Noor - 2022 - IOP - Conf. - Ser. - Earth - Environ. - Sci. - 999 - 012023
Noor - 2022 - IOP - Conf. - Ser. - Earth - Environ. - Sci. - 999 - 012023
Noor - 2022 - IOP - Conf. - Ser. - Earth - Environ. - Sci. - 999 - 012023
Abstract. In Indonesia, there is a significant amount of sugarcane bagasse waste that has not
been utilized optimally. Around 50% of sugarcane bagasse waste is discarded as waste with
little economic value. Sugarcane bagasse contains lignocellulose, composed of 20%
hemicellulose, 52.75% cellulose, 20% pentosan, and 37.55% lignin and converted into
activated charcoal. Sugarcane bagasse can be used as an alternative raw material for activated
charcoal by carbonizing it in a batch process to remove organic compounds from the waste. On
this basis, a study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of bagasse activated charcoal
in reducing the COD content of sasirangan waste and the optimal dose of bagasse activated
charcoal as an adsorbent in reducing the COD content of sasirangan wastewater.The steps to
make activated carbon are by place small pieces of bagasse in the mortar and place in a 350 oC
furnace for 2 hours or until the sample turns black. Next, bagasse charcoal was sieved until
smooth using a 100-mesh sieve. The following stage is chemical activation. Bagasse that has
passed through the sieve is soaked in 0.1 N 20% HCl activator for the day—cleansing the
activated charcoal with distilled water until the pH is neutral. The next step is physical
activation, which involves heating the activated charcoal in an oven at 105 oC for six hours to
dehydrate it. The results indicated that bagasse activated charcoal with a pH of 5 and a contact
time of 90 minutes could reduce the COD content of the Sasirangan wastewater by up to 95.37
% and that the dose of bagasse activated charcoal as an adsorbent had a significant effect on
the COD content. The quantity of 5 g/L is the maximum number of COD that can be absorbed.
Keyword: Activated Charcoal, COD, sasirangan wastewater
1. Introduction
The Sasirangan textile factory is regularly expanding. Sasirangan is a traditional batik fabric
indigenous to South Kalimantan, specifically the Banjar Tribe, most of which is produced on a small
scale and in the conventional manner [1]. The result of this increasingly advanced development has
been the prosperity of the Banjar community economy. However, the sasirangan textile industry can
negatively affect the community if waste is not processed correctly before being dumped into the river.
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ISCEER-2021 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 999 (2022) 012023 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/999/1/012023
Sasirangan processing involves several stages, including fabric preparation, pattern creation,
sewing, dye preparation, colour dyeing, washing, drying, and ironing. Sasirangan is a producer of
wastewater during the colouring stage. Synthetic dyes such as naphthol (ASLB), indanthrene, and salt
compounds (B red) are frequently used in Sasirangan staining. These dyes contain a high
concentration of chemicals and are therefore difficult to dissolve in water. The numerous applications
of chemicals in the dyeing and dyeing process necessitate a unique approach to the generated
wastewater [2]. The waste produced during the colouring process results in a cloudy, viscous liquid.
By and large, the colour of wastewater is determined by the dye used.
According to the survey results conducted on Saturday, May 22, 2021, The Sasirangan wastewater
comes from "Indah Sasirangan" in Sasirangan Village, Seberang Masjid Street, Seberang Masjid
Village, Banjarmasin City. The COD content of the wastewater is 730 mg/L, which exceeds the
quality standard for Textile Industry wastewater stipulated by the Minister of Environment and
Forestry Regulation Number 16 (2019) of 150 mg. Health problems, such as respiratory and digestive
disorders, can result from elevated COD levels. There are also environmental consequences, such as
the disruption of aquatic biota ecosystems. The need for oxygen as a source of life for aquatic
creatures, such as animals and aquatic plants, cannot be met, putting aquatic creatures at risk of death.
