Mil Reviewer
Mil Reviewer
Mil Reviewer
3. Lossy Compressed Audio Format Audio can be produced and edited using
compresses audio files even further and it many different software. In order for you to
results to some start your audio editing days, here are
some of the common audio editing white or grayscale having a number of
packages and their features. gray shades or color containing a number
of color shades.
AUDACITY- This is a popular open-source
audio editor that can be used in various Examples of Visual Information and
operating systems. Audacity has built in Media:
support for many types of files such as
WAV, OGG, MP3 and FLAC Ideograms are graphical symbols that
represent ideas.
OCEANAUDIO- This software package
differs from the rest by having a nice
interface with just a few essential buttons
and an area to drop audio files for editing.
e.) Contrast means to show a difference in MPG Formats the common format file that
the elements found in the visual media. It is standardized by the Moving Picture
offers some change in value creating a Experts Group. It is based on television
visual discord in a composition. standards used in the United States.
f.) Directional movement is a visual flow The elements of motion information and
through the composition. media:
POV referring to a
SHOT taken from
a character’s point
of view
duration – the
manipulation of
effect on an audience’s reading of a
narrative. By manipulating color, the
creator suggests a preferred reading of
the text.
A. Symbolic Codes
B. Technical Codes
Technical codes refer to the equipment or
materials that are used to tell the story in a
media text such as camera angles and
techniques, framing, depth of fields,
lighting, and exposure. The type of film
shot or the manner of capturing a scene or
Color has a huge psychological impact on
even the way the scenes are spliced and
audience, both in print and moving image.
put together through editing suggests a
Color is often an element that a creator
particular meaning.
will rely on to convey ideological meaning
for the audience. Color grading as an
1. Camera Shots. A camera shot is the
editing technique has a psychological
amount of space that is seen in one shot
or frame. Camera shots are used to
demonstrate different aspects of a film's
setting, characters and themes, making
them very important in shaping meaning
in a film.
C. Written Codes