Amr-2018-0482 - Rigor Qualitative - Active Categorization
Amr-2018-0482 - Rigor Qualitative - Active Categorization
Amr-2018-0482 - Rigor Qualitative - Active Categorization
Scholars have long debated how rigor can be achieved in qualitative analysis. To answer this
question, we need to better understand how theory is generated from data. Qualitative analysis is,
at its core, a categorization process. Nevertheless, despite a surge of interest in categorization
within the social sciences, insights from categorization theory have not yet been applied to our
understanding of qualitative analysis. Drawing from categorization theory, we argue that the
movement from data to theory is an active process in which researchers choose between multiple
moves that help them to make sense of their data. In addition, we develop a framework of the
main moves that people use when they categorize data and demonstrate that evidence of these
moves can also be found in past qualitative scholarship. Our framework emphasizes that if we
are not sufficiently reflexive and explicit about the active analytical processes that generate
theoretical insights, we cannot be transparent and, thus, rigorous about how we analyze data. We
discuss the implications of our framework for increasing rigor in qualitative analysis, for actively
constructing categories from data, and for spurring more methodological plurality within
qualitative theory building.
Acknowledgements: We would like to thank Associate Editor Heather Haveman and the
following people for their help on this paper: Beth Bechky, Christine Beckman, Julia DiBenigno,
Karen Golden-Biddle, Ann Goodsel, Gerardo Okhuysen, Siobhan O'Mahony, Melissa
Mazmanian, John Van Maanen and Mark Zbaracki.
Qualitative analysis is a central tool for developing new theory (Edmondson & McManus, 2007;
Eisenhardt, 1989). In recent years, there has been a call for increasing the rigor of qualitative
research (Lamont & White, 2008; Lubet, 2017; Pratt, Kaplan, & Whittington, 2020; Small,
2013). This debate on rigor has led some organizational scholars to ask, more specifically, “How
can inductive researchers apply systematic conceptual and analytical discipline that leads to
credible interpretations of data and also helps to convince readers that the conclusions are
plausible and defensible?” (Gioia, Corley, & Hamilton, 2013: 15). In fact, the question of rigor
descriptions of how they moved from data to theory (Bansal & Corley, 2011). To demonstrate
rigor, then, qualitative scholars need to detail more effectively “the actual strategies used for
collecting, coding, analyzing, and presenting data when generating theory” (Glaser & Strauss,
1967: 244). When conducting qualitative analysis, we generally identify categories in our data.
These categories are generally described as codes or groupings of codes, such as the first- and
second-order codes and overarching categories often described in classical grounded theory
(Strauss & Corbin, 1990). These categories later become the concepts and mechanisms that form
not yet drawn more purposely on categorization theory to penetrate the challenges faced by
sociologists, and management scholars has focused on understanding how humans construct and
categorize the components of their world (Bingham & Kahl, 2013; Bloom, 2000; Khaire &
Wadhwani, 2010; Lamont & Molnar, 2002; Murphy & Lassaline, 1997; Rosch, 1978; Vergne &
Wry, 2014). Categorization is the process through which individuals group elements together to
generate an understanding of their world (Bowker & Star, 2000). Importantly, individuals have
been shown to actively construct categories based on the existing knowledge and the intentions
they bring to the categorization process (Berger & Luckmann, 1967; Searle & Willis, 1995). Yet,
often this active categorization process is not evident in how qualitative researchers report their
research, which makes it difficult for readers to assess the researchers' analytical process.
Bringing categorization theory into the debate on how qualitative scholars achieve rigor
allows us to reflect on the active role that we as researchers play in the construction of the
categories critical to theory building. Such reflexivity can then allow us to articulate exactly what
we did so that others can better understand how we moved from data to theory. Oftentimes, "we
do not really know how the researcher got from 1,000 pages of field notes and transcriptions to
the final conclusions, as sprinkled with vivid illustrations as they may be " (Miles, Huberman, &
Saldaña, 2014: 5). This is problematic for all scholars trying to evaluate the results of such
pursuits, but even more so for junior scholars, who look to and try to learn from published pieces
for guidance on how to generate theoretical insights. The current lack of reflexivity also stands in
the way of theory development by limiting the repertoire into which scholars currently tap when
analyzing data and by artificially constraining the pathways that newcomers drawing upon
In this article, we integrate insights from both categorization theory and existing
role in theory building. The framework includes the main analytical moves upon which scholars
might rely to sift through their data and serves as an invitation for them to both be more reflexive
and more transparent about their analytical processes. (Table 1 provides an overview of this
qualitative theory building. By integrating categorization theory with insights from existing but
at times neglected qualitative scholarship, we identify specific moves. In other words, while
evidence of corresponding analytical strategies exists within qualitative scholarship, these moves
have not, as such, been explicated. Specifically, we highlight eight main moves—asking
relating and/or contrasting categories, sequencing categories, and developing and/or dropping
working hypotheses—that can provide analytical scaffolding to facilitate the often-daunting task
overview of each move, including a definition of it and examples of how it has been applied in
Ultimately, we suggest that researchers can demonstrate rigor by detailing more precisely
how they have purposefully drawn on a broad and diverse set of moves to engage with their data.
This approach advocates that we are more candid and explicit about both the goals and the
process driving theory development. Moreover, we argue that different moves can be used to
generate insights during different phases of the research process and that no one template should
be reified as the true way to achieve rigor (Abbott, 2004, p. 52). That is true for Table 1 as
well—this is not a framework that should be applied as a template. Instead researchers should
apply the moves that allow them to generate insightful categories from their data and
subsequently report verbally and/or visually the often messy process that resulted. In short, we
not only answer the call for increased rigor but also encourage scholars to deploy their full and
Qualitative scholars have long tried to achieve a better understanding of how readers are
convinced by ethnographic texts and how limited cases can lend themselves to rigorous
interpretation (Golden-Biddle & Locke, 1993; Small, 2009, 2013; Staw, 1995). A debate has
recently ignited about how to improve methodological rigor (Gioia, Corley, & Hamilton, 2013).
To pre-empt skepticism about qualitative rigor, scholars have articulated broad guidelines on
how to conduct qualitative research properly by calling on scholars to develop “a coding scheme
and, insofar as possible, provide a sample of likely coding categories” (Lamont & White, 2008:
143), yet they have been less explicit about how to do so.
In practice, many management scholars have translated the call for rigor into a need to
follow seemingly proven and tested templates in written accounts of their analytical processes
(Bansal & Corley, 2011; Langley & Abdallah, 2015). While templates might prove useful in
some circumstances, they can also obfuscate the researcher’s generative role in the analytical
process when applied indiscriminately. Moreover, using templates can hinder scholarly output
because it constrains the multiple ways in which rich qualitative data can be mined for insights
and have the unintended consequence of generated undue homogeneity in qualitative theory
building. As Swidler and Lamont (2014) argue, “Method debates are in fact theory debates” (p.
