Detailed Lesson Plan

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OBJECTIVES; At the end of the lesson the students are able to

 Understand the significant principles, and core teaching of Buddhism
 Differentiate Mahayana to Theravada Buddhism

 Demonstrate the importance of religion in our daily lives
Demonstrate the understanding of different religion

 The learner is able to appreciate and respect different religions in the world.

 The learner shares traditional and cultural experience and knowledge
 The learner explains the importance of religion
 The learner is able to describe different religions


a. TOPIC: Buddhism and its subdivisions.
b. REFERRENCE: Introduction to world religion and belief system module
c. MATERIALS: PowerPoint presentation, projector, board.

a. daily routine
- Good morning Ma’am - Good morning ma’am

To formally Start our class, can someone (One student will lead the prayer)
please lead the prayer?
Heavenly Father and Your Beloved
Son Jesus Christ. Thank you for
another life to enjoy, another day to
learn, and a new set of things we will
experience. As we through our
lessons today, may let us be
instruments to do good things. Help
us be obedient, honest, and kind to
one another. Amen

Thank you
(Students will pick up the trash and
Everyone please picks up the pieces of properly arranged the chairs)
trash under your chairs and arrange your
chairs properly

- Yes, Ma’am
Is everyone present today?
Very good!

B. Review of the Past lesson

Last meeting you have learned the - Yes, Ma’am
insights about Buddhism, right?
When we hear or See the Word -Ma’am the first thing that comes up in my mind
BUDDHISM what’s the first thing that was Buddha.
comes up in your mind?

Very Good! What else?

- Ma’am Fasting and meditation.
c. Motivation
Before we proceed to our discussion
today, let’s take a look in this video , let’s
analyse what’s this video all about.

(the teacher will use a commercial to

help the students relate in the lesson)
-Ma’am the boy and the Monks
1. Who were the characters in the
commercial ?

Very good! It was the boy and the

monks in the temple
-Ma’am they’re belong to Buddhism religion
2. Base on their appearances, what
religion you think they’re belong?

3. At the end of the commercial,

- Ma’am He came to realization
what the boy did?

4. Base on your knowledge what is

Buddhist Religion? - Ma’am Buddhist religion is a path of practice and
spiritual development leading to Insight into the true nature
of reality.

Very good! Just like what we mentioned

earlier, Buddhism was one of the largest
religion in the world , it talks about the
human suffering , meditation and the way
to achieve nirvana.

So what do we mean, when we say

NIRVANA? Do you have any idea? - Ma’am Nirvana means, the end of suffering.

Very Good! When we say nirvana it talks

about ending of ones suffering which is the
ultimate goal of Buddhism.
D. lesson Proper
So today! We’re going to talk about the
Buddhism and its two division the
Mahayana and the Theravada Buddhism.
But before we dig deeper to that, let’s look
back on the life of Buddha and how the
Buddhism started.
- Ma’am it’s Buddah
Who started the Buddhism?

- Ma’am it’s Siddhartha Gautama

Very good! What’s the real name of


- No, Ma;am
Excellent! The real name of buddah was
Siddhartha Gautama, since Buddah
Gautama started the Buddhism . Is He
consider as the god of Buddhism religion?

Very Good! Even though Buddha started

the Buddhism teaching, He’s not
considered as it’s god or supreme being.
Because in Buddhism teaching, they
doesn’t have god. Buddhist sees him as
an ideal human being, and a guide that will
lead us to enlightenment.
Who is Buddha and why Buddhist (One student will read the passage)
considered him as a ideal human Being?.
Siddhartha Gautama was born in the fifth or sixth century
C.E in present day Nepal.He considered as the historical
Buddha in Mahayana Buddhism.
Kindly read the Passage?
After attained the enlightenment at the age of 35, he came
to be known as Gautama Buddha and he spent the rest of
his life preaching across india. He died at the Age of 80.

Thank you.
The being open minded of Saddhartha
Gautama was started around 563 years for
the common era to 480 BCE in Nepal.
His father is a SUDDHODANA OR
His mother was MAHAMAYA (Koliyah
According to the story while siddharta
Gautama was still inside his mother womb
his mother Mahamaya had a dream about
white light slowly going down from above.
On the rays of its light she saw an
elephant with 6 tusks, and its melted in the
body of his mother.
. His mother died while he was being
born.And its called ‘ Sakyamuni or
the :sage of the sakya clan”
Right at that moment when siddharta was
born, he walk and says” I have been born
to achieve awakening for the good of the
world” this is my last birth”

Siddhartas father want him to become a

king, So his father gave him luxurious
things. Siddharthas studied archery,
- Ma’am He got married at the aged of 16
science and Horsemanship. And because
of that he didn’t see the suffering of
outside world
At the very young age he was planned to
get married to a beautiful princess.
Do you know what age did Siddharta got

- Ma’am Siddhartha means the Chosen one

Very good! At the age of 16 he got married

to a princess who happened to be his - Achiever Ma’am
cousin.and later on they got a child.

