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MRI 3.0T Market Intelligence Report

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Capital Guide

Market Intelligence Report

3.0T MRI Systems

MRI units use strong electromagnetic fields and radio-frequency (RF) excitation pulses to
translate the distribution of hydrogen nuclei in body tissue into computer-generated images of
anatomic structures. Magnetic resonance (MR) images have excellent soft tissue contrast, which
allows clinicians to clearly see the details of tissue structure, including soft tissue, and to
distinguish normal from diseased tissue in order to diagnose and track the progress and
treatment of disease. MRI units can acquire images in slices from 0.1 to 10 mm thick in any
arbitrary plane of the body. A principal advantage of MRI over radiographic imaging methods
such as computed tomography (CT) is that it does not use ionizing radiation. Magnetic fields of
the strength used in clinical MRI produce no known significant biological side effects.

Popular Vendors and Models Key Considerations

Capital Guide Member Interest — Three major components should be

n= 47 considered when selecting an MRI scanning
3.0T MRI Systems, by Vendor system:
(Mar 2022 - Mar 2023)
1) The Magnet must produce a highly
64% homogeneous magnetic field which covers
as wide a field of view and provides as much
patient space as possible (bore size).

2) The faster the Gradient system, the

higher the image resolution but, the smaller the
field of view. This is reflected in MRI scanners
with a cardiac focus, which sacrifice field of
23% view for faster gradients.

13% 3) The Computer system must be able to

keep up with the speed of image acquisition
so that the reconstructed images are instantly
available while the scan progresses.
Siemens GE Philips
— Wide ranges of systems are available, from
open systems which increase patient comfort to
high field strength systems for the best image
quality. Magnets with a field strength of 3.0T are
Capital Guide Member Interest n= 47 appropriate for academic medical centers
3.0T MRI Systems, by Model performing advanced research in MRI applications
(Mar 2022 - Mar 2023) and for centers with a high volume of
neuroimaging procedures, specifically brain tumor
Siemens MAGNETOM Vida 40% and cerebrovascular imaging. Although 3.0T
systems represent an advance in MRI technology
Siemens MAGNETOM Lumina 21% for highly specialized imaging applications, they
GE SIGNA Premier
are not necessary for general-purpose imaging.

Philips Ingenia Elition 3.0T 9% — Hospitals considering upgrading to a 3.0T MRI

system should be aware of the possible siting,
GE SIGNA Hero 3.0T 6% construction, and safety changes, as well
as, associated costs. A lengthened 5G line
Philips MR 7700 4%
requires larger MRI rooms and extended safety
GE SIGNA Architect 2% boundaries. Equipment which is MRI-compatible
at 1.5T may not be safe at 3.0T. Magnetic
Siemens MAGNETOM Prisma 2% gradients close to the magnet are steeper and
more dangerous. These issues are not
GE SIGNA Pioneer 2%
insurmountable, but the cost adds to the initial
purchasing price of a 3.0T system.

Capital Guide Market Intelligence Report | 1

<0.15 0.15 guaranteed <0.15 0.15
<0.15 guaranteed (typical 0.06) Not Specified 0.08 0.1 (typical 0.0
(typical 0.06) (typical 0.06) (typical 0.06) (typical 0.7)

50 x 50 x 50 50 x 50 x 50 with <4 ppm 50 x 50 x 50 50 x 50 x 50 55 x 55 x 50 55 x 55 x 50 55 x 55 x 50 50 x 50 x 50

227 (500) 279 (615) 250 (550) 250 (550) 250 (550) 250 (550) 250 (550) 251 (550)

Optional Tim Dockable

maneuverability, integ
Optional Tim
removable 32-coil spine,
Yes Optional No No Not Specified FlexTrak Patient Support Dockable Table,
safety handrails; Tim
360° maneuverability
TimCT compati

vels: gradient coil isolation, RF Six levels: gradient coil isolation, RF Five levels: gradient coil isolation, RF Five levels: gradient coil isolation, RF ComforTone allows end user to reduce Acoustically optimized mountings for Acoustically optimized m
isolation, acoustic dampening coil isolation, acoustic dampening coil isolation, acoustic dampening coil isolation, acoustic dampening sound pressure level by modification of gradient and body coils, noise gradient and body coi
erial, vibro-acoustic isolation, material, vibro-acoustic isolation, material, vibro-acoustic isolation, material, vibro-acoustic isolation, Not Specified existing sequences; <80% acoustic attenuating foam, encapsulation of attenuating foam, encap
dient waveform optimization; gradient waveform optimization; gradient waveform optimization; gradient waveform optimization; noise reduction (15 dB) with entire magnet, entire magnet
optional Silent Suite optional Silent Neuro Exam optional Silent Suite optional Silent Suite comparable image quality and contrast "whisper mode," others "whisper mode," Qui

36 (x-, y-, and z-axis); 80 (x-, y-, and z-a

45 45 36 80 Not Specified 65
62 vector summation 139 vector summ

200; 200 true each axis value;

