Brochure DIMA Web
Brochure DIMA Web
Brochure DIMA Web
Meccanica e Aerospaziale
Welcome to DIMA
Paolo Gaudenzi
Director of Department of
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Innovation INNOVATION &
& Technology
Ph.D. is the highest level of university education and can be accessed after the
Master of Science. The three-year research program is accessed through a
competitive examination and it is reserved to a limited number of participants.
DIMA offers three Ph.D. programs (Aeronautical and Space Engineering, Industrial
and Management Engingeering, and Theoretical and Applied Mechanics).
Aerospace industry has attained a role of primary importance both in Europe and
worldwide as a driving force of economic growth and as a technologically intensive
supply chain bringing about innovation in a great number of industrial sectors.
All the main industrialized countries now consider aerospace industry as a
strategic sector in terms of added economic value, social relevance and
contribution to the general well being and safety of its citizens. As such,
aerospace industry is in continuous search for talented and motivated young
engineers to be employed in a European or international context and, for this to
be feasible, requires constant and widespread access to an up-to-date knowledge
base for the efficient training of its employees.
In this context, we view our Aerospace Engineering program as a tight-knit
community of students and professors that on the one hand operates in close
collaboration with industry personnel, research centers and institutions, and on
the other hand is setting the following standards for the educational system:
Aspire, reach and maintain levels of excellence — Promote and reward a sense of
responsibility, the value of knowledge and passion for studies and research —
Maintain a pioneering spirit with respect to the constant development of
technology — View the aerospace sector as a unique opportunity for students
and researchers to contribute to crucial technological challenges in
communications, space exploration and safety — Promote international and
multicultural exchanges in view of the globalization of the technological markets
— Promote awareness of the social and environmental implications of research
and development activities.
Energy Engineering
The Master of Science in Energy Engineering provides an in-depth study of
the various specific disciplines which deal in detail with the system
engineering, control and management aspects of plant technologies aimed
at energy production.
To leave room for the different technologies, three different paths are
planned, aimed at deepening two technological chains: Technologies and
plants from conventional and renewable sources Technologies, plants and
science of nuclear energy, Energy Engineering
Management Engineering
The Master of Science of Managment Engineering aims to provide
knowledge and develop high-level skills that integrate the technological-
design contents typical of engineering disciplines with a full understanding
of the economic-managerial aspects and decision-making problems.
Methods, models and tools for analysis and intervention used in the
management of complex systems are analyzed and discussed, with a high
level of interaction between the evolution of technology, the structure of
the markets and the competitive strategies of companies.
NanoTech Engineering
The Master of Science in Nanotechnology Engineering is designed to offer
an advanced scientific and professional education focused on the analysis,
development, simulation and optimization of devices, materials and
processes based on the use of nanotechnologies for several applications in
the field of Industrial Engineering.
Disciplinary areas: 6
Disciplinary areas: 3
Disciplinary areas: 6
The PhD program in Aeronautics and The PhD program in Theoretical and
Space Engineering represents the Applied Mechanics deals with rigorous
highest level of university education in theoretical, numerical and experimental
the aerospace engineering field offered approaches to solve new problems of
by Sapienza. The PhD program aims at Applied Mechanics. Applied Mechanics
developing the skills needed to carry out actually combines concepts and
high quality research activities in the techniques from Theoretical Mechanics
aerospace field. The characteristics of and other branches of Mathematics to
pure and applied research in the attack complex problems of interest for
aerospace industry have led to a strong engineering, thus contributing to the
link between major companies and growth of new theories and
national and international institutions, mathematical constructions inspired by
particularly those with head offices in issues arising from emerging
Lazio. In this collaboration several technologies. Aim of the program is
scholarships have been funded by major providing the student with a sound basis
corporations and companies in the of mechanics and the related
sector such as ESA, ASI, Thales Alenia mathematical foundations needed to
Space, Avio, Telespazio, Elv, Selex, etc. independently attack and solve new
The main areas where research is research problems. In this framework,
carried out by faculty and students of students are called to master and
the PhD program are: numerical and develop innovative experimental and
experimental fluid dynamics, numerical techniques instrumental to
aeroelasticity, dynamics and control of the application of original theoretical
aerospace structures, design and testing insights to emerging fields. The program
of materials and innovative structures, is based on a first block devoted to
flight mechanics, space missions, fundamental aspects, two parallel
combustion, efficiency and emission blocks dealing with experimental and
control in aircraft engines, space numerical methods in mechanics,
propulsion, design of launchers, respectively, and a third block dealing
turbomachinery for aviation and space, with specific applications. The research
dynamics and control of helicopters. focuses on a specific branch of applied
mechanics (solid mechanics, fluid
mechanics, mechanical systems) and
culminates in the final Doctoral Thesis.
The PhD program in Industrial and Doctors should be able to design and
Management Engineering aims at driving manage production systems and
the contemporary industrial evolution by innovative services with a holistic
focusing on the following objectives: approach, by making technological
a) Defining methodologies for the choices that are consistent with existing
design, development, management, and business strategies and with specific
enhancement of products, processes, industrial contexts. Therefore, the PhD
and organizational structures. program provides a multidisciplinary
b) Monitoring the continuous growth and approach, where the outcomes need to
evolution of innovation processes. be assessed against the broader concept
c) Transferring and adapting knowledge of community, wellbeing, and in terms
on an industrial scale. of sustainability.
d) Exploit the results of the research to Research activities will include, but will
expand innovation and define new not be limited to, the main Industry 4.0
evolutionary requirements for products, pillars: advanced production techniques,
processes, and organizational including Additive Manufacturing;
structures. biomedical engineering; ergonomics and
human factor management; complex
socio-technical systems resilience; Cyber
Physical Systems and Internet of Things
integration in Smart Factories;
reliability, maintainability, safety and
security management; business risk
management and governance;
integrated design and optimization of
supply chains, production processes and
services, including Product Service
System; management of complex
projects and their portfolio;
environmental management of industrial
Agreements 60 58 43
Peer-reviewed projects 19 20 33
Visiting scientists 3 3 3
Post-doc fellowships 36 47 35
Post-grad fellowships 43 53 55
❑ TM fast prototyping lab. TM designed at DIMA can be printed and tested in our
lab to verify their aerodynamic and noise performance.
