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Dipartimento di Ingegneria

Meccanica e Aerospaziale
Welcome to DIMA

Paolo Gaudenzi

Director of Department of
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

The Department of Mechanical and Our research activities are focused on

Aerospace Engineering – DIMA - is part theoretical and applied mechanics,
of Sapienza University of Rome. DIMA fluid dynamics, aerospace propulsion,
inherits the tradition of the School of technological projects, mechanical and
Industrial Engineering and the School of thermal measurements, machines and
Aerospace Engineering, founded in industrial plants management, energy
1913 and 1926, respectively. and power systems, buildings, space
We are about 130 people, including systems and structures.
faculty members, technicians and The department is located in the
administrative staff. premises of the Faculty of Civil and
We offer 2 Bachelor Degrees and 3 Industrial Engineering of Sapienza, on
Master Courses plus 2 Programs entirely the Esquiline Hill, near the Flavian
taught in English, as well as three Ph.D. Amphitheatre, also known as
programs and four Professional Master Colosseum, and next to the church of
Courses. San Pietro in Vincoli.

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale,

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale,
DIMA strategy
DIMA strategy resonates with national and international
policies driven by the challenge of a paradigm jump towards
sustainability, and smart technologies in industry, space and

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale,

DIMA strategy
DIMA is active in the promotion of a modern approach to the
academic mission, well grounded in the integration of three
pillars, i.e. education-research-innovation. According to DIMA
strategic plan, instrumental to this vision is the
implementation of the activities around the following 7
Department Divisions.

Space sciences, access to space, new aerospace

systems and small sats division. The focus is on future
solar system missions, on the design of small and micro
satellites and to boost space access by contributing to
launchers, e.g. VEGA, new stratospheric platforms and
hypersonic sub-orbital flight systems. In addition, areas of
research interests are smart materials, integrated with
sensors and actuators, also in energy harvesting
configurations. The Space division is a key enabler of
Space economy plans of Italian, and European
Aeronautics, aviation management and operations
division develops capabilities and technologies to
innovate integrated design of future AV and UAV
(aerodynamics, structures, flight dynamics, control and
energy management) with a special interest on
sustainability. The division is also active in the area of
airport operations integrating aeronautical technologies
with strategic planning, security, safety regulations &
risk, operations and maintenance. The division is one of
the key partner of the Italian Civil Aviation Authority

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale,

DIMA strategy

High performance computing (HPC) division empowers

DIMA research promoting the use of High-Fidelity
numerical simulation in applied mathematics and physics
on parallel computing platforms. This division is active in
the development of new HPC-specific strategies, and
data-intensive modeling techniques. The HPC division
enables the access of DIMA research community to world
top-of-class computing resources. Because of its
expertise, the division research interests are cross-
disciplinary and range from aerospace, to applied
mechanics and bio-engineering.

Bioengineering and Medical Devices division. The

division is routed in the areas of bio-medical technologies
and rehabilitation engineering. Strategic actions are in
the Health Technology Assessment, a reference center of
Ministry of Health. Research areas are: medical device
performance verification, digital design for patient
specific pre- and post-surgery treatment, tissue
engineering, regenerative medicine, and the development
of virtual instrumentations. In collaboration with
Sapienza School of Medicine the division also works on
concerted experimental-numerical approaches to develop
endo-vascular devices, and, in collaboration with the
Center for Life NanoScience@Sapienza IIT in the ambit of
the ERC INVICTUS, micro-fluidic chips for drug-delivery.

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale,

DIMA strategy

Sustainable Energy division. This is the reference center

on energy conversion technologies, and energy and
environmental systems evolution. DIMA Energy center,
with its historical roots in the Institute of Fluid Machinery
established in the 60’s, at the turning point of the energy
transition is leading a number of research programmes:
marine and wind renewables, combining cutting edge
modeling competences and industry/academy
collaborations; power-to-H2 solutions with a specific
focus on heavy transportation (railways, and naval) and
storage; smart energy systems and communities; AI
models for the energy sector. In addition to this
mainstream, sustainability activities are gaining
momentum with a focus on Carbon Capture and
Sequestration, as well as biomass and bio-fuels, microbial
fuel cells.

Industry 4.0 & Advanced Manufacturing and Industrial

Systems Engineering division. This division has the
profile of a modern System Design & Engineering School
dedicated to the new industrial revolution using so-called
Simultaneous Engineering (aka Concurrent Engineering).
It offers cross-disciplinary research competences along
the value chain of product/process innovation: from
product design digitalization to advanced manufacturing
and process technologies and system operations with
innovative management models (including resilience
engineering). Special emphasis is given to the
development of CPS (Cyber Physical System) in a Life-
Cycle perspective, from cradle-to-grave, including
process/product certification.

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale,

DIMA strategy

Mechanics, Robotics and autonomous systems division.

This division includes all the research activities in the
field of Mechanics, Mechatronics and Integrated Design.
Key competences are in the ambit of mechanical systems
ranging from theoretical modelling, to computational
simulation and development experimental prototypes and
models. It coordinates, end-to-end, from concept design,
to testing and validation the development of innovative
projects in the field of mechanics, mechatronics and
Research activities can be found in the field of system
integration (mechanics, electrics, electronics and optics)
for sensing and actuation of structures and mechanical
systems (robots, drones and self-driving cars). The
division also integrates competence areas in the field of
non-linear mechanics, materials dynamics, sound and
vibration, and contact physics. Finally, it is one of the
reference center in the field of cultural heritage with
research interest on conservation and restoration

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale,


Innovation INNOVATION &
& Technology

DIMA is a community of professors, students and

technical, administrative and library staff, which
promotes research, training and innovation in the
fields of mechanical and aerospace engineering, bio-
medical engineering, energy, management enginee-
ring, nanotechnologies and related sectors.
DIMA pursues its mission through an integrated vision
of three pillars of research, education and innovation
(third mission) in a multidisciplinary dimension of
excellence and quality according to the highest
international standards, responding to the societal
challenges at Italian, European and international level
and to the needs of advanced training of students.

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale,

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale,

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale,





Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale,

Director Administrative Responsible
Prof. Paolo GAUDENZI Dott.ssa Maria Pia GIAMMARIO
+39.06.44585.266 +39.06.44585.262

Full Professors Bernardo FAVINI Fabrizio BONACINA Administrative Staff

Domenico BORELLO Antonio GENOVA Gianmarco BRUNETTI Gabriella CHESTI
Carlo Massimo CASCIOLA Annamaria GISARIO Simone CARPENELLA Federica FALCONI
Alessandro CORSINI Paolo GUALTIERI Alessandro CECI Francesca R. MONTI
Zaccaria DEL PRETE Luca MARINO Livio D'ALVIA Francesca TACCHIA
Giulio DI GRAVIO Assistant Professors Giovanni DI MUCCIO
Education Program
Paolo GAUDENZI Francesco BATTISTA Hassan ELAHI Staff
Luciano IESS Giovanni DELIBRA Michela FRANZO' Benedetta ERMINI
Franco MASTRODDI Riccardo PATRIARCA Giuseppe INDELICATO Librarians and Research
Francesco NASUTI Emanuele RIZZUTO Francesco LATINI Support Staff


Franco RISPOLI Alessandro ZAVOLI Lucandrea MANCINI Valentina BENVENUTI
Giovanni P. ROMANO Michele BICI Sooraj Francis MANI Paola GRASSO
Massimo TRONCI Daniele DURANTE Federica MEZZANI
Support to Laboratory
Mauro VALORANI Marco EUGENI Michele V MIGLIARESE and IT services Staff
Francesco VENIALI Gabriele G. GAGLIARDI CAPUTI Antonello BINNI
Associate Professors Carlo GUARDIANI Mario Tindaro MIGLIORINO Maximo O. CAPPONI
Daniele BIANCHI Gianluca PEPE Lorenzo PALMESE
Fabiano BINI Daniele ROCCO Andrea PALUMBO
Giovanni B. BROGGIATO Antonio TINTI Andrada PICA
Francesca CAMPANA Davide TONAZZI Alessandro POMPEI
Giuliano COPPOTELLI Research Associates Dario SALZANO
Francesco COSTANTINO Giuliano AGATI Lorenzo TIEGHI
Francesco CRETA Ludovica APA Felix WEBER
Anconio CULLA Sofiane ATEK Ming YU

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale,

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale,
Bachelor and Master of Science programs last three and two years respectively.
They have a fixed number of students, admitted by competitive examination. DIMA
offers two Bachelor (Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering) and three Master of
Science programs (Aeronautical, Space and Astronautical, and Mechanical
Engineering). Specific curricula are entirely taught in English.

Ph.D. is the highest level of university education and can be accessed after the
Master of Science. The three-year research program is accessed through a
competitive examination and it is reserved to a limited number of participants.
DIMA offers three Ph.D. programs (Aeronautical and Space Engineering, Industrial
and Management Engingeering, and Theoretical and Applied Mechanics).


The one-year Master Programs can be accessed after the Master of Science. They
offer highly specialised courses, designed to meet the current demands of the
industrial world.
DIMA offers four Professional Master Programs in the fields of Energy, Space and
Aeronautical engineering.