157). Even Strauss and Corbin (1990) caution against the use of templates: "We realize that
beginners need structure and that placing the data into discrete boxes makes them feel more in
control of their analyses” (p. 129). They then add, “Analysts who rigidify the process are like
artists who try too hard: Although their creations might be technically correct, they fail to capture
the essence of the objects represented, leaving viewers feeling slightly cheated. Our advice is to
let it happen. The rigor and vigor will follow." Put otherwise, qualitative scholars may adopt
different approaches when moving from data to theory; we argue that these various approaches
Here, we draw on categorization theory to explicate how researchers decipher their data
and actively construct categories at different stages of the analytical process. In the process, we
unpack how a qualitative scholar might “let it happen” (in Strauss and Corbin’s terminology)
while still ensuring that readers can both evaluate the scholar’s analytical process and be better
guided in their own future pursuits. Instead of promoting a unique template, we posit that
rigorous qualitative analysis can be achieved by being transparent and detailed about individuals’
active categorization choices during the process of discovery (Glaser & Strauss, 1967: 244).
Such an approach to rigor means that readers assessing the move from data to theory are able to
grasp and evaluate more clearly the many decisions made by researchers in their analytical
pursuits (Eisenhardt, Graebner, & Sonenshein, 2016). This approach also encourages us to be
more reflexive about our own research processes and how we build insights from our data
(Bourdieu & Wacquant, 1992), which can help us achieve a stronger theoretical contribution.
At its core, the process of qualitative analysis entails sifting through data to generate new
categories that can form the foundation for new theoretical insights (Becker, 2008; Charmaz,
1983; Fine, 1993; Golden-Biddle & Locke, 2007; Spradley, 1979; Strauss & Corbin, 1990; Van
Maanen, 2011). As Charmaz explains, “As the researcher categorizes, he or she raises the
conceptual level of the analysis from description to a more abstract theoretical level” (Charmaz,
2006: 186). Van Maanen (1979: 541) likewise emphasizes “categorizing” as a step to move from
data to more general findings. In addition, Corbin and Strauss (1990: 7) stress the importance of
progressing from examining raw data to constructing and labeling larger groupings that capture
advocate identifying similarities between subordinate categories and merging them to create
larger groupings. Importantly, within qualitative data, these categories are sometimes concepts
and at other times mechanisms, where mechanisms are categories of actions or behaviors that
relate the concepts to each other (Davis & Marquis, 2005; Hedström & Swedberg, 1996).
The challenge of creating categories is exacerbated when data are rich and layered; this is
true of much qualitative data. The richer and more layered the data, the more decisions the
researcher needs to make in order to generate categories that form the basis for novel insights.
Qualitative data tend to be rich and layered because they are often longitudinal (such that
categories might vary over time) (Langley, 1999), are collected on an ongoing basis (such that
the categories created initially no longer prove relevant later in the collection phase) (Lopez &
Phillips, 2019), or derive from participants or data sources with differing perspectives (such that
categories across participants or sources might differ) (Lofland & Lofland,1971). Nevertheless,
while categorization is at the heart of qualitative analysis, we have not yet looked to theories of
Scholars have long recognized that humans need to create categories to reduce the amount of
Bowker & Star, 2000; Lakoff, 2008; Rosch, 1978). Categories are actively and socially
constructed through a complex and multifaceted process that is driven by the knowledge, goals,
and contexts in which the categorization process unfolds (Barsalou, 1983; Berger & Luckmann,
1967; Durand & Paolella, 2013; Murphy & Medin, 1985; Searle & Willis, 1995). For example,
when antique dealers source pieces to acquire for their collection, they might distinguish them by
century rather than grouping them by function, thus sorting the pieces, in effect, based on their
goals and knowledge structures. By contrast, lay people would most likely sort antique furniture
by salient functional features, for example, grouping all chairs together or all tables together. In
other words, faced with the same set of elements, and depending on people’s goals and existing
knowledge, the sorting process will proceed differently, and people will ultimately most likely
generate distinct groupings (Barsalou, 1983). The creation of categories can therefore not be
decoupled from the person(s) who created them or the context in which they were created.
This active construction of categories not only shapes which categories are generated but
also the process through which they are created. As the knowledge and goals of the categorizer
categorization is not linear and rational but characterized by iteration, detours, and regression
(Bloom, 2000). Categories are often later forgotten. Some of these forgotten categories are lost
forever, whereas others are recreated at a later stage, when the need for the same category arises
(Siegler, 1998).
This active process also shapes the internal relationship between categories. Initially,
scholars asserted that categories were organized hierarchically: Each overarching category
encompassed all the other categories underlying it (Murphy & Lassaline, 1997). For example,
“beef,” “lamb,” and “pork” can all be viewed as subsets of the overarching category “meat,”
which in turn belongs to the overarching category “food.” This view, however, has been
challenged. First, scholars have found that not all categories are organized around hierarchies
(Rosch, 1978). Second, recent developments in categorization theory have emphasized that such
sorting is often contextual and dependent on the goal. If the goal is to consume only grass-fed
meat (Weber, Heinze, & DeSoucey, 2008), then one might reorder these elements into grass-fed
and traditionally-fed meat, regardless of the type of animal from which the meat is derived. Such
a grouping can recast elements into very different categories and produce new relations between
Applied to qualitative analysis, such agency in generating categories suggests that there
could be an infinite number of perspectives on a particular data set, depending on the context and
on the coder’s knowledge and goals. Furthermore, people’s perspectives and goals evolve as
categories are created, forgotten, and at times resurrected throughout the analysis process.
Theory development encompasses many decisions that are anything but pre-defined and are
therefore difficult to fit into templates. The scholar is always at the center of the process and is
While an active perspective on theory building has not been at the center of qualitative analysis
published in management scholarship (Bansal & Corley, 2011; Langley & Abdallah, 2015), a
close reading across decades of scholarship on qualitative analysis reveals that there is support
for the active approach as an analytical strategy (Becker, 2008; Eisenhardt, 1989; Fine, 1993;
Golden-Biddle & Locke, 2007; Langley, 1999; Miles et al., 2014; Spradley, 1979; Van Maanen,
2011). We propose that many of the moves used in qualitative analysis mirror processes
identified in categorization theory. For instance, Becker (2008) outlines “tricks” that qualitative
researchers can use to build theory. He encourages researchers to actively start elaborating
categories by asking themselves what questions their data can answer. As he articulates it, “The
reformulated questions constitute the beginnings of conceptual construction” (p. 122). Overall,
Becker suggests that asking questions may be what paves the way for theoretical development.
Similarly, Lofland and his colleagues (2006: 201) advise that “where the rubber hits the road, so
to speak” is when “you begin to condense and organize your data into categories that make sense
in terms of your relevant interests, commitments, literatures, and/or perspectives.” Thus, many
qualitative researchers can actively approach their data to derive insights. These
recommendations inform the moves (detailed next) that constitute the building blocks of our
In the following pages, we integrate insights from categorization theory with insights from the
moves in which qualitative researchers engage when sifting through data and developing theory.
We detail how these eight moves can generate multiple pathways toward theory development.
Like different swimming strokes, these moves enable researchers to swim differently through
their data and reach diverse destinations. As such, they should be viewed as examples of possible
moves. Analytical moves can be actively recombined in many ways to create multiple paths to
insight, depending on the unfolding of the research process and/or the phenomenon in question.
