Sma13 4353
Sma13 4353
Sma13 4353
Symptoms in Substance
Early Recovery
A Treatment
Managing Depressive
Symptoms in Substance
Abuse Clients During
Early Recovery
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
Consensus Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v
Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix
Part 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Chapter 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Treatment Planning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Chapter 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Part 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Chapter 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
The Role of the Administrator in Introducing and Supporting New Clinical Practices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
iv Contents
Consensus Panel
Note: The information given indicates each participant's affiliation during the time the panel was convened and
may no longer reflect the individual's current affiliation.
Richard N. Rosenthal, M.D., Chair William Mock, Ph.D., LISW, LICDC, SAP
Professor of Clinical Psychiatry Director
Columbia University College of Physicians and The Center for Interpersonal Development
Surgeons Lakewood, Ohio
Chairman, Department of Psychiatry
St. Luke’s Roosevelt Hospital Center Paul Nagy, LPC, CCAS, CCS
New York, New York Program Director, Duke Addictions Program and
Clinical Associate, Duke University Department of
Patricia A. Burke, M.S.W., LCSW, BCD, C- Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
CATODSW Durham, North Carolina
Private Practice
West Baldwin, Maine Bette Ann Weinstein, Ph.D., LCSW
Private Practice
Dennis C. Daley, LCSW, BCD Delray Beach, Florida
Associate Professor of Psychiatry
Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
What Is a TIP?
The talent, dedication, and hard work that TIPs panelists and reviewers
bring to this highly participatory process have helped bridge the gap
between the promise of research and the needs of practicing clinicians and
administrators to serve, in the most scientifically sound and effective ways,
people in need of behavioral health services. We are grateful to all who have
joined with us to contribute to advances in the behavioral health field.
Daryl W. Kade
Acting Director
Center for Substance Abuse Treatment
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
• Managing Depressive Symptoms in Substance Abuse Clients During Early Recovery, Part 1.
• Managing Depressive Symptoms: An Implementation Guide for Administrators, Part 2.
• Managing Depressive Symptoms: A Review of the Literature, Part 3.
Parts 1 and 2 are presented in this publication; Part 3 is available only online at Each
part is described below.
Part 1 of the TIP is for substance abuse counselors and consists of two chapters. Chapter 1 presents the “what”
and “why” of working with clients with substance use disorders who have depressive symptoms. It covers:
• Background issues such as the nature and extent of depressive symptoms in clients receiving substance
abuse treatment, an introduction to counseling approaches, issues related to the setting in which you work,
cultural concerns, and your role and responsibilities.
• Preparing yourself to work with clients with depressive symptoms.
• Understanding the client with depressive symptoms and his or her world.
• Screening and assessment and knowing when to refer.
• Client-centered treatment planning.
• The treatment process.
• Continuing care.
Chapter 2 presents the “how to” of working with clients with depressive symptoms. Chapter 2 contains:
Part 2 is an implementation guide for program administrators and consists of two chapters. Chapter 1 lays out
the rationale for the approach taken in chapter 2 and will help you understand the processes of organizational
change and the factors that can facilitate or impede such change. Your understanding of these processes and
factors will help you set reasonable goals and ensure that your journey is a rewarding one for all involved.
Chapter 2 provides detailed information on how to achieve high-quality implementation of the recommenda
tions in Managing Depressive Symptoms in Substance Abuse Clients During Early Recovery, Part 1.
Part 2 addresses:
And finally, a note about terminology. Throughout the TIP, the term “substance abuse” has been used to refer
to both substance abuse and substance dependence (as defined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
Mental Disorders, 4th editing, Text Revision [DSM-IV-TR] [American Psychiatric Association 2000]). This term
was chosen partly because substance abuse treatment professionals commonly use the term “substance abuse”
to describe any excessive use of addictive substances. In this TIP, the term refers to the use of alcohol as well
as other substances of abuse. Readers should attend to the context in which the term occurs in order to deter
mine what possible range of meanings it covers; in most cases, however, the term will refer to all varieties of
substance use disorders described by DSM-IV.
Managing Depressive
Symptoms in Substance
Early Recovery
4 Part 1, Chapter 1
• Special considerations related to the cultures of
your clients. Figure 1.1
• Your professional role and responsibilities in rela Depressive Symptoms and Related
• Preparing yourself to work with clients with • Loss of interest in most activities
depressive symptoms. • Significant unintentional change in weight or
• Screening and assessment. appetite
• Sleep disturbances
• Treatment planning.
• Decreased energy, chronic fatigue or tiredness,
• Treatment. feeling exhausted
• Continuing care and treatment termination. • Feelings of excessive guilt
• Feelings of low self-esteem, low self-confidence, or
The Nature of Depressive • Feelings of despair or hopelessness (pervasive
Symptoms pessimism about the future)
• Avoidance of normal familial and social contacts
The term “depressive symptoms” is generally applied • Frequent agitation, restlessness
to a mood state of sadness, depressed mood, “the • Psychologically or emotionally detached
blues,” or other related feelings and behaviors (see • Feelings of irritability or frustration
• Decrease in activity, effectiveness, or productivity
Figure 1.1) that do not meet the diagnostic criteria
• Difficulty in thinking (poor concentration, poor
for a DSM-IV-TR mood disorder. People who have memory, or indecisiveness)
depressive symptoms may experience considerable • Excessive or inappropriate worries
emotional pain and may have significantly impaired • Being easily moved to tears
functioning in some areas. • Anticipation of the worst
• Thoughts of suicide
Symptoms of depression exist on a continuum. At one
end of the spectrum is the experience of sadness and
other depressive symptoms occurring at appropriate ple, someone who is drinking heavily may have
times and for short periods, during which the individ intense depressive symptoms that seemingly meet
ual successfully uses coping strategies. At the other criteria for depressive illness except that the symp
end is clinical (or “major”) depression, as described in toms dramatically lessen in the weeks after initial
DSM-IV-TR. The line between depressive symptoms abstinence from alcohol. Similarly, someone with
and psychiatric depressive disorders is a question of major depression or dysthymia who is taking antide
degree. Having depressive symptoms differs from pressant medication over several weeks may also
having a major depressive disorder in terms of the show fewer or no currently debilitating depressive
number or severity of symptoms experienced by a symptoms. Conversely, a client who now demon
client, not in terms of the types of symptoms. Only a strates only mild depressive symptoms may be on his
professional credentialed to diagnose mental illness or her way to a significant depressive episode.
can determine for certain whether a client has a seri
As with substance abuse, even though a person may
ous depressive disorder such as major depression, dys
be in remission from a depressive illness, the disorder
thymia, bipolar disorder, or substance-induced mood
remains. Prevention of and early intervention in
disorder (See Figure 1.3 on p. 8 for more information
recurrences must be addressed in treatment, especial
on substance-induced depressive symptoms). If you
ly in early recovery from substance use disorders.
suspect that a client has a depressive illness, you
Many depressive disorders cycle and recur. If a client
should refer the client to a mental health professional
has a history of a mood disorder, the client and coun
for assessment, diagnosis, and treatment. Screening
selor should both be on the lookout for a recurrence of
for depression, as discussed later in this chapter, will
help you to decide when to refer.
In addition, there are significant individual and cul
Clients may have more or less intense depressive
tural differences in how people talk about depressive
symptoms over time. This may be due to the client’s
symptoms. Counselors need to listen carefully to what
biology, stressful events in the client’s life, or the
clients say and probe for clarification. For instance,
client’s stopping or starting substance use. For exam-
Depressive symptoms must be distinguished from Depressive symptoms may come and go for a period
normal moods or emotions, such as sadness, that up to a few months; these are sometimes called
occur in all of us (see Figure 1.2). Normal sadness is “episodic.” Other depressive symptoms are always or
connected to a specific experience, perhaps a specific almost always present, and these are referred to as
loss, while depressive sadness may be without con “chronic.”
scious reason to the individual. People who are
Life events associated with depressive symptoms
depressed may say “I’m sad and I don’t know why.”
include loss (e.g., of a loved one, of a job), stresses of
Generally, normal sadness or depressed mood lasts
various kinds (e.g., financial, family, work), major life
for no more than a few days, while sadness driven by
Figure 1.2
How To Distinguish Among Normal Moods, Depressive Symptoms, and Depressive Illness
Symptoms of depression exist on a continuum that ranges from transient, relatively brief periods of “the blues” to major, debilitat
ing symptoms that immobilize a person. The actual symptoms that occur across this continuum are similar but vary substantially in
their frequency, their intensity, and the impact they have on the person. A list of depressive symptoms and related feelings and
behaviors is in Figure 1.1 (see page 5).
When individuals are experiencing normal moods, you might expect the following:
• A variety of affects are available and can be experienced by the individual, or conversely stated, powerful affects do not have to
be blocked or avoided.
• The range of affects expressed is appropriate to the context and stimuli.
• Affects can vary over a period of time, such as a day or week.
• The individual can continue to engage in solving life’s dilemmas.
• The individual does not get locked into an extreme emotion.
• The individual is able to cognitively assess and change a mood.
• Mood swings or “the blues” are time limited.
• These moods don’t impact functioning in major life areas.
• The symptoms might be more pervasive extending beyond an expected time frame.
• Some affects may feel too powerful to the individual and have to be blocked or distorted.
• While the affect expressed might feel “normal” or appropriate to the person, others might consider the person to be emotion
ally over- or underreacting.
• A person will get stuck in an emotion, such as fearful or sad and not be able to shake it, or he or she may look to an outside
influence, such as a drug, to change the mood.
• There may be significant impairment in a life-functioning area, such as relationships or work performance.
• There may be significant reduction in use of healthy coping styles, resulting in adaptive responses that limit choice or alienate
• There might be a significant negative or pessimistic cognitive bias, resulting in a person seeing life through negative filters.
• A person might not be able to consistently identify his or her mood or might label an affect in a way that seems confusing to
others. For instance, a person may identify himself as scared when he seems sad to others.
In addition to the emotional expressions noted under depressive symptoms, someone with depressive illness:
6 Part 1, Chapter 1
changes (e.g., graduation, marriage, divorce, birth of The Relationship Between
a child, starting a new job), past losses and traumatic
events (sometimes forgotten), hormonal changes, and
Depressive Symptoms and the
brain chemistry. Note that some of these life changes Toxic or Withdrawal Effects of
are generally viewed by society as positive. Substances
Nonetheless, they can initiate depressive symptoms Intoxication and/or withdrawal from certain sub
in some people. It is a natural part of the human stances can lead to depressive symptoms. The DSM
experience to feel a sense of loss and regret when IV-TR provides a description of behavioral, physiolog
making a change, whether it is positive or negative. ical, and psychological symptoms related to each class
People with certain medical conditions, such as of drug. If these symptoms are significant enough,
hypothyroidism and B-12 deficiency, may have they may be characterized as a substance-induced
depressive symptoms (e.g., low energy, fatigue, mood disorder (see Appendix D for a description of
weight gain, poor concentration and memory) as part this disorder). These drug-induced symptoms can last
of their clinical presentation. Therefore, a physical as long as an individual continues to take substances
examination is recommended to rule out medical con and may or may not improve with abstinence. This
ditions that might mimic or enhance a depressive ill may be because of toxic effects on the nervous system
ness. Finally, the experience of “hitting bottom,” of chronic exposure to substances.
entering substance abuse treatment, and beginning a Depressive symptoms can linger for 3 to 6 months
sober life can precipitate depressive symptoms or after abstinence and must be treated in counseling.
even a depressive illness. Because appropriate treatment for depressive symp
Depressive symptoms may also correlate to the high toms has been shown to improve substance-related
level of stress that often accompanies substance outcomes (Dodge, Sindelar, & Sinha, 2005), address
abuse, including financial problems; job loss; and ing depressive symptoms must be of concern to you as
alienation from friends, significant others, and family a substance abuse treatment counselor. Depressive
members. Clients using alcohol or drugs often neglect symptoms typically associated with common sub
their health as well as friends, family, work, hobbies, stances of abuse are detailed in Figure 1.3 (p. 8).
and other sources of normal satisfaction. This in itself
can lead to depressive symptoms or depression. The Relationship Between
Stress is one of the most important risk factors, not
only for the development of substance use disorders,
Depressive Symptoms and
but also for the development of depressive symptoms. Substance Use Disorders
Substance use disorders relate to depressive symp
Some people have depressive symptoms during some
toms or a depressive disorder in a variety of ways.
periods of their lives and depressive illnesses during
Having a substance use disorder increases the risk of
other periods (see Managing Depressive Symptoms: A
experiencing depressive symptoms or a depressive
Review of the Literature, Part 3, at KWWSVWRUH.samh
disorder. Similarly, having a depressive disorder Clients who experience a period of depressive
increases the odds of having a substance use disorder
symptoms appear to be at increased risk of an episode
(Nunes, Rubin, Carpenter, & Hasin, 2006).
of major depression or other depressive illnesses.
Thus, it is important for the substance abuse coun Depressive symptoms can precede, follow, or co-occur
selor to monitor the client’s depressive symptoms on a with substance abuse symptoms. In many cases, it is
regular basis (see the screening and assessment sec important to understand the evolution of these con
tion of this chapter, p. 20). joint symptoms in each client’s history. Depressive
symptoms can result from the direct effects of alcohol
or drugs on the central nervous system or from with
drawal of those drugs as described in Figure 1-3.
Cocaine intoxication and withdrawal can produce
Opioids Low energy, low appetite, poor Depressed mood, fatigue, low appetite, Depressed mood and other
concentration irritability, anxiety, insomnia, poor con depressive symptoms
Cocaine and Anxiety, low appetite, insomnia, Depressed mood, increased sleep, Depressed mood and other
stimulants paranoia and psychosis increased appetite, anhedonia, loss of depressive symptoms
interest, poor concentration, suicidal
Cannabis Anxiety, apathy, increased appetite Anxiety, irritability Low motivation, apathy
Sedative-hyp Fatigue, increased sleep, apathy Anxiety, low mood, restlessness, para Depressed mood, poor memory
notics noia and psychosis
symptoms that look like major depression, except probably occur without the influence of the other. In
that they typically reduce in intensity in a matter of this context, an integrated treatment plan, address
days after abstinence is initiated (Husband, 1996). An ing both disorders, is essential.
individual with a substance use disorder may experi
Sometimes, one disorder precedes the other. For
ence depressive symptoms as a result of the losses or
example, people who are sober from alcohol or drugs
life problems caused by the substance use over time.
for months or years can later develop an episode of
The person may have lost a job, an important rela
depressive symptoms or major depression. Similarly,
tionship, or financial security, and feel depressed, yet
people recovering from a depressive disorder can
not meet criteria for a depressive disorder.
develop alcohol or drug abuse or dependence years
Untreated depressive symptoms can influence the after the end of treatment or during a course of treat
client’s response to substance abuse treatment and ment. The important point to remember, regardless of
the ability to remain substance free over time. For which disorder came first, is that both substance
example, perhaps one of your clients who has recur abuse and depressive symptoms need to be treated
rent depressive symptoms and cocaine dependence concurrently.
refuses to take her antidepressant medications as
A substance use disorder can contribute to a delay in
prescribed. She demonstrates a pattern of relapse to
seeking treatment among those with depressive
drug use when she uses cocaine to boost her mood
symptoms. It can also interfere with a client’s suc
during periods of depression. In his book Darkness
cessful transition from inpatient care to ambulatory
Visible: A Memoir of Madness (1992), author William
Styron provides an excellent and detailed description
of how his depression significantly worsened after he Substance use can cover up depressive symptoms,
stopped drinking alcohol. He felt that his alcoholism making it hard to identify depression until a client
initially covered up his depression, which became stops using substances and remains sober for days,
intolerable after he quit drinking, causing him con weeks, or longer. For example, Steve had been
siderable anguish. dependent on alcohol for 8 years and drank large
quantities nearly every day. He also had depressive
It is important to remember that both problems and
symptoms that preceded his alcoholism, but his alco-
their symptoms are primary illnesses and would
8 Part 1, Chapter 1
hol use covered them up. Although Steve sought help Abuse Treatment [CSAT], 2005c; Kessler, Berglund,
for his depressive symptoms over the years, treat Borges, Nock, & Wang, 2005). As a result, all clients
ment was only partly effective because he continued with substance use problems and depressive symp
drinking heavily and minimized his alcohol problem. toms should be screened for suicidality. TIP 42,
After detoxification, when he began working on a pro Substance Abuse Treatment for Persons With Co-
gram of recovery, Steve’s depressive symptoms actu Occurring Disorders (CSAT, 2005c), provides detailed
ally worsened. Since he was used to reducing his information appropriate for both screening and
depressive symptoms with alcohol, his mood symp assessment of suicidality. There is no generally
toms caused strong cravings and thoughts of using accepted and standardized instrument that can accu
alcohol. It was clear that in order to help him stay rately measure suicide potential. Suicide screening
sober, Steve needed evaluation and treatment for his and assessment scales can be used as aids, but
depressive symptoms. if a client shows signs of being at risk of sui
cide, these scales are not a substitute for a thor
ough clinical interview by a qualified mental
Effects of Substances on Recovery health clinician, during which client and coun
From Depressive Symptoms selor can talk openly about suicidality. Any
Substance use, abuse, or dependence can cause client showing warning signs or risk factors for suici
depressive symptoms to worsen and complicate recov dality should be assessed by a mental health profes
ery from a depressive illness. These effects may also sional specifically trained in conducting suicidal risk
interfere with a client’s response to medications or evaluations (APA, 2000) (see also Decision Tree on
other therapeutic interventions. Helplessness and When To Refer a Client, p. 37). Most clients with sui
hopelessness are common experiences for clients with cidal ideation want a path out of their pain without
substance use disorders and those with depressive harming themselves. It is their current perception,
symptoms. Having both tends to compound these however, that such a path isn’t available to them.
reactions. Some of the common myths about suicidality include:
Hopelessness and relapse to alcohol and drug use are 1. Clients will not make a suicide attempt if they
interrelated. Hopelessness creates a psychological promise the counselor to not harm themselves.
environment that supports drug relapse. At the same
time, drug relapse may increase the experience of FACT: A variety of circumstances can influence
hopelessness. The combined effect of relapse and suicidal behavior. A promise by a client not to
hopelessness is to make treatment more difficult. The harm himself may not apply when a client is con
client may be more resistant to following the treat fronted with a variety of environmental, interper
ment plan and may blame lack of improvement on sonal, and psychological stressors. A “commitment
such external factors as medications, the treatment to treatment” plan is generally considered more
program protocols, other clients in the program, or useful than a “no-suicide pact” (Rudd, 2006).
the counselor’s skills. 2. Talking about suicidal thoughts will put the idea
Depression and hopelessness, combined with alcohol in a client’s head and make the problem worse.
and/or drug use, may also increase the potential for FACT: Most clients want to talk about their suici
violence to self or others. The client may be at higher dal thoughts and plans with someone. Talking
risk for thinking about, planning, or acting on suici with a nonjudgmental, accepting person about sui
dal thoughts. cide can offer relief (Gliatto & Rai, 1999).
2. Obtain the informed consent of the client to consult As a substance abuse counselor, you want your clients
with a supervisor, appropriate mental health pro to achieve abstinence and an improved quality of life.
fessionals, and referral resources about the client’s Addressing depressive symptoms is a part of reaching
care. both those goals. Clients with depressive symptoms
may have difficulty relating to other clients. They may
3. Listen to the client’s experience and feelings with see themselves as different and distance themselves
out judgment. from other clients and may not be interested in partici
4. Encourage clients to talk about their suicidal pating in group activities. Vignettes 2 and 4 in chapter
ideation, whether plans have been considered or 2 of this TIP demonstrate techniques for dealing with
made, and whether a method (a gun or medication, some of these challenges.
for instance) is available. This is important infor Because clients with depressive symptoms are more
mation to have when you consult with a supervisor likely to relapse after treatment is completed (see
or mental health professional. Managing Depressive Symptoms: A Review of the
5. Don’t allow yourself to be sworn to secrecy about Literature, Part 3, at, the work
the client’s suicidal thoughts or intent. you do with clients to reduce depressive symptoms
will yield added benefits in terms of supporting absti
6. Engage the client in participating in a plan of care to nence.
intervene with suicidal thoughts and/or behaviors.
7. If possible, involve the client’s family and signifi The Concept of Integrated Care
cant others in supporting the client.
for Substance Abuse and
8. Have a clear understanding of the ethical, legal, Depressive Symptoms
and agency guidelines in working with clients who Integrated treatment for both problems is the stan
are suicidal. (See also the forthcoming TIP, dard of care for clients with substance abuse and
Addressing Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors in depressive symptoms or any co-occurring mental dis
Substance Abuse Treatment, and [CSAT, in devel order. Integrated interventions are specific treatment
opment a].) strategies or therapeutic techniques in which inter
ventions for two or more co-occurring disorder diag
How Depressive Symptoms Affect noses or symptoms are combined in a single session
or interaction, in a series of interactions, or in multi
Treatment Participation ple sessions over time (CSAT, 2005a). These can be
Depression can affect almost any area of functioning. acute interventions to establish safety, as well as
As a result, the client with depressive symptoms may ongoing efforts to foster recovery.
have problems such as the following:
10 Part 1, Chapter 1
You can make a basic error if you treat clients as a depressive symptoms. The literature reports that the
collection of parts rather than as individuals who are therapies substance abuse counselors are generally
trying to integrate all their experiences and feelings trained in (such as CBT, supportive counseling, and
into a single understanding of themselves. An exam psychoeducation), are effective in relieving depressive
ple of this is when the client’s substance abuse and symptoms (Carroll, 1998). Counselors therefore do
depressive symptoms are treated as though they are not need to learn a whole new skill set, but rather to
separate issues. While in some ways, these problems translate what they already know to the language of
are indeed separate (e.g., each has its own history, depression. Some drug therapies (such as antidepres
symptoms, treatment approaches, and neither “goes sants) are effective in relieving depressive symptoms.
away” just because the other is addressed), they can
As stated above, depressive symptoms exist on a con
not be separated because they exist in the same per
tinuum. The difference between having depressive
son at the same time.
symptoms and having clinical depression can be the
The case example of Steve, provided earlier in this presence of a single symptom or the degree to which a
chapter, illustrated the problems encountered when specific symptom limits a person’s ability to function.
depressive symptoms or substance abuse are treated There is also no current evidence that the causes of
independently. If counselors try to treat only the sub depressive symptoms differ from those of significant
stance abuse, the depressive symptoms get in the way depressive illness. Until further research is available,
and vice versa. it is sensible to assume that those interventions and
counseling approaches that work for depressive ill
It is also important to note that substance abuse and
nesses will likely be of help to persons with depres
depressive symptoms may interact in various ways.
sive symptoms.
For example, the personal exploration central to
recovery from substance use disorder may bring to Interventions Used in This TIP—Chapter 2 provides
the surface memories or feelings that activate or the application of a number of interventions for
exacerbate depressive symptoms. Loss of the “old depression, including:
friend” that substance abuse and associated lifestyles
• Educating clients about depression and depression
represent may cause grief. Similarly, depressive
symptoms are known to be cues for craving (see
• Integrating counseling for substance abuse and
Managing Depressive Symptoms: A Review of the
depressive symptoms.
Literature, Part 3, at or may
• Understanding depression.
contribute to feelings that all change, including recov
• Reframing negative thoughts.
ery, is impossible.
• Testing negative beliefs against reality.
For all these reasons, care for the person with sub • Helping clients identify and change maladaptive
stance abuse problems and depressive symptoms behaviors.
must be integrated. This means treating each disor • Developing coping strategies.
der as “primary” (i.e., having its own cause and • Exploring and understanding emotions related to
course) but also treating each within the context of substance abuse and depression.
the other. • Providing support and encouragement to the
Further discussion of the concepts of integrated care
• Motivating the client to change.
can be found in TIP 42 (CSAT, 2005c).
Many of these strategies are described in the work of
Miller and Rollnick on motivational interviewing
Approaches and Psychosocial (2002). All these interventions seek to break the cycle
Interventions for Working With of maladaptive thoughts, beliefs, behaviors, and emo
Depressive Symptoms tional reactions that are characteristic of depression.
Many psychological therapies (e.g., cognitive– Brief descriptions of the major intervention tech
behavioral therapies [CBT], psychoeducation) help niques used in this TIP follow:
the client build adaptive strategies for coping with
12 Part 1, Chapter 1
The information that is used in evidence-based think treatment team members, and, where appropriate,
ing includes: with program administrators. See whether there is
room for the changes you think are needed, and col
• Research and the experience and recommenda
laborate with supervisors and administrators to find
tions of clinical experts.
the best ways to meet the needs of your clients with
• Your past experience.
depressive symptoms. Refer them to Part 2 of this
• Your personal preferences and style.
TIP, Managing Depressive Symptoms: An
• Advice from your clinical supervisor.
Implementation Guide for Administrators, for further
• The needs, values, preferences, and characteristics
information on changes in your substance abuse
of the client.
treatment program that may be important to meet
• Constraints such as the number of sessions you
client needs.
have available.
14 Part 1, Chapter 1
addiction disorders issued by your professional associ supervisor, to determine the exact nature and scope
ation. The specific duties you may undertake with a of services you can provide within the laws of your
client depend on the licenses and/or certifications you State and within your profession’s ethical require
hold. Licenses and certifications define the scope of ments for competency.
practice for your discipline, and they differ by State
Ethical Considerations—As a provider of human serv
and profession.
ices, you take on the responsibility of meeting the
Figure 1.4 provides information on common certifica needs of your clients to the best of your abilities. This
tions and licenses for substance abuse counselors and means providing those services for which you have
other related professionals, including information been trained and which the law permits you to pro
related to substance abuse and depressive symptoms. vide and not withholding these services from persons
This table is intended as a guideline only. It is your in need.
responsibility, in collaboration with your clinical
It is also your ethical responsibility to practice within
Figure 1.4 the limits of your skills and the limits of the law. You
Scope of Practice (and your supervisor) must make an assessment of
your skills, licensures, and certifications as they
relate to the needs of the client who uses substances
Can Diagnose
Can Address
Can Treat
Can Treat
Yes Yes Yes Yes Preparing Yourself To
Psychiatrist Yes Yes Yes Yes
Work With Clients With
Depressive Symptoms
*There are possible exceptions to this general proscription
against substance abuse counselors diagnosing and/or treating Working with clients with depressive symptoms can
mental illness. In Texas, substance abuse counselors may treat be a frustrating and difficult experience for substance
for mental illnesses “associated with” substance use disorders if
abuse counselors. However, helping someone emerge
they have received an additional level of postlicensure training
(Texas Department of State Health Services, 2004). In Nevada, from personal darkness and hopelessness to the light
counselors may provide services not directly related to counsel of living well, renewed enjoyment of life, and hope for
ing for substance abuse or problem gambling but must disclose the future is also one of the most rewarding experi
to their clients both orally and in writing that the type of service
they are providing is not within the scope of counseling for sub ences for the counselor. This section discusses some of
stance abuse (State of Nevada Board of Examiners for Alcohol, the challenges you will face in working with clients
Drug and Gambling Counselors, 2003). In five States with depressive symptoms, and presents several tech
(Mississippi, Missouri, Oklahoma, Oregon, Virginia), legal
research and Web site investigation failed to reveal whether
niques for preparing yourself to deal with these chal
diagnosis and treatment for mental disorders are authorized to lenges. While the personal emotional reactions to
be performed by substance abuse counselors. clients with depressive symptoms can get in the way
of effectively using the therapeutic techniques
†All currently recognized behavioral/mental disorders in the
United States are included in the DSM-IV-TR. The determina described in chapter 2, it should also be noted that
tion that substance abuse counselors can treat for depressive understanding your emotional reaction to a particular
symptoms is based on the fact that “depressive symptoms” do not client can assist you in helping your client. Your feel
constitute a behavioral or mental disorder because they are not
included as disorders per se in the DSM-IV-TR, yet they are ings toward the client may in fact reflect the client’s
commonly associated with substance use disorders. mood and/or feelings about himself or herself. In
Managing Depressive Symptoms
addition, acknowledging your own grief or depressive Figure 1.5
tendencies can help you form a more empathic con Common Attitudes and Beliefs
nection with the client. Denying your emotional reac About Depressive Symptoms
tions to the client is likely to interfere with your role
Attitude or Belief What Is Known
as a professional. Whatever your reactions, address
ing them with your supervisor will help you sort out If the client stops using Although this is sometimes
psychoactive drugs, the true, it is frequently the
the reactions that are about you and those that are
depression will take care case that the client’s
about the client. of itself. depressive symptoms may
be a primary problem on
par with his or her sub
Attitudes and Beliefs You May stance abuse. Thus, the
Bring to Your Work depressive symptoms must
be addressed directly.
