ISSN: 2319-7064
SJIF (2022): 7.942
Abstract: Computer Vision is the branch of the science of computers and software systems which can recognize as well as understand
images and scenes. Computer Vision is consists of various aspects such as image recognition, object detection, image generation, image
super-resolution and many more. Object detection is widely used for face detection, vehicle detection, pedestrian counting, web images,
security systems and self-driving cars. In this project, we are using highly accurate object detection-algorithms and methods such as R-
CNN, Fast-RCNN, Faster-RCNN, RetinaNet and fast yet highly accurate ones like SSD and YOLO. Using these methods and
algorithms, based on deep learning which is also based on machine learning require lots of mathematical and deep learning frameworks
understanding by using dependencies such as Tensor Flow, OpenCV, image AI etc, we can detect each and every object in image by the
area object in an highlighted rectangular boxes and identify each and every object and assign its tag to the object. This also includes the
accuracy of each method for identifying objects.
Keywords: Object detection, Computer Vision, Web images, R-CNN, Tensor Flow, OpenCV, Convolutional network, Bayes decision
rule, Gaussian distribution function
Figure 1
Convolutional implementation of the sliding windows connected layers of the network into convolutional layers.
Before we discuss the implementation of the sliding window Fig.2 shows a simple convolutional network with two fully
using convents, let us analyze how we can convert the fully connected layers each of shape.
Object detection is an important task, yet challenging vision mode, include the brightness distortion and the chromaticity
task. It is a critical part of many applications such as image distortion which was used to distinguish shading background
search, image auto-annotation and scene understanding, from the ordinary background or moving foreground objects.
object tracking. Moving object tracking of video image The background and foreground subtraction method used the
sequences was one of the most important subjects in following approach. A pixel was modelled by a 4-tuple [Ei,
computer vision. It had already been applied in many si, ai, bi], where Ei-a vector with expected colour value, si-a
computer vision fields, such as smart video surveillance vector with the standard deviation of colour value, ai-the
(Arun Hampapur 2005), artificial intelligence, military variation of the brightness distortion and bi was the variation
guidance, safety detection and robot navigation, medical and of the chromaticity distortion of the ith pixel. In the next
biological application. In recent years, a number of step, the difference between the background image and the
successful single-object tracking system appeared, but in the current image was evaluated. Each pixel was finally
presence of several objects, object detection becomes classified into four categories: original background, shaded
difficult and when objects are fully or partially occluded, background or shadow, highlighted background and moving
they are obtruded from the human vision which further foreground object. Liyuan Li et al (2003), contributed a
increases the problem of detection. Decreasing illumination method for detecting foreground objects in non-stationary
and acquisition angle. The proposed MLP based object complex environments containing moving background
tracking system is made robust by an optimum selection of objects. A Bayes decision rule was used for classification of
unique features and also by implementing the Adaboost background and foreground changes based on inter-frame
strong classification method. colour co-occurrence statistics. An approach to store and fast
retrieve colour cooccurrence statistics was also established.
a) Background Subtraction In this method, foreground objects were detected in two
The background subtraction method by Horprasert et al steps. First, both the foreground and the background changes
(1999), was able to cope with local illumination changes, are extracted using background subtraction and temporal
such as shadows and highlights, even globe illumination differencing. The frequent background changes were then
changes. In this method, the background model was recognized using the Bayes decision rule based on the
statistically modelled on each pixel. Computational colour learned colour co-occurrence statistics. Both short-term and
Volume 11 Issue 9, September 2022
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: SR22804211151 DOI: 10.21275/SR22804211151 300
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
SJIF (2022): 7.942
long term strategies to learn the frequent background To circumvent the problem of selecting a huge number of
changes were used. An algorithm focused on obtaining the regions, Ross Girshick et al. proposed a method where we
stationary foreground regions as said by Álvaro Bayona et al use the selective search for extract just 2000 regions from
(2010), which was useful for applications like the detection the image and he called them region proposals. Therefore,
of abandoned/stolen objects and parked vehicles. This instead of trying to classify the huge number of regions, you
algorithm mainly used two steps. Firstly, asub-sampling can just work with 2000 regions. These 2000 region
scheme based on background subtraction techniques was proposals are generated by using the selective search
implemented to obtain stationary foreground regions. This algorithm which is written below.
detects foreground changes at different time instants in the
same pixel locations. This was done by using a Gaussian Selective Search:
distribution function. Secondly, some modifications were 1) Generate the initial sub-segmentation, we generate many
introduced on this base algorithm such as thresh holding the candidate regions
previously computed subtraction. The main purpose of this 2) Use the greedy algorithm to recursively combine similar
algorithm was reducing the amount of stationary foreground regions into larger ones
detected. 3) Use generated regions to produce the final candidate
region proposals
b) Existing Methods
Figure 3
These 2000 candid and fed into a convolutional neural within the region proposals, the algorithm the precision of
output. The CNN plays a role of feature extracted from the the bounding box. Have predicted the presence of a person
image and the extract object within that candidate region been cut in half. Therefore, the offset region proposal.
Figure 4: R-CNN
From the above graph, you can see that Faster R-CNN is
much faster than it‟s predecessors. Therefore, it can even be
used for real-time object detection.
Figure 5: Faster R-CNN b) YOLO — You Only Look Once
All the previous object detection algorithms have used
Both of the above algorithms (R-CNN & Fast Rxi-CNN) regions to localize the object within the image. The network
uses selective search to find out the region proposals. does not look at the complete image. Instead, parts of the
Selective search is the slow and time-consuming process image which has high probabilities of containing the object.
which affects the performance of the network. YOLO or You Only Look Once is an object detection
algorithm much is different from the region based
Similar to Fast R-CNN, the image is provided as an input to algorithms which seen above. In YOLO a single
a convolutional network which provides a convolutional convolutional network predicts the bounding boxes and the
feature map. Instead of using the selective search algorithm class probabilities for these boxes.
for the feature map to identify the region proposals, a
separate network is used to predict the region proposals. The
predicted the region which is proposals are then reshaped
using an RoI pooling layer which is used to classify the
Figure 7
YOLO works by taking an image and split it into an SxS class probability and offset values for the bounding box. The
grid, within each of the grid we take m bounding boxes. For bounding boxes have the class probability above a threshold
each of the bounding box, the network gives an output a value is selected and used to locate the object within the
Volume 11 Issue 9, September 2022
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: SR22804211151 DOI: 10.21275/SR22804211151 302
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
SJIF (2022): 7.942
image. 10) Matplotlib:
pip install matplotlib-command
YOLO is orders of magnitude faster (45 frames per second)
than any other object detection algorithms. The limitation of 11) H5py:
YOLO algorithm is that it struggles with the small objects pip install h5py
within the image, for example, it might have difficulties in
identifying a flock of birds. This is due to the spatial 12) Keras
constraints of the algorithm. pip install keras
Figure 8
This is a sample image we feed to the algorithm and expect our algorithm to detect and identify objects in the image and label
them according to the class assigned to it.
ImageAI provides many more features useful for 2) Custom Objects Detection: Using a provided
customization and production capable deployments for CustomObject class, you can tell the detection class to
object detection tasks. Some of the features supported are: report detections on one or a few number of unique
1) Adjusting Minimum Probability: By default, objects objects.
detected with a probability percentage of less than 50 3) Detection Speeds: You can reduce the time it takes to
will not be shown or reported. You can increase this detect an image by setting the speed of detection speed
value for high certainty cases or reduce the value for to “fast”, “faster” and “fastest”.
cases where all possible objects are needed to be 4) Input Types: You can specify and parse in file path to
detected. an image, Numpy array or file stream of an image as the