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale,

ARWU 27 ww – 2 IT (Sapienza 151-200 ww)
Aerospace Engineering QS 84 ww (Sapienza 171 ww)
Source data 2021

Chair: Prof. Franco Mastroddi Employment rate (1 year after grad.) Space&Astronautics 84.4%, Aeronautics 90.9%
Almalaurea 2019 report

Aerospace industry has attained a role of primary importance both in Europe and
worldwide as a driving force of economic growth and as a technologically intensive
supply chain bringing about innovation in a great number of industrial sectors.
All the main industrialized countries now consider aerospace industry as a
strategic sector in terms of added economic value, social relevance and
contribution to the general well being and safety of its citizens. As such,
aerospace industry is in continuous search for talented and motivated young
engineers to be employed in a European or international context and, for this to
be feasible, requires constant and widespread access to an up-to-date knowledge
base for the efficient training of its employees.
In this context, we view our Aerospace Engineering program as a tight-knit
community of students and professors that on the one hand operates in close
collaboration with industry personnel, research centers and institutions, and on
the other hand is setting the following standards for the educational system:
Aspire, reach and maintain levels of excellence — Promote and reward a sense of
responsibility, the value of knowledge and passion for studies and research —
Maintain a pioneering spirit with respect to the constant development of
technology — View the aerospace sector as a unique opportunity for students
and researchers to contribute to crucial technological challenges in
communications, space exploration and safety — Promote international and
multicultural exchanges in view of the globalization of the technological markets
— Promote awareness of the social and environmental implications of research
and development activities.

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale,

Aerospace Engineering

Bachelor Degree in Aerospace Engineering

aviation, is aimed at managers in
The aim of the curriculum is to give the aeronautical industries and/or
students a solid basic grounding in companies, specialists in the areas of
mathematics and physics and ensure maintenance and operations at the level
that they have knowledge of the of commercial aircraft, airline and/or
fundamental aspects of the required airport. The second, Flight systems, is
disciplines of Aeronautical Engineering aimed at system engineers who work in
and Space Engineering. The the technology area of Air Traffic
experimental and numerical workshop Control in the integrated scenario of
modules help to develop telecommunications, satellite
interdisciplinary and applicable skills navigation, surveillance and on-board
that are also useful for the industry. systems and airport systems.
Upon completion of the Personal Study
Plan, the student will be prepared to

Master of Science Degree in
operate effectively in the job
environment. The general education Space and Astronautical Engineering
provided by the course, together with (International Program)
the independent work, enables the The MSc Degree in Space and
graduate to acquire further specific Astronautical Engineering equips the
skills. At the same time, the 3-year students with advanced disciplinary and
Degree Course has the essential function professional training and specific
of preparing students for the Graduate engineering skills, enabling them to
Degrees in Aeronautical Engineering and address complex problems that require
in Space and Astronautical Engineering. the use of modern methods of analysis,
∞ design, simulation, and optimisation.
Master of Science Degree in Aeronautical The course also provides an appropriate
level of expertise in basic space access
Engineering (International Program) technologies, the utilisation of
The MSc Degree in Aeronautical terrestrial orbits, and space exploration,
Engineering takes the students to an with particular reference to the
advanced level of disciplinary and systemic and scientific aspects of
professional training and specific interplanetary missions by launch
engineering skills, enabling them to vehicles, astronautical vehicles, and
address complex problems that require manned space missions. The student
the analysis, development, simulation, learns to use the most advanced
and optimisation of the various research and design tools for innovation
components of a fixed or rotating-wing in the space industry, e.g. improving the
aircraft. The learning process focuses performance of launch systems to
primarily on the most advanced research reduce the cost of entry into orbit per
and design tools and on the innovation unit mass of payload, payload mass
in the aeronautics industry with reduction (for platforms, sensors, and
particular reference to improved power units), and increasing the
efficiency, reduction of weight, and of efficiency and utilisation of the
chemical and noise pollution. available on-board power. These areas
A new curriculum is recently introduced of investigation are re-elaborated in
with two distinct pathways: the first, relation to a human crew, placing
Management and operations in civil particular emphasis on life support
technologies and systems in space.

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale,

Mechanical Engineering ARWU 101-150 ww – 2 IT (Sapienza 151-200 ww)
QS 84 ww (Sapienza 171 ww)
Source data 2021
Chair: Prof. Antonio Carcaterra
Employment rate (1 year after grad.) 90.9% Almalaurea 2021 report

Mechanical Engineering Degree has been established at Sapienza University of

Rome in 2000, as a natural evolution of the historical five-year curriculum
studiorum in Mechanics, one of the pillar of the engineering culture of the former
School of Engineers of the Papal State founded by Pope Pius VII in 1817, which in
1824 merged with the University of Rome.
With an eye to the modern view of Mechanical Engineering, the present Course
keeps the original educational spirit and objectives, combined with the innovation
in the teaching approaches, designed to transfer the academic
research to teaching experiences and methodologies. Our School preserves and
advances knowledge in the fields of mechanical engineering and shares this
knowledge with students, providing them with background knowledge and
technical skills, teaching them how to approach new scientific challenges with
innovation-oriented thinking. Presently the School has more than 70 faculty
members, including full and associate professors and researchers. The School of
Mechanical Engineering offers training to professionals with advanced university
education in planning, designing, and managing complex activities associated with
the development of scientific and technological research and the promotion of
research in a broad range of disciplines. The educational goals are pursued by
strengthening mathematical skills and advanced physical understanding, in order
to tackle complex mechanical problems ranging from the design of systems and
machines (conceptual and detailed design), of processes, the development of
technologies, systems, manufacturing processes as well as production and
management, organization and safety of the associated industrial and
technological innovation.

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale,

Mechanical Engineering

Bachelor Degree in Master of Science Degree in

Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering
(International Program)
The Bachelor In Mechanical Engineering The Master of Science in Mechanical
prepares individuals to apply Engineering aims at training young
mathematical and Scientific principles engineers with an advanced education,
to the design, development and providing them with skills in designing,
operational evaluation of physical planning, and managing complex
systems. Students are also concerned activities of research and development
with the flow of matter, such as air and in an industrial environment. This goal is
water, and the transfer of heat. achieved by means of a broad training
Practical applications, theory, computer proposal based on advanced
simulated coursework and evaluations mathematics and physics, and
are all methods used to develop skills. professional expertise targeted to the
Core curriculum covers mathematics, solution of complex engineering
design, engineering concepts, and many problems concerning the design of
others allowing for a diversification of processes, plants, systems, devices, and
information. With a Bachelor in machines. Engineering Design
Mechanical Engineering program, professionals educated at Sapienza can
students are prepared for professional work as technology specialists in a wide
practice in an era of rapidly advancing range of fields, including manufacturing,
interdisciplinary technology. Those mechatronics, transportation
holding a Bachelor in Mechanical (automotive, naval, aeronautical and
Engineering degree can have careers in railroad), conventional and renewable
industry and government in areas energy production, biomechanics and
related to fluid, solid, thermal, and many others. In these settings
mechanical systems. Many students mechanical engineers are responsible for
pursuing a Bachelor in Mechanical design, testing, management, research
Engineering continue on to the graduate and development.

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale,

education areas

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale,

Biomedical Engineering
The master of Biomedical Engineering is the natural continuation of the
Degree course in Clinical Engineering and aims to complete and specialize
the training of an Engineer dedicated to the development and
coordination, within the biomedical industries, of design of algorithms and
innovative technologies, to organizational and management functions of
the health system, as well as to research activities for both the biomedical
sector and large equipment.

Energy Engineering
The Master of Science in Energy Engineering provides an in-depth study of
the various specific disciplines which deal in detail with the system
engineering, control and management aspects of plant technologies aimed
at energy production.
To leave room for the different technologies, three different paths are
planned, aimed at deepening two technological chains: Technologies and
plants from conventional and renewable sources Technologies, plants and
science of nuclear energy, Energy Engineering

Management Engineering
The Master of Science of Managment Engineering aims to provide
knowledge and develop high-level skills that integrate the technological-
design contents typical of engineering disciplines with a full understanding
of the economic-managerial aspects and decision-making problems.
Methods, models and tools for analysis and intervention used in the
management of complex systems are analyzed and discussed, with a high
level of interaction between the evolution of technology, the structure of
the markets and the competitive strategies of companies.

NanoTech Engineering
The Master of Science in Nanotechnology Engineering is designed to offer
an advanced scientific and professional education focused on the analysis,
development, simulation and optimization of devices, materials and
processes based on the use of nanotechnologies for several applications in
the field of Industrial Engineering.

