T97 FRF Besok en
T97 FRF Besok en
T97 FRF Besok en
Received by
the Swedish Migration Agency
Address Sex
Male Female
Daytime telephone number Email address
Citizenship Sex
Male Female
Present place of residence and country Case number
(He or she shall show proof of income, assets and any dependants he or she has to support. Salary and other income can be proven
by e.g. witnessed copies of pay slips and bank account statements. The information should be included in the applicant’s application
but can also be included here.)
How does the applicant support him or herself in his or her home country? Profession or occupation
Type of leave
Holiday Leave of absence Has resigned Other, specify:
If the applicant is studying – State type of leave
Study break School holidays Other, specify:
Has the applicant been in Sweden before? Yes No
If yes, state when
Does the applicant have travel medical insurance for the journey and stay in Sweden? Yes No
Where will he or she travel after visiting Sweden? Has he or she permission to travel into that country?
8. Other information
9. Assurance
I declare that the information that I have provided is true and that I have not knowingly omitted anything
that could be of significance in an examination of this application.
NOTE! Without a signature this form is invalid.
Write the case number on all attached documents you send to us. You will find the number at the top right
corner of the letter that we sent to you.
When you have filled in the form and signed it you must send it with the attachments to:
601 70 Norrköping