War Dancer Book
War Dancer Book
War Dancer Book
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These Wardancers. as they are known, are
famed and feared throughout the world.
Wardancers are a select caste, ordained at
birth and raised and trained in isolation. Wood
Elves are tall and lithe, and amongst a race
known for their elegance and grace the
Wardancers still stand out. They are
exceptionally agile and swift and are
*- possessed of amazing skills. In battle they
are graceful yet deadly, turning destruction
& and death into an art.
i In general. Wood Elves have acquired a
healthy suspicion of strangers and a distrust
- individual Elves who have a desire to
Bretonnia lies the hidden Wood Elf experience the outside world. Due to the
realm of Athel Loren. This great tract isolation of their upbringing. Wardancers
of woodland is the home of the Elf colonies often become wayfarers. travelling
left behind when the Phoenix King bade his throughout the world to experience its
people return to Ulthuan. four thousand years wonders and delights.
Wardancers sometimes come across like-
The Wood Elves are lead by Orion and Ariel, minded individuals of other races and a bond
living embodiments of the gods Kurnous, the will be formed, the Wardancer becoming a
wild hunter, and Isha. the earth mother. They companion to these hardy Warriors.
are known as the King and Queen in the Wood
In the Warhammer Quest game, you are one
and all Wood Elves pay them homage.
of these Wardancers who has gone out into
The shrine glades of Athel Loren are the the world. Trained in the art of fighting, you
scenes of arcane rituals where dancers enact now wish to test your skills to the limit.
the tales of Wood Elf lore. These dancers are Encountering a band of Warriors you join with
not only trained for the ritual dances of them in their search for adventure, wealth
worship, hut also in thp ripadly dances of war and glory.
This pack contains everything you need to Remember too. that if there is no Barbarian
introduce a new Warrior - the Elf Wardancer - in the party, then one of the other Warriors
to your games of Warhammer Quest, will have to carry the lantern and be the
including his Warrior card, Warrior counter, leader.
Equipment cards, a rulebook and a Citadel
miniature to represent the Warrior himself.
This rulebook is split into three sections: a
If you want to. you can take more than four
basic Warhammer Quest section, an
Warriors into an adventure, adding the
Advanced Warhammer Quest section and a Wardancer to the party of Warriors. If you do
Roleplay section.
this, you will have to make sure that there are
The Warhammer Quest rules contain all the enough Monsters to go round! The cards and
rules for using this Warrior in your games. tables from the Warhammer Quest game are
The Advanced rules cover all the rules for the based on there being four Warriors in the
progression of the Warrior through the party, so if you have fifteen different
battle-levels, including any spells, skills or Warriors, then the game as it stands will
special rules, and the final section gives present no challenge at all! As a general rule,
guides for using the Wardancer in the stick to parties of four Warriors, but if you
Roleplay system. have a party of five or six, then increase the
If you wish, you may replace one of the number of Monsters by an equal amount.
Warriors from the Warhammer Quest game For example, if you have six Warriors in the
with the Wardancer. Simply allow one of the party, that is 50% more Warriors than the
players to choose the Wardancer. The rules Event cards are set up to deal with. In this
which follow explain how to use the Elf case, you should make sure that each time
Wardancer in your games. Remember to put Monsters appear, there arc 50% more of
the Warrior counter for the original Warrior them. If the card says " 1 D6 Ores", roll the
back in the box. replacing it with that of the dice as usual and then multiply the result
Wardancer! upwards to match the party size. A dice roll of
four Ores would become six Ores, and so on.
