AT1 Presntation Rubric Marking Criteria - G6
AT1 Presntation Rubric Marking Criteria - G6
AT1 Presntation Rubric Marking Criteria - G6
Student name: G6
• Wadley Jude ROSAIRO
• Madurachcharige Kaveendra Sandun FERNANDO
• Lithira Lithmin Thirimanne
Rating 4 3 2 1 0 Mark =
Rating/4 x
Criteria Criteria %
Concisely and clearly articulated the Provided a good introduction, but Provided a basic introduction; Did not cover key elements of an Did not have an introduction or did 1.25
important elements of an introduction some aspects were not clearly however, some changes (or the effective introduction. not consider most of the key elements
Introduction (introduced the team, outlined the articulated. inclusion of more information) are of an introduction.
(5%) presentation, provided background required to make it more effective.
information and captured the
audience's attention).
Excellent facial expression, eye Very good facial expression, eye Good eye contact and speech Adequate/ basic delivery, however Presentation lacked clarity and a 5
Speaking and contact, speech volume, and visual contact, speech volume and visual volume reflect some interest and hesitant at times, with many pauses logical progression of ideas. Over-
Presentation aids reflect a strong interest and aids show enthusiasm about the enthusiasm about the topic. and stumbles. Great reliance on notes reliance on notes resulted in no eye
Style enthusiasm about the topic. topic. Overall well-delivered and Overall satisfactory; however, it resulted in a lack of eye contact or contact and reflected little interest or
(20%) Overall effective, well-delivered, balanced presentation. included some pauses and reliance poor interest and enthusiasm about enthusiasm about the topic.
balanced and well-paced presentation. on notes. the topic.
An excellent effort to make the A very good effort to make the A good effort to make the content Adequate/basic effort to make the No engagement with the audience. 0
content interesting and to engage the content interesting and to engage interesting and to engage the content interesting and engage the Poor use of slides or other
Engagement and audience. Excellent use of slides or the audience. Very Good use of audience. Good use of slides or audience on a basic level. Basic use of communication tools Poor or no
Format other communication tools. Excellent slides or other communication other communication tools. Good slides or other communication tools. organisation of ideas, coherent and
(10%) organisation of ideas, consistent, tools. Good organisation of ideas, organisation of ideas, coherent and The basic organisation of ideas, with logical structure. Significant
coherent and logical structure. consistent, coherent and logical logical structure. Small a number of inconsistencies in inconsistencies in formatting.
structure. inconsistencies in formatting. formatting.
Excellent demonstration of deep and A very good demonstration of deep Sound demonstration of deep Adequate/basic demonstration of Poor or superficial demonstration of 10
Analysis of
complex analysis relevant to the topic. analysis relevant to the topic. A analysis relevant to the topic. Good analysis, however, not in sufficient analysis. The issues identified were
Excellent range of issues linked to the very good range of issues linked to range of issues linked to the depth. A basic range of issues was not linked to the analysis provided.
analysis presented constructively. the analysis is presented clearly. analysis provided. provided.
Time Presentation is within the time Presentation is almost within the Presentation is slightly over or Presentation is well over (by 5 Presentation is far too short (by 5 0
Management allocation. time allocation (+/- 1 min) under the time allocation (2 to 3 minutes plus) the time allocation. minutes plus) or far too long.
(5%) min)
Excellent use of references and Very Good use of references and Good use of references and Basic use of references and research, Less than 2 references provided 1.25
research, good variety of relevant research, good variety of relevant research, good variety of relevant basic variety of relevant (including
(including academic) references (including academic) references (including academic) references academic) references sourced.
sourced, correctly referenced with no sourced, correctly referenced with sourced, correctly referenced with Mostly correctly referenced with Over-reliance on one reference
Referencing and
errors, 5 or more references no errors, 4 references appropriately no errors, 3 references appropriately some errors, at least 2 references
appropriately applied within the applied within the presentation. applied within the presentation. appropriately applied within the
presentation. Reference list provided, listed in Reference list provided, listed in poster.
Reference list provided, listed in alphabetical order alphabetical order Reference list provided, listed in
alphabetical order alphabetical order
The student can answer all questions The student can answer most The student can answer a few The student can answer hardly any The student cannot answer any 3.75
Handling of
from his/her classmates/lecturer about questions from his/her questions from his/her questions from his/her questions from his/her
the topic. classmates/lecturer about the topic. classmates/lecturer about the topic. classmates/lecturer about the topic. classmates/lecturer about the topic.