Off-Grid Claculation and SLD

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GlobHor DiffHor GlobInc GlobEff PR Monthly TotRad No.

of Days Daily TotRad

KWh/m2 KWh/m2 KWh/m2 KWh/m2 ratio KWh/m2/month Day KWh/m2/day
January 103.2 32.31 132.8 124.6 0.814 122.828 31 3.962
February 118.1 39.08 142 133.7 0.808 141.249 28 5.045
March 181.1 46.6 204.8 193.8 0.795 212.247 31 6.847
April 200.7 57.63 211.1 200 0.719 237.172 30 7.906
May 238.5 60.81 237.2 224.1 0.761 279.336 31 9.011
June 250.3 48.23 242.2 228.7 0.751 288.069 30 9.602
July 255 48.52 249.4 235.4 0.676 293.277 31 9.461
August 234.7 47.37 241.1 228.2 0.751 270.815 31 8.736
September 191.3 43.8 209.6 198.5 0.734 222.431 30 7.414
October 154.7 41.3 183.1 172.7 0.749 181.794 31 5.864
November 115.7 32.55 146.6 137.9 0.796 136.506 30 4.55
December 100.3 27.99 132.6 124.3 0.808 118.262 31 3.815
Year 2143.6 526.19 2332.5 2201.9 0.764 2503.986 365 6.851

Daily Daily Production System daily Night Daytime

Production/panel /KWp production Energy Energy
KWh/m2/day/panel KWh/KWp KWh Kwh Kwh
January 2.179 3.962 89.979 72.576 11.612
February 2.775 5.045 113.73 72.576 35.363
March 3.766 6.847 151.87 72.576 73.503
April 4.348 7.905 158.575 72.576 80.208
May 4.956 9.011 191.321 72.576 112.954
June 5.281 9.602 201.19 72.576 122.823
July 5.203 9.46 178.419 72.576 100.052
August 4.805 8.736 183.045 72.576 104.678
September 4.078 7.415 151.849 72.576 73.482
October 3.225 5.864 122.541 72.576 44.174
November 2.502 4.549 101.026 72.576 22.659
December 2.098 3.815 86.002 72.576 7.635
Year 3.768 6.851 144.129 72.576 65.762
 In the night, from batteries each inverter can give 7500 watt.

 We can use 40 panels each inverter that will make the system power is 44 KWp instead of 29.7 KWp.

 We can use 14 batteries each inverter that will make the system night energy is 145.152 KWh instead of
72.576 KWh and that will make each inverter can give 15000 watt from the batteries in the night.
3d pictures for the system:

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