a 300ft
b The decrab phase
c# Start of flare
The integrity of an autopilot must be increased when the aircraft is flying at the
a Higher speeds
b Lower speeds
c# Approach and landing phase
An integrated autoland system has been selected to Go-around during the autoland
phase, the aircraft will
a Increase speed
b# Increase speed and rotate nose up
c Rotate nose up
If a fault is detected during an autoland approach the system will totally disconnect if
it is a
a Triplex system
b# Duplex system
c Dual/Dual system
The following modes can be retained after Go-around has been selected
a ILS Localiser and IAS
b IAS and glideslope
c# IAS and heading
In a triplex autoland system, loss of a Nav receiver before capture of the localiser
a Revert to manual landing
b# Will continue to autoland
c Revert to a Cat2 approach
If an autopilot fails without excessive flight path deviation, the system will be
classified as
a# Fail passive
b Fail operational
c Fail safe/soft