Researchers will then themselves be able to identify more moves and to recombine them in
potentially infinite ways to create a rigorous data-analysis description with a fully transparent
analytical process.
One way to think about the active categorization framework is to consider these eight
moves in relation to three general stages in the analytical process: generating initial categories,
refining tentative categories, and stabilizing categories. Since analyzing data is a “live” and
iterative process (Locke, Feldman, & Golden-Biddle, 2015), all moves can be useful at all stages
of the process. Some moves, however, might be more relevant and more likely to be deployed at
specific stages. In Table 1, the shading of each move during a particular analytical stage
represents our expectations of its likelihood to occur at that time. In the following section, we
Very few qualitative scholars approach field settings as fully blank slates (Lofland et al., 2006).
Typically, qualitative scholars engage in early moves aimed at generating insights to prime the
theory-building process (Spradley, 1979). When they are selecting field topics and starting to
collect data, they draw on their existing knowledge and experiences to imagine possible
pathways, setting aside others that do not trigger their curiosity. Thus, the choices and focus that
researchers bring to their empirical inquiry seed the categorization process. We identified as
central to this early seeding process two moves associated with generating initial categories:
asking questions and focusing on puzzles. Here we define these moves, relate them to
methodological strategies that we have identified in existing qualitative scholarship, and provide
empirical examples.
Asking questions. Categorization theory suggests that how humans make sense of the world
depends on their prior understanding and initial goals (Barsalou, 1983; Durand & Paolella, 2013;
Murphy & Medin, 1985). Deprived of existing categories, we would not be able to integrate or
understand the world around us. Our existing categories are the foundations for the new
categories that we form when presented with novel stimuli (Armstrong, Gleitman, & Gleitman,
1983). In particular, we categorize the same objects differently depending on the goals we are
trying to achieve and the questions we ask of the world. Barsalou (1983), for example, points out
that the categories people formulate to prepare to go camping consist of heterogeneous objects—
such as boots, tents, and sleeping bags—that are united because they are useful for achieving the
same goal. By contrast, given a different goal (such as going to work), boots and tents would not
be viewed as part of the same category. Asking questions is the move in which researchers draw
on their existing categories to select and approach their field settings with specific questions to
which they would like answers. By asking questions, and thereby restricting their goals upfront,
researchers begin to craft initial (possible) categories while they are collecting and analyzing
their data. This is not to say that early questions are not revised or that new ones do not surface
during analysis, but the initial path through the data is determined by which questions are asked.
methods reveals that asking questions has been suggested as a move to initiate theory building
(Glaser & Strauss, 1967; Spradley, 1979; Strauss, 1987). Although many qualitative scholars
allow themselves to be guided by their field data and interactions, they still enter the field with
some preconceptions and a history of past research designs and questions (Golden-Biddle &
Locke, 2007). As Cohen (2013) lucidly reports, “many of the choices made in my [qualitative]
research design followed directly from past research” (p. 435). This pattern explains why Strauss
(1987) labels one common approach to qualitative data analysis a “theory elaboration exercise,”
one in which past literature serves as a springboard for asking questions to spur new lines of
research “in service of discovering” a new and more encompassing theory (p. 306). Similarly,
Spradley (1979) suggests that asking questions is a core part of the early discovery process
because it is through questions that researchers create initial categories for the problem they are
trying to understand.
Likewise, many scholars recommend ongoing efforts to answer the key question in
generalizing beyond the chosen empirical setting: What is this a case of? Asking this question
allows for an exploration of the conceptual possibilities offered by the data (Glaser & Strauss,
1967: 24), thereby generating theoretical insights that “bump things up a level of generality”
(Luker, 2008: 138). Another reason why asking questions is an important part of the research
process is that it helps the researcher to manage the complexity and overload of data, which can
stand in the way of theoretical insights. Without such questioning, “The result is death by data
asphyxiation—the slow and inexorable sinking into the swimming pool which started so cool,
clear, and inviting and now has become a clinging mass of maple syrup” (Pettigrew, 1990: 281).
Even if questions are not fully articulated, they are nonetheless ubiquitous in the mind of many
researchers and offer gateways into the initial process of category construction and theory
how authors have used questions to jump-start their theory development. Grodal, Nelson, and
Siino (2015) describe their process: “Initially, our observations focused on [the] grand tour
question (Spradley,1979): ‘How do helping behaviors unfold?’ Over time, however, as our
inquiry became more focused on specific aspects of helping behavior, the nature of these
questions changed to reflect our growing understanding” (p. 140). Because the authors asked this
question, helping behavior became the focus of their study, even though their data also spoke to
other phenomena. Deeper into their analysis, they began to wonder how engagement is sustained
during helping routines. Hence, their questions shifted at each stage and in many ways shaped
the categories on which they honed in during their finer-grained analysis. This approach of
iterative questioning is not unique: When describing the analytical process she followed in her
study of employees’ use of mobile devices, Mazmanian (2013) similarly reports asking questions
of her data (p. 1231). Likewise, in her study of women doing “unpaid” work in VIP nightclubs,
Mears (2015) asks the core question “Why do workers participate in their own exploitation?” as
a trigger to her analytical process (p. 1099). With these questions in mind, these scholars were
able to spearhead unique trajectories through their data. Asking questions is thus an important
move in qualitative research because it allows researchers to proactively direct their analysis
toward a specific theoretical end, making it more likely that the initial categories that emerge
Focusing on puzzles. Initial categories are also generated by focusing on puzzles, the move in
which researchers concentrate on the parts of the data they find most surprising or salient. Not all
information is equally important in the categorization process (Bowker & Star, 2000). To
categorize the world around us, we bring with us the knowledge we have already accumulated
about a particular space (Durkheim & Mauss, 2009); thus, we categorize objects by making
inferences based on the knowledge base we already possess (Hirschfeld & Gelman, 1994;
Murphy, 2004). If we observe that a particular animal has wings, we assume that it can fly, lays
eggs, and tends to its young in nests. When our knowledge of the world is confirmed in actual
behavior, we hardly pay attention: These categories have become part of our taken-for-granted
understanding of the world (Clark & Wilkes-Gibbs, 1986; Colyvas & Powell, 2006; Vygotsky,
1987). When the bird with wings takes off in flight, we happily proceed undisturbed.
