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Concrete Institute of Australia - Recomended Practice - Z13 Concrete in Marine Environments

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Z13 Performance Criteria for Concrete in Marine Environments RECOMMENDED PRACTICE

Performance Criteria
for Concrete in Marine


Performance Criteria
for Concrete in Marine

The Concrete Institute of Australia New South Wales

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Concrete Institute of Australia ABN 25 000 715 453

Z13 First published October 2001
ISBN 0 909375 57 7

Performance Criteria for Concrete in Marine Environments
■ VicRoads in Victoria has incorporated in its
standard specification (Section 610) a number
Preface of durability provisions, including VPV (volume
of permeable voids, AS 1012.21) to rank
durability performance and as a quality control
Working under the auspices of the Concrete tool for compliance. This has also been used
Institute of Australia, this Recommended Practice has on the City Link Project to ensure a design life
been drafted by a committee formed to address the of 120 years.
issue of the increasingly varied forms of concrete ■ In the specification of concrete for the West
specification for marine environments. This primarily Tuna/Bream B Concrete Gravity Structure,
related to the number of different ways in which a minimum compressive strength grade,
'durability' was being addressed by specifiers, ranging minimum indirect tensile strength, maximum
from a prescriptive approach (eg minimum cement shrinkage and maximum wet density limit were
content and maximum water-binder ratio, W/B) to a nominated. In addition, a chloride diffusion
performance-based approach (eg strength) to the limit of 0.8 x 10-12 m2/s was specified4 based
quality of concrete and the corresponding quantity of on profiles developed from chloride ion
cover to reinforcement. This divergence of approaches concentrations measured in powder samples
by specifiers results in a lack of consistency in taken from test specimens at various depths.
documentation and the consequent misunderstandings It should be noted that the durability problem
that often lead to contractual disputes. being referred to is chloride ion ingress leading to
This variation is best illustrated by considering steel corrosion. This is most prevalent in the spray,
some significant Australian projects and their splash and partially submerged exposure zones of
specifications. marine structures. This is predicated on the concept
■ For the Sydney Harbour Tunnel Immersed that steel corrosion is the main cause of deteriorating
Tube Units, important considerations included marine concrete in Australia. Although other
strength to satisfy structural requirements, a deterioration mechanisms, such as chemical attack,
design service life of 100 years, concrete of a do exist, it is clear that specifiers focus on the most
low shrinkage to control cracking, and good significant threat, ie chloride ion induced steel
pumpability and workability for placement and corrosion.
finishing1,2. Detailed requirements for the Recognising that the specification of concrete
concrete were low permeability, resistance to for marine applications is a developing science, it
chloride ion penetration, high sulphate was considered important to provide information not
resistance and low heat of hydration. only on performance criteria currently in use, but also
■ The Sea Wall Panels of the Sydney Parallel on those under development. Following a survey of
Runway Project also had a design life of 100 the latter, six were therefore selected for presentation
years. Requirements for the concrete included in an appendix to this publication. This represents only
an f'c of 40 MPa, a maximum charge transfer of a small sample of work currently under way in this area
1000 coulombs based on ASTM C 1202 and a around the world. Those included in the appendix
shrinkage limit of 600 microstrain at 56 days. were considered to have a sound technical basis and
The Roads and Traffic Authority of New South to offer – after further evaluation in the laboratory
Wales (RTA of NSW) has set down a number of and/or in the field – a useful tool for specifiers.
requirements for structural concretes in its specification
covering Concrete Work for Bridges3, considered
later in this document. The specification requires a
measure of durability based upon the water sorptivity
characteristics of concrete. A maximum sorptivity
value is specified to cover all concretes including
those to be used in marine environments.

Performance Criteria for Concrete in Marine Environments
Performance Criteria for Concrete in Marine Environments
Committee Members

Drafting Committee Members:

■ Mr Graham Kirkby
Blue Circle Southern Cement Limited
■ Dr Daksh Baweja
CSR Construction Materials
■ Mr Wolfgang Merretz
Structural Concrete Industries (Aust) Pty Ltd
■ Dr Nadarajah Gowripalan
University of NSW

Other Committee Members:

■ Dr Samia Guirguis ■ Mr Barry Butler

Cement & Concrete Association of Australia Ash Development Association of Australia
■ Mr Bob Potter ■ Dr Ihor Hinczak
Cement & Concrete Association of Australia Australasian Slag Association
■ Dr Alex Leshchinsky ■ Mr Tom Wauer
Australasian Slag Association Australasian Slag Association
■ Mr John Pattison ■ Mr Warren Green
Australian Pre-Mixed Concrete Association Taywood Engineering
■ Dr Vute Sirivivatnanon ■ Mr Chris Edwards
CSIRO Division of Building, Construction & Chris Edwards & Associates
Engineering ■ Mr Yovan Trajanoski
■ Mr Bruce Nagle Grace Construction Products
Sydney Ports Corporation
■ Mr David Armstrong The Committee would also like to acknowledge
Sinclair Knight Merz the following contributors in the development of this
■ Mr Royce Ratcliffe document.
Microsilica JV ■ Neil Baker – formerly with the Department of
■ Mr John Zavesky Land and Water Conservation
Cardno MBK ■ John Ashby – formerly with the Australasian
■ Mr Bruce Fenton Slag Association
Australian Steel Mill Services
■ Mr Alex MacKnight
GHD – MacKnight Pty Ltd
■ Mr Gavin Laurie
Australian Pre-Mixed Concrete Association
■ Dr E Stefan Bernard
University of Western Sydney
■ Mr Brendan Corcoran
Corcoran Shepard Consultants

Performance Criteria for Concrete in Marine Environments

1 Introduction Appendix A Performance Criteria

Under Development
1.1 Scope 8
A.1 Modified ASTM C 1202 – Electrical
1.2 Terminology 9
indication of concrete's ability to
1.3 Service life models 9 resist chloride ion penetrability 25

A.2 Ion migration 26

2 Survey of Current Specifications for
Concrete in Marine Environments A.3 Specification based on long-term
2.1 Background 11 steel corrosion data 27

2.2 Survey results for Australian projects 11 A.4 Electrical impedance of concrete 30

2.3 Survey results for overseas projects 12 A.5 Cyclic chloride penetration test 32

2.4 Analysis of survey results 12 A.6 Chloride ingress profile 33

3 Application of Performance Criteria References 34

in Project Specifications 13

4 Currently Used Performance Criteria

4.1 Background and selection criteria 14

4.2 Minimum strength and cover

(AS 3600 and Austroads) 14

4.3 Water sorptivity 17

4.4 Water absorption test

(modified BS 1881: Part 122:1983) 18

4.5 Rapid chloride ion penetrability

(ASTM C 1202-91) 18

4.6 Chloride diffusion parameter 20

4.7 Apparent volume of permeable

voids (AVPV) 21

5 Evaluation and Ranking of

Performance Criteria 23
6 Conclusions and Recommendations

6.1 Conclusions 24

6.2 Recommendations 24

Performance Criteria for Concrete in Marine Environments
Tables Figures

Table 1 Survey results – mix design and Figure 1 The initiation-propagation model for
curing specifications (total number corrosion of steel in concrete first
surveyed – 12) 11 proposed by Tutti6 (from Baweja7) 9

Table 2 Survey results – tests for establishing Figure 2 Measurement of water sorptivity21 17
concrete performance under marine
Figure 3 Test set-up – schematic diagram 19
conditions (total number
surveyed – 12) 11 Figure 4 Demonstration of curve fitting33 21

Table 3 Properties specified on overseas Figure 5 Peak (or maximum) concrete resistivity
projects 12 as influenced by 28-day concrete
resistivity – showing differentiation of
Table 4 Summarised requirements for
low and high resistivity concretes and
concrete for marine environments
proposed 28-day limit41 28
conforming to AS 3600 16
Figure 6 Peak concrete resistivity as influenced
Table 5 Summarised requirements for
by 56-day concrete resistivity –
concrete for marine environments
showing differentiation of low and high
conforming to AUSTROADS
resistivity concretes and proposed
Bridge Design Code 16
56-day limit 28
Table 6 Summarised requirements for
Figure 7 Estimated design life (years) versus
concrete for marine environments
cover to reinforcement for low and
conforming to RTA Specification
high resistivity concretes (described
Part B8022 16
in Figures 5 and 6) 29
Table 7 Chloride ion penetrability based on
Figure 8 Electro-chemical processes in
electrical charge passed
reinforced concrete 30
(ASTM C 1202) 19
Figure 9 Diagram of Wenner bridge 31
Table 8 VicRoads classification for concrete
durability based on the AVPV36 22

Table 9 Relationship between VPV and

strength for exposure classifications
for Special Class concrete and
AUSTROADS '92 concrete at 28 days 22

Table 10 Evaluation of performance criteria

and associated tests 23

Table 11 Proposed Limits for the Modified

ASTM C 1202 Test37 25

Table 12 Relationship between chloride

permeability and concrete quality 26

Table 13 Chloride penetrability based on BRC

cyclic ponding test results 33

Performance Criteria for Concrete in Marine Environments
1 In acknowledgment of the above, this
Recommended Practice deals exclusively with
Introduction methods of specifying the concrete. In this context, it
is very important that the complete picture be
considered, with any method being evaluated in
1.1 Scope terms of its impact on the whole of the design and
construction process, viz:
Durability of reinforced concrete in a marine
■ Design stage – for which a design tool is
environment can be impaired as a result of corrosion
provided, eg by the specification of the
of the reinforcing steel, chemical attack on the
design life.
concrete, and alkali aggregate reactivity. In Australia,
■ Concrete-supply stage – for which
steel corrosion is considered to be the main cause of
pre-qualification requirements (to be satisfied
deterioration of reinforced concrete exposed to
prior to the concrete being accepted for use
marine conditions.
on the project) are specified.
This document provides designers and
■ Construction stage – for which quality control
specifiers with guidance on the specification of the
(by way of routine testing to be undertaken
quality of concrete cover to minimise corrosion of
throughout the contract period) is specified.
steel through:
When considering the method of specification
■ A review of the different methods that have
in these three stages, it becomes clear that issues
been used in Australia to specify 'durability' for
revolving around any testing become very important.
concrete structures in marine environments.
Such factors as the duration of any test, the relative
Thus the issues covered in this document
ease, cost, degree of accuracy and consistency
include the various types of parameters that
should be considered so that the specifier makes
are nominated within a specification for the
appropriate use of testing within the contractual
express aim of achieving appropriate durability.
framework. For instance:
■ Putting forward recommendations on the 'most
■ It may be unreasonable to require a two-month
suitable' approach currently available to
pre-qualification during a one-month tender
specify durable reinforced concrete in marine
■ Any specified tests should be reliable and
Corresponding requirements for cover depths
and their compliance are of critical importance but
■ Any acceptance criteria nominated should be
are outside the scope of this document. Measures
quoted in the context of the precision of the
such as surface coatings for concrete and impregnation
test method. The risks associated with the
(eg by silanes) are used to delay or minimise ingress
compliance criteria should be well balanced.
of corrosive agents into concrete. Measures to
■ Any consequences of non-compliance should
enhance corrosion resistance of the reinforcing steel
be clearly described in the specification.
such as cathodic protection and the use of stainless
For pre-qualification, the specification will
steel are also used. Such measures may be valid and
nominate a method by which concrete will be regarded
effective in certain applications. However, detailed
as complying. It may be by way of water:binder ratio,
information on these measures is also outside the
cement content or a performance test. In all cases,
scope of this document.
some form of compliance must be demonstrated by
With any concrete structure it is important that,
the contractor unless a deemed-to-comply route is
at the design stage, due consideration be given not
offered by the specifier. The latter approach should
only to the structural design but also to the
be considered by the specifier only in cases where
design/specification of the concrete itself. In marine
there is a paucity of data. This will probably be the
(and other aggressive) environments this is particularly
case in the early stages of any new performance test.
important, with in-service problems resulting from
structural-design inadequacies being much less
common that from shortcomings in the specification
(and use) of the actual concrete.