Ballistic Skill 6+
Strength 3
Toughness 3
P N,
The belt has the power to absorb damage The Wardancer is so agile, and so skilled
and even deflect hits taken by the Wardancer. with his weapons, that he can move, fight,
Roll a dice for the Wardancer at the start of move again and perhaps even fight again, all
in one turn!
each turn:
The Wardancer player should keep track of
1 The belt has no effect this turn.
how many squares he moves each turn
2-3 Tiie belt adds + I to the Wardancer's particularly when he is in combat. When
Toughness for the turn. fighting, if the Wardancer kills a Monster with
4-5 The belt adds +2 to the Wardancer’s one blow, he gets his death-blow as usual,
Toughness for the turn. including his special ability for his twin
swords. If. having despatched his foe with a
6 The belt protects the Wardancer from
single blow, he is not in a position to make a
any single attack this turn. He may
death-blow, then the Wardancer’s Dance of
choose to ignore any single blow which
Death skill takes effect. He may now use any
hits him.
movement he has left to bring him into
contact with Monsters, and then continue his
death-hlnw. and so on This continues until he
either misses with his death-blow, fails to do THE WARDANCER AND TREASURE
enough damage to kill in o single blow, runs
The Wardancer will not use any treasure to
out of movement or has no more Monsters to
do with spell casting. He may also decide not
to use weapons other than the Twin Swords
of Orion, as to do so will mean forfeiting the
ELF WARDANCERS AND ARMOUR special skill which goes with them. For this
The fighting style of the Wardancer owes reason he may often find himself with
much to the fact that he is unencumbered by treasure he has no real use for.
body armour, helmet or shield. For this If the Wardancer gains treasure items that
reason the Wardancer disdains the use of any he cannot use or does not want, he may of
type of armour. He will not even wear magical course attempt to swap them with another
armour or use magical helmets or shields. Warrior if they agree. Otherwise he can
However, knowing well the benefit of magical always cash them in for gold at the end of the
protection, he will use magic items that give adventure.
an increase to Toughness, such as magical
rings of toughness or invisibility.
In the Advanced game the Wardancer will go TREASURE AND EQUIPMENT
from adventure to adventure gaining treasure
The Wardancer may not use spell casting
and gold. His skills and abilities will increase
items, body armour, shields or helmets. In
as he goes from battle-level 1 to battle-level
addition, the Wardancer may not use
10. The following section shows how the
anything not available to an Elf. This reflects
Wardancer progresses through the battle
the fact that at the end of the day he is an Elf
levels, and gives details of a special
first and foremost, so if an item of treasure is
Settlement - that of the Wood Flf Troupes.
not suitable for other Elves, it will not be
usable by him either.
Wardancers are the wildest of the Wood Alehouse. Although a small village is a fairly
Elves: fierce, proud and untamed. His is an open place, the tight press of rowdy
elemental spirit, at one with the wind, the rain drunkards and the fog of smoke prevalent in
and the sun. The hidden paths of the forests any Alehouse is too much for the Wardancer.
ore hie home, the covago foooctc of tho wood If the other Warriors wish to enter the
his friends. He has no need for mankind, Alehouse the Wardancer will wait elsewhere.
whose main achievements seem to be the
destruction of all he holds dear.
Wood Elves are uncomfortable in the
teeming cities of mankind, finding them
Usually a Wardancer will prefer to take leave
incomprehensible, claustrophobic, dirty, noisy
of his comrades and meet up with them later,
and crude.
rather than enter a large Settlement such as
Where possible, a Wardancer will avoid such
a town or city. Whilst his companions enter
places, leaving dealings with mankind to the cosmopolitan hustle and bustle in search
tnose Elves wno understand their ways, ire
of equipment, training and so on, the
will actively search for such Elves, as there Wardancer will bid them farewell and spend
are items available from mankind which his time searching for any Troupes of Wood
cannot easily be bought or found elsewhere. Elf traders who are camped in the vicinity.
For this reason he is ever on the alert for the
The Wardancer may enter a town or city if
tell-tale signs of a wandering Troupe of Wood
he wishes. However, being unused to the
Elf traders.
bustle of such a place, the Wardancer will find
The Wood Elf folk of Athel Loren are not it hard to get his bearings and will have
totally self-sufficient and need to trade with trouble finding the Elf Quarter or any other
other races, and there are always groups of Special Locations he is searching for. He will
wood Elves to oe round away rrom the forest
be likely to get lost for hours if not days in the
of Loren. These Wood Elf Troupes are skilled winding alleyways and dimly lit streets of a
in trading with the human city folk, and well
large Settlement.
able to protect themselves if any trouble
Unlike other Elves, the Elf Wardancer must
should befall them.
roll 8 or more to find any Special Location in a
Any wayfaring Wood Elf such as the
town or city, still using 2D6 in a town or 3D6
Wardancer will find a pleasant welcome in the in a city.
camp of a Troupe, providing he can find one.