Nevertheless, our observations do not always correspond to our existing knowledge about
the world. If we encounter a bird with wings that cannot fly (such as a penguin or an ostrich), we
pause in puzzlement. The lack of flight is a salient feature in an animal with wings; it forces us to
pay attention. “Salience refers to the intensity of a feature, the extent to which it presents a high
amplitude” (Sloman, Love, & Ahn, 1998: 193). Salience arises when an observation is at odds
with our existing knowledge about a category, and it plays an important role in category
formation because salience helps us to focus on the novelty and uniqueness of a specific situation
(Ahn, 1999). For example, we might believe that all swans are white. Encountering a black swan
creates dissonance with our existing cognitive structures, and we pay attention to the
phenomenon in an attempt to find an explanation for the discrepancy. Salience might take the
Zarate, 1992)—that challenges the conceptual coherence through which we view the world
(Sloman et al., 1998). Focusing on puzzles might help us abduct new insights about a new and
untheorized category which may be present in the data (Behfar & Okhuysen, 2018; Locke,
Golden-Biddle, & Feldman, 2008). In other words, a puzzling piece of data can function as a
lightning rod, attracting insights around which new categories can form (Zhao, Ishihara,
what is surprising and unexpected in how the data relate to existing theory. Scholars have called
such puzzles “negative cases” or “unusual incidents” (Katz, 2001) and have emphasized their
importance in the theorizing process, even if there is “only one case” (Emerson, Fretz, & Shaw,
2011: 193). Focusing on such cases can elucidate the patterns and variations in the meanings that
members attribute to a given social setting. Stated otherwise, strong qualitative research might
result precisely from focusing on the unexpected. In Tricks of the Trade, Becker (2008) describes
a move he calls over-focusing on strange elements: He explains how “weird” findings (p. 208) or
a “finding that does not fit” (p. 83) prove integral to theory development. Miles, Huberman and
Saldaña also call attention to “outliers” and “surprises” when analyzing data (2014: 301). Many
other scholars recommend honing in on puzzles as well. For example, Turco (2016) describes
generating insight by “reading her field notes and memos several times through” and never being
able to “jump right into line-by-line coding.” Instead, she suggests “looking for empirical
puzzles” (p. 206). In short, focusing on puzzling cases is an analytical strategy that researchers
tenants in high-poverty neighborhoods, he noticed that these tenants relied more on new
acquaintances than on kin ties to meet their more pressing needs, regardless of the strength or
weakness of those ties (Granovetter, 1973). “During everyday conversation, people in the trailer
park and the inner city claimed to have no friends or an abundance of them, to be surrounded by
supportive kinsmen or estranged from them,” Desmond explained. “I came to view these
accounts skeptically, interpreting them as a kind of data in their own right but not as accurate
evaluations of people’s social relationships” (p. 1302). This puzzling observation prompted him
to develop the notion of “disposable ties” as a new category of social ties not fully captured by
In a similar fashion, when describing her analytical process, Vaughan (1996) highlights
how focusing on puzzles led her to generate theory about “normalizing deviance” in
organizations. “I began coding [the data],” Vaughan explained about her study of the space
shuttle Challenger disaster, “but soon realized … that this strategy was flawed: Aggregating
statements from all interviews by topic (a practice I often used) would extract part of each
interview from its whole” (p. 461). Instead, to elaborate her analytical categories, she focused on
the puzzle that informants’ statements regarding a critical part of the space shuttle often
contradicted the archival record—a move that proved to be core to her theorizing. Focusing on
puzzles thus directs researchers’ categorization efforts toward data elements that diverge from
expectations and might therefore form the basis for generating new theory.
During their initial data collection and analysis, researchers generate initial categories by
asking questions and focusing on puzzles. This is important in theory development because the
initial questions and puzzles arise from discrepancies between what researchers notice in the data
in light of their understanding of past theories which can help them abduct new theoretical
insights (Locke et al., 2008; Timmermans & Tavory, 2012). In this stage, researchers therefore
Refining Tentative Categories: Further Analyses and Possible Added Data Collection
As research progresses, the process of data analysis shifts from generating initial categories
toward refining tentative categories through moves such as dropping categories, merging
categories. These moves also help the analyst to begin distinguishing categories that might
function as mechanisms from those that function as concepts and to begin mapping out the links
between them. The combination of these moves starts to elaborate and challenge existing
Dropping categories. When we categorize the world around us, we must often sort through an
overload of information is that people initially generate categories that turn out not to be relevant
to the categorization process. They might, thus, initially create categories that are faulty, biased
or irrelevant in explaining the phenomena that they are trying to categorize. When humans focus
in on salient cues to guide in the categorization process these initial categories might be salient
for accidental reasons instead of representing stable patterns (Weick, Sutcliffe, & Obstfeld,
2005). An important part of the categorization process therefore entails dropping initial
categories to focus the categorization process on categories that are more important and
meaningful in explaining the phenomena at hand (Murphy, 2004). When people "drop
categories" they stop paying attention to categories that are no longer relevant in explaining the
often create a multitude of categories, only few of which will be essential in explaining the
puzzle that they have identified in the data. Several qualitative scholars suggest that an important
part of qualitative analysis is to revise and reduce the number of categories that are used to
explain the phenomena. Locke (2001, p. 79) for example suggests that "selecting out categories"
is an important part of the analytical process and that if "analysts feel they have in their theory a
coherent detailed and worthwhile story to tell then...they should drop the category." Likewise,
Miles, Huberman and Saldaña (2014: 82) discuss the possible disconnect between the
researcher’s emerging understanding of a phenomenon and the categories identified in the early
stages of a project. In particular “some codes do not work; others decay. No field material fits
them, or the way they slice up the phenomenon is not the way the phenomenon appears
empirically.” The researcher realizes that “some codes do not work” and the associated
Empirical examples. When researchers write their methods sections, they tend to focus
on the categories that remained in their analysis more than the ones that were dropped. This is
particularly true of published work where methods sections are often shorter than working papers
in which authors are more focused on convincing readers of their methodological astuteness.
However, examples from the co-authors’ own work suggest the importance of dropping
field, Grodal (2018, p. 792) describes that she "developed some broad and some very specific
codes. Through several rounds of iteration and moving back and forth between broad and
specific codes…" This process involved in fact dropping several codes which turned out not to
have theoretical traction. For example, the initial category "commercializing scientific
knowledge," which was abundant in the data, turned out to be only peripherally related to the
overarching theoretical story of how the social and symbolic boundaries of a field expand and
contract over time; this category was therefore dropped from the analysis.
Similarly, when studying ghostwriters, Anteby and Occhiuto (2020) initially created the
category "previously published" to track whether the ghostwriters they interviewed had
published under their own name prior to agreeing to write for others and how ghostwriters spoke
about such past publications. The intuition was that ghostwriters who had published under their
own name might resent (more than others) being asked to remain invisible from public view.
Ultimately, however, the category "previously published" proved partly irrelevant to the authors’
main findings. The ways in which ghostwriters spoke about their own writing did not illuminate
much their work experience of producing someone else’s self or what the authors label “stand-in
labor.” While Anteby and Occhiuto note that they “developed coding categories inductively” (p.
1295), they could have also added that they dropped several categories while developing their
theoretical insights.
Merging categories. When people “merge categories,” they unite two or more existing
categories to create a superordinate one. In categorization theory, people initially tend to create
elaborate and detailed categorization structures upon encountering unfamiliar objects or actions
(Bloom, 2000). Subsequently, to refine the initial categorization structure and optimize the
processing of information, people often merge these detailed categories to form superordinate
ones. Over time, this merging process can result in intricate hierarchies of categories (Murphy,
2004). For example, after creating the categories “ants,” “cows,” and “jellyfish,” a person might
realize that all three can be assigned to a superordinate category, “animal” because they all move
Locke, 2001; Strauss & Corbin, 1990). These scholars advocate beginning qualitative analysis
with “open coding,” that is, generation of a plethora of specific categories that closely adhere to
the phrasing articulated in the data. Ultimately, qualitative researchers should merge these
categories into superordinate categories that capture the essence of their meaning. For example,
Strauss and Corbin (1990) recommend that researchers progress from “open coding” to
ultimately generating “overarching categories” (pp. 223 and 229). As others have clarified, such
a “clustering” process enables researchers to “clump” items into “classes, categories, bins” and
to progress from “lower” to “more complex” categories (Miles et al., 2014: 279).