Although you may have never dealt directly with
depression in your clients, you have certainly encoun This is not my job; I am a Your client’s depressive
tered depressed clients in your work as a substance substance abuse counselor. symptoms may present
roadblocks to recovery. You
abuse counselor. As a result, you may have developed
cannot do your job effec
attitudes and beliefs that could interfere with your tively if you ignore the
ability to effectively use the recommendations in this depressive symptoms.
TIP. Some common attitudes and beliefs are given in
Figure 1.5. The table contrasts these attitudes and I don’t have the skills to Although working with a
work with someone who is client with depressive symp
beliefs with what is known about depression among depressed. toms does require some
people with substance use problems. special skills, these skills can
be learned and used effec
tively by substance abuse
Transference and counselors.
Countertransference I work with the 12 Steps. The 12 Steps and the 12
Transference (by the client) and countertransference What has this got to do Traditions are powerful
(by the counselor) refer to the unconscious (underly with them? tools that ordinary people
can use to make important
ing) use of past experience with similar individuals or
changes in their own lives
in similar situations to shape reactions to a new per and in the lives of others.
son or social situation. Transference and counter- They are effective tools not
transference occur in all types of counseling—includ just for recovery from sub
ing counseling for substance abuse and for mental stance abuse, but also can
benefit the lives of people
health issues—as well as in our everyday reactions to
with a variety of other life
others. The positive aspect of transference and coun problems. (More on this
tertransference is that it helps you generalize from topic is in the section, The
your past to better manage the present. The downside 12 Steps as a Tool, p. 28.)
is that rarely are these generalizations completely
Depression is a result of a Although some symptoms
accurate. You may remind the client of a teacher he lack of spirituality of depression (especially
or she had in school, and his or her initial feelings hopelessness and feelings
about you and reactions to you may be shaped as of isolation) can be
much by these feelings as they are shaped by what addressed by spiritual prac
you do and say. tices, for many individuals,
spirituality alone is not
Just as the client applies what he or she knows (or enough. Specific treatment
believes) about similar people in understanding you, (e.g., talk therapy, group,
and medication) is needed
so you apply your knowledge (or beliefs) about people to relieve depression.
similar to the client in understanding him or her. If
16 Part 1, Chapter 1
you are unaware that it is taking place, countertrans understandable that some substance abuse coun
ference will almost always interfere with your work selors may have an initial negative reaction to the
with the client. After all, the client is not your parent, client—for example, “This person is a loser.”
son, or daughter, the kid you did not like in school, Counselors working within the 12-Step tradition may
your scoutmaster, or someone you know who spent refer to this as “taking the client’s inventory.” Rather
most of their life being depressed. Each client is a than fall into the trap of blaming or judging, the sub
unique individual whose needs, beliefs, aspirations, stance abuse counselor can instead take a stance of
fears, and desires you must come to understand. curiosity and help clients verbalize their thoughts,
feelings, and awareness. Such a stance can help in
Countertransference, if recognized, can be used pro
differentiating depressive symptoms from resistance
ductively in your work with the client. It can facili
and motivational problems. Additionally, as a coun
selor, you may fear that you are not equipped to help
• Developing an empathic relationship with the your client with depressive symptoms. Your own feel
client. ings of helplessness or inadequacy may also arise.
• Understanding the thoughts and feelings you have Addressing these concerns in supervision will help
in reaction to the client. you be more open and helpful to your client.
• Understanding what your client is feeling by
As a result of these feelings of helplessness or inade
understanding your own reactions to your client
quacy, you may find yourself wanting to “fix” the
(“Why am I feeling this way? Who am I to the
client’s problems. This, in turn, may lead to overly
client now?”).
directive behavior (e.g., “do this, change that”),
• Disentangling the web of your own feelings from
“cheerleading” (e.g., “things aren’t really so bad”), or
those of the client.
preaching. Wanting to “fix” the client’s problems is
It is difficult to manage countertransferential reac not by itself a problem. After all, you are in this pro
tions by yourself, even with extensive experience as a fession to help clients with recovery. However, it is
counselor. As a result, clinical supervision is an important to find a balance between your desire to
essential component of the counseling process. It is protect the client from further harm because of poor
particularly important when you have a strong reac choices or maladaptive behavior and the client’s need
tion to a client (positive or negative) that could poten to develop autonomy, engage in his or her own recov
tially interfere with treatment. Most people have had ery, and “walk the walk.” Depending on the stage of
powerful experiences in the past both with people recovery and specific needs of the client, what may be
with substance abuse problems and people who are helpful in one stage could be enabling in another. For
depressed. They may not be consciously aware of example, advice and reassurance may be helpful at
those experiences in the presence of a client today, one stage while at another it may interfere with
but those experiences can (and probably do) affect autonomy (Rosenthal, 2008). Miller and Rollnick’s
how they approach the person in their office, how (2002) motivational interviewing concept for wanting
they view the client’s potential for recovery, and how to “fix” the client is referred to as “the righting
they feel about themselves in the client’s presence. reflex,” the urge to “right” the “wrong” experienced or
expressed by the client.
18 Part 1, Chapter 1
• Jumping to conclusions—People with depressive
Interrelationships and Interactions
symptoms tend to jump to conclusions easily, par
Lisa has always struggled with her weight (biology). ticularly negative conclusions. For example, in
She believes that people do not like her because she is
vignette 2 in the next chapter, John’s friends don’t
unattractive (negative belief). So she reduces her social
contact (behavior), which in turn leads her to feel talk to him when he enters the room; he concludes
increasingly lonely (emotion). She deals with the lone that they don’t think he’s worth talking to. This is
liness by binge eating (behavior), which makes her feel a negative self-attribution based in a dysfunctional
hopeless about herself (emotion) and supports the belief.
belief that she is not attractive. So she further reduces • Emotional reasoning—Emotional reasoning is
her social contacts (behavior), which increases her
experience of isolation.
related to jumping to conclusions. People with
depressive symptoms may assume that their emo
tions give them an accurate view of the world and
The Perspective of the Client With do not test further. In the above example, John
Depressive Symptoms may not start up a conversation himself. He sim
ply assumes his “gut reaction” is accurate.
While people with substance use disorders generally
• Discounting the positive—People with depressive
tend to have a perspective that incorporates some of
symptoms tend to discount their positives; the
the thinking styles discussed in this section, the dis
glass is half-empty. Because of selective percep
cussion focuses on the perspectives of people with
tion, they tend to not focus on what they do have,
depressive symptoms. Persons with depressive symp
only what they don’t have. As a result, they may
toms tend to have a negative view of themselves,
feel deprived or disappointed. Even when people
their surroundings, and their relationships, and lack
who are depressed achieve something, they tend to
hope that things will get better. These pessimistic
discount it with the negative self-attribution that
and self-defeating thoughts about the self, one’s expe
“anyone could do that.”
riences, and one’s future form the “cognitive triad” of
• Disbelieving others—It is very common for people
Beck’s (1979) cognitive theory of depression. People
with depressive symptoms to believe that others
with depressed mood tend to automatically interpret
are being nice only because they want something,
experience through a negative filter, making unrealis
that they are being manipulative. People with
tic negative attributions about self and others. The
depression often believe that individuals have one
negative thoughts are automatic and are typically
set of thoughts they express outwardly and a set of
accepted without any awareness or scrutiny. For
thoughts they keep private. They believe this in
example, when people behave in ways that they expe
part because this is what they do (for instance,
rience as depressed, such as staying in bed, or not
project happy feelings outward while feeling mis
taking care of family responsibilities, their dysfunc
erable inside). They worry that the private
tional cognitive process reinforces negative attribu
thoughts of people are very negative toward
tions about the self such as, “I’m irresponsible” or “I’ll
them—an example of negative attribution.
never amount to anything.”
• Black and white thinking—Depressive symptoms
The theory of depression from a cognitive–behavioral makes it harder to think about life in complex
standpoint is that dysfunctional core beliefs and ways. Thinking tends to become black and white
assumptions support distorted or maladaptive think and “either/or.” Either one is a success or a failure;
ing, which then lead to altered affect and maladap either this relationship is good or it is a complete
tive behavior. So, changing the dysfunctional think failure.
ing should lead to improved mood and modification of
When combined with the sadness, inability to derive
beliefs and assumptions, to long-term improvement of
pleasure from life, and feelings of isolation that are
mood with reduction in vulnerability to relapse.
characteristic of depression, these thinking patterns
The following examples of typical depressive thinking can lead to a dark and hopeless view of the world. To
styles (adapted from Gilbert, 2000) provide insight work effectively with clients with depressive symp
into the experience of depression: toms, you will need to enter that world with as much
understanding, empathy, and compassion as possible.
20 Part 1, Chapter 1
has done to others, until sobriety is well established. for positive changes as well as evidence that symp
Later in recovery, when the client has better coping toms are getting worse. As noted earlier, screening
strategies, ethical guilt can begin to be approached in and assessment should be integrated so that sub
a calm and exploratory manner with the counselor. stance abuse and depressive symptoms are each
The client can then explore prior harmful behaviors, explored within the context of the other.
begin to address them with religious or spiritual
Although making a diagnosis of mood disorder is out
involvement, and make amends through step-work or
side the scope of practice for counselors, they should
other means. However, guilt is also a symptom of
nonetheless learn the symptom sets (described in
depression and often clients suffer from inappropriate
Appendix D of this TIP) so as to make an appropriate
guilt, that is, the client assumes guilt inappropriately
referral for assessment to someone who can diagnose
for imagined transgressions. Helping clients differen
and treat these disorders. Because of the interaction
tiate ethical guilt from inappropriate guilt can help
between depression and substance use disorders, it is
alleviate suffering.
especially important that a capable mental or behav
Learning styles—Like recovery from substance abuse, ioral health professional qualified in the State to
recovery from depressive symptoms requires learning diagnose and treat depresssion who also has training
new ways of viewing and dealing with self, others, in substance use disorders make the diagnosis and
and the world. For example, as part of their early direct treatment. Screening and assessment for sub
work with you, it is important for the client with stance abuse clients with depressive symptoms
depressive symptoms to learn the facts about depres always needs to include screening for suicidality.
sion. Some of the interventions discussed earlier rely
on your client’s learning new ways of thinking and
behaving. People differ in the ways they learn most Screening
effectively. Some people learn best by reading, some Screening is a planned and purposeful process that
by listening, some by watching others, and some by typically is brief and occurs soon after the client pres
doing. Some people prefer to get information as a ents for services. Screening determines the likelihood
series of bullet points, whereas others are most com that a client has co-occurring substance use and men
fortable when points are made in a story or example. tal disorders or that his or her presenting signs,
As a general rule, adult learning occurs most rapidly symptoms, or behaviors may be influenced by co-
and effectively when some combination of these meth occurring issues such as depressive symptoms (CSAT,
ods is used. Effective counseling requires that you 2006). The purpose is to establish the need for an in-
discover the ways your client learns best. depth assessment.
Some people understand their own learning styles Your job as a counselor is to watch the client for
and will ask you to provide information in a specific symptoms of depression, discuss them with your clini
form (e.g., they will ask for a pamphlet or ask you to cal supervisor when they appear, and, in concert with
give examples). However, many people cannot tell you your supervisor, make a plan for how these symptoms
how they learn best. Hence, you must try out differ will be addressed in treatment. The symptom list in
ent methods and be aware of whether or not the Figure 1.1 (p. 5) provides a solid reference guide.
client is “with you.” As time progresses, you will dis Screening and assessment are discussed in chapter 4
cover the methods that work best. Even when you of TIP 42 (CSAT, 2005b). Although screening instru
have discovered the client’s preferred mode of learn ments tend to be sensitive to the symptoms they
ing, it is best to use more than one method to rein track, one must rely on an expert clinical evaluation
force the information you want the client to learn. for clinical assessment and diagnosis.
Another commonly used screening tool for depressive Certain assessment instruments can be obtained and
symptoms is the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II), a administered only by a licensed psychologist. Your
21-item self-report of depressive symptoms. This widely clinical supervisor or other staff associated with your
used instrument is copyrighted by The Psychological program may be licensed mental health professionals
Corporation and requires payment for its use. who are qualified to assess and diagnose for depres
Information on BDI-II can be obtained from the pub sion. Therefore, “referral” does not necessarily mean
lisher’s Web site (KWWSZZZSHDUVRQDVVHVVPHQWVFRP). to someone outside your agency. If a referral is to be
made, appropriate program protocols should be
It is important to note that these instruments do not
observed. For example, you may need to refer through
assess suicidality, even though suicidality is a depres
your clinical supervisor or your program administra
sion symptom. Therefore, as stated above, suicidal
tor. It is also important to explain the purposes and
thoughts, intentions, and behaviors must be screened
processes of the referral to the client and to elicit
for and assessed independently in the clinical interview.
cooperation in the referral and assessment process.
In addition to client self-report, it is important to Finally, it is important to gain written consent from
observe the behavior of the client: that is, to watch for clients to discuss their cases with other professionals,
changes in mood, affect, and behavior that the client particularly in other programs.
may minimize or find hard to articulate. Keep track of
The American Society of Addiction Medicine’s
the intensity and duration of symptoms. As noted earli
(ASAM’s) patient placement criteria (PPC-2R; ASAM,
er, depressive symptoms may be the prelude to a
2001) address the decisionmaking process for how a
depressive disorder. Signs of deterioration should be
client with a substance use disorder diagnosis with
reported immediately to your clinical supervisor, who
co-occurring depression (or other disorders) can be
will need this information to decide whether a formal
treated in existing substance abuse treatment pro
assessment for depression is needed.
grams. The ASAM criteria offer a model for assessing
across several life areas, suggesting the severity of
Assessment symptoms (in this case, depressive symptoms) and
the appropriateness of fit with a program’s services.
Assessment “gathers information and engages in a
process with the client that enables the provider to Note: The clients in the vignettes of chapter 2 have
establish (or rule out) the presence or absence of a co- all been identified as experiencing depressive symp
occurring disorder.” It “determines the client’s readi toms, not a DSM-IV-TR mood disorder, in their
ness for change, identifies client strengths or problem intake assessment or through a process of screening
areas that may affect the processes of treatment and by their counselors and subsequent assessment by a
recovery, and engages the client in the development qualified mental health professional.
of an appropriate treatment relationship” (CSAT,
2006, p. 1). One outcome of the assessment may be
the attribution of a DSM-IV-TR diagnosis, such as
alcohol dependence or a depressive disorder. Another
Treatment Planning
outcome is the initial treatment plan for the client. As a substance abuse counselor, you may be legally
entitled to work with clients who have depressive
Assessment for depressive symptoms may take place symptoms as defined earlier in this chapter.
at intake in your program or may be the result of However, most States require additional training or
screening by the counselor. Assessments for depres credentials to provide treatment to clients with diag
sive illness must be conducted by a mental health nosable depressive illness (see Figure 1.4, p. 15).
professional who has the required specialized train Figure 1.6 provides guidance for determining who
ing, skills, and licensure and/or certification. DSM should work with a given client.
IV-TR diagnosis is accomplished by referral to a psy
22 Part 1, Chapter 1
Figure 1.6
Decision Tree
Presence of DSM-IV-TR NO
depressive disorder (major Agency
depression, bipolar
disorder, dysthymia)?
Assessment Refer to a more
YES Does agency have the appro- appropriate agency.
priate facilities, policies, etc.,
to serve this client’s needs?
Qualified and appropriately
or co-occurring
disorders provider
24 Part 1, Chapter 1
ing a change, the counselor can seek to identify dis
Figure 1.7
crepancies between the client’s current behavior and
Principles of Care
Empathy—Empathy is central to helping the client • Addressing the problem practically in the context
feel understood, accepted, and safe to explore painful of the current situation.
emotions and experiences. People with substance use • Clarifying misunderstandings.
disorders and depressive symptoms often have trou • Accepting responsibility for missteps, when appro
ble feeling understood or believing that someone else priate, especially with clients who have a history
can understand their experiences. Empathy is com of trauma or racism (including discussing with
municated through verbal and nonverbal signals that your supervisor the appropriate way to admit mis-
say “I understand.” In some sense, it is wrong to say Figure 1.8
that empathy is a skill or technique. Rather, it is best Empathy and Sympathy
understood as a way of being or staying in tune with
your client. Certainly, when counselors have had Empathy Sympathy
some of the same experiences as their clients (such as
Involves a heightened Involves a heightened
recovering from substance abuse or depression), the awareness of the experi awareness of the suffering
capacity for empathy is heightened. Just as in 12 ences of the other (not or need of the other as
Step programs where individuals are taught to identi necessarily suffering) as something to be alleviated.
fy with feelings rather than compare the particulars something to be under The focus is the other per
of a situation, counselors can empathize with clients’ stood and reflected back. son’s well-being.
feelings because they know what it is like to experi Behavior concerns know Behavior concerns relating,
ence pain and loss. ing, conceptualizing, acting for, alleviating (or
understanding. mediating responses).
In some instances, having a similar background to a
client can interfere with empathy because you think Empathy is effortful and Sympathy is relatively auto
you know what the client is going through and there depends both on experien matic and effortless.
fore fail to listen effectively. Being empathic is more tial and imaginal capabili
than simply relating to a client. Empathy includes
having patience and being supportive and under The self reaches out to the The self is moved by the
standing. As always, appropriate supervision and other. other.
self-reflection are key to being an effective counselor. The self is the vehicle for The other is the vehicle for
understanding and never understanding, and some
People sometimes confuse empathy with sympathy. loses its identity. loss of identity may occur.
Sympathy does not involve placing yourself in the
26 Part 1, Chapter 1
takes to clients without expressing excessive (enabling) or fostering dependent behavior (Rosenthal
guilt). & Westreich, 1999). Good confrontation has two faces:
• Expressing sincere regret at having unwittingly The external, more obvious confrontation is between
impugned, misled, or patronized the client. counselor and client. The more subtle, less obvious is
• Supporting the client’s ability to express disagree how the client takes in the external confrontation and
ments in the context of an ongoing therapeutic is able to internalize it.
• Being flexible in one’s position or on the current
tasks when the client is becoming angry or distant
Stages of Readiness for Change
(Winston, 2004). Clients will enter substance abuse treatment with
different levels of motivation to change. Your task is
Strengths Based—Strengths-based approaches focus to discover and design with clients a systematic and
on identifying, encouraging, and using the client’s strategic plan to address their unique set of symp
strengths as the foundation for the plan to create pos toms of substance abuse and depression. The same
itive change. Many clients with substance use disor client may have one level of motivation to change
ders and depressive symptoms find it difficult to substance use and another level of motivation to
believe they can begin or maintain behavioral change. address depressive symptoms. Prochaska and
Belief that one is able to change leads to the ability to DiClemente (1984) developed a widely used classifica
sustain motivation for making a change. Strengths tion of stages of motivation:
can be elicited by asking how the client has success
fully coped with depressive symptoms in the past. • No perception of a problem and/or no interest in
Once strengths have been identified, affirmation can change (Precontemplation).
be used to enhance the client’s belief in his or her • Might be a problem, might consider change
capacity to bring about change. (Contemplation).
• Definitely a problem, getting ready to change
Three areas of strength for most clients include the (Preparation).
capacity for endurance (e.g., survival skills), personal • Actively working on changing, even if slowly
growth (e.g., willingness to consider making a (Action).
change) in unpleasant circumstances, and a concern • Has achieved stability and is trying to maintain it
for the welfare of others, for instance, family. (Maintenance).
Counselors should never underestimate how skilled
some people are at not seeing their own strengths. Questionnaires for assessing stage of motivation are
You may be surprised with the resistance you available (see TIP 35 [CSAT, 1999]). Simple inter
encounter when trying to focus on client strengths. views can also be used to determine the client’s view
of a given problem, such as substance use or depres
Therapeutic Confrontation—At times, confrontation sive symptoms.
can be an appropriate technique to demonstrate to
the client the reality of his or her minimizing, eva For clients in the precontemplation or contemplation
siveness, blaming, rationalizing, or denying behavior. phases, the application of one or more of the motiva
However, you should use this technique only in the tional techniques described previously and illustrated
context of a strong awareness that the purpose is to in chapter 2 should be considered. For example, in
help the client, not to express your frustration or vignette 4 in Part 1, chapter 2, the counselor uses
anger. Without a strong therapeutic alliance, the motivational strategies to help Shirley move from
client may feel attacked. However, with a strong contemplation to preparation.
alliance, the client will know that you are trying to be
helpful. Whenever possible, it is important to ask for
feedback regarding the confrontation so that you and
the client can better understand the client’s reaction. Self-esteem includes a person’s beliefs and experi
The key is to use confrontation without being puni ences of his or her inherent value in addition to the
tive and to use empathic, supportive techniques with individual’s actual competence or self-efficacy. It is
out being overly responsible for the client’s behavior important to explore clients’ perceptions of their moti-
30 Part 1, Chapter 1
Managing Depressive Symptoms in Substance Abuse
Part 1, Chapter 2
Counseling in substance abuse treatment is an interactive and collaborative process between counselor and
client that supports change and enhances psychological and emotional growth. The relationship between coun
selor and client is the most critical component in determining a positive treatment outcome. Accordingly, coun
seling is not only a forum in which the counselor provides support, advice, and/or education to the client, nor is
it simply a series of techniques or strategies undertaken by the counselor. Rather, it is a collaborative process
using the client’s strengths, experience, and motivation and the counselor’s skills, experience, and insights to
achieve a higher quality of life for the client.
Change is a natural process. In a collaborative model of counseling, the goal of the counselor is to learn how to
tap into and support the client’s natural desire to grow and change. The key element in the majority of positive
outcomes in substance abuse treatment, regardless of the counseling approach or techniques used, is the rela
tionship between the counselor and client (Hubble, Duncan, & Miller, 1999). When that relationship is based on
mutuality, respect, and faith in the client’s expertise in his or her own life experience, the relationship itself
provides a safe therapeutic context in which people feel free to make healthier choices about their lives. Within
this safe and supportive atmosphere, clients are able to explore their own experiences and find their own solu
tions to problems.
A number of factors work to facilitate change, and some of the most important are the qualities the counselor
brings to the therapeutic relationship. Carl Rogers (1992) asserted that in a client-centered, collaborative
approach to counseling, the counselor must possess three critical qualities to create the conditions that facili
tate change: accurate empathy (expressions of understanding by the counselor of the client’s experience), non-
possessive warmth (or unconditional positive regard), and genuineness (authenticity and transparency).
Manifestation of these three critical conditions fosters therapeutic change and recovery from substance use dis
orders. In particular, accurate empathy is associated with treatment success. A critical assumption of Rogers is
that when counselors engage in accurate empathy, clients feel accepted and understood, and this increases
their sense of self-worth. This is a crucial aspect of working with people with depressive symptoms because low
self-worth or self-esteem is one of the most common symptoms of depression. In addition, constructive behav
ioral change follows from positive changes in self-worth (Rogers, 1992).
The primary counseling tool that facilitates the expression of accurate empathy is reflective listening, also
known as active listening. Reflective listening involves listening beyond the content of what the client is saying
for the meaning and feeling in the client’s story, making a hypothesis about that meaning or feeling, then
reflecting that meaning or feeling back to the client using the client’s words, rephrasing, or paraphrasing using
your own words. The goals of reflective listening are to build rapport by helping the client feel understood and
to selectively reflect back to the client his or her own reasons for change instead of trying to convince the client
that change is necessary. The four clinical vignettes that follow demonstrate reflective listening and accurate
empathy. Notice that the counselor focuses on helping the client change the thoughts, beliefs, feelings, or
behaviors associated with his or her depression.
While change is natural, it is not always easy. Whenever people are considering a change, it is normal for them
to feel ambivalence. It is a natural part of the human experience to feel a sense of loss and regret when giving
up one set of behaviors or a way of thinking in exchange for a new approach. The counselor’s job is to recognize
In fact, resistance serves a protective function in all of us. It works to keep us safe and maintain our equilibri
um. When resistance is apparent in the counseling process, it can be explored with respectful curiosity. It is
your job as a counselor to help clients resolve ambivalence.
Motivational interviewing (MI; Miller & Rollnick, 2002), which is based in part on Rogers’ humanistic theory of
change (as described above), is a directive, yet respectful and client-centered, approach to helping people resolve
ambivalence about change. It has been shown to be effective in helping people change their alcohol and drug
use patterns, as well as in supporting people as they resolve their ambivalence about taking medications or
engaging in other healthy behaviors that decrease depressive symptoms. (See TIP 35, Enhancing Motivation for
Change in Substance Abuse Treatment [CSAT 1999].) Below are some tools adapted from MI that will help you
address a client’s ambivalence about change.
depressive symptoms:
a. What are the good and not-so-good things about drinking when you are
b. What are the advantages and disadvantages of taking medication or
exercising to combat your depression?
c. Who in your life would appreciate your decision to take care of yourself
by exercising and not drinking in order to reduce the depression?
d. On a scale of 1–10, how important is it to you to make some changes to
reduce the depression in your life?
3. Invite clients to explore their ambivalence more deeply by empathically
4. Remember that the closer a client gets to change, the more their ambiva
lence can increase. It is important that clients make a life change because
they see the need, not because a counselor forces it on them, so be particular
ly careful about not pushing your agenda on the client. It is through the
exploration and expression of their own experience that clients resolve their
ambivalence and take more ownership for the change.
In working with substance abuse treatment clients with depressive symptoms, effective counseling supports
people’s efforts to change the thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and behaviors associated with both depression and sub
stance abuse. For example, if a client can recognize that his or her difficulty concentrating (which he or she
believes makes him or her defective) is not a personal failure but a symptom of depression, the client can take a
step back from self-judgment. This will, in turn, improve the client’s concentration and sense of worth. Your job
as a counselor, in this instance, is to help the client explore the possibility that the problem (difficulty concen
trating) has nothing to do with a sense of identity or value as a human being, but rather is a common experi
ence associated with depression. Later in this chapter, you will learn more about counseling tools that focus on
helping people recognize and challenge negative thinking patterns and core beliefs.
32 Part 1, Chapter 2
How to Help Clients With Substance Use Disorder and Depressive
The counselor has several tasks with clients in treatment for a substance use
disorder who have depressive symptoms, a diagnosed depressive disorder in
remission, or an already-diagnosed depressive disorder for which they are cur
rently in treatment (e.g., in therapy, taking medications, or receiving both).
These tasks depend on the training and expertise of the counselor and the mis
sion of the treatment program, and can include one or more of the following:
1. Screening of current depressive symptoms to determine if a more extensive
The role of the counselor in the collaborative counseling process is depicted in Figure 2.1. Counseling involves:
• Listening to and hearing the client (Figure 2.1, Step 1) as he or she first presents the problem, expresses new
concerns as they arise, and responds to counselor interventions.
• Understanding and empathizing (Step 2) with the concerns, experience, and meaning embedded in the
client’s story.
• Knowing which techniques or strategies will be helpful to the client and possessing the knowledge and skill
necessary to successfully use the correct techniques or strategies at any given moment in the counseling
process (Step 3).
• The client’s responding (Step 5) in some way to the intervention, which the counselor listens to and hears,
and so forth around the circle again and again (Step 1).
Figure 2.1
1. Listen to
and hear
the client
5. Client
2. Understand and
empathize with
the client
4. Intervene
3. Know appropriate
interventions and how
to perform them
34 Part 1, Chapter 2
This process unfolds in each moment of counseling, in each session, and in the totality of sessions held with
each client. Eliminating any one of the five steps will result in a less effective, or perhaps ineffective, counseling
beliefs, language, interpersonal styles, and behaviors of individuals and families receiving services, as well as
staff who are providing such services. Cultural competence is a dynamic, ongoing, developmental process that
requires a long-term commitment and is achieved over time” (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
2003, p. 12).
A critical element in this definition is the connection between attitude and behavior.
Figure 2.2
Attitudes and Behaviors of Culturally Competent Counselors
Attitude Behavior
Respect • Acknowledging and validating the client’s opinions and worldview
• Approaching the client as a partner in treatment
• Communicating with clients in their primary language, either directly or through an interpreter
• Respecting the client’s self-determination
Openness • Recognizing the value of indigenous helping practices and intrinsic help-giving networks in minority
• Building ongoing collaborative alliances with indigenous caregivers
• Seeking consultation with traditional healers and religious and spiritual leaders and practitioners in
treatment of culturally different clients, when appropriate
Humility • Acknowledging the limits of one’s competencies and expertise and being willing to refer clients to a
more appropriate counselor when necessary
• Seeking consultation and pursuing further training or education, or a combination of these
• Constantly seeking to understand oneself as being influenced by ethnicity and culture and actively
seeking a nonracist identity
• Being sensitive to the power differentials between the client and the counselor
Flexibility • Using a variety of verbal and nonverbal responses, approaches, or styles to suit the cultural context of
the client
• Using cultural, socioeconomic, and political contextual factors in conducting evaluations and provid
ing interventions
1. Changing behaviors.
3. Recognizing and deconstructing core beliefs that hinder growth and change.
Any of these approaches can be the entry point and primary focus in the counseling process. The goal of each is
to help people change and grow. How the decision is made to choose one approach over another is discussed
later in the chapter. It is important to note that effective counselors have a diverse repertoire of methods from
which to choose, and that the choice of approach and the techniques associated with that approach are based on
the perceived needs, strengths, and resources of the client, not the agenda or needs of the counselor. This is a
primary assumption of the client-centered, collaborative approach to counseling.