And are incapable of reproducing effectively [3]. Sewage treatment employs various techniques,
including cation exchange membranes, flocculation/coagulation, adsorption, and electrochemical
degradation. However, due to its high adsorption efficiency, high adsorption capacity, low operating
costs, and other advantages, adsorption technology employing a variety of adsorbents remains the
most profitable method to date [4].
Indonesian industries, both large and small, frequently use the activated charcoal adsorption
method to remove contaminants from their products. Activated charcoal is a type of adsorbent medium
composed of carbon that has been treated to increase its adsorption capacity. Industrial growth is
directly proportional to the domestic and export demand for activated charcoal. Indonesia exported
activated charcoal to countries throughout Asia and Europe in 2000. Indonesia exported 25,671 tons of
activated charcoal in 2005, according to the Asian and Pacific Coconut Community [5]. Anticipating
the current high demand for activated charcoal, individuals seek alternative raw materials containing
lignocellulose that are readily available, renewable, and have a low economic value for use as
activated charcoal [6].
A significant amount of bagasse waste exists in Indonesia, which has not been used to its full
potential. Around 50% of bagasse waste is discarded as waste with little economic value [7]. Bagasse
contains lignocellulose, 20% hemicellulose, 52.7% cellulose, 20% pentosan, and 37.5% lignin [8].
Bagasse can be used as an alternative raw material for activated charcoal by carbonizing it in a batch
process to remove organic compounds from waste [9]. Bagasse charcoal can reduce COD levels in
well water by up to 3.59 %, while bagasse charcoal activated with KOH can reduce COD levels by
24.75 %. The dose of the adsorbent can also affect its adsorption capacity [9]. Bagasse at a quantity of
4 grams in tofu waste resulted in a reduction of up to 84.72 % [3]. On this basis, a study was
conducted to determine the effectiveness of bagasse activated charcoal in reducing the COD content of
sasirangan waste and the optimal dose of bagasse activated charcoal as an adsorbent in reducing the
COD content of sasirangan wastewater. Sasirangan craftspeople can use the findings of this study to
develop an alternative method of processing wastewater before it is discharged into the river.
ISCEER-2021 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 999 (2022) 012023 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/999/1/012023
neutral. The next step is physical activation, which involves heating the activated charcoal in an oven
at 105oC for six hours to dehydrate it.
The results of several tests conducted on bagasse activated charcoal are shown in Table 2. The
determination procedure is based on SNI 06-3730-1995, which is attached to Table 2. The water
content calculation is used to determine the hygroscopic nature of activated charcoal. Activated
charcoal has a strong attraction to water [10]. After 1 hour or until a constant weight at 105 oC was
obtained, the water content of activated bagasse charcoal was 13%. As the heating temperature
increases, the water content decreases. After reaching the boiling point of 100 oC, H2O undergoes a
phase change from liquid to gas. When the temperature rises, more water evaporates, and the water
content decreases. The low water content is most likely due to the carbonization process and the
activator HCl. HCl has hygroscopic properties, which means it can absorb water. The duration of the
activation process affects the water content; the longer the activated charcoal is immersed, the less
water is produced [11].
ISCEER-2021 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 999 (2022) 012023 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/999/1/012023
The ash content of activated charcoal is determined to determine the metal oxide content. The ash
content is interpreted as the mineral residue remaining after combustion. Natural materials used to
make activated charcoal contain carbon compounds and a variety of minerals, some of which are lost
during the carbonization and activation processes. After one hour of heating at 500 oC, the ash content
is 3%. The low ash content is most likely due to the time required to activate the charcoal, as
activation results in the enlargement of the pores and expansion of the surface. High ash content can
impair adsorption capacity by clogging surface pores, making it more challenging to absorb adsorbate
The purpose of determining iodine uptake is to ascertain the activated charcoal's adsorption
capacity [13]. Iodine solution is added as an adsorbent and is absorbed by the adsorbent. The residual
iodine concentration can be determined by titrating the iodine solution with 0.1 N sodium thiosulfate
and starch as an indicator [14]. Bagasse activated charcoal absorbs 964.44 mg/gr of iodine. The
adsorption capacity of activated charcoal for iodine is proportional to its surface area. The more iodine
present, the more ability the activated charcoal has to adsorb the adsorbate or solute. The rate of iodine
absorption increases in direct proportion to the duration of activation. The longer the activation time,
the more pores open, allowing for more excellent iodine absorption into the activated charcoal pores.