More recently, merging categories has become a common way to analyze qualitative data
in organizational scholarship. Gioia, Corley, and Hamilton (2013: 20) emphasize both merging
and the value of a “data structure” that depicts the conceptual movement from a multitude to a
Empirical examples. Many qualitative papers use the move “merging categories” in their
data analysis, although they may not label it as such. Some refer to merging as “combining” and
“bundling” (Huising, 2015: 270); others describe “consolidating” (e.g., Anteby & Molnar, 2012:
522; Pratt, Rockmann, & Kaufmann, 2006: 240), and still others report that they “assemble”
codes into “aggregate dimensions” (Nelson & Irwin, 2014: 900). Regardless of terminology,
these researchers proceed from having many categories to having fewer categories, often
example, Ramus, Vaccaro, and Brusoni (2017: 1264–65) describe initially creating a large set of
First, we performed open coding (Strauss & Corbin, 1990: 61) of each document
to identify initial, empirical themes. … This stage of analysis drove us to identify
many empirical themes … Once a workable set of conceptual categories had been
developed, we moved to more deliberate theorizing in an effort to aggregate
categories in an empirically grounded model that explained the process.
As an analytical process, merging categories can thus be found in both the categorization
literature and the qualitative methodology literature as a strategy for refining categories. Due to
its importance for theory development, this move has been widely used in recent empirical work.
It appears to be the most prevalent step that authors currently report when conducting qualitative
(Merton, 1948), in that the sheer assumption that theory development rests mainly on merging
Splitting categories. From studies of categorization, we know that humans’ category formation
does not progress uniformly from more categories to fewer through merging; often, progression
occurs in the opposite direction, from fewer to more (Murphy, 2004). Researchers studying
children’s language development have noted that children often “overgeneralize,” that is, they
use a category more broadly than is generally accepted. Over time, a child splits the
overgeneralized category into its component parts to create categories that are aligned with
conventional usage (MacWhinney, 1987). For example, a young child might use the word “car”
to refer to any object that moves, including a skateboard, a bicycle, and a ball. Over time,
however, the child breaks down the category “car” and distinguishes between “skateboard,”
“bicycle,” and “ball.” Splitting categories is a move defined as separating a category into two or
Identified methodological strategies. Lofland and colleagues (2006: 119–143) assert that
probing the nuances of categories to create finer distinctions is an important component of theory
generation. Spradley (1979) also emphasizes that identifying “subsets within a domain and the
relationship between these subsets” is an important element in qualitative analysis (1979: 144).
Miles, Huberman, and Saldaña (2014: 285) write about “partitioning” and “unbundling” as
critical ways to analyze data, adding that “there are many times when differentiation is more
important than integration.” As an illustration, researchers who have identified the category
“people above” in their data might through further analysis split the category into such
components as people “earning more” and people with “more ambition” than their informants
(Lamont, 2000: 102–145). Spradley (1979: 115–116) suggests that the process of splitting
categories can begin during data collection: If informants mention a category during data
collection, researchers might ask if they can provide other examples of the category. By means
of splitting, researchers can reach a more nuanced understanding of the different ways a category
categories can advance theory. For example, a vibrant stream of research has developed around
the notion of “emotional labor” (Hochschild, 1983); until recently, however, analysis of this form
of labor remained quite monolithic. In her study of psychotherapy practices, Craciun (2018: 261)
honed in on a single category, the use of emotions at work, that had emerged from her coding.
Through further data analysis, she discovered that the use of emotions could be split into three
categories: (1) “didactic,” as a tool of intervention (e.g., when professionals use emotion to foster
particular dispositions in their clients); (2) “supportive,” as a tool that helps professionals to
foster trust in their patients (e.g., when professionals are driven by passion for their work); or (3)
“inductive” (e.g., when professionals rely on their emotions as epistemic tools to identify
problems). Craciun also demonstrated that some professionals rely more heavily on one form of
emotional labor than the others, with important implications for their professional standing.
Likewise, Petriglieri (2015) describes how, in her study of BP executives during and after the
2010 Gulf of Mexico oil rig explosion and spill, she came to split a category she had developed
during the first stage of her analysis to gain a more nuanced understanding of the relationship
between an organization and its members. While she initially developed the category
“questioning fit between self and organizational identity” as a theme, she realized that dividing
the category into emotional and cognitive components could lead to even more insights (p. 526).
Others have also described how they have split categories in order to specify their understanding
of a category (e.g. Crosina & Pratt, 2019). Broadly speaking, splitting can help researchers to
recognize nuances in their data and unpack a specific category that has piqued their curiosity.
Relating and/or contrasting categories. Categorization scholars have suggested that categories
are not created independently of each other but often evolve in parallel. In particular, many
scholars have asserted that categories are typically interrelated in semantic networks (Collins &
Loftus, 1975; Quillian, 1969). Categories that often co-occur in discourse become more closely
related in the semantic network, whereas categories that seldom occur together become more
distantly related. For instance, if the category dog is often used in conjunction with the category
leash, the two words will ultimately be closely related in the semantic network. Nevertheless, it
is not merely categories’ association with one another that creates categorical meaning; it can
also be their perceived opposition. Categories often exist in contrasting pairs (Douglas, 1966;
Lévi-Strauss, 1969). For example, people construct the meaning of the category “natural” in part
from its contrast with the category “artificial” (Weber et al., 2008). The meaning of categories is
therefore determined by the way people relate and oppose categories to one another (Kahneman
Relating and/or contrasting categories is the move that researchers use when they
compare several categories to specify the relationships (or lack thereof) among them. It is
important to clarify how relating and/or contrasting categories differs from merging: Merging
identifies underlying features that belong to the same category; relating and/or contrasting
categories identifies relationships among categories that might not belong to the same
overarching category.
importance of comparing and/or contrasting categories (Golden-Biddle & Locke, 2007: 45;
Suddaby, 2006), thus implicitly acknowledging that categories can only operate in relation to one
another. Strauss and Corbin (1990: 125) note that categories are “related”; Becker similarly calls
all categories “relational” (2008: 132–133), pointing out that “working class” and “middle class”
labels have meaning only in relation to each other. Glaser and Strauss (1967: 106) thus provide
While coding an incident for a category, compare it with the previous incidents in
the same and different groups coded in the same category. This constant
comparison of the incidents very soon starts to generate theoretical properties of the
category. The analyst starts thinking in terms of the full range of types or continua
of the category … [including] its relation to other categories, and its other
Many other qualitative scholars would concur: The recommendation of Booth and
colleagues (2003: 46) to scholars progressing from a focused topic to a research question is
to “identify the parts [of a topic]” and “how they relate to each other”; Miles, Huberman,
and Saldaña (2014: 287) suggest that once one is “reasonably clear about what variables
may be in play in a situation, the natural next query is, How do they relate to each other?”
