Mil Reviewer

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MIL REVIEWER that texts can be produced, edited and

formatted depending on the goal: to

Module 3 entertain or to inform.

Dimensions of Media and Information Consequently, these texts are kept in

Literacy different file formats such as TXT, DOC,
RTF, PDF and PS.
Rouse (2015) defines a text as any
human-readable sequence of characters COMMON FILE FORMATS
that can form intelligible words. In
addition, text is a simple and flexible A standard text document that can be
format of presenting information or opened in any text editor or word
conveying ideas whether hand- processing application on different
written, printed, or displayed on-screen; operating systems
ergo, the term TEXT INFORMATION and
MEDIA. A native format for storing documents
created by MS word package
A more exciting format than the document
format because it supports text
Formatting: bold, italics and underlining
Plain Text Consists of fixed
sized characters An open standard format that supports
having essentially
images and graphics
the same type of
A page description language used mainly
Formatted Text Offers some for desktop publishing
control over the
appearance of
Now, we proceed to how text could be
Hypertext Serves to link presented in the different forms of media.
different electronic
documents and
enable users to
from one to is used to express formality in texts. It is
another in a usually used for the body of text
nonlinear way. books, newspapers and research
Remember that these days, texts are
generated with the use of word is used to express clear and direct
processing technology. This means meaning of the text. It is usually used for
road signage, building directory or loss of data as the compression algorithm
nutrition facts in food packages. eliminates redundant or unnecessary
information and simplifies data. MP3 files
make use of this format.
is used for display and
trade printing. It is usually used in wedding COMMON AUDIO FORMATS
invitation cards and other formal events.
It is also known as MPEG-1 or MPEG-2
is used to express a wide variety of Audio layer III. This greatly reduces
emotions or themes. the size of the file, but still retains the
quality of an uncompressed audio file by
getting rid of unnecessary audio found in
the audio file, especially audio that cannot
Audio is also an essential part of media. It be heard by humans.
is easy to see the importance of audio in
all of the media we used. When used Windows Media Audio is a Microsoft file
correctly, audio media is capable of format for encoding digital audio files
setting the mood and improving the similar to MP3. WMA files also follow lossy
media in which it is used. compressed audio format and it is one of
the competitors of the MP3 format.
There are three main categories of audio
formats: UNCOMPRESSED FORMATS, Waveform Audio File Format is a file
LOSSLESS COMPRESSIONS FORMATS, format that was developed by Microsoft
LOSSY COMPRESSION FORMATS. and IBM that uses lossless data
compression. WAV files came with
1. Uncompressed audio format is also Windows 95 making it the standard audio
known as Pulse-code modulation (PCM) format.
format, which does not use no
compression. This means that all data in Real Audio is a proprietary format, which
the audio file is available. Files with the means that its use is restricted. It is used
WAV audio file format is an example of for streaming audio that enables you to
this category. play a digital audio file in real-time or
while it is being downloaded.
2. Lossless Compressed Audio Format is
a compressed format, but would retain all Musical Instrument Digital Interface uses
of the file’s data. This type of audio format lossy data compression. MIDI is
reduces the space of silence in the audio more similar to sheet music that plays
file. Files with WMA and FLAC audio file notes, with pitch, length, and volume,
formats make use of this format. instead of an audio file.

3. Lossy Compressed Audio Format Audio can be produced and edited using
compresses audio files even further and it many different software. In order for you to
results to some start your audio editing days, here are
some of the common audio editing white or grayscale having a number of
packages and their features. gray shades or color containing a number
of color shades.
AUDACITY- This is a popular open-source
audio editor that can be used in various Examples of Visual Information and
operating systems. Audacity has built in Media:
support for many types of files such as
WAV, OGG, MP3 and FLAC Ideograms are graphical symbols that
represent ideas.
OCEANAUDIO- This software package
differs from the rest by having a nice
interface with just a few essential buttons
and an area to drop audio files for editing.

WAVOSAUR- This software package is

extremely small with a total size of 289 KB,
and can be easily downloaded with even
the slowest internet speeds. This package Statistical Visualizations refer to the
does not even require installation, but it study and creation of data using visual
still has the capabilities of a regular audio representation.
editing software.

RINGTONE MAKER- This software was

designed to create ringtones. It can
extract the parts of the audio you want
and save it as a ringtone, alarm or
Pictures are designs or representations
MP3DIRECTCUT- This software package made by various means such as painting,
is even smaller than WAVOSAUR with a drawing or photography.
size of 133KB. It is a small MP3 editor and
recorder for Windows.

Visual media are symbols, pictures, icons,

and signs that communicate with one’s
sense of sight, Oftentimes, some media
rely heavily on an image without the use
of words.

Therefore, it is but proper that we Graphic Designs refer to the art of

understand what an image is. An image is combining text and pictures to
a type of visual information that you communicate information.
normally see as either pure black and
design. It is used almost exclusively as a
lossless image storage format that uses
no compression at al.

● Portable Network Graphic is

usually used for digital art for it
supports 24 bit color as a

● Bitmap (BMP) is an uncompressed

proprietary format invented by
Now, let us discuss the common visual Microsoft. Most often than not,
media types. These are the ways by which images found on Web sites are in
you can save visual information. GIF and JPG formats. The TIFF is
not a known image format because
most Web browsers do not support
it. PNG is much like a GIF but is not
a viable substitute for JPG because
the latter allows for greater
● The Graphic Interchange Format compression while minimally
(GIF) can render the image exactly reducing image quality.
if the image has fewer than 256
colors. However, when the image The Elements and Design Principles of
contains more than 256 colors, the Visual Information and Media
software that creates GIF uses an
algorithm to approximate the a.) Consistency refers to the steadiness or
colors in the image within the evenness of margins, typeface, typestyle,
available color palette. and colors in slide presentations or
documents that are more than one page.
● Joint Photographic Experts Group
(JPEG, JPG) can work by analyzing b.) Center of interest is the area that first
images discarding kinds of attracts the audience’ attention in a
information that the eye is least composition. Oftentimes, the objects or
likely to notice. Unlike the GIF, elements that are considered important
JPEG is optimized for photographs are given more colors.
and similar continuous tone images
that contain many, many colors. c.) Balance refers to the visual equality in
shape, form, value, and color. It can be
● Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) symmetrical and evenly or asymmetrical
is a very flexible format that is used and unevenly balanced.
for desktop publishing and graphic
d.) Harmony refers to the how the
elements work
together to achieve one goal. online.

e.) Contrast means to show a difference in MPG Formats the common format file that
the elements found in the visual media. It is standardized by the Moving Picture
offers some change in value creating a Experts Group. It is based on television
visual discord in a composition. standards used in the United States.

f.) Directional movement is a visual flow The elements of motion information and
through the composition. media:

Pictures or images when integrated in Speed refers to the movement used in

moving texts and graphics on a display motion picture.
would be called as motion media and
information. Motion media are a Direction refers to the course along which
combination of visual information and the person or object moves.
audio information. They appeal to the
senses of sight and sound so it is more Timing refers to the specific period of
impactful in delivering a message than time when something happens.
forms that use texts only or sounds only.
Transition refers to the evolution or
COMMON MOTION MEDIA TYPES development of one scene to another
Flash Video Format has been growing
in popularity due to its cross-platform Blurring refers to the censoring of some
nature. It is consistent and can be used information for security, decency or to
equally well on personal computers and give a sense of surprise.
Here are the distinct features of
Audio Video Interleave Format was multimedia:
developed by Microsoft. It stores data that
can be encoded in many different codecs ● Multimedia is nonlinear
and can contain both audio and video Since multimedia uses a variety of media
data. to relay the information, the author or user
can freely navigate from one point of
Quicktime Format is a very common presentation to another. This means that
format that was developed by Apple. The unlike some forms of media, the use of
format contains separate tracks used for multimedia is not restricted by the
storing the video, audio, text and the chronological or logical sequencing of
effects of the file. content.

MP4 Format, also known as MPEG 4 Part ● Multimedia is interactive

14 is mostly used to store audio and visual Interactivity allows the user to control,
streams combine and manipulate media.
Furthermore, this permits the user to not. Some examples include Web sites and
embed hyperlinks, drop downs menus or video games. Social media is a kind of
clickable tabs/ buttons in order to interactive media because they use
navigate other points within and outside graphics and texts that allow the sharing
the multimedia presentation. of information between users. Video
games are also considered examples of
● Multimedia modality is digital interactive media or manipulative media
This enables the user to instantly access because the players or users are able to
different portions of a stored data. This is control and respond to visual and sound
because of the rotate. cues on the screen that are generated by
a computer program.


What is media language? Orbelar (2009)

as cited in Bautista and Ignacio (2016)
state that media language is a method,
which consists of signs and symbols,
utilized by information producers to
convey meanings to their audiences.

According to Revano (2016), the different

types of media languages are visual
language, aural language, written
language, and non-verbal language.

