2020 National Electrical Code PDF
2020 National Electrical Code PDF
2020 National Electrical Code PDF
An Ordinance of the City of Plano, Texas repealing Ordinance No. 2018-11-13, codified as
Article IX, Electrical Code, Chapter 6 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Plano, Texas;
adopting the 2020 National Electrical Code with certain additions, deletions, and
amendments as the Electrical Code for the City of Plano, Texas; and providing a repealer
clause, a severabilityclause, a penalty clause, a savings clause, a publication clause and an
effective date.
WHEREAS, on November 26, 2018, by Ordinance No. 2018-11-13, the City Council of
the Cityof Plano amended Ordinance No. 2014-11-15 to reflect the changes to the National Electric
Code, and such were codified as Article IX, Electrical Code, of Chapter 6 of the Code of
Ordinances of the City of Plano; and
WHEREAS, on September 21, 2021, and on January 18, 2022, the Building Standards
Commission held public hearings to discuss the adoption of the 2020 National Electrical Code, a
publication of the National Fire Protections Association, along with the appendices of such Code,
and to receive input from the general public and all persons who may be affected by the proposed
adoption; and
WHEREAS, upon the recommendation of the Building Standards Commission and upon
full review and consideration of all matters attendant and related thereto, the City Council is of the
opinion that the 2020 Edition of the National Electrical Code, and the local amendments thereto,
should be approved and adopted as the Electrical Code of the City.
Section I. Ordinance No. 2018-11-13, duly passed and approved by the City Council
of the City of Plano on November 26, 2018, is hereby repealed in its entirety.
Section II. A new Article IX, Electrical Code, of Chapter 6 of the Code of Ordinances
of the City of Plano, Texas, is hereby replaced to read as follows:
Any person, firm or corporation found to be violating any term or provision of this
Ordinance, shall be subject to a fine in accordance with Section 1-4(a) of the City Code of
Ordinances for each offense. Every day a violation continues shall constitute a separate offense.
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The 2020 Edition of the National Electrical Code, as published by the National Fire
Protection Association, a copy of which is on file in the office of the City Secretary, is
hereby adopted and designated as the Electrical Code of the City to the same extent as if such code
were copied verbatim in this Article.
The title of this Article shall be the “Electrical Code of the City of Plano,” and it may be
cited as such.
For the purposes of this Article certain terms, phrases, works and their derivatives shall
be defined and meanings construed as set out in this section.
Electrical construction means and includes all work and material used in installing, maintaining
and extending a system of electrical wiring and all appurtenances, apparatus, and equipment used
in connection therewith, inside of or attached to any building or structure, lot or premises.
Electrical contractor means any person engaged in the business of installing, maintaining or
altering, by contract, electrical conductors or equipment.
Electrician means a person who is engaged in the work of electrical construction, maintenance, or
repair and who is qualified under the terms and provisions of this Article.
Inspector means an individual who has been designated by the city as an electrical inspector.
Intersystem Bonding Termination means a device that provides a means for connecting intersystem
bonding conductors for communication systems and other systems to the grounding electrode
system. Bonding conductors for other systems shall not be larger than 6 AWG.
Kitchen means an area with a sink and permanent facilities for food preparation and cooking.
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Maintenance means the act of keeping in a state of safe operating condition any conductor or piece
of equipment used inside or outside, attached or connected to any building electrical system by
replacement of units or elements thereof, but shall not include extensions of, or additions or
alterations to an existing system or branch thereof.
Owner means any person, firm, partnership, or corporation holding legal title to or in any real property,
building, or premises within the city limits.
Plans Examiner means an individual who has been designated by the City of Plano to perform
code review on plans submitted to the building inspections department for permitting.