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale,

PhD Programs
Aeronautics and Space Engineering
Number of doctoral students (3-year period): 36

Open position per academic year: 12

Fellowships and Industrial PhD: 11 & 2

Disciplinary areas: 6

Theoretical and Applied Mechanics

Number of doctoral students: 24

Open position per academic year: 8

Fellowships and Industrial PhD: 3 & 5

Disciplinary areas: 3

Industrial and Management

Number of doctoral students (3-year period): 31

Open position per academic year: 9

Fellowships and Industrial PhD: 3 & 8

Disciplinary areas: 6

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale,

PhD Programs
Aeronautics and Space Engineering Theoretical And Applied Mechanics

Chair Prof. Mauro VALORANI Chair Prof. Antonio CARCATERRA

The PhD program in Aeronautics and The PhD program in Theoretical and
Space Engineering represents the Applied Mechanics deals with rigorous
highest level of university education in theoretical, numerical and experimental
the aerospace engineering field offered approaches to solve new problems of
by Sapienza. The PhD program aims at Applied Mechanics. Applied Mechanics
developing the skills needed to carry out actually combines concepts and
high quality research activities in the techniques from Theoretical Mechanics
aerospace field. The characteristics of and other branches of Mathematics to
pure and applied research in the attack complex problems of interest for
aerospace industry have led to a strong engineering, thus contributing to the
link between major companies and growth of new theories and
national and international institutions, mathematical constructions inspired by
particularly those with head offices in issues arising from emerging
Lazio. In this collaboration several technologies. Aim of the program is
scholarships have been funded by major providing the student with a sound basis
corporations and companies in the of mechanics and the related
sector such as ESA, ASI, Thales Alenia mathematical foundations needed to
Space, Avio, Telespazio, Elv, Selex, etc. independently attack and solve new
The main areas where research is research problems. In this framework,
carried out by faculty and students of students are called to master and
the PhD program are: numerical and develop innovative experimental and
experimental fluid dynamics, numerical techniques instrumental to
aeroelasticity, dynamics and control of the application of original theoretical
aerospace structures, design and testing insights to emerging fields. The program
of materials and innovative structures, is based on a first block devoted to
flight mechanics, space missions, fundamental aspects, two parallel
combustion, efficiency and emission blocks dealing with experimental and
control in aircraft engines, space numerical methods in mechanics,
propulsion, design of launchers, respectively, and a third block dealing
turbomachinery for aviation and space, with specific applications. The research
dynamics and control of helicopters. focuses on a specific branch of applied
mechanics (solid mechanics, fluid
mechanics, mechanical systems) and
culminates in the final Doctoral Thesis.

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale,

PhD Programs
Industrial and Management
Chair Prof. Giulio di Gravio

The PhD program in Industrial and Doctors should be able to design and
Management Engineering aims at driving manage production systems and
the contemporary industrial evolution by innovative services with a holistic
focusing on the following objectives: approach, by making technological
a) Defining methodologies for the choices that are consistent with existing
design, development, management, and business strategies and with specific
enhancement of products, processes, industrial contexts. Therefore, the PhD
and organizational structures. program provides a multidisciplinary
b) Monitoring the continuous growth and approach, where the outcomes need to
evolution of innovation processes. be assessed against the broader concept
c) Transferring and adapting knowledge of community, wellbeing, and in terms
on an industrial scale. of sustainability.
d) Exploit the results of the research to Research activities will include, but will
expand innovation and define new not be limited to, the main Industry 4.0
evolutionary requirements for products, pillars: advanced production techniques,
processes, and organizational including Additive Manufacturing;
structures. biomedical engineering; ergonomics and
human factor management; complex
socio-technical systems resilience; Cyber
Physical Systems and Internet of Things
integration in Smart Factories;
reliability, maintainability, safety and
security management; business risk
management and governance;
integrated design and optimization of
supply chains, production processes and
services, including Product Service
System; management of complex
projects and their portfolio;
environmental management of industrial

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale,

Professional Masters
Satellite Systems and Services Space Transportation Systems

Chair Prof. Paolo GAUDENZI Chair Prof. Daniele BIANCHI
The Master course in Space Systems and This Master Course aims at filling the
services, organized with the support of gap between industrial needs and
space agencies, space companies, and educational programs offered by the
public bodies aims at developing an European Universities involved in the
advanced professional education and Space Transportation sector.
training activity in cooperation with the In the job market, there is a high
academia. The Master responds to demand for System Engineers with
theneed for advanced education in the expertise in Space Transportation/
space sector, especially towards the Analysis and Design of space vehicles
development of both technical and and launchers. Despite those needs, the
management capabilities and skills. The curricula of the European universities
Master is oriented in particular towards only partially cover the specific needs of
the new markets of the “space based” this sector.
services in the area of remote sensing, The Master STS, founded in 2002, is a
telecommunication, and navigation that highly innovative initiative, unique in
are very promising in terms of benefits the EU context, aimed at fostering: the
for the population and for the assessment of transversal skills and
improvement of its daily life standards. promote professional development; the
The course encourages the inernational hiring of young graduate engineers in
dimension of educational process. European and Italian space industries
Lectures are coming from universities, and agencies; the relationship between
companies and space agencies from all education and industry, which is the
over the world. The Master is organized founding concept of the Master; the
in two semesters: the first is devoted to major international industry leaders, top
regular classes in which applications, executives from agencies and university
case studies teamwork activities are specialists in the field of Space
combined. A the end of the semester Transportation Systems will be involved
the students prepare a technical and in the planned activities and will share
economical proposal for a complete their experience with all trainees.
satellite system meeting the This training course is founded upon one
requirements of a proposed mission. The of the pillars of the European space
students spend the second semester policy, to guarantee independent access
performing an internship in a company to space, consolidating its leadership in
under the joint tutorship of a University the international scenario.
professor and a company manager. The
course is taught in English and in Italian.

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale,

Professional Masters
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Civil Aviation Management
Energy Sources
Chair Prof. Franco RISPOLI Chair Prof. Giuliano COPPOTELLI
The Master in Energy Efficency and The main target of the Master is the
Renewable Energy Sources is aimed at advanced education of young people,
professionals who want to increase their who have a Master Degree in
knowledge in the energy field, focusing Engineering, towards high-level
on resource use, environmental Management jobs in Civil Aviation
sustainability, energy efficiency and environment. The Master is jointly
energy production from renewable organised by Sapienza Mechanical and
sources. Aerospace Engineering Department
The Master is addressed to engineers (DIMA), Italian Civil Aviation Authority
and professionals such as architects, (ENAC), Rome Society of Professional
physicists, chemists, science graduates, Engineers and with the contribution of
and economists. Centro Studi Demetra. All these
The Master is composed of 11 modules contributors guarantee to the
and provides technical in-depth analysis attendants to gain specific competences
including different aspects of the sector that allow them to obtain good job
within context of short medium and long oportunities in airlines, certified
terms. Technical requirements of energy maintenance companies, airports,
plant, methodologies and interventions handling companies, and also in National
for energy efficiency, plant and European regulators. It is a one-
management, and waste-to-energy are year, full time study course (1500 hours,
the main topics of the Master in Energy including an internship at an aviation
Efficency and Renewable Energy company), directed to students
Sources. Furthermore, Master topics are interested in developing a Solid
deeply correlated with the new ICT professionalism in the field of Civil
technologies, with the perspective of Aviation, both in Italy and in Europe.
smart city, Big Data, and the Internet of Furthermore, the Italian Civil Aviation
Things. The Master modules are Authority (ENAC) provides the
organised in technical inspection, attendants with a special reduction of
exercises and projects providing more the number of years needed to obtain
practical details of the proposed significant job positions in aviation
materials. An entire module is dedicated companies.
to job-market orientation and evolution

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale,

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale,
Our research activities are organized in areas, according to the so called
Academic Disciplines defined by the Italian Government.
DIMA supports research with infrastructural facilities and labs.
Numerous collaborations with foreign universities and research agencies, as well
as companies interested in the progress of science and technology reflect our
reputation and our values: integrity, autonomy, ambition, teamworking,
transparency and excellence.

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale,


Publications 2019 2020 2021

Journals 156 128 189
Proceedings 79 104 41
Volume chapters 11 15 6

Research activities 2015 2016 2017

Agreements 60 58 43

Peer-reviewed projects 19 20 33
Visiting scientists 3 3 3

Post-doc fellowships 36 47 35
Post-grad fellowships 43 53 55

Industrial research grants and contracts 21 35 21

Patents 4 4 4

Five DIMA Faculty members listed in database of top 2% scientists

Updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators

John P. A. Ioannidis, Kevin W. Boyack and Jeroen Baas, 2020

A standardized citation metrics author database annotated for scientific field

John P. A. Ioannidis, Jeroen Baas, Richard Klavans, Kevin W. Boyack, 2019,

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale,

Department Divisions-driven
Innovation and frontier research in Mechanical and Aerospace engineering
requires key enabling capabilities, a result of an integrated and multidisciplinary
vision. As such DIMA exploits an integrated vision of education, research and
innovation through the establishment of Department Divisions on specific
strategic research lines.
Department Divisions are open scientific and technological hubs, coordinated by
DIMA research groups to operate in multidisciplinary and cross-disciplinary way on
scientific lines of DIMA to develop business relationships through specific "labs for
design". In Department Divisions, researchers and students can share design lines
collaborating with other universities, institutional agencies, research centers and
As such, DIMA research is articulated according to the following Academic Disciplines
(Settori Scientifico Disciplinari—SSD), clustered in 7 Department Divisions.

