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The aircraft is programmed to leave the glideslope at

a 300ft
b The decrab phase
c# Start of flare

Rollout guidance by the rudder is effective to about

a# 80 knots
b 110 knots
c 30 knots

The integrity of an autopilot must be increased when the aircraft is flying at the
a Higher speeds
b Lower speeds
c# Approach and landing phase

An integrated autoland system has been selected to Go-around during the autoland
phase, the aircraft will
a Increase speed
b# Increase speed and rotate nose up
c Rotate nose up

Go-around mode can be initiated

a# After glideslope capture
b At any time
c Below 2000ft

If a fault is detected during an autoland approach the system will totally disconnect if
it is a
a Triplex system
b# Duplex system
c Dual/Dual system

An autoland is carried out in which sequence

a GS capture, Loc capture, Attitude hold, Flare
b# Loc capture, GS capture, Attitude hold, Flare
c Loc capture, GS capture, Flare and Attitude hold

Signals used during the flare are

a GS and rad alt
b GS and integrated pitch
c# Rad alt and integrated pitch

When can the FMS be engaged with the autothrottle

a# Before takeoff
b After takeoff
c Only with the autopilot engaged

In a dual FMS, a failure of one computer will result in

a# Give a blank display on one CDU
b Down grade the landing category
c Have no effect on the CDU display
A Full Authority Digital Engine Control System consists of
a The Electronic Engine Control unit only
b# Electronic Control Unit and all its sensors
c Electronic Engine Control Unit and throttle position transmitter

Where are the Go-around switches normally located

a On the mode select panel and identified as GA
b# On the thrust levers
c On the control wheel

With the autothrottle engaged, the application of reverse thrust will

a# Disconnect the autothrottle
b Drive the throttle to the minimum thrust position
c Drive the throttle to the reverse thrust position

The autothrottle system at touch down will

a Apply reverse idle
b Go to idle
c# Go to idle and disconnect

The stall margin mode is controlled by

a EPR limits
b Speed bug cursors
c# A O A and flap position sensors

The touch down mode is usually initiated by

a Throttle position
b# Weight on wheels
c Reverse thrust

In the autothrottle EPR mode, the actual EPR is obtained from

a The performance data computer
b Throttle position
c# EPR transmitter/transducer

The following modes can be retained after Go-around has been selected
a ILS Localiser and IAS
b IAS and glideslope
c# IAS and heading

The purpose of an autoland decrabbing manoeuvre is to

a# Point the aircraft down the runway at touch down
b Assist with glideslope tracking
c Assist with localiser tracking

An autoland failure monitor system will ensure that

a An autopilot will automatically disengage whenever any failure is detected
b The autopilot will automatically cause the aircraft to overshoot if any failure is
c# The aircraft will continue its autoland in the event of a single failure
During an autoland the descent rate is detected from
a Pitch rate gyros
b# Radio altimeter
c Vertical accelerometer

An autoland system with two separate power supplies is

a# Fail passive
b Fail operative
c Fail redundant

When will decision height aural warning sound

a At decision height
b# Before decision height
c After decision height

The autoland decrabbing signal is derived from

a Roll error signals
b Localiser deviation errors
c# Heading error

Automatic steering of the aircraft after touchdown is controlled from

a# Localiser signals
b Area navigation system
c The airfield marker beacons

A triplex system loses one channel, the system is now

a Fail passive
b# Fail operational
c Fail redundant

A fail passive system in the event of a failure will

a May produce a significant out of trim condition
b# Produce no significant out of trim condition
c Ensure that the aircraft can still land automatically

A triplex system loses one channel, the system becomes a

a Simplex systems
b# Duplex system
c Dual-dual system

The two parameters used for autoland category classification are

a Radio height and RVR
b Localiser and glideslope
c# Decision height and RVR

What is the controlling factor in the automatic flare function

a# Radio altimeter
b Decision height
c Glideslope signal
Cat 3B allows approach land and
a Runway guidance with zero DH and RVR
b# RVR in the order of 50 metres and no DH
c RVR in the order of 50 metres and 50ft DH

The definition of fail operational is the ability of a system to

a Disconnect after a fault and leave the aircraft correctly trimmed
b# Continue to autoland after the first fault
c Disconnect after a fault but leave the aircraft out of trim

What may be added to the flare computation at touchdown

a# Nose down bias
b Nose up bias
c No signal

What controls are used in response to the PVD display

a Ailerons
b Throttles
c# Nosewheel steering or rudder pedals

The ground run monitor presents information of

a# Distance to go and ground speed
b Distance to go and airspeed
c Take-off speed and distance to go

Selecting a profile for V Nav for autothrottle speed control

a F/D and Autopilot must be engaged
b# Can be selected any time
c Only when the aircraft is in a clean configuration

In a triplex autoland system, loss of a Nav receiver before capture of the localiser
a Revert to manual landing
b# Will continue to autoland
c Revert to a Cat2 approach

If an autopilot fails without excessive flight path deviation, the system will be
classified as
a# Fail passive
b Fail operational
c Fail safe/soft

Alpha floor signals are derived from

a Aircraft attitude
c# Alpha vane

Minimum operating speed of the autothrottle is derived from

a Pitch angle
b# Angle of attack
c Altitude
The purpose of the autothrottle clutch is
a To limit the thrust lever travel
b# To allow the pilot to override the autothrottle system
c To protect the servomotor from being damaged in a runaway

A Cat2 RVR limits are

a# 400-800 metres
b 200-400 metres
c 100-200 metres

Where do the EEC output signals feed to

a EGT limiter
b# Hydromechanical governor
c Fuel pump

Where are the EEC inputs derived from

a# Temp, speed and pressure
b Temp and speed
c Pressure

Aircraft with a decision height of 50ft must have

a Anti skid and ILS coupling
b Anti skid and automatic decrab action
c# Autopilot with an autoland function

The selection of the second FMS Nav data base is

a Manually in flight mode
b Automatically with date selection
c# Manually, with aircraft on ground

On an auto approach, with the autopilot is disengaged by the instinctive control

wheel disengage switch
a Throttles move forward to increase EPR
b Aural warnings only
c# Aural and visual warnings

In an autoland system, one of the simplex monitors detects a discrepancy between

the autopilot servo and the flying controls causing the simplex system to disengage.
The system is
a# Dual/Dual
b Duplex
c Triplex

FADEC obtains its power supplies from

a# A dedicated engine mounted generator
b Primary AC bus bar
c Emergency DC bus bar

The go-around mode on autoland aircraft is initiated by

a Pressing a button on the control panel
b# Pressing a button on the thrust levers
c Making a selection on the mode control panel

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