Short Paper 1-2 Soc 371
Short Paper 1-2 Soc 371
Short Paper 1-2 Soc 371
On May 10th, 2021 a 13-year-old named Tristyn Bailey was found dead in the
woods in St. Johns. She was brutally stabbed 114 times by a 13-year-old boy by the
name of Aiden Fucci. They both lived in the same neighborhood and attended the same
private school. Later they found Fucci and took him into custody. He is currently being
This leads up to the question of why would a 13-year-old boy do that? Where
are his parents? What made him do such action? Did he know what he was doing?
What kind of influences did this child have? And these are all good questions. This case
is an example of the rise in juvenile violent crimes within the 21st century. People's article
mentioned, “While Fucci and his parents were sitting in a room at the sheriff's office and
were told that Bailey's body had been found, Fucci allegedly replied, "How is that my
problem?" (Baker) showing no remorse on what he did and dissociating himself from the
problem. Later on in the article they said “he took a selfie in the backseat of a patrol car
flashing a peace sign and posted it on Snapchat with the caption, "Hey guys has anybody
seen Tristyn lately?”(Baker) showing the whole world what he did and “flexing”
murdering her and being in a police car. This type of comment that Fucci made after
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committing such an inhuman crime is to impress others and influence those he has
around himself. Social learning theory is when one learns and emulates others behaviors
and applies the behaviors themselves seeking approval from others. Social Learning
theory explains this type of behavior and its connection to one's social environment.
This case exemplifies how social learning has much to do with who one is, especially
This case perfectly demonstrates all of the aspects that are incorporated into
social learning theory. This theory states that individuals learn from people or influences
that they are surrounded by in other words what they see and experience in their social
environment. The article described Fucci’s parents' Crystal Smith, his mother, and his
father Jason Fucci. Mainly focusing on Aiden's father Dixit mentioned “Jason's criminal
past also came to light after the Bailey murder case. It was reported that on January 1,
2003, Jason was accused of child abuse, injury, and neglect. On November 17, 2004, he
was found guilty and was sentenced to one year and two months in prison. On October
1, 2003, he was arrested for engaging in sexual activity with a 15-year-old girl at his
home. He was found guilty and was sentenced to two years of probation. With 158 days
given as credit, he violated the conditions and was jailed for 14 months. Jason was a
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In 2016, Jason was booked for battery. He was accused of getting into a fight at a gas
station with a couple while his son was present.”( Dixtin) When taking this information
into the context of social learning theory, “crime is learned through social interaction.
Within any society, people vary in their exposure to behavioral and normative patterns
through their associations with others (thus the notion of differential association).
“(Travis) this was the type of influence that Aiden had around him. And was influenced
by. When it comes to his father he did not have good morals nor made good deeds
during the time that Aiden was in his life. Aiden was born in 2007 which was after child
abuse and engaging in sexual activities with a minor, which means that the father raised
Aiden and shared his values with his son and used this with his parenting skills. If Jason
was able to commit child abuse he would act that same way toward his child. “For most
of us, our internal attitudes and beliefs about the world come from the people who either
parent us or with whom we spend significant time.” (Shelton) And even though Jason
was imprisoned for some time that could also have influenced Aiden because he already
spent time with him and is an authoritative figure for him. As a child they want to
impress and associate that with inner growth and strength also known as “meaning up or
The actions of Aiden are representing all of the factors that are incorporated with
social learning theory. Personal factors, environmental factors, and behavior factors.
When all of these factors occur and it is being reinforced or supported by any kind of
influence it allows the individual to want to do such action. An earlier study found that
behavioral and cognitive variables specified in the social learning process ... mediate
substantial, and in some instances virtually all, of the effects of gender, socio-economic
status, age, family structure, and community size on these forms of adolescent
deviance”(Aker) As previously mentioned Fucci was at the time a 13-year-old that was
involved in different types of environments such as his household and school. All of the
components that make a person who they are affect what teenagers do.
When it comes to gender behaviors it has been established that there are two
generalized terms for women and men, which are masculinity and femininity. These
terms are emphasized in gender roles. Certain qualities present males with the title or
perspective of being a masculine man; they must contain male attributes, hegemony
being the most prominent attribute. This is especially true when using masculinity in
relation to the criminal justice system. There is a systematic impact on masculinity when
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“masculine norms” and male dominance within a societal view. This type of masculinity
increases the possibility for boys and men to engage in criminal activities. Fucci was
recently presented in court and new testimonies were mentioned. “Friends of Fucci told
detectives he owned several knives, and that he’d thought about killing
someone.”(Harding) these are all items that represent violence and dominance. At such a
young age Fucci possessed these objects and used this as a form to obtain that feeling of
dominance within his friend group and his school. When looking at guns and knives
through a different lens, a social and normative lens we can see that these objects are
highly associated with male norms. Males pose more than 22% of guns and knives over
women in the United States. They are used for things such as hunting and fighting, it
masculinity can be seen as the currently accepted strategy to earn the highest rank of
teenager in school, there is the need for wanting to fit in and to be accepted, by showing
The attempt to achieve a certain level of masculinity can also have negative impacts on the
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person's Choices. Innicaly Fucci plead not guilty to first-degree murder claiming that he was
innocent although there was clear evidence towards him. The reporter Ashley Harding said “ Fucci
stunned the courtroom by pleading guilty to first-degree murder in the death of his 13-year-old
schoolmate.” now he is facing the possibility of life in person due to the choice he made that night
in killing bailey.“masculine status was undermined and he responded in the only way a ‘real man’
can, through anger and violence, to prove his manhood.” (Mcfarlane,332) this alludes to the fact
that men are unable to process emotions and express it through violence. As a young teen Fucci
experienced negative moments such as having a father that was already familiar with the criminal
justice system and still trying to figure out who he was as a young teenager there are many things
that he is confused about and cannot communicate. “Because social status can be ephemeral and
threatened relatively easily, youth often perceive the need to be vigilant about protecting their status
in nearly every encounter, especially when an audience is present.” (Collins,261) this goes to show
in the case of Aiden Fucci. When Fucci posted a snap on Snapchat saying "Hey guys has anybody
seen Tristyn lately?”(Baker) Demonstrated how he wanted everyone to know that he was
involved with the murder and maintain A high social status by making such statements in the back
of a police car. once again the development of one's self. Is greatly influenced by the social norms
of masculinity.
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Work Cited:
2) Clark, Roland. “What Are We Talking about When We Talk about White Men?”
Tamara D. Madensen, Leah E. Daigle, Noelle E. Fearn & Jacinta M. Gau (2010)
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9) Baker, KC. “When Told of Tristyn Bailey's Death, Teen Suspect Allegedly
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10)Dixit, Saumya. “Aiden Fucci, 14, Who Stabbed Tristyn Bailey 114 Times May
Have Had 'Traumatic Childhood' with Abusive Dad.” MEAWW, 1 June 2021,
14)Rios, Victor M. “The Consequences of the Criminal Justice Pipeline on Black and
Latino Masculinity.” The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social
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