200 200 150 200 Not Specified 220
346 vector summation summation

Direct Digital Interface (DDI) employs

independent analog-to-digital converter
to digitize inputs from 97 or 65 RF
al Digital Imaging with Direct channels; works with legacy GE coils Total Digital Imaging with Direct
Interface (and Digital Surround for unmatched flexibility; Digital Digital Interface and Digital Surround
Total Digital Imaging with Direct
ology ready): 96 channels with Surround Technology (DST), comes Technology: 65 channels with 65
Digital Interface: 146 channels with ADC at the coil
simultaneous receivers (A/D prepared for DST (Digital Surround simultaneous receivers (A/D ADC at the coil (channel independent) 32 64, 128
146 simultaneous receivers (A/D (channel independent)
erters) onboard magnet; 128 Technology), and combines signals converters) onboard magnet; 97
converters) onboard magnet
nnels with 128 simultaneous from every coil element; SNR and channels with 97 simultaneous
receivers onboard magnet sensitivity of high-density surface coils receivers onboard magnet
are combined with homogeneity and
deeper signal penetration of integrated
RF body coil

and is able to provide better isocenter images and better fat saturation. It also has the largest operating field of The GE units are the only systems which allow feet first imaging for ALL exams, increasing patient comfort.
ing and is the primary driver of image quality. The Philips coil system (dstream) is one of the most advanced coil
Noise Ratio), and allows more freedom when selecting coil elements. The cables are substantially lighter, easier to The Siemens MAGNETOM systems use Siemens' Day Optimizing Throughput (Dot) Engine. Dot reduces mouse clicks for patient personaliz
tomatic. The spine coil covers the full length of the table; therefore, patient positioning is inconsequential. This automation. The software is designed to optimize patient throughput with the integration of Siemens' Total imaging matrix (Tim) system. I
supported scanning protocols that match the patient clinical indication and condition.

pansion" without the need for hardware upgrades to increase the maximum number of RF channels. With dStream,
Pricing Information

Pricing for Popular Models

3.0T MRI Systems
(Mar 2022 - Mar 2023)

$7,000,000 ########







GE GE GE GE Philips Siemens Siemens Siemens
MR 7700
Architect 3.0T Pioneer Premier 3.0T Lumina Prisma Vida
Average List Price $5,196,936 $4,346,102 $4,955,256 $7,346,159 $5,136,474 $5,617,110 $3,617,281 $4,565,926 $4,714,251
Average Quoted Price $1,891,875 $1,590,646 $1,893,411 $2,115,363 $1,952,830 $1,718,965 $1,573,177 $3,302,603 $2,164,465

Typical Discounts Seen by Capital Guide Members

Quoted Discount Range

3.0T MRI Systems
(Mar 2022 - Mar 2023)









GE Philips Siemens Siemens Siemens
GE GE GE Philips
SIGNA Architect SIGNA Pioneer SIGNA Premier MR 7700
3.0T 3.0T Lumina Prisma Vida
Low 64% 63% 62% 57% 60% 69% 46% 27% 47%
Average 64% 63% 62% 71% 62% 69% 56% 27% 54%
High 64% 64% 62% 78% 65% 69% 60% 27% 61%

Service and Support Information

Model Warranty Est. Annual Service Cost
3.0T MRI Systems GE SIGNA Architect 1 Year $129,567
• Estimated Service Life: 10 Years GE SIGNA Hero 3.0T 1 Year $95,439
GE SIGNA Pioneer 1 Year $113,605
The average service cost for the GE SIGNA GE SIGNA Premier 1 Year $164,973
Pioneer and GE SIGNA Hero 3.0T have been
Philips Ingenia Elition 3.0T 1 Year $162,367
estimated at 6% of the average quoted cost of
the equipment. Philips MR 7700 1 Year $209,797
Siemens MAGNETOM Lumina 1 Year $130,041
Siemens MAGNETOM Prisma 1 Year $191,374
Siemens MAGNETOM Vida 1 Year $164,195

Capital Guide Market Intelligence Report | 3

Total Estimated Cost

Total Estimated 10-Year Cost of Equipment and Service

3.0T MRI Systems
Capital Service Total (Mar 2022 - Mar 2023)
Capital Equipment Cost Service Cost Total Estimated Cost
(Typical Configuration) (Excluding Warranty Period) (Capital Equip + Service)

SIGNA Architect

SIGNA Hero 3.0T

SIGNA Pioneer

SIGNA Premier

Ingenia Elition 3.0T

MR 7700




Additional Information

For updated information on Pricing, Vendor Discounts, Equipment Specifications,

or to request a Custom Report on this technology, Click Here: [email protected]

Want to know more? Go to MRI: The Essentials to access

Product Ratings, Selection and Use Guidance, and other vital information
on this technology


Market interest charts are based solely upon quotations submitted to ECRI by members of the Capital Guide advisory service. This data is not
validated market share and is time sensitive.

The technical information provided in this report may be derived from a number of sources, including manufacturers, clinical users, and member
facilities. We make every reasonable effort to ensure that it is up-to-date and verify it with the most knowledgeable sources. The contents of this
document should not be regarded as a guarantee of the safety, performance, or cost-effectiveness of any equipment, device, or system. This
document was created for ECRI member organizations and is copyrighted. It may not be shared with manufacturers or any third party without
written permission from ECRI.

©2023 ECRI. All Rights Reserved. This material is confidential, and use of the copyright notice is not intended to suggest or imply that the
material has been published or is available for public dissemination. This report was created for ECRI members and should not be reproduced or
transmitted to third parties without written permission from ECRI.

Capital Guide Market Intelligence Report | 4


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