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale,

The research activities of this discipline include:
❑ Inverse simulation techniques as a support for helicopter modeling and the
determination of guidance and control laws for minimum-noise-impact
❑ Analysis of helicopter performances and stability
❑ Highly flexible modeling and stability analysis for aircraft
❑ Development of guidance and control systems for small fixed and rotary
wing UAVs
❑ Aerodynamic modeling for the study of dynamics and driving test of
unmanned re-entry vehicles
❑ Methodologies for determining rotational and non-stationary stability
❑ Analysis and design of systems for setting and control of satellite balance
❑ Development of optimization methods for spatial trajectories, both direct
(meta-heuristic/developmental) and indirect, with special attention to three
different types of applications:
❑ Ascentional problem of multi-stage launchers subject to various
constraints (e.g., dynamic pressure, heat flux, falling point of the
exhausted stages);
❑ interplanetary trajectories that take advantage of multiple gravity assists,
with impulsive or finite-thrust models;
❑ Terrestrial missions, characterized by a very high number of revolutions,
typical of satellites with electric propellers (characterized by low values
of thrust and high specific impulse).

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale,

The research activities cover emerging issues in the field of Aerospace
Structures and Design in theoretical, numerical, experimental, and planning
aspects related to the aviation and space industry.

❑ Aeroelastic modeling of fixed wings, rotary wings and launchers. Integrated

aircraft design with MDO approaches (multidisciplinary Design Optimization)
and MOO (Multi Objective Optimization). Analytical and numerical methods for
nonlinear aeroelastic systems.
❑ Development of experimental modal analysis methodologies. Development of
structural updating methodologies. Vibration Reduction.
❑ Structural dynamics and inverse problems applied to multidisciplinary design.
❑ Dynamic, guidance and control of complex structures and multibody systems in
the space environment. Realization of experimental testbed for the study of
autonomous robotic systems.
❑ Advanced/active aerospace structures in composite materials. Wireless
structural monitoring with use of wavelet transform and developing of self-
powered sensors. Multiphysics Analysis, Finite Element modeling, and
verification of real structural elements. Newly developed Space Missions and
procedures of concurrent and cost engineering.
❑ Mechanical characterization of composites with natural fibers. Partially
"green" composites

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale,

Definition, development, and data analysis of the radio science and space
geodesy experiments, especially in the context of planetary missions:
❑ Cassini: analysis of the Doppler data of Cassini space probe, in orbit in
Saturn system. Determination of the gravity field of Titan, Enceladus, Rhea,
and Dione. Determination of tidal deformations of Titan. Search for internal
oceans in the bodies of the Saturn system. Numerical simulations of gravity
field of Saturn and its satellites for future phases of the mission. Development
of dynamic models of the Saturn system.
❑ Juno: planning of the radio science experiment of Juno mission (NASA) to
Jupiter. Numerical simulations of the orbital phase for the determination of
Jupiter's gravity field and its tidal variations.
❑ BepiColombo: development and management of radio science experiment
MORE for BepiColombo mission (ESA) to Mercury. Numerical simulation of
orbital phase for gravity field, tidal effects, and rotational state
❑ JUICE: Development and management of radio science experiment 3GM of
the JUICE mission (ESA) to the satellites of Jupiter. Numerical simulations
of the gravity field and tidal effects of Europa, Ganymede and Callisto.
Search for internal oceans on the moons of Jupiter. Support to the industrial
development of scientific payload of 3GM experiment.
❑ Delta-DOR: Maintenance and development of new features of the ESA
correlator DeltaDOR. Codes for data processing in wideband configuration
using multiple receivers. Development of correlation algorithms in low levels
conditions of the signal-to-noise ratio. Code Development to support the
CCSDS standard for the inter-agency exchange of DeltaDOR data.
Space debris: analysis of optical measurements of objects in Earth’s orbit to
identify their dynamical and physical properties. Goals: supporting the collision
avoidance maneuvers, and characterization of the debris environment in space.
On-board systems:
realization of automatic
landing support systems
for manned and
unmanned aircrafts and
to the realization of
components for micro-
and nanosatellites.
Specific focuses: space
surveillance, space
debris mitigation,
systems and
components on board.

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale,

❑ Analysis of the interaction between vortices and blades in helicopters in
motion and of the consequent generation of noise.
❑ Experimental aeroacoustics analysis of free jets interacting with solid
❑ Numerical simulation of nucleation, turbulent transport, and collapse of
cavitation bubbles. Multiscale cavitation and multiphase flows.
❑ Superhydrophobic surfaces: wetting/dewetting. Turbulent modulation by
inertial particles. Experimental activities: laser induced cavitation,
cavitation-enhanced drug delivery, experimental microfluidics.
❑ Hemodynamics investigations by numerics and experiments. Post-
implantation and in vitro analysis of stent, heart valves and biomedical
❑ Numerical simulation of high-Reynolds number wall-bounded flows. Drag
reduction and heat transfer in turbulent channel flows. Analysis and control
of transitional flows on lifting surfaces.
❑ Control of shock wave/turbulent boundary layer interactions. Computational
aeroacoustics. Supersonic turbulent boundary layers. Compressibility
effects in roughness-induced transition.
❑ Turbulent combustion. Analysis of solid propellant rocket motors. Fluid
dynamic effects of distributed combustion in solid propellant engines.
Aluminium particles combustion: modeling and numerical simulation.
❑ Fluid-particle interactions in turbulent flows with applications to propellers
and microflows. Optical techniques for multiphase flows in two-way coupling
regime. Single point and multi-point measurements. Two-phase flows in T-
junction microchannels.
❑ Experimental study of turbulent jets: single phase and multiphase as
generated by orifices, pipes and contractions.
❑ Experimental and numerical analysis of free-surface flows. Hydroelasticity
in sloshing tanks and wave impact for shallow-water condition:
experimental and numerical analysis.
❑ High performance computing for computational fluid dynamics. GPU-
accelerated flow solvers for direct numerical simulation of turbulent flows.
❑ Advanced measurement systems for experimental fluid-mechanics. Particle
Image Velocimetry, Ultrasound Anemometry, High-speed Imaging, Laser
Doppler Anemometry.
❑ Fluid-body interaction and self-propelled motion. Numerical simulation of
fish swimming for biomimetic applications.
❑ Nanofluidics: molecular dynamics simulations of interfaces and fluids in
nanoscale confinement; capillarity, non-continuum effects, confined phase
transitions, hydrophobic nanopores, ion channels.

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale,


Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale,

❑ Fluid dynamics of propulsion systems: RANS-based CFD models; chemical-
physical properties and fluids in supercritical conditions; cavitation cryogenic
fluids including Thermodynamic Suppression Head effects; liquid propellant
injection; pressure oscillations in solid rocket motors.
❑ Heat Transfer: numerical modeling of the evolution of supercritical fluids in
ducts with heat transfer deterioration; modeling of wall heat transfer in
liquid rocket engines; fluid-surface interaction models including catalysis,
pyrolysis and ablation; modeling of gas and soot thermal radiation in
turbulent combustion; modeling of surface kinetics of active and passive
oxidation of carbon and silica thermal protection systems of reentry vehicles.
❑ Combustion: RANS modeling of turbulent combustion of compressible flows
in supercritical conditions; LES modeling of turbulent combustion of
compressible flows in supercritical conditions; DNS modeling of premixed
laminar and turbulent flames in the presence of instabilities; modeling of
ignition transients of solid rocket motors; modeling of combustion surface
evolution of solid rocket motors; modeling of internal ballistics of solid
rocket motors by 3D un-steady simulations; flameless oxidation combustion
modeling; experimental study with PIV techniques of turbulent premixed
❑ Propulsion system analysis: intrusive and non intrusive methodologies to
analyze systems with uncertain parameters; development of system analysis
software for engine parametric analyses and startup transients; reduced order
models for the study of thermoacoustic and low frequency instabilities.
❑ Algorithms: automatic generation of simplified (skeletal) and reduced
kinetic models for detailed chemical kinetics; feature detection and
sensitivity analyses in reacting flows on the basis of time scale diagnostics;
integration methods for multi-scale problems (stiff differential equations) with
deterministic and uncertain parameters; mesh generation by conformal
mapping; adaptive mesh resolution using wavelets; analysis of numerically
generated time series using wavelets.

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale,

The research activities cover emerging issues in the field of Aerospace
Structures and Design in theoretical, numerical, experimental, and planning
aspects related to the aviation and space industry.
❑ Liquid rocket engines: modeling of turbulent combustion in the thrust
chamber of liquid rocket engines in super-critical conditions; numerical
modeling and RANS/LES simulations of the thrust chamber of a liquid rocket
engine m(LOx/ LCH4); analysis of ignition processes in combustion chamber by
means of deposition of energy with laser pulse; analysis of thermal loads in
thrust chambers of liquid rocket engines; analysis of regenerative cooling
systems with super-critical methane; RANS and DES analyses of separated
flows for propulsion applications (air-intakes, nozzles); modeling of
cavitation in turbopump inducers for liquid rocket rockets; simplified models
of liquid rocket engine components for system analysis; feed systems for liquid
rocket engines.
❑ Solid rocket motors: study and analysis of the ignition transient of solid
rocket motors of VEGA launcher; study and analysis of pressure oscillations in
solid rocket motors of VEGA launcher; models for performance analysis of
the solid rocket motors of Vega; modeling the evolution of propellant grain
surface; ablation modeling for nozzle walls based on pyrolyzing and non-
pyrolyzing materials.
❑ Hybrid propellant rockets: flow/surface interaction modeling for solid and
paraffinic fuels; combustion modeling and performance analysis; ablation
modeling for nozzle walls based on pyrolyzing and non-pyrolyzing materials.
❑ Aircraft engines: off-design performance analysis of gas turbine engines with
uncertain parameters.
❑ Prediction and measurement of pollutants: generation of simplified/reduced
chemical kinetic mechanisms for application in aviation, energy, and
automotive including pollutants (NOx), PAH and soot predictions.
[Experimental techniques for soot concentration measurement].
❑ Space Propulsion: design, test and in-orbit demonstration of a cold gas
micro- thruster.
❑ Mission Analysis: exploration on Mars and Venus through
ISRU (ln Situ Resource Utilization); propulsive solutions
for return missions of planet surface samples; mission
analysis of single-stage-to-orbit vehicles.
❑ Re-entry vehicles: modeling the active and passive
oxidation of carbon and silica thermal protection
systems of reentry vehicles.