Performance Criteria for Concrete in Marine Environments
Initiation time for E2 (T0) Propagation time
for E2 (T1)
Initiation time Propagation time for E1 (T1)
for E1 (T0)

Unacceptable damage level



e el



0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
TIME (years)

Figure 1
The initiation-propagation model for corrosion of steel in concrete first proposed by Tutti 6 (from Baweja 7)

1.2 Terminology Tutti6 in 1982 and is graphically shown in Figure 1.

The following terminology has been used The distinction between the two is the time at which
throughout the document. the steel first becomes active and begins to corrode.
'Specification Criteria' refers to the form in which In the initiation phase the contaminating species
durable concrete is being specified in the migrate through the concrete toward the steel. During
contract document. This term includes both the the propagation phase the steel is corroding and the
prescriptive approach (eg water-binder ratio) resultant expansion causes physical distress to the
as well as the more performance-based concrete. Most specification performance criteria for
approach (eg chloride diffusion parameter). durable concrete can be described within this time
'Cement' refers to portland or blended cement as frame.
defined in AS 39725 or a mixture of either of Figure 1 shows corrosion activity against time
these with fly ash, slag or silica fume. To avoid for two reinforced concrete elements, 1 and 2. The
confusion, in this document, the ratio of water initiation (T0) and propagation (T1) times are described
to 'cement' is designated as water/binder (W/B). for each element. If the criterion for acceptable
durability is taken as the total initiation plus propagation
times (shown as unacceptable damage), it can be
1.3 Service life models
seen that Element 1 is less durable than Element 2.
Chloride ions present the most significant
Although the corrosion rate in the propagation phase
threats to the integrity of reinforced concrete structures
is greater for Element 2, the initiation time is also
in marine environments. Chloride ions penetrate into
greater in Element 2. The importance of the initiation
the cover concrete and, in time, may reach the steel
period is thus demonstrated. Tutti stated that the
reinforcement. Upon reaching the steel reinforcement
service life of a structure could not be completely
in sufficient quantities, corrosion can be initiated,
assessed using corrosion rate data only. He noted that
leading to physical distress in the concrete. This
the initiation time provided a conservative prediction
deterioration process is generally a two-stage one,
of the service life of a reinforced concrete structure.
the initiation phase and the propagation phase. The
initiation-propagation model was first proposed by

Performance Criteria for Concrete in Marine Environments
Several transport mechanisms have been Many models have been suggested for
proposed to quantify chloride penetration into the predicting the service life of concrete structures. An
cover concrete under various exposure conditions. example has been proposed by Andrade et al15. The
They include diffusion, capillary absorption and authors have attempted to use values of corrosion
permeation under hydrostatic pressure. The most current measured in laboratory tests for service life
commonly used is diffusion. prediction. They used the Tutti6 model focusing on the
A commonly applied tool for estimating the propagation phase of the corrosion of steel. The major
initiation period for corrosion involves the calculation difficulty noted was in selecting the unacceptable
of a chloride diffusion coefficient, D, based on Fick's level of deterioration associated with the propagation
Law4,8,9,10. The service life of a reinforced concrete phase. It is for this reason that many of the methods
element is derived from, amongst other factors, this available to the specifier focus on the measurement of
coefficient. It is acknowledged that D changes with the initiation time rather than on the propagation time.
time and, thereby, when physically testing with this
parameter, the time of test and the test duration
become factors that influence the accuracy of D and
the confidence with which service life can be
predicted11,12. Suffice to say that it is a complex
debate which links a generally supported service-life-
estimation model with the vagaries of testing hardened
concrete. The difficulty for practising engineers is that
results for D need to be obtained within a reasonable
time frame for prequalification purposes (say
28–56 days), whereas theoretically much longer test
durations would be desirable (say 6 months or more).
In many cases, structures are required to
perform under field situations even after steel
depassivation has taken place. A model proposed by
Suzuki et al13 for reinforced concrete in a marine
environment considers two principal factors. Firstly, a
prediction of chloride ion penetration depth based on
visual observations of the quantity of reinforcement
found corroding on the structure is needed. Secondly,
predictions of reinforcement cross sectional loss due
to corrosion are required. These are estimated by
measuring chloride levels in concrete for which a
grade of corrosion is determined. This grade of
corrosion is linked to the minimum remaining cross
sectional area of reinforcement based on data obtained
from field work. A prediction of the reinforcement
condition is then made. Cady and Weyers14 reported
on a model for predicting the service life of bridge
decks in a similar way to that described by Tutti6. In
this case, the deck age and the percentage of spalled,
delaminated or previously patched deck area were
needed to establish the condition and the potential
service life of the structure.

Performance Criteria for Concrete in Marine Environments
2 Some additional parameters have also been
specified for marine structures, including drying
Survey of Current shrinkage at various ages, soluble salts, alkali
aggregate reactivity (AAR), surface treatment and
Specifications for Concrete in
maximum crack width.
Marine Environments The survey results are reviewed in Clause 2.4.

2.1 Background Table 1 Survey results – mix design and curing

The major specifiers of concrete for marine specifications (total number surveyed – 12)
applications in Australia were surveyed and the
findings compared with a limited review of overseas No. of
specifications. Specifications from twelve Australian specifications
authorities and organisations were critically examined Property where nominated
to establish any consistency of approach. These
specifiers could be classified into four groups, viz: Binder content (kg/m3) 9
■ Major public authorities Portland cement content (kg/m3) 2
■ Major civil-structural design consultancies Binder composition 9
■ Australian Standards Max W/B 9
■ Industry associations (eg Cement and Concrete Superplasticiser 4
Association of Australia). Commercial integral waterproofers 2
Overseas specifiers can also be grouped into Slump (mm) 3
these categories. Since only six projects were Minimum curing (days) 11
reviewed, this should not be considered an
exhaustive study. The aim was to determine any
general trend on large projects. Table 2 Survey results – tests for establishing
concrete performance under marine conditions
(total number surveyed – 12)
2.2 Survey results for Australian projects
The information collected is classified into four
No. of
key areas, viz:
■ Requirements for concrete mix design and
Property where nominated
■ Curing requirements
Sorptivity (mm) 1
■ Marine durability parameters
VPV at 28 days (%) 1
■ Additional durability requirements.
Minimum strength (MPa) 10
The information is summarised in Tables 1 and 2.
RCIP (coulombs) 2
Requirements of mix design and materials
Chloride diffusion coefficient (m2/s) 1
included factors such as minimum binder content or
Modified BS 1881 (7 days) (%) 1
cement content, binder type, maximum water:binder
Cover to reinforcement (mm) 9
ratio and slump together with the curing regime to be
Curing requirements covered minimum curing
period, type of curing (membrane curing, moist curing
or steam curing).
Durability parameters specified include quality
in terms of sorptivity, apparent volume of permeable
voids (AVPV), compressive strength, rapid chloride
ion penetration (RCIP), chloride diffusion and water
absorption, and quantity in terms of cover to
reinforcement and the tolerances.

Performance Criteria for Concrete in Marine Environments
Table 3 Properties specified on overseas projects

Arabian South
Property Norway Canada Finland UK Gulf Africa USA

Comppressive strength x x x x x x
Max. W/B x x x x x x
C3A content x
Binder content x x x x x
Chloride diffusion co-efficient x x x
VPV x x x x
Cover to rebar x x x x x x

2.3 Survey results for overseas projects Despite the significant influence of the free
A summary of seven major overseas projects water content of concrete on its permeability and
and specification requirements is given in Table 3. drying shrinkage, not all specifiers limit water/binder
Requirements for concrete mix design included even and, more importantly, none of those reviewed restrict
limitations on components of cement such as C3A, the maximum water content of concrete.
chlorides relative to cement content, water:binder It appears that, in general, specifiers feel that
ratio and binder content. the binder content, water/binder and binder
In terms of curing, temperature and a composition are important for achieving durability,
temperature gradient are specified. although there was no single superior binder
As durability parameters, permeability, water composition identified. Cover to reinforcement, curing
penetration, compressive strength, concrete cover and strength are also considered to be important.
and curing were specified. Minimum curing period was considered as one of the
most important parameters and specified in all cases
but one. This analysis revealed four things:
2.4 Analysis of survey results
■ Current specifications for concrete in marine
A summary of the data has been arranged in
environments are largely prescriptive.
Tables 1 and 2. Table 1 focuses on mix design
■ There is no general agreement as to what
and curing specifications. Table 2 reviews specified
performance-based measures should be used.
tests for establishing the performance of concrete in
■ Parameters currently specified for marine
marine environments. Other or additional requirements
structures internationally (such as diffusion
specified in the documents surveyed included drying
coefficient and permeability)16 are seldom
shrinkage, density, surface treatment, maximum crack
used in Australia.
width and laboratory trial mixes.
■ Lack of emphasis on concrete cover and in
In each of these tables, the number of
particular compliance requirements.
specifications nominating a particular parameter has
been reported in an attempt to identify any consistency
in the specifications. Generally, agreement was
observed in specifying the following:
■ binder content;
■ binder composition (although there was no
agreement on the most appropriate general
type of binder);
■ water/ binder;
■ curing period;
■ minimum strength; and
■ cover to reinforcement (although this varied to
some degree).
Performance Criteria for Concrete in Marine Environments
3 Because of the variable nature of concrete,
it is extremely important that the acceptance criteria
Application of Performance be set and assessed statistically so as to balance the
consumer's risk of accepting defective concrete and
Criteria in Project Specifications
the producer's risk of having good concrete rejected.
A performance criterion may be used in Importantly, the consequences of
project specifications in three distinct ways, viz: non-compliance should be carefully thought through
and documented by the specifier. The specifier for
As a design tool instance, may require the rejection of all concrete
In this case the designer/specifier uses the since the recording of the last acceptable result. If this
performance criterion during the actual design is not explicitly stated, significant debate will ensue as
process to define a certain design life. This may to the actual consequences of non-compliance. The
include say chloride diffusion and cover or even specifier may also require some form of rectification
compressive strength and cover, though strength is (eg coating the non-conforming concrete to ensure
an indirect criterion (as used in AS 360017 Section 4). that the expected design life will be achieved). The
Chloride diffusion, for instance, has a theoretical basis fact of a non-compliance is usually not in debate,
for its relationship to a design life whereas rather the consequences for the structure (real cost
compressive strength at 28 days has only an indirect for the contractor) and it is from here that much
(and somewhat empirical) relationship. conflict evolves.
The specifier and/or designer should be aware
For pre-qualification of the difference between each of the above and be
clear about the use of each. The interaction between
In this case the specifier identifies the
them should also be borne in mind – since an
requirements that the contractor must satisfy before
assessment of the effectiveness of a particular
the concrete is accepted for use in the project. These
criterion must take into account its effect on the whole
requirements are defined in terms of an acceptance
design and construction process, not only on the
level. For instance, this acceptance may be in terms
aspect at which it is primarily aimed.
of a not-to-be-exceeded figure or it may be an
average-not-to-exceed figure. The specifier must think
carefully about such acceptance limits as small
changes in definition can have an enormous effect on
the outcome (ie the above two options may have
significantly different outcomes). The usual reference
to compressive strength in specifications is different
again as it is based on a 95% confidence acceptance
criterion. The likely time required for such a test or
verification process should be clearly identified in the
tender documents so that the companies tendering
are made aware of time constraints for various

For quality control

In this case the specifier nominates the
ongoing testing and verification needed during the
project. The specifier should clearly nominate
acceptance criteria and define the level of testing
required throughout the project (eg every 500 m3 or
every two months).