The four vignettes in this chapter demonstrate the counseling process and specific strategies used when the
primary focus of the session is on the client’s behavior, thoughts, feelings, or core beliefs. The vignettes will
enable you to better understand how clients with substance use disorders present themselves when they have
depressive symptoms, and how you can help them reduce or alleviate those depressive symptoms while improv
ing the likelihood of their successful recovery from substance abuse. Techniques described include behaviorally
based approaches, techniques from CBT and IPT, and affect-based therapies. Additionally, core concepts,
strategies, and techniques from MI, client-centered therapy, and active listening skills are demonstrated
throughout, as are such basic concepts as empathy, support, and giving feedback. The vignettes of counselor
and client dialog include several components, some of which are marked by icons for easier identification:
• Master clinician notes are comments from an experienced counselor or supervisor about the
strategies used, possible alternative techniques, timing of interventions, and areas for improve
This format was chosen to assist counselors at all levels of mastery, including beginning counselors, those who
have some experience but need more diversity and depth, and those with years of experience and training who
are true master clinicians.
Before beginning counseling with clients with a substance abuse diagnosis and depressive symptoms, and peri
odically throughout treatment, a determination must be made as to whether the current treatment setting is
36 Part 1, Chapter 2
the one in which the client should continue. Considerations include whether the client has clinical depression
(e.g., has been judged by a capable mental or behavioral health professional qualified in the state to diagnose
mood disorders as meeting the criteria in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, 4th Edition, Text Revision
[DSM-IV-TR; APA, 2000]) and whether the current treatment program and counselor are equipped to treat both
disorders (see Figure 2.3, When to Refer a Client).
Figure 2.3
Decision Tree
Prior to treatment
2. Is current counselor
(or in the case of an intake, Consult with super
Consult with clinical visor and take
available counselor) NO supervisor and
appropriately licensed/ appropriate action.
consider referral to NO
certified/in training with another counselor.
supervision to provide the
Continue with
recommended treatment?
Continue with
treatment. 7. Is treatment result NO Reassess the client and
ing in client create a new treat
improvement? ment plan.
Assign to counselor.
During treatment
Assign to counselor.
Second, the client should be engaged in an ongoing collaborative effort with the counselor to identify and
address specific needs. This engagement of the client in goal setting reinforces clients’ responsibility for their
own change and invites them to be an integral part of treatment planning. This collaboration can be as simple
as carefully rephrasing the client’s hopes and dreams for recovery as treatment goals. It can also be the coun
selor simply asking the client what he or she would like to focus on in today’s session. The collaborative effort
can also be a more formalized structure implemented in programs to ensure that clients have a say in their
Finally, most experienced counselors enter a counseling session with an idea of what they might want to accom
plish in their time with the client. For instance, in early sessions, counselors might expect to develop or
enhance the therapeutic relationship with the client. They can have expectations of gathering information from
the client, refining treatment goals, or identifying specific strategies to achieve identified goals. As treatment
progresses, counselors can enter a specific session with expectations to follow up on homework from a previous
session, to inquire about change efforts the client has made between sessions, or to continue work on a long
standing change effort.
These treatment planning efforts lead to goal-directed recovery and serve to differentiate professional counsel
ing from simply “talking about” problems. Simply talking about problems rarely solves them. Results come from
identifying specific, achievable goals and employing methods that can be instrumental in obtaining positive out
comes. In the following vignettes, note how the counselor begins each session with expectations for what he or
she would like to accomplish in the session and then works with the client to identify goals the client would like
to accomplish. Both efforts are essential in an effective treatment encounter.
You will now meet four clients: Cherry, John, Sally, and Shirley. Each presents with depressive symptoms in
addition to a substance use disorder diagnosis. Note that while their life situations are unique and the counsel
ing approaches used with each are different, some commonalities do exist. With each case, the counselor is
empathic, listens carefully to the client’s story and dilemma, seeks to help the client help him or herself resolve
the dilemmas he or she faces, and is able to relate in a nonjudgmental manner. As in the vignettes, your job as
a counselor, regardless of your approach, is to help clients better understand their life dilemmas, identify and
clarify their goals, examine and better tolerate their ambivalence about change, and achieve a positive outcome.
38 Part 1, Chapter 2
cian may not be appropriate for you to use, depending on your training, certifications, and licenses. It is your
responsibility to determine what services are legally and ethically appropriate for you to provide (see Figure
1.4, Scope of Practice, p. 15).
Figure 2.4
Decision Tree
How to Determine Whether a Person Is Suitable for Behaviorally Oriented Treatment
Behaviorally focused change is also appropriate in addressing depressive symptoms. We know that strengthen
ing relationships, increasing the capacity to ask for help, mild or moderate physical exercise, learning sleep
hygiene techniques, getting adequate rest, managing feelings that are common among clients with depression
• Targeting specific behaviors to change, especially behaviors that the client identifies as limiting.
• Helping a client set achievable goals for behavioral change.
• Helping the client find the support he or she needs to plan for, initiate, and maintain behavioral changes.
• Helping the client take big changes and break them down into smaller changes that can be more easily
accomplished and maintained. It is important to also explain the reasons for smaller, more targeted objec
tives, since many clients can feel that progress is not being made with smaller goals.
• Helping the client find internal and environmental resources that will help him or her develop and maintain
the motivation necessary to sustain behavioral changes.
Observe how the counselor in the vignette about Cherry builds the therapeutic relationship, targets behavioral
changes needed to support her abstinence from drug and alcohol use, builds resources to confront her depres
sive symptoms, works to help Cherry make changes, and then supports the changes she is making.
Case Study
Cherry, 34, has been drinking for at least 10 years, at first mostly socially with her husband and friends but
with occasional periods of heavy drinking. When she divorced 3 years ago, she started drinking more frequent-
ly—almost every night—after her three children went to bed. Also, about 2 ½ years ago, she noticed that she
was getting more anxious and stressed out from trying to get the kids to day care and school, taking care of
them, not having enough money, hassling with her ex-husband over child support, and getting to work on time.
She received a prescription for benzodiazepine from her family doctor and rapidly became dependent on the
drug. Her doctor recognized her dependency and referred her to a psychiatrist trained in substance abuse. He
recommended substance abuse treatment. After being monitored in a detoxification program, she began the 8
week intensive outpatient treatment program where she is now receiving treatment.
40 Part 1, Chapter 2
Clinician Expectations
The counselor begins Session 1 with the following expectations in mind:
1. Build the therapeutic relationship by developing an understanding of Cherry’s issues from her perspective.
This includes the client’s motivation for treatment and her perception of and experience with her situation.
2. Ask Cherry about her goals for the session. Sometimes the client doesn’t present with specific goals, but ask
ing can invite the client to begin thinking about what she may want to change. Identify the issues the client
would like to address.
3. Assist Cherry in seeing the connection between her depression and her substance abuse.
4. Identify specific behavioral changes needed to support abstinence from drug and alcohol use and reduce
depressive symptoms.
[Cherry and the counselor exchange initial greetings and have a brief exchange in which Cherry expresses that
she is feeling very tired.]
COUNSELOR: Cherry, we are meeting today so I can get a better understanding of your mood and some of the
symptoms you reported to the intake worker. I’ll ask you some questions, and then later have you complete a
brief questionnaire about your moods, which should take just a few minutes. Let’s start by your telling me more
about feeling tired and your problem falling asleep, staying asleep, and waking up tired in the morning.
CHERRY: Well, I’m getting to bed at a pretty regular hour, but I toss and turn for a long time before I fall
asleep. Then, I'll wake up during the night.
COUNSELOR: You have to get up at 5:00 a.m., so that would be 6 hours of sleep. Now, is that how much sleep
you get?
CHERRY: [Sighs.] I guess that’s how much I get because, I mean, I don’t get the kids down to bed till 9:30 p.m.
or so. And then I get a little bit of quiet time to myself, but I have to be at work at 7:00 a.m., so I’ve got to get
the kids up and dressed and fed and out of the house. My mother takes them before they go on to school and
day care, so I’ve got to get up at 5:00 a.m. to get them ready, and in truth that’s not enough sleep for me. I
guess I’m always working on not enough sleep. But this is something different. I mean, I do not want to get up
in the morning. I can’t get up in the morning. I can’t do it.
COUNSELOR: So it’s more than just not getting enough sleep. It’s like it’s hard for you to just get up in the
morning. There’s something about that that makes it hard.
COUNSELOR: Tell me about it. What is it like when you try to get up in the morning?
CHERRY: It just feels like, I wake up and all I want to do is escape. I want to go back to sleep. I learned in
group that sleep problems and fatigue are common in early recovery, but it seems more than that. The sleep is
a safe place. And um, being awake is dangerous and horrible, and I wish I didn’t have the kids and stuff. I don’t
mean I don’t want my kids, I just mean that it’s . . . I love my kids; they’re my whole life really, but if I didn’t
have them, I could just stay in bed and sleep. I have to get up because I have my kids, but I don’t . . . Well,
what’s been happening lately is I get up and get them out of there, and then I just go back to bed. I can’t go to
COUNSELOR: This depressive effect is part of that unmanageability we speak of that comes with alcohol and
drug dependence. So you go back to bed once you get the kids up and out of the house.
CHERRY: Yeah because it’s . . . I can’t keep going. I can get up just to get them out of the house, but the
thought of having to go to work and get through a whole day, I can’t . . . and so I’ve been missing more work.
I’m using up all of my sick days. I’m calling in late. If I work really hard on getting myself out of bed, I can do it
by 10:00 a.m., then work in the afternoon. But that’s really hard.
COUNSELOR: So, tell me more about that. It sounds like there’s been this kind of long-term problem with the
sleep and being able to get up in the morning.
CHERRY: Yeah, I mean, I already told that intake worker about all that stuff, but just really quick so you’ll
understand, I’ve been . . . I was married for 12 years and then about 3 years ago we got divorced. And that was
. . . I was really upset. He was running around on me. [Cherry briefly cries.]
CHERRY: When he left, I was torn up. It wasn’t like we had all that great a marriage, on the one hand, but, on
the other hand, he was . . . I had a difficult childhood, so when I found him, he was my way out of there—my
way out of my parents’ house. So when he left, that just like busted something.
COUNSELOR: Like the bottom fell out. It’s sad losing a dream and someone who was your rescuer. There’s a
lot of pain when your spouse cheats on you. It seems like maybe you drifted away or gave up on relationships
with people and sought relationships more with objects like alcohol and drugs. That seemed safer, especially
when even your childhood relationships let you down. This can trap our pain leading to dependence and
increased depression. More unmanageability.
Master Clinician Note: Cherry introduces another problem, her divorce and
the feelings associated with it. The counselor adds it to the mental list she is cre
ating for problems that will need to be addressed. She is also attempting to
understand how all the problems Cherry has introduced are interrelated: the
divorce, being a single parent, getting out of bed in the mornings, feeling over
whelmed, and getting to work. The counselor continues with steps 1 and 2 of the
counseling process (Figure 2.4, page 39) and is also eliciting information to help
begin formulating an intervention (steps 3 and 4).
42 Part 1, Chapter 2
A good intervention to use when people present with big and multiple problems is to help them learn problem-
solving skills. Teaching clients to partialize their difficulties is an important step in problem-solving.
Partializing helps people take big problems and break them down into smaller problems that can be addressed.
In addition, partializing can help people differentiate problems that can be solved from problems that can’t be
solved: problems that have higher priority for being addressed, those that need to be addressed because they
create or aggravate other difficulties, and those that require external resources to address versus ones that pri
marily require internal, personal resources.
achieve success.
[Cherry continues to share information with the counselor on her marriage, her growing up, and her current
dilemma of feeling overwhelmed. She also discusses feeling sad about losing her husband. The session contin
CHERRY: Yeah. And I guess I started drinking more. I don’t know what to do. And this not getting out of bed
stuff really scares me. Because if I lose that job, I mean, it’s the best paying nurse’s aide job around.
COUNSELOR: It’s nice to see you making the connections between your drinking and how lost and depressed
you felt. If you talk about this with people in your groups and in AA, you’ll most likely see that feeling lost is
something you share with other people who are dealing with dependence on alcohol and drugs.
Master Clinician Note: The counselor is starting to push Cherry out more and
more into the recovery community to help develop relationships in the human
world instead of the world of alcohol and drugs.
Master Clinician Note: First, the counselor gets Cherry’s agreement to work
on a behavior change, thus underscoring the relationship is collaborative. The
counselor is now beginning the behavioral intervention, helping Cherry mobilize
in the mornings. The counselor’s first task is to have Cherry explore what has
worked for her in the past.
CHERRY: [Pauses.] Because I have to . . . the same way how I get to work sometimes. Because I have to do it.
COUNSELOR: You’re kind of beating yourself over the head and saying, “I’ve got to do this.”
Master Clinician Note: The counselor is interested in the internal dialog that
goes on in Cherry’s head that limits her in taking action on the problem.
CHERRY: I prepare for it all the day long when I’m awake but can’t go to work. If I’m not sleeping and I’m
awake, I pressure myself all day long that I have to get up, and my stomach gets tied in knots.
CHERRY: And I push, and I push, and some days, it’s like I have to get up for the kids, but I don’t have to get
up for work the same way.
COUNSELOR: But it sounds like that’s a really high priority for you, getting to work.
[The counselor then works with Cherry to help her see how to break getting to work into smaller steps that she
can accomplish. The counselor does this by looking at each behavior in which Cherry engages between the time
she wakes up and the time she arrives at work. Cherry reveals that she can get up if she has something to look
forward to, like not going to work.]
COUNSELOR: So, as long as you’re looking forward to something that feels like it’s going to take the pressure
off, then you can kind of white-knuckle it through what you have to do.
CHERRY: Yeah, as long as I know I don’t have to go to work, then I can get through the rest of what I need to
do for the day.
COUNSELOR: Is there something about the job that makes it especially difficult for you?
CHERRY: You know, once I get to work, I actually sort of like it. I like taking care of the people, and my only
adult friends in the world are on that job. So when I get to the job, I’m really okay—I don’t know, it seems, like
totally irrational that I’ve got this connection to this job. The people are nice to me, while I’ve been like this;
they’ve been covering for me.
COUNSELOR: So it’s not that something happens at work that makes you not want to go there. It’s something
about getting from the house to work. Have you noticed if it might be tied to morning hangovers? Where do you
start running into trouble there?
44 Part 1, Chapter 2
CHERRY: It’s that feeling, it’s that anxious feeling. It hits me when I wake up. Yes, it was tied to hangovers—
it was worse back when I was drinking—but it’s still there now that I’m not drinking or using the pills. Then,
after the kids leave, I feel the same thing. And my only escape is to go back to bed.
COUNSELOR: Okay. So, one issue in terms of getting you to work would be how we can help you not end up
back in bed. How can we help you do something else, instead? [Pauses.] Maybe we could come up with some
thing that you could do right after the kids leave the house that wouldn’t be consistent with going to bed, that
wouldn’t make that so easy for you. You’ve got about 40 minutes to get ready for work. How long does it take
you to get ready for work—take a shower, do your hair?
Master Clinician Note: The counselor is searching for ways for Cherry to get
motivated in the mornings. She’s careful to use the information given by Cherry,
not just take what would work for her and apply that to Cherry. While seeking
to understand Cherry, the counselor also gets her to refocus on behaviors she
routinely does. An important principle of behavior therapy is to emphasize
behavior you “do” want rather than focus only on what you “don’t” want.
CHERRY: It seems like about 30 minutes. I think I have it down to a fine science. I mean, maybe there’s 10
minutes in there or something, of time. [Pauses.] You know, I remember I used to go out on the back porch in
the morning with a cup of coffee—just spend a few minutes with nature. I can remember in the spring when it
was buds and all green. The flowers would come up and I’d go on the back porch with my coffee and just sit
there for a few minutes, and it was so quiet and I could listen to the birds, you know, without the kids and
stuff. That used to be a time of the day I really enjoyed. It was a nice way to sort of get going. [Pauses.] Yeah, I
haven’t done that in such a long time. I wonder why I don’t do that.
COUNSELOR: Well, how would you feel about trying it out? It sounds like a nice way to start your day. Sounds
a lot better than what you were talking about before—all that pressure. It just sounds like a nice break for you.
CHERRY: Yeah, it is. So you’re saying instead of going back to bed, I should go to the back yard.
COUNSELOR: Yeah, instead of making a deal with yourself that you can go back to bed right after the kids go
off to school, you could make a deal with yourself that you can go have your coffee in the garden, after the kids
COUNSELOR: All right, well, let’s see how that works. See if that helps you get your day off to a better start,
since it sounds like if you can get it started, you can do it. May I make another suggestion? I’d also like to just
suggest it might be a nice time to do your AA readings, just a thought. [Counselor smiles at Cherry.]
[While Cherry does not meet full criteria for major depression or dysthymia, she does present with enough
depressive symptoms and impairment to justify having counseling sessions to help her with these symptoms.]
[After having Cherry fill out the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D), the counselor asks
if Cherry has any questions or concerns about the Scale, explains how the information from the Scale will be
used in her treatment, and then wraps up the session. The counselor will continue to retest Cherry periodically
with CES-D to measure changes in her depressive symptoms, take corrective action if changes aren’t occurring,
and show Cherry evidence of her improvement. Other programs might use other measures besides CES-D, but it
is important to use some instrument to measure the changes that are taking place in recovery.]
It is also very important to ensure that scales and instruments used to screen or evaluate progress are cultural
ly appropriate. The CES-D (Bardwell & Dimsdale, 2001; Cole Kawachi, Maller, & Berkman, 2000) and Beck
Depression Inventory-II (Smith & Erford, 2001) have been evaluated for utility with specific racial and ethnic
groups. Other depression screening instruments that are specific to certain cultures may be available. If a
client is not fluent in English, it is important to have them screened in their primary language.
You should not simply note the total score on the CES-D or other instrument that measures depressive symp
toms, but rather look at specific items in the scale and the reported changes that occur over time on the item.
For instance, helpful discussions could follow reports that clients are sleeping better; feeling less sad, angry, or
lonely; or are more contented. You can process specific changes and their meaning with the client, who is more
likely to understand these changes than to understand the meaning of a numerical score. See the discussion of
issues in screening and assessment in Chapter 4 of TIP 42, Substance Abuse Treatment for Persons With Co-
Occurring Disorders (CSAT, 2005b).
Session summary: Following the session, the counselor takes a few minutes to reflect on her expectations at
the beginning of the session and the goals she and Cherry established during the session. She notes how the
expectations and goals were addressed and considers what she might want to address in the next session with
Cherry. Some of her expectations, such as building and maintaining a therapeutic relationship, will be ongoing
throughout the treatment effort with Cherry. Some of the goals she and Cherry decided on, such as monitoring
the impact of her depressive symptoms, will also be ongoing. The counselor will continue to monitor Cherry’s
master treatment plan to ensure that their work continues to be focused on treatment goals established by the
treatment team and Cherry.
Finally, the counselor is careful to record the goals, methods, and accomplishments of the session in Cherry’s
treatment record. The chart, or master record of all treatment efforts for Cherry, allows appropriate staff to
review the variety of treatment efforts undertaken, their goals, and Cherry’s response.
Clinician Expectations
The counselor begins Session 2 with the following expectations in mind:
1. Check Cherry’s progress with identified goals and homework and affirm her efforts to address identified
2. Work with Cherry to identify goals important to her for this session.
46 Part 1, Chapter 2
[The counselor has Cherry complete the CES-D before the session begins and quickly scores it.]
COUNSELOR: Yeah? Before we talk about what's been going on the past week, let’s review your questionnaire.
Last week, you scored 25, which is in the moderate range. This week, you scored 21, which shows some
improvement. This is a good start. What’s been going on the past week?
CHERRY: I did what we talked about. I made my coffee while the kids were still there, so after they left I
grabbed a cup of coffee and I went out on the porch, and I just. . . it’s a nice time of year, the fall, and all the
colors and stuff, and so I just sat there, you know, for a little while. In fact, I read from my daily meditation
book I got at that AA meeting you have me going to. It was nice. Now that was sort of hard because I didn’t
want to leave—I wanted to stay there, but I started out with the idea that it was something I would do for 10
minutes. So after 10 minutes I guess I didn’t feel as anxious and as nervous, you know. But I don’t know if it’s
going to keep working.
COUNSELOR: It’s great that you are using the recovery tools to help yourself and your sobriety. It also seems
to be that during that time you weren’t feeling depressed. What’s your concern that it won’t keep working?
CHERRY: Well, as it gets colder, it’s not going to be as nice to sit out there, for one thing, and then, right now,
it’s the novelty of the thing, you know—it’s new. I haven’t done this for a long time, but I don’t know if it will
keep working long term, ’cause that state I get in is pretty strong.
COUNSELOR: Cherry, it is nice that you’re thinking about these things and how to keep these new feelings.
You know that phrase you heard in your groups and meetings, “Fake it ‘til you make it.” It’s a reminder to keep
doing these new behaviors until they and the new feeling that come with them become routine. Again, I’m glad
you’re thinking ahead.
Master Clinician Note: A specific strategy for helping people who are
depressed is for them to commit to undertaking behavioral routines that support
feeling better, more hopeful, more engaged with life. The counselor begins work
ing with Cherry to get her to incorporate routines that will help her stay up in
the mornings and get the kids off to school.
COUNSELOR: The idea is to get up and do something and put one foot in front of the other and keep doing
something. It helps you build the momentum to get out of the house. Routines help. Like you get to work and
you know what to do, and you just go do it.
[Discussion ensues about other things Cherry might do to help her get to work.]
CHERRY: But what’s really bothering me is that I’m not taking care of the kids well, and so it’s nice thinking
about this stuff—walking and all that—that’s nice, that’s the stuff that I like, but what about my poor kids?
They’re being totally neglected here. They’re getting cold cereal for breakfast and a bologna sandwich for sup
per, and probably the only decent food they get is at school. I can’t [sighs] . . . I can’t even do simple things. It’s
like, it’s lucky that I get laundry done when they don’t have any more clothes. But I can’t. I used to cook for
them, and I can’t do that. And I need to do stuff for the kids. When they’re taken care of, then I can take care of
myself. I mean, a good parent takes care of her children; they don’t let them get hurt. And I want to take care
of them. That would bring me more pleasure than anything—to be able to be a good mother to them.
COUNSELOR: Two things: First, remember your illness has resulted in your becoming less and less able to
care for yourself and those you love. Second, I can tell that you are stepping more and more into your recovery
because of your increasing desire to care for and nurture your children. It’s clear you love your children a lot.
Tell me about what you’d like to be doing differently for the kids.
CHERRY: I would like to keep the house the way I used to, so they would have a clean house. And I’d like to be
able to do the laundry on a regular schedule instead of waiting until there’s nothing left that anyone can wear,
and then there’s these huge piles that take forever to get done. And I’m mostly concerned about their food
because I don’t have the energy to be shopping, and I don’t make them meals, so I just get stuff that they can
put together themselves, and they’re basically fending for themselves with the food. I get them cold cereal and
sandwich stuff and that’s what they eat. They don’t ever get a nutritional meal, not that I have a #*%! of a lot
of money to be buying fruits and vegetables and stuff anyhow, but…
Master Clinician Note: Low motivation to fulfill usual daily obligations and
low energy are common when a person is depressed. Cherry has presented sever
al concerns about parenting (keeping a clean house, doing laundry, and prepar
ing meals) that may reflect her low motivation and low energy. The counselor
selects one for them to work on. Sometimes, getting a client active in completing
a behavior will precede an improved mood.
COUNSELOR: You would like to get back some of things you lost to your addiction and depression—nice. You’d
like to make them a hot meal.
48 Part 1, Chapter 2
COUNSELOR: Tell me what happens now when you think about that—wanting to cook for them.
CHERRY: [Pauses.] I can’t. I can’t do it. [Pauses.] Well, what do you think I should do?
COUNSELOR: Well, I’m wondering when you think about what it would take for you to cook for them, what is it
that you’re thinking about? What are the steps that you’re thinking about?
Master Clinician Note: The counselor doesn’t give Cherry the answer to her
question but, rather, encourages Cherry to explore her own steps.
CHERRY: I’m so...well...what steps? I mean, I can’t even...I don’t have the food there to do anything with.
COUNSELOR: So the first thing is that you would need to get something from the grocery store, right?
CHERRY: Well, then the kids have to be . . . the kids want their food right away when they get home, and that’s
right away when I get home. So it just doesn’t all fit in there. If I think about it, God, I don’t want to cook. I
COUNSELOR: You start to feel overwhelmed, and you start to feel like you don’t have enough energy to do that.
Master Clinician Note: The counselor is actively listening. The skill of listening
is more difficult than it appears. Some counselors learn it easily, and others learn
it one step at a time. All counselors improve their listening ability by responding
to what their clients are saying with a statement that reflects what they think
the client means and observing the way their clients respond to it. The more anx
ious a counselor is (e.g., concern about the client or concern about his or her abili
ty to help the client), the more likely the counselor is to stop listening and start
using less effective techniques like persuasion or confrontation.
CHERRY: Yeah, and then besides that, then you cook it, well you gotta set the table, and then you gotta do the
dishes, I mean there’s a whole . . . right?
CHERRY: So then, you’re 2 or 2½ hours into the night doing all that. Then the kids need stuff for their home
COUNSELOR: Mm-hmm. So again, I see the pressure building up there, and you’re feeling really overwhelmed.
I’m wondering if we can’t look at this list [of steps involved in making a meal] and make it into something more
Master Clinician Note: Here the counselor is using the technique of partializ
ing, in which a complex task is broken into smaller, more manageable steps that
the client is more likely to be able to achieve.
Master Clinician Note: The counselor begins to make suggestions for what
food Cherry should buy. This works with Cherry, this time. Often, however, this
takes the responsibility for change away from the client and places it on the
counselor. In addition, a client with a lot of negativity will begin to focus on why
whatever the counselor suggests won’t work rather than focus on the positive of
what would work.
COUNSELOR: So it makes sense to you maybe to get stuff that is easy for them, that’s easy to prepare anyway.
CHERRY: Things they can make without me, so I don’t have to do it. You say, make them a snack, get some
COUNSELOR: Uh-huh. And, then when you think about what you’d like to prepare for them, what kind of food
. . . when you think about what a supper would be, what do you think of?
CHERRY: I just… [Exasperatedly sighs.] It’s just so much more manageable to eat potato chips out of a bag or
COUNSELOR: There it is happening again, as you start to think about it, you start to feel overwhelmed.
COUNSELOR: Yeah, and so what we are trying to do is to make things simpler, so you can do some simple
things to get yourself rolling.
CHERRY: So you are saying it would be okay to do simple things, like a simple meal. I don’t need to think of
something fancy, just keep it simple; make a simple meal. Like they say in my AA meetings, KISS—Keep It
Simple, Sweetheart.
COUNSELOR: Yes. So, we need to make a plan that includes simple meals, right? You could do the same meals
every week, so your shopping list doesn’t change until you are feeling better and you want to start doing some
more stuff.
Master Clinician Note: The therapeutic alliance builds as the counselor sup
ports Cherry and goes into detail about menus, foods, and the like.
50 Part 1, Chapter 2
[Cherry and the counselor arrive at an agreement about frequency and timing of cooking meals.]
COUNSELOR: Great. Now, tell me again what you are going to do.
CHERRY: I’m going to buy the food tomorrow afternoon after work. I’m going to fix a meal three nights this
week, and next. I’m going to have some fruit in the house for the kids to eat when they get home. Yes, I can do
Session summary: Following the session, the counselor again reviews her expectations for the session and
finds that her expectations were met, particularly in terms of developing behavioral strategies with Cherry to
lessen her depressive symptoms. She also was careful during the session to elicit Cherry’s goals for what she
would like to accomplish and what she thought was practical and achievable. Finally, the counselor charts her
observations of work toward goals in Cherry’s client record.
Clinician Expectations
The counselor begins Session 3 with the following expectations in mind:
1. Check Cherry’s progress with identified goals and homework (e.g., cooking for her children) and affirm her
efforts toward goal achievement.
3. Respond to Cherry’s goals for the session with behavioral strategies (if appropriate).
[The counselor has Cherry complete another CES-D depression scale, then briefly reviews and discusses it. The
CES-D score this week is very similar to last week. This is a brief session in which Cherry raises the issue of
headaches and the counselor helps her with relaxation techniques. Cherry also reports success with preparing
[The counselor and Cherry have an extended discussion about Cherry’s headaches; when she has them, where
they start in her head, how she deals with them. Cherry volunteers that she has consulted a doctor about them
and that he has recommended that she needs to relax and feel less stress.]