Registered (Licensed) means that the person has made application to the building inspections
department and has satisfied the department that the person is qualified to do the work stated in the
application, the necessary registration fees to date have been paid, and that the person’s name is carried
in the records of the electrical inspector as a person authorized to do electrical work as defined in this
Repair means the act of restoring to a safe and sound condition as an operating unit or element any
conductor or piece of equipment used either inside or outside, attached or connected to a building
electrical system, but shall not include extensions of or additions to an existing system or branch
Special permission means the written consent of the electrical inspector. Such permission shall be
based upon a reasonable interpretation of this Article with respect to a specific problem where a
strict interpretation would create an injustice.
Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR) is the umbrella licensing agency for the
State of Texas that is responsible for regulating the Texas Electrical Safety and Licensing Act.
The following amendments to the National Electrical Code adopted herein are hereby
approved and adopted:
110.2 Approval. The conductors and equipment required or permitted by this Code shall be
acceptable only if approved. Approval of equipment may be evident by listing and labeling of
equipment by a Nationally Recognized Testing Lab (NRTL) with a certification mark of that
laboratory or a qualified third party inspection agency or a field evaluation by a Field Evaluation Body
accredited by either the International Code Council International Accreditation Service AC354 or ANSI
National Accreditation Board programs and approved by the AHJ.
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Informational Note No. 1: See 90.7, Examination of Equipment for Safety, and 110.3,
Examination, Identification, Installation, and Use of Equipment. See definitions of Approved,
Identified, Labeled, and Listed.
Informational Note No. 3: National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 790 and 791 provide
an example of an approved method for qualifying a third-party inspection agency.
(A) Circuit Directory or Circuit Identification. Every circuit and circuit modification shall be
legibly identified as to its clear, evident, and specific purpose or use. The identification shall
include an approved degree of detail that allows each circuit to be distinguished from all others.
Spare positions that contain unused overcurrent devices or switches shall be described accordingly.
The identification shall be included in a circuit directory that is located on the face or inside of, or
in an approved location adjacent and permanently affixed the panel door in the case of a panelboard
and at each switch or circuit breaker in a switchboard or switchgear. No circuit shall be described
in a manner that depends on transient conditions of occupancy.
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(B) Source of Supply. All switchboards, switchgear, and panelboards supplied by a feeder(s) in
other than one- or two-family dwellings shall be permanently marked to indicate each device or
equipment where the power originates. The label shall be permanently affixed, of sufficient
durability to withstand the environment involved, and not handwritten.
410.118 Access to Other Boxes. Luminaires recessed in the ceilings, floors, or walls shall not be
used to access outlet, pull, or junction boxes or conduit bodies, unless the box or conduit body is
an integral part of the listed luminaire.
(A) Rated at Not over 300 Volt-Amperes or ⅛ Horsepower. For permanently connected
appliances rated at not over 300 volt-amperes or ⅛ hp, the branch-circuit overcurrent device shall
be permitted to serve as the disconnecting means where the switch or circuit breaker is within sight
from the appliance or be capable of being locked in the open position in compliance with 110.25.
(B) Appliances Rated over 300 Volt-Amperes. For permanently connected appliances rated
over 300 volt-amperes, the branch-circuit switch or circuit breaker shall be permitted to serve as
the disconnecting means where the switch or circuit breaker is within sight from and is readily
accessible to the appliance it serves or is capable of being locked in the open position in accordance
with 110.25 and is readily accessible to the appliance it serves.
Informational Note No. 1: For appliances employing unit switches, see 422.34.
Informational Note No 2: The following means of access are considered to constitute readily
accessible for this code change when conforming to the additional access requirements of
the I Codes:
(1) A permanent stair.
(2) A pull-down stair with a minimum 300 lb. (136 kg) capacity.
(3) An access door from an upper floor level.
(C) Motor-Operated Appliances Rated over ⅛ Horsepower. The disconnecting means shall
comply with 430.109 and 430.110. For permanently connected motor-operated appliances with
motors rated ⅛ hp, the disconnecting means shall be within sight from the appliance or be capable
of being locked in the open position in compliance with 110.25.
