Cyber Crime Synopsis

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1. Group Id:

2. Project Title:

"Cyber Crime"

3. Project Option:
Internal Project.

4. Internal Guide:

Asst.Prof.Suryavanshi A.P., Department of Computer Engineering, Parikrama College of


5. Sponsorship and External Guide:


6. Technical Keywords:
Computer, Cyber , Phishing, Pedophilia, Computer Network.

7. Problem Statement:

Тhеrе іs аn еstіmаtе оf аbоut 20% оf реорlе thаt hаd tо dеаl wіth thіs kіnd оf сrіmе. Тhе іmрасt
суbеrсrіmе hаs оn іts vісtіms саusеs guіlt, аngеr, сhеаtеd, hеlрlеss, аnd fеаrful оr wоrrіеd. Аll thеsе
еmоtіоns hаvе mаdе vісtіms nоt tо trust аnуthіng оr аnуоnе. Суbеrсrіmе оссurs аt аnу роіnt іn tіmе
durіng а durаtіоn оf ореnіng а wеbsіtе thаt реорlе bеlіеvе tо bе sаfе. Еvеn lаrgе busіnеssеs hаvе hаd
рrоblеms wіth суbеr асtіvіtу аnd hаs соst а lоt оf mоnеу, whісh hurts nо mаttеr whо thе vісtіm іs.
Суbеrсrіmе оссurs just аbоut еvеrуwhеrе аnd thе Іntеrnеt іs dеfіnіtеlу а gаtеwау fоr соmрutеrs tо bе
usеd аs bаіt

8. Abstract:

The Computers have unleashed an era of enhanced productivity and creativity.

Communication and connectedness has seen new heights in the last two decades. Internet has
ushered a new revolution, The Online Revolution. In the current era of online processing,
maximum of the information is online and prone to cyber threats. There are a huge number of
cyber threats and their behaviour is difficult to early understanding hence difficult to restrict in
the early phases of the cyber-attacks. Cyber-attacks may have some motivation behind it or
may be processed unknowingly. The attacks those are processed knowingly can be considered
as the cyber-crime and they have serious impacts over the society in the form of economical
disrupt, psychological disorder, threat to National defence etc. Restriction of cyber-crimes is
dependent on proper analysis of their behaviour and understanding of their impacts over
various levels of society. Therefore, the current manuscript provides the understanding of
cyber-crimes and their impacts over society with the future trends of cyber- crimes.

9. Goals and Objectives

a. To avoid crimes.
b. To provide legal assistance and advice to people, who have been affected by misuse of
cyberspace and connected services.
c. To create more awareness about cyber legal issues and challenges.

10. Relevant Mathematics associated with Project

Binary Number Theory

Binary math powers everything a computer does, from creating and routing IP addresses to running a
security client’s operating system. It’s a mathematical language that uses only the values “0” and “1”
in combination.
Computer networks “speak” in binary, so cybersecurity professionals need to understand how it
works. Fortunately, most computer science courses introduce students to binary as part of the

Boolean Algebra
Boolean algebra is used extensively in computer programming. It’s a kind of algebra that describes
logical operations using two values, “true” (represented by the digit 0) and “false” (represented by the
digit 1). Boolean algebra manipulates those values using the logical function AND and OR.
Unlike other forms of algebra, Boolean doesn’t involve any numerical calculations. The answer is
either “yes” or “no,” which is why it’s been so useful in computer coding.
Most cybersecurity training programs, including edX’s Cybersecurity Fundamentals MicroBachelor’s
program from NYUx, require you to have some knowledge of programming languages like Python or

11.Names of Conferences / Journals where papers can be published

International Journal on Cyberlaw, Cybercrime & Cybersecurity

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