sometimes experience listening difficulties. Also, students in this study sometimes
experience trouble in taking down effective notes while listening, understanding informal language and
subject matter of tha talk due to unfamiliar accent of the speaker, several speakers who simultaneously speak,
and speaking speed and volume.
The analysis also shows the listening needs of the students. The foci of the listening activities for the Grade
11 ABM students should be listening to note information, listening to focus on the spoken texts, and listening
to follow instructions. Finding out the listening needs could greatly help learners prepare for important
business activities. With this, students can be efficient in work and negotiate well in their field of discipline.
The present study provides useful findings that could inform key person in the academe regarding the listening
difficulties and needs of the students under the ABM strand. The teaching of listening would be more
meaningful and effective if it targets the needs of the students in which they can see it's relevance and
important to their future job. When students' effective listening skills are further developed, they can be more
critical and analytical listeners which contribute to their success as future business professional.

Participants of the Study

In selecting the participants for Qualitative research, the subjects sampled must be able to inform facts
and perspectives related to the research being studied.Also we need tomake sure that the only participants or
respondents of our study is the G-11 ABM Students in Crecencia Drusila Lopez Senior High School. In this
matter the following respondents will be able to show what are the needs and struggles that they experienced,
specifically the G-11 ABM representative facing based from their responses in which the researchers will use
as references.
Chapter 3

Research Design
The research design used in this study is Qualitative research. This design gave the topic that chance to
discuss even further and allow it to have a certain and much more valuable information. (Bhandari,
2020) its more important to reflect on the approach and to thoroughly explain the choices made in
collecting and analyzing the data. Consist of a detailed description of people experience, feelings and
perception can be used in designing, testing or improving systems or product. There are many approaches
to qualitative research, They tend to be flexible and focus on retraining rich meaning when interpreting

Population of the Study

The target population for this study were the student who enrolled in Crecencia Drucila Lopez Senior
High School. Ten (10) students of G-11 ABM students would be selected as the participants. Those are
the students who are experiencing challenges in their school life.

Research Instrument
To gather information effectively this is the instrument used to collect data interviews. it's s easier to
have a face-to-face interview with the participants as it also help to observe their actions and also for
them to be comfortable while sharing their needs and challenges in using this instruments the participants
answers are clearly understood as we conduct an open ended questions while interviewing so that the
chosen participants would be able to give their thoughts about the struggles.

Research Procedure
This Qualitative research entitled "A Close look at the needs and challenges faced by Grade 11
Accountancy, Business and Management of Crecencia Drucila Lopez". We as the researcher discussed
what should be the research topic that would be good to study, after choosing we start making a letter for
the respondents to have their consents and lastly we proceed in making our chapter 1 and 2. The third
chapter was finally complete by discussing the research methodology such as the research design,
population of the study, research instrument, research procedure and data analysis. During that time while
we are gathering information we make sure that we manage our time. After that we proceed to interviews
some respondents and have our data analysis on chapter 4 and chapter 5.

Data Analysis
Qualitative data were analyzed using narrative analysis method that helped us analyze the participants
answers in the interview we conduct. The other information would be furtherly discuss in chapter 4 and
Chapter 4
Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

The expectations of the students of Accountancy, Business and Management.

During the interview, the participants were asked about their expectations including the
advantages and disadvantages. Based on the gathered responses, most of the student's answered that
they expect the Accountancy, Business and Management a difficult strand to start with. According to
them, they expect it to be difficult since it focuses on Mathematics and other things about accounting.
The participants were also asked about the advantages and disadvantages of ABM strand, according
to them the advantage of taking ABM strand is that a person/student will learn how to manage their
money properly, manage a business, be better at accounting and that it would be easier to calculate
math in the future while some of the response for the disadvantages are it is a really hard strand that
some student really struggle at mathematics but in other participants interviewed, there is no
disadvantages in taking the ABM strand.

Challenge/struggles that experience as an ABM student

According to the participants responses some of them said that they are having difficulties in
math while the other reponses are that they are having overload school work and activities, is
struggling in research paper, struggling in understanding the lesson and there's a lot of school
activities that they need to accomplish another factor that is also makes their school life struggle as an
ABM student is difficulties in managing their time.
Researcher also asked them if there is a situation/subject where they find their self struggling at some
point some answered that there is no particular situation where they find themselves struggle. Some
also answered wherein there is a performance that they need to pass on time, general mathematics is
the subject they struggle, when the midterm exam is near and when managing their time.
We also ask them the different ways of teachers discussing their lesson and if it affects them
negatively or positively, according to the students some of them find it hard to understand the lesson
no matter how hard they try, most of them depends on who or what are the lesson being thought.
Chapter 5
Summary, Conclusion and Recommendstion

Summary 5.1

This study was conducted the answer the following questions: 1) What difficulties do the students have
and encounter as they take up the Accountancy, Business, and Management strand? 2) What are the things
that make ABM students struggle in their specialized subject? 3) What are the different factors affecting the
needs and challenges of the Accountancy, Business, and Management of Senior High School students? this
question were given to determines the needs and challenges faced by the seniors high school students of
Accountancy, Business and Management. The researchers select Ten (10) participants from G11 in
Crecencia Drusila Lopez SHS to be part of this research study and also to provide a data to use.

