Toyota employed a best-cost producer strategy for its Lexus luxury car line. It designed Lexus models with high-performance features to compete with Mercedes, BMW, Audi, Jaguar, Cadillac, and Lincoln. Toyota used its capabilities for high-quality, low-cost production to price Lexus models thousands lower than competitors while maintaining quality. Lexus dealers provided excellent customer service, establishing Lexus as a best-cost producer and allowing it to succeed against other luxury brands.
Toyota employed a best-cost producer strategy for its Lexus luxury car line. It designed Lexus models with high-performance features to compete with Mercedes, BMW, Audi, Jaguar, Cadillac, and Lincoln. Toyota used its capabilities for high-quality, low-cost production to price Lexus models thousands lower than competitors while maintaining quality. Lexus dealers provided excellent customer service, establishing Lexus as a best-cost producer and allowing it to succeed against other luxury brands.
Toyota employed a best-cost producer strategy for its Lexus luxury car line. It designed Lexus models with high-performance features to compete with Mercedes, BMW, Audi, Jaguar, Cadillac, and Lincoln. Toyota used its capabilities for high-quality, low-cost production to price Lexus models thousands lower than competitors while maintaining quality. Lexus dealers provided excellent customer service, establishing Lexus as a best-cost producer and allowing it to succeed against other luxury brands.
Toyota employed a best-cost producer strategy for its Lexus luxury car line. It designed Lexus models with high-performance features to compete with Mercedes, BMW, Audi, Jaguar, Cadillac, and Lincoln. Toyota used its capabilities for high-quality, low-cost production to price Lexus models thousands lower than competitors while maintaining quality. Lexus dealers provided excellent customer service, establishing Lexus as a best-cost producer and allowing it to succeed against other luxury brands.
152 Part 1 Concepts and Techniques for Crafting and Executing Strategy
Illustration Capsule 5.3
Toyota's Best-Cost Producer Strategy for Its Lexus Line Toyota Motor Company is widely regarded as a low-cost . Using its relatively lower manufacturing costs to producer among the world's motor vehicle manufactur- underprice comparable Mercedes and BMW models. ers. Despite its emphasis on product quality, Toyota has Toyota believed that with its cost advantage it could achieved low-cost leadership because it has developed price attractively equipped Lexus cars low enough to considerable skills in efficient supply chain management draw price-conscious buyers away from Mercedes and and low-cost assembly capabilities, and because its mod- BMW and perhaps induce dissatisfied Lincoln and els are positioned in the low-to-medium end of the price Cadillac owners to switch to a Lexus. Lexus's pricing spectrum, where high production volumes are conducive advantage over Mercedes and BMW was sometimes to low unit costs. But when Toyota decided to introduce its quite significant. For example, in 2006 the Lexus RX new Lexus models to compete in the luxury-car market, it 330, a midsized SUV, carried a sticker price in the employed a classic best-cost provider strategy. Toyota took $36,000- $45,000 range (depending on how it was the following four steps in crafting and implementing its equipped), whereas variously equipped Mercedes M Lexus strategy class SUVs had price tags in the $50,000-$65,000 • Designing an array of high-performance characteris- range and a BMW X5 SUV could range anywhere tics and upscale features into the Lexus models so as from $42,000 to $70,000, depending on the optional to make them comparable in performance and luxury equipment chosen. to other high-end models and attractive to Mercedes, Establishing a new network of Lexus dealers, separate BMW, Audi, Jaguar, Cadillac, and Lincoln buyers. from Toyota dealers, dedicated to providing a level of Transferring its capabilities in making high-quality personalized, attentive customer service unmatched in Toyota models at low cost to making premium- the industry. quality Lexus models at costs below other luxury-car Lexus models have consistently ranked first in the makers. Toyota's supply chain capabilities and low-cost widely watched J. D. Power & Associates quality survey, assembly know-how allowed it to incorporate high- and the prices of Lexus models are typically several thou tech performance features and upscale quality into sand dollars below those of comparable Mercedes and Lexus models at substantially less cost than comparable BMW models-clear signals that Toyota has succeeded in Mercedes and BMW models. becoming a best-cost producer with its Lexus brand.
against Starbucks, Folger's, Maxwell House, and asserted specialty
coffee retailers. Community Coffee's geographic version of a focus strategy has allowed it to capture sales in excess of $100 million annually by catering to the tastes of coffee drinkers across an 11-state region. Examples of firms that concentrate on a well-defined mar ket niche keyed to a particular product or buyer segment include Animal Planet and the History Channel (in cable TV); Google (in Internet search engines); Porsche (in sports cars); Cannondale (in top-of- the-line mountain bikes); Domino's Pizza (in pizza delivery); Enterprise Rent-a-Car (a specialist in providing rental cars to repair garage customers); Bandag (a specialist in truck tire recapping that promotes its recaps ag gressively at over 1,000 truck stops), CGA Inc. (a specialist in providing insurance to cover the cost of lucrative hole-in-one prizes at golf world's largest online dating service); and tournaments); (the Avid Technology (the world leader in digital technology products to create 3D animation and to edit films, videos, TV broad casts, video games, and audio recordings). Microbreweries, local bakeries, bed-and breakfast inns, and local owner-managed retail boutiques are all good examples of en terprises that have scaled their operations to serve narrow or local customer segments.