COUNSELOR: Okay. [Pauses.] Well, I think there are some things we can do to help you with relaxing. We can
work on that in a few minutes. But first, we haven’t talked yet about your homework from last Thursday. You
were going to continue to spend some time drinking your coffee and looking at your back yard, and you were
going to try out that new shopping list we made.
CHERRY: The shopping list actually worked. I made dinner twice on the weekend.
[Pleasant memories of Cherry’s behavioral successes are shared with the counselor. Then, the counselor works
with Cherry on some relaxation techniques, which are described in the How-To sections below. Cherry can use
these relaxation techniques to help her fall asleep at night or during the day whenever she needs a break or is
feeling overwhelmed.]
Ask the client to tell you about anything he or she has done before to relax. Use
the client’s knowledge and prior experience with what works and doesn’t work to
tailor the exercise to his or her particular needs. Ask the client if he or she is
familiar with relaxation exercises and if he or she would be willing to try the
exercise with you in the session. If the client says yes, then take a few minutes
before you begin to explain the exercise and to let the client know that he or she
can stop at anytime if he or she feels uncomfortable for any reason. Please note
that any form of relaxation exercise, guided meditation, or guided
imagery can not only help clients relax, but may trigger unwanted or
unintended reactions such as increased anxiety or, with clients who have
a history of trauma, a dissociative reaction. It is very important that you
have tried the exercise before you introduce it to your clients and have
an understanding of how to manage unintended or unpleasant experi
ences that can arise. What follows is a script for a deep breathing relaxation
exercise for a client who has stress-related symptoms, like Cherry’s headaches.
Please modify this script as noted. Read this out loud to your client during a ses
sion, using a soft, calm, slow voice. You can also give a written copy of the exer
cise to the client to practice at home or record it so your client can listen between
52 Part 1, Chapter 2
1. This will take about 10 minutes. Sit in a comfortable position with both feet
on the floor or lie down. If your feet are on the floor, take a moment or two to
notice that the bottoms of your feet are making contact with the floor, which
is part of a structure that is sitting on the earth and that you are making
contact with the earth. If you lie down, take a moment or two to feel your
entire body being supported by the bed or couch or floor and make note of
the fact that the structure you are in is sitting on the earth and you are
being supported by the earth. [This helps the client feel grounded if any
uncomfortable feelings arise.]
2. Close your eyes if you wish to; it is not necessary to close them. This will
work just as well with your eyes open. If you keep your eyes open, soften
your gaze. Allow all the tiny muscles in your face to relax.
4. Notice whether there is any tension in your legs. As you exhale, notice that
the tension melts away. Breathing in. (Count to five silently.) Breathing out.
(Count to five silently.) Melting away the tension in your legs. Breathing in.
(Count to five silently.) Breathing out. (Count to five silently.)
5. Repeat Step 4 for the following body parts: hips, back, arms, chest and shoul
ders, neck, jaw, cheeks, and forehead.
6. Now take a slightly deeper breath. Begin to get ready to open your eyes and
become aware of what is going on around you. You don’t have to do it right
now; simply get ready to do it.
7. Notice how calm and relaxed you feel. Notice if there is an area of your body
that feels particularly relaxed or if there is simply a general sense of relax
ation. I invite you to bring this felt sense of relaxation with you as you
become more aware of what is going on around you. Okay, begin to become
more aware, still feeling calm and relaxed. Okay, your eyes are open and you
are aware of what is going on around you and you are calm and relaxed.
After conducting this exercise with the client, make sure you spend several min
utes debriefing the client. Pay particular attention to what was helpful in
enhancing the client’s sense of relaxation and if there were moments when the
client felt uncomfortable or the anxiety or tension increased. Let the client know
Another technique that may be helpful for stress management and relaxation is
guided imagery. While progressive relaxation and imagery have many similari
ties, they differ in that relaxation focuses more on releasing tension in the body
while guided imagery focuses more on visualizing pleasant scenes that invite
relaxation and calmness. Guided imagery can be useful in achieving other ends,
such as building positive affirming thoughts, increasing awareness of underlying
thoughts or feelings, and enhancing motivation, but in Cherry’s case, the pri
mary goal is to reduce the feeling of being stressed and overwhelmed.
Ask the client to tell you about anything he or she has done before to relax. Use
the client’s knowledge and prior experience with what works and doesn’t work to
tailor the exercise to his or her particular needs. Ask the client if he or she is
familiar with guided imagery and if he or she would be willing to try the exercise
with you in the session. If the client says yes, then take a few minutes before
you begin to explain the exercise and let the client know that he or she can
stop at anytime if they feel uncomfortable for any reason. It is not uncom
mon for clients to become tearful during this type of exercise, and this is not nec
essarily a problem. Please note, however, that any form of relaxation exer
cise, guided meditation, or guided imagery can not only help clients
relax but may trigger unwanted or unintended reactions such as
increased anxiety or other powerful emotions. For clients with a history
of psychological trauma, clients who have a psychological trauma diag
nosis, or clients who have been diagnosed with a dissociative disorder or
other psychiatric illness, special cautions should be taken. Any unusual
reactions should be discussed with the client and reported to your clini
cal supervisor. It is very important to have tried the exercise before you
introduce it. What follows is a script for a guided imagery relaxation exercise
for a client who has stress-related symptoms, like Cherry’s headaches. Please
modify this script as necessary. Read this out loud to your client during a ses
sion, using a soft, calm, slow voice. You can also give a written copy of the exer
cise to the client to practice at home or record it so your client can listen between
sessions. You might want to discuss in detail how the client might use such
relaxation techniques independently.
1. This will take about 10 minutes. Sit in a comfortable position with both feet
on the floor or lie down. If your feet are on the floor, take a moment or two to
notice that the bottoms of your feet are making contact with the floor, which
54 Part 1, Chapter 2
is part of a structure that is sitting on the earth and that you are making
contact with the earth. If you lie down, take a moment or two to feel your
entire body being supported by the bed or couch or floor and make note of
the fact that the structure you are in is sitting on the earth and you are
being supported by the earth. (This helps the client feel grounded if any
uncomfortable feelings arise.)
2. Close your eyes if you wish to; it’s not necessary to close them. This will
work just as well with your eyes open. If you keep your eyes open soften your
gaze. Allow all the tiny muscles in your face to relax.
3. Imagine a place you like to be . . . a place where you feel peaceful, calm,
relaxed, or quiet. It doesn’t have to be a real place; it could be a place that
you create for yourself right now. Some people imagine sitting on a beach,
listening to the ocean, smelling the salt air, hearing the seagulls. Others
imagine being in a mossy green forest with tall trees and birds singing and
the smell of wildflowers. Still others imagine sitting on top of a mountain
looking out over a valley that goes on forever and noticing the blue of the
mountains in the distance and the solitude and peacefulness of the mountain
top and the feel of a cool breeze and the smell of the fresh mountain air.
Trust whatever image arises in your awareness.
4. Now, imagine yourself in this place. Look around. Notice whatever sights,
sounds, smells, or sensations arise in your awareness. Choose a comfortable
spot on the earth to sit or lie down. Perhaps it is a soft bed of moss or a hol
low in a white sand beach that molds to your shape. Allow your body to
relax. Notice how the earth feels beneath you. Allow your body to relax as
the earth supports your body. No need to hold yourself up. Look around you
at the colors and shapes in your vision. Notice how you feel as you look at
each one. Inhale and notice the smells. Listen to the sounds around you. Let
yourself relax into the peaceful solitude of this quiet place. (Give the client
some time to enjoy this space.)
5. Feel how peaceful and calm you are. Notice something about where you are
that you will bring back with you to help you become calm. It may be the feel
of the sun on your face, or the smell of the salt air, or the colors of your sur
roundings, or the way it sounds where you are, or a small object, such as a
shell or round stone or a flower petal. Notice whatever that is and bring it
back with you. Take a deep breath and release the breath on the exhale.
6. Slowly open your eyes and stretch. Remember what you brought back with
you from your quiet place. Bring this image to mind and you can return to
your peaceful, calm, quiet space whenever you want to relax.
After conducting this exercise with the client, make sure you spend several min
utes debriefing the client. Pay particular attention to what was helpful in
enhancing the client’s sense of relaxation and if there were moments when the
client felt uncomfortable or the anxiety or tension increased. Let the client know
that this is very common and that it simply means that the exercise needs to be
adjusted. Work collaboratively with the client to make those modifications. Also,
clients often feel that they haven’t done the exercise correctly if they feel uncom
fortable or have a hard time concentrating. Let your clients know that there is
The work between Cherry and her counselor has been largely behaviorally focused. The treatment goals have
been to help a woman with depressive symptoms be able to mobilize to take care of some basic needs: caring for
her children, obtaining medical care, staying in treatment, and beginning to engage with other adults. The
counselor has been able to introduce a specific behavioral strategy (relaxation) and positively affirmed her
efforts to take some time for herself for self-support. The behaviorally oriented treatment with Cherry is not the
end in itself, just the first step in a process of change that will include abstinence from alcohol and benzodi
azepines; reduction of depression symptoms; and an increase in self-confidence, competence, and self-esteem.
Cognitive therapy techniques are based on the premise that how you interpret your experiences in life deter
mines the way you feel and behave. The patterns of thought typical of people who are experiencing depressive
symptoms include negative thoughts about self (e.g., worthlessness), negative thoughts about the world (e.g.,
negative interpretation of experiences), and negative thoughts about the future (e.g., expectation of failure).
This negative thinking is often inaccurate and contributes to increased feelings of depression and less function
al behaviors. Replacing inaccurate, negative self-talk with accurate and more positive assessments of the situa
tion results in decreased distress in response to the situation and leads to improved mood and behavioral choic
es. In addition, many clients with substance use disorders have not learned to cope well with powerful feelings,
such as shame, guilt, loneliness, or anger. It may prove helpful to focus on feelings in treatment as well as
thinking about behavior and events.
A cognitive treatment approach focuses on current problems and experiences and is designed to help clients
identify and correct distorted thought patterns that can lead to feelings and behaviors that are troublesome. It
is particularly helpful for clients who experience helplessness and hopelessness. (See Figure 2.5 for how to
determine whether a cognitive treatment approach is appropriate for a client.)
Case History
John is a junior in college. He is a voluntary admission at a residential college-based treatment program. John
reports that he was doing all right until his girlfriend broke up with him at the beginning of the semester. At
about the same time he started having difficulty in physics and statistics, two classes he had been “dreading.”
56 Part 1, Chapter 2
Figure 2.5
Decision Tree
He reports that as his stress increased, he started spending more time by himself instead of socializing with his
friends. John said that before the breakup he drank alcohol and smoked pot with his friends on the weekends,
but it did not affect his ability to attend classes or perform in his part-time job. After the breakup, his drinking
and pot use increased to the extent that he uses both alcohol and marijuana daily. When he failed his midterms
in the physics and statistics courses, out of fear that he might flunk out of school, he went to the college coun
seling office. The counselor did a comprehensive assessment of John’s alcohol use and depression and recom
mended that he enter a residential treatment program operated by the college. The program allows John to
continue classes while participating in an intensive substance abuse treatment program. In her note to the
treatment program, the counselor noted that she thought it would be difficult for John to address both problems
on an outpatient basis because of his inability to abstain from alcohol and drug use.
Clinician Expectations
The counselor begins Session 1 with the following expectations in mind:
1. Build a therapeutic relationship by developing an understanding of John’s problems from his perspective.
This includes his motivation for treatment and his perception of and experience with his situation.
3. Identify specific changes he would like to achieve to support abstinence from marijuana and alcohol use and
reduce depressive symptoms.
4. Identify internal strengths and resources John might use to achieve his goals.
5. Explore specific thoughts and beliefs that might help or hinder John in achieving his goals.
[After some initial time in rapport building, the vignette picks up with the counselor exploring John’s depressive
symptoms and their relation to his drug and alcohol use.]
COUNSELOR: Your group counselor mentioned that, on the list you made in group about how you think about
yourself, you noted that you are not measuring up to others and not able to make it in school, people don’t want
to be friends with you, and that you can’t do anything right. I think those kinds of issues would feed into both
your drinking and smoking pot and your feeling depressed.
JOHN: Yeah, I think about those things all the time now. I’m pretty down. The only thing that makes me feel
better is drinking and smoking pot. And my parents are going to kill me!
COUNSELOR: So, it sounds like two issues there. First, feeling really down and using alcohol and pot to deal
with it, and second that your parents are going to be really angry at you.
JOHN: I’m here. I guess it beats flunking out of school. I can see that maybe I was drinking and smoking pot
more than I should, but I don’t know that I need to be in this kind of program. I have enough problems without
having to deal with this.
COUNSELOR: So this is aggravating for you—having to be in a program for your alcohol and pot use.
COUNSELOR: So the first two things that come to mind are that you don’t know how to manage things with
your parents and when you think about spending time here dealing with all of these things, you start to worry
about catching up with your work at school.
COUNSELOR: John, let’s take things one step at a time. You’ve mentioned feeling down and how that is a load
for you. You also say your parents are going to be angry at you, and that you are really frustrated with being in
the program. Where would you like to start?
58 Part 1, Chapter 2
Master Clinician Note: In formulating a change approach, the counselor
assesses that John’s ways of thinking are a significant barrier to his ability to
change and therefore decides to approach John from a cognitive, “change think
ing” perspective. As a precursor to beginning to intervene, the counselor does
several things:
1. She learns more about John’s depressive symptoms, examining what being
“down” means to John, how severe the symptoms are (in terms of limiting
John’s life and fostering his drug and alcohol use) and how long he has felt
this way.
5. She does some education with John about the process of changing behavior
by changing his thinking. The counselor has prepared an informational sheet
entitled “Changing Who We Are by Changing How We Think” and offers
John a copy to read.
6. Eventually the counselor would like John to clarify the relative values of
alcohol and drugs, school success, and relationship satisfaction in his life
and make some hard choices as to what will satisfy his core needs in the
long run.
JOHN: My parents.
COUNSELOR: Tell me more about your concerns about talking to your parents about this.
JOHN: They always wanted me to go to school and become a doctor. This ruins everything. They are going to be
COUNSELOR: That sounds like you think that situation is hopeless and that your parents won’t be able to
understand what you want from school. Have they ever expressed concern about your use?
JOHN: They’ll be really upset. Back in high school when I got suspended, they said they didn’t want me to end
up a drunk like my grandfather. They took away my car keys for months.
COUNSELOR: I’d like to talk with you about your expectations about how this situation will go with your par
ents. Is that okay with you? And your grandfather was an alcoholic?
Master Clinician Note: Notice how the counselor is working with the depres
sion and the substance abuse issues at the same time, gathering information as
she goes along. This is one of the things that are special about counseling clients
with depressive symptoms: that you must deal with both issues simultaneously.
COUNSELOR: Tell me how they have responded to other situations like this.
JOHN: Well, there were a couple of times in high school when I got in trouble. They didn’t handle it well. They
COUNSELOR: If you think that this situation is as bad, how do you think they’ll react this time?
JOHN: They always wanted me to go to college, to be a doctor. They’ll be upset, disappointed, angry.
COUNSELOR: And yet when you got drunk and in trouble in high school, it sounds like they got over it.
JOHN: Yeah, I guess they got over it. Time passed. They moved on.
JOHN: Yeah.
COUNSELOR: So they may be disappointed and angry at first, but it sounds like they will eventually move on.
Telling them what happened may be unpleasant. They’ll be angry and disappointed, but your earlier experience
JOHN: Yeah, it will be unpleasant, but I guess it might not be as bad as I thought.
JOHN: [Pauses and reflects on this.] Well, I’m thinking I probably should call them.
Master Clinician Note: It might be tempting to try to persuade John to call his
parents and “face the music,” but the counselor chooses not to do this because it
would increase John’s resistance in the session. The counselor knows that if
John doesn’t call his parents, the opportunity to talk about it again will come up
in a later session.
The counselor is also sensitive to the cultural meanings of family and an individ
ual’s family roles. If John is from a racial or ethnic minority, it would be impor
tant for the counselor to explore specific cultural implications in John’s bringing
shame on his family by not measuring up to their expectations for college, of the
relationship of his family role(s) to his substance abuse and depressive symp
toms, and the implication of specific treatment methods (individual, group, or
family counseling, for instance) to his specific culture.
[John and the counselor continue to work on how he will approach his parents, what he will say, and how he
might respond to his parents’ reactions.]
COUNSELOR: Sounds like you are ready to move on to the second problem. What’s your understanding of why
you were referred to this program?
60 Part 1, Chapter 2
JOHN: Haven’t thought about that. I imagine I have to participate in whatever programs are part of this so
that it looks meaningful to someone at school. I have to appear to be in recovery or interested in it or on the
road. Meaning that I’m not going to drink or use pot anymore.
COUNSELOR: So somehow the people who wanted you to be here have to be reasonably sure you’re not going
to end up in the same situation that got you here.
JOHN: Yeah.
COUNSELOR: So tell me some more about the situation that led you to be here.
JOHN: You want me to tell you what I was doing before? After I started school I started drinking some, smok
ing, trying some other stuff now and then. But it didn’t interfere with school. But somehow something different
happened this year—something changed. I lost my girlfriend at the beginning of the year. Then I had to take a
couple of really hard classes that I’d been putting off, and I wasn’t doing well in those. I was having trouble
concentrating, and I wasn’t sleeping very well. I was lonely and missing my girlfriend. I didn’t want to spend
time with my friends, and they didn’t want much to do with me either. So I guess I started drinking and smok
ing more than I had been. It got harder and harder, and I kept thinking that “this is futile, I should just quit.
I’ll never make it.” I was cutting classes. It just seemed like stuff was getting worse and worse. And I live in the
dorm, and the RA [resident assistant] caught me a few times when I was drunk; then he caught me one time
smoking pot in the bathroom. So I’m here.
COUNSELOR: So you were having trouble concentrating, sleeping, missing your girlfriend, you stopped spend
ing time with your friends, started using more, drinking more, and feeling like everything was hopeless.
COUNSELOR: So it would be helpful for us to find ways for you to feel more hopeful, be able to concentrate on
your work, spend more time with your friends, and stop using. Is that right?
JOHN: Yes. I don’t understand why she left; that really hurt me.
COUNSELOR: That’s also a question for you—what happened there? I’m curious. Did losing your girlfriend
have anything to do with your use?
JOHN: I don’t know. She drank too, and we would drink together, but she wouldn’t smoke or do drugs with me.
Her brother got in a car accident when he was high on drugs. She just told me she wanted to see other people.
But no one is going to want to go out with me anyway.
COUNSELOR: And that’s the hopelessness I heard you talking about here and in group: the sense that you
won’t be able to do it, there’s nothing that will work for you.
COUNSELOR: So there’s both—nothing is going to work for you, and you’re not able to make it work.
JOHN: Right.
Master Clinician Note: When John came into the session, he did not trust the
counselor to be helpful. When she focused on listening to John and understand
ing what was important from John’s perspective, he started to feel less anxious
and began to trust her. He is still skeptical about whether this will be helpful to
him, but he is willing to see where this goes. John’s anxiety and ambivalence
about the therapeutic relationship is a natural part of the process. This is a good
time for the counselor to educate him about depression and its symptoms, simi-
The counselor is also interested in John’s “attribution style,” which seems to per
petuate his feelings of helplessness. “Attribution style” refers to how people qual
ify or ascribe meaning of events in terms of their mindset. Depressed people tend
to attribute the fact that bad things happen to them to some personal flaw or
deficiency. They tend to look for negative experiences in their world and expect
negative things to happen in the future. This outlook justifies basic depressive
feelings of hopelessness, helplessness, and being trapped. The counselor would
like John to begin to challenge the thinking, beliefs, and perceptions that are fil
tered through this negativity.
COUNSELOR: I wonder if I can tell you a little bit about the relationship between thoughts and feelings of
hopelessness, trouble concentrating, sleeping, and difficulties with relationships and your alcohol and drug use.
JOHN: Okay.
COUNSELOR: I’ve noticed that you seem to think that all of this trouble is because you “can’t do anything
JOHN: Yes, it’s my fault. I screwed things up. I don’t know what I did, but it’s my fault with my girlfriend. I’ve
screwed up my classes.
COUNSELOR: So that sounds pretty familiar to you. Another thing I heard you say is that “no one is going to
JOHN: Yeah.
COUNSELOR: And the third thing is that it doesn’t seem to matter what the situation is; this is always going
JOHN: It does happen; it keeps happening. Are you saying some of this negative thinking is tied to my drug
COUNSELOR: Maybe. These ways of thinking can cause unpleasant feelings like helplessness, sadness, and
anger, and lead to having trouble sleeping, drinking, smoking pot, and trouble in relationships, and make
drinking and smoking pot more attractive. If we look at what you are thinking and see if there are some
changes you can make in your perception, then we can change how you feel and your choices about what you do
Master Clinician Note: The counselor seeks to obtain commitment from John
to proceed with this approach. She doesn’t just assume that he is ready or will
ing to proceed. People with depression will often not have the energy to take on
tasks that require them to change. It is useful to first elicit their agreement to
take on the task, then proceed with small steps that have a high potential for
success and don’t feel overwhelming.
62 Part 1, Chapter 2
How to Assess for Negative Self-Talk and Offer Alternative Responses
The goal of this technique is to increase clients’ objectivity about their thoughts;
to demonstrate the connection between negative self-talk, unpleasant emotions,
and unproductive behavior; and to differentiate between unrealistic and realistic
meanings of events. When using this technique, the focus is on a specific
thought, even though others will arise. One variation on this is to have the client
identify situations such as homework and use that in the following session. The
steps are:
1. Identify the situations that make the client feel uncomfortable.
3. Ask the client to identify the first thought that comes to mind when he
thinks of the uncomfortable situation and has the negative feelings. Proceed
to identify other thoughts (cognitions) that often arise with this situation
and feelings. It is not uncommon that a theme can be elicited from the
4. Identify how the thought(s) or theme limits the client’s options in life.
5. Help the client identify different ways of thinking about the situation and
feelings that can lead to better options.
COUNSELOR: What I’d like to do now is have you try out some real-world examples of how you think about
things and how you feel about those things. I’d like you to start paying attention to these thoughts when you’re
not here so when you come back we can talk about them.
JOHN: Okay. I can pay attention to how I’m thinking when different things happen.
COUNSELOR: Yes, write down one or two things that came up throughout the day that affected you.
COUNSELOR: Terrific! I’ll see you on Friday, and we can talk about how to identify negative self-talk and
change it.
JOHN: Okay.
Session summary: The counselor takes a few minutes at the end of the session to evaluate her work with
John and to make a note in John’s chart about goals addressed. She is pleased with the efforts they have made
to establish a working relationship and with John’s willingness to pursue examining the relationship between
his thoughts and his behavior.
Clinician Expectations
The counselor begins Session 2 with the following expectations in mind:
1. Check John’s homework, particularly recording his thoughts about everyday experiences and the connection
between his thoughts and his feelings.
2. Affirm John’s effort specific to his progress and/or homework, thereby building his self-efficacy.
3. Ask John about his goals for the session and collaborate to make the goals a part of the counseling session.
4. Continue to help John find the connections between his thoughts and his behavior.
[John does the homework. He finds that in some areas he actually does feel that he does okay. He finds that he
enjoys this assignment because it’s a way to vent. However, he writes down his thoughts but does not relate them
to how he feels. He continues to be angry about being in treatment. At the beginning of the session, John
describes various situations that have occurred during the week and his related thoughts.]
COUNSELOR: So, in the first situation, you went into the room and everyone was watching a show you weren’t
interested in and they were talking to each other but not to you. So your thought was that nobody wanted to
talk to you.
Master Clinician Note: The counselor identifies the unpleasant situation and
the meaning of this event for John.
JOHN: Those brain-dead people weren’t interested in talking to me. And I’m not interested in talking to them
Master Clinician Note: The counselor identifies the unpleasant feelings con
nected to the event.
Master Clinician Note: The counselor identifies the negative self-talk that
happened between the event and the feelings.
COUNSELOR: [Makes a list.] So it started out with “these people don’t want to talk to me” and you felt angry
and lonely and, it sounds like, kind of sad. And the thought that followed that was “And I don’t want to talk to
them either.”
JOHN: Yeah.
COUNSELOR: What other negative thoughts did you have about the situation?
64 Part 1, Chapter 2
JOHN: They didn’t talk to me because they don’t like me.
COUNSELOR: So you are thinking that they’re not talking to you because they don’t like you. What else?
JOHN: That it is my fault because maybe I don’t like them either. [Pauses.] And maybe they don’t think I’m
COUNSELOR: You think maybe you’re sending out signals that you don’t want to talk to them.
COUNSELOR: So you interact with people in a way that holds them at a distance, keeps them apart from you.
COUNSELOR: [Reads from the list.] Okay, so the negative thoughts that you’ve identified about this situation
are “they don’t want to talk to me,” “they think I am not worth their time.” And then there is the thought that
“they don’t like me” and “I am not very nice to them.” Is there anything else?
Master Clinician Note: The counselor is helping the client think of alternative
COUNSELOR: Okay, this was a really good example. Before you entered the program, what behavior would
have followed those thoughts and feelings? What would you have done?
COUNSELOR: [Smiles.] I’ll bet you there have been a few times in here that you wish you could have gone to
COUNSELOR: I’m glad you brought this up because now we can talk about other ways to respond to the situa
tion. Let’s start with your first thought, “they don’t want to talk to me.” What are some other possible responses
to the situation?
COUNSELOR: [Makes another list.] Good! Maybe they’re doing something else. They’re watching TV. What
COUNSELOR: Yes, maybe if you made the first move, they would talk to you; that would give them permission
to talk to you.
JOHN: [Pauses to think about this.] So you’re saying they aren’t talking to me because they think I don’t want
them to.
COUNSELOR: Is that a possibility? Often people with substance abuse problems send out “stay away from me”
COUNSELOR: Okay, let me ask you this: when you had the thought “they don’t want to talk to me” you felt
worthless, angry, lonely, and sad. Thinking about the first reasonable response—“they are watching TV”—how
do you feel?
COUNSELOR: Okay, so hurt and lonely, that sounds less distressing than angry, worthless, lonely, and sad,
doesn’t it?
JOHN: Yes.
COUNSELOR: Let’s look at the next reasonable response, “if I talked to them first they might talk to me.” How
JOHN: I don’t know if it’s true, if they really would talk to me, but I feel like it’s possible.
COUNSELOR: How does it compare to feeling worthless, angry, lonely, and sad when you think “they don’t
JOHN: It’s better; it’s like maybe if I did something different—but I don’t know that it would really work.
COUNSELOR: Well, if you want to test it out, you can. If you’d like to talk about it more next time, then we
JOHN: Let me see. When I think something about myself that’s really negative, I should think about whether
that makes sense. Maybe I can do that sometimes but not all the time. Sometimes I feel so bad I don’t think I
COUNSELOR: If you want to we can talk about other things you can try when you feel so bad you have trouble
doing this. I’ll see you on Monday, but in the meantime how do you feel about working on coming up with alter
native thoughts when situations come up?
JOHN: Not all the time. But, a couple of times? I can do that.
The work between John and his counselor in these two sessions has focused on managing negative thoughts
and the relationship of the negative thoughts to his alcohol and drug use and his depressive symptoms. The
counselor is aware that she was negligent in getting John’s agreement on the goals for the work in session 2
before initiating the work.
66 Part 1, Chapter 2
The treatment goals have been to reduce the client’s experience of negative thoughts about himself, his environ
ment, and his future, thereby decreasing his experience of hopelessness and helplessness. Changing his
thoughts and feelings about negative events increases his options for healthier responses to future events. This
process needs to be repeated numerous times to help John learn to use these skills independently. This
thought-oriented treatment with John is not the ultimate goal in his treatment; it is the initial step in a process
of change that will include abstinence from alcohol and marijuana, reduction of symptoms of depression,
improved ability to communicate with others, and an increase in self-confidence, competence, and self-esteem.
Clients with depressive symptoms often have multiple core beliefs that affect these symptoms and their recov
ery from substance use. In this vignette, the client has many core beliefs, one of which is that if she stops driv
ing her truck, her means for taking care of herself will be very limited. The counselor’s challenge is to under
stand this and other core beliefs the client has and address them in a systematic and sensitive manner. (See
Figure 2.6 for how to determine whether a belief approach is appropriate for a client; see also the How-To for
how to assess for beliefs.)
Figure 2.6
Decision Tree
2. Elicit beliefs with such questions as “what makes you believe that?” or “how
did you come by that belief?”
4. Explore the belief. (How long have you had the belief? How would your life
be different if you did not believe this? How has holding this belief helped
you in your life?)
5. Who else believes this? Is this a family belief? Does the client see this as a
belief that all people (or all people in a certain group) hold?
To find out about challenging beliefs, see How to Challenge Beliefs on page 70.
It is important to remember that a significant component of entrenched beliefs comes from cultural experience.