If the Wardancer does enter a human town
As the Troupes move through the land they
leave signs of their passing that only their kin or city, he may visit the following locations:
would observe and understand. Other races Elf Quarter, Elf Rangers' Noble House (if
would not know of the existence of a passing you have the Elf Ranger Warrior pack), the
Troupe unless the Wood Elves decided to Fletcher, the Weaponsmith and the General
reveal themselves, as they move unseen like Store.
ghosts through the forest. If a Wardancer visits a town or city, he must
In the company of such Elves, a Wardancer roll twice on the Settlement Events labie
will receive a warm welcome, though the every day.
same is not necessarily true of his
companions. He will be eager to swap stories,
trade equipment and learn of the goings on in
Loren and the world at large.
When the Warriors reach the Settlement they
must decide how long they are going to
spend there. If the Wardancer does not wish
The Wardancer will accompany other Warriors to go with them, he then has this long to find
into a village to purchase the goods available. a Wnnri Flf TrnupP. vi<:it thorn anri rpturn to
The only place a Wardancer will not go is the the Settlement.
When the Wardancer works out how much
time he has spent with the Wood Elf Troupe,
remember to include the time it takes him to
travel to and back from the Troupe’s camp.
Once the Wardancer does find an Elf Quarter
CATASTROPHIC EVENTS he will often be made less than welcome by
If the Warriors get thrown out of a Settlement the Elves there, who tend to look down on
early, or the Wardancer returns late, they will those they consider their 'rustic* cousins.
have to wait for the Wardancer to return. If Consequently, anything the Wardancer wants
they wish to remain in the Settlement while to buy will cost 50% more than it would to
they wait they must still pay living expenses. another Elf. For example, an Elf would pay
Also, if the total time elapsed by the time the 100 gold for an Elf cloak, but a Wardancer
Warriors meet up with the Wardancer back at must pay 150 gold.
the Settlement is two weeks or more, then
Note that the Wardancer will not buy an Elf
the Warriors will have to consult the
helm, armour, cloak or shield, and will have
Catastrophic Events Table on page 25 of the
thus have no use for the Master craftsmen.
Warhammer Quest Roleplay book as usual.
Any who visit the Wood Elves must pay 2D6
gold per day as an offering to the Troupe.
This pays for board, lodging, entertainment
and the like, and although not seen as a fixed
rent, some offence would be caused if the
offering was not made each day.
Before he may engage on any other activities
at the camp, the Wardancer must visit the 0
eider of the Troupe and see what news there
is, if any. from Athel Loren. Often, the
The Troupe bring news of various small 2-5 After travelling back to Athel
battles in the forest of Loren. Fearing a Loren. The Wardancer learns
war. Orion has ordered all wayfarers to that the crisis has been averted,
return to the forest to swell the ranks of the and his journey has been in vain.
Wood Elves. The Wardancer must leave for He returns to meet his
Athel Loren immediately he will not be able companions, and gains 2D6
to go on a Wild Hunt, train or purchase wafers of waybread from the
anything. If the other Warriors are also Elves of Athel Loren to keep him
staying in the Wood Elf camp, they must bid on his journey. Roll to see how
farewell to their companion and carry on to much waybread he is given.
the next Settlement. Then, when he meets up with
Roll a D6 to see how the Wardancer fared in his companions, roll another 2D6
the battles: to see how many of them he has
eaten. He can never eat more
1 Although he acquitted himself well than he physically has. but if
against the hordes of Ores and Goblins there are any left over, he may
assaulting the far realm of Loren, the take them into the next
Wardancer sustained grievous wounds adventure.