Summary of Findings 5.2

In gathering the data needed to provide an answer for the challenges and need of the
students, there are five (5) questions used in interview written in 5.1 (Summary). The answers
were based on their experiences and said to be, that most of their challenges are about the time
managing and the mathematics subject. The researchers were able to find the challenges provided
by the students. Further information were given in Chapter 4 for much more detailed explanation
about their struggles.

The needs and challenges revealed in this study were encapsulated in the following themes:
a)„Demand for Learning Resources and Facilities‟ which entails the need for adequate print and
non-print learner‟s material, computers, and unlimited internet access; b) „Time runs fast‟ which
reveals the challenge of allocating enough time in all their projects particularly those involving
data gathering outside school; and c) „Funds empty fast„ which shows the challenge of budgeting
their allowances to be sufficient for their school requirement expenses. In light of the findings, the
school administration and teachers shall then address the needs through enhancing the work
immersion plan, intensifying the school improvement plan and school facilities. To cope with the
challenges, the students need to develop time management skills and properly set priorities on
where to allocate their available finances. Since the study focuses only in one public secondary
school which is its limitation, future studies may widen the coverage of its informants which may
include ABM students coming from public and private schools or from urban or rural areas. Its
focus may also include the needs and challenges of the entire senior high school students from
various tracks and strands. The next study may cover also the lived experiences of being a senior
high school student especially that the program is still in its infancy stage. Quantitative or mixed
method approach may be employed in these studies.
This study revealed that all students expected in taking ABM strand is difficult. The researchers
suggest that:
1) Students should start advance studying and even its hard, try to understand.
2) Ask your teacher if you're having trouble in the lesson or ask your classmate.
3.Spread out your learning for long-term retention. According to studies, when students pause throughout a
task, recollection increases. Generally speaking, studying or engaging in learning activities for 20 minutes
per day is preferable to doing so for two hours per day, once a week. the knowledge dump,
4) Practice new grammatical structures in different situations to build their confidence level
5) Try to find things to read for pleasure in the English language
6) Expect that every strand you take will be hard, there is no easy strand to begin with at all. Efforts and
dedication is the key
7) Once you’re given a task be sure to do it on time so it won't be difficult, maybe do a list “To-do list” so
you know what to do first





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Appendix A


October 06, 2022 Crecencia Drucila Lopez Senior High School Dear Sir/Ma'am: The undersigned is a
Grade 11 student taking practical research 1. As a requirement, we are conducting a research entitled "A
Close Look at The Needs and Challenges Of Grade 11 student at Crecencia Drucila Senior High School".
In connection with this, we are asking for your time and voluntary effort to answer the questionnaires that
are important for the completion of the study. Rest assured that all daya gathered from you will be kept in
the highest level of confidentiality. Your positive reponse well valuable contribution for the success of the
study and will be appriciated. Thankyou very much for your cooperation.

Sincerely yours,
Banania, Princess V.
Mandia, Angelica C.
Palle, Aliah sharmaine B.
Bayarcal, Jasmine S.
Diamante, Princess keyl L.
Katigbak, Maydelyn D.
Parba, Miguel R.
Ortega, Mark Gian A.
Appendix B
Appendix C

Questionnaire Schedule

Participants Date Time

ABM 1 December 12, 2022 12:15-12:40 pm

ABM 1 December 12, 2022 12:15-12:40 pm

ABM 2 December 13, 2022 12:15-12:40 pm

ABM 2 December 13, 2022 12:15-12:40 pm

ABM 3 December 14, 2022 12:15-12:40 pm

ABM 3 December 14, 2022 12:15-12:40 pm

ABM 4 December 15, 2022 12:15-12:40 pm

ABM 4 December 15, 2022 12:15-12:40 pm

ABM 5 December 16, 2022 12:15-12:40 pm

ABM 5 December 16, 2022 12:15-12:40 pm

Appendix D

Research(G2): what are your expectation in taking ABM strand?

P1: Difficult
P2: Difficult
P3: Difficult
P4: Difficult
P5: Difficult
P6: Difficult
P7: Difficult
P8: Difficult
P9: Difficult
P10: Difficult

Research (G2): What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of taking ABM?

P1: You will learn to manage your money
P2: You can learn more about business
P3: Can do better at accounting
P4: you can learn more about business
P5: Its aligned to the course in taking
P6: Can do better at accounting
P7: Can do better at accounting
P8: Easier to calculate mathematics equations
P9: You can learn more about business
P10: Brighter future and good profession in the future.

•Its hard
•Hard to learn gen. math
•some students are stress
•struggle while studying math
Appendix E


1.Did the strand you take somehow reaches all those expectations?
2. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantage of taking accoutancy business and
3. What challenges are you experiencing as an abm student?
4.Is there a particular situation where you find yourself struggle at same point?
5.How about the teacher way of discussing their lesson, do you find it difficult to understand?