Performance Criteria for Concrete in Marine Environments
4 4.2 Minimum strength and cover
(AS 3600 and AUSTROADS17)
Currently Used Performance Underlying principles The industry position on
Criteria specification of concrete for marine environments
largely reflects the provisions of AS 3600 and the '92
4.1 Background and selection criteria AUSTROADS Bridge Design Code. In the main, a
In reviewing and commenting (in Clauses 4.2– performance-based approach has been adopted by
4.7) on each of the methods currently used to specify these two widely referenced documents (ie strength is
durable concrete, a standard approach has been considered a performance-based approach). Key
adopted so as to get an even evaluation. Each is factors that are considered in the specification of
considered under the following headings: concrete are:
Underlying principles This describes the basic ■ Exposure classifications (B2 or C)
physical mechanism or phenomenon that forms the ■ Minimum compressive strength
basis of the method, eg: ■ Nomination of normal or special class concrete
■ chloride diffusion – the underlying mechanism (to AS 137919)
is a diffusion of chloride ions into concrete; ■ Where Special Class concrete is specified, the
■ sorptivity/VPV – the underlying mechanism is following are required:
the process of absorption of water by the minimum binder content;
concrete; and binder composition;
■ strength and cover – the underlying mechanism maximum water:binder ratio
is an indirect relationship between strength, (AUSTROADS only)
cover and an increased service life. Cover to reinforcement
It is important to understand the principle Type and extent of curing.
which underlies any method. In all the methods, Other than compressive strength, no
specification of cover depth is an inherent component measurable performance-based test is relied upon. It
of the durability performance requirements. However, is noted that the design life of structures conforming
the emphasis on quality control of cover remains to AS 3600 is 40 to 60 years while that of those
under-rated. In the revised (February 2001) CIA conforming to the '92 AUSTROADS Bridge Design
document Durable Concrete Structures (Z7), a Code is 100 years. This is based on a different set of
method of improving concrete cover is discussed. specified parameters in each code.
How the performance criteria are used This
How the performance criteria are used AS 3600
describes the practical application of the method of
specifies exposure classification B2 for members
specification by a specifier or designer. This may
permanently submerged in sea water and C for
define such issues as acceptance criteria, time
members in tidal and splash zones. The Standard
constraints and specified limits.
requires that for Classification B2, concrete with f'c of
Details of the test This describes the basic elements not less than 40 MPa shall be used. For Classification
of any required testing. Special characteristics or C, the minimum f'c is nominated to be 50 MPa.
idiosyncrasies of adopted test techniques are outlined. Where special class concretes as defined in
Relationship between performance criteria and AS 1379 are specified, the Standard makes it
design life This describes the relationship, either mandatory to specify a minimum binder content and
qualitative or quantitative, between the specification the type of binder (the Standard uses the word 'cement'
method and the structure design life. Historically, the to describe portland cement and/or supplementary
link between a structure's design life and the specifi- cementitious material – defined in this document as
cation of concrete has been qualitative. This document 'binder'). Suggested minimum binder contents are
describes methods which all attempt to provide given in the commentary to AS 360020 as 330 kg/m3
selection criteria for concrete having improved durability for B2 Exposure Classification and 400 kg/m3 for
characteristics. Such concretes are more likely to Exposure Classification C. It is not mandatory to
perform for an intended design life under aggressive specify water:binder ratio (not even for special class
marine conditions. concrete) and no guidance is given in this regard.

Performance Criteria for Concrete in Marine Environments
Provisions in the '92 AUSTROADS Bridge Relationship between performance criteria and
Design Code are similar to those described for design life There is no quantitative link between this
AS 3600 in terms of exposure classification and method of specification and the design life of
minimum concrete strength. However, all concrete is concrete. The specification is based on experience
designated 'Special Class' and specification of binder and prescriptive parameters only. Both design codes
type, binder content and water:binder ratio is required. adopt compressive strength, binder content and
The commentary to the AUSTROADS Code provides curing as an indirect measure of the degree of
suggested minimum binder contents that are protection the concrete provides to the reinforcement.
significantly higher than those recommended by the The AUSTROADS specification uses a minimum
AS 3600 commentary. Suggested maximum strength concept instead of characteristic strength
water:binder ratios are also provided in the which is used in AS 3600. It is often the case in marine
AUSTROADS commentary. structures that the specified strength is governed by
AS 3600 requires a 45-mm cover to durability rather than structural requirements. Durability
reinforcement for B2 Classification and 40-MPa is achieved by specification of low water:binder ratio
concrete (10 mm less if 50-MPa concrete is used) and high binder content concretes which often leads
and a 50-mm cover for Classification C in members to a strength in excess of that required for structural
where standard formwork and compaction are used. purposes alone.
The above covers have a 5-mm negative tolerance for
beams and columns. A 10-mm cover reduction is
allowed for members where rigid formwork and intense
vibration are used – as is common in the manufacture
of precast concrete components. It should be noted
that rigid formwork and intense compaction are not
normally achievable on construction sites. The cover
reduction is intended for elements produced in
properly equipped precast factories.
The AUSTROADS Code requires a 55-mm
cover for Exposure Classification B2 and 40-MPa
concrete (45 mm for 50-MPa concrete). A cover of
70 mm is required for Exposure Classification C and
50-MPa concrete. Tolerances and allowable
reductions of cover for rigid formwork and intensive
compaction are similar to those in AS 3600.

Details of the test Summarised requirements of

AS 3600 and AUSTROADS Code are presented in
Tables 4 and 5 on page 16. All concretes in the
AUSTROADS Code are defined as 'Special Class'.

Performance Criteria for Concrete in Marine Environments
Table 4 Summarised requirements for concrete for marine environments conforming to AS 3600

Concrete Class*/Exposure Classification**

Property Normal/B2 Normal/C Special/B2 Special/C

f'c*** (MPa) 40 50 40 50
Min. binder (kg/m3) Not required Not required 330 suggested20 400 suggested20
Max. W:B Not required Not required Not required Not required
Binder type Not required Not required To be specified To be specified
Ambient curing (days) 7 7 7 7
Cover (mm) 45 50 45 50
Design life (years) 40–60 40–60 40–60 40–60

* Normal and special class concretes are defined in AS 137919

** B2 exposure – permanently submerged, C exposure – tidal or splash zone
*** The characteristic compressive strength of concrete at 28 days

Table 5 Summarised requirements for concrete for marine environments conforming to AUSTROADS Bridge
Design Code18

Concrete Class*/Exposure Classification**

Property Special/B2 Special/C

f'c (Min.) (MPa) 40 50

Min. binder content (kg/m3) 390 suggested 450 suggested
Max. W:B 0.46 0.40
Binder type To be specified To be specified
Ambient curing (days) 7 7
Steam curing (maturity) NA 350°C.hrs
Cover (mm) 55 70
Design life (years) 100 100

* Normal and Special Class Concretes are defined in AS 137919

** B2 exposure – permanently submerged, C exposure – tidal and splash zone

Table 6 Summarised requirements for concrete for marine environments conforming to RTA Specification
Part B80 22

Exposure Minimum cement content Maximum W:C ratio Maximum sorptivity penetration
classification* (kg/m3) (by mass) (mm)

B2 370 0.46 20
C 420 0.40 8

* B2 exposure – permanently submerged, C exposure – tidal and splash zone

Note that cement refers to blended cement. Maximum sorptivity figures refer to blended cement only
(figures are different for portland cement).

Performance Criteria for Concrete in Marine Environments
4.3 Water sorptivity Details of the test For the relevant exposure
classifications as defined by AS 3600 and the RTA
Underlying principles Water sorptivity (S) is a
Specification B80 (B2 and C), specific requirements
property that describes the rate of water penetration
are noted and are summarised in Table 6 on page 16.
due to capillary action, and provides an indication of
Sorptivity is verified on a trial mix using the curing
the pore structure of the concrete surface. This is
regime proposed for use on the structure.
fundamentally different to moisture movement in
Test specimens are made using the proposed
concrete (absorption and adsorption) which are not
materials and mix proportions batched at the highest
considered in this specification method.
water:binder ratio conforming to the allowable slump
The concept of water sorptivity was developed
range for the nominated concrete mix. The specimens
by the CSIRO in the late 1980s and reported by Ho21.
are cured under conditions which are representative
It is a property that quantifies the relative ease with
of field curing conditions. After demoulding, specimens
which water penetrates concrete. This property is
are dry conditioned in a chamber for a minimum
often confused with permeability, which is defined as
28 days for the exposure condition B2 or 35 days for
the movement of water through concrete under the
the exposure condition C.
action of a pressure differential. Sorptivity is generally
Immediately following dry conditioning,
thought to be relevant to exposed, above ground
specimens are placed in a water bath to soak for a
structures. There are many methods that can be used
period of 24 hours. Specimens are then fractured and
to measure sorption characteristics in concrete, two
the fracture surface dusted with methylene blue
examples being described in the RTA Specification
indicator to provide a depth of penetration of water.
Part B80 Concrete Work for Bridges22 and Ho.
The dust is applied within 30 seconds of specimen
How the performance criterion is used The depth fracture. In addition, RTA Specification Part B80
of penetration has been found to be related to the specifies concrete for marine applications using
square root of time as described in Figure 2. deemed-to-comply requirements.
The behaviour can be approximated mathemat-
Relationship between performance criterion and
ically by the following equation taken from Ho21:
design life There is no quantitative link between the
d = do + svt
method as it is applied and the design life of a
structure. The limits set are based on experience and
d = Water penetration (mm)
rely in part on prescriptive requirements for concrete.
do = Constant (Figure 2)
s = Water sorptivity (mm/h0.5)
t = Time in hours
In practice, do is small and can be ignored. It
follows that low values of water sorptivity are generally
thought to reflect good quality concrete.