in the defence of his home. Ariel 6 The Wardancer fought valiantly
herself tended to his wounds, and against a Chaos warband which
none were sure if he would live or die. planned to raid deep into Athel
Roll another dice to see whether the Loren. He singlehandedly
Wardancer has survived his terrible defeated their leader, and routed
wounds: the evil scum from the forest,
1 Although the Queen of the Wood leaving only the black stain of
did her utmost to save the their tainted blood on the forest
valiant Warrior, his wounds were floor. In recognition of this great
too great, and he died in feat, the Elves of Athel Loren
tortured slumber beneath the give the Wardancer a great
greatest tree in Athel Loren. His treasure. The Wardancer gains
name will be forever an item of dungeon room
remembered in song as a treasure.
defender of the forest, and his
Assuming he survives, the Wardancer will
spirit joins the spirit of the wood
meet the rest of the Warriors at the
and the Wild Hunt. The
beginning of the next adventure.
Wardancer is out of the game,
and the other Warriors must find
a new companion.
The Troupe has news that other Wood
2-3 The ministrations of Ariel draw Elves have been found cruelly
the Wardancer back from the slaughtered in their camps. The Wardancer
very brink of death, although he learns that some of the dead were close
will never be quite as strong as relations, his own family who he had
he was before the battle. He forsaken in his desire to travel the world.
loses 1D3 Wounds permanently
from his Starting Wounds. Torn by grief, the Wardancer swears to
avenge his kin. After visiting the site of the
4-6 The ministrations of Ariel draw
massacre, the Wardancer finds evidence as
the Wardancer back from the
to what foul creatures were responsible. The
very brink of death, although he
Wardancer swears a terrible oath that he will
will never be quite as strong as
either pay the price in blood gold to atone for
he was before the battle. He
the death, or he will slay those responsible.
loses 1 Wound permanently from
his Starting Wounds.
Roll 1D6 on the table below to see which Whenever a member of the party of
Monsters perpetrated the massacre. The Warriors gains an item of treasure from now
Wardancer may then finish his visit to this on. the first one that fits the description
Wood Elf Troupe as normal. To fulfil his oath, above is the item which has been stolen. The
he has to slay 2D6+1 per his battle-level of Wardancer may take this item if he wishes, in
the particular Monster. addition to any other treasure he has gained
in the dungeon. If one of the other Warriors
D6 Roll Monster
gained it as his rightful treasure, the
1 Ores and Goblins Wardancer must pay the gold value for it.
2 Undead Until he can do so, the other Warrior may
3 Skaven keep and use it.
4 Chao<; Until such a time as the Wardancer qains
5 Dark Elves the item, he may not visit another Wood Elf
6 Chaos Dwarfs
When he returns the artefact, however, the
So. for example, a battle-level 4 Wardancer Wood Elves are so delighted that they reward
would have to slay 2D6 + 4 of the particular him Qonorouslv. Roll a dico and consult tho
Monsters before fulfilling his oath. following table to see what his reward is.
The Wardancer gains double gold for killing
1 -2 The Wood Elves are so pleased to
these Monsters until his oath is fulfilled.
get the stolen artefact back that
However, until he has avenged his kin. he
they declare the Wardancer never
voluntarily pays double the normal price for
has to pay subsistence again
any item he buys at a Wood Elf camp as blood
when visiting them.
gold for the lost souls of his family.
3-5 The Wood Elves give the
Wardancer much treasure in
/1 The Troupe has no message from recompense for his labours. He
” i home of any import and welcome gains 1D3 items of dungeon room
the Wardancer with open arms. The treasure, and any items he buys
Wardancer may stay with the Troupe for 1D6 at this Troupe he gains for half
gold per day instead of the normal 2D6. price.
fi Thp Warrtanrpr is taken to a
A great wrong has been done to a Wood sacred glade which radiates the
Elf Troupe, and the entire encampment power of Orion and Ariel. He may
is in ferment. The Elder tells you that a few choose one of his Twin Swords of
days before your arrival their camp was Orion, and roll on the Aspects
raided, and a very important and much prized Table (see the Wardancers and
artefact was stolen. The Wardancer agrees to Training section, later) to see
do his utmost to retrieve the artefact and what new power it gains.
return it to the Wood Elves.