Empirical examples. Powerful examples of how categories relate to one another appear in
Lévi-Strauss’s The Raw and the Cooked (1969) and Douglas’s Purity and Danger (1966). Lévi-
Strauss’ study illustrates that myths cannot be understood in isolation: He describes a collection
of myths from tropical South America and points out how duality and oppositions (such as raw
versus cooked) are fundamental to humans’ understanding of society. Douglas’ (1966) seminal
work on purity makes a similar relational point: that the categories of “pure” and “impure”
function as a dyad, creating oppositions that enable individuals to make sense of their worlds; in
A more recent example of such relational dynamics between categories appears in a study
provider interactions in a military setting. As DiBenigno (2018: 18) explains, she coded whether
“anchoring group members in their home group identity.” These two categories can be
understood separately, but they only fully make sense in relation to each other: One entails
anchoring oneself in an existing identity; the other involves building ties across identity groups.
Importantly, only anchoring contributed to taming inter-group conflict and encouraging the
medical providers to properly serve the soldiers. Relating and/or contrasting categories helps
researchers to identify in their data the boundaries of the categories and the relationships between
Sequencing categories. Categories are not static; they are dynamically related to the world that
understandings of this unfolding reality (Durand & Paolella, 2013; Nakamura, 1985). Categories
are not merely cross-sectional groupings of objects; they encode causal relationships between
objects and actions (Murphy & Medin, 1985). We categorize an event as a "birthday party" not
only due to the presence of a birthday cake and presents but also because the event follows a
sequence of actions: a) the arrival of guests, b) the guests make congratulatory statements, c) the
guests sing a birthday song, d) cake is served, e) candles are blown, f) cake is eaten and g) guests
leave. Breaking this sequence (for example by serving and eating cake before the guests arrive)
violates elements of the category "birthday party" and raises questions about whether the event
falls into this category. Indeed, a central part of the categorization process is to create sequential
relationships among categories, be they concepts or mechanisms (Ahn, 1999; Murphy & Medin,
1985). In qualitative theory building, researchers can use the sequencing move to temporally
organize the categories they have identified in the data. The categories created by researchers
consist of sequences of actions (mechanisms), objects, persons, and events (concepts) that
phenomena (Langley, 1999; Langley, Smallman, Tsoukas, & Van de Ven, 2013; Tsoukas &
Chia, 2002). From this viewpoint, the sequencing of categories matters decisively: An [A–B–C]
sequence might differ from a [C-B-A] sequence. As Locke notes, process-oriented research can
be described in many ways, but all “reflect a common element, namely time” (Locke, 2001, p.
42). Langley reminds us that events, phases, incidents, and ordering are all fundamental to the
coding process (1999: 696). Process scholars position time at the forefront of their analysis, but
many other qualitative researchers also recognize the importance of time in theory elaboration. In
Discovering Grounded Theory, Glaser and Strauss discuss sequencing in conjunction with
studying research productivity (1967: 213–214). Longer hours spent on research, they note, can
foster a higher level of motivation and, thus, superior performance, but those who perform at a
higher level might be more motivated than their peers and might therefore spend more time
conducting research. Thus, how the categories “hours spent at work,” “motivation,” and
“productivity” are temporally aligned can yield two very different theoretical stories, one led by
the hours worked and the other by high performance. Such distinct theoretical interpretations
suggest why qualitative researchers need to pay close attention to the sequencing of categories
the analysis was to create a temporal sequence. The author describes how she “decomposed each
chronology into analytical periods time 1, time 2, and, if relevant, time 3 according to key
strategic responses or a discernable shift in top manager behavior” (p. 626). She then generated
categories to characterize the behavior within each period and sequenced them in time. Similarly,
to understand how organizations legitimated the new market category “satellite radio,” Navis and
Glynn (2010) compared patterns of categories associated with data collected over a period of six
years. By sequencing categories, the authors uncovered specific shifts in organizational identity
occasion for social structuration relied on data analysis that “traced the analytic logic suggested
by the sequential model of the structuring process” (p. 86); this indicates that the sequencing of
scripts (or categories) mattered as much as the categories per se. In all three examples,
sequencing enabled the researchers to develop novel insights into the temporal relationship
between categories.
In the process of juggling these merging, splitting, relating and/or contrasting, and
sequencing moves, the researcher begins to tease out some categories that function more like
mechanisms and others that function more like concepts. This is important because one of the
fundamental elements of theory development is not only to identify categories but also to offer a
novel perspective on the interrelationship between concepts and mechanisms (Davis & Marquis,
2005; Hedström & Swedberg, 1996). Such efforts can add to or even contradict what other
theoretical lenses would predict, thereby fulfilling the goal of achieving a more comprehensive
In the final analytical stage, the researcher aims to create a theoretical scaffold to explain the
and concepts. This stabilizing stage often allows researchers to provide answers to or
explanations for their initial questions or puzzles. One of the critical moves in this stage entails
developing or dropping working hypotheses. This move allows the researcher to examine
whether the data truly support the theoretical conclusions reached in the prior stages and to be
“working hypotheses” that we have formed to explain how the world works on the basis of prior
experiences (Hirschfeld & Gelman, 1994; Murphy, 2004). We know, for example, that when
apples are dropped, they fall to the ground because of gravity. When encountering other
instances of dropped objects, we assume that gravity is also involved and look for evidence of
gravity in these new contexts. Gravity is thus part of our theory of the category “apple,” and we
would pause in astonishment if an apple did not fall but flew into the sky when dropped. In this
instance, we would probably begin to question whether the object we had dropped actually
belonged to the category “apple” because its behavior did not conform to our “theory” of the
apple category. Thus, how we construct categories cannot be decoupled from the broader
theoretical conjectures that form an integral part of a category (Durand & Paolella, 2013;
Murphy & Medin, 1985). In our interactions with the world, we are constantly updating our
working hypotheses and fitting them to our lived experiences (Hirschfeld & Gelman, 1994).
Such updating might lead us to replace hypotheses about relationships that we once considered
true with new ones (Ahn, 1999). In developing and/or dropping a working hypothesis,
researchers formulate an overarching understanding of their data. As they iterate through their
data, they find either confirmatory evidence, spurring them to elaborate the hypothesis, or
Identified methodological strategies. Past advice on how best to approach qualitative data
analysis emphasizes the need to develop, but also to drop, working hypotheses. As Luker
elegantly articulates it, “We make private bets with ourselves about what features … will turn
out to be actual patterns. We know we will often be wrong … but we hang in there” (2008, p.