Sorptivity, S (equivalent to line slope)




Figure 2
Measurement of water sorptivity 21

Performance Criteria for Concrete in Marine Environments
4.4 Water absorption test 4.5 Rapid chloride ion penetrability
(modified BS 1881: Part 122:198323) (ASTM C 120224,25)

Underlying principles The requirements of Part 122 Underlying principles The ASTM C 1202 test is an
of this British Standard are that the water ingress into indirect method of measurement of chloride ion
an oven-dried concrete cylinder be measured at penetration. It is described elsewhere in this document
28 to 32 days after casting. This test is modified and as the 'Rapid Chloride Ion Penetrability Test'. This test
used in specifications such that the 7-day absorption is based on an earlier technique described by
value is used. American Association of State Highway and Transport
Water is absorbed into the concrete mainly as Officials (AASHTO) Specification T277-8326. The
a result of capillary suction. The result is expressed ASTM C 1202 test as it relates to heat-cured precast
as a percentage absorption based on the oven dried prestressed concrete has been reviewed by PCI27.
mass of the concrete cylinder. The underlying mechanism is one based on an
electrical charge transfer through a saturated
How the performance criterion is used The
concrete specimen under a high potential difference
absorption values can be compared for different
environment. From an engineering viewpoint, the
concrete mixes. The maximum absorption value
lower the charge transfer value, the more the
commonly specified for marine structures is 1% at
apparent resistance of the concrete to chloride ion
7 days. This can usually be achieved only by
incorporation of an integral hydrophobic admixture
into the concrete mix. How the performance criterion is used The test
assesses the chloride ion penetrability in concrete by
Details of the test Although BS 1881 Part 122
monitoring the amount of current passed axially
specifies that this test be carried out at 28 to 32 days,
through a concrete specimen. Guides for assessing
in Australian specifications it is specified at 7 days.
the final current are detailed in the Standard and have
There is no evidence of justification for this deviation
been presented in Table 7. A default standard for
from the standard procedure.
marine applications of less than 1000 coulombs
Relationship between performance criterion and (normally at 28 days) has been specified for many
design life There is no quantitative link between the major projects in Australia.
method as it is applied and the design life of a Pfeifer et al28 believe that Table 7 and the
structure. The limits set are based on experience and information contained in it is misleading and should
rely solely on prescriptive requirements for concrete. therefore not be used for compliance criteria in
specifications. The classifications noted are qualitative
only and do not relate to design life. The test was
developed for use as a rapid comparison between
concrete mixes. It was not intended as a design aid
for specifiers.
The PC1 (Precast/Prestressed Concrete
Institute) award-winning, state-of-the-art paper29
cautions specifiers that unless the ASTM C 1202 test
method is correlated to long-term salt water ponding
tests (at least one to two years), the C 1202 test
results are suspect.
Further, the PCI study27 clearly showed that
when actual long-term chloride diffusion coefficients
are plotted against 'coulomb' values, there is a
dramatic change in the relationship at a 'coulomb'
level of about 2500 to 3000, not 1000 as implied by
Table 7.

Performance Criteria for Concrete in Marine Environments
Table 7 Chloride ion penetrability based on electrical Details of the test The test assesses the chloride ion
charge passed (Table 1 in ASTM C 1202 24) penetrability in concrete by monitoring the amount of
current passed axially through a 100-mm-diameter by
Charge Passed 50-mm-long concrete specimen. The test involves
(coulombs) Chloride ion penetrability exposure of one end of the specimen to a 3% sodium
chloride solution while the other end is exposed to a
>4000 High 0.3N sodium hydroxide solution. A potential difference
2000 to 4000 Moderate of 60±1V is maintained across the specimen for six
1000 to 2000 Low hours Figure 3. The total charge passed (current
100 to 1000 Very low versus time) measured in coulombs is recorded for
<100 Negligible each test specimen. This electrical charge value is
related to the ability of concrete to resist chloride ion
penetration following the guidelines in Table 7.
There are no restrictions in the Standard as to
how specimens are to be prepared. In many cases,
+ 60 V 0V discs are cut from standard 100-mm-diameter
Aperture for
escaping gas and Aperture for compression test cylinders cast in accordance with
thermocouple filling container
AS 1012. As with compression tests, there will be
some variation in results. The testing of multiple
samples taken from one trial mix is recommended.

0.3N 3% Relationship between performance criterion and

NaOH NaCl design life There is no direct correlation between the
total charge passed in coulombs and the design life
Wire mesh of a structure. Any relationship between the two
parameters will be qualitative and empirical.
The approach that has been taken by many
practitioners to date is to limit the charge passed in
Concrete test disc this test to below 1000 coulombs for concrete in marine
Perspex housing (100 dia. x 50 thick)
environments. Concretes meeting this specification
will generally tend to have water:binder ratios of
Figure 3
between 0.35 and 0.40 and with high resistivity
Test set-up – schematic diagram
characteristics, which are all good characteristics for
marine environment concretes as shown by Khatri
et al30. It is also true that a 1000-coulomb limit will
eliminate certain concretes that will perform adequately
for specific design lives under marine conditions.
Caution and experience in interpretation of results is
therefore required.

Performance Criteria for Concrete in Marine Environments
4.6 Chloride diffusion parameter Dc describes a particular family of curves,
which defines the chloride diffusion profile in the
Underlying principles The chloride diffusion
concrete at any given age. Having defined Dc the
performance criterion involve the specification of a
chloride profile is defined, and therefore the time to
diffusion coefficient for the concrete. This method
initiation (hence the design life).
proposes that the degree of risk from the Cl- migration
In essence, Dc describes a diffusion curve via
deterioration mechanism can be determined by
Fick's Second Law of Diffusion31, a mathematical way
measuring the propensity of the concrete to allow the
of describing the diffusion process. Importantly, it is a
chlorides to build up at the steel surface in quantities
time function, therefore allowing a prediction of a
sufficient for corrosion. The chloride ion movement is
chloride profile at some future time. The applicability
assumed to be a diffusion process and so the
of this method is that the time for the chloride ion
propensity to diffuse can be used as a measure of the
concentration (at the depth of the steel) to reach
likely performance of the concrete.
critical levels can be determined for a given Dc (ie T0).
This performance criterion is based on the fact
The Dc for a given concrete can be determined
that chloride ions migrate through concrete in the
by testing.
pore water solution. This occurs by what is termed
RILEM Committee 116 produced a report in
concentration diffusion (ie the chloride ions move at a
1995 entitled Performance Criteria for Concrete
rate proportional to their concentration, forming a
Durability 32. This committee considered chloride ion
gradient from a high concentration to a low one).
ingress tests and as a result, a group was convened
Other mechanisms are occurring as well, including
by Aston University and a Danish test known as
absorption (in the near-surface layers) and dispersion
Nordtest Method NT Build 443 33 was selected.
(or bulk water movement within the pore structure of
In essence, a 28-day-old concrete specimen is
concrete), but diffusion could be said to be the most
immersed in a chloride (simulated seawater) solution
appropriate description in the long term.
for at least 28 days. At the end of this time, the
How the performance criterion is used The criterion concrete is tested to determine the resulting chloride
consists of specifying a coefficient of diffusion, Dc, for profile.
the concrete. This does not define the quality of A curve of best fit is then determined to find
concrete in terms of 'good' or 'bad'; rather it defines a the appropriate Dc. Figure 4 shows such a curve-
nominated design life. The coefficient itself measures fitting process33.
the propensity for the concrete to resist the ingress of The curve is derived from an error function
chloride ions, thereby defining the length of time solution of Fick's second law of diffusion:
before steel corrosion is initiated. Cx = Cs [1 – erf[(x /2)(Dc .t)0.5]]
The method is best used as a design tool and where
a pre-qualification requirement. It is probably not Cx = concentration of chloride at depth x
suited to a regular quality control check during the (% by mass of sample)
construction works because of the time it takes to get Cs = nominal concentration of chloride
a result from a test, although intermittent testing could at the surface (% by mass of sample)
be done. Dc = diffusion coefficient
The required design life and concrete cover x = depth into concrete (mm)
determines an appropriate Dc. A number of variables, t = time (years)
such as strength and concrete quality, affect this The curve fitting can be a complex process by
parameter. hand but can be made much simpler with the use of
a computer program which allows an iteration to be
Details of the performance criterion By nominating
carried out to determine the curve-of-best-fit. This
a Dc the specifier is effectively nominating the level of
curve-fitting process involves iterating around two
chloride diffusion which is acceptable for a given
variables, Dc and Cs.
design life.

Performance Criteria for Concrete in Marine Environments
CHLORIDE CONCENTRATION (mass % of dry sample) 0.40 4.7 Apparent volume of permeable voids
NOTE: First layer is omitted in the regression analysis

Underlying principles The volume of permeable

voids (AVPV) of hardened concrete is measured in
Bars represent measured chloride contents
0.25 at given depths accordance with AS 1021.2134. This test is based on
Curve represents an optimised mathematical
ASTM C 642 and is related to the Water Absorption
0.20 solution to the error function
Test described in Clause 4.435,36.
0.15 Water is absorbed into the concrete mainly as
0.10 a result of capillary suction. The test gives a measure
of the capillaries that can absorb (boiling) water. This
0.05 may be related to the ease with which water and
0.00 water-borne ions can enter the concrete and initiate
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 corrosion.
How the performance criterion is used The method
Figure 4
has been applied to pre-qualification of mixes and the
Demonstration of curve fitting 33
associated curing regimes, precast concrete products
and cast-in-place work, including sprayed concrete.
VicRoads has performed some calibration tests,
Relationship between performance criterion and
aligning the VPV results with the Australian Bridge Code
design life The relationship between the diffusion
Classifications and recommended mix proportions.
coefficient and design life is reasonably direct on a
theoretical basis. A given Dc defines the predicted Details of the test The method consists of oven
time before a certain concentration of chlorides is drying the sample to constant mass, immersion in
reached at the level of the steel (ie T0). water for a minimum of 48 hours and then boiling to
This is based on the definition of design life remove any air bubbles. The saturated surface dry
being equal to the time period T0. This is conservative sample is weighed in air, and then in water. The
because T1 represents the remaining life during which immersed mass is used to compute the volume of the
the structure may still be serviceable. During this T1 sample.
period there will be a slow increase in damage until The result is expressed as a volume of water
some form of physical distress will be apparent at the absorbed into the concrete based on the oven dried
surface of the concrete element. This damage will mass of the concrete sample.
increase until a point is reached where repair or Method 21 of AS 1012 (published in 1999)
rehabilitation is required. In effect, the design life is covers the procedure of determining water absorption
being defined as the period before any steel and apparent volume of permeable voids in hardened
corrosion begins. concrete. It is stated in the preface and in the body of
This approach is conservative in much the the Standard that because of the limited experience
same manner as structural design where a conservative with the apparent volume of permeable voids (AVPV)
approach is taken to defining strength (ie strength used method in Australia all data accumulated will be
in the design process is determined in the elastic reviewed two years from its publication to establish
range rather than the ultimate strength at failure). the precision of the test method and review the
Standard accordingly. The Standard warns against
using the method as an absolute measure of durability
and cautions that 'the test results alone shall not be
used for quality control purposes'.
In order to establish the precision of the
method, both repeatability and reproducibility testing
has been undertaken by VicRoads and a number of
commercial laboratories in Victoria35.

Performance Criteria for Concrete in Marine Environments
Table 8 VicRoads classification for concrete durability based on the AVPV 36

Durability classification Vibrated cylinders Rodded cylinders Cores

indicator (VPV %)* (VPV %)* (VPV %)*

1 Excellent <11 <12 <14

2 Good 11–13 12–14 14–16
3 Normal 13–14 14–15 16–17
4 Marginal 14–16 15–17 17–19
5 Bad >16 >17 >19

* Volume of permeable voids (AVPV) %

Note: Tested in accordance AS 1012.21 at 28 days

Table 9 Relationship between VPV and strength for exposure classifications for special class concrete grade
and AUSTROADS '92 concrete at 28 days

Exposure Special class AUSTROADS '92 Rodded cylinders Concrete cores

classification concrete grade (MPa) (VPV)% (VPV)%

B2 400/40 ≤40 ≤14 ≤16

C 450/50 ≤50 ≤13 ≤15
470/55 – ≤12 ≤14

VicRoads has determined acceptance criteria

for concrete based on AVPV for various exposure
classifications. These are reproduced in Tables 8
and 9. It should be noted that these criteria are based
on the VPV results from prescriptive mix designs.

Relationship between performance criterion and

design life There is no quantitative link between the
method as it is applied and the design life of a
structure. The limits set are based on experience and
rely in part on prescriptive requirements for concrete.