Roll a dice and consult the following table to
The Troupe is celebrating because it is
s pp what thp stnlpn prtpfprt is-
Lime foi them Lo return to their beloved
forest. They are leaving immediately and are
1 A Sword
grief stricken because the Wardancer cannot
2 A Scroll
stay with them. However, they give the
3 A Bow Wardancer 1D6x100 gold as a parting gift,
4 A Helm
and wish him well upon his trovels.
vicinity of the Troupe. Secondly, the Wild Spirit 1 -2 The Wardancer does not come across
knows of places in the forest that are imbued any sacred glades this time.
with great power, and which moy help the
3-4 The Wardancer finds a sacred glade,
Wardancer in adventures to come.
and imbues one of his twin swords
The Wild Hunt may go on for several days, with a new aspect. The Wardancer may
during which time the Wardancer loses track choose which sword gains the aspect.
of time completely. On the Wild Hunt, the 5-6 The Wardancer finds a sacred glade,
Wardancer enters o state wlieie lie Uecumes
and both of his twin swords are
a truly wild predator, where his Instincts and imbued with a new aspect.
actions take him as a ravenous beast through
the depths of the forest. The sacred glade will be a place of particular
peace and beauty. Any Wood Elf feels
prix/iloQod to find cuch a place, and will spend
hours there in contemplation and meditation.
The Wardancers prepare for the Wild Hunt by The spirits of the Wood Elf gods look kindly
painting ferocious tattoos and battle upon those who treat the sacred places with
markings on their bodies, and spiking their proper respect, and pass on some of their
hair into fierce crests, all the better to strike mystic power to the Wardancer.
terror into the hearts of those Monsters
Wardancers often pass into a trance-like
unlucky enough to cross their path.
state at such places, immersing themselves in
The Wild Hunt takes 1D3 days. While on a the spirit of the wood. As he awakens from
hunt the Wardancer may do nothing else, and his reverie, the Wardancer will feel his twin
does not roll on the Event Table. swords vibrate with new energy - they have
Only the Wardancer will be invited to taken on some aspect of the forest as he
participate in the Wild Hunt. If the other dreamed the long dream.
Warriors have accompanied him to the Wood
Elf encampment, they will have to stay behind The Spring of Ariel
and wait for him to return. The first time a Wardancer finds a sacred
glade, it is always the Spring of Ariel.
Battle Markings When the Wardancer awakens from his
The battle markings will last for some time, trance he finds himself sitting next to a
and until they wear off. there is a chance that babbling, glittering brook, whose waters leap
any Monsters the Wardancer meets will be in from the rocks and grass of the forest floor.
fear of him. Whenever an Event card reveals He realises that he has found the mystical
Monsters, roll a dice: Spring of Ariel, and that the waters hold great
1 The markings have faded, and have no power. Dipping his swords into the flowing
waters, the Wardancer feels the power of
Ariel flowing through the slender blades.
2-5 Although the tattoos are present, they
From now on. the swords are magical and
have no visible effect on the Monsters
count as so against Daemons and other
6 The vividly tattooed Wardancer strikes similar Monsters as normal.
fear into his opponents: they are all at
Until the Wardancer finds the Spring of
- 1 to hit him for the duration of the
combat. Ariel, he will not be able to find any other
sacred glades in the forest. He must search
Sacred Glades for the Spring of Ariel until he finds it.
While he is on a Wild Hunt, the Wardancer
Aspect Blades of Orion
may come across a part of the forest imbued
Once the Wardancer has found the Spring of
with great spiritual power which will enable to
Ariel, and immersed his blades in the mystical
him charge his swords with special mystical
waters, he enters a new stage in his career.