After 29 years, siddharta had this desired

to go outside the palace so left his wife
and child.
Do you have any idea what’s the meaning
of the name SIDDHARTHA?

Okay, was else?

Okay . When we say SIDDHARTHA it

means” -Ma’am sid realize that old age was unavoidable
“He who achieves his aim” circumstance no matter how unwelcome it is to a person”

When SIDDHARTHA left the kingdom he

saw 4 persons that made him realize a lot
of things. - Ma’am the second sign was , Buddha saw an ill person

It was called the ‘Four Signs.”

First he encountered an old man.

What do you think SIDDHARTHA realize
when he saw an old man?

-Ma’am he saw a dead body.

Very Good ! How about the Second sign?

When sid saw the dead body He realized that dead is
inevitable end of all”

Excellent! Sid second sign was an ill/

disable person, by that he then on realize
that “illness is inescapable despite a -He saw monk.
person’s relentless effort to avoid disease”

Moving forward on the third sign do you - He realize that Person’s tranquillity and the possibility of
have any idea what he saw? renouncing worldly pleasures in exchange for utter

Very good! When SIDDHARTHA saw the

dead body, what was his realization then?

And lastly the fourth sign was -Ma’am it was the peepal tree

Okay very good! What was his realization

when he saw it?

Okay Fast forward!, Siddhartha achieved

the absolute awaken at the age f 35.
- Ma’am devil mara was a devil/ demon that promote
While he was meditating under a tree. greed, hatred, ignorance, jealousy, and doubt.
What do we called that tree?

- He died at the age of 80 years old.

Very Good! It was peepal tree or also
called the Buddha Tree.

In that Tree, Gautama achieved the

Absolute Awaken, which is for the
Buddhist he defeat the demon mara.

Who is demon mara?

Very Good. Siddhartha died at what age?

Excellent! Siddhartha died at the age of 80

because dysyntery.

And the death of Gautauma result in the

subdivision of the Buddhism teaching. Mahayana theravada

Buddhism change because it needs to *Mahayanan *Both rooted *small

adopt in the culture, politics, economics great vehicle in the basic vehicle
*Religion is teaching of
It was divided into two,The Mahayana and * Religion
for the historical
the Theravada Buddhism . is for
laypersons as Buddha.
Lets take a look at the table fro theirs well Monks
similarities and differences. *They only
*Man is not preach
alone (Grace * Man on
peace and
is real) his own
*Key virtue- universe
*practiced virtue –
more in
asia *Practiced
*Rituasl are more in
are use a lot sounthern
more asia.
*Buddha is a
*Not a

is a god

-Mahayanan Buddhism is also called

the great vehicle. It has over 360
million follower , from china, japan
and Mongolia.
They believe that Buddha was a
celestial bodies, that came down to
earth because of his love to humaties.
Thery believes in demons, divinities
and spirits.
They used sankrits term
It has a subdivision called the pure
land Buddhism. They believe that
when the human died they will stay on
pure land of the west.
You just have to say the password

On the other hand Theravada 150

millions follower from, myammar,
Thailand, and sri lanka.
It is the major branch of major
Buddhism, also called as school of
“elder monks or school of the ancient”
-they used pali language
They don’t believe in demons,
divinities and spirits.
Mahayana woships on temple while
teravada has temples but no
e. Generalization
think pair and share.
Students will choose one partner,
they will share insights and their
understanding about the Mahayana
and Theraveda. Questions.
Using a venn diagram they will sight 1. yes or no Buddhism has two division, named
at least two of its differences and the divisions
2. Who is the mother of Sidhhartha?
Asking 1 or 2 pairs to share.
3. it means the enlighten one
4. it is the end of suffering.
f. Evaluation
5.What kind of tree did Buddha reach the absolute
Activity: the class will be divided into
two group,they will form in line. Each
participants in the group will answer a 6. Who is the demon who promotes, jealousy,
question presented by the teacher, hatred, ignorance , greed and doubt?
The question was all about the 7. what cause the death of Gautama
discussed topic. Every correct answer
means one point, the group who has 8. How old Gautama died?
the most correct answer will win. pertains to the teaching of Buddha
10.What is the real name o Buddah
1. yes , Mahayana and Theravada
2. mahayama
4. Nirvana
5.peepal tree or Buddha tree
6.Demon mara
7. dysyntery / diarrhea
8.80 years old
10. Siddhartha Gautama

-None, Ma’am

-Goodbye Ma’am

IV. assignment
Research about Confucianism, its
origin, teaching and importance.

Do you have any question? Or

clarification about the discussion?

if none, Goodbye class!

Prepared By:

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