Performance Criteria for Concrete in Marine Environments
5 As a quality control tool (ability to comply consistently
with specified criterion)
Evaluation and Ranking of ■ How repeatable are the results?
Is the test duration short enough for routine
Performance Criteria ■

In this section, the performance criteria Under each sub-heading, each performance
discussed in Section 4 are evaluated. criterion is rated as:
Each criterion (and any associated test) was 1 Acceptable
first evaluated under the following sub-headings: 2 Poor (not fully acceptable but adequate for the
As a design tool circumstance)
■ Does it provide a quantitative link to the design 3 Not acceptable (providing deficient result
life of the element? analysis).
■ What level of confidence is there in extrapolation A detailed evaluation of the advantages and
of 'predicted performance' to design life? limitations with the use of each performance criterion
As a pre-qualification tool (ability to comply with as tools for design, for pre-qualification and for quality
specified criteria once) control was then carried out and an overall rating for
■ Suitability based duration of the test each criterion under these main headings established.
■ Suitability based on the availability of a rational The resulting generalised assessment as to the
approach to satisfy specified criteria. suitability of each method is provided in Table 10.
(Note: If there is a rational method for It is noted that in most cases there is conflict
achieving the performance criterion or if there between the desire to obtain test results promptly and
is widely used historical data, then the the need to provide sufficient time for complex binder
performance criterion is rated 1. If compliance systems to react adequately to give a satisfactory
could be achieved only by trial and error, the indication of long-term performance.
performance criterion is rated 2.)

Table 10 Evaluation of performance criteria and associated tests

Performance criterion

Modified water Chloride

Strength Sorptivity absorption RCIP diffusion AVPV
Suitability … (Clause 4.2) (Clause 4.3) (Clause 4.5) (Clause 4.5) (Clause 4.6) (Clause 4.7)

… as a design tool
■ Link to design life 3 3 3 3 2 3
■ Confidence in extra-

polation to design life 3 3 3 3 3 3

■ Overall 3 3 3 3 3 3

… for pre-qualification
■ Duration of test 1 1 1 1 2 1
■ Rational approach to

satisfying criterion 1 2 2 2 2 2
■ Overall 1 2 2 2 2 2

… for quality control

■ Repeatability 1 3 2 2 2 3
■ Duration of test 1 1 1 1 3 1
■ Overall 1 3 2 2 3 3

1 = Acceptable
2 = Poor
3 = Unacceptable
Performance Criteria for Concrete in Marine Environments
6 It should be recognised that the specification
of concrete for marine applications is in a state of
Conclusions and continuous development. Continuing research and
investigation is producing other performance criteria
and test methods, such as those presented in
6.1 Conclusions Appendix A. Being at various stages of development
these methods have not been evaluated in this
The survey work conducted and presented in
this document confirmed three issues:
■ Current specifications for concrete for marine
environments are largely prescriptive. 6.2 Recommendations
■ There is no general agreement as to what ■ Designers should endorse the concept of
performance-based measures can be used for service life in designing marine concrete
such specifications. structures at an early stage of the design
■ Parameters specified for marine structures in process.
other parts of the world (such as diffusion ■ Regardless of the performance criteria specified
coefficient and permeability) are less commonly for durability of concrete, compressive strength
used in Australia. should be used for quality control for the
An evaluation of current methods of specifying project (or contract) duration.
normally reinforced concrete in marine environments ■ Regardless of which performance criteria are
in Australia has shown that: used, adequate curing and cover are required
■ No method satisfied all three evaluation for achieving the designed service life.
criteria: a design tool, a pre-qualification tool ■ In theory, performance criteria based on
and a quality control tool. chloride diffusion provide the most suitable link
■ For pre-qualification and quality control, the to the design life of a reinforced concrete
compressive strength performance criterion is structure. In practice, however, this parameter
the best available. has been found lacking, mainly due to the
■ As a tool for design of concretes in marine short duration of the performance test
environments, performance criteria based on (typically 28 or 56 days).
chloride diffusion principles appear to have the ■ Where sufficient time and resources exist to
most potential in theory. The problem with this characterise the concrete, chloride diffusion
approach is that there is a trade off between may be used to design and specify the concrete
speed of testing and accuracy of the resulting and cover compatible with the service life of
coefficient and the consequential design life the structure.
calculated. ■ In developing existing and new performance
There is significant debate as to the criteria for concrete for marine environments,
appropriateness of a diffusion coefficient obtained their use in project contract situations must be
from a 28- to 56-day test to provide a reasonably considered. The limited time available in the
accurate estimate of design life (see Clause 1.3). pre-qualification and quality control phases
Caution needs to be exercised in using performance must be realised and resolved within the
criteria for marine environment exposures, especially boundaries of the established performance
where correlations with field performance or long-term criteria.
test results are not available.
It is emphasised that cover is an integral part
of any performance criteria for concrete in a marine
environment and the confidence in its link to
design life.

Performance Criteria for Concrete in Marine Environments
chloride coefficient (up to one year of exposure to
seawater) ranges from about 0.75 to 0.85. Those
Appendix A Performance observed with ASTM C 1202 standard total charge
passed are less than 0.6.
Criteria Under Development
This suggests that the modified total charge
A.1 Modified ASTM C 1202 – Electrical passed is a better indicator of concrete resistance to
Indication of Concrete's Ability to chloride ion penetration.
Resist Chloride Ion Penetrability
Details of the test Since the modified ASTM C 1202
(Source: CSIRO Division of Building,
retains the standard test as an integral part of its
Construction and Engineering, North Ryde, NSW)
procedures, their uses are very similar. Some uses of
The aim of this modification is to retain the the modified ASTM C 1202 are suggested below
practicality of ASTM C 1202 and experience with this along with details of proposed limits Table 11:
test method, while improving its applicability. The ■ Supporting criterion for the Standard
modified test procedure involves the performance of ASTM C 1202 classification. This means that in
two parallel tests on similar samples. One test is the case of dispute, the modified total charge
performed according to the standard procedure. The passed can be used to comparatively evaluate
other test is performed with sample kept between concrete mixes made with different binders.
chambers of curing water (other items are kept as per ■ New criterion for evaluating concrete mix.
ASTM C 1202). The indicator for concrete's resistance A classification of concrete's resistance to
to chloride ion ingress in the Modified ASTM C 1202 chloride ion penetration based on modified
test is the difference in the total charge passed total charge passed has been suggested37.
obtained from the two tests. The range of applications is similar to that
discussed above for the ASTM C 1202.
Underlying principles The underlying principles of
■ Estimating service life of concrete structures.
the modified ASTM C 1202 are:
Since the modified total charge passed is
■ The total charge passed obtained by standard
statistically more relevant to 'durability'
ASTM C 1202 procedures contains the
performance test, its use in estimating design
contribution by chloride ion movement and
life is more appropriate than that of
contributions by movements of other ions and
ASTM C 1202 standard total charge passed.
other effects.
■ The total charge passed obtained by the test
Table 11 Proposed limits for the modified
performed in curing water contains the
ASTM C 1202 37 test
contributions by the movements of ions other
than chloride ions and some contributions by
Modified total charge passed
other effects.
(coulombs) Concrete quality
■ The modified total charge passed, ie the
difference between the two total charges
>3000 Poor
passed, would reflect more of the contribution
2000–3000 Reasonable
of chloride ion movement and would be less
1000–2000 Good
dependent on the pore solution chemistry.
500–1000 Very good
How the performance criterion is used When <500 Excellent
different concrete mixes and different binders are
used, it has been reported37 that the relationship
between modified total charge passed to 'durability' Relationship between performance criteria and
performance tests obtained from chloride profiles is design life The modified ASTM C 1202 test method
more statistically significant than that observed with and its predecessor, ASTM C 1202 are accelerated
ASTM C 1202 standard total charge passed. Recent indirect testing methods. Concrete resistance to
data with a wide range of concrete mixes, suggest chloride ion penetration is a dynamic property which
that the R2 values of modified total charge passed to is time dependent, exposure dependent and materials

Performance Criteria for Concrete in Marine Environments
dependent. Although the modified ASTM C 1202 test Details of the method The test is similar to
method and its indicator are possibly better than the ASTM C 1202. In this procedure, the use of a relatively
current ASTM C 1202 indicator in terms of evaluating low voltage (12 V) is combined with recording of
concrete resistance to chloride ingress, it (and any steady-state migration of chloride ions through the
other short-term testing) is not perfect. concrete sample of 100 mm dia and 50 mm thick.
A chloride diffusivity is calculated based on
A.2 Ion Migration (Source: University of New the following equation:
South Wales) D = ßo (300kT/zeo Δψ).(LV/CoAo).(dc/dt)
Underlying principles An ion migration test, similar to
D = diffusion coefficient (cm2/s)
ASTM C 1202 has been developed in Norway and it
ßo = correction factor for ionic interaction
has been investigated in Australia38. The fundamental
k = Boltzman constant (1.38x10-16 ergs/K)
difference between this method and ASTM C 1202
T = temperature (K)
method is that in the ion migration method a chloride
z = valence of chloride ion
permeability is obtained based on chloride ion
Co = charge of proton (4.8 x 10-10 esu)
concentration measurements under steady-state flow
Δψ = applied electrical potential (V)
under a low potential difference. In the ASTM C 1202
L = specimen thickness (cm)
method, a non-steady-state measurement of charge
V = volume of chloride collecting cell (cm3)
passing through (in coulombs) is used.
eo = initial chloride concentration in chloride
Increase in chloride ion concentration (from
source solution (mmol/cm3)
zero) passing through a saturated concrete sample
A = cross-sectional area of specimen (cm2)
under a low potential difference is monitored in both
dc/dt = steady-state migration rate of chloride
initial non-steady state and subsequent steady state,
ions (mmol/cm3.s)
over a period of 2 to 4 weeks. Based on the ion
With increasing concentration of the chloride
concentration values in the steady state flow a
source solution from 0.1 to 0.5M NaCl, the correction
chloride permeability is calculated. Limits on chloride
factor ßo varies from 1.22 to 1.70.
permeability is specified for a durable concrete.
Relationship between method and design life
How the performance criterion is used The
Since this method is based on the steady-state
relationship between chloride permeability and
migration rate of chloride ions through the concrete
concrete quality is specified as shown in Table 12.
specimen, the test duration is 2 to 4 weeks and
For marine structures, typically, a permeability
usually carried out on 28-day (age) specimens.
of less than 10x10-13 m2/s is specified. The classification
The test results more reflect the potential
of concrete quality is somewhat arbitrary. However,
quality of the concrete and the accuracy of the test is
the chloride permeability is directly linked to chloride-
high. The diffusion coefficient obtained from this test
induced corrosion.
can be related to design life of concrete structures
based on chloride induced corrosion of
Table 12 Relationship between chloride permeability reinforcement, chloride diffusion (see Clause 4.6).
and concrete quality

