Week 1-2ppt Types of Physical Activity

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Physical Education and Health

PE & HEALTH (H. O. P. E) 1

What is Physical Education and Health?
What is Physical Activity ?
Physical Activity
- is any form of body movement
that causes your body to use energy.
Benefits of Physical Activity
• Helps people achieve and maintain a healthy
• Reduces feelings of stress, anxiety, depression and
• Builds and maintains healthy bones, muscles and
• Boosts energy level
• Improves quality of sleep
Physical Activities reduces the risk of:
• Dying from heart disease or stroke

• Developing high blood pressure, cholesterol and


• Developing obesity

• Developing osteoporosis ̶ exercise builds strong

bones and muscle
Physical activity allows young people

• Develop healthy musculoskeletal tissues;

• Develop healthy cardiovascular system;

• Develop neuromuscular system;

• Maintain a healthy body weight.


▪ Improved concentration and enhanced memory

and learning;

▪ Reduction and management of stress, anxiety

and depression;

▪ Improved self- esteem and confidence;

▪ Improved psychological well- being.


Physical activity assists young people in their

social developmental by providing opportunities
▪ more readily adopt other healthy

▪ demonstrate higher academic

performance at school.
Types of Physical
1. aerobic activities

2. muscle- strengthening activities

3. bone- strengthening activities

4. stretching activities
Aerobic activity

- also known as “cardio or endurance

activity” exercise is an activity that
involves pumping of oxygenated blood by
the heart to deliver oxygen to working
muscles. It is any activity that you can
sustain for more than just a few minutes
that makes your heart, lungs, and
muscles work ultimately.
- cardio machines exercise, spinning, running,
swimming, walking, hiking, aerobic-s classes,
dancing, kickboxing, etc.
• Light- intensity activities are common daily
activities that do not require much effort.

• Moderate- intensity activities make your

heart, lungs, and muscles work harder than light-
intensity activities do.

• Vigorous- Intensity Activities make your heart,

lungs, and muscles work hard.

∙ F- REQUENCY-Always consider the number of aerobic

exercise sessions per week. When doing cardio exercise,
especially to lose weight, frequency is an important factor
to make it more effective. Start cardio exercises for at least
3 days a week for the first few weeks, with not more than 2
days' rest between sessions. Afterwards, we can gradually
increase the frequency of exercise to 5 days a week.
∙ I-NTENSITY- to be effective, aerobic exercises should be
done in moderate intensity, that is, our heart rate should be
60 to 80% of our maximum heart rate.
∙ T-IME- more time spent doing aerobic exercises means
more calories burned and an increase in endurance. We
can at least do 20 minutes per session at first, then
gradually increase it to 60 minutes.
∙ T-YPE- Running, jogging, sprinting, swimming, and playing
contact sports such as basketball are some activities that
we can do to improve our heart rate. It is also important to
try different exercises and activities to avoid boredom.
Muscle- Strengthening Activities
Muscle strengthening activities are
exercises in which groups of muscles work
or hold against a force or some weight.
Muscle strengthening activities help build
good muscle strength. When muscles do
more work, It becomes stronger. Therefore,
having strong and healthy muscles enable
us to perform everyday physical task.

Ex: push- ups, sit- ups, squats, and lifting

Bone- Strengthening Activities

Bone growth is stimulated by physical

stress brought about by physical activity. As
skeletal muscles contract, they pull their
attachment on bones causing physical stress.
This consequently stimulates bone tissues,
making it stronger and thicker. Such bone
strengthening activities can increase density
throughout our skeletal system. This is called
bone hypertrophy.
Low- impact
A workout is low- impact if at least one of your feet
stays in contact with the ground constantly.
Low- impact weight bearing workouts can also help
keep bones strong and are a safe substitute if you
cannot do high- impact exercises.

Using elliptical training Fast walking on a treadmill or Using stair- step machines
machines walking outdoor
Stretching is a form of exercise that targets
muscles by elongating them to their fullest length.
Stretching should be incorporated into both the
warm- up and cool- down of aerobic and
strengthening exercise.

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