Exception: If an appliance of more than ⅛ hp is provided with a unit switch that complies
with 422.34 (A), (B), (C), or (D), the switch or circuit breaker serving as the other
disconnecting means shall be permitted to be out of sight from the appliance.
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(A) Suitability. Suitability of identified equipment shall be determined by one of the following:
Article 695.6 (A)(1); delete the exception and change to read as follows:
(1) Services and On-Site Power Production Facilities. Service conductors and conductors
supplied by on-site power production facilities shall be physically routed outside a building(s) and
shall be installed as service-entrance conductors in accordance with 230.6, 230.9, and Parts III and
IV of Article 230. Where supply conductors cannot be physically routed outside of buildings, the
conductors shall be permitted to be routed through the building(s) where installed in accordance
with 230.6(1) or (2).
Article 710.15 (A); delete the information note and change to read as follows:
710.15(A) Supply Output. Power supply to premises wiring systems fed by stand-alone or
isolated microgrid power sources shall have adequate capacity to meet the calculated load in
accordance with Article 220.
Informational Note: For general-use loads the system capacity can be calculated using the
sum of the capacity of the firm sources, such as generators and ESS inverters. For specialty
loads intended to be powered directly from a variable source, the capacity can be calculated
using the sum of the variable sources, such as PV or wind inverters, or the combined capacity
of both firm and variable sources.
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All electrical display signs shall meet the requirements of other sections of this Article and
any rule or regulation of any other ordinance or code issued by authority of the governing body of
the city and the National Electrical Code, and shall be constructed and installed in accordance with
the special regulations set forth in this section. Permits for installation of signs shall be obtained
from the building inspections department before any signs are installed. Permit fees shall be
obtained and paid for in the manner and in the amount set forth in the fee schedule as adopted by
the city council.
(a) In the actual work of installing, maintaining, altering or repairing any electric
conductors or equipment for which this Article or other ordinance requires a permit, there shall be
present and in direct supervision a qualified electrician of the proper classification. An electrical
contractor or master electrician shall be liable and responsible for layout and technical supervision
of any work which requires a permit and a journeyman or higher classified grade electrician shall
be in direct “on the job” supervision of work carried on specified in this Article. Should it come to
the attention of the electrical inspector or his assistants that such supervision and control are not
being maintained, the Inspector may order the work to be discontinued and the person to whom
the permit has been issued shall discontinue further work until proper supervision has been
employed or supplied. Nothing in this section shall be construed as prohibiting the employment of
apprentices assisting a person duly registered and qualified under the provisions of this Article.
It shall be unlawful to have more than four (4) apprentice electricians working under the
supervision of a duly registered person on any one job.
(b) A homeowner may personally install electrical conductors or equipment within his
place of residence if the owner applies for and receives a permit, pays required fees, does work in
accordance with this code, and applies for an inspection. Work performed by a homeowner,
under the provisions of this section must be done by himself on homestead premises owned and
occupied by him without compensation. The homeowner shall not employ another person to assist
him in any way on work done under the provisions of this section.
(a) When the rough wiring or installation work authorized by a permit issued under
this Article is complete on any permit issued under this Article, the person responsible therefore
shall notify the electrical inspector that the job is ready for inspection giving proper identification
of the work and address. The electrical inspector shall then make an inspection of the electrical
installation within twenty-four (24) hours from the time of notification (exclusive of Saturdays,
Sundays and legal holidays).
(b) If such wiring or installation work has been installed in accordance with the terms
or provisions of this Article, the electrical inspector shall sign an inspection notice noting thereon
the date of approval of the work. More than one (1) rough inspection may be made without charge
when the progress of construction requires such inspection.