He will never need to search for the Spring
Whenever the Wardancer embarks on a Wild
again, unless he becomes a Blade Giver, and
Hunt, he should roll a dice and consult the
from now on the sacred glades he finds in the
following table.
forest will add new aspects to his blades of A sword may only have this aspect
Orion. once; re-roll if you get Aspect of the
Earth a second time on a particular
From now on. whenever the Wardancer
embarks on a Wild Hunt, roll a D6 as before. If
the Wardancer is lucky, he will come across a 5 Aspect of the Wind. This sword moves
sacred glade where he will be able to charge with the grace of the wind in the trees,
his swords with mystical energy. faster than the eye can follow. This
aspect gives the wielder the following
When the Wardancer finds a sacred glade,
benefits, depending on his title
roll a D6 for each sword that has gained an
aspect, and consult the table below. Each Novice +1 Attack per turn
sword may gain a number of aspects over the Champion + 1 Attacks per turn
course of a Wardancer's career. Hero +? Attacks per turn
1 Aspect of Oak. This sword gives the Lord +3 Attacks per turn
Wardancer + 1 Toughness. If both A sword may only have this aspect
swords have this aspect, he gains +3 once; re-roll if you get aspect of the
Toughness. A sword may only have Wind for a second time.
this aspect once, i e-roll if you get
6 Aspect of Water. This sword is imbued
Aspect of Oak for the second time on
with the life-giving properties of water,
a particular blade.
and its blade moves with fluid grace.
2 Aspect of Willow. This sword gives the
If the bearer of a sword which has the
Wardancer the ability to avoid a blow
Aspect of Water loses any Wounds,
which would otherwise hit him. He
then there is a chance that the blade
may dodge any blow aimed at him on
will heal him. At the end of the turn in
a dice roll of a 6. If both swords have
which the Warrior suffered the
this aspect, then he may dodge any
wounds, roll a D6 to see what effect
blow on a 5 + . A sword may only have
the sword has:
this aspect once; re-roll if you yet
Aspect of Willow for the second time 1 -4 The wounds are too great, and
on a particular blade. the sword has no effect upon
them this turn.
3 Aspect of the Sun. This sword blazes
with a wild fire, distracting the 5-6 The healing power of the sword
renews the Wardancer. and he
Wardancer's enemies and burning
their flesh. Any Monsters attacking the gains 1D6 Wounds immediately.
Wardancer suffer a -1 to hit penalty A sword may only have this aspect
while he wields this sword. If both his once; re-roll if you get Aspect of the
swords have this aspect, then any Earth a second time. If both swords
Monsters attacking him suffer a -2 have this ability, then the Wardancer
penalty to hit. A sword may only have still only rolls the dice once to see if he
this aspect once; re-roll if you get is healed, but he adds + 1 to the dice
Aspect of the Sun a second time for a roll when he does so.
particular blade.
4 Aspect of the tarth. I his sword has a OTHER WARRIORS
slow, graceful power about it. an
unstoppable force when it strikes. Any
If the Wardancer or the Troupe has to return
blow with this sword causes an extra
to Athel Loren, the Warriors must leave the
number of Wounds, depending on the
camp, otherwise they can stay up to a week,
Wardancer's title.
rolling on the Wood Elf Troupe Events Table
Novice +1 Wound once a day as normal.
Champion +2 Wounds
Hero +3 Wounds
Lord +4 Wounds
D6 Roll Wood Elves' Reaction
1-2 KILL Each Warrior with the Troupe loses 1 point of Luck for being
involvpri in «^nrh rtppds
3-4 LET PASS The Warriors pass through the forest unaware of the
watchful eyes of the Wood Elves.
5-6 WELCOME The travellers have a Weaponsmith travelling with them. He
has a wagon full of fine weapons, and these may be bought
just as if the Warriors were at the Weaponsmith in a town.
D6 Roll Wood Elves' Reaction
1-2 KILL Each Warrior with the Troupe loses 1 point of Luck for being
involved in such deeds
34 LET PASS The traders pass through the forest unaware of the watchful
eyes of the Wood Elves.