Specific racial and ethnic groups hold beliefs that are rooted in their cultural experience and are completely
valid in that context, although they may appear “dysfunctional” if one doesn’t understand the cultural context.
A culturally competent counselor will recognize that questioning or challenging a belief has to be done in the
context of understanding cultural underpinnings and must be undertaken in a respectful, sensitive, accepting,
and open manner.
Case Study
Sally, 53, is an independent truck driver (“wildcatter”) from Marceline, Missouri, who owns her own rig. She’s
been driving a truck for 30 years. She started off riding with her husband, but after he died in an accident, she
continued on her own. She’s addicted to Benzedrine, also called “West Coast turnarounds” or “bennies,” which
she’s been using during long hauls. She’s been using the turnarounds for about 25 years and is finding that she
needs to take a lot more as she gets older. She knows she has been taking more than is good for her.
She’s starting to question whether she should continue as a truck driver—her back hurts and she’s been having
stomach pains. She has some money set aside, but retirement at this age would severely strain her financially.
She is lonely. She has had sex partners and friends but nobody with whom she is truly intimate. Sally experi
enced intense stomach pain when she was passing through Biloxi, Mississippi. She went to the emergency
room, and the staff there found out about the turnarounds and told her that she was going to kill herself taking
that many bennies. They recommended that she enter a substance abuse treatment program, so she parked her
rig in a lot and entered an inpatient treatment program. On intake at the treatment program, Sally acknowl
edged that she knew she was drug dependent and the doctor’s recommendation that she seek help was what
she needed to let herself enter rehab.
68 Part 1, Chapter 2
Depression History and Current Status
Sally told the intake worker that she is tired and “blue.” The intake worker noted this and other depressive
symptoms. Sally reported that she had lost weight, took a long time getting to sleep, and woke up in the middle
of the night and could not go back to sleep. She said on many days, she felt life was just a struggle, and that
she had periods of feeling hopeless and helpless, and often was irritable. Because of the depressive symptoms
noted, her history of stimulant drug abuse, and her history of psychological trauma related to the death of her
husband, the intake worker referred Sally to the consultant psychiatrist for assessment and possible medica
tion. The psychiatrist’s report suggested that Sally did not meet the diagnostic criteria for dsythymia or a major
depressive disorder. He did note that she had experienced a substance-induced mood disorder about a year ago
and should be observed for another onset of this illness. He also noted that she had significant unresolved grief
and deep-seated beliefs about hopelessness, and could potentially benefit from counseling focused on her
depressive symptoms. Sally has been participating in a twice-weekly depression group that focuses on psychoe
ducation and building coping skills. She has attended 3 sessions since entering the program.
Clinician Expectations
The counselor begins Session 1 with the following expectations in mind:
1. Build a therapeutic relationship by developing an understanding of the client’s problems from the client’s
2. Ask the client about her goals for the session and elicit her commitment to addressing the goals she
3. Explore specific beliefs to change to address the client’s goals, support abstinence from Benzedrine use, and
reduce depressive symptoms.
4. Explore beliefs that Sally might have that will help or hinder her recovery from substance abuse and depres
sive symptoms.
[At the beginning of the session, the counselor and Sally exchange greetings, followed by preliminary inter
changes aimed at establishing rapport and beginning engagement.]
SALLY: I don’t know what I’m going to do when I get out of here. I don’t know what you can do for me. You
don’t know anything about trucking. You don’t know about my life. You’re a nice guy, but I can’t see how you
can help me.
SALLY: Yeah, I don’t know what I’ll do when I leave here. I could go back to pouring coffee like I was doing
when Larry [her deceased husband] found me. I could go back to where I started and die there like my mother
did. That’s not what I want to do.
Our beliefs about the nature of our problems, who is responsible for them, what
needs to be done about them, whether it is even worth the effort to try to change
them, are all critically important to the counseling process. Here are five steps to
help a client challenge beliefs that limit options for change:
1. Listen to the client’s organization of the problem and identify the beliefs
(cognitions) that are expressed about the problem.
2. Offer the client your understanding of the belief (“It sounds like you believe
that . . .”); see if the client agrees or disagrees with that assessment.
3A. If the client disagrees with your assessment of the belief, then ask for a
more accurate statement of what he or she believes.
3B. If the client agrees with your assessment of the belief, explore with the client
how holding that belief affects the client’s ability to address the problem.
3C. If the client agrees with your assessment, inquire if he or she would add or
change anything about the way you phrased the belief (to be as specific as
possible about the belief).
4. Help the client begin to move the belief from a truth (which cannot be
changed) to a thought (which can be altered in light of additional informa
5. Help the client alter this belief to include better options for changing the
COUNSELOR: Well, then, let’s go back to thinking about your future. Is there something else you can do in
the trucking industry?
70 Part 1, Chapter 2
Master Clinician Note: This is the counselor’s first attempt to define the prob
lem arising from Sally’s belief that if she can’t drive a rig, she will have to return
to waitressing (this is Step 1 in How to Challenge Beliefs, p. 70).
SALLY: I only know how to drive. I don’t want to work as a dispatcher. I don’t know what I’d do, I don’t want to
be depressed and pour coffee like my mother and sister.
COUNSELOR: Tell me about your mother and sister and what you mean when you say they were depressed.
Did they take pills?
SALLY: They poured coffee at Hecklemeyer’s. They worked hard all their lives and didn’t make much money.
Then my mother died. Mom didn’t do drugs; that wasn’t something their generation did. But I think she was
Master Clinician Note: In the process of defining the problem, Sally has iden
tified multiple beliefs: not driving the rig means having to be a waitress, which
is intolerable; continuing to drive a truck is a way to avoid feeling helpless, hope
less, and depressed; and depression is just something people are born with and
nothing can be done about it. All of these beliefs are examples of “all-or-nothing”
thinking and contribute to Sally’s feeling depressed and hopeless about the
future. The counselor might be tempted to begin challenging these beliefs at this
point, but the problem is not yet fully defined. The counselor’s patience and
curiosity about how Sally sees this problem allows both of them to develop a
clearer sense of the problem and can lead to Sally’s generating some solutions.
The counselor is continuing to listen and trying to understand Sally, which fur
thers the development of a therapeutic relationship.
COUNSELOR: You believe that depression, being blue, is something you are born with and there is nothing
that can be done about it. It sounds like the important people in your life growing up were depressed, and that
came to look like a normal state.
[The counselor explores Sally’s family history, the depressive symptoms of her mother and sister, how their
depression manifested itself in day-to-day life and, particularly, how that affected Sally’s understanding of
depression and what it means to be depressed. The counselor takes a family drug history and finds out alco
holism and drug dependence are common in Sally’s family.]
SALLY: My mother said she wasn’t supposed to be happy. My sister, too. You know, I don’t think they were
ever not depressed. Even when my mother seemed happy she would say she had a terrible good time or an
awful nice weekend. At least twice that I know of, she tried to kill herself by taking too many pills [pause while
Sally reflects]. If I stop driving, I’d miss it, the road, the sounds, the smell, the diesel. It makes me sad to think
about it, leaves me empty.
COUNSELOR: So, driving the rig doesn’t just mean making a living and not feeling blue. Driving the rig means
a lot more to you, and giving that up is like losing a part of yourself.
SALLY: The semi is my life. The only thing I loved more was Larry.
Master Clinician Note: Once again, Sally moves to another topic, and the
counselor follows.
SALLY: [Sighs.] Twenty-five years this December, Jim. We were outside Denver in a snow storm. Stupid #*%!
wanted to make up time, jackknifed the rig. Rig wasn’t hurt bad, I wasn’t hurt, but that stupid jerk was thrown
from the cab and broke his neck. I was 25, a widow with a half-paid-for rig. [Sighs.] I got him buried, got the rig
fixed up. I thought I’d finish the run and then sell the rig and move back to Missouri. I drove 1,000 miles and
hit Salinas, and I thought the #*%! with it. I delivered the load, and I picked up artichokes for some supermar
ket chain and headed east. I was the youngest woman wildcatter in the country, and everyone knew it.
Everyone knew when I was coming, and everyone wanted to talk to me on the CB [radio]. I did okay. I had
some money. I didn’t use the turnarounds with Larry. We just drove 4 or 5 hours at a time, trading off, and I
didn’t need the stuff. So how did I feel about Larry being gone? If he hadn’t tried to make up the time, we’d still
be driving together. I wouldn’t have gotten on turnarounds, and I wouldn’t be here, no way to pay my debts, no
way to support myself anymore.
Master Clinician Note: This story is evidence of things Sally has been success
ful at in the past. The counselor could refer to this (e.g., “Tell me about how you
managed to drive that rig after Larry’s death”) when the time comes (this is Step
2 in How to Challenge Beliefs, p. 70). She is proud of having been “the youngest
female wildcatter” but sees this and her success as a trucker as a thing of the
past. The counselor is currently working on Step 1 of How to Challenge Beliefs,
defining the problem.
COUNSELOR: If Larry hadn’t died, you would still be driving together and you wouldn’t be in this place,
believing that there are no other options for you. And you wouldn’t be taking bennies to drive a little further.
SALLY: Yes, sometimes. I still look over sometimes when I’m driving because I think he’s sitting there. The
stupid jerk. Oh, there have been other guys. Then I’d see Larry’s ghost sitting in the other seat, and I’d be good.
[Pauses.] I don’t see how you can help me.
72 Part 1, Chapter 2
Master Clinician Note: Sally might not really understand how the counseling
process can help. (Refer back to the counseling process described in the introduc
tion to Chapter 2.) Particularly in intensive treatment settings, where clients
participate in a variety of treatment modalities and with a variety of counselors,
understanding how the process works can be of great help to the client.
Sally’s statement, “I don’t see how you can help me,” might be mistaken as resistance, as “you can’t help me,”
but a better explanation in this instance might be that Sally is having a hard time imagining how things will
work out. It is not clear yet how her husband’s death fits into the picture.
COUNSELOR: That keeps coming up—what you could do instead of driving the rig. You seem to believe that I
can’t help you with that and that you can’t do it on your own. That may be true, but I get the sense that you
have some real strengths that you aren’t aware of that could help you out of this. On the other hand, this con
versation seems to be bringing up Larry’s death and I’m wondering how that is related to your future.
SALLY: I’m not ready to talk about my future. I’ve never told anyone about Larry, that I sometimes see his
ghost. Can we maybe talk about that more? I don’t talk to people much, sometimes on the CB.
COUNSELOR: Sure. Why don’t we meet again on Thursday and whatever you want to talk about we can talk
SALLY: Really?
COUNSELOR: Sometimes talking about those things can help you feel better about them.
SALLY: Really? We can talk about this stuff? Nobody has ever wanted to do that before.
SALLY: There have been times over the last 25 years, especially when I’m alone, that I’ve thought about . . .
you know . . . just ending it, just killing myself and being out of this #*%! rat race.
[Sally pauses. The counselor lets her reflect and organize what she wants to say without interrupting.]
SALLY: I don’t feel that way right now, but it bothers me sometimes. When I’m driving and I start having
those thoughts, I actually feel better, like I don’t have to keep fighting this #*%!. Then, after a little while, the
thoughts go away. Now, is that crazy or what?
COUNSELOR: No, it doesn’t sound crazy to me, but it does sound like sometimes the pressure has been so
great that you look for ways out of the pressure.
[The counselor proceeds to explore suicidal ideation with Sally. He conducts a careful screening (see TIP 42,
Substance Abuse Treatment for Persons With Co-Occurring Disorders [CSAT 2005] for information on screen
ing for suicidality) of Sally’s current suicidal thoughts and decides to his satisfaction that Sally is not currently
suicidal and that her suicidal ideation tends to occur when she is “coming down” from Benzedrine (a stimulant).
The counselor also discusses with his supervisor the advisability of getting a consult from a mental health pro
fessional regarding Sally’s suicidal ideation, and together they decide not to pursue a referral at this time. Sally
does not meet the agency’s guidelines for referral or additional assessment at this point, so the counselor and his
supervisor plan to discuss Sally again in a week or at the first sign of any negative changes. The counselor does
decide that in a subsequent meeting with Sally, he will provide more information on suicide and help her build
skills to seek resources when those thoughts occur. For more information on assessing suicidality and safety
screening (for harm to self or others), see TIP 42, Substance Abuse Treatment for Persons With Co-Occurring
Disorders (CSAT, 2005) and the forthcoming TIP, Addressing Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors in Substance
Abuse Treatment (CSAT, in development a).]
COUNSELOR: Sally, if you do begin having thoughts of harming yourself, thoughts that you might be better off
dead, I would like to have an agreement with you that you will contact me, this program, or a mental health
professional right away. Having thoughts of suicide doesn’t mean you are going to do it. But it does mean that
something needs to be addressed. Those are really disturbing thoughts, and I don’t want to see you continue to
struggle with things like that entirely on your own.
COUNSELOR: Okay. Will you be sure to let me know immediately if you have any thoughts and feelings like
COUNSELOR: One more question. When Nancy said you should go into treatment, you just parked your rig
and entered treatment. Was that the addicted, depressed you or the woman who was the youngest woman wild
catter in the country?
Master Clinician Note: It’s important for substance abuse treatment programs
to screen clients for suicidality as part of the intake process. All substance abuse
treatment counselors should know how to conduct a basic screening and triage.
You should know what immediate resources are available both onsite and offsite
to help someone who is identified as suicidal.
74 Part 1, Chapter 2
Session summary: Before the session, the counselor reviewed a CES-D Scale administered at intake. Because
this was their first session, he decided to forego readministering the scale today but will use it again in the next
session. In this session, the counselor was quickly able to establish a working rapport with Sally and engage
her in exploring the relationship between the beliefs that arose from her history and her current stimulant use
and depressive symptoms. The counselor also carefully screened Sally for suicidal ideation and consulted with
his supervisor about possible interventions that might be indicated for suicidality. He documented the screen
ing in Sally’s chart, including the discussion with his supervisor and the actions taken as a result.
Clinician Expectations
The counselor begins Session 2 with the following expectations in mind:
3. Determine the focus for this session, based on Sally’s goals, and identify specific beliefs to address that relate
to these goals.
4. Encourage Sally to continue to explore her emotions and beliefs about her husband’s death.
[The counselor checks with Sally to find out if she has had any recent thoughts or feelings of self-harm or sui
cide. She says that she has not, and they continue on with the session.]
SALLY: I’ve been thinking about old Larry. [Sighs.] I call him a stupid jerk, but he wasn’t except for that one
night outside Denver. He was smart, tall, good-looking. He was very good to me and changed my life. If it was
n’t for him, I’d still be pouring coffee at Hecklemeyer’s in Marceline. I don’t understand it, all these bad guys
live out their lives, and here’s Larry, poor guy, good-looking, good guy. One mistake: he tried to make up time.
Truckers always try to make up time . . . and he’s gone.
COUNSELOR: Go ahead.
SALLY: You know, I was the youngest female wildcatter in the country. They called me Mud Flap Sally. Do you
know what that means? Probably not. You know the girl on the mud flaps? Larry called me Mud Flap Sal. We
were such a good looking couple. I did a good job running the business after Larry died. [Sighs.] God, Jim, I’d
give my right arm to be back there, December of 1980. I told him, “Larry, let me drive, we can’t make up time.
We can’t do it.”
Master Clinician Note: The counselor elicits Sally’s belief that she is responsi
ble for her husband’s death.
COUNSELOR: Have you had the thought that you should have done something?
SALLY: I think that every time I see his ghost sitting in the seat. [Silence.] I talk about seeing Larry, I call it
his ghost but I don’t believe in ghosts. I keep thinking that one day I’m going to get in the truck and he’s going
to be there and things will be okay and it will be like it was. I won’t have to drive 16 hours and I’ll have that
handsome man and I’ll be Mud Flap Sally again. [Starts to cry.] That’s what I hope will happen again. [Pauses.]
That ain’t realistic, is it? It’s a little crazy.
COUNSELOR: Often people talk about things they might not talk about with other people. Many report seeing
someone who is deceased or in some other way, experience their presence.
SALLY: Really?
COUNSELOR: The fact that you know that Larry isn’t going to suddenly appear for real means you aren’t
crazy. Instead, it sounds like you are still grieving. It tells me how important Larry is to you. Tell me about
your love for him.
Master Clinician Note: The counselor normalizes Sally’s response to her grief
(i.e., “you aren’t crazy”) and affirms the importance of her connection to her
deceased husband. The cost of giving up driving her rig is becoming more clear
to the counselor—Sally believes that the rig keeps her connected to Larry. This
completes the definition of the problem (completion of Step 1 of How to
Challenge Beliefs, p. 70). Sally can’t move forward until she feels confident
enough to do it. The counselor will help Sally identify her strengths in a way
that she can feel confident about taking action (Step 2 of How to Challenge
SALLY: Can I get through this? I’m so tired. I’m 53 and I’m not Mud Flap Sally anymore. [Starts to cry.] I’m an
old lady.
COUNSELOR: Actually you are getting through it. You had your stomach looked at; you’re in treatment. You’re
not comfortable, but you’re making use of the opportunities in front of you. That is the road to recovery. I wish I
could tell you it wasn’t a hard road, but the unmanageability of substance abuse plus the grief of losing a good
man like Larry is a hard road.
COUNSELOR: Sally, you’ve listened to the AA speakers who’ve come into treatment, so I know you must have
heard about other hard roads. These people come here to let you know you don’t have to ever drive them alone
anymore—that’s part of what sobriety means.
76 Part 1, Chapter 2
SALLY: Yeah, one woman last week had a real ugly life worse than mine, but she gave me her number and
COUNSELOR: Mud Flap, as your counselor you have my permission to call her and go to an AA meeting with
SALLY: Maybe.
Master Clinician Note: Now the counselor has identified some of Sally’s
strengths as evident in the present. The next step is to see whether she is confi
dent enough to try planning for taking action (Step 3 of How to Challenge
Beliefs, p. 70) or whether she is still too ambivalent.
SALLY: I have a question. I’m a Teamster. I always thought that someone like me could be real useful to the
Teamsters. What do you think?
COUNSELOR: The Teamsters help a lot of people, and your experience would definitely be an asset in that
type of work.
COUNSELOR: I don’t know, would you like to look into it before our next session?
COUNSELOR: Sally, you may remember when you entered the program, the intake worker gave you a brief
test to measure depressive symptoms. Would you mind taking a minute to complete it again and when you
return, we can compare your scores from two weeks ago with your score today.
[Sally agrees to complete the CES-D Scale and does so as the session ends.]
Session summary: The counselor began the session by allowing Sally to define her own agenda and to talk more
about Larry, his death, and their relationship. He guided Sally’s focus toward her core beliefs that arose as a
result of Larry’s death and how those beliefs limit Sally’s options today. The counselor also supported an environ
ment in which Sally could explore this powerful loss in her life. Because early in the session Sally expressed an
interest in discussing her relationship with Larry, the counselor decided to delay administering the CES-D Scale
until the end of the session and will discuss the results in their next meeting.
Clinician Expectations
The counselor begins Session 3 with the following expectations in mind:
1. Discuss the results of CES-D Scale administered at the end of last session.
2. Ask Sally about her goals for the session (e.g., making plans for a future career).
3. Explore some hunches the counselor has about the impacts of Sally’s “all-or-nothing” thinking.
COUNSELOR: Sally, before we begin, let me just tell you that there is a significant reduction in the depressive
symptoms reported on the CES-D. I think that’s something you can really be proud of.
Master Clinician Note: Sally has a plan (Step 3 of How to Challenge Beliefs, p.
70). Now the counselor confirms with her that this is what she wants to do.
COUNSELOR: It sounds like you have a plan for talking to the Teamsters. Excellent! So this is what you really
want to do?
COUNSELOR: Great! Yes, you have my permission to go with Betty to the union office and an AA meeting, and
if you want, you and Betty go out to supper and talk. I’ll be interested in hearing how it goes. [Pauses.] There
have been a few other things that have come up during the last few sessions that I’d like to talk more about.
Maybe we can figure out how to deal with them. One is that I think you have a deep-seated belief that if you
are not able to drive anymore, you are going to somehow not be able to hold it together or have a life worth liv
ing. I think you also believe that if you can’t drive anymore that you’re going to somehow lose Larry.
Master Clinician Note: Now that Sally is no longer ambivalent about dis
cussing her future, the counselor is addressing the core beliefs as stated in earli
er sessions. The quality of the beliefs is “all-or-nothing.” Sally believes that if she
can’t drive, she will have no choice but to become a waitress again, which is
intolerable to her and causes her to feel helpless and depressed. If she gives up
driving, she will lose her connection to Larry, which she is unwilling to do. If
these beliefs go unaddressed, Sally’s hopelessness will not be resolved. The coun
selor is now addressing her belief about losing Larry.
SALLY: That’s a #*%! of a funny thing to say. Lose Larry. Lose Larry. [Sniffs.] I already lost him once; I don’t
want to lose him again.
COUNSELOR: I understand. That’s why I’m bringing it up. I think some of the concern about not driving is
that if you’re not driving, he won’t be sitting in the seat next to you anymore.
COUNSELOR: I hear that. That may be one reason you’ve been so down lately. What I’ve been hearing is that
you’ve had some ideas, even though you can’t quite see beyond driving and you don’t want to lose Larry. You
have some ideas of something you could do as an alternative to driving. Can you tell me about that?
Master Clinician Note: Sally now has momentum for addressing these beliefs.
Sally’s willingness to explore alternatives to driving a truck or waiting on tables
is directly linked to Sally’s belief that she won’t lose Larry. The counselor is
addressing these beliefs at the same time because they are intertwined. The
counselor chooses to address the less threatening belief first. He is now eliciting
Sally’s strengths (Step 2 of How to Challenge Beliefs, p. 70) for the belief about
having to become a waitress.
SALLY: Yeah, I can. There are things about Larry I haven’t told you. He cared about people; he cared about
fairness and being treated right. That’s why we joined the Teamsters. He talked about the labor movement and
78 Part 1, Chapter 2
how people banded together and got their rights, and about labor organizers. I thought I’d be good at that. If I
can’t drive, I can help other people who do drive. I would make Larry proud.
COUNSELOR: How would you feel about yourself if you did that?
SALLY: I’d be proud, too. People know who I am; they know who Mud Flap Sally is.
SALLY: I know enough from Larry to be good at organizing. To tell people they should join the union. I guess
that would make him happy. Maybe he would even be there when I did that.
COUNSELOR: Maybe it would even make you happy. You know the only way I think you’d lose Larry is if you
started doing pills again. I guess “lose” is not the right word; maybe “dishonor” what you and Larry had
SALLY: Yeah.
COUNSELOR: Maybe you’d have some of the feelings you had with Larry, the Mud Flap Sally gal that every
one knew and who was happy, even the way you felt with Larry.
COUNSELOR: No, you wouldn’t. So maybe that’s one option you could look at.
SALLY: I’d know it was right if Larry were there with me while I was trying to do it.
COUNSELOR: What do you think Larry would think about you being in treatment?
SALLY: At first I thought he’d be ashamed of me, but over the past couple of weeks I think he’d be proud. He’d
like the people I’m meeting here, and he’d like Betty.
SALLY: He’d be okay with it. He was independent, but getting help when needed was okay with him; I think
that’s why he was so pro-union. Heck, those AA meetings are a bit like a union meeting: lots of talk and lots of
SALLY: We always talk about The Great Truck Stop in the Sky. Best coffee. Prettiest waitresses. I hope he’s
Master Clinician Note: A potential option has been identified that Sally can
pursue. The counselor is now using the technique of providing contradictory
information to address Step 2 (How to Challenge Beliefs, p. 70) for alternatives
to the belief about losing Larry.
COUNSELOR: You know where I think he may be? I think he’s there [points to her heart] and there [points to
her head]. I think he’s in there, and you can call him up when you need to have him because he’s right in here.
COUNSELOR: No. But if Larry is in there [points to her heart] and there [points to her head] and you’re being
a Teamster, maybe you’ll be able to call him up at those times too.
SALLY: You’re saying something that I want to make sure I understand. When Larry was in the cab, it was
because I wanted him to be there, I put him there?
Master Clinician Note: The counselor has identified an alternative solution for
Sally’s belief that she will lose Larry if she stops driving the rig.
SALLY: You wanna know something funny? Damn jerk is still 30. His hair is still dark.
COUNSELOR: That’s good! [Laughs.] Who would want him around at 55? [Jokingly.]
SALLY: I would want him around. And you want to know something? Way back when I was the one who got
into the cab of his truck and I told him I wasn’t getting out. He knew better than to argue. [Smiles softly.
Pauses.] You’re a really nice person, Jim. This is a nice talk. Can we talk some more about this?
COUNSELOR: You know, there’s another thing I wanted to explain to you about your experience with Larry.
Some people who have had a traumatic experience relive it and get caught in their thoughts and feelings about
it. Whether it happened recently or long ago, trauma is still trauma. I just want you to be aware that that’s
happening to you.
COUNSELOR: I know. It struck me that when you told me about it, it seems like it wasn’t that long ago. It’s
not that we should forget a loved one, but we can get caught up in thoughts and feelings about their death and
in doing so, not be able to really honor what they gave us.
SALLY: When I get sad, I see him lying on that pavement twisted. When I’m driving, I don’t see him like that.
But when I’m down, I see him like that.
COUNSELOR: I thought maybe you said somehow you believe you were responsible. Perhaps this is a belief
that is keeping you stuck?
SALLY: I was responsible. I should have told that jerk to get in the back and let me drive.
Master Clinician Note: The counselor has defined another belief. Sally and
counselor have identified a number of beliefs that all anchor back to a core belief
that Sally is destined to be depressed.
COUNSELOR: That was a decision you made, and without getting into why you made that decision, he was
doing the driving and was capable of making those decisions, too.
80 Part 1, Chapter 2
COUNSELOR: That’s a hard thing to let go of. Let’s talk about that next time. What I’m concerned about now
is this sense you have that . . . you’ve told me a little about your family and what it was like growing up, and as
you were talking I felt this heavy grayness.
Master Clinician Note: The counselor determines that the belief about her
responsibility for Larry’s death is going to be a difficult belief for her to let go of.
He postpones working on it until the next session and chooses to increase her
sense of self-efficacy in the time he has left in this session.
COUNSELOR: And it sounds horrible, in a sense of just a muddled kind of having nothing to look forward to.
COUNSELOR: And you kind of describe that you think your mom and sister had feelings like that too.
SALLY: They were depressed, no doubt about it. My mom was depressed, my sister, and me until Larry came
COUNSELOR: But you were able to emerge from that depression and come to life, and come into being. You
said something really important. You said you got into the cab of the truck with Larry and you wouldn’t get
Master Clinician Note: The counselor has identified and is disputing Sally’s
belief that she is helpless to bring about change in her life by eliciting informa
tion from Sally about her past successes. The counselor is increasing Sally’s con
fidence in her ability to make her plan work.
SALLY: I did. Something else. He wanted to throw me out. So I told him, “Larry, did you know that the first
time we had sex, I was underage? Do you want me to talk to the cops about that?” So he married me when we
got to Nevada.
COUNSELOR: So when I’m hearing that you can’t do this, or survive without that, it may not quite be the real
ity of the way it is.
COUNSELOR: Sally, I think you are a strong woman, and we can look at some of the things I’ve brought up
today over the next few sessions and come up with a plan. I want you to give some thought to what I’ve told
you. I don’t want you to walk around feeling that you can’t do anything to fix anything. . . . What’s going to
SALLY: I can fix things. I fixed ol’ Larry, too. I haven’t thought about that in years. The sheriff was having cof
fee at the truck stop.
COUNSELOR: Well, let’s explore this more next time, Sally. Are you going to follow through with your plan to
go to the union hall on Thursday?
COUNSELOR: So I’m looking forward to hearing about that in our next session. Good luck at the Teamsters
office and have fun with Betty at the AA meeting.
The work between Sally and her counselor has focused on establishing rapport, determining Sally’s specific
goals, identifying core beliefs, and challenging core beliefs. The treatment goals have been to reduce Sally’s
experience of helplessness and hopelessness and increase her options for healthier, recovery-oriented choices.
This belief-oriented treatment with Sally is one part of the process of change that will include abstaining from
Benzedrine, reducing her symptoms of depression, working through her grief, and increasing her self-
confidence, competence, and self-esteem. A core element in the success Sally has experienced in counseling has
been the rapport she developed with her counselor. His willingness to allow her, in a nonjudgmental and
accepting way, to express her thoughts and beliefs, his optimism toward her potential for change, and his
empathy toward the burdens she has carried served to facilitate an environment in which she could feel safe
and affirmed to explore her painful history and examine options for the future.
The affective therapies are particularly appropriate for problems that have a significant emotional component.