Chloride permeability
(m2/s x 10-13) Concrete quality

>50 Low
10–50 Moderate
5–10 High
<5 Very high

Performance Criteria for Concrete in Marine Environments
A.3 Specification based on long-term steel those having undesirable low resistivity
corrosion data (Source: CSR Readymix, characteristics. There are, however, some concretes
University of Sydney and CSIRO Division of nominated as 'special case concretes' that could
Building, Construction & Engineering) provide durable long-term characteristics but that do
not show the desired resistivity at 28 days.
Underlying principles This method outlines design
Figure 6 on page 28 shows similar data to
tools and quality control regimes that could be
Figure 5 for the same set of concretes except
directly applied to specifications for critical marine
relating 56-day resistivity to the peak concrete
structures. This work is based on long-term laboratory
resistivities achieved. Again, a very good relationship
research on chloride induced steel corrosion in
between the 56-day resistivity data and the peak, or
concrete39,40,41. Modelled in this study also were
maximum resistivity data can be observed41. A limit of
half-cell potential and resistivity versus time for steel
5000 Ω.cm at 56 days shown in the figure clearly
embedded in a range of concretes. This information,
separates all concretes considered into those having
coupled with measurements on steel corrosion activity
the desirable high resistivity characteristics and those
and rate in concrete, and gravimetric weight losses of
having the undesirable low resistivity characteristics.
steel in concrete exposed to simulated seawater
Figure 7 on page 29 presents a set of
solutions, was used to establish parameters for design,
nomographs, one used for low resistivity concretes
pre-qualification and quality control procedures for
and the other for high resistivity concretes. These
marine environment concretes.
nomographs were derived from long-term studies of
The underlying mechanism in this methodology
steel embedded within a range of concretes exposed
is based on chloride diffusion principles. However, as
to simulated seawater solution39,40,41. In these
measurements were taken of half-cell potential versus
nomographs, the estimated design life of a concrete
time, it was not necessary to rely on estimates of the
has been related to its mean 28-day compressive
threshold level of chloride for steel depassivation.
strength based on the long-term corrosion potential
How the performance criterion is used data for a range of portland and blended cement
Figure 5 on page 28 shows data relating the 28-day concretes42. The estimated design life is assumed to
concrete resistivities to peak (or maximum) concrete be the time taken to reach the potential jump for
resistivity data for a range of concretes considered in reinforcement within concrete, and thus does not rely
the study. There is a distinct trend between the peak on estimates of chloride threshold level for steel
concrete resistivity achieved, and the resistivity depassivation.
achieved at 28 days. The resistivity value at 28 days
Details of the test The process recommended for
was selected in order to provide specifiers with a tool
specifying and assessing concretes for marine
to assess the potential performance of concrete within
applications can be summarised as follows:
project contract time constraints.
Step 1: To determine the required design life of a
The peak, or maximum resistivity, is an
structure (or critical structural element).
important criterion for fingerprinting the performance
Step 2: To determine if cover to reinforcement was a
of concrete with respect to embedded steel corrosion
critical parameter (in that were there any
onset41. Generally, the time to reach this maximum or
restrictions to the specification of minimum
peak resistivity value is greater for higher resistivity
cover requirements).
concretes. Therefore, the time for steel in concrete to
Step 3: If there are no restrictions on minimum cover,
reach an active corrosion state is also increased, a
a concrete strength grade could be selected
factor of specific interest in the design of marine
using the nomograph for low resistivity
structures. A limit of 4000 Ω.cm at 28 days has been
concrete Figure 7, along with the necessary
nominated in Figure 5 as a point whereby high
minimum cover to reinforcement. If there were
resistivity and low resistivity concretes can be
restrictions on cover, further processes as
classified, based on the peak resistivity data. In most
outlined would need to be followed.
cases considered, this limit will differentiate concretes
having desirable high resistivity characteristics and

Performance Criteria for Concrete in Marine Environments
50 000

Proposed 28-day resistivity limit

40 000

30 000 Special-case


20 000

10 000 High-resistivity concretes

Low-resistivity concretes

0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10 000 12 000 14 000 16 000 18 000

Figure 5
Peak (or maximum) concrete resistivity as influenced by 28-day concrete resistivity – showing differentiation
of low and high resistivity concretes and proposed 28-day limit 41

50 000

Proposed 56-day resistivity limit

40 000

30 000

20 000

10 000 High-resistivity concretes

Low-resistivity concretes

0 5000 10 000 15 000 20 000 25 000 30 000

Figure 6
Peak concrete resistivity as influenced by 56-day concrete resistivity – showing differentiation of low and
high resistivity concretes and proposed 56-day limit

Performance Criteria for Concrete in Marine Environments
Low-Resistivity Concretes High-Resistivity Concretes
120 120
f'c (MPa) = 60 55 50
110 110
100 100
90 90
80 80
70 70


60 60
50 50
f'c (MPa) = 60 40
40 40
30 50 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
40 50 60 70 80 90 100 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Figure 7
Estimated design life (years) versus cover to reinforcement for low and high resistivity concretes
(described in Figures 5 and 6)

Step 4: Having a design life, a minimum cover would For site quality control purposes, strength can
need to be nominated. With this information, be used as a criterion for assessment with a limited
a corresponding concrete strength could be number of tests being carried out for resistivity versus
calculated based on the high resistivity time.
concrete nomograph. Once this was
Relationship between performance criterion and
determined, a proposed concrete mix would
design life There is a clear and quantitative
need to be designed. Tests would need to be
relationship between the methodology and the design
conducted to determine the resistivity
life of concrete based on crack free sections and
characteristics of the proposed concrete mix.
chloride diffusion principles described in the
Results on both compressive strength and
literature39,40,41,42. This method can be applied to
resistivity would be available in 28 days
design (using the nomographs provided), as
(recommended procedures for measuring
deemed-to-comply specifications (using resistivity
resistivity are outlined by Baweja et al39,40,41,42.
versus time with the 28-day and 56-day criteria
Step 5: Assuming the concrete strength results were
recommended) and for quality control (by establishing
adequate, if the resistivity values achieved
the strength of the concrete mix and using that value
were above 4000 Ω.cm at 28 days, the mix
for quality control assessments).
could be accepted and a quality control
program based on the strength data could be
adopted for use on site. If the resistivity
values were below 4000 Ω.cm at 28 days,
the mix could be redesigned or samples
could be maintained until 56 days and a
further evaluation undertaken.
Step 6: At 56 days, if the resistivity values were in
excess of 5000 Ω.cm, the mix could be
accepted and again, site quality control could
be based on compressive strength. Where
concrete resistivities were below 5000 Ω.cm
at 56 days, redesign of the mix would be

Performance Criteria for Concrete in Marine Environments
A.4 Electrical Impedance of Concrete
(Source: University of Western Sydney) O2 + 2H2O 4OH- O2
Underlying principles Corrosion of a reinforcing bar
involves the oxidation of steel at the boundary 4e - 2FeOOH + H2O O2
between steel and concrete43. Oxidation is a process
in which electrons at the surface of the bar are 1/ O
2Fe 2Fe2+ 2 2 O2
substituted for oxygen derived from a reaction with
molecular oxygen and hydroxide ions Figure 8. The
surplus electrons move from the anodic regions of the
bar to nearby cathodic regions (which can be many STEEL CONCRETE AIR

centimetres away) where they combine with water

molecules to form hydroxide ions. Due to the Figure 8
difference in electrical potential between the anodic Electro-chemical processes in reinforced concrete
and cathodic regions, the hydroxide ions then migrate
back toward the anodic regions through the ■ Chemical composition of the paste. It is not
enveloping concrete. The electrical impedance of the clear whether chemical composition has a
concrete can determine how freely the migrating direct influence on impedance or whether this
hydroxide ions move and complete the circuit. High is an indirect manifestation of the influence of
resistance will limit the supply of hydroxide at the cement composition on permeability.
anode, leading to charge polarisation which can Nevertheless, cement composition has been
effectively limit the maximum rate of corrosion found to effect increases in impedance,
possible44. Although high electrical impedance in particularly for CSF blended cements.
concrete will not prevent corrosion, it can strongly ■ Temperature has a small effect on impedance,
retard the rate at which corrosion of a reinforcing bar causing impedance to drop with increasing
occurs. Measuring the impedance of the concrete temperature47.
can therefore provide clues to the likely rate of
How the criterion is used To protect embedded
corrosion should other conditions be conducive to it.
reinforcing bars, and restrict corrosion should it
The electrical impedance of concrete can be
already exist, the impedance of a concrete should
measured by passing an alternating current through
ideally be a high as possible. Although the SI unit for
the surface of a concrete structure or an extracted
impedance is the ohm.m (Ω.m), the generally adopted
sample. The impedance of concrete has been found
unit is ohm.cm (Ω.cm) when measuring concrete. Dry
to exhibit great variation in magnitude44. Factors
concrete can have an impedance of several several
known to influence impedance include:
hundred thousand Ω.cm. However, measurements of
■ Moisture content, probably attributable to the
dry concrete provide very little information about its
role pore fluid plays in conduction. Since the
potential to protect concrete because corrosion
pore fluid is believed to carry most of the
normally occurs in saturated or partially saturated
corrosion current in saturated concrete45 the
concrete and the impedance of dry concrete is so
quantity of pore fluid available will influence
uniformly high. Useful measurements can therefore be
the apparent impedance to current. The very
obtained only from saturated concrete.
high impedance of dry concrete indicates that
Impedance remains high for relative levels of
the solid portion of concrete conducts very
saturation up to about 20–40%, after which it
little current.
decreases rapidly with increasing moisture content.
■ Permeability of the paste. Since the pore fluid
Since moisture content is very difficult to determine in
conducts the majority of current, physical
situ48, measurements can easily be misleading if
barriers to the pore fluid will also restrict current.
compared to fully saturated concrete. Thoroughly
Impedance increases with decreasing
wetting a surface before measurement may help, but
reliable saturation is only possible by extracting a
core and vacuum saturating it before measurement.

Performance Criteria for Concrete in Marine Environments
Details of methodology Although corrosion of I

reinforcing bars is effectively a direct current (d.c.) V

process, electrical impedance is difficult to measure Equipotential x x x
with direct current devices. This is due to the problem current
of charge polarisation that develops very rapidly in
response to the current densities necessary for clear
measurement. Alternating currents have therefore
been used in most investigations of electrical
The resistance of a material to the passage of
an alternating current is known as a.c. impedance.
The total magnitude of this impedance consists of a
component due to the resistivity, r, of the material and
a component due to the dielectric constant, e.
Although the influence of the dielectric constant of
concrete on steel reinforcement corrosion is presently Figure 9 Diagram of Wenner bridge
unknown, the dielectric constant does influence
measurements of a.c. impedance, which is often
pastes or gels between the probes and the surface52.
erroneously referred to as resistivity.
A variety of texts and papers can be referred to for
The dielectric 'constant' of concrete varies with
the equations required to calculate impedence53,54.
frequency in a manner that is not a simple function of
When taking measurements using the Wenner
resistivity49, hence the total impedance may be made
bridge it is necessary to avoid placing the bridge
up of an unknown component due to resistivity and
parallel and in close proximity to a reinforcing bar as
another due to the dielectric constant. To reduce
this will partially short-circuit the device55,56. If detritus
possible discrepancies between measurements of
or marine scale is present on the surface it is also
nominally identical concretes, it is necessary to
recommended that this first be scraped off. If repeat
conduct measurements at close to identical
measurements on a structure are to be made on a
frequencies. In the published literature to date, most
regular basis, it is recommended that stainless steel
measurements have been conducted at frequencies
pins be inserted into the surface and left in place. This
between 100 and 1000 Hz. This is a suitable range for
will help to overcome the problem of variable surface
measurement because it is greater than the 50 Hz
impedance affecting measurements. Comparisons of
mains supply (which can interfere with low-voltage
impedance readings taken over an extended period
measurements performed in situ) and both signal
of time are likely to provide more-useful information
generators and meters are commonly available with
about the performance of surface concrete than are
measurement capabilities within this range.
isolated measurements in dissimilar locations.
Successful measurement of a.c. impedance is
relatively simple. All that is needed is a signal Relationship between method and design life
generator and one or two multimeters with suitably The use of impedance to assess the design life of
high internal impedance and a capacity to measure concrete structures is in its infancy. Very little
signals of the selected frequency. The electrical information is currently available to indicate how
signal must be passed through the concrete and this resistive a concrete must be to fully protect
is possible by a number of means. A core can be embedded steel, and how other factors influencing
extracted from the structure under investigation and durability may interact with impedance.
current passed through either metal plates pressed Experience in England57 has suggested that
against each end50 or conductive paint applied to saturated concrete with an impedance greater than
opposite surfaces. Alternatively, metal probes can be 1200 Ω.cm is capable of providing protection to
applied to the surface in the manner shown in reinforcing bars, while saturated concrete with an
Figure 9 and known as a Wenner bridge 51. Contact impedance less than 500 Ω.cm is unlikely to protect
resistance is reduced through use of conductive embedded bars. Another study58 has indicated that

