Snowden Nsa
Snowden Nsa
Snowden Nsa
agencies could seek permission to conduct surveil- Later, at the same Hawaii facility, he persuaded co-
lance and collect information from foreign suspects. workers to let him borrow their passwords and without
The Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court appoints their knowledge copied secret NSA documents onto lap-
the FISA Court’s 11 judges. A special court can review top hard drives. Snowden believed the U.S. was violat-
the FISA Court’s decisions. ing the privacy rights of American citizens as well as
In 1979, the U.S. Supreme Court decided that law- international law.
enforcement agencies did not need a search warrant In December 2012, Snowden anonymously con-
to get the phone numbers called by criminal suspects. tacted a few journalists and passed on to them samples
The Supreme Court ruled that phone callers had “no of secret NSA documents. In May 2013, Snowden met
reasonable expectation of privacy” in numbers dialed his contacts in Hong Kong, where he identified himself
into a telephone. Today, phone numbers, dates, and for the first time and handed them the thousands of
the duration of phone calls are called “metadata” and NSA documents he had copied.
do not include the actual content of conversations. On June 5, The Guardian newspaper in London pub-
Following the terrorist attacks on September 11, lished the first of numerous articles and documents that
2001, the NSA and other intelligence agencies shifted revealed many secret mass surveillance programs. Soon
from investigation of criminal suspects to prevention of American newspapers, such as the New York Times,
terrorist attacks and were desperate to improve their use began to publish material from the “Snowden leaks.”
of technology. Within days of 9/11, Congress passed the Snowden, now age 29, planned to seek political asy-
USA PATRIOT Act (Patriot Act), which greatly increased lum in South America. But the U.S. had suspended his
the NSA’s surveillance powers. passport so he could not fly any further than Russia,
which granted him temporary asylum and later ex-
Who Is Edward Snowden? tended it to three years.
Between 2006 and 2012, Edward Snowden, a young
At the Moscow airport, Snowden made his first state-
high school dropout and computer whiz, worked for the
ment to the world’s press about what motivated him:
CIA as well as major tech contractors for the NSA. He
I did what I believed right and began a campaign to
maintained computer systems and received security clear-
correct this wrongdoing. I did not seek to enrich my-
ance which gave him access to secret documents. He says
self. I did not seek to sell U.S. secrets. I did not part-
that while working at a secret NSA facility in Hawaii, he
ner with any foreign government to guarantee my
first complained to supervisors about the NSA’s “illegal
safety. Instead, I took what I knew to the public, so
activities,” but that they ignored his complaint.
what affects all of us can be discussed. . . .
(c) Constitutional Rights Foundation