Visual Aural Written Non-Verb

Language Language language al
broadly refers to Pertains Language
refers to diegetic to text refers to
Manipulative media is defined as any
codes and sound/no language body
material, program, or application that effects used n-diegetic that languages
people use to formulate new information in television sounds generates (gestures,
to aid learning through the use, analysis, and film, e.g., that help meaning, facial
camera create a expression
evaluation, and production of interactive movements scene’s Texts , etc…) The
and hands-on media. and angles environm allow the meaning
convey the ent, publicatio received
Manipulative media is otherwise known meaning of atmosphe n to by the
the story of re and present a audience
as interactive media, which means that scene mood. story in a is seen
the media particular through
engage the user and interact with him or Diegetic way. how the
sounds actors use
her in a way that non-interactive media do
are raw their body.
• One’s role in the society, i.e., a student
sounds in may interpret the message differently
audio-vid compared to someone who is a working
eo adult;
(voices, • Group purposes – one’s reason for
footsteps, consuming the message affects his
etc…) understanding of it, i.e., when one watches
while for entertainment, he tends to be less
etic critical of the hidden intention of the
sounds message;
are the • Professional and organizational
preferences and prerequisites – one’s
that have
been biases toward the message may affect his
added in interpretation of it; and
the • Cultural constraints – the culture one
belongs to may have a different way of
stage of looking at things compared to other
the cultures.

Media messages can be further

understood when an audience has
a good grasp of the following constructs:
genres, codes, and conventions.

Genre is a French word for

Media Conventions
“type” or “kind.” It is a significant
component in understanding literature,
theater, film,television, and other art and Conventions Key Concepts
media forms.
Story principles Storylines -
Convention is a practice or storylines;
technique that is generally interrelated
used in a field. storylines

Code is a system or collection of signs Themes – values

that create meaning when put together.
Roles of Genre in Understanding Media
Messages Motifs –
events, objects, or

Form and Linear Narrative Elements of page Elements of page

structure –chronological layout layout
structure of the consideration:
narrative space, hierarchy,
images and size,
Circular narrative color,
– repeated plot white
points; space/negative
space, text,
Flashback/Flash headlines, font and
forward narrative size, etc...
– inclusion of
flashbacks or Hyperlinking and Embedded links
flash-forwards mounting within online

Character Character Creating a

establishment; platform for the
character media
development; content/product
character to be viewed by
motivation the audience

Cause and effect Twists in

storyline narratives that
engage audiences Young (2017) says that akin to media
conventions, media codes are considered
Point on view Point of view from as all forms of media. There are three
which the
common types of codes: technical codes,
narrative is
presented symbolic codes and written codes.

POV referring to a
SHOT taken from
a character’s point
of view

Structuring of Temporal order –

time the order in which
the story is

duration – the
manipulation of
effect on an audience’s reading of a
narrative. By manipulating color, the
creator suggests a preferred reading of
the text.

A. Symbolic Codes

One way to analyze media representations

is through denotations and connotations.

Denotation is the literal aspect of an

information while connotation refers to the
meaning or interpretation people
associate with an information.
Mise-en-scène [mēz ˌän ˈsen] is a French
term that means everything within the
Ferdinand de Saussure and Charles
frame. The following constructs are
Pierce used the terms signifier
deemed as the four aspects
(denotation) and signified (connotation)
of mise-en-scène.
in their discussion of semiotics, which is
deemed as the study of signs and

B. Technical Codes
Technical codes refer to the equipment or
materials that are used to tell the story in a
media text such as camera angles and
techniques, framing, depth of fields,
lighting, and exposure. The type of film
shot or the manner of capturing a scene or
Color has a huge psychological impact on
even the way the scenes are spliced and
audience, both in print and moving image.
put together through editing suggests a
Color is often an element that a creator
particular meaning.
will rely on to convey ideological meaning
for the audience. Color grading as an
1. Camera Shots. A camera shot is the
editing technique has a psychological
amount of space that is seen in one shot
or frame. Camera shots are used to
demonstrate different aspects of a film's
setting, characters and themes, making
them very important in shaping meaning
in a film.

2.) Camera Angles. The angle of the

camera is the angle from which the image
is viewed. The camera angle can have a
major impact on how the audience will
perceive a character, object or place.
3.) CAMERA MOVEMENTS. Composers of
films also use camera movement to shape

C. Written Codes

Written codes refer to the use of

language style and textual layout
(headlines, captions, speech bubbles,
among others). Captions, titles, taglines,
and other language elements are also
utilized in a way that may suggest a

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