Performance Criteria for Concrete in Marine Environments
impedance measurements must be taken in concert the top surface of the specimens is controlled at
with surface potential measurements and assessed about 40°C.
using a finite element analysis to interpret whether After 6 hours of the first drying period, the
corrosion current densities within a member are heating lights are switched off and the salt solution
sufficiently high to indicate likely corrosion. It is with 15% NaCl (w/w) is pumped into the testing bath
doubtful whether such in-depth studies can be until the solution is 50 mm above the top surface of
carried out on a regular basis at present. the immersed specimens.
After 12-hour immersion, the solution is
A.5 Cyclic Chloride Penetration Test drained out of the bath and the heating lamps are
(Source: Building Research Centre, switched on again and over a regular drying period of
University of New South Wales) 12 hours. The 12-hour immersing and drying cycles
are repeated over 14 days and should be automatic-
Underlying principles Salt-water ponding tests with
wetting and drying cycles closely simulate the
At the end of 3 and 14 cycles, the specimens,
conditions in the splash and tidal zones, where the
which have been under drying over 6 hours in the last
most severe deterioration in marine structures happens.
cycle, are removed from the bath and broken
During the wetting period, salt water penetrates into
perpendicularly at mid-length. The freshly fractured
concrete by capillary absorption; during drying, the
cross section is immediately sprayed with an
water is drawn out of the concrete, leaving the salt in
appropriate amount of 0.1M silver nitrate solution and
the matrix. This process results in an accelerated
allowed to dry in air. A distinguishing colour change
chloride penetration into the concrete.
emerges over a depth on the cross section due to the
Concrete structures in coastal areas above
reactions of soluble chloride ions with silver nitrate,
splash zones are also subject to alternating exposure
which forms a white precipitate of silver chloride. This
cycles. Through the actions of wind and rain, chloride
represents the zone where water-soluble chloride
ions in the marine atmosphere settle on concrete
concentrations exceed approximately 0.15% by
surfaces. Wetting-and-drying cycles promote the
weight of cement63.
process of chloride penetration in a similar way to that
The depth of chloride penetration is measured
in the splash zone.
on the specimen cross-section from the trowel-
A wetting-and-drying cyclic chloride
finished surface to the boundary of the colour change
penetration test has been developed in the BRC over
at three locations (middle and two quarters) across
many years of research investigations59,60,61,62. The
the width. The result of water-soluble chloride
test provides an accelerated yet simple method to
penetration into the concrete is the average of the six
directly evaluate chloride penetration into concrete.
measurements on two specimens.
How the performance criterion is used In general,
Details of the test The BRC cyclic chloride
the BRC cyclic chloride penetration test consists of 14
penetration test has been used in investigations of 35
cycles of 12-hour immersion in 15% NaCl solution at
various concretes in research work and more than 30
room temperature and 12-hour drying at about 40°C.
mixes of concrete, shotcrete and repair mortar for
A minimum of two concrete prism specimens
performance assessment or quality control for the
of 100-mm-square section and 200 mm long are
construction industry.
prepared in accordance with AS 1012, Part 8. The
The chloride penetration depths in the tested
specimens are cured in lime-saturated water until the
mixes are generally in the range of 6 to 23 mm. In one
age of 7 days or according to the specification for a
case, a mis-batched concrete mix (w/b about 0.70)
particular project. After curing, the specimens are
had a 35 mm chloride penetration and the specimens
stored in air at 23 ± 2°C until age 28 days.
of two concretes with surface protective coatings had
At 28 days, the specimens are put in the test
only 1 to 5 mm of chloride penetration.
bath with the struck (trowel finished) surface sideways
and supported at the two, third-points along the
specimen length. A set of heating lamps above the
testing bath are switched on and the temperature at

Performance Criteria for Concrete in Marine Environments
Table 13 Chloride penetrability based on BRC cyclic Underlying principles The solution to Fick's second
ponding test results law enables a chloride profile to be characterised by
two factors, the surface chloride concentration Cs and
Chloride penetration depth Chloride penetrability the apparent 'durability' performance test Da. Both Cs
and Da vary with the type of binder, grade of concrete
< 5 mm Very low and exposure period, with Da exhibiting the greater
5 to 10 mm Low sensitivity to the quality of the concrete64. Hence, the
10 to 15 mm Moderate diffusion coefficient, Da, can be used as the main
15 to 20 mm High parameter to characterise the resistance of concrete
> 20 mm Unacceptable to chloride ingress.

How the performance criterion is used It is

possible to use a diffusion coefficient Da as a
The classification in Table 13 is recommended parameter in the performance criteria. Specific values
for concrete performance based on BRC test results. of Da are useful qualitative indices. Since the change
It is recommended that concretes intended for use in of Da with exposure time can be quite significant and
marine structures of normal design life have a is binder dependent, a value obtained from a longer
maximum chloride penetration depth of 15 mm and in exposure period is considered to better reflect the
monumental marine structures have a maximum quality of the concrete.
penetration depth of 10 mm by the BRC test.
Details of the test Concrete samples which best
Relationship between performance criteria and represent the quality of the insitu concrete used
design life There is no quantitative link between test (same composition, compaction and curing) are
results and design life of concrete in marine exposed to a laboratory-simulated marine exposure
environments. The recommended specification is for different periods. The chloride ingress profile is
based on current knowledge in research and measured and Cs and Da calculated:
applications. ■ 50-mm-thick discs are cut (by saw) from
standard concrete cylinders during the wet
A.6 Chloride Ingress Profile cycle of the curing. After the nominated curing
(Source: CSIRO Building, Construction and regime, each disc is epoxy coated on all
Engineering, North Ryde, NSW) surfaces except one circular face. The
samples are then exposed to a simulated
Exposure of concrete to a marine condition
marine exposure such as a synthetic ocean
results in the ingress of chloride ions into the concrete
water or a 3% NaCl solution. Various
surface. Analysis of the chloride ion contents at
immersion configurations have been used to
different cover depths gives a chloride profile, which
simulate various exposure conditions.
characterises the resistance of the concrete to the
■ After a given period of exposure, t, the samples
chloride ingress. It is commonly assumed that
are removed and air dried. Dry powder
chloride is transported into the concrete principally by
samples are then collected at progressive
diffusion and Fick's second law is used to describe it.
incremental depths from the surface. The
While the application of Fick's law is not strictly
chloride content in each powder sample is
correct, it provides a convenient means for an
analysed by various techniques. Ion
engineering approach to service life prediction10. The
chromatography, for example, detects the
approximation was due to the fact that Fick's law is
presence of 0.005 % or more of water-soluble
applicable to non-ionic diffusion through an inert
chloride content by mass of concrete. The
porous medium. Chloride is ionic and concrete porous
results at various depths represent the chloride
structure is constantly changing due to hydration and
profile after exposure time t.
reaction with ingression ions.
■ The solution to Fick's second law of diffusion is
a second order differential equation. Its solution
is expressed in terms of an error function.
Cs and Da can be calculated.

Performance Criteria for Concrete in Marine Environments
Relationship between performance criterion and
design life The strength of this technique is that it
provides engineers with an avenue to estimate the References
service life. However, because of the approximation
involved in the use of Fick's law, it is critical that the
variation of both the surface concentration, Cs, and 1 Lukins, P J The Sydney Harbour Tunnel –
the apparent 'durability' performance test, Da, with An Overview Preprints: Concrete Institute of
exposure time, t, are taken into account. Australia 15th Biennial Conference 'Concrete
In addition, the definition of service life has to 91', Sydney, 1991, pp 31–34.
be clear. In most cases, it refers to the period of time 2 Gomes, L Sydney Harbour Tunnel: Structural
from initial exposure to the presence of detectable Design of the Immersed Tube Section Concrete
steel corrosion. Many researchers used the concept Institute of Australia 15th Biennial Conference
of critical chloride threshold to identify this point in 'Concrete 91', Sydney, 1991, pp 335–349.
time, the wide range of critical chloride thresholds
3 Curtis, S R Building Durable Bridges in Marine
reported could be due to the poorly defined nature of
Environments (a multi-pronged solution to the
corrosion detection. A more recent approach1 is
problems of construction) Preprints: Concrete
based on experimental data which indicate a chloride
Institute of Australia 16th Biennial Conference
concentration of 0.2% by mass of concrete to
'Concrete 93', Melbourne, 1993, pp 524–544.
correspond to a detectable corrosion rate of no
4 Taywood Engineering Limited West Tuna and
greater than 2 mA.cm-2.
Bream B Concrete Materials Specification
There are various approaches to the prediction
(TS2), Design Services for West Tuna and
of the variation of Cs and Da with exposure time1,65.
Bream B Concrete Gravity Base Structures,
Such predictions enable the service life to be
Esso Australia Limited Contract 20344, 1993.
estimated by an iterative process given a particular
5 AS 3972 Portland and Blended Cements
concrete cover depth.
Standards Australia, 1997.
Apart from the approximation of the
6 Tutti, K Corrosion of Steel in Concrete Swedish
deterministic models described above, the variations
Cement and Concrete Research Institute,
in quality of the concrete, quantity of concrete cover
1982, pp 17–21.
and the environment, demand a probabilistic
approach to service-life prediction. This highlights the 7 Baweja, D Steel Corrosion in Australian
systematic but probabilistic nature of service-life Portland and Blended Cement Concrete PhD
determination. In specifications and in particular Thesis, School of Civil and Mining Engineering,
compliance requirements, this fact should be taken University of Sydney, March 1994.
into account. 8 Nagesh, M and Bhattacharjee, B Modelling of
Chloride Diffusion in Concrete and
Determination of Diffusion Coefficients 'ACI
Materials Journal', Vol. 95, No. 2, March-April
1998, pp 113–120.
9 Hansen, E J and Saouma, V E Numerical
Simulation of Reinforced Concrete
Deterioration – Part 1: Chloride Diffusion 'ACI
Materials Journal', Vol. 96, No. 2, March-April,
1999, pp 173–180.
10 Weyers, R E Service Life Model for Concrete
Structures in Chloride Laden Environments
'ACI Materials Journal', Vol. 95, No. 4, July-
August 1998, pp 445–453.

