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e © 4 ¾ ¢

XXI. Away with these selfe loving lads

p ! 4 p
p p
John Dowland
¾ p p p p p p p p p p Y
p€ š š
1. A- way with these selfe lov- ing lads, Whom Cu- pids ar- row
2. God Cu- pids shaft, likede- sti- nie, Doth ey- ther good or
3. My songs they be of Chn- this praise, I weare her rings on

4. If Cyn- thia crave her ring of mee, I blot her name out
> p p
€ p p 4 ¾ p p p p µ

p _p p
ne- ver glads. A- way poore soules that sigh and weep, In
ill de- cree: De- sert is borne out of his bow, Re-
ho- ly dayes, On e- very tree I write her name, And
of the tree If doubt do dar- ken things held deare, Then

€ p p p p p  » 4 ¾ p p p p p µ

š š
love of them that lie and sleepe. For Cu- pid is a
ward up- on his foot doth goe. What fools are they that
e- very day I reade the same: Where ho- nor, Cu- pids

wel- fare no- thing once a yeare: For ma- ny run, but
p p p p 
€» p p p p p p

me- dow God, And for- ceth none to kisse the rod.
have not known That love likes no lawes but his own?
ri- vall is, There mi- ra- cles are seene of his.
one must win, Fools one- ly hedge the Cu- ckoe in.

Original time signature is a backwards C with a slash

2006 Serpent Publications Printed on: October 15, 2006
“ © 4 ¾ ¢
XXI. Away with these selfe loving lads
> Altus.
John Dowland
»p€ ! 4 ¾ p p p p p p _p p p p p p
p p
1. A- way with these selfe lov- ing lads, Whom Cu- pids ar- row
2. God Cu- pids shaft, like de- sti- nie, Doth ey- ther good or
3. My songs they be of Chn- this praise, I weare her rings on
4. If Cyn- thia crave her ring of mee, I blot her name out

4 ¾ p > > > > p> p >


€ p _p p p p p _p p _p p
ne- ver glads. A- way poore soules that sigh and weep, In
ill de- cree: De- sert is borne out of his bow, Re-
ho- ly dayes, On e- very tree I write her name, And
of the tree If doubt do dar- ken things held deare, Then
> > >  » 4 >
€ p ¾

p p _p p _p p _ p p p p p Y
love of those that lie and sleepe. For Cu- pid is a
ward up- on his foot doth goe. What fools are they that
e- very day I reade the same: Where ho- nor, Cu- pids

wel- fare no- thing once a yeare: For ma- ny run, but
€» p p p p p

p p p _p
me- dow God, And for- ceth none to kisse the rod.
have not known That love likes no lawes but his own?
ri- vall is, There mi- ra- cles are seene of his.
one must win, Fools one- ly hedge the Cu- ckoe in.

2006 Serpent Publications Printed on: October 15, 2006
Á © 4 ¾ ¢

XXI. Away with these selfe loving lads

p p p
p p p p p p p p µ
John Dowland

_p€ ! 4 ¾ p
p p
1. A- way with these selfe lov- ing lads, Whom Cu- pids ar- row
2. God Cu- pids shaft, like de- sti- nie, Doth ey- ther good or
3. My songs they be of Chn- this praise, I weare her rings on
4. If Cyn- thia crave her ring of mee, I blot her name out
> >
€ p
 p 4 ¾ _ p> p p  p p p p pµ

š p _p š
ne- ver glads. A- way poore soules that sigh and weep, In
ill de- cree: De- sert is borne out of his bow, Re-
ho- ly dayes, On e- very tree I write her name, And
of the tree If doubt do dar- ken things held deare, Then
p p p p p > p p p p
 » 4 ¾ p µ

€ š p š
love of them that lie and sleepe. For Cu- pid is a
ward up- on his foot doth goe. What fools are they that
e- very day I reade the same: Where ho- nor, Cu- pids
wel- fare no- thing once a yeare:
For ma- ny run, but
p p p p p »p p p p ¤ 

š š
me- dow God, And for- ceth none to kisse the rod.
have not known That love likes no lawes but his own?
ri- vall is, There mi- ra- cles are seene of his.
one must win, Fools one- ly hedge the Cu- ckoe in.

2006 Serpent Publications Printed on: October 15, 2006
§ © 4 ¾ ¢

XXI. Away with these selfe loving lads

pR ! 4 >Johnp Dowland
¾ p p p p p p p

š p p p p p +
1. A- way with these selfe lov- ing lads, Whom Cu- pids ar- row
2. God Cu- pids shaft, like de- sti- nie, Doth ey- ther good or
3. My songs they be of Chn- this praise, I weare her rings on
4. If Cyn- thia crave her ring of mee, I blot her name out
R p p 4 ¾ p p p p p p p p p
š š
ne- ver glads. A- way poore soules that sigh and weep, In
ill de- cree: De- sert is borne out of his bow, Re-
ho- ly dayes, On e- very tree I write her name, And
of the tree If doubt do dar- ken things held deare, Then
R p p p p  » 4 > »p
š p p ¾ p p p

p æ
love of them that lie and sleepe. For Cu- pid is a
ward up- on his foot doth goe. What fools are they that
e- very day I reade the same: Where ho- nor, Cu- pids
wel- fare no- thing once a yeare: For ma- ny run, but
R p p p p p p 

» p p p
me- dow God, And for- ceth none to kisse the rod.
have not known That love likes no lawes but his own?
ri- vall is, There mi- ra- cles are seene of his.
one must win, Fools one- ly hedge the Cu- ckoe in.

2006 Serpent Publications Printed on: October 15, 2006

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