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(c) If the electric wiring or installation of fixtures or equipment inspected under this
section is found to be faulty or incorrectly or defectively installed, the electrical inspector shall
attach an inspection notice showing rejection of the work and make available to the responsible
person who installed such work information as to the changes necessary to be made in order that
the work may conform to this Article. The person responsible for such work shall, within twenty-
four (24) hours from the time of notification; make or start to make changes ordered and shall
proceed with the work until the same is completed. Upon completion thereof, he shall notify the
electrical inspector to the effect that the defective work has been corrected. The latter then shall
cause a re-inspection to be made, and if the work is found to comply with this Article he shall sign
the inspection card noting thereon the date of approval of the work. If the electrical inspector shall
again find the work incorrectly installed, they shall notify the responsible person of the necessary
changes and shall again re-inspect the work. If the responsible electrician does not make the
required changes before the permit expires, contractor registration shall be cancelled and the
inspector shall refuse to issue to any such person any further permits until the work in question is
corrected and approved.
It shall be unlawful for any person to cover or cause to be covered any part of a wiring
installation with flooring, lath, wallboard, or other material until the electrical inspector has approved
the wiring installation, in part or as a whole, as required by this Article.
(a) It shall be unlawful for any person to make connections from a source of electrical
energy to any electrical wiring, devices or equipment on an installation for which a permit is
requiredby this Article, until a certificate of approval has been issued by the electrical inspector
authorizing such connection, and the use of such wiring, devices or equipment.
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(b) It shall be unlawful for any person to make connections from a source of electrical
energy to any electrical wiring, devices or equipment which has been disconnected by order of the
electrical inspector or the use of which has been prohibited for reasons set forth in this Article until
a certificate of approval has been issued by the inspector authorizing the reconnection and use of
such wiring, devices or equipment.
Sec. 6-286. Removal of abandoned wire and unused poles and apparatus.
It shall be the duty of the electrical inspector to cause all abandoned wire, unused poles or
electrical apparatus on the outside of the building or in streets or alleys to be removed at the
expense of the owners thereof by giving such owners written notice.
Upon receipt of a complaint of suspected violations of this Article, the electrical inspector
shall inspect/re-inspect electric wiring, electric devices and electric equipment previously
installed, or that may be installed in any building of the city and within the scope of this Article.
If the installation of any such wiring, devices or equipment is found to be defective, dangerous or
in an unsafe condition, the electrical inspector shall notify the owner in writing of such condition.
The person owning, using or operating the same shall make the necessary repairs or changes
required to place such wiring, devices or equipment in a safe condition, within five (5) days or any
longer period specified by the electrical inspector. The electrical inspector shall immediately order
the disconnection or discontinuance of electrical service to such wiring, device or equipment until
the same has been made safe as directed.
It shall be unlawful for any unauthorized person to, in any manner, change or alter electrical
conductors or equipment in or on any building. If, in the course of erecting a building or structure,
electrical conductors or equipment have previously been installed in such a position as to interfere
with the erection or completion of the structure, notice shall immediately be given the authorized
person or firm using the electrical conductors or equipment, and shall be required to accomplish
this needed change in accordance with this Article.
If the person to whom any order or notice issued pursuant to the provisions of this Article
is directed, cannot be found after reasonable search has been made, such order or notice may be
served by posting the same in a conspicuous place upon the premises occupied by him or where
the defects recited in the order or notice are alleged to exist, or on the premises which may be
deemed unsafe or dangerous. Such service shall be equivalent to personal service of such order or
notice. Any order to comply with the terms of such order or notice may be sent by mail in a sealed
envelope with postage prepaid and directed to the address of the electrician, owner, lessee or
occupant of the premises where the defects recited in the order are alleged to exist, and shall be
equivalent to personal service of such order.
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The electrical regulations of this Article may be modified or waived in writing by the
electrical inspector pursuant to Section 90-4 of the Electrical Code, as amended, when such
modification or waiver is reasonable and does not differ from the intent of this Article and does
not create an injustice. In all cases such waiver shall be obtained from electrical inspector prior to
starting the work, and a copy of the waiver shall be filed in the office of the electrical inspector. A
denial of such a waiver may be appealed to the Building Standards Commission.
The regulations of this Article shall not be construed to relieve from or lessen the
responsibility or liability of any person owning, operating or installing electrical conductors,
devices, appliances, fixtures, apparