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Usermanual Evisa Jordanie

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The Ministry of Interior

E-services Site

User Manual for MOI E-services

User Manual for MOI E-services Site

TABLE OF FIGURES ...................................................................................................................................................... 3
1 OVERVIEW ........................................................................................................................................... 5
2 GETTING STARTED WITH THE E-SERVICES SITE .............................................................................................. 6
2.1 SIGN UP .................................................................................................................................................6
2.2 LOGIN TO THE SYSTEM...............................................................................................................................9
2.3 BILINGUAL E-SERVICES SITE ......................................................................................................................10
2.4 FORGOT PASSWORD ...............................................................................................................................10
2.5 CHANGE PASSWORD ...............................................................................................................................11
2.6 MANAGE USER PROFILE ..........................................................................................................................11
2.7 THE USER MANUAL ................................................................................................................................12
2.8 USER ACTIONS ON APPLICATIONS ..............................................................................................................12
2.8.1 Create new Application .............................................................................................................13
2.8.2 Save Application .......................................................................................................................14
2.8.3 Complete Application................................................................................................................14
2.8.4 Add Attachments ......................................................................................................................15
2.8.5 Update Application ...................................................................................................................15
2.8.6 Awaiting Personal Pledge .........................................................................................................16
2.8.7 Awaiting Affidavit (Ifada) .........................................................................................................16
2.8.8 Add Details ................................................................................................................................16
2.8.9 Awaiting Personal Interview .....................................................................................................16
2.8.10 Electronic Payment ...................................................................................................................17
2.8.11 Awaiting Payment Method .......................................................................................................17
2.8.12 Awaiting Visa Fees Calculation .................................................................................................17
2.9 APPLICATION STATUS ..............................................................................................................................17
3 ELECTRONIC VISAS ............................................................................................................................... 19
3.2 PRINT THE E-VISA ...................................................................................................................................21
3.3 VISAS SEARCH........................................................................................................................................22
3.4 APPLY FOR E-VISA FROM YOUR ACCOUNT....................................................................................................24
4 ELECTRONIC SERVICES ........................................................................................................................... 27
4.1 SERVICE ELECTRONIC CARD ......................................................................................................................27
5 NOTIFICATIONS ................................................................................................................................... 28
6 INVESTORS FACILITIES ........................................................................................................................... 30
7 THE JORDAN PASS ............................................................................................................................... 31
8 CONTACT US ...................................................................................................................................... 32
9 MOBILE APPLICATION ........................................................................................................................... 33

User Manual for MOI E-services Site

Table of Figures
FIGURE 1: CREATE NEW ACCOUNT .......................................................................................................... 6
FIGURE 2: REGISTRATION TYPE ............................................................................................................... 7
FIGURE 3: INDIVIDUAL REGISTRATION FORM ............................................................................................. 8
FIGURE 4: EMAIL VERIFICATION CODE ...................................................................................................... 9
FIGURE 5: LOGIN ................................................................................................................................. 9
FIGURE 6: BILINGUAL SITE ................................................................................................................... 10
FIGURE 7: FORGOT PASSWORD ............................................................................................................. 10
FIGURE 8: CHANGE PASSWORD ............................................................................................................ 11
FIGURE 9: MANAGE PROFILE ................................................................................................................ 11
FIGURE 10: USER MANUAL.................................................................................................................. 12
FIGURE 11: ACTIONS TO BE TAKEN ON APPLICATIONS ................................................................................ 13
FIGURE 12: MAIN MENU AFTER LOGIN .................................................................................................. 13
FIGURE 13: SAVE APPLICATION............................................................................................................. 14
FIGURE 14: COMPLETE APPLICATION ..................................................................................................... 14
FIGURE 15:ADD ATTACHMENTS ............................................................................................................ 15
FIGURE 16: EDIT APPLICATION ............................................................................................................. 15
FIGURE 17: ADD DETAILS .................................................................................................................... 16
FIGURE 18: E-VISA FEES ...................................................................................................................... 17
FIGURE 19: ELECTRONIC VISAS ............................................................................................................. 19
FIGURE 20: E-VISAS/APPLICATION OWNER TYPE ..................................................................................... 20
FIGURE 21: ORGANIZATION ELECTRONIC VISA ......................................................................................... 20
FIGURE 22: E-VISA ............................................................................................................................. 21
FIGURE 23: SEARCH PAGE ................................................................................................................... 22
FIGURE 24: SEARCH APPLICATIONS........................................................................................................ 23
FIGURE 25: MAIN MENU AFTER LOGIN .................................................................................................. 24
FIGURE 26: NATIONALITIES' CATEGORIES................................................................................................ 25
FIGURE 27: E-VISA - NO PRIOR APPROVAL ............................................................................................. 25
FIGURE 28: VISA APPLICATIONS - REQUIRE APPROVAL .............................................................................. 26
FIGURE 29: THE ELECTRONIC SERVICES .................................................................................................. 27
FIGURE 30: SERVICE ELECTRONIC CARD .................................................................................................. 28
FIGURE 35: INVESTOR FACILITIES .......................................................................................................... 30
FIGURE 36: THE JORDAN PASS ............................................................................................................. 31
FIGURE 37: CONTACT US .................................................................................................................... 32
FIGURE 38: MOBILE APPLICATION STORES .............................................................................................. 33

User Manual for MOI E-services Site

User Manual for MOI E-services Site

1 Overview
The Ministry of Interior (MOI) enhanced the functionality of the E-Services Site, which is part of
the e-Government Program.

The following pages of this document provide guidance about the common functionality of e-
Services Site, followed by applying for Electronic Visa for users that do not require to register,
and then e-services part, where service cards can be viewed and provide a gateway to apply for
the different services provided by the Ministry.

User Manual for MOI E-services Site

2 Getting Started with the E-services Site

2.1 Sign Up

The Ministry of Interior E-Services Site provides e-services to the public. Some e-services require
the user to register before using them, others do not require the user to sign up. The system will
tell if a service requires sign in.
To sign up in the E-Services Site:
1. Click on the icon “Create New Account” from the main page.

Figure 1: Create New Account

2. Choose the registration type as shown in the below image.

User Manual for MOI E-services Site

Figure 2: Registration Type

3. Fill in the registration form with required data.

• Based on which registration type is selected, the registration form will be different.
• The following registration type can register (Individual, Corporate Organization,
Governmental Institution, Educational Institution, Diplomatic Missions, Civil Society
Institution, Hospitals, Tourism Offices).
• Fields with red asterisk are mandatory.
• Registration forms, includes personal information, travel document information,
address information and contact and login information.
• While filling out the registration form, enter real email and mobile number. A
verification code will be sent to, in order to proceed with the application.

User Manual for MOI E-services Site

Figure 3: Individual Registration Form

4. Click “Submit” button to submit the form.

User Manual for MOI E-services Site

• The system will require to enter the verification code, which is sent to your email
address to proceed with submission.

Figure 4: Email Verification Code

2.2 Login to the System

Some e-services require that the user is logged in the system. To login simply enter the username
and password followed by the confirmation code that appears in image box then click on the
login button.

Figure 5: Login

User Manual for MOI E-services Site

• To get another confirmation code, simply click the “Refresh Image” icon. The image will
then change.

2.3 Bilingual E-Services Site

The E-services site is a bilingual site (English/Arabic). To switch between the two languages simply
click the globe icon at the top of the site.

Figure 6: Bilingual Site

2.4 Forgot Password

In case the user forgot the password, he/she can click the “Forgot Password” link in the main
page. You will be required to enter the username. The system will send a verification code to the
mobile number and e-mail address and then the system asks to enter the verification code before
resetting the password.

Figure 7: Forgot Password

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2.5 Change Password

To change password, you need to login in. On the left side to the main menu, click the “Change
Password” link. Type your current password, new password and retype your new password in
page as shown below, then save the changes.

Figure 8: Change Password

2.6 Manage User Profile

You can update your profile by clicking “Manage User Profile” button when you logged in. A page
will open to update the needed information. Click the “Save Changes” button to save the

Figure 9: Manage Profile

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User Manual for MOI E-services Site

2.7 The User Manual

The e-services site contains a descriptive manual that can be downloaded by clicking the User
Manual link below the login button.

Figure 10: User Manual

2.8 User Actions on Applications

By searching applications, the system will list the matching application in the lower part of the
page. The last column will show the actions, that the user can take on applications. By clicking
the link of the action, the system will take you to a new page, where the user starts taking action
on application.

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User Manual for MOI E-services Site

Figure 11: Actions to be taken on applications

2.8.1 Create new Application

The first step you need to apply from your account is to sign up into the system, then after
successful sign-up, you must login though your username and password to apply for e-services.

Figure 12: Main Menu after Login

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User Manual for MOI E-services Site

Select the service you want to apply to from the Main Menu section and follow the steps related
to the selected service.

2.8.2 Save Application

The E-Services Site allow you to save applications, while you are filling the application form. To
do that, simply click the “Save Application for Later” button. Application will be saved and can be
completed later.

Figure 13: Save Application

2.8.3 Complete Application

If you saved your application to complete it later, the system will list the application in the search
page, with the action “Complete Application”. Press the link to complete the application.

Figure 14: Complete Application

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2.8.4 Add Attachments

Depending on business rules, some e-services applications require you to add attachments. The
system will tell which documents to add. To add attachments, simply click the green plus sign and
the system will instruct you adding the attachments.

Figure 15:Add Attachments

2.8.5 Update Application

The ministry can request to update application. The user will be notified and if the user search
for an application that requires an update, the system will show the action “Edit Application”,
that must be taken on the application.

Figure 16: Edit Application

By pressing the “Edit Application” link, the system will take you to the application pages, where
you can edit the application.

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User Manual for MOI E-services Site

2.8.6 Awaiting Personal Pledge

Based on service business rules, the Ministry can request the applicant to provide a personal
pledge. In this case the applicant must fill out the appropriate form and send it to the Ministry.

2.8.7 Awaiting Affidavit (Ifada)

Based on service business rules, the Ministry can request the applicant to provide an affidavit
(Ifada). In this case the applicant must enter the test of the affidavit (Ifada) and could upload
related attachments.

2.8.8 Add Details

Additional information can be requested by the Ministry to process the application. The user will
be notified and if the user search for an application that requires additional details, the system
will show the action “Add Details” that must be taken on the application.

Figure 17: Add Details

By pressing the “Add Details” link, the system will take you to the application pages, where you
can add the required details.

2.8.9 Awaiting Personal Interview

Based on service business rules, the Ministry can request to attend personal interview. Applicant
must attend the personal interview for further processing of the application.

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2.8.10 Electronic Payment

Based on business rules for visa fees calculation, some e-visa applications will be exempted from
fees. If e-visa fees apply, you will be directed to a new page, where application number and e-
payment number appear. In the page user selects the payment method and agrees the Payment
and Refund Policy to proceed with the payment.

Figure 18: E-Visa fees

2.8.11 Awaiting Payment Method

The Ministry can request the applicant to determine the payment method for visa fees. Applicant
must choose the payment method for paying visa fees, whether electronically or by arriving at
the airport.

2.8.12 Awaiting Visa Fees Calculation

Based on service business rules, the Ministry can request the applicant to provide the Jordan Pass
information for fees calculation. Applicant must enter Jordan Pass information if available to
calculate visa fees.

2.9 Application Status

# Application Status Description Required Action

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User Manual for MOI E-services Site

1 Under processing Application is under processing by No action required.

the ministry.

2 Awaiting Additional information has been Applicant will have to add the required
Additional requested from the applicant by details as requested through the web or
Information the ministry, that can be added by mobile application.
applicant through text or

3 Awaiting payment Application fees needs to be paid Applicant must pay the fees through
by the applicant, depending on fees accepted payment channels.
types raised.

4 Awaiting personal Applicant has been requested to Applicant must attend personally for further
interview attend personal interview and the processing of the application.
location has been provided.

5 Awaiting Affidavit For certain services, affidavit is Applicant must enter the text of the affidavit
(Ifada) requested from the applicant, and and could upload related attachments.
can be viewed by pressing “view

6 Awaiting personal For certain services, personal Applicant must fill out the form and send it
pledge pledge is requested from the to the ministry.

7 Awaiting payment Applicant is requested to determine Applicant must choose the payment method
method payment method for visa fees for paying visa fees, whether electronically
or by arriving at the airport.

8 Awaiting visa fees Applicant is requested to enter Applicant must enter Jordan Pass
calculation information of the Jordan Pass if information if available to calculate visa
available to calculate visa fees. fees.

9 Accepted Application is accepted, and e-Visa Print the electronic visa

is ready for printing.

10 Rejected Application has been rejected No action required

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3 Electronic Visas
Some nationalities do not require prior approval to enter Jordan, so they can apply directly for
an e-Visa without registering in the system. For this category please proceed with “Apply without
registering”. For other nationalities that require sign-up, they can proceed with “Apply from

3.1 Apply for an e-Visa without registering in the system (No prior approval required)

1 In the main page of the e-services site click the “Electronic Visas” icon.

Figure 19: Electronic Visas

2 After selecting the application owner type (Individual/Organization) and specifying the
nationality category from the drop-down list, the system will require to select the
nationality. Based on your selection, different fields will appear in the page and will need
to be filled out.

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Figure 20: E-Visas/Application Owner Type

• Based on your nationality selection, some users do not need to apply for visa, others will
need to fill out personal data according to their passports and click proceed. The system
will interact with you accordingly.
• Organizations need to register and login, before applying for Electronic Visa.

Figure 21: Organization Electronic Visa

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• Enter email address and mobile number.

• Tick the acknowledgement, if you are required to fill out personal data.

3 If you are not exempted from visa fees, you will be directed to a new page to process the
payment as described in electronic payment.
4 Upon successful e-Visa payment, the e-Visa can be printed, as described in printing the e-

3.2 Print the e-Visa

After paying the visa fees, a page will appear indicating that the e-Visa has been issued and the
page will show the e-Visa as a PDF file, that can be printed.

Figure 22: e-Visa

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3.3 Visas Search

The E-Services Site provides two ways to search for applications:

1. Search by application number
2. Search by personal information
The search page can be accessed from the main page.

Figure 23: Search Page

By clicking the icon “Visas Search” in the main page, the user will be directed to a new “Search
Applications” page, where he/she will choose one way for searching applications, and accordingly
must enter search criteria, like application number, … etc. Finally, the user will trigger the search
process by clicking the “Search button” and the search results will be shown in the lower part of
the screen.

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Figure 24: Search Applications

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3.4 Apply for e-Visa from your Account

The first step you need to apply from your account is to sign up into the system, then after
successful sign-up, you must login though your username and password to apply for e-Visa.

Figure 25: Main Menu after Login

1 Select the Visa Applications from the main menu, and the system will show two
nationalities’ categories, as shown in the image below.

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Figure 26: Nationalities' Categories

• Based on user’s selection, the system will show different visa application types.
• If “Nationalities that do not require prior approval” selected, the system will show
only “electronic visa”.

Figure 27: E-Visa - No Prior Approval

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• If “Nationalities that require prior approval” selected, the system will show
different visa applications.

Figure 28: Visa Applications - Require Approval

2 For the visa type “electronic visa”, please proceed as in section “Apply without

• While applying form electronic visa, the system will not show some pages, as you
are logged in, and the information will be taken from the registered profile, e.g.
Application Owner Type, Contact Information.

3 For the other visa applications, that require prior approval, the system will proceed with
the services, as applied in e-Services system.

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4 Electronic Services
These are services that require the user to login into the system before applying. This page
contains a filter to search for the service, either by typing the service name in the search field or
by selecting the services category to narrow down the services.

Figure 29: The Electronic Services

4.1 Service Electronic Card

Service Electronic Card includes service description, terms of services, general instruction and
processing related information. The service card can be accessed by the user without login. By
clicking the “apply here” button, the user will be required to login through username and
password, then a new service application will be created.

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Figure 30: Service Electronic Card

5 Notifications
The E-services site provides 2 methods of notifying users for service delivery and application
follow up:
• SMS notification
• E-mail
The site sends the notifications in certain stages of the application. Following are the stages
where notifications are sent to the customer:
1 Successful submission of application
2 Add additional details

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3 Ask for personal interview

4 Payment details are needed
5 Complete process for Workless Residency with Bank Deposit service
6 Application approval/rejection
7 Complete bails process for all bail types
a. Bank bails
b. Juridical bails
c. Financial bails
d. Required guarantees
8 Complete work permission process for work visa/residency services
9 Ask for personal commitment
10 Ask for affidavit

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6 Investors Facilities
This page is intended for investors, which contains information on investor facilities. The page
can be accessed from the main page of the e-services site by clicking the “Investors Facilities”

Figure 31: Investor Facilities

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7 The Jordan Pass

Users of the E-Services Site can navigate directly to the Jordan Pass website through pressing the
“Jordan Pass” icon in the main page of the site.

Figure 32: The Jordan Pass

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8 Contact Us
The “Contact Us” page includes different channels, that the user may use for further help. This
page can be accessed from the main page, by clicking the “Contact Us” icon.

Figure 33: Contact Us

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9 Mobile Application
The E-services site is available through a mobile application, that can be found and installed in:
• Google Play Store
• App Store (Apple)
• AppGallary (Huawei)

Figure 34: Mobile Application Stores

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