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale,

❑ Turbomachinery (TM) Design. DIMA is constantly developing and improving
design tools for turbomachinery. We have developed a software platform based
on open-source libraries to design and optimize TM, that constantly incorporate
new knowledge from open literature and in-house studies.
❑ Wind, Tidal and Ocean Turbines
❑ Mini-Hydro Turbines
❑ Steam Turbines and Gas Turbines
❑ Fans, pumps and industrial fluid-machineries

❑ Computational Methods for Fluid Machinery. Analysis, development and

implementation of numerical models for the simulation of turbulence and heat
transfer in TM applications. Our study involve advanced modelling of flow and
heat transfer in URANS, hybrid LES/RANS, LES.

❑ Machine Learning Methods for Turbomachinery. Implementation of machine-

learnt strategies for TM design and optimization, improved CFD predictions
(machine learnt wall functions and turbulence modelling), predictive
maintenance, fault diagnosis in TM operations.

❑ TM fast prototyping lab. TM designed at DIMA can be printed and tested in our
lab to verify their aerodynamic and noise performance.

Ocean Energy Converters for Mediterranean operations

4 Int.l Patent
Patents GB2507493 (A)

Zero axial thrust impeller

for multi-stage pump
Leading edge bumps
for separation control
Wind energy techologies in axial and mixed flow

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale,

❑ Multiphase Flows in Turbomachinery. Analysis, development and
implementation of multi-phase models (Lagrange) for particle-loaded flows in
industrial applications. Our studies involve particles-cloud and single-particle
monitoring. Modelling of particles/droplet impact on solid walls: elastic and
elasto-plastic impact models; influence of temperature; adhesion of particles;
particle/droplet erosion. Modelling of deposit growth and erosion evolution
with mesh morphing techniques; use of machine learning algorithm for fast
predictions. Modelling of cavitation.

❑ OTHER TOPICS IN TURBOMACHINERY: blade cooling; thermo-fluid behavior of a

gas turbine blade with ceramic porous coating; general features of the entropy
generation rate in TM channels; a novel concept of a vortex-based highly
compact combustion chamber for a micro TG; heat recovery systems for a
UMTG; super-compact modular heat exchanger for UMTG.

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale,

❑ Thermo-computational fluid dynamics of turbomachinery. Analysis,
development, and implementation of numerical models (U-RANS based) for the
description of turbulence and heat transfer in turbomachinery applications.
Analysis and implementation of simulation approaches (Large Eddy Simulation -
LES) for turbulence and heat transfer in turbomachinery applications and in
general industrial applications.
❑ Forecast of fouling and erosion caused by dispersed particles, for industrial
applications. Analysis, development and implementation of multi-phase models
(Lagrange) for particle-loaded flows in industrial applications (two methods are
considered: particles-cloud and single-particle monitoring). Modeling of
particles impact on solid walls: elastic and elasto-plastic impact model;
influence of temperature; adhesion of particles; erosion.
❑ Study of energy systems based on conventional and renewable energy sources.
❑ Renewable Sources: concentrating solar power, biomass, organic fraction of
municipal solid waste, gasification. Development and implementation of
numerical models of power systems with Aspen Tech, CHEMCAD and TRNSYS
softwares. Gasification of biomass for the production of hydrogen-rich syngas
with a low CHAR content. Experimental analysis and software modeling of the
Life Cycle Assessment of distributed energy systems; cogeneration.
❑ Experimental study of fuel cells performance.
Analysis, testing and optimization of direct methanol
fuel cells: study of the performance of the whole
system; Micro-PIV investigation of CO2 bubbles
generation and dynamics in the micro channels of the
cell. Analisys, testing and optimization of solid-oxide
fuel cell fed with syngas produced from biomass
gasification. Biomass gasifier

❑ Experimental study of recycled materials for liquid

hydrocarbons absorption. Testing of properties of
crude oil absorption by waste materials from recycled
tires; Full-scale testing and process optimization.


‘Heavy’ hydrogen mobility Hybrid DMFC/battery

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale,

❑ Solar cooling: micro absorption machine for solar thermal systems.
❑ Biomass: experimental numerical analysis for the conversion of multi-fuel
gas turbine groups (with particular attention to the burners) to vegetable
oils or biogas. Study and optimization of digesters operating parameters.
Study of ozonation of different types of biomass, and other pre-treatments
designed to improve energy efficiency (use of microwaves and two-stage
❑ Smart Grid: management of electrical loads as a function of tariffs and
availability of autoproduction from renewables.
❑ Sustainable buildings: integration of systems, active and passive
interventions for energy efficiency
❑ Storage systems for electricity from renewable sources: study of
mechanical systems for small power generation.
❑ Air quality monitoring: statistical investigations, Simulation models of
pollutants dispersion into the atmosphere; analytical techniques for sources
separation; short and long term forecast models; pollution abatement and air
treatment systems; Environmental impact assessments.
❑ Cryogenic Machines: Pulse Tube and reverse cycle Stirling type and absorption
systems; Stirling: development of a new hybrid heater for solar
applications, based on research activities with the Bruno Kessler Foundation
❑ Pulse Tube: evaluation and characterization of thermo-acoustic processes
during operation.
Hybrid&Integrated Energy Systems

Sustainable energy and bioremediation

Advanced FCs

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale,

The research focuses on the validation and design of measurement chains both for
industrial and biomedical applications: from signal transduction to signal
acquisition preserving the quality of information.

In the field of mechanical industry, the group is specialized in:

❑ Installation of strain gauges for the measurement of deformations, vibrations,
and stress of structures and/or mechanical parts.
❑ Installation of interferometric or reflection optical benches for studying micro-
deformations of structures.
❑ Rotary torque measurements for the characterization of rotary actuators and
braking systems.
❑ Installation of thermal gradients measurement chains, both for environment
and mechanical parts, including thermocouples, PT100, surface thermometers,
thermistors, thermal imaging cameras.
❑ Thermo-mechanical characterization of structures, using contactless solutions
for measuring displacement (laser optical distance sensors) and temperature
(infra-red radiation thermometers), for monitoring and reverse engineering.
❑ Characterization and real-time monitoring of energy production systems
(catalytic converters) and the use of hydrogen (fuel cells).
❑ Development of benches for function monitoring and incipient fault detection
of ions and lithium polymer batteries.
❑ Development of wireless sensor networks and microwave-based portable
systems for the measurement of environmental parameters and water content,
respectively, for Cultural Heritage applications.

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale,

In the field of experimental biomechanics, the focus is on the:
❑ Metrological characterization of optoelectronic systems and force platforms for
the analysis of human kinematics and kinetics.
❑ Development of 3-degrees of freedom robotic devices for the balance
rehabilitation and for the study of motor control in pathological subjects.
❑ Development of wearable lower limb exoskeletons for adults and children, of
solutions for natural or haptic interfaces for home rehabilitation, of solutions
for biomechanical assessment in sports and of robotic exoskeletons for haptic
feedback in virtual reality.
❑ Development of advanced and specific biomechanical models.
❑ Development of measurement methods and experimental protocols for ex-vivo
characterization of several mouse model biological tissues: muscle, connective,
bone, skin, neuromuscular junction.
❑ Generation and characterization of a 3D in vitro model of muscle tissue for
drug testing and transplant, and of a 3D in vitro model of neuromuscular
junction for the study of the communication between muscle and nerve in
neuromuscolar diseases
❑ Study of cell mechanotransduction in mesenchymal stem cell differentiation
and in bone tumors development.
❑ Development of microwave sensors and experimental protocols for the cells
and tissue recognition.

