Kapoor Singh Rana Vs State of Delhi
Kapoor Singh Rana Vs State of Delhi
Kapoor Singh Rana Vs State of Delhi
), 126(2006)DLT367,
2006(86)DRJ428, (2005)ILR 2Delhi961, 2006(1)RCR(Criminal)943
Crl. Appeal No. 585/1999
Decided On: 17.11.2005
Appellants: Kapoor Singh Rana
Respondent: State of Delhi
Hon'ble Judges/Coram:
Manmohan Sarin and Manju Goel, JJ.
For Appellant/Petitioner/plaintiff: Rebecca M. John, Adv
For Respondents/Defendant: Ravinder Chadha and Jagdish Prasad, Advs.
Case Note:
Penal Code, 1860
Sections 307 & 34 - Allegation of throwing of acid on the victim who expired
before commencement of Trial--Statement of mother of victim not revealing
the name of the accused--Statement recorded by police under Section 151 not
to be used as evidence on account of bar under Section 162--Explanation to
Section 162 providing that omission to state a significant fact may amount to
contradiction--The mother of victim also saw the accused leaving the place--
Statement of mother found to be truthful and omission offered as
Investigating Officer did not put any question relating to identity of accuse--
Conviction, affirmed--No intention to cause death but only grievous hurt--
Conviction, modified to Section 326 and sentence of life reduce to
imprisonment for seven years.
Manju Goel, J.
1. The appeal arises out of a judgment of conviction under Section 307 of Indian Penal
Code (in short 'IPC') by the Additional District & Sessions Judge, Delhi in a case in
which injury to the victim was caused by throwing acid on her person.
2. The salient feature of this case is that the injured, Sunita Devi, on whose statement
the FIR was registered expired before the trial could commence. There is no evidence
regarding the cause of her death and, Therefore, there is no effort to relate her death to
the injuries suffered by throwing of acid. Apparently there was no eye witness to the
actual occurrence. She named the petitioner as the person who had thrown acid on her.
The FIR accordingly recorded the name of the accused. The victim could not be
examined during trial. The evidence against the accused/appellant is the testimony of
the victim's mother who saw the accused leaving the house and claims to have been
told by the victim that the appellant had thrown acid on her. Another salient feature of
the case is that in the statement of the mother recorded by the Investigating Officer
under Section 161 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (in short 'Cr.P.C.'), the name of