These therapies consider depressive symptoms such as hopelessness, despair, emptiness, guilt, and anger to be
significant stumbling blocks in recovery. In addition, a number of therapies focus on a specific emotion, such as
shame, guilt, or anger, but incorporate a variety of other change processes such as behaviorally focused or cog
nitively based strategies. (See Figure 2.7 for how to determine whether affective therapies are appropriate for a
82 Part 1, Chapter 2
Since drugs and alcohol have a numbing effect on feelings, the experience of feelings in early recovery often
presents particular problems. Many clients tend to be inexperienced in managing even low-intensity feelings.
For some, particularly those who began using alcohol and drugs early in life, learning how to identify feelings is
an important therapeutic task. For others, feelings can often be a trigger to return to use. This treatment
approach is most often undertaken after clients have gained skills in using new behaviors and cognitions that
support recovery.
For some clients, such as Shirley, problems with feelings present a hindrance to developing and practicing new
cognitive and behavioral skills. In this vignette, Shirley’s shame and grief are major limitations in her ability to
maintain sobriety, relate effectively to others, and feel comfortable with herself. Observe how the counselor, in
a sensitive and respectful way, helps Shirley become aware of how these emotions limit her ability to function
and how the counselor and Shirley address these feelings.
Figure 2.7
Decision Tree
How to Assess Whether Feeling (Affective) Therapies
Are Appropriate for a Specific Case
Case Study
Shirley, 65, is from New Jersey. She has been divorced three times and was widowed by her fourth husband,
Norton. She has three sets of children, six total, and three grandchildren. She retired last year from a 30-year
career as a social worker for child protective services. A few days before intake, her friends did an intervention
with her, and she came to the outpatient program to get them off her back. Her friends tell her that her family
members have told them they have noticed personality changes when she drinks, and that, when drinking, she
becomes irritable, opinionated, and judgmental of others.
Clinician Expectations
The counselor begins Session 1 with the following expectations in mind:
1. Build a therapeutic relationship by developing an understanding of Shirley’s problems from her perspective.
[The session begins with Shirley and her counselor talking about what brought her into treatment, her drinking
patterns, and her experience with being in the treatment program, particularly her difficulty in identifying with
other clients in group. Early in the interview, two points emerge: (1) Although she does not directly label it as
such, Shirley feels a lot of shame that her friends and family were aware of her drinking and the resultant prob
lems, and (2) she feels isolated from others in the treatment program and thinks she is not as “sick” as other
SHIRLEY: My friends intervened. My family members have told my friends they think I have a drinking prob
lem. So I thought I’d check it out to see if there was anything to it.
COUNSELOR: That’s kind of a heroic thing to undertake. Some people are unwilling to look at their drinking
and what’s going on in their lives. You’ve taken to heart what those other people are telling you, and that’s
hard to do.
84 Part 1, Chapter 2
Master Clinician Note: The counselor is using affirmation to increase rapport
with Shirley and elicit her best perception of herself. This perception of herself
will assist Shirley in feeling confident in her ability to bring about any changes
she identifies as necessary.
SHIRLEY: Well, yes, I pride myself on being able to look at things and deal with them as they come up. That’s
how I live my life. My life is my own life. The fact that this has happened to me with my friends and my family,
this is troubling. I’m a professional woman. I’ve worked my whole life helping other people. Frankly I’m embar
rassed. I can’t believe that my friends came to me to tell me this.
Master Clinician Note: People with excess shame are very sensitive to being
seen in a negative light. They are particularly sensitive to being “blindsided” by
information about themselves. Shirley has high expectations for herself (to cover
her underlying feelings of shame) and then feels significant shame when it
appears that others don’t think she is measuring up and when they see parts of
Shirley that she would like to keep hidden from herself and others.
COUNSELOR: Yes, I can understand that this whole experience is very difficult for you.
SHIRLEY: Yes, this is a hard thing. These idiot kids in my group, they don’t know what it’s like to get up in
the morning and feel numb. I worked for 30 plus years, I raised six kids, been married four times. They have no
idea. I’m coming in here, and it’s really hard for me. I’m glad to have a counselor close to my own age.
Master Clinician Note: Projection (taking disowned parts of oneself and plac
ing those attributes onto others) is a primary psychological defense of people
with a great deal of shame. Observe how Shirley takes a part of herself (inade
quacy) and assigns that attribute to others in her treatment group. In later ses
sions, as rapport develops between the counselor and Shirley, it might be appro
priate to confront the projection. Right now it would probably just make Shirley
more defensive, so the counselor lets the projection pass.
Shirley’s comment about the counselor being the same age suggests some sense
of connection or comfort, which bodes well for the relationship. Many clients,
particularly those from some rural or minority groups in our culture, will need to
find “kinship” with the counselor before the relationship can develop (as in the
Hispanic/Latino personalismo). For some, kinship may be knowing someone in
common; for others, it might be having connections to one another’s home town.
Counselors may perceive this kind of “kinship finding” intrusive. It is actually a
way of strengthening the relationship.
SHIRLEY: It’s my life. [Pauses.] Well, since I’ve been retired and alone in the house, I may be drinking more
than I should. A couple of weeks ago I was drinking and got up to answer the phone and tripped over the coffee
table. I probably wouldn’t have done that if I wasn’t drinking. I’m feeling trapped between wanting and needing
to lead my life as an independent person and needing to look at the drinking.
COUNSELOR: I’m glad to hear you start to accept your drinking problem. But I’m concerned about your feeling
trapped. Do you feel trapped every day?
SHIRLEY: Trapped, yes, but it’s not just here. It’s not just you. Where I really feel trapped is in that group
with all those idiots. I actually start feeling panicky in there; I can’t wait to get out. Like I’m going to be
attacked at any moment.
COUNSELOR: I think we can help you reduce feeling trapped in group. Group is something where you’re a
member and yet you can work on your own program. Perhaps there are some ways I can help you tolerate
group and feel less frightened.
COUNSELOR: Maybe tolerate the group and even get something from it would be a better way of putting it.
SHIRLEY: Yes, tolerate. I need to find a way to tolerate those losers in group. I don’t think the group thing is
right for me. Most people around here don’t have any life experience, how can they help me?
Master Clinician Note: The counselor infers from Shirley’s description of oth
ers in group as “losers” and her problem with identifying with other group mem
bers that shame may be a primary emotional struggle for Shirley. He also sus
pects that some of Shirley’s anger might be a cover for the shame. He knows
that to confront Shirley with this hunch at this time would probably be too
86 Part 1, Chapter 2
threatening, so he stores the information and will get back to it later. If his
hunch about shame as a primary emotional struggle is true, then the counselor
also knows that changing her environment (e.g., taking her out of group) will
only serve to avoid addressing the shame, not resolve it. Also, educating her
about alcoholism as an illness, particularly some of the physical aspects of sub
stance abuse that can affect anyone at any age, would be useful in reducing
COUNSELOR: I’m less worried about group than I am about your feelings of being trapped and how those will
affect you. I certainly hope that they don’t cause you to end up leaving treatment. Shirley, I’d like to throw
something out and have you tell me what you think. You raised six children, survived four marriages, and for
more than 30 years you fought to protect the children of your city. You’re a fighter, a warrior; but with retire
ment there are no more battles. What does a warrior do when the fighting is over?
COUNSELOR: And in treatment, how does it feel to be someone who needs help rather than a helper?
SHIRLEY: I’ll go crazy! I don’t know how to let people help me. I don’t want to be one of them.
COUNSELOR: Shirley, one of things we know is the alcoholism often starts when people have to make transi
tions. They reach a critical junction where the life they had before doesn’t exist and they need to create a new
life. Drinking offers a solution; an empty solution, but a solution nevertheless. Those are tough feelings to face.
Master Clinician Note: The counselor’s compassion and concern for Shirley are
clearly expressed and make it possible for her to do some self-exploration regard
ing her drinking. The counselor is gently broaching her difficulty exploring her
feelings by expressing concern that if she doesn’t find a way to do this now, she
may end up in greater difficulty later. The counselor also implicitly acknowl
edges that he understands her struggle with shame without naming the feeling
or making it a negative.
[The counselor proceeds to explore Shirley’s understanding of how people develop drinking problems, and gently
corrects misinformation, reminding her of the lecture she heard about alcoholism as an illness.]
SHIRLEY: I am worried that something worse could happen as I get older. I would like to look at some of these
feelings I’m having here in relation to my drinking and figure out if I need to do something. The worst thing
about this whole experience is having my friends and family tell me about this. I’m the one they look up to. I’m
the friend, the parent, the grandparent. So this group coming to me, I can’t describe how horrible that feels to
me. I can’t divorce my family but I can divorce my friends and that’s what I feel like doing.
SHIRLEY: Yes! But, then, I do remember hearing how drug and alcohol problems have nothing to do with intel
ligence, strength, or income.
COUNSELOR: That’s true, but this is a difficult thing to happen to you, and I hope you can find a way to stick
with it until we all get a better understanding of what’s happening and what might help. It sounds like you are
open to new information. It sounds like its time for you to be a hero again: a hero but a human hero.
COUNSELOR: As you face your illness of alcoholism, as you put together a new sober life, I’m sure you will
become a hero to your family and friends. However, this hero will be one who walks with them, instead of being
up on a pedestal.
SHIRLEY: I’ve been so scared, so lost. I can’t tell my family and friends that; I’ve always been the strong one.
COUNSELOR: That’s entirely up to you. But while they maybe gave you a push, you’re here on your own, and
that’s something you have a right to feel good about. It’s a big step and not an easy one. Many people say it’s
the hardest thing they’ve ever done—to let others know that they are vulnerable.
Session summary: Because of her shame, developing a trusting relationship with Shirley is particularly diffi
cult. The counselor had to consider carefully how he wanted to position himself in relation to Shirley in order
not to activate more resistance and defensiveness. It has also been important for the counselor to accept
Shirley’s anger and blaming in a nonjudgmental way. He has been able to elicit Shirley’s perceptions of her
problems without critique or judgment. As the counselor enters case notes in Shirley’s record, he makes a con
scious decision to continue to be nonconfrontational and supportive in the next session.
Clinician Expectations
The counselor begins Session 2 with the following expectations in mind:
5. Continue to explore with Shirley the relationship between her alcohol use, her depressive symptoms, and her
[Shirley comes to the second session continuing to feel aggravated by the group and feeling ashamed because of
the intervention by her friends. She wants to drink more than ever and finds it hard not to drink.]
SHIRLEY: Darn it, Ken, when I talked to you last week, you said you’d help me tolerate those people in group.
This is too much; those people are not helpful. I’ve been having such a hard time this week. I can’t stand it.
COUNSELOR: I’m surprised group has such a grip on you. I know you’ve been going through a lot, but it’s
other people’s problems, not yours. What is it that upsets you about group?
88 Part 1, Chapter 2
SHIRLEY: I’m doing fine, and they’re talking about how they’re craving and all these things. It’s so annoying.
It’s harder and harder to be there, and nobody can help me in there. They’ve started telling me that I have this
problem. I’m sick of defending myself and everyone thinks they know me better than they do.
SHIRLEY: [Sighs.] I’ve been wanting to drink a lot. I’ve been getting really sad, and I’m not sleeping well. I
keep thinking that I’d feel better if I had a drink. It’s harder to stay here and not leave and have a drink. And
then sitting in group and having all these people tell me what they think about me. I don’t want to do it.
Master Clinician Note: The counselor makes a mental note for a later session
to introduce concepts of relapse prevention with Shirley and to encourage her to
participate in a relapse prevention education program. Shirley’s current constel
lation of repressing her feelings, depressive symptoms, and her substance abuse
indicate a high risk for relapse.
SHIRLEY: No. I thought I could walk away from it, come here, then walk away and go back to my life. I’d show
everyone that I don’t have a problem. But I don’t think I can. I don’t know how I’m going to do what I have to
do to make it, to feel like much means anything anymore. This isn’t who I am.
Master Clinician Note: Shirley is reiterating her belief that she is a self-
sufficient person. The counselor does not follow up on this. Instead, he pursues
his own agenda, in which he tries to elicit examples of when Shirley may have
successfully turned to others for support. The counselor wants to do this to build
support for her reaching out to others.
COUNSELOR: When you’ve been in this kind of a jam or had these feelings before, has anyone been of help?
SHIRLEY: I told you before—I don’t talk to people about this stuff. I’m telling you now and hoping you’re going
to help. I’m the person people talk to, come to for advice. I don’t talk about this stuff.
COUNSELOR: Yet you don’t look down on people who come to you for help.
SHIRLEY: It’s okay for them to have those problems, but I’m the person who always does fine. I’ve never felt so
Master Clinician Note: Shirley’s feelings of sadness and helplessness are being
aggravated by the counselor’s failure to acknowledge Shirley’s request for help.
Allowing Shirley to experience her feelings and to cry, however, permits her to
confront them and to become open to alternatives. When clients cry, counselor
anxiety levels tend to increase. Efforts to stop the crying or to interrupt their
crying to comfort them are made to reduce counselor anxiety. By recognizing and
respecting Shirley’s need to cry, the counselor creates a safe space where she can
feel what she is feeling.
SHIRLEY: [Sniffles.] I can’t see myself doing this in group. I don’t think those people in group can help me. You
COUNSELOR: Well, I’m concerned about your saying that you just don’t get to have a problem in your life. It’s
okay for everyone else to have problems and get support or need help, but somehow you just don’t get that like
SHIRLEY: I’m asking you for help. I don’t ask for it from my friends or family and especially that group.
Master Clinician Note: The counselor, feeling confused, wonders why she isn’t
responding. He thinks he may have been out of step with her. Both are feeling
frustrated. He has been missing the opportunity to join with Shirley in her
request for assistance. This is called a misattunement. She responds with silence
after he misses another opportunity. The counselor internally reflects on what
may be causing the silence (a signal of increased resistance) and realizes that he
has not accepted the client’s invitation to help her in dealing with this problem.
The counselor has also acknowledged his part in the misattunement. His ability
to be open not only allows him to reconnect with Shirley, but also models adapt
ability and flexibility.
Six techniques from motivational interviewing are described here for handling
resistance. The first three are techniques based on the use of reflection and the
last three are strategies for rolling with resistance.
1. The main way to handle resistance is to simply reflect it, not at a greater
intensity, but enough to let the person know that she is being heard. An
example of this would be to say, “This week has been really hard for you,
and the stress of group on top of that feels like too much.”
90 Part 1, Chapter 2
2. You can amplify or emphasize the part of the statement that you are most
tempted to argue with. An example of amplified reflection would be “There is
nothing you can do to make group a helpful experience for you.”
6. Shifting focus is changing the subject to allow the anxiety about the issue to
dissipate. “Tell me what you feel would be helpful to you.”
COUNSELOR: You’ve been talking a lot about how you would rather figure out this drinking thing on your own
and that the group isn’t a place where you feel like you can get help. I’m wondering if I’ve missed the boat a bit
by focusing on that too much, because I have also heard you say that you want me to help and you think maybe
I have some experience that might be helpful. That’s good. I am wondering if at our next session we could talk
more about this tension between doing it on your own and asking for help. Also, I am wondering if you might be
willing to think about some of the ways you think my experience might help you. Does that sound good?
Master Clinician Note: The counselor has missed an opportunity with Shirley,
but takes the time to reflect on his own frustration and is able to be authentic
and transparent while offering a simple reflection to acknowledge the client and
rejoin with her.
[While he is speaking, the counselor is dipping down to make eye contact with Shirley, who has her head down
in shame. The counselor is sitting close, acknowledging that she’s down, and saying that we’re going to deal with
this next time.]
[Shirley is looking up at the counselor; she has accepted his offer to do that.]
Session summary: The counselor initially missed an opportunity in this session to build the relationship with
Shirley by pushing his agenda to focus on Shirley’s resistance to group rather than hearing her request for
help. He was able to correct this misattunement by acknowledging his misdirected efforts and redirecting the
session to her goals. This acknowledgement on his part might ultimately serve to strengthen the relationship.
Clinician Expectations
The counselor begins Session 3 with the following expectations in mind:
3. Help Shirley create safety to explore disavowed feelings about losses in her life.
4. Help Shirley continue to make the connections between her feelings, her drinking, and her depressive
[Shirley has two primary problems related to feelings. First is her abundant shame, which she covers with anger,
distancing from others, drinking, and a sense of being better than others, for instance, other clients in group.
Second, as a result of the last session, the counselor is touched by the depth of Shirley’s sadness, her references to
distancing herself from her feelings, and her difficulty in asking for help. The counselor suspects this is a prod
uct of multiple losses over years. After some initial comments about what has happened over the last few days,
the counselor offers a reference to the last session.]
COUNSELOR: Shirley, I was touched last week by the depth of your sadness and how hard it is for you to man
age right now. And how you help others with their problems but don’t let your own humanness emerge.
SHIRLEY: Well, everybody needs to break down every now and then I suppose. But, I’m not somebody who
does that. When I left here last week, I felt really out of control. Remember my saying I was wanting to drink
every time I leave here? Well, I really had to work not to drink after our meeting last week.
92 Part 1, Chapter 2
Master Clinician Note: Shirley, like many clients who tend to repress feelings,
sees her emotions as her enemy. They are something to be contained and con
trolled and are dangerous if they come out. The counselor is going to want
Shirley to begin to experience her feelings, rather than stifle them. In addition,
it would be helpful to suggest more constructive ways to tolerate distressful feel
ings than drinking.
COUNSELOR: I’m glad you didn’t. It seems like drinking has been pretty much the only way you have had to
keep a lid on all of these feelings, and I’m wondering if staying isolated, keeping up the image of always having
it all together, and being tough don’t also come into play here.
SHIRLEY: Sometimes I think I could just lose it . . . if all of this stuff came pouring out.
[There is another long pause. The counselor doesn’t want to interrupt or distract Shirley from reflecting on the
power of feelings that have been sedated and avoided for so long.]
SHIRLEY: Like I want a drink. A big drink. Like I need to get the #*%! out of here.
COUNSELOR: [Smiling] It’s like you want Jim Beam to ride up on his White Label horse and take you away.
[Another pause.]
COUNSELOR: Shirley, it doesn’t seem to feel safe enough for you to be able to stay in the presence of your feel
COUNSELOR: Okay, well, it seems like from what I’ve observed since you’ve been in the program is that anger
has been a pretty safe emotion for you. You’re good at expressing it.
SHIRLEY: My anger is justified. I have plenty to be angry about, wouldn’t you say? For instance, the idiots in
group, the fact that my friends “turned me in,” that I’m 65 years old and stuck here.
SHIRLEY: Like . . .
2. Educate about grief. In much the same way that counselors help people with
substance use disorders understand their illness through psychoeducation,
counselors can be immensely helpful to people with unresolved grief by help
ing them understand that their behavior and unhappiness come from feel
ings that can be changed.
3. Explore the client’s experience with grief. People with unresolved grief often
see their emotions as their enemy. It may be that their grief has, in the past,
poured out inappropriately or in overwhelming volume. They may feel that
to experience feelings that have been repressed will cause them to lose con
trol or “fall apart.” They may also feel deeply ashamed of exposing powerful
feelings. It is useful to have this information to understand a client’s resist
ance to exploring grief.
4. Create safety for expressing feelings. Feelings that have been unsafe in the
past have to find a safe place for expression. This not only means a safe envi
ronment, such as the counselor’s office, but also safety in knowing the emo
tion can be controlled as it emerges. It is important to learn where the client
has felt safe to expose disavowed feelings in the past and how that environ-
94 Part 1, Chapter 2
ment can be recreated today. In addition, the client needs to know that he or
she can stop the emotion if it becomes overwhelming. It is helpful for the
counselor to give the client specific permission to stop anytime he or she
feels the emotions are becoming too overwhelming.
6. Get closure on events that precipitated the grief. This involves saying good
bye—letting go of or finishing unfinished business and forgiving self and/or
others. Grieving is a process that may take substantial time to finish. It is
often done in small doses over time. In short-term treatment settings, the
counselor may only be able to help the client initiate the process.
COUNSELOR: I can only speculate, but let me make some educated guesses. Losses tend to come in several
ways: There are tangible losses, that is, losses we can touch or count, and you’ve certainly had a bunch of those
in recent years, the most recent being giving up drinking. But also 2 years ago you lost your work, which was
important to you. Your husband died, you’ve had several divorces, and so far, I’m only touching on the big ones.
Second, there are intangible losses, like the emotional losses you had when you left work, like losing the sense
that you were really doing something important for children and the loss of trust in your friends when they con
fronted you about your drinking. And a third kind of loss, and maybe the most difficult to deal with, are losses
of what could have been if such and such hadn’t happened. I don’t know if there have been a lot of “could have
been” losses in your life, but I’d like for you to think about that, too.
COUNSELOR: To paraphrase an old saying, “When the going gets sad, the sad get going.”
Master Clinician Note: The counselor wants Shirley to consider that a lot of
her anger is a cover for her sadness and other feelings, such as shame. Later, as
time permits, the counselor might want Shirley to look at how her anger rein
forces her distancing from others and keeps her isolated. But, for now, the focus
of the session is still on creating safety with feelings other than anger.
SHIRLEY: Well, for openers, it’s not going to get out of control, although there have been times in this program
[Long pause. Shirley seems to be becoming detached from contact with the counselor.]
COUNSELOR: Shirley, I’m wondering where you have been safe enough with yourself in the past to feel sad
SHIRLEY: You know, it was never safe as a kid to have any feelings. The only feeling anybody was allowed to
have in our family was anger. Anything else could get you clobbered. I think one reason I worked in child wel
fare services for so long is that I didn’t want kids to have to experience what I did. But the only place that
comes to mind where I could really have my sadness was with Frank, my second husband. He drank heavily
and that was the cause of our divorce, but when he was sober, or at least not dead drunk, he was there for me
and I knew he wasn’t going to look down on me or tell me to quit blubbering or any of that #*%!.
[Another long pause. Shirley looks sad. The counselor doesn’t comment or intervene in a way that would distract
Shirley. Shirley begins to wipe tears from her eyes. The counselor doesn’t comment or intervene.]
Master Clinician Note: It’s important for the counselor to maintain contact
with Shirley, for instance, by just sitting quietly with her, but not interrupting
this moment that is important for her. People need to grieve in their own ways.
Some people “pour it out,” others need to experience their losses in small steps.
Still others need to put their losses into words and tell stories of their experi
ence. Others need to conduct rituals, such as saying goodbye. Some experience
their grief by watching movies or reading books that tend to describe their expe
rience. Most people do a combination of all of these. It is important for the coun
selor not to impose his or her ways of grieving on the client. Different cultures,
too, have differing ways of expressing grief and the counselor should be sensitive
to the nuances of cultural influences.
COUNSELOR: I just want you to have the choice to be able to feel safe enough in some places to allow yourself
to experience some of the feelings you hold inside. Because for every one of those losses or hurts, there was
some kind of joy or happiness or pride or something special that was attached that you also open up to remem
ber and hold close to you. That is to say, when we have to hold back on our losses and hurts, we also have to
hold back on our joys and treasures that are connected to those losses.
COUNSELOR: Before we stop, I remember what you told me when we started today: that when you left last
week you felt out of control and wanted to drink. And I think that had a lot to do with the feelings that came
up last week. And I just want to know where you are with that right now.
96 Part 1, Chapter 2
Master Clinician Note: Shirley has used alcohol as a cover for powerful feel
ings. Before the session ends, the counselor wants to be sure that Shirley will
not leave the office, as in their last session, needing to drink “to get back in con
trol.” He explores this with Shirley and helps her find options for feeling in con
trol without alcohol use.
SHIRLEY: Well, actually, I feel . . . well, I feel okay right now. I don’t feel out of control. Actually, I feel a little
relief. But, I’m not so sure I will feel okay at home alone if I start to feel sad.
COUNSELOR: What I want you to appreciate is that you really can allow some of your sadness to emerge and
that at any time, you can just as quickly cut it off if you need to. And if you feel it’s getting too overwhelming,
you can call someone you do trust, or perhaps, distract yourself by listening to music, or going for a walk. I
think your work in this area is only beginning, that we just touched a little piece of it today. But, you know
what? It’s not a race. It’s work you need to do on your own timetable and as you feel ready. Now, I know it
would be easy for you to just touch on the surface of some of this stuff and then head in another direction, like
getting busy or getting angry, so I’m going to keep reminding you of how important this is to you. And we’ll
keep practicing, on your time schedule.
Shirley is just beginning the process of understanding the relationship of her emotions and the impact they
have had on her alcohol use and her depressive symptoms. The process of grieving is likely to continue over
some time, and it is important to build a treatment plan that supports her continued need to grieve. Similarly,
it will continue to be important to help Shirley understand how her underlying shame has been a primary emo
tional dynamic in her life for years and how it is critically important for her to understand the role of shame in
her alcohol use and emotional distancing. Twelve-Step programs, as well as counseling, can play an important
role in addressing these issues in her recovery.
Managing Depressive
An Implementation Guide
for Administrators
Chapter 1
experienced by people who, although failing to meet with the trained and licensed mental health profes
DSM-IV-TR diagnostic criteria for a mood disorder, sional who is directing the treatment for the mood
experience sadness, depressed mood, “the blues,” or disorders.
other related feelings and behaviors:
• Loss of interest in most activities
• Significant unintentional change in weight or
appetite Why SAMHSA Created an
• Sleep disturbances
• Decreased energy, chronic fatigue or tiredness, Implementation Guide as
feeling exhausted
• Feelings of excessive guilt Part of This TIP
• Feelings of low self-esteem, low self-confidence, or
Managing Depressive Symptoms in Substance Abuse
• Feelings of despair or hopelessness (pervasive pes Clients During Early Recovery, Part 1, provides the
simism about the future) tools your counselors need to address depressive
• Avoidance of normal familial and social contacts symptoms with clients. However, an extensive litera
• Frequent agitation, restlessness ture review suggests that without specific attention to
• Psychologically or emotionally detached
implementation issues, these tools are likely to go
• Feelings of irritability or frustration
• Decrease in activity, effectiveness, or productivity unused or to be used ineffectively (Fixsen, Naoom,
• Difficulty in thinking (poor concentration, poor Blase, Friedman, & Wallace, 2005). This Guide will
memory, or indecisiveness) help you ensure that the ideas in Part 1 are put into
• Excessive or inappropriate worries practice in your program or agency. Implementation
• Being easily moved to tears will require the active support of executive adminis
• Anticipation of the worst
tration and the expertise of clinical supervisors.
• Thoughts of suicide
whose depressive symptoms cannot be managed in Depressive symptoms may easily be mistaken for
the substance abuse treatment setting. resistance to treatment. It is essential that staff be
• Adequate policies and procedures should be in able to discriminate between depression and treat
place to serve clients with suicidal thoughts or ment resistance. Depressed clients may well wish to
behaviors. be in recovery but lack the motivation and energy to
• In clinical supervision, an emphasis should be take on the challenging tasks posed by participation
placed on improving counselors’ ability to recog in recovery programs.
nize and manage clients’ depressive symptoms.
In addition to these benefits for the client, addressing Every organization is a social system with its own
depressive symptoms as part of your agency or pro unique culture. There are actually two cultures to
gram may lead to: each organization—the formal and the informal—that
• Increased clinical competence of staff. involve separate communication channels. The ideal
• Increase in appropriate referrals for psychological is to have these cultures as congruent as possible.
and psychiatric evaluations for depression and They affect decisions, relationships, and common (or
depressive symptoms. conflicting) values and beliefs. Any change in services
• Increased staff retention, higher levels of staff sat or approaches to clients will call for a significant
isfaction, reduced risk of burnout, decreased staff change in the organization’s culture.
stress, and reduced turnover.
Change in the corporate culture calls for leadership.
• Improved risk management (e.g., less suicidal
Management at all levels and in all departments—
ideation and suicidal behavior) and reduced
not just clinical services—must be involved. Ancillary
and support personnel also will be affected and need
• Access to new revenue streams.
to be part of the process.
Addressing co-occurring substance use and mental
The similarities between recovery in an individual
disorders is a key priority for the Federal govern
and change in an organization are rather striking. In
ment, State governments, insurance companies, cre
fact, the organizational change process is highly anal
dentialing boards, and accrediting organizations. By
ogous to the clinical processes of assessment, client-
starting now to address depressive symptoms in your
centered treatment planning, treatment delivery, and
agency or programs, you will be better positioned in
continuing care.
the future to compete in the substance abuse treat
Change is easier to make when those involved: As noted earlier, the later stages of implementation
• Understand why the change is needed and the will be facilitated by:
benefits they will realize. • A commitment to continuous quality improvement.
• See how the new ways will integrate into and • The development of structures that support and
honor what has been done previously. reinforce the change (e.g., standardized training
• Are given motivation strategies for providing ideas for new staff, regular boosters, and supervision for
and offers of assistance in implementation. all staff).
• Expressions of organizational pride in accomplish
Maximizing the Fit • Institutionalization (in which new practices
For a clinical innovation to take hold, it must fit with: become everyday practices).