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale,

❑ Vibroacoustics - non linear models + random loads (Statistical Linearization-
Statistical Perturbation)
❑ High frequency vibroacustic (Uncertainty propagation - Statistical Energy
Analysis - Force identification)
❑ Medium-high frequency optimization using Statistical Energy Analysis (SEA)
model – application: noise reduction on aeronautic and aerospace structures
❑ Tribology and contact mechanics
❑ Friction induced vibrations, contact damping and contact instabilities
❑ Friction and wear
❑ Numerical contact simulation and experimental contact instrumentation
❑ Control Robotics Mechatronics - Isotropic compliance
❑ Identification Substructuring - Experimental dynamic substructuring (dynamic
behavior of complex mechanical systems)
❑ Micronano Mechanics - Theoretical and experimental research in micro-
electro mechanical systems (MEMS)
❑ design and fabrication MEMS-based devices
❑ development of a new concept CSFH (conjugate surface flexure hinge)
❑ Signal Processing and Detection
❑ Damping Dissipation - damping control and energy harvesting - Variational
Approach to Optimal Control - Variational Feedback Control (VFC)
❑ Metamaterials - dynamic problems for metamaterials (wave propagation,
piezoelectric mechanical structures for vibration control, active vibration
❑ Multi-physics Technology Application
❑ Vehicles (new Methods for crash detection, damage detection) - Vehicle
control systems – smart tire Early Stage Damage Monitoring and Detection
❑ Aerospace – Bearings damage – Brake noise and performances
❑ Biomechanics

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale,

The research activities can be grouped into three major fields:
❑ Advanced mechanical characterization of engineering materials
The research topic aims at the experimental characterization and numerical
modelling of the structural behaviour of materials, focusing on large strain elasto-
plastic description, ductile damage accumulation, and fracture prediction.
Investigated materials range from isotropic and anisotropic metal alloys (Steel,
Titanium, Aluminum) to composites, and additive manufacturing alloys.
Experiments are devised to induce complex stress states in material samples
through multiaxial tests, mainly executed using a standard axial machine and a
custom made bi-axial tension-torsion machine, both available in the Lab.
Numerical models, to be used within Finite Element codes, are taken from the
literature or developed on purpose. They are calibrated and validated using the
experimental results. Over the years, the research results have been applied for
the structural integrity assessments and design of several actual applications of
structures such as: off-shore and on-shore oil and gas pipelines, similar and
dissimilar welded joints, crash dampers, sheet metal stamping processes, and

❑ Full field strain measurement using optical techniques

The validation of theoretical/numerical models which describe material behavior
can greatly benefit from a full-field local comparison between measured and
computed strains. In this context, optical techniques provide contactless non-
invasive information of the strain distribution on the surfaces of material samples
or actual parts. In this regard, an original white light speckle image correlation
method algorithm was developed, which granted accurate measurements in a very
wide deformation range (from 10-5 to 100 m/m). The technique was profitably
applied to the study of the behaviour of different kinds of materials like metals,
composites, biological tissues, and artworks.

❑ Experimental and numerical methods for the restoration of Cultural Heritage

A long-standing collaboration with the “Istituto Superiore per la Conservazione e il
Restauro” of Rome offered the group a chance to give an engineering support to
the study, preservation and restoration of cultural heritage, particularly of canvas
paintings. In this regard, experimental techniques and numerical Finite Element
models, usually employed in industrial engineering, were used to estimate the
state of stress and pretensioning of important artworks, such as: “L’annunciazione”
by Antonello da Messina, Caravaggio’s “La resurrezione di Lazzaro” and Raffaello’s
cartoon for the painting of the fresco “La Scuola di Atene”. Results contributed to
the assessment of the overall wear and aging effects of the paintings under study.

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale,

Research activities and applications pertains to CAD-CAE and computer-based
simulations such as:

❑ Reverse Engineering: acquisition and post-processing solutions for complex

shape modeling, recognition and control (e.g. springback of sheet metal
forming, pipelines external damage, cultural heritage applications).

❑ Computer Aided Tolerancing & Inspection: development of algorithms for the

verification of geometrical tolerances from digital acquisition.

❑ CAD-CAE Methods to support archaeological investigation, restoration, and

conservation (with specialization towards bronze statues).

❑ Product Lifecycle Design: Study of methods for managing optimization process

in developing product-process design, quality control and design for X
(reliability, ecodesign, ergonomics, …)

❑ Virtual prototyping and modeling of applications with nonlinearity such as

plastic and hyperelastic materials.

Cultural Heritage Acquisition

Tolerance Inspection

Bronze Statue Inner Frame Design Springback Optimization

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale,

❑ CAE tools with particular interest to Robust Design and to integrated product-
process design

❑ Design of Experiments applications and optimization

❑ Topological optimization and Digital Design.

❑ Cellular materials and lattice structure mesoscale modeling and structural

Tube bendability by DOE

Design of Experiments Applications

Digital Design and

Topological Optimization Cellular Materials Modeling

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale,

Research activities are mainly focused on the traditional and non traditional Technologies,
such as Additive Manufacturing processes, machining, laser processing, and surface

Over the years, the group has developed specific skills in the field of:
❑ Production of prototypes and components by additive manufacturing, with
Fused Deposition Modeling technology and development of a rapid prototyping
experimental apparatus;
❑ Machining with computer numerical control systems of free-form mechanical
❑ Finishing of mechanical components via mass finishing and laser techniques;
❑ Manufacturing of metal foams through salt infiltration;
❑ Reverse engineering through laser scanning and structured light of complex
geometry components;
❑ Laser thermal treatments aimed at increasing the mechanical and/or
tribological properties of metal and composite components;
❑ Recycling polycarbonate from electronic waste (optical media, such as CDs and
❑ Laser forming for folding and shaping aluminum and stainless steel sheets with
❑ complex shapes;
❑ Aesthetic welding for conducting light alloys and precious metal alloys;
❑ Metal-polymer hybrid laser joints for applications in automotive, biomedical,
food and pharmaceutical packaging;
❑ Modeling and optimization using artificial intelligence techniques and numerical
simulation of many processes, such as laser processing and fused deposition
❑ Functionalization of organic or inorganic coatings for aesthetic and functional

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale,

Industrial Mechanical Systems Engineering addresses a broad range of topics from
production design to operations management. The team develops analytical and simulation
models, expert systems and data-driven approaches to trade-off competitiveness,
effectiveness, efficiency, and sustainability. The research activities focus on advanced
scientific solutions for decision makers in a smart manufacturing environment. The main
fields of research are:
❑ Design of industrial systems: efficient design of industrial and service systems,
economic evaluation and investment analysis, plant layout and facility design,
environmental impact assessment, warehouse and material handling systems
optimization, project protfolio selection and management.
❑ Operations management: tools and techniques to design, manage, control,
and improve production processes by system-wide optimization that
encompasses lean management and six sigma, besides Business Intelligence
and Artificial Intelligence solutions.
❑ Logistics and Supply Chain Management: design, management, assessment,
and optimization of logistics systems’ and supply chains’ performance with
specific reference to coordination and planning of ordering policies,
production optimization, rating models, disruptions management, supply chain
resilience and cyber-resilience modeling.
❑ Risk Management: methodologies to identify, assess, and manage risks. The
group develops diverse modelling solutions adopting the principles of
resilience engineering for complex socio-technical systems (large-scale plants,
airports, hospitals, etc.) that jointly involve human agents along with cyber-
physical and organizational elements.

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale,

❑ Safety and maintenance: advanced maintenance, prognostic and health
management, including Tele-Maintenance, predictive Safety Intelligent
Systems, ergonomics, and resilience engineering applied to safety
management. Innovative modeling for spare parts management in multi-
echelon multi-item multi-indenture logistic networks to ensure inventory costs
reduction, and service improvements through heuristic optimization algorithms.
❑ Life Cycle Assessment and Management: approaches focusing on sustainability
through cost-benefit analyses and life-cycle optimizaiton to improve products,
services, product-service systems, or even processes, management systems,
and supply chains at a larger scale.
❑ Environmental and Quality Management: business practices to increase
stakeholders’ satisfaction and reduce or prevent environmental pollution
through management solutions; development of Total Quality Management and
Standard of Excellence models, and Governance-Risk Management-Compliance
(GRC) models.
❑ Industry 4.0 and production digitalization: methodologies to enable the
adoption of IoT solution into production systems, with the development of
specific frameworks and data-driven approaches relying on machine learning
solutions, aimed at increasing enterprises’ competitiveness. This research
includes as well a focus on human-machine interactions for industrial robots
and cobots, and the assessment and management of risks associated with
digital opportunities.

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale,

❑ Analysis of structure property relations and transport phenomena in nano-
structured biomaterials;
❑ Analysis of the Ultrasound-Tissue interactions
❑ Effect of microgravity conditions on bone remodeling
❑ Proof of Concept devices for the mechanical characterization of biological tissues
❑ Hysto-Morphometric analysis of bio-images (Radiomics)
❑ Augmented and mixed reality exergaming for clinical evaluation and
❑ 3D Models for Surgical planning and training
❑ Medical Devices characterization
❑ Quantitative analysis of Bio-Archaeology (Anthropological Archaeology) samples

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale,


Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale,


Footprint and locations


Equipments and large experimental


Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale,

Lay-out, foot-print and locations

Total lab area

Didactic & Research Labs: 1500 m2

San Pietro in Vincoli RM031
San Pietro in Vincoli RM035

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale,

Flight Dynamics (LAPIS)
Fields of research:
❑ Development of fixed and rotary-wing UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle): design and
construction of small aircraft (drones) with innovative features, equipped with thermal
or electric propellers;
❑ Autopilot Design: drive and control algorithms developed through an automatic SW
generation and implementation on the on-board computer;
❑ Aircraft modeling and flight simulation by a real-time simulation system, with a
realistic cockpit for the human-machine interface study.
❑ Design, prototyping and validation via simulation of systems for determining balance
control of nano satellites.