5-6 WELCOME Roll a dice and consult the table below to see what sort of
traders these travellers are. They may be dealt with just as if
the Warriors had visited them in a city:
Roll a D6
1 - General Store; 2 Weaponsmith; 3 • Fletcher;
4 Gunsmith; 5 - Armourer; 6 - Animal Trader.
D6 Roll Wood Elves' Reaction
1 -2 KILL The Wood Elves know that there are no other Elves travelling
In the woods for many leagues, as they have left none of the
secret signs or indicators of their passing. Thus these must
be infiltrators, spies or perhaps even Dark Elves they must
Now roll a dice to see if the Wood Elves were right. On a
score of 3 6 they were correct in their assessment, and the
travellers are revealed as Dark Elf Assassins. The Warriors
involved in the attack on these sinister Elves each gain 1
extra Luck point for the duration of the next adventure. On a
score of 1 2. the Wood Elves are mistaken, and the Warriors
have taken part in the murder of Innocents. In this case, each
Warrior loses 1 Luck point for the duration of the next
3 4 LET PASS The Wood Elves pack up camp and move away from the
unknown Elves passing through their forest, to minimise the
chance of detection.
I he Wardancer and any Warriors with him must leave the
Troupe immediately
5-6 WELCOME The Elves are welcomed into the camp and a great fire is lit
in celebration. The festivities go on well into the night, with
much music, feasting and dancing.
The travelling Elves stay for 1D6 days, during which time
they teach the Wardancer some of their skills The Wardancer
may randomly select one of the Elf skills from the
Warhammer Quest Roleplay book. In exchange for this
training, the Wardancer must pay 2D6x150 gold
Any other Warriors may not learn the skill, but they can take
part in the feasting!
D6 Roll Wood Elves' Reaction
1 -2 KILL The Wood Elves feel that they cannot take the risk of letting
the strangers discover their camp, and decide to strike first
Unleashing a hail of arrows on the unwary travellers, they kill
the majority and set the rest to fliaht.
Now roll a dice and see who the strangers were.
D6 Roll Wood Elves' Reaction
5-6 WELCOME The Wood Elves feel sure that the strangers are innocent
human travellers, lost in the forest and probably in need of
civil hospitality and a guide to the forest's edge. They
cautiously establish contact, and lead the hooded travellers
to their encampment.
Now roll a dice to see who the strangers really are:
There have been reports that a band of Ores 1 -2 Nothing goes right for you during the
has invaded a nearby area of the forest, battle, and a number of times your life
bringing bloodshed and carnage with them. is saved in the nick of time by a nimble
The Wood Elves ask for your help to go with Wood Elf who intervenes at the last
the young Warriors of the Troupe to ambush moment. To atone for your seeming
the Ores before they get too close to the unworthiness, and to repay the life
Wood Elves' encampment. The war party will saving debt, you decide to pay double
be gone for 1D3 days. Now roll on the for everything at the Troupe. From
following table to see how the raid goes. now on. you hate Ores - see the
Psychology rules in the Warhammer
Qupst Roloplay hnnk.
steps. Obviously, this does not allow the their camp fire, the Wardancer pulls a small
Wardancer to jump up and down fire chasms, pouch of herbs from his pack and infuses
bottomless pits and so on! them in the boiling water.
Once per adventure the Warrior can enter a The Wardancer has a heightened sense of
state of extreme concentration where the awareness in the open air He can sense
only thing on his mind is to kill the foe. When trouble and he can avoid natural disasters.
the Wardancer reaches 0 Wounds he may During a journey the Wardancer can cancel
choose to ignore the pain and keep on any one event, turning it into an ’Uneventful
fighting. The Wardancer is now at 0 Wounds Week' instead.
and will remain at 0 until the combat is over This also gives the Wardancer a chance of
no matter how many further Wounds are finding a wandering Wood Elf Troupe.
caused on him or are healed. As soon as the
combat is over the Wardancer falls to the 1 1 Woven Mist
floor on 0 Wounds and must be healed that The Wardancer enters a trance-like state, his
turn or he will die. movements becoming a lightning fast blur. He
For every turn he is in this state throughout is being carried by instinct alone, all rational
a combat, 1 Wound is knocked off his Starting thoughts driven from his mind.
Wounds score permanently, to represent the If the Wardancer wishes, he may ignore his
awful wounds he has sustained. Starting normal characteristics for movement and
Wounds are never reduced to less than 1.
fighting. Instead, he may roll a dice, adding
The Wardancer can only restore his Starting the modifier shown on the table below. The
Wounds score back to its original level total he rolls may be split this turn between
through the use of healing potions or healing movement and attacks so a total of 6 could
spells. Before he can even try this, he must be be 3 movement and 3 attacks, 6 attacks, 6
at his maximum current Starting Wounds movement and so on.
Wood Elves in general, and Wardancers in The Wardancer has a high regard for users
particular, are regarded as introverted and of magic and knows their worth in battle. He
Introspective. However, unlike High Elves feels that they should concentrate on their
who tend to be aloof and arrogant, the magic and not have to worry about mundane
Wardancer is wild, wary and distrustful. It matters like Monsters attacking them. For
takes a long time to earn the respect or trust this reason he will feel the need to protect
of a Wardancer and any betrayal will provoke any magic user in the party, using his unique
certain vengeance. abilities to defend them. The Wardancer may
In battle the Wardancer seems to be even go as far as attacking Monsters fighting
everywhere at once, leaping into battle with a the magic user before fighting the ones
attacking him. How the Wizard, or whoever,
fierce determination to destroy his enemies.
His eagerness to kill may be seen by some as will feel about this is a different story.
an attempt to reap the highest rewards but in
fact the Wardancer could no easier stand V
back from a battle as stop breathing. This
desire for combat coupled with his disdain of
armour means that if his legendary battle
skills desert him. the Wardancer suffers
many grievous wounds.
Fives in general. and Wardancers
specifically, do not share the drives and lusts
of men. They are Elves, a completely In all. the Wardancer will be a useful ally in
different race, and so their motives and times of trouble, leaving the bodies of his
desires are to some extent incomprehensible. foes piled behind him. However, he may
Thus a Wardancer’s disregard for armour and become wearing as he keeps diving head first
death may be seen by some as pessimistic or into combat, especially if he keeps killing
simply mad. To the Wardancer. however, Monsters that other Warriors have marked as
everything is part of the dance, and how the their own target!
dance unfolds Is beyond his control. His
desire is to dance to his best, and if his death
serves the dance, so be it. He knows that his
The Wardancer is very similar in abilities to
spirit will live forever in the trees and glades
the Elf in the Basic game, but will be slightly
of Athel Loren.
more adept at combat-related activities.
Battle- Dam.
Level Gold Title M WS BS Str Dice T Wounds 1 A Luck WP Skills Pin
1 0 Novice 4 4 6+ 3 1 3 1D6 + 7 6 1 0 2 - 3+
All artwork in oil Games Workslioo products and al the images Ciames Work»h<x> Chewton Straet. MflKap. PaKwoocl. Notts NOtft *MV.
contained therein have been produced either m house or os work UnCtad KlrxjOom.
■ WARDANCER • fo' hire. Th* exclusive copyright on the artwork and the images It Gomoa WorKHtop. MSI C Banson Avooua. UalW-'o-a.
depicts Is the copyright of Games Workshoi Ltd. Mar vend 21227 1072. USA
•'* Copyright Games Workshop Ltd . 1995 Gan-** Urvt 7-7 » Kant Hoad (Car CMrcTO.
All rights reserved Vaacot NSW 2020. Auatraia.
COMPONENT ART: RXnard Wright It David GaSAgher Games Design Consistent. Bryan Ansefl Gann Wotuhoe. IMS Borew Rd. Wu * 1 1 Hiai»LS»
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Product Coda 0011 ••id No. 102ft>4
John Blanche, Wayne England & David Gollaghor