Pore surface area is a critical parameter in determining the adsorbent quality of activated charcoal
because it affects the adsorption process.
According to the results, parameters with a value greater than the quality threshold are as follows:
COD, BOD, TSS, and pH. Because BOD and COD are determinants of other parameters for water
quality conditions, they are always used as standard parameters for wastewater quality. The results of
the measurements indicate that the COD value was greater than the BOD value. In comparison to
BOD, COD has a higher value because BOD is influenced only by quickly decomposable organic
matter, whereas COD is influenced by all organic matter present in the water body [1]. In addition, the
COD test is more effective and precise than the BOD test because it is capable of oxidizing substances
that are inert to biological reactions and microorganisms [15].
ISCEER-2021 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 999 (2022) 012023 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/999/1/012023
As illustrated in Figure 4.3, the efficiency of reducing COD without dosing (control group) was
only 2.27 %. Efficiency was 88.79 % in the P1 group. The adsorption efficiency of Group P2 was
92.99 %. Adsorption efficiency was 95.26 % for Group P3. The P4 group was most efficient, with a
95.37% efficiency rate. The graph demonstrates that dose is proportional to COD efficiency but not to
adsorption capacity. It has increased dose results in an increase in the active site on the surface of the
bagasse charcoal. The above tightens the adsorbate-adsorbent bond and loosens the adsorbent's
surface-active side [16]. This event is consistent with the Langmuir isotherm principle, which states
that a monolayer layer of adsorbate molecules with a uniform adsorbent surface form. Because the
pores in bagasse charcoal are homogeneous, each active site on the surface can only absorb one type
of adsorbate molecule. Therefore, the active area of the adsorbent increases with adsorbate
concentration, increasing adsorbate absorption. The dose must be adjusted according to the volume of
wastewater to avoid saturation of the adsorbent. When the dose treatment was administered, the pH
parameter changed as well. Although the pH increases, it remains within the specified quality standard
range of 6.00-9.00. Because turbidity is bound to the active side of bagasse charcoal, it can reduce
turbidity in Sasirangan wastewater. According to Hatina et al., the use of HCl in adsorption activation
can decrease COD and TSS content and increase DO and pH content [17].
ISCEER-2021 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 999 (2022) 012023 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/999/1/012023
Freundlich isotherm equations (Figure 3) to a straight-line equilibrium curve. The equilibrium model
was determined by the determinant coefficient (R2) value, which should be close to 1.
2.5 2.26
0 y = -0.0032x + 2.3088
R² = 0.9658
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Log qe
Table 4 contains the equation and correlation coefficient value for each isotherm, as shown in the
illustration above. The results indicate that the Langmuir isotherm model is the most suitable for COD
adsorption in Sasirangan wastewater, with a regression coefficient (R2) close to or greater than one.
ISCEER-2021 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 999 (2022) 012023 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/999/1/012023
The Langmuir adsorption isotherm is based on the assumption that monolayer adsorption occurs on an
adsorbent surface that is homogeneous. The Langmuir isotherm is based on the assumption that the
adsorbent's surface is uniform. When the adsorption site has been completely depleted, the adsorption
process at that location will come to a close for good. When the adsorption process reaches its
maximum efficiency, the surface of the adsorbent will reach saturation [18].
Sugarcane bagasse activated charcoal with a pH of 5 and a contact time of 90 minutes was effective in
reducing the COD content of Sasirangan wastewater by 88.79 to 95.37 %. The most effective dose
was 5 g/L bagasse activated charcoal, which reduced the COD content of the Sasirangan wastewater to
95.37 %. The results indicate that the Langmuir isotherm model is the most suitable for COD
adsorption in Sasirangan wastewater.
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