199). The frequent recommendation is for qualitative scholars to “abduct” insights from their
data (Timmermans & Tavory, 2012) without fully committing to them, so as to be able to
redirect their analytical eye and remain open to surprises. Locke and her co-authors (2008: 907)
note the coexistence of “doubt and belief” when analyzing data, suggesting that both knowing
and not knowing are central to the research process. The sense of knowing might lead to what
some authors call “propositions,” but propositions ought to be grasped loosely until each is either
supported by further data analysis or dropped (Lofland et al., 2006: 176). This “back-and-forth
… in which concepts, conjectures, and data are in continuous interplay” serves as the backbone
of many analyses (Van Maanen, Sørensen, & Mitchell, 2007: 1146). This shifting picture
explains why Miles, Huberman, and Saldaña (2014: 99) recommend developing propositions to
“formalize and systematize the researcher’s thinking into a coherent set of explanations” yet
immediately warn researchers to adopt “safeguards against premature and unwarranted closure.”
One way to build such safeguards, they observe, is to purposely rate each conjecture as strong,
qualified, neutral, or contradictory, thus allowing the researcher to scrutinize those most likely to
emerge from the data and discard those that no longer fit.
Empirical examples. In their study of women crying at work, Elsbach and Bechky (2018:
134–135) started their analysis by identifying and coding events when women cried at work to
form a richer understanding of this phenomena. After the initial coding, they “developed a
preliminary model of defining the common situations in which women cried at work” and
hypothesized that the forms of situational emotional display could predict the observers’
reactions. They then returned to the literature to make sense of their data and began to
understand their data in light of the theory of “emotional display rules.” They found, however,
that their data “did not fit with these simplistic rules.” Instead, through engagement with existing
theory, they went on to create the new hypothesis that observers’ reactions could be explained by
their own “cognitive scripts.” After forming this new hypothesis, they returned to the data and
Unsupported working hypotheses, however, often disappear from the public view:
retrospective comments on published pieces allow us nonetheless to see how working hypotheses
wax and wane. For instance, Chan and Anteby (2016) began studying front-line officers at the
U.S. Transportation Security Administration a decade after its creation. Initially, they focused on
developing categories capturing how employees had been socialized into a possible new
profession. Finding little support for the hypothesis that their data spoke to this theme, however,
they rapidly refocused the categorical analysis onto what interviewees deemed most salient,
gender discrimination and surveillance at work, and developed new working hypotheses (Anteby
& Chan, 2018; Chan & Anteby, 2016). In general, when researchers progress from data analysis
prompts researchers via multiple iterations through the data either to marshal strong support and
validity for their assumptions or to realize that their initial assumptions were faulty and to
discover new ways of interpreting their data (Locke et al., 2015). Once categories are stabilized
and hypotheses are supported, researchers can propose a scaffold that both fits their data and
advances theory.
The most important, yet mysterious, aspect of qualitative data analysis is rigorous theory
generation. In this paper, we integrate insights from categorization theory with often neglected
methodological strategies to develop a framework for how scholars can achieve and demonstrate
rigor in qualitative analysis. By being reflexive about their active role in confronting and creating
categories, scholars can be more transparent about their choice of moves, and thus increase the
rigor of their analytical process by making it easier for readers to assess the work. The
framework provides an overview of how researchers’ purposeful use of multiple moves can
generate theory from data. By spotlighting the various moves in which qualitative researchers
engage, our hope is both to help fuel more rigorous scholarship and to allow readers of
Although any of the moves can occur at any point in time during the analytical process,
the generation of initial categories often occurs when researchers ask questions that elicit insights
from the data or when they focus on puzzles in which the data conflict with existing theories.
After this initial stage, and in order to refine tentative categories, qualitative scholars can drop,
merge or split categories to make them more or less encompassing or organize categories, either
by sequencing them temporally or by relating and/or contrasting them with each other. Finally,
in order to stabilize categories, researchers develop and/or drop working hypotheses as they build
on their analysis to progress toward theoretical insights. The model of theory development that
we suggest is active and iterative: Researchers constantly cycle through multiple and distinct
moves while purposefully probing and revisiting initial categories. We argue that qualitative
researchers who adopt such an approach to data analysis will not only improve the transparency
and rigor of their work but also be better equipped to develop powerful theories that break with
existing understandings of the world. When researchers become more reflexive, they open the
black box of qualitative analysis to gain greater insight into their own analytical process, which
allows them to question and challenge their own assumptions. It is this prodding that might allow
Qualitative researchers have long been attuned to the challenges associated with achieving rigor
in their work and the need to detail their movement from data to theory carefully (Glaser &
Strauss, 1967: 244). Indeed, the most significant challenge for qualitative researchers “is not to
find more rigorous methods … [instead] the challenge … is to convince its practitioners that they
owe it to themselves … to explicate their procedures fully” (Comaroff, 2005: 38). Nevertheless,
recent debates, inspired in part by the rise of the behavioral sciences, have made it more urgent
to address these concerns (Pratt, Kaplan & Whittington, 2020). We argue that by being more
reflexive about the active process of categorization, scholars can better demonstrate transparency
in their movement from data to theory, which will allow readers to better evaluate the rigor of
their work.
Taking an active perspective on the process of analyzing qualitative data suggests that
researchers bring their own experiences and goals to bare on the analytical process. Some
scholars have argued that a sign of rigor in qualitative analysis is the ability of others to replicate
the same theoretical contribution when presented with the same data (Aguinis & Solarino, 2019).
Others, however, have posited that this concept of “replicability,” which is borrowed from
quantitative research, should be interpreted differently within qualitative scholarship (Pratt et al.,
2020). As Small (2009, p. 28) notes, qualitative researchers might need to embrace “alternative
epistemological assumptions better suited for their unique questions rather than retreat toward
In sum, unless we assume that all scholars have the same cognitive/experiential
replicability as the path to rigor, we suggest that scholars can achieve and demonstrate rigor in
qualitative research by being first more reflexive and subsequently more transparent about their
metacognitive knowledge, that is, knowledge about their own knowledge and goals (Pintrich,
2002). As researchers, we might obtain a greater degree of rigor in our work if we are explicit
about and carefully detail our own knowledge and goals before and during our data collection
and analysis. It is thus important that researchers find ways to report and represent their data that
increases the transparency of their research process. Researchers can do this either verbally by
detailing the moves that they engaged in and the consequences each move had for their
theoretical development. They can also create visual representations of the analytical process that
are true to how the research unfolded and which shows the complexity and messiness of the
categorization process.
We argue that instead of mapping out all the possible and replicable categories in any given
dataset, qualitative researchers achieve rigor by tracing and detailing their unique pathway
through the data. Additionally, we argue that active categorization is more likely to yield
theoretical insights. Following categorization theory, we suggest that entering the field with
some theoretical understanding is both unavoidable and generative, and that not all data are
equally valuable for generating theory. For example, categorization processes fundamentally
forces us to not pay attention to the stimuli we encounter (Murphy, 2004). If we paid attention to
all the information at once, we would suffer from cognitive overload and be unable to create a
coherent representation of the world, let alone navigate through it (Rosch, 1978). Likewise,
because most areas of organizational life are already explained by existing theories, it is
important for qualitative researchers not to focus on the elements of their data that can be
explained within existing theories. Instead, we need to focus on the questions and puzzles that
challenge the current understanding of the phenomenon at hand and clearly explain the path that
helped us to reach our conclusions: That is, we need to focus on salient elements of the data that
cannot be explained within our existing categorical apparatus (Ahn, 1999; Sloman et al., 1998).
specific body of literature (Merton, 1973). Strong theoretical pieces shine because of what they
teach us: They help us to see new connections, revisit our preconceived viewpoints, and develop
new takes on old questions. When reading seminal academic articles and books, we focus on
their theoretical insights and can easily gloss over the analytical choices that underpin these
findings. Nevertheless, these insights are enabled by how scholars have generated theory from
data. This is particularly true of qualitative data analysis, which relies on researchers’
interpretations of their data and the analytical moves they make to generate theory from data.