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11 Cao, H T, Moorehead, D and Potter, R J 21 Ho, D W S and Lewis, R K The Specification of
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pp 131–137. 22 Roads and Traffic Authority of NSW, RTA
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Performance Criteria for Concrete in Marine Environments
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34 AS 1012.21 Determination of Water Absorption 43 Page, C L 'Basic principles of corrosion',
and Apparent Volume of Permeable Voids in Chapter 2, Corrosion of Steel in Concrete,
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35 Andrews-Phaedonos, F Establishing the 1986.
Durability Performance of Structural Concrete, 44 Alonso, C, Andrade, C, and Gonzalez, J A
VicRoads (Roads and Traffic Authority of Relation Between Resistivity and Corrosion
Victoria), Melbourne, January 1996. Rate of Reinforcement in Carbonated Mortar
36 Andrews-Phaedonos, F Recommended Made with Several Cement Types 'Cement and
Durability Classifications for Structural Concrete Concrete Research' Vol. 8, No. 5, 1988,
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37 Cao, H T, Bucea, L, Meck, E and Morris, H S Chloride Permeability and ac Impedance of
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38 Gowripalan, N and Mohamed, H M Chloride-ion Vol. 15, No. 3, 1985, pp 525–534.
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Performance Criteria for Concrete in Marine Environments
Introducing a NEW Australian
publication for builders,
designers, engineers, architects
and students

Care is required in the detailing and installation of the

2.3.1 HIGHWAY BRIDGES Figure 3.5 Figure 8.4
flashing.The vertical baffle is installed so that the SUPER-TEES Sheet 1 Typical Stress-strain Curves for 12.7-mm, 7-wire, Stress-relieved, Low-relaxation Strands Design and Construction of Open-Drained Joints lower edge overlaps the horizontal flashing below.
The horizontal flashing is approximately 300 mm long
Super-Tees are precast, prestressed box girder sections with top flanges Varies 1800 to 2500 Trim neoprene baffle strip and may be turned up at the back and sides.This

Materials and Material Properties

and come in two basic configurations – open-flange and closed-flange. Ep = 195 000 MPa Super strand flush with top of upstand flashing is illustrated in Figure 8.4. It should be flexible
They have now been standardised by RTA NSW, as shown in Standard 1027 1800
Sections. 25 x 25 recess (Min tensile strength = 1840 MPa) enough to tolerate the non-alignment between
They are used in conjunction with a deck slab which works compositely 75 100 x 75 fillet adjacent panels without causing installation difficulties.
Regular strand
Products and Processes

with the girders. The wide flanges reduce or eliminate the formwork 1700 It is usually constructed of light gauge stainless steel.
requirment for the insitu deck slab. The flanges also provide significant (Min tensile strength = 1750 MPa)
resistance to lateral bending. The box section of the closed-flange 100* * May be increased Upstand* The rear of the joint must be easily accessible after
configuration, provides an optimised structural cross section and for strength or 1600 the panel is erected in order to place the sealant.The

Design of Joints

maximum torsional rigidity. durability vertical joint should not be placed in front of
D b1 b1 * 50 mm in
Super-Tees are suitable for long spans, ranging from 15 to 34 m. sheltered columns and the horizontal joint should be above or
1 d1
1500 locations,
COMPONENT DETAILS 75 mm in below the edge beam or slab Figure 8.5. Support
d2 STAGE 1 exposed corbels on the panels may also interfere with access
Open-flange Super-Tees εps ≤ 0.008 εps > 0.008
Five standard depths are available and are designated T1 to T5. Section 1400 locations to the rear face.
10 radius or 0.400
profile is shown in Standard Sections, while section properties are shown fps = 195 000 εps (MPa) Regular strand: fps = 1732 – < 0.98 fpu (MPa)
bw 12 x 12 chamfer εps – 0.0057
2 in Sheet 2, opposite.
150-mm-thick internal diaphragms are required together with end blocks OPEN-FLANGE SUPER-TEES 1300
3 8 Minimum 120
Preferred 150
2.3 at each end. Although external end diaphragms are necessary, Super strand: fps = 1822 –
< 0.98 fpu (MPa) 3.3 8.6
intermediate diaphragms are not required, thereby producing a pleasing Varies 1800 to 2500 εps – 0.006 Fix flashing in place
appearance. Lost formwork for a composite deck is required to bridge the 1200 with mastic seal under
open box section, as is some suitable detail to drain the void. 1027

Stress, fps (MPa)

back and sides
100 x 75 fillet
Variable lengths are available as are skewed ends. However, such lengths b2
in small quantities are more expensive to produce in the open-flange 75 100 x 75 fillet 1100 Figure 8.5
configuration. Prestressing strand is placed horizontally with debonding
located only in the bottom flange, and concrete of strength grade S50 is Locations to be Avoided for Open-Drained Joints
typically used. 100* * May be increased 1000 300
for strength or 0 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.025 0.030
Closed-flange Super-Tees

durability Column
Five standard depths are available and are designated T1 to T5. Section D b1 b1 Strain, εps
profile is shown in Standard Sections, while section properties are shown Horizontal
in Sheet 2, opposite. 1 d1
Internal diaphragms are not required and the void is filled with a high-
3.3.12 Prestressing hardware Figure 3.6
density styrene material and does not require draining. External end Spandrel
diaphragms are used, but no intermediate external diaphragms are General The hardware, ie ducts, anchorages, etc Vertical joint beam
10 radius or Prestressing Ducts and Anchorages with Associated
necessary. vary for each prestressing system. However, the AVOID AVOID
bw 12 x 12 chamfer Reinforcement
Variable lengths and skewed ends are available and are economical to hardware for any system should comply with the Drainage zone, 50 mm minimum
produce. The web thickness and bottom flange can be easily adjusted for CLOSED-FLANGE SUPER-TEES
requirements of Clause 19.3, AS 3600.
strength and durability reasons. VARIABLE DIMENSIONS Install neoprene baffle strip after
Ducts Ducts may be fabricated from either steel or erection of next level of panels
The closed box section results in an optimised structural shape with Beam Depth, D Width, bw b1 b2 d1 d2 Typical
maximum torsional rigidity. After erection, they provide an immediate safe type (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) spans (m)
plastic. In bonded, post-tensioned construction where
working platform and allow immediate placement of deck reinforcement. a bond between the concrete outside the duct and Install vertical air-seal‡
Figure 8.6
Location of prestressing strand and concrete strength for closed-flange T1 750 899 379 840 72 240 15 to 20
1000 852 354 840 67 240 20 to 25
the grout inside the duct is required, steel sheathing is Solutions for Overcoming Difficulty in Forming Back Seal
sections is similar to that of open-flange profiles. T2
T3 1200 814 337 840 64 260 25 to 30 formed into a corrugated, helical tube, or the duct is ‡ Air-seal
Decking Concrete
It is important to use a high-quality concrete in the deck together with T4 1500 757 308 840 58 260 30 to 35 formed from thin-walled steel tube. Corrugated ducts Minimum may be a Compression
best placing and curing practices. A typical topping concrete is strength T5 1800 700 265 800 50 320 33 to 38 from other materials are also available. 20 sealant with seal at rear
backing rod, Horizontal
grade S40. joint
Anchorages The anchorages for post-tensioning closed-cell Vertical joint
Typical deck thicknesses range from 160 to 200 mm. sponge or
COMPARATIVE ASSESSMENT OF FEATURES tendons are specially designed for the type of tendon A A
Closed- Open- that they are anchoring. Designers should consult the neoprene Compression
Feature flange flange suppliers of the various post-tensioning systems for strip seal for depth Spandrel
Costly to manufacture variable-length girders NO YES details of the available system and required ancillary SECTION A–A
Closed-flange or open-flange Composite insitu Costly to manufacture in small quantities NO YES reinforcement. (a)
Super-Tees concrete deck Web thickness easily adjusted YES NO Install
Bottom flange depth easily adjusted YES NO The most versatile are 7-wire strand systems, with horizontal Compression seal
air-seal‡ Column full depth of panel
Requires internal diaphragms NO YES various anchorages for multistrand (two or more
Requires external end diaphragms YES YES stands per tendon), live and dead-end conditions, as Gunned Angle
Requires intermediate external diaphragms NO NO Minimum Column
well as monostrand systems (one strand per tendon). seal as seal
Requirement for void drainage NO YES 20
Optimised structural section YES NO Special attention should be given to the inclusion of STAGE 3
Maximum torsional rigidity YES NO adequate reinforcement in anchorage zones.These
Minimum initial mass NO YES Vertical joint Vertical joint
should contain sufficient horizontal and vertical
Requires additional deck formwork NO YES
stirrups or grillage reinforcement placed in the plane (b) (c)
Immediate and safe work platform YES NO
Immediate placement of deck reinforcement YES NO parallel to the end surface to control the induced
tensile forces.
2-22 3–13 8–8

Precast The NEW 350-page


Precast Concrete Handbook Based on the authoritative

is a joint publication of the CPCI Design Manual (3rd Edition),
the Australian Precast Concrete
National Precast Concrete
Handbook covers application, design
Association Australia and the (using worked examples), detailing,
manufacture, handling and installation N P C A A

Concrete Institute of Australia. National Precast Concrete

as well as contractual issues. Association Australia

It embraces all aspects of

This Handbook incorporates revision
reinforced and prestressed of Concrete Institute of Australia
Recommended Practices Design INSTITUTE f

precast concrete. AUSTRALIA

and Detailing of Precast Concrete

and Precast Facade Connections.
It complies with current Australian
Standards as well as industry

Performance Criteria for Concrete in Marine Environments
reserve now Precast C O N C R E T E H A N D B O O K

Concrete Institute of Australia copies of
the Precast Concrete COMPANY:
PO Box 848
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Figure 1.16 Figure 1.17

Office Building – Santos Building, Adelaide Hotel – ANA Hotel, Circular Quay, Sydney

Thermal and Acoustic Properties

provides information to designers on
Figure 1.18
Public Building – ACT Magistrates Court, Canberra
factors affecting heat transfer in a
building, the effects of condensation
and the importance of solar shading.
Acoustic properties include STC ratings
for various wall and floor systems, the
effect of mass in noise insulation and
effective types of construction to
reduce noise transmission.

THE NEW Precast Concrete Tolerances details fabrication, Architectural Elements provides
Handbook features twelve chapters manufacturing and building tolerances information to demystify the subject of
and an appendix which provide to be considered during layout and architectural precast concrete
comprehensive information as follows: design of structures. including procedures for selecting
surface finishes and how to specify
Precast Concrete Applications covers Analysis and Design of Buildings
and administer colour control and
a brief history of precast concrete in provides guidelines for the analysis
other important architectural criteria.
Australia as well as typical applications and design of buildings wholly or
in building and civil engineering partly constructed of precast elements Handling, Transport and Erection
infrastructure, illustrating how the and explains the differences between provides guidelines and procedures
products can contribute to the structural insitu design and the approach for safe handling, transportation and
efficiency and aesthetics of structures. adopted for precast design. installation of precast building
Products and Processes covers Design of Elements covers the basic
technical data on generic elements principles relating to the static and Contractual Issues provides
that have become standard in the dynamic design of precast elements commercial guidance to ensure the
Australian precast industry as well as and provides worked examples successful and expeditious completion
featuring aspects of precast manu- showing design procedures that of precast concrete contracts with
facture which illustrate the inherent address flexure, shear and torsion. special attention given to allocation of
advantages of this form of construction. design responsibility, and explanation of
Connections and Fixings provides
risk allocation and specification issues.
Materials and Material Properties guidelines for the design of connections
provides an appreciation and and fixings used to attach precast General Design Information
understanding of the materials and elements to each other and the main The Appendix provides general
their properties commonly used in the structure including design examples engineering information to facilitate
manufacture of precast reinforced and for typical connections. designing in precast concrete. Dead
prestressed concrete and material loads, live loads, moment diagrams,
Design of Joints provides a
compliance criteria for use in material properties, properties of
description of various joint designs, their
specifications. geometric sections and metric
advantages and disadvantages, and a
conversion tables are included.
selection guide for types of sealants
including fire resistant compounds.

Performance Criteria for Concrete in Marine Environments

Curing of Concrete (Z9)

Pumped Concrete (Z12)

Durable Concrete
Structures (Z7)

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Standards Australia
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Performance Criteria for Concrete in Marine Environments

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Performance Criteria
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