Laboratory equipment:
❑ Fully instrumented UAVs for GN&C test and validation using scale models;
❑ dSPACE equipment for rapid prototyping of flight control and hardware-in-the-loop
simulation systems:
❑ dSPACE modular system based on DS1006 Processor Board, 2.5 GHz and and various
cards (I/O Serial Interface Board, Digital I/O Board, A/D and D/A Board, Timing and
Digital I/O Board etc.);
❑ dSPACE System DS1103 PPC Controller Board, single-board system with real-time
processor and comprehensive I/O;
❑ dSPACE MicroAutoBox II system.
❑ CPU boards, GPS, I/O, power supply in PC/104 format for embedded computer
❑ Inertial navigation system C-III MIGTS - Systron Donner Inertial Division;
❑ Professional Flight Console with hand wheel and pedals by Precision Flight Control Inc.,
with digital avionics and navigation system emulation by Garmin GNS 530W for single-
engine, twin-engine propeller and turbojet .
❑ MathWorks Family products (Matlab, Simulink and toolboxes); products by dSPACE and
applications for aerodynamics analysis (Tornado, VSAERO).

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale,

Aerospace Structures and Design
Structural Dynamics Lab
Development of experimental modal analysis technique based on both input/output and
output-only measurements. Identification of structural dynamic properties from flying test
and GVT of fixed and rotating wing vehicles. Environmental testing for design qualification
and flight acceptance of space structures and mechanical components undergoing severe
vibration levels. Vibration reduction methods via PZT patches passively used. Development
of sensitivity-based structural updating techniques and structural damage identification

Aerospace Composite Material Lab

Design, manufacturing and testing of high performance composite materials for aerospace
applications. Embedding of sensors/actuators for health monitoring. The laboratory is
equipped with the following facilities: autoclave for vacuum bagging technique with
440mm diameter, and 770 mm length, curing cycle with programmable logic controller for
temperatures up to 200° C, pressures up to 8 atm and 10 mbar of vacuum; tooling facilities
for post-processing of composites; ultrasonic device for non-destructive testing with linear
phased array probe with 64 transducers at 3.5 MHz and encoder. The Lab is involved in the
development of natural fiber composites for aeronautics and other fields of application.

Smart Structures Lab

Development of active structures for vibration control, health monitoring and shape
morphing in aerospace systems. Exploitation of piezoelectric materials for wireless sensors
networks and energy harvesting capabilities. Vibration control of active structures, active
control of composite structures, electro-active polymers, smart thermal protection system.
The laboratory is equipped with the following facilities: LMS SCADAS III advanced platform
for data acquisition and analysis for vibration engineering, electrodynamic shaker,
electronic equipment for circuit design, breadboarding and testing, equipment for
piezoelectric material treatment, telecom devices for wireless network communications.

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale,

Aerospace Structures and Design
Computational Mechanics Lab
Numerical simulations of aerospace structures by finite element procedures for nonlinear
analysis (large displacements, large strains, material nonlinearity e.g. rubber) and
multiphysics (thermal and thermoelastic analysis, piezoelectric analysis).

Computational Space Robotics and Multibody Dynamics Lab

The activities of the laboratory are relevant to the development of space manipulators and
robotic arms from the mechanical, dynamical, and control point of view. Interactions with
autonomous space systems are also investigated, studied, and simulated numerically and

Computational Dynamics and FSI Lab

Development of multidisciplinary reduced-order models (ROM) for the dynamics of
aerospace structures and for the solution of stability and response problems induced by
fluid-structures interactions (FSI) in aircraft, launch vehicles, and rotorcraft. Use of ROMs
for multidisciplinary design and optimization (MDO) of innovative aircraft configurations.

Concurrent Engineering Lab

Preliminary design of satellite systems in the frame of multidisciplinary analyses and pre-
phase A sizing criteria in a concurrent engineering SW and HW environment.

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale,

Aerospace Systems and Radio Science
Aerospace Systems Lab
Development of techniques for the analysis of optical
measurements of Earth orbiting objects. In particular, the
activity aims at the dynamical (trajectory and attitude
motion) and physical (material, colour, shape, area-to-mass
ratio) characterization of space debris.
To achieve space debris optical measurements the laboratory
produces and operates observatories dedicated to space
debris measurements. Astrometry and photometry is
accomplished by exploiting a network of small observatories
deployed all over Italy, multicolour photometry and
spectroscopy is performed from the Loiano observatory in
Bologna and in collaboration with the Cerro Tololo observatory
of the University of Michigan.
Moreover, the laboratory of Aerospace-systems design,
manufactures and tests components and subsystems for
aircraft and spacecraft. In particular, the activities in this field
involve a system for supporting landing of airplanes,
helicopters, and drones based on optical tracing of the target
and systems for testing microsatellite components as vacuum
chamber and Helmholtz coils for simulating variable magnetic

Radio Science Lab

The Radio Science Lab is active in radio science experiments, precision tracking systems,
planetary geodesy, and orbit determination. The laboratory hosts a network of high-power
computers for the processing of tracking data used both for scientific investigations and
deep-space navigation. In the period 2011-2013 twelve people (graduate students,
postdocs, and research assistants) worked in the lab. The team has joined flagship missions
of NASA and ESA planetary exploration program, such as Cassini (ongoing, in orbit around
Saturn), Juno (now in cruise to Jupiter), BepiColombo (to Mercury, launch in 2016), and
JUICE (to the Jovian satellites, launch 2022). The lab partecipated in these missions with
flight hardware and data processing of radio science and planetary geodesy investigations.
These activities wer carried out in an international context, with extensive collaborations
with academic and scientific institutions, and aerospace industries.
Over the past years the Radio Science Lab took part in industrial studies, with the
participation of prominent European aerospace industries (such as BAE Systems and Thales
Alenia Space). Of special relevance was the development of the Delta-Differential One-way
Ranging (DDOR) correlator, a crucial asset for Europe’s access to deep space. This
operational tool for the navigation of ESA’s planetary probes was entirely developed by the
lab’s personnel.

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale,

Aerodynamics and Fluid-Mechanics
❑ Subsonic Wind tunnel, open circular test-section of about 1 m in diameter and a
maximum air velocity of 50 m/s. Equipment: Multi-hole Pitot Tubes, Pressure Gauge,
Particle Image Velocimetry system (PIV), Continuous and Pulsed Lasers, High-Speed
Video Camera (up to 100,000 frames per second), cross-correlation cameras,3D-frame
lenses and video camera, Laser Doppler Anemometer (LDA), Ultrasound Anemometer
(UA), three-component balance. Oil and Bubble pressurized generators. Models of
wings and ailerons, wind turbines (HAWT and VAWT), cars, MAV and other geometries.
❑ Anechoic wind tunnel, with a standing chamber connected to a high pressure system.
The section of the chamber is circular (diameter 50 cm) and the velocity of an input
jet can range from 50 m/s to more than 450 m/s depending on the jet output
diameter. Equipment: 8 microphones (1/4 in Bruel-Kjaer 4939) connected to a PULSE
X-3570 scan system. Set of Absolute and Differential Pressure Gauges (MKS). Set of air
and nitrogen flow meters (MKS). Nozzles of various sizes and shapes.
❑ Small wind tunnels for flow visualization and teaching purposes.

❑ Water ducts and jets, with a maximum output speed of 1 m/s and an outlet section of
about 2 cm in diameter, has a square cross-section measuring area of 80 cm side and
120 cm lenght.
❑ Water-jet orifice, continuous and pulse configuration with a 3 cm output diameter,
with a square cross-section area of 50 cm side and 60 cm lenght. It is equipped with
remotely controlled linear gear to generate pulsed biomedical flows with assigned
forcing. Different types of orifices from circular to rectangular.
❑ Free-surface tank for experiments on free-surface flows, as jets interacting with walls,
rivers and wave formation.
❑ Microfluidic devices, for investigation on heat transfer and flow fields at millimiter

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale,

Advanced Energy Systems
Cryogenics and Stirling Engine
Experimental activities: the laboratory has been active for over 20 years for the study and
testing of closed cycle Stirling machines. There is also a complete test-bench for the
measurement of the various functional parameters and the analysis of Stirling engine cycle
and cryogenic thermoacoustic machines. The lab is supplied with a National Instrument
acquisition bench, a high-vacuum pump, a vacuum chamber for cryogenics (volume=3
dm3) with a chilled water auxiliary circuit for thermal stabilization. There is also a specific
library and a rich collection of Stirling machines prototypes.

Engine test room

The engine test room has three test benches, one with hydraulic brake suitable for
teaching, a tilting scale for torque and power measurements; the other two benches are
for eddy currents for the testing of internal combustion engines up to a power of 80 kW.
Equipped with external conveyors and refrigeration circuits of flue gas it can also
accommodate test-benches for Stirling machines (with 25 kW dynamo-brake) and
microturbines. According to necessity can also be installed on a test bench burners up to a
power of 60 kW.

Other available equipment includes a BOSCH gas analyzer, a unit for measuring the
indicated cycle,and an AVL balance for the fuel.
A facility for the preparation of prototypes is also available.

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale,

Suistainable Energy
Biomass Laboratory
The biomass laboratory is equipped with a bench scale
fluidized bed gasifier (10 kW). The experimental setup is
mainly composed by a screw feeding system for the biomass,
a bench scale fluidized bed gasifier, gas and steam supply
systems, systems for the removal of the particulate from the
gas, a gas cooling system and metering and analysing systems
for the gas produced. Wood-gas composition is measured with
an on-line GC, while heavy hydrocarbons are sampled at
regular interval and successively measured in a GC-MS.
Several research activities were carried out by using the
fluidized bed gasifier: a) evaluation of wood-gas from
different feedstocks (i.e. changing humidity, biomass type);
b) development of improved catalysts for tar reduction; c)
development of efficient traps for heavy metals dispersed in
the biomass; d) development of carbon capture techniques
aiming at assessing negative emission schemes.

Fuel Cell Laboratory

Design, manufacturing and testing of fuel-cell based on energy
conversion systems. V/I, power curves, impedentiometric
analysis and contact resistance measurements for single MEA.
Fuel-cell stack design testing and optimization. Design of
Direct Methanol Fuel-Cell systems for APU or UPS applications.
Design of PLC for fuel-cell systems. PIV analysis of two-phase
flows for flow channels optimization. Testing of Direct
Methanol Fuel Cell single MEA, working in passive
configuration, for low power electrical devices.

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale,

Mechanical and Thermal Measurements
The Mechanical and Thermal Measurements Laboratory includes 14 computer stations, 7
work-benches, a welding station and 2 benches under extractor hood. The
instrumentation, both for basic and for specific applications includes:

Essential Equipment: Measurement chains for strain gauges, thermocouples, piezoelectric

accelerometers, electromagnetic exciters, bench power supplies, signal generators, power
amplifiers, multimeters, digital oscilloscopes, temperature sensors (thermocouple, PT100,
infrared sensors, etc.), sensors for displacement (LVDT, linear and rotary encoders,
potentiometers, laser optical sensors), speed and acceleration (tachometers, and
capacitive and piezoelectric accelerometers) measurement, sensors for force and torque
measurement, sensor for pressure measurement (piezoresistive sensors), Raise3D ProDuo
3D printer, FARO CAM measuring arm, CNC 3040 Z-DQ for PCB and Mini-VNA.

Energy Systems measurements instrumentation: 4-channel Micro Gas Chromatograph,

Power-train "tank-to-wheel" fully instrumented with catalytic reformer and PEM fuel cell
for global efficiency measure. Thermal imaging camera, bench with power supply and
electronic load for measuring the efficiency of lithium batteries, system for measuring the
efficiency of the PV panels (with pyranometer).

Biomechanics Measurements instrumentation: System of twelve IMU sensors for motion

analysis, 6-camera optoelectronic system for motion analysis, two 6-components AMTI
force platforms, 16-channels EMG system, robot for upper limb rehabilitation, pressure
matrix suitable for posturography, two biaxial electrogoniometers, robot for ankle

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale,

Industrial Bioengineering
The Industrial Bioengineering Laboratory includes computer stations, and work-benches.
The instrumentation, both for basic and for specific applications includes:

Essential Equipment: Bench power supplies, signal generators, power amplifiers,

multimeters, digital oscilloscopes.

Mechanical characterization of biological tissues: Load and displacement sensors and

actuator, high accuracy multi-axis translation/rotation stages for testing proof of concept

Mixed Reality for diagnostic and rehabilitation: PC interfaced boards for proof of concept
remotely controlled devices. Mixed reality wearable devices.

Medical Devices: 1 Clinical Ultrasound Scanner with several probes and test objects
(phantoms). Demo Devices for Students training (Pulmonary Ventilator, Invasive and non-
invasive blood pressure devices, integrated ECG board)

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale,

Vibroacoustic and Contact Mechanics
Vibroacoustic and Contact Mechanics
The vibroacoustics and contact mechanics laboratory is developed around the main
experimental research topics of the applied mechanical group: vibroacoustics, tribology,
biomechanics, and dynamics of mechanical systems.
Different test benches were developed within the laboratory for dynamic and tribological
characterization of systems.
The lab has a wide range of vibration transducers, dynamic exciters, force transducers,
microphones and two dynamic acquisition/analyzers.
A tribometer and a laser scanning vibrometer are also present.

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale,

Machine Construction
Testing facilities
An hydraulical MTS testing machine, for axial tensile/compressive static and fatigue loads
up to 250 kN. The equipment is controlled by a 407 MTS hardware while load signal,
crosshead displacements and specimen elongation data are collected by a National
Instrument card and Labview software.
A tension-torsion custom designed electro-mechanical testing machine is available, based
on a Schenck-Trebel four-columns frame, which allows axial and torsional loads up to 100
kN and 1000 Nm, respectively. Loads are acquired by a custom-made biaxial load cell,
while displacements and rotations are recorded by means of digital encoders embedded in
the actuators. The real-time control is provided by a National Instrument FPGA card
programmed in Labview environment. The two axes can be independently loaded or
displacement controlled. The equipment, in conjunction with proper specimen
geometries, allows the execution of multiaxial tests characterized by very different
loading conditions and stress states.

Digital image acquisition equipment for DIC analysis

The group has a consolidated expertise in surface strain measurements relying on the
“white light speckle image correlation” technique. A high resolution digital image
acquisition framework can be used for the experimental activities, based on 2208×3000
pixel PixeLink cameras, controlled by a personal computer through a FireWire high speed
connection. The system can be used with different testing machines available in the lab.
The acquired data can be properly post-processed to quantify full-field displacements of
the specimen with a spatial resolution up to a fraction of a pixel and strains during test

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale,

Manufacturing and Technology
In addition to standard support equipment, such as rugosimeters, microscopes, data
acquisition systems, the technology and processing systems laboratory, the following
equipment is dedicated to scientific and technological research in the field of mechanical
❑ CNC milling machine;
❑ centrifugal disc finishing plant - ECO MAXI;
❑ FDM additive manufacturing system;
❑ Rofin-Sinar DL015 Diode Laser Source;
❑ Forced ventilation stove (model FD 53 Binder) in the range 5-300 °C;
❑ NextEngine 3D scanner based on light scattering;
❑ GOM ATOS 4M SO 3D scanner for small components based on structured light;
❑ Industrial and experimental barrel finishing systems;
❑ Powder Bed Fusion EOS M290 Selective Laser Melting system and related machines for
platform detachment, sand blasting, kiln for thermal treatments;
❑ Additive manufacturing system based on Stereolithography technology (inverted
configuration and laser based) with post curing apparatus;
❑ Additive manufacturing system based on Masked Stereolithography technology
(inverted configuration and led based) with ultrasonic vat for post processing.

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale,

High-Performance Computing

Monolith Cluster

❑ 1 Front-End Node
2x 8 core Intel(R) Xeon(R) Silver 4208
❑ 10 CPU Computing Nodes
4x 20 core Intel Xeon Gold 6230 192 GB
❑ 1 GPU Computing Node
2x 20 core Intel Xeon Gold 6230 192 GB

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale,

Technology Transfer
and Societal Impact

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale,

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale,
Spin-offs are the quintessential means of developing highly innovative businesses
based on the research and knowledge base accomplished within the University.
Sapienza fosters and promotes the birth of start-ups with the aim of
transferring to the market patents, inventions, know how, or devices which are
the result of scientific research.
With this idea, DIMA members have founded several spin-offs in diverse fields.

(Contact Person: Prof. Giulio Di Gravio)
AIComply has the mission to develop and supply innovative services for Compliance
Management in order to ensure the fulfillment of regulations or on a voluntary
basis. The integrated approach is based on a technological platform which
accounts for multiple regulations ready to launch on the market. The goal of the
service offered to the market is that of contributing to the evolution of statical
management systems of Compliance, moving towards an innovative Compliance &
Risk Management, by offering methodological and technological support that,
based on the output of processes, controls, and action plans, is capable of
assessing the actual risk level to which the company is exposed.

SED Soluzioni per l’energia e la diagnostica

(Contact person: Prof. Alessandro Corsini)

The goal of SED is to develop and

provide products and services for
supporting the technologies for the
HAWT blade fatigue index

diagnosis and prognosis of rotating

machines, turbomachinery, and
energy and power systems. In
particular, SED is concerned with
the development of the industrial
production of on-time and on-line
monitoring systems implementing
new softwares for the diagnosis of
unstable operation regimes and for
their control by suitable actuators.

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale,

Smart Structures Solutions
(Contact person: Prof. Paolo Gaudenzi)

This spin-off stems from the idea of realizing monitoring systems for structural
safety based on wireless communications and autonomous operation (i.e., without
external electrical power supply). Smart structures technologies, which have
been studied and developed in several international research centers including
Sapienza, offer a number of technological solutions for both the choice of sensors
and self-production of power, using energy harvesting methods and/or

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale,

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale,

DIMA is located in the Faculty of Civil and Industrial Engineering of Sapienza.

Our location can be easily reached by bus/metro, by train, by taxi or by car.

Via Eudossiana 18—00184 Roma

Please check our website for further information:

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale,

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale
Sapienza Università di Roma
Via Eudossiana 18 – 00184 Roma

Director: Prof. Paolo Gaudenzi – [email protected]

Administrative Responsible: Dr. Maria Pia Giammario – [email protected]

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