Such an approach counters the illusion of a fully detached and comprehensive induction of
theory from data (Eisenhardt, 1989). The comprehensive, yet unintentional categorization of
qualitative data is unlikely to yield novel theoretical insights because it will mostly reproduce an
existing understanding.
An active categorization framework recognizes the unfolding of the research process and
implies that researchers select different moves at different times in the analytical process to
generate rigorous theory. For example, “asking questions” might be particularly well suited to
early phases of data analysis, prior even to developing categories, or to very late phases in which
researchers feel stuck. Similarly, the development of working hypotheses is most likely to occur
after several categories have emerged and been placed in relation to each other. Thus, focusing
exclusively on one move only tilts a scholar’s efforts and attention toward a single phase of the
analytical process, which, although important, might not stand alone. By spotlighting a
researcher’s potential toolkit of moves, we emphasize the sequential and iterative nature of any
analysis and underline that concentrating on a single phase/move might restrict our ability to
theorize in all phases of the research. This is not to say that questions or puzzles do not evolve.
Nonetheless, driving the analytical process with tentative questions or puzzles is critical to theory
Adopting an active categorization frame means that researchers can approach the same data with
different goals and analyze it in different ways. The theoretical insights that are drawn from the
data are thus not simply “given” in the data but actively constructed by researchers to address
puzzles that they find interesting and important. Other researchers might view the same data very
differently: As we know, many valuable insights emerge from the interaction of different
individuals in distinct fields (Anteby, 2013; de Rond & Tunçalp, 2017; Hudson & Okhuysen,
2014; Ketokivi & Mantere, 2010; Louis & Bartunek, 1992). Building on the discussion by
Lamont and Swidler (2014) of diversity in qualitative methodologies, we call for more plurality
both within and across qualitive studies to fully leverage the richness and potential of qualitative
data. By combining analytical moves in different ways, researchers are ultimately likely to
generate more diverse insights from the same dataset, thus contributing to a broader range of
Beyond the fact that different paths can be taken through the data, if researchers
foreground certain moves over others, it might shape their theory development. A plurality of
analytical approaches is therefore likely to foster more diversity in contributions. For example, if
researchers focus more on puzzles, they are more likely to generate theory that challenges
existing theoretical understanding because the puzzling phenomena in the data derive precisely
from the contrast they present when juxtaposed with existing theories. This is the case in the
analysis by McPherson and Sauder (2013: 165) of how occupational groups can advantageously
hijack one another’s occupational logics. By focusing on the puzzle of why some occupational
groups did not uniformly display their own occupational logics, McPherson and Sauder (2013)
were able to demonstrate that logics can be used for strategic purposes to “manage institutional
complexity, reach consensus, and get the work … done.” Thus, because the authors focused on a
specific puzzle in their data, they developed an insight that broke with the prevailing
Likewise, if researchers ask questions of their data, they will develop theory that might be
more likely to expand existing understanding. As an illustration, Tripsas and Gavetti (2000)
asked how cognitions (and not capabilities) might shape firms’ abilities to manage technological
discontinuities. From this point of departure, they were able to develop a perspective that
departed radically from prior views of how firms manage technological transitions. If researchers
often difficult for them to gain theoretical traction because, without a guiding question or puzzle,
they can easily become overwhelmed by the multiplicity of possibilities and asphyxiate in their
The role of dropping, merging, splitting, relating and sequencing categories is to refine
categories that are created around an initial puzzle. These moves are likely to generate more
specificity in the resulting theory because they provide the researcher with more nuances in the
created categories. However, prioritizing any of these moves are likely to generate different
theoretical outcomes. An emphasis on dropping will for example narrow researchers' focus on a
smaller part of the data allowing them to develop a more detailed explanation of a smaller piece
of the reality that is captured in the data. This is often a cornerstone of qualitative analysis as any
given qualitative dataset is multifaceted and complex and can be used to address a wide variety
of theoretical questions. If researchers emphasize merging and splitting, the resulting theory is
likely to be better at explaining cross-sectional variation, as has been done in research drawing
on multiple cases (e.g. Graebner & Eisenhardt, 2004; Ozcan & Eisenhardt, 2009) or a matched
pairing of cases (e.g. Barley, 1986; Kellogg, 2009, 2019). In contrast, if researchers focus to a
greater degree on sequencing their resulting theories are more likely to excel at explaining
processes and mechanisms (e.g. Navis & Glynn, 2010; Zietsma & Lawrence, 2010).
The timing of our call for increased plurality in qualitative research is important.
Although both categorization scholars and qualitative scholars have shown that categorization
processes are diverse, a renewed positivist orientation has in practice engendered uniformity in
analytical approaches to qualitative organizational research (Bansal & Corley, 2011; Gioia et al.,
2013; Langley & Abdallah, 2015). Nevertheless, as we have demonstrated, scholars across the
social sciences have found that categories are often generated not solely through applying a
single move but by focusing on puzzles that arise in the data and by applying a variety of
possible moves to generate categories which yield answers to that puzzle (e.g., Bingham & Kahl,
2013; Bloom, 2000; Bowker & Star, 2000; Khaire & Wadhwani, 2010; Lakoff, 2008; Murphy,
2004; Rosch, 1978). Gehman et al. (2017: 14) concur that “it is important to customize the
method for your research context. Research situations are different and require the use of tools
and techniques in different ways.” A call for increased rigor should therefore not be confused
Overall, this article posits that qualitative analysis is fundamentally a categorization process. By
drawing on categorization theory, we spotlight the range of diverse ways in which categories are
actively formed. To obtain rigor in qualitative analysis, we need to be transparent about these
active moves because otherwise readers cannot assess the precision of our work. We also suggest
that adopting an active categorization framework has critical consequences for how qualitative
analysis unfolds and for the theoretical insights we generate. If we do not problematize the
creation of analytical categories, we will be limited in the kinds of theoretical insights we are
able to develop. In other words, an active categorization framework can liberate scholars to
discover pathways through the data that might be less heavily traveled and, thus, more
innovative. Moving in lockstep, using identical tools, we may appear aligned and convey an
impression of rigor when in reality we are trampling on the seeds of our own imaginations.
Table 1: An Active Categorization Framework for Theory Development
Note: On the figure the darker the shading the more attention is paid to that particular move during a given analytical stage.
Table 2: An Overview of Eight Possible Analytical Moves
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Stine Grodal ([email protected]) is an associate professor of strategy and innovation at Boston University’s
Questrom School of Business and (by courtesy) sociology at Boston University’s College of Arts &
Sciences. Her research examines the emergence and evolution of markets, industries and fields with a
specific focus on the strategies firms and other industry stakeholders use to shape and exploit new market