(1) key characteristics of your target population and
community (e.g., values, expectations); (2) the skills, Clinical supervision is the keystone of implementa
licensures, certifications, and team structures of your tion of new clinical procedures and processes.
staff; (3) your program or agency’s facilities and Supervision should be more instructive and less crisis
resources; (4) your policies and practices; (5) local, driven—more proactive and less reactive—by using
State, and Federal regulations; (6) available intera such strategies and resources as:
gency networks (e.g., needed outside resources, mem • Innovative supervision methods, including live, in-
oranda of understanding); and (7) your reimburse session supervision, role playing, taping, and
ment procedures. Certain kinds of mismatches will be group and peer supervision.
fatal to implementing change. For example, no one • Regularly scheduled, ongoing clinical supervision
would expect successful implementation of an innova • Checklists and fidelity scales.
tion when staff lack the skills to perform it. However, • Quality skills training.
a lack of appropriate space or needed audiovisual • Counselor mentoring.
equipment can stall an innovation in its tracks. As
with many endeavors, the details are critical.
Leadership should include highly skilled and compe appraisal of progress. As noted in Managing
tent clinicians trained in mental health and sub Depressive Symptoms: A Review of the Literature,
stance use disorder treatment who can direct and Part 3 ( and discussed further
supervise services for clients with co-occurring below, implementing the recommendations from Part
depressive symptoms and substance use disorders. 1 will require ongoing assessments of progress,
These clinicians should know and appreciate the spe including regular formative evaluation of process and
cific roles that can be played by licensed or certified outcomes. Periodic reports on how the organization is
addiction counselors, licensed social workers, psychol doing can and should be developed from the assess
ogists, physicians, and other mental health and sub ments and evaluations. These reports should be
stance abuse professionals. They should also have an shared with staff as should plans for corrective action
appreciation for the role depressive symptoms can when needed. The most effective leaders frame both
play in interfering with substance abuse treatment. good and bad news in a positive light. One way to do
When such resources are not available on staff, a cli this is to emphasize the learning value of challenges
nician should be available on a consultant basis. and setbacks and to remind staff that it is the organi
zation as a whole, rather than any individual, that is
Since working with clients with depressive symptoms
responsible for making change happen. This means
means that programs must be prepared to address
that “we succeeded” or “we still have room to
the needs of clients with co-occurring disorders, staff
improve” is always the preferred way to communicate
have a right to expect that program leadership will be
successes and failures.
There is no simple formula for implementing the clinical recommendations presented in Managing Depressive
Symptoms in Substance Abuse Clients During Early Recovery, Part 1. Like any tool, the resources presented in
this chapter will be effective only when used by people who have a clear vision of what they wish to accomplish
and who actively determine and understand the processes by which they will get there.
The resources presented in this chapter have been organized into those related to organizational assessment
and those related to planning and implementing organizational change. The change process in your agency or
program will require creative and thoughtful adaptation and application of these resources to your specific
needs and circumstances. They should be viewed as points of departure only. You should revise or otherwise
modify the materials as needed for your organization.
The Change Book (Addiction Technology Transfer Center Network [ATTC], 2004), provides the basis for the
organizational change process presented in this chapter. Additionally, you may wish to consult Implementation
Research: A Synthesis of the Literature (Fixsen, Naoom, Blase, Friedman, & Wallace, 2005). This is a highly
readable and very useful summary of the scientific basis for various implementation practices. Some of the
main ideas in chapter 1 derive from this synthesis.
You may also wish to consult with colleagues who have managed organizational change in organizations similar
to yours. At this point in the development of implementation strategies for human services, many excellent
ideas are still to be found outside the published literature. Your colleagues may have insights or ideas that are
Finally, a point made in chapter 1 is worth repeating: Managing organizational change is very similar to work
ing with a client in a clinical setting. Your understanding of the recovery process and of the counselor’s attrib
utes and techniques that facilitate recovery is an invaluable resource as you apply the tools presented in this
Decision Tree
from implementing an
approach to managing
Step D. Has a symptoms of depression?
team been NO
identified to lead the Refer to How-To 2.3. YES
preparation and
How-To 2.1: How to Identify the Issue or Need (Figure 2.1, Steps A
and B)
capability of your agency or program to work with people with symptoms of depression (see How-To 2.2 below).
1. Are the treatment teams (e.g., psychiatrist, nurse, licensed master’s level
clinicians, certified substance abuse counselors, clinicians, and coun
selors in training) multidisciplinary?
5. Does the supervisory staff have the knowledge, skills, and attitudes nec
essary to supervise or coach the line staff applying the interventions?
1. Identify one person to lead the effort. This person must have the backing
of senior administration and the respect of direct treatment staff.
4. Identify the program oversight committee to which the work group will
report. For example, if your agency has a quality improvement commit
tee, the work group may report its findings, recommendations, strategic
plans, and modifications to that committee. This is one way to initiate
and sustain implementation.
1. Begin with the issue or problem identified in Step A of Figure 2.1, and
determine a specific variable that can be measured that is directly relat
ed to improving the management of depressive symptoms. For example,
“decrease client experience of depressive symptoms.”
3. The core group members will talk about the success they are having with the techniques and get other staff
interested in learning and using the techniques.
For more information on assessing your agency’s readiness for implementation, see How-To 2.5.
e. Federal, State, and local regulations that affect the decision to imple
ment this intervention (see the section Addressing Relevant
a. Increased funding.
5. The committee determines where the resources will come from to provide
support for the change initiative (ATTC Change Book, p. 29).
6. The committee determines what adoption of this change will mean at all
levels of the organization and what the benefits are for administrators,
supervisors, and counselors (ATTC Change Book, p. 29).
7. The committee determines what is already happening that might lay the
foundation for the desired change (ATTC Change Book, p. 29).
Implementing organizational change requires a multilayered approach to establishing communication and com
mitment across departments and program areas. As described in earlier sections, the commitment of the orga
nizational leader is of utmost importance. Nonetheless, this leadership commitment alone is not adequate to
ensure that changes are adopted and sustained over time. Mechanisms to institutionalize these changes must
be established. Policies and procedures constitute one of the most common approaches to institutionalizing
organizational practices. Although varying in format and structure as a result of regulatory and organizational
diversity, policies and procedures serve as the foundation of organizational practice.
This section provides six samples of the critical policies and procedures related to addressing depressive symp
toms within substance abuse treatment agencies. In each topic area, a policy statement and set of procedures
related to the topic are presented. These sample policies can be used as presented, combined into one or more
comprehensive policies, or integrated into the organization’s existing policies.
For example, each substance abuse treatment program will develop its own approach to screening and monitor
ing the depressive symptoms of its clients based on (a) the characteristics of its clientele, (b) its resources, espe-
Program Descriptions
In addition, program descriptions should have welcoming statements for clients who have co-occurring sub
stance abuse and depressive symptoms and identify client-focused treatment planning that is responsive to
individuals who have substance abuse and depressive symptoms. An example of such an approach might be
that alternative and/or complementary individualized activities are available in addition to group activities for
individuals who may benefit from them. Each program should include a vehicle for communicating with all
clients about the relationship between substance abuse and depressive symptoms.
Sample Policy 1
Policy Statement: All clinical staff will demonstrate basic competency in screening clients with substance use
disorders for depressive symptoms.
1. All clinical and support staff will participate in a 3–5 hour training session covering depressive symptoms, their
impact on substance abuse treatment retention and outcomes, and criteria and procedures for referring individuals
to services aimed at managing depressive symptoms.
2. The clinical supervisor of new employees will provide site-specific information on the procedures for screening and
referring individuals who are experiencing depressive symptoms.
3. Clinical competency checklists completed at hire and annually thereafter will ensure that all clinical staff members
have a basic knowledge of the benefits of managing depressive symptoms, an understanding of strategies for
assessing the significance of depressive symptoms, and an awareness of appropriate referral procedures.
Topic: Recruitment, training, and supervision of clinical staff treating depressive symptoms in clients.
Policy Statement: Counselors interested in providing services for managing depressive symptoms and who possess
the relevant basic counseling skills, knowledge, and attitudes (see Checklist 2, p. 122) will be recruited, trained, and
supervised to deliver these interventions.
1. At least one clinical position in each program or modality of care will be designated to provide services to manage
depressive symptoms.
2. Individuals exhibiting the attitudes, knowledge, skills, and job performance required to provide interventions to
manage depressive symptoms will be identified by their clinical supervisor and designated to provide these
3. The counselors identified to provide interventions to manage depressive symptoms will receive 2 weeks of initial
training and 1 week of additional training each year in the following areas:
• Screening and assessment of depressive symptoms.
• Managing depression in the context of cultural diversity.
• Client-centered care.
• Motivational interviewing.
• Building self-efficacy.
• Cognitive–behavioral approaches.
• Therapeutic alliance.
• Personal boundaries and professional ethics.
• Termination and discharge planning.
4. Counselors managing depressive symptoms will receive clinical supervision twice monthly that includes direct
observation or review of tapes of individual sessions with clients with depressive symptoms.
5. Counselors managing depressive symptoms will meet quarterly to provide peer support, supervision, and share
resources related to the management of clients with depressive symptoms.
Topic: Screening and referral of clients with substance use disorders and depressive symptoms.
Policy Statement: All clients will be screened for depressive symptoms and referred as needed.
1. During the intake process, all clients will be screened for the following nine depressive symptoms:
• Loss of interest in most activities.
• Significant unintentional change in weight or appetite.
• Sleep disturbances.
• Decreased energy, chronic fatigue or tiredness, feeling exhausted.
• Feelings of excessive guilt.
• Feelings of low self-esteem, low self-confidence, or worthlessness.
• Feelings of despair or hopelessness (pervasive pessimism about the future).
• Avoidance of normal familial and social contacts.
• Frequent agitation, restlessness.
• Psychologically or emotionally detached.
• Feelings of irritability or frustration.
• Decrease in activity, effectiveness, or productivity.
• Difficulty in thinking (poor concentration, poor memory, or indecisiveness).
• Excessive or inappropriate worries.
• Being easily moved to tears.
• Anticipation of the worst.
• Thoughts of suicide.
2. Staff will be trained in using specific depression screening tools such as the CES-D scale.
3. Individuals demonstrating depressive symptoms will be referred for assessment by a State-qualified mental health
professional (QMHP) or substance abuse specialist.
4. Clients who are determined by a QMHP to have a DSM-IV-TR mental health diagnosis will be referred for mental
health treatment to be delivered by a QMHP. Collaborative relationships with mental health treatment providers
will be developed.
5. If no current mental health diagnosis is identified by the QMHP but depressive symptoms exist, the client will be
referred to a counselor competent in managing depressive symptoms (see Sample Policy 2).
6. The counselor managing depressive symptoms will screen for changes in the symptoms of depression at each ses
sion and, if the client is exhibiting more than two symptoms or current suicidal ideations, the counselor will imme
diately contact his or her clinical supervisor to determine whether the individual should be reassessed by a QMHP.
7. All screening results, consultation sessions with the clinical supervisor, and referrals (and ongoing communications)
to a QMHP will be documented in the client’s record.
8. The counselor providing services for depressive symptoms will provide the client with an emergency contact list
that includes agency personnel and emergency mental health providers. The client can refer to this list if his or her
symptoms worsen outside business hours or when substance abuse counselors are not available.
Topic: Treatment planning, service recording, discharge planning, and continuity of care.
Policy Statement: Management of depressive symptoms will be integrated with substance abuse services, be
properly documented, and include appropriate discharge and transfer planning related to depressive symptoms.
1. Screening for depressive symptoms and strategies for managing depressive symptoms will be included in the
client’s treatment plan.
2. Treatment plans for depressive symptoms, along with other substance use problems, will be jointly developed by
the multidisciplinary team and the client within and/or across programs.
3. To minimize client confusion, the client will be provided with information about the roles and responsibilities of
those delivering care.
4. If the counselor providing services for depressive symptoms is not the client’s primary substance abuse counselor,
the counselor providing services for depressive symptoms will attend all treatment planning sessions for the client
along with the other members of the multidisciplinary team.
5. Treatment plans will include referral to other community resources and peer support activities that may increase
the client’s self-efficacy and reduce depressive symptoms.
6. Multidisciplinary treatment update sessions that include all professionals involved with the client’s care will be held
every 7 days for short-term residential treatment and every 30 days for long-term residential treatment and outpa
tient settings. (The frequency of treatment plan updates should be consistent with State and organizational stan
dards and will vary by modality of care and regulatory agency.)
7. Services delivered by the counselor treating depressive symptoms will be recorded in the client’s record at each
contact and will be available to other members of the treatment team.
8. Major changes in the client’s condition will be communicated between the substance abuse counselor and the mul
Sample Policy 5
Policy Statement: Counselors capable of providing services for depressive symptoms will have job descriptions that
include a high level of specific performance expectations related to provision of services for these clients.
1. Job descriptions for counselors providing services for depressive symptoms will include modified caseload and pro
ductivity expectations for the modality of care in which the counselor works.
2. Performance appraisal of counselors providing services for depressive symptoms will include demonstration of core
competencies related to managing depressive symptoms.
3. Annual training requirements will be outlined in the job descriptions of counselors identified to provide services
for depressive symptoms.
4. Client satisfaction surveys and outcome reports will be discussed in annual performance evaluations with coun
selors managing depression symptoms.
Policy Statement: Services for managing depressive symptoms will be reported annually through the agency’s quali
ty assurance system along with indicators of effectiveness based on client outcomes.
1. The agency’s quality assurance program will include monitoring the implementation of policies related to screen
ing and assessment of depressive symptoms, QMHP referral procedures, documentation and treatment planning,
and supervision of counselors providing services for depressive symptoms.
2. Data from admission and discharge screening of clients with depressive symptoms (see Sample Policy 3) will be
aggregated by the quality assurance coordinator for annual reporting to the agency.
3. The following overall agency performance outcomes will be reviewed annually by the management team:
a. The proportion of clients dropping out of treatment before the third session (it will be important to have infor
mation on the dropout rate before implementation of services for depressive symptoms to assess the impact of
these services on treatment engagement and retention).
b. The proportion of clients evidencing two or more depressive symptoms at admission and discharge.
c. The proportion of clients referred to a QMHP.
d. The number of clients receiving services for depressive symptoms.
e. The proportion of all clients experiencing a relapse during treatment and for the subgroup of those with
depressive symptoms.
Another aspect of assessing the agency is to determine whether implementing the intervention will conflict
with existing governmental or accreditation regulations and standards. For example, you will want to review
the licensing regulations for the substance abuse treatment counselors and the Federal, State, and local regula
tions that apply to the agency’s operation.
The assessment of the agency includes ensuring that the agency, program, and staff are licensed to provide the
interventions in Managing Depressive Symptoms in Substance Abuse Clients During Early Recovery, Part 1.
Before implementing any intervention, ensure that all appropriate policies and procedures are in place and that
these interventions fall within the scope of acceptable practice for the applicable Federal, State, and local regu
lations for your agency, program, and staff. It is also important to note that more and more often, licensed and
certified substance abuse counselors have advanced degrees in professions (such as social work, counseling, and
psychology) that do allow them to diagnose and treat mental disorders concomitant with the client’s substance
abuse treatment. Rules and regulations governing the practices of substance abuse counselors are evolving and
subject to change by State legislatures (see Part 1 Chapter 1 of this TIP).
Many substance abuse treatment agencies do not have multidisciplinary teams and instead rely on the expert
ise of clinical supervisors to evaluate and support the work of line staff. Clinical supervisors must have the
knowledge, skills, and abilities required to apply an intervention and be able to demonstrate the intervention
before they can coach others to perform it. The supervisors must also have the time to supervise and coach the
staff. If this describes the supervisors in the setting where you work, you have an intermediate capability to
manage depressive symptoms. If the supervisors have not yet reached this level, then you have a beginning
capability for working with co-occurring disorders and must develop a plan to build the resources necessary to
increase capacity.
The committee determines the specific program and staff members who will
be the first to implement change.
5. What additional support will staff need (ATTC Change Book, p. 29)?
See also Sample Policies 1–6 (pp. 115–119) and Checklists 1–4 (pp. 121–124)
for additional information to be used in assessing staff readiness.
Compared with those providing support services, however, the required level of knowledge and skill is signifi
cantly different for those directly involved in clinical care. For this reason, the attitudes, knowledge, and skills
required to manage depressive symptoms are separated into four categories: administrative and support staff,
all clinical staff, counselors designated to manage depressive symptoms, and their clinical supervisors. The four
checklists that follow (pp. 121–124) serve two purposes. First, they can be used to assess staff and organization
al readiness to implement or sustain the specialized services for managing depressive symptoms. Second, they
can be used to identify gaps in training and supervision to be addressed with individuals or groups. See also
TAP 21-A, Competencies for Substance Abuse Treatment Clinical Supervisors (CSAT, 2007).
____ Integration of substance abuse and management of depressive symptoms is important for promotion of the agency mis
____ Depressive symptoms constitute valid and important experiences of clients with substance use disorders that
____ Understands the relationship between depressive symptoms and substance abuse treatment effectiveness.
____ Understands how provision of services for depressive symptoms fits in the mission and goals of the
____ Is familiar with the policies and procedures related to recording and billing services for depressive symptoms.
____ Understands the distinction between DSM-IV-TR diagnoses and the depressive symptoms treatable by substance
abuse counselors.
____ Knows the agency’s policies and procedures on treating depressive symptoms as they relate to the specific
position (e.g., administrative staff in clinical records are familiar with documentation requirements for these serv
ices, and the finance staff are knowledgeable about how services are defined for billing purposes).
____ Understands the role of self-help groups in recovery and how those groups can support the goals of the
program in working with substance abuse clients with depressive symptoms.
____ Communicates to the public the role of specialized services for managing depressive symptoms in clients with
substance use disorders. Individuals answering telephones or preparing written materials describing agency serv
ices can describe the services accurately to outside agencies and to clients. They understand and can communi
cate the distinction between the mental health diagnosis of depression and depressive symptoms treated by sub
stance abuse counselors.
____ Is able to conduct essential aspects of job duties related to service delivery. Individuals billing for services under
stand the distinction between mental health diagnoses and depressive symptoms to ensure clear communication
with funding agencies.
____ Integration of services for substance abuse and depressive symptoms is important for promotion of the agency
____ Depressive symptoms constitute valid and important experiences of clients with substance use disorders that
deserve and require specialized attention.
____ Integration of services for clients with substance use disorders and depressive symptoms is important.
____ Clients have a central role in creating and shaping their treatment goals.
____ Substance abuse and depressive symptoms can be both interrelated and independent; resolving one set of con
cerns may not lead to resolution of the other set of concerns without specialized treatment.
____ There is no one “right” approach to managing depressive symptoms in clients with substance use disorders.
____ Individual sessions can be particularly valuable for clients with depressive symptoms and can provide an effective
adjunct to group treatment.
____ Understands the relationship between depressive symptoms and substance abuse treatment effectiveness.
____ Understands how provision of services for depressive symptoms fits in the mission and goals of the organization.
____ Understands the distinction between DSM-IV-TR diagnoses and the depressive symptoms managed by substance
abuse counselors.
____ Knows the agency’s policies and procedures on managing depressive symptoms.
____ Understands the interrelationship between depressive symptoms and substance abuse.
____ Communicates to the public the role of managing depressive symptoms of clients with substance use disorders.
____ Identifies the depressive symptoms listed in the screening policy and procedure (see Sample Policy 3).
____ Properly administers a depression symptom screening measure.
____ Conducts basic client education session on the relationship between depressive symptoms and substance abuse.
____ Collaborates with other team members on treatment and discharge planning.
____ Conducts a suicide risk screening.
____ Integration of services for substance abuse and depressive symptoms is important for promotion of the agency
____ Depressive symptoms constitute valid and important experiences of clients with substance use disorders that
deserve and require specialized attention.
____ Integration of services for clients with substance use disorders and depressive symptoms is important.
____ Clients have a central role in creating and shaping their treatment goals.
____ Substance abuse and depressive symptoms can be both interrelated and independent; resolving one set of con
cerns may not lead to resolution of the other set of concerns without specialized treatment.
____ There is no one “right” approach to managing depressive symptoms in clients with substance use disorders.
____ Individual sessions can be particularly valuable for clients with depressive symptoms and can provide an effective
adjunct to group treatment.
____ Resistance to change from clients is surmountable within the influence of the counseling relationship.
____ The client is an integrated whole rather than one or more diagnoses or sets of symptoms.
____ A desire exists to deliver services to clients with substance use disorders experiencing depressive symptoms.
____ Understands the relationship between depressive symptoms and substance abuse treatment effectiveness.
____ Understands how provision of services for depressive symptoms fits into the mission and goals of the
____ Understands the distinction between DSM-IV-TR depression diagnoses and the depressive symptoms treated by
substance abuse counselors.
____ Demonstrates a nuanced understanding of the relationship between substance abuse and depressive symptoms.
____ Understands the distinctions among screening, assessment, and diagnosis of mental health problems.
____ Knows the common approaches to the management of depressive symptoms in substance abuse treatment set
tings including motivational interviewing, cognitive–behavioral, and supportive-expressive approaches.
____ Understands how substance abuse and depression present in ethnic and other cultural groups encountered in the
____ Knows community resources (particularly mental health and peer support).
____ Understands how 12-Step and other mutual-help support programs can support resolution of depressive
____ Is aware of the role of transference and countertransference in the counseling relationship.
____ Understands the role of religion and spirituality in promoting recovery for some clients.
____ Communicates to the public the role of managing depressive symptoms of clients with substance use disorders.
____ Identifies the depressive symptoms listed in the screening policy and procedure (see Sample Policy 3).
____ Properly administers a depression symptom screening measure.
____ Conducts basic client education session on the relationship between depressive symptoms and substance abuse.
____ Collaborates with other team members on treatment and discharge planning.
____ Substance abuse counselors have the basic characteristics needed to provide services to manage depressive
____ Clinical supervision extends beyond talking about treatment to observing and coaching counselors directly.
____ Possesses all of the knowledge areas listed on Checklist 3.
____ Is knowledgeable of the role of clinical supervision.
____ Recognizes the limits and opportunities related to the role of substance abuse counselors with specialized train
ing in the management of depressive symptoms and supports training about depression for counselors as
____ Can determine when a client with depressive symptoms needs additional skills and services beyond the qualifica
tions of substance abuse counselors.
____ Is trained to use screening instruments for depressive symptoms.
____ Is aware of the role of transference and countertransference in the counseling and supervisory relationship.
____ Recognizes resistance to change among clinical staff and is knowledgeable of strategies to address resistance.
____ Is aware of change processes, process steps and strategies for supporting them.
Counseling Skills
____ Possesses all of the skills listed on Checklist 3.
Supervisory Skills
____ Articulates his or her approach and philosophy to clinical supervision as it relates to clinical supervision approach
Training of all clinical staff members on attitudes, knowledge, and skills specific to their positions can be con
ducted by administrative or clinical supervisors. Again, it is important to communicate the commitment of lead
ership to integrating services for depressive symptoms. In addition, it is recommended that training sessions
provide practice in the skill areas outlined in Checklist 3. To reinforce the importance of the need to provide
services to individuals with depressive symptoms, clinical and administrative supervisors are advised to incor
porate didactic education, identification of incompatible attitudes, and coaching on the skills needed to imple
ment the policies within existing supervision sessions and team meetings. In short, the agency’s vision and
commitment to addressing depressive symptoms must infiltrate all clinical interactions between supervisors
and counselors.
Formal training of the clinical supervisors and counselors providing services for managing depressive symp
toms is also required. It is recommended that the trainer (either internal or external to the organization, and,
ideally, a combination of both) identified to conduct the training have advanced education in counseling, social
work, or psychology; significant work experience in the substance abuse field; and an understanding of the
importance of and commitment to the process of preparing substance abuse counselors to deliver services to
clients with depressive symptoms. In addition, the individual must be versed in conducting and teaching others
to conduct clinical sessions using motivational interviewing, cognitive–behavioral, and supportive-expressive
approaches to symptom management and to meet all of the qualifications and competencies for clinical supervi
sors. See Figure 2.2 for a list of recommended credentials for trainers. See also How-To 2.7 for how to select a
trainer and How-To 2.8 for how to continue the learning after the initial training is completed.
Figure 2.2
7. Ability to maintain and modify the technique for the treatment setting,
willingness to review transcripts or tapes of actual sessions, and willing
ness to consult on the phone.
1. Assess the staff’s knowledge, abilities, and skills with the core compo
nents of the techniques (see Fidelity Checklists 1–5 in Appendix C).
4. When staff members have the basics, let them choose the approach they
want to focus on next (e.g., behavioral, cognitive, beliefs, affective).
most clients. The use of structured practices like daily meetings, sponsor contact, and reading self-help group
literature can help create alternate forms of reward, relief, and life-management. The policy should recognize
barriers to individuals with depressive symptoms accessing and using 12-Step programs.
How Do You Find and Use Mental Health Resources in the Community?
Most substance abuse programs can benefit from positive ad hoc consulting relationships with physicians, psy
chologists, social workers, and other community medical, rehabilitation, social service, and mental health
providers who have specialized knowledge and resources in addressing the needs of clients with depressive
symptoms. These resources can provide an adjunct resource for such issues as difficult assessments and differ
ential diagnosis, placement in appropriate treatment programs, medical management of co-occurring chronic
medical conditions (such as HIV or tuberculosis), clients with special physical rehabilitation needs, specialized
psychopharmacological services for clients with specific medication needs, discharge planning, and family serv
ices. Finding and using these resources may be different from finding and using referral resources.
Understanding the services that can be provided, fees for service, whether the service can be provided in the
treatment program or whether the client must travel to a remote site, and the processes for reporting results of
evaluations are some of the issues that need to be considered in using community resources. Generally, unlike
referral resources, community resources will not have a formalized contract or agreement with the treatment
program. Therefore, issues of confidentiality and information reporting will need to be explored.
For organizations reimbursed based on case or capitated rates, reimbursement is not likely to change. Services
for depressive symptoms are likely to be viewed by managed care organizations or funding agencies as value-
added or optional services and thus included in established rates of reimbursement. Although incorporating
services for depressive symptoms is not likely to increase reimbursement rates, it may improve performance on
contractually mandated outcomes such as treatment engagement, retention, and effectiveness.
Sources of Funding
Most of the costs of implementing services for managing depressive symptoms occur early in the process of
implementation, so local foundations are potential sources of funding. A one-time cost of training and knowl
edge dissemination to staff offers a discrete, relatively low-cost, and attractive opportunity for local foundations
to contribute to improving substance abuse treatment outcomes. Other potential sources of funding include tra
ditional State and Federal grants and contracts, direct charges for services from third-party payors, and client
fees for service. Additionally, if the services provided are innovative, agencies should consider partnering with
social and psychological researchers at a local university to obtain research funds to support clinical efforts.
Such research efforts can have many beneficial secondary effects for agency status in the community, such as
developing alternative sources of funding, partnering with new groups interested in substance abuse in the
community, as well as providing funds for the identified project.
• Beliefs interventions.
• Affective interventions.
Some of the issues of implementing fidelity checklists that have to be addressed include:
This TIP is intended to provide guidance in implementing services for managing depressive symptoms in clients
with substance use disorders and to identify issues that should be considered in implementing these services.
Implementing any major change in organizational practices is a deliberate strategic process, requiring a com
mitted leader and a talented and hardworking team. The outcome of this hard work and commitment has the
potential to positively affect the lives of clients with substance use disorders, their families, agency staff, and
other stakeholders.
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134 Appendix A
Appendix B—Center for Epidemiologic
Studies Depression Scale (CES-D)
Instructions: Below is a list of some of the ways you may have felt or behaved. Please indicate how often you
have felt this way during the past week by checking the appropriate space.
Total Score:
136 Appendix B
Appendix C—Fidelity Checklists
____Respect is apparent when the counselor (1) shows respect for a variety of plans about how change can
occur and (2) can accept differences between the ideal plan and the plan the client is willing to endorse.
Counselors high in respect can negotiate with the client and avoid an authoritarian stance.
is apparent when counselors have a stance that is curious and patient and emphasizes
drawing out clients’ ideas rather than educating clients or giving opinions without being asked.
____ Accepting counselors accept that a client may choose not to change. They are invested in specific behav
ior changes, but they convey an understanding that the critical variables for change are within the client
and cannot be imposed by others.
counselors focus on identifying, enhancing, and using the client’s strengths as the foun
dation for the client’s plan to create positive change. The counselor understands that the client must
believe he or she is able to make a change to maintain motivation to make the change.
to follow up on the planned activities between sessions is elicited by the counselor by sum
marizing the client’s stance on the issue, framing the next steps, asking the client whether the plan is
acceptable, and making any necessary changes to the plan.
Nonadherent Behaviors
respect is evident when the counselor’s stance is rigid and authoritarian and little effort is made to
include the client’s ideas about how change might be accomplished. It includes attempts to persuade
clients about the need for change and occasions when clinicians confront clients with their point of view.
understanding is evident when the counselor neglects the task of eliciting the client’s verbalizations
about need for change. The counselor might convey cynicism about the client’s desire for change or focus
on giving information or educating the client.
accepting counselors convey a sense of urgency about the need for change. They have difficulty
accepting that clients might choose to avoid or delay change or decide to proceed with change in an
unconventional manner.
strengths-based counselors neglect to elicit and incorporate client strengths in the plan for change.
Counselors base the plan for change on client weaknesses instead of strengths.
commitment to follow up on the planned activities is evident when the counselor assigns homework
without eliciting and summarizing the client’s stance on the issue and making any necessary changes to
the plan.
specific behaviors that the client identifies as wanting to change. Helps the client identify
what to do instead of what not to do. Understands the value of collaborating with the client to find alter
native behaviors that are reinforcing to the client.
the client set achievable goals for behavioral change. Helps the client to take big changes and
break them down into smaller changes that can be more easily accomplished and maintained.
Understands that the client will continue a behavior until there is good reason to believe that another
behavior will be equally satisfying or reduce anxiety.
the client find the support needed to plan for, initiate, and maintain behavioral changes. Helps
the client find internal and environmental resources that will help him or her develop and maintain the
motivation necessary to sustain behavioral changes.
with the client on specific behavioral interventions (e.g., mild or moderate physical exer
cise, getting adequate rest, managing stress).
Nonadherent Behaviors
to identify specific behaviors for change. Focuses on what the client is feeling or thinking
instead of identifying specific behaviors. Or, chooses to focus on changing a behavior the client does not
identify as important to change. Does not understand the role of reinforcement in the role of behavior
to break big changes down into manageable goals. The counselor expects the client to take on
more than the client feels able to take on. Or, the counselor expects the client to replace a reinforcing
behavior with a behavior that is less reinforcing or is aversive.
____ Neglects to help the client find the support he or she needs to initiate and maintain behavioral changes.
Does not understand the role of aversive experiences in causing clients to avoid making change.
____ Neglects to identify specific behavioral interventions. Instead offers other types of interventions (e.g.,
cognitive, affective).
138 Appendix C
Fidelity Checklist 3: Cognitive Interventions
Adherent Behaviors
automatic thoughts that are evoked by unpleasant events. Specifically, negative thoughts
about self (e.g., worthlessness), the world (e.g., negative interpretation of experiences), and the future
(e.g., expectation of failure).
____ Collaborates with the client to determine whether the client’s negative thinking is inaccurate.
from the client the link between negative thoughts and increased feelings of depression and less
functional behaviors. Increases client’s objectivity about his or her thoughts and helps the client differ
entiate between unrealistic and realistic meanings of events.
cognitive techniques such as searching for alternative explanations or assessing for negative self-
talk, and offers reasonable responses to decrease the client’s distress.
Nonadherent Behaviors
on feelings or behaviors instead of identifying automatic thoughts, or identifies automatic
thoughts that are not connected to the unpleasant event or feeling.
the client that his or her negative thinking is inaccurate instead of collaborating with the client to
come to this conclusion.
the client about the link between negative thoughts and increased feelings of depression/less func
tional behaviors, instead of eliciting an understanding of the link from the client. Does not increase the
client’s objectivity about his or her thoughts, and does not help the client differentiate between unrealis
tic and realistic meanings of events.
____ Uses techniques other than cognitive techniques (e.g., affective techniques).
Adherent Behaviors
____ Listens carefully to identify the underlying meaning of what the client is saying.
____ Identifies core beliefs (e.g., extreme, negative, categorical, absolute, and judgmental meanings are
attached to negative events) that lead to the conclusion that the client can’t take care of the problem.
____ Facilitates the client’s objective assessment of his or her core beliefs.
____ Elicits from the client the link between the client’s behavior and feelings and the client’s underlying
beliefs about self.
from the client possible experiments with new solutions to the problem and ways to test out
Nonadherent Behaviors
____ Does not identify the underlying meaning of what the client is saying.
____ Does not identify the core beliefs leading to the client’s conclusion that the client won’t be able to take
____ Tells the client that his or her core beliefs are irrational.
____ Tells the client that the client’s behavior and feelings are linked to underlying beliefs about self instead
of eliciting this from the client.
____ Tells the client what experiments or new solutions to the problem to test out.
140 Appendix C
Fidelity Checklist 5: Affective Interventions
Adherent Behaviors
the feelings that the client finds too painful, overwhelming, or unmanageable to express.
the client’s behaviors (e.g., avoidance, controlling, substance use, difficulty asking for
help) as arising from the need to avoid these feelings.
the client in creating a safe enough environment in the counseling session to explore these feel
ings without having to resort to the use of defenses (e.g., isolating, projecting, drinking).
defenses when the client feels comfortable enough to examine them without needing to
become more defensive.
at the client’s pace toward the goal of helping the client become comfortable with expressing the
feelings that are being avoided.
the ability to help the client pull back from intense feelings and helps the client experi
ence and resolve grief.
Nonadherent Behaviors
not identify the feelings that the client finds too painful, overwhelming, or unmanageable to
the client’s behaviors (e.g., avoidance, controlling, substance use, difficulty asking for
help) as arising from reasons other than the need to avoid these feelings.
than facilitate the client’s creation of a safe place to explore these feelings, takes responsibility
for creating this environment without regard for the client’s concerns.
defenses at times when the client is not comfortable enough to examine them.
toward a different goal than the goal of helping the client become comfortable with experiencing
the feelings that are being avoided.
not appear to know how to help the client pull back from intense feelings or experience and resolve
In substance abuse treatment settings, you are likely to encounter clients with a variety of diagnoses of depres
sive illnesses. Most of these diagnoses fall in the category of Mood Disorders, as specified in the Diagnostic and
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Edition, Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR; APA, 2000). You can, however,
also work with people who have a diagnosis of Adjustment Disorder with Depressed Mood. Additionally, people
with a variety of other psychiatric illnesses are susceptible to depression, and some of those illnesses are
described in this appendix.
The descriptions of depressive disorders and their primary symptoms are taken from DSM-IV-TR. Please refer
to the source document for a more complete description of these disorders.
Diagnostic criteria:
Depressed mood and/or loss of interest or pleasure in life activities for at least 2 weeks and at least five of the
following symptoms that cause clinically significant impairment in social, work, or other important areas of
functioning almost every day
2. Dsythymic Disorder
Diagnostic criteria:
Depressed mood most of the day for more days than not, for at least 2 years, and the presence of two or more of
the following symptoms that cause clinically significant impairment in social, work, or other important areas of
1. Bipolar 1 Disorder, in which the primary symptom presentation is manic, or rapid (daily) cycling episodes of
mania and depression.
2. Bipolar 2 Disorder, in which the primary symptom presentation is recurrent depression accompanied by
hypomanic episodes (a milder state of mania in which the symptoms are not severe enough to cause marked
impairment in social or occupational functioning or need for hospitalization, but are sufficient to be observ
able by others).
3. Cyclothymic Disorder, a chronic state of cycling between hypomanic and depressive episodes that do not
reach the diagnostic standard for bipolar disorder (APA, 2000, pp. 388–392).
“A. A distinct period of abnormally and persistently elevated, expansive, or irritable mood, lasting at least 1
week (or any duration if hospitalization is necessary)
B. During the period of mood disturbance, three (or more) of the following symptoms have persisted (4 if the
mood is only irritable) and have been present to a significant degree:
(2) decreased need for sleep (e.g., feels rested after only 3 hours of sleep)
(5) distractibility (i.e., attention too easily drawn to unimportant or irrelevant external stimuli)
(6) increase in goal-directed activity (either socially, at work or school, or sexually) or psychomotor
(7) excessive involvement in pleasurable activities that have a high potential for painful consequences (e.g.,
engaging in unrestrained buying sprees, sexual indiscretions, or foolish business investments)” (APA,
2000, p. 362).
Depressive episodes are characterized by symptoms described above for Major Depressive Episode.
Substance-Induced Mood Disorder is a common depressive illness of clients in substance abuse treatment. It is
defined in DSM-IV-TR as “a prominent and persistent disturbance of mood . . . that is judged to be due to the
direct physiological effects of a substance (i.e., a drug of abuse, a medication, or somatic treatment for depres
sion, or toxin exposure)” (APA, 2000, p. 405). The mood can manifest as manic (expansive, grandiose, irritable),
depressed, or a mixture of mania and depression.
144 Appendix D
Generally, substance-induced mood disorders will only present either during intoxication from the substance or
on withdrawal from the substance and therefore do not have as lengthy a course as other depressive illnesses.
It is not as common to find depression due to a general medical condition in substance-abuse treatment set
tings, but it is important to note that depression can be a result of a medical condition, such as hypothyroidism
or Parkinson’s disease. The criteria for diagnosis are similar to Major Depressive Episode or a manic episode;
however, the full criteria for these diagnoses need not be met. It is important in diagnosis to establish that the
depressive symptoms are a direct physiological result of the medical condition, not just a psychological response
to a medical problem.
Sometimes depression is symptomatic of another mental disorder. This is particularly true when the nature of
the mental disorder causes excessive distress to the individual. While, in this context, the depression is a symp
tom, it is still important to recognize its impact on the person and his or her ability to respond to substance
abuse treatment.
Some of the psychiatric disorders in which depression can play a major role include:
Symptoms include episodes of reexperiencing the traumatic event or reexperiencing the emotions attached
to the event; nightmares, exaggerated startle responses; and social, interpersonal, and psychological with
drawal. Chronic symptoms may include anxiety and depression. PTSD is categorized as an anxiety disorder.
B. Anxiety Disorders, including Panic Disorder, Agoraphobia (fear of public places), Social Phobias, and
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Symptoms of anxiety disorders are most often on the anxiety spectrum, but the chronic stress faced by indi
viduals with anxiety disorders can produce depressive symptoms including irritability, hopelessness,
despair, emptiness, and chronic fatigue.
Individuals with schizoaffective disorder have, in addition to many of the symptoms of schizophrenia, a
chronic depression with most of the features of Major Depressive Disorder. Because of the difficulty individ
uals with schizophrenia have in coping with the daily demands of living, depression is often a symptom.
With both schizoaffective disorder and schizophrenia, the depression adds an additional dimension to treat
ment, specifically in helping the person mobilize in the face of their depression to cope with their illness.
D. Personality Disorders
People with personality disorders are particularly susceptible to depression. These individuals are at high
risk for substance use disorders. As a result, it is not uncommon to find clients in substance abuse treat
ment with all three diagnoses. Because personality disorders are categorized in DSM-IV-TR as Axis 2 disor
ders (see DSM-IV-TR for a description of multiaxial assessment), it is common to find their depression diag
nosed separately (from the personality disorder) as an adjustment disorder, dysthymia, or major depressive
146 Appendix D
Appendix E—Advisory Meeting Panel
Note: The information given indicates each participant's affiliation during the time the panel was convened and
may no longer reflect the individual's current affiliation.
150 Appendix F
Appendix G—Acknowledgments
Numerous people contributed to the development of this Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP), including the
TIP Consensus Panel (see page v), the TIP Expert Advisory Board (see page vi), the TIP Meeting Advisory
Panel (see Appendix E), and TIP Field Reviewers (see Appendix F).
This publication was produced by The CDM Group, Inc. (CDM), and JBS International, Inc. (JBS), under the
Knowledge Application Program (KAP) contract number 270-04-7049 with the Substance Abuse and Mental
Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).
Rose M. Urban, M.S.W., J.D., LCSW, LCAS, served as the KAP Project Co-Director. Elizabeth Marsh Cupino
formerly served as CDM KAP Managing Co-Director. Sheldon Weinberg, Ph.D., served as KAP Senior
Researcher/Applied Psychologist. Other KAP personnel included Susan Kimner, KAP Deputy Project Director/
Editorial Director and TIP Editor; Janet Humphrey, M.A., KAP Writer/Editor; Michelle Myers, former Quality
Assurance Editor; Amy Conklin, former Quality Assurance Editor; Virgie Paul, Librarian; Jonathan Max
Gilbert, M.A., Writer; and Radell Heintze, former KAP Project Coordinator.
Index 153
Depressive symptoms. See also Treatment Governmental regulations, 119
affect-based therapies, 82–97 Grief, 76, 93–95
antidepressant medications treatment, 29 Guided imagery relaxation technique, 54–56
assessment, 22 Guilt, 20–21
attitudes and beliefs concerning depression, 16
behavioral interventions, 40–56 Hitting bottom, 7
cognitive–behavioral therapy, 56–67 Hopelessness, 9
continuing care, 29–30
core beliefs, 67–82 IBT. See Interpersonal psychotherapy
cultural issues, 13–14 Implementation Research: A Synthesis of the Literature,
defined, 3 109
depressive thinking styles, 19–20 Implementation work groups, 112–113
determining who should work with specific clients, Individualized care, 25–26
23 Integrated care, 10–11
effect of substances on recovery, 9 Integrated treatment planning, 23–24
effect on recovery, 102 Interpersonal psychotherapy, 34
integrated care for, 10–11 Interrelationships, 19
interventions for, 11–13 Interventions
nature of, 5–7 choosing, 12
professional role of counselors, 14–15 description of, 11–12
related feelings and behaviors, 5, 101 evidence-based thinking, 12–13
relationship with intoxication or withdrawal from intoxication, depressive symptoms associated
substances, 7, 8 with, 7, 8
relationship with substance use disorders, 7–9
screening, 21–22 Keep It Simple, Sweetheart, 50
suicidality among clients in treatment, 9–10 Kinship finding, 85
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, KISS. See Keep It Simple, Sweetheart
4th edition, Text Revision, 4, 22, 143–146
Divorce, 40–56 Leadership issues, 107
DSM-IV-TR, 4, 22, 143–146 Learning styles, 21
Dsythymic disorder, 143–144 Licensed psychologists
Dysthymia, 5 scope of practice, 14–15
Life change events, 6–7
EFT. See Emotionally focused therapy Listening, active, 26, 31, 49
Emotional reasoning, 19
Emotionally focused therapy, 82 Major depression, 5
Empathy, 26, 31 Major depressive disorder, 143
Episodic symptoms, 6 Marijuana smoking, 57
Ethical issues, 15 Master clinician, 38–39
Ethnic groups, 13–14 Medical conditions, 7, 145
Evidence-based thinking, 12–13 Medications
Experience reactivation, 30 antidepressants for depressive symptoms treatment,
Expressive therapy, 12 29
role in substance use and depressive disorder treat-
Feelings. See Affect-based therapies ment, 24
Fidelity checklists, 137–141 Mental disorders, 145
Field reviewers, 149 Mental health resources, 127
Financial issues, 128 MI. See Motivational interviewing
Forgiveness therapy, 82 Misattunement, 90
Mission statements, 115
Generalized anxiety disorder, 145 Mood disorders, 143–146
Genuineness, 31 Moods, 6
154 Index
Motivational interviewing staff training, 125–126
description of, 12, 32 Program Change Model, 103–104
handling resistance, 90–91 Program descriptions, 115–119
techniques for, 25, 88 Program funding, 128
Multidisciplinary teams, 120 Program oversight committees
assessing organizational readiness for change imple-
Negative self-talk, 63 mentation, 113–114
Nerve attack, 14 identifying specific outcome to target for change,
Nervous breakdowns, 14 111–112
Nonadherent behaviors, 137–141 implementing change with small core group, 113
Nonpossessive warmth, 31 organizing, 112
Projection, 85
Organizational change, 103–105 Psychiatrists
Organizational Readiness for Change, 103 scope of practice, 14–15
The Psychological Corporation, 22
Panic disorder, 145 Psychosocial interventions
Partializing, 43, 49 choosing, 12
Patient placement criteria, 22, 23 description of, 11–12
Personality disorders, 146 evidence-based thinking, 12–13
Posttraumatic stress disorder, 145 PTSD. See Posttraumatic stress disorder
PPC-2R. See Patient placement criteria
Problem-solving techniques, 43, 50 Referrals, 22, 37, 127
Professional competence, 119–125 Reflective listening, 26, 31
Professional role, 14–15 Reframing, 88, 91
Program administrators Relapse, 9
addressing community relationships, 127 Relaxation techniques, 52–56
assessing capability of agency to provide services, Religion, 20–21
111 Resistance, 90–91
assessing organizational readiness for change imple- Resources, 127
mentation, 113–114 Righting reflex, 17
assessing staff competence, 119–125
assuring service continuity, 128–129 Sadness, 6
Consensus Panel recommendations, 102 Schizoaffective disorder, 146
deciding whether to implement depressive symptoms Schizophrenia, 146
management policy, 109 Screening
financial considerations, 128 for suicidality, 9, 74
identifying issues and needs, 110–111 tools for, 21–22
identifying specific outcome to target for change, Self-efficacy, 27–28
111–112 Service billing, 128
implementing change with small core group, 113 Shame, 85–88
implementing new clinical practices, 105–106 Single parenting, 40–56
intervention implementation fidelity, 128–129, Sleep disturbances, 40, 69
137–141 Social phobias, 145
modifying program policies, 114–119 Social workers
organizational change, 103–105 scope of practice, 14–15
organizing a team to implement change, 111 Spirituality, 20–21
reviewing regulations, 119 Staff
role in introducing and supporting new clinical prac- addressing gaps in capacity to deliver services,
tices, 106–107 124–125
Index 155
assessing competence of, 119–125 myths concerning, 9–10
qualifications, 121 risk factors, 73
training programs, 125–126 screening for, 9, 74
Strengths-based treatment approaches, 27 working with clients, 10
Stress Supportive therapy, 12
case study, 40–56 Sympathy, 26
depressive disorders and, 7
Styron, William, 8 “The blues,” 6
Substance abuse Therapeutic alliance, 17, 24–25
affect-based therapies, 82–97 Therapeutic confrontation, 27
assessment, 22 TIP. See Treatment Improvement Protocol
attitudes toward, 20 Training programs, 125–126
behavioral interventions, 40–56 Transference, 16–17
cognitive–behavioral therapy, 56–67 Trauma, 73
continuing care, 29–30 Trauma therapy, 82
core beliefs, 67–82 Treatment. See also Program administrators
integrated care for, 10–11 antidepressant medications for depressive symptoms
screening, 21–22 treatment, 29
suicidality among clients in treatment, 9–10 assessing capability of agency to provide services,
treatment, 24–29 111
treatment planning, 22–24 benefits of addressing depressive symptoms,
treatment setting, 13 102–103
treatment termination, 29–30 clinical practices implementation, 105–107
Substance abuse counselors identifying issues and needs, 110–111
approaches for working with clients, 36 impact of depressive symptoms on participation, 10
client differences, 20–21 organizational change, 103–105
collaborative goal setting, 38 planning, 22–24, 38
countertransference, 16–18 principles of, 24, 25
cultural competency, 35–36 self-efficacy, 27–28
ethical issues, 15 settings for, 13
expectations for counseling sessions, 38, 41, 46, 51, skills, 24–27
58, 64, 69, 75, 77, 84, 88, 92 stages of readiness for change, 27
helping clients, 33–35 techniques, 24–27
implementing new clinical practices, 105–106 termination of, 29–30
preparing to work with depressed clients, 15–16 the 12-Steps as a tool, 28–29
professional role, 14–15, 34 Treatment Improvement Protocol, vii–viii
reaction to treatment termination, 30 Consensus Panel recommendations, 4
referring clients, 37 framework, 4–5
scope of practice, 4, 15 purpose of, 3, 101
training programs, 125–126 users of, 101
transference, 16–17 12-Step Programs
treating the whole person, 18–19 developing relationships with program community,
treatment planning, 22–24, 38 127
Substance-induced mood disorders, 144–145 as treatment tool, 28–29
Substance use
depressive symptoms associated with, 7, 8 West Coast Turnarounds, 68
effect on recovery from depressive illness, 9 Withdrawal
Substance use disorders depressive symptoms associated with, 7, 8
depressive symptoms associated with, 7–9 Work groups, 112–113
depressive thinking styles, 19–20 Working alliance, 24–25
156 Index
SAMHSA TIPs and Publications Based on TIPs
What Is a TIP?
Treatment Improvement Protocols (TIPs) are the products of a systematic and innovative process that brings together clinicians,
researchers, program managers, policymakers, and other Federal and non-Federal experts to reach consensus on state-of-the-art
treatment practices. TIPs are developed under the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA’s)
KnowledgeApplication Program (KAP) to improve the treatment capabilities of the Nation’s alcohol and drug abuse treatment service system.
Ordering Information
Publications may be ordered or downloaded for free at To order over the phone, please call
1-877-SAMHSA-7 (1-877-726-4727) (English and Español).
TIP 1 State Methadone Treatment Guidelines—Replaced by TIP 13 Role and Current Status of Patient Placement
TIP 43 Criteria in the Treatment of Substance Use
TIP 2 Pregnant, Substance-Using Women—Replaced by Quick Guide for Clinicians
TIP 51
Quick Guide for Administrators
TIP 3 Screening and Assessment of Alcohol- and Other KAP Keys for Clinicians
Drug-Abusing Adolescents—Replaced by TIP 31
TIP 14 Developing State Outcomes Monitoring Systems for
TIP 4 Guidelines for the Treatment of Alcohol- and Other Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Treatment
Drug-Abusing Adolescents—Replaced by TIP 32
TIP 15 Treatment for HIV-Infected Alcohol and Other Drug
TIP 5 Improving Treatment for Drug-Exposed Infants Abusers—Replaced by TIP 37
TIP 6 Screening for Infectious Diseases Among Substance TIP 16 Alcohol and Other Drug Screening of Hospitalized
Abusers—Archived Trauma Patients
Quick Guide for Clinicians
TIP 7 Screening and Assessment for Alcohol and Other
Drug Abuse Among Adults in the Criminal Justice KAP Keys for Clinicians
System—Replaced by TIP 44
TIP 17 Planning for Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse
TIP 8 Intensive Outpatient Treatment for Alcohol and Treatment for Adults in the Criminal Justice
Other Drug Abuse—Replaced by TIPs 46 and 47 System—Replaced by TIP 44
TIP 18 The Tuberculosis Epidemic: Legal and Ethical Issues
TIP 9 Assessment and Treatment of Patients With for Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Treatment
Coexisting Mental Illness and Alcohol and Other Providers—Archived
Drug Abuse—Replaced by TIP 42
TIP 19 Detoxification From Alcohol and Other Drugs—
TIP 10 Assessment and Treatment of Cocaine- Abusing Replaced by TIP 45
Methadone-Maintained Patients—Replaced by TIP 43
TIP 20 Matching Treatment to Patient Needs in Opioid
TIP 11 Simple Screening Instruments for Outreach for Substitution Therapy—Replaced by TIP 43
Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse and Infectious
Diseases—Replaced by TIP 53 TIP 21 Combining Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse
Treatment With Diversion for Juveniles in the
TIP 12 Combining Substance Abuse Treatment With Justice System
Intermediate Sanctions for Adults in the Criminal Quick Guide for Clinicians and Administrators
Justice System—Replaced by TIP 44
TIP 22 LAAM in the Treatment of Opiate Addiction— TIP 31 Screening and Assessing Adolescents for Substance
Replaced by TIP 43 Use Disorders
See companion products for TIP 32.
TIP 23 Treatment Drug Courts: Integrating Substance Abuse
Treatment With Legal Case Processing TIP 32 Treatment of Adolescents With Substance Use
Quick Guide for Administrators Disorders
Quick Guide for Clinicians
TIP 24 A Guide to Substance Abuse Services for Primary
Care Clinicians KAP Keys for Clinicians
Concise Desk Reference Guide TIP 33 Treatment for Stimulant Use Disorders
Quick Guide for Clinicians Quick Guide for Clinicians
KAP Keys for Clinicians KAP Keys for Clinicians
TIP 25 Substance Abuse Treatment and Domestic Violence TIP 34 Brief Interventions and Brief Therapies for Substance
Linking Substance Abuse Treatment and Domestic Abuse
Violence Services: A Guide for Treatment Providers Quick Guide for Clinicians
Linking Substance Abuse Treatment and Domestic KAP Keys for Clinicians
Violence Services: A Guide for Administrators
Quick Guide for Clinicians TIP 35 Enhancing Motivation for Change in Substance Abuse
KAP Keys for Clinicians Treatment
Quick Guide for Clinicians
TIP 26 Substance Abuse Among Older Adults KAP Keys for Clinicians
Substance Abuse Among Older Adults: A Guide for
Treatment Providers TIP 36 Substance Abuse Treatment for Persons With Child
Substance Abuse Among Older Adults: A Guide for Abuse and Neglect Issues
Social Service Providers Quick Guide for Clinicians
Substance Abuse Among Older Adults: Physician’s KAP Keys for Clinicians
Guide Helping Yourself Heal: A Recovering Woman’s Guide to
Quick Guide for Clinicians Coping With Childhood Abuse Issues
KAP Keys for Clinicians Also available in Spanish
Helping Yourself Heal: A Recovering Man’s Guide to
TIP 27 Comprehensive Case Management for Substance Coping With the Effects of Childhood Abuse
Abuse Treatment
Also available in Spanish
Case Management for Substance Abuse Treatment: A
Guide for Treatment Providers TIP 37 Substance Abuse Treatment for Persons With
Case Management for Substance Abuse Treatment: A HIV/AIDS
Guide for Administrators Quick Guide for Clinicians
Quick Guide for Clinicians KAP Keys for Clinicians
Quick Guide for Administrators Drugs, Alcohol, and HIV/AIDS: A Consumer Guide
TIP 28 Naltrexone and Alcoholism Treatment—Replaced by Also available in Spanish
TIP 49 Drugs, Alcohol, and HIV/AIDS: A Consumer Guide for
African Americans
TIP 29 Substance Use Disorder Treatment for People With
Physical and Cognitive Disabilities TIP 38 Integrating Substance Abuse Treatment and
Quick Guide for Clinicians Vocational Services
Quick Guide for Administrators Quick Guide for Clinicians
KAP Keys for Clinicians Quick Guide for Administrators
KAP Keys for Clinicians
TIP 30 Continuity of Offender Treatment for Substance Use
Disorders From Institution to Community TIP 39 Substance Abuse Treatment and Family Therapy
Quick Guide for Clinicians Quick Guide for Clinicians
KAP Keys for Clinicians Quick Guide for Administrators
Family Therapy Can Help: For People in Recovery
From Mental Illness or Addiction
TIP 40 Clinical Guidelines for the Use of Buprenorphine in TIP 50 Addressing Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors in
the Treatment of Opioid Addiction Substance Abuse Treatment
Quick Guide for Physicians Quick Guide for Clinicians
KAP Keys for Physicians Quick Guide for Administrators
TIP 41 Substance Abuse Treatment: Group Therapy TIP 51 Substance Abuse Treatment: Addressing the Specific
Quick Guide for Clinicians Needs of Women
Quick Guide for Clinicians
TIP 42 Substance Abuse Treatment for Persons With Co- Quick Guide for Administrators
Occurring Disorders
Quick Guide for Clinicians TIP 52 Clinical Supervision and Professional Development
Quick Guide for Administrators of the Substance Abuse Counselor
KAP Keys for Clinicians Quick Guide for Clinicians and Administrators
KAP Keys for Clinicians
TIP 44 Substance Abuse Treatment for Adults in the
Criminal Justice System TIP 54 Managing Chronic Pain in Adults With or in
Quick Guide for Clinicians Recovery From Substance Use Disorders
KAP Keys for Clinicians TIP 55 Behavioral Health Services for People Who Are
TIP 46 Substance Abuse: Administrative Issues in
Outpatient Treatment TIP 56 Addressing the Specific Behavioral Health Needs of
Quick Guide for Administrators Men
Managing Depressive Symptoms in
Substance Abuse Clients During
Early Recovery
This TIP is divided into three parts that are bound and produced separately.
Managing Depressive Symptoms in Substance Abuse Clients During Early Recovery, Part 1, is for
substance abuse counselors. It provides the “what” and “why” and “how” of working with clients
with depressive symptoms and substance use disorders. It includes information on depressive
symptoms and covers topics such as counseling approaches, clinical settings, cultural concerns, the
counselor’s role and responsibilities, understanding clients with depressive symptoms, screening
and assessment, client-centered treatment planning, the treatment process, and continuing care.
Chapter 2 of Part 1 represents the heart of the “how-to” for counselors. It consists of dialog from
sessions conducted by counselors with four clients with substance use disorders and depressive
symptoms of different types, and demonstrates techniques for working with behaviors, thoughts,
feelings, and beliefs. How-to descriptions of specific counseling techniques, explanatory comments
from an advanced counselor about the counseling sessions, and decision trees to help counselors
make decisions at key points (such as when to refer a client) are interspersed with the dialog.
Managing Depressive Symptoms: A Review of the Literature, Part 3, is for clinical supervisors,
interested counselors, and administrators. It consists of three sections: an analysis of the available
literature on depressive symptoms in clients with substance use disorders, an annotated bibliog-
raphy of the literature most central to the topic, and a bibliography of other available literature.
Part 3 is available only online at