4 Int.l Patent
Patents GB2507493 (A)
Advanced FCs
Over the years, the group has developed specific skills in the field of:
❑ Production of prototypes and components by additive manufacturing, with
Fused Deposition Modeling technology and development of a rapid prototyping
experimental apparatus;
❑ Machining with computer numerical control systems of free-form mechanical
❑ Finishing of mechanical components via mass finishing and laser techniques;
❑ Manufacturing of metal foams through salt infiltration;
❑ Reverse engineering through laser scanning and structured light of complex
geometry components;
❑ Laser thermal treatments aimed at increasing the mechanical and/or
tribological properties of metal and composite components;
❑ Recycling polycarbonate from electronic waste (optical media, such as CDs and
❑ Laser forming for folding and shaping aluminum and stainless steel sheets with
❑ complex shapes;
❑ Aesthetic welding for conducting light alloys and precious metal alloys;
❑ Metal-polymer hybrid laser joints for applications in automotive, biomedical,
food and pharmaceutical packaging;
❑ Modeling and optimization using artificial intelligence techniques and numerical
simulation of many processes, such as laser processing and fused deposition
❑ Functionalization of organic or inorganic coatings for aesthetic and functional
San Pietro in Vincoli RM031
San Pietro in Vincoli RM035
Laboratory equipment:
❑ Fully instrumented UAVs for GN&C test and validation using scale models;
❑ dSPACE equipment for rapid prototyping of flight control and hardware-in-the-loop
simulation systems:
❑ dSPACE modular system based on DS1006 Processor Board, 2.5 GHz and and various
cards (I/O Serial Interface Board, Digital I/O Board, A/D and D/A Board, Timing and
Digital I/O Board etc.);
❑ dSPACE System DS1103 PPC Controller Board, single-board system with real-time
processor and comprehensive I/O;
❑ dSPACE MicroAutoBox II system.
❑ CPU boards, GPS, I/O, power supply in PC/104 format for embedded computer
❑ Inertial navigation system C-III MIGTS - Systron Donner Inertial Division;
❑ Professional Flight Console with hand wheel and pedals by Precision Flight Control Inc.,
with digital avionics and navigation system emulation by Garmin GNS 530W for single-
engine, twin-engine propeller and turbojet .
❑ MathWorks Family products (Matlab, Simulink and toolboxes); products by dSPACE and
applications for aerodynamics analysis (Tornado, VSAERO).
❑ Water ducts and jets, with a maximum output speed of 1 m/s and an outlet section of
about 2 cm in diameter, has a square cross-section measuring area of 80 cm side and
120 cm lenght.
❑ Water-jet orifice, continuous and pulse configuration with a 3 cm output diameter,
with a square cross-section area of 50 cm side and 60 cm lenght. It is equipped with
remotely controlled linear gear to generate pulsed biomedical flows with assigned
forcing. Different types of orifices from circular to rectangular.
❑ Free-surface tank for experiments on free-surface flows, as jets interacting with walls,
rivers and wave formation.
❑ Microfluidic devices, for investigation on heat transfer and flow fields at millimiter
Other available equipment includes a BOSCH gas analyzer, a unit for measuring the
indicated cycle,and an AVL balance for the fuel.
A facility for the preparation of prototypes is also available.
Mixed Reality for diagnostic and rehabilitation: PC interfaced boards for proof of concept
remotely controlled devices. Mixed reality wearable devices.
Medical Devices: 1 Clinical Ultrasound Scanner with several probes and test objects
(phantoms). Demo Devices for Students training (Pulmonary Ventilator, Invasive and non-
invasive blood pressure devices, integrated ECG board)
Monolith Cluster
❑ 1 Front-End Node
2x 8 core Intel(R) Xeon(R) Silver 4208
❑ 10 CPU Computing Nodes
4x 20 core Intel Xeon Gold 6230 192 GB
❑ 1 GPU Computing Node
2x 20 core Intel Xeon Gold 6230 192 GB
(Contact Person: Prof. Giulio Di Gravio)
AIComply has the mission to develop and supply innovative services for Compliance
Management in order to ensure the fulfillment of regulations or on a voluntary
basis. The integrated approach is based on a technological platform which
accounts for multiple regulations ready to launch on the market. The goal of the
service offered to the market is that of contributing to the evolution of statical
management systems of Compliance, moving towards an innovative Compliance &
Risk Management, by offering methodological and technological support that,
based on the output of processes, controls, and action plans, is capable of
assessing the actual risk level to which the company is exposed.
This spin-off stems from the idea of realizing monitoring systems for structural
safety based on wireless communications and autonomous operation (i.e., without
external electrical power supply). Smart structures technologies, which have
been studied and developed in several international research centers including
Sapienza, offer a number of technological solutions for both the choice of sensors
and self-production of power, using energy harvesting methods and/or