Appendix F

Personal Data

Name : Banania, Princess V.

Address : Brgy. San Rafael San Pablo City
CP no. : 09386426288
Gmail : [email protected]
Birthday : July 26, 2006
Birth Place : Brgy. San Rafael SPC
Age : 16
Nationality : Filipino
Religion : Roma Catholic
Civil Status : Single
Father's name : Wilbor B. Banania II
Mother's name : Myrna V. Banania
Elementary School (G1 - G6)
- Margarita Lopez Laurel Memorial School
S. Y : 2012 - 2017
Highschool school (G7 - G10)
- Col. Lauro D. Dizon Memorial. Integrated High School
S. Y : 2018 - 2022

Name : Diamante, Keyl Princess L.

Address : Brgy II - A Triangulo St. 071 San Pablo City Laguna
Cp no. : 09813980007
Gmail : [email protected]
Birthday : November 18 2005
Birth Place : San Pablo City laguna
Age : 17
Nationality : Filipino
Religion : Catholic
Civil Status : In a Relationship
Father's name : Roberto Diamante
Mother's name : Leonisa Diamante
Elementary School (G1 - G6)
- Ambray Elementary School
S. Y : 2012 - 2017
High School (G7 - G10)
- San Pablo City Integrated High School
S. Y : 2018 - 2022
Name : Parba, Miguel Ramos
Address : 026 F Marino Street San Pablo City Laguna
Cp no. : 09267240749
Gmail : [email protected]
Birthday : December 18, 2003
Birth Place : San Pablo City, Laguna
Age : 19
Nationality : Filipino
Religion : Catholic
Civil Status : Single
Father's name : Parba Centina Manuel
Mother's name : Parba Anabelle Ramos
Elementary School (G1 - G6)
- Blue Danube Inc.
S. Y : 2010 - 2015
High School (G6 - G10)
- Canossa College San Pablo
S. Y : 2016 - 2019

Name : Ortega, Mark Gian A.

Address : Brgy. Sta Isabel San Pablo City
CP no. : 09092885309
Gmail : [email protected]
Birthday : January 31 2004
Birth Place : San Pablo City, Laguna
Age : 18
Nationality : Filipino
Religion : Catholic
Civil Status : Single
Father's name : Ortega, Gilbert
Mother's name : Asumbra, Myzel
Elementary School (G1 - G6)
- Antonia Manuel Magcase Elementary School
S. Y : 2011 - 2016
Highschool school (G7 - G10)
- San Pablo City Integrated High School
S. Y : 2017 - 2020
Name : Mandia, Angelica C.
Address : Brgy. San Rafael San Pablo City Laguna
CP no. : 09271150438
Gmail : [email protected]
Birthday : December 11,2005
Birth Place : Masapang Victoria Laguna
Age : 17
Nationality : Filipino
Religion : Catholic
Civil Status : Single
Father's name : Mandia, Jimmy
Mother's name : Mandia, Lea
Elementary School (G1 - G6)
- Prudencia D. Fule Memorial Elementary School
S. Y : 2012 - 2017
Highschool school (G7 - G10)
- Prudencia D. Fule Memorial National High School
S. Y : 2018 - 2022

Name : Katigbak, Maydelyn Clarey Dinglasan

Address : Brgy. San Crispin San Pablo City Laguna
CP no. : 09207570770
Gmail : [email protected]
Birthday : August 04,2005
Birth Place : San Pablo City
Age : 17
Nationality : Filipino
Religion : Catholic
Civil Status : In a relationship
Father's name : Medwin C. Katigbak
Mother's name : Maybel D. Katigbak
Elementary School (G1 - G6)
- Brgy.San Crispin Elementary School
S. Y : 2012 - 2017
Highschool school (G7 - G10)
- Prudencia D. Fule Memorial National High School
S. Y : 2018 - 2022
Name : Palle, Aliah Sharmaine B.
Address : sitio 1, San Gabriel, San Pablo City
CP no. : 09975220097
Gmail : [email protected]
Birthday : May 02 2006
Birth Place : San Pablo City
Age : 16
Nationality : Filipino
Religion : Catholic
Civil Status : Single
Father's name : Richard Palle
Mother's name : Lovely Palle
Elementary School (G1 - G6)
- Bagong Bayan Elementary School
S. Y : 2012 - 2017
Highschool school (G7 - G10)
- San Pablo City Integrated High School
S. Y : 2018 - 2022

Name : Bayarcal, Jasmine S.

Address : Brgy. Del Remendio San Pablo City
CP no. : 09461199748
Gmail : [email protected]
Birthday : December 14, 2005
Birth Place : Pila laguna
Age : 17
Nationality : Filipino
Religion : Catholic
Civil Status : Single
Father's name : Jason O. Bayarcal
Mother's name : Mylene A. San Gabriel
Elementary School (G1 - G6)
- pansol elementary school
S. Y : 2012 - 2017
Highschool school (G7 - G10)
- Del Remedio San Pablo City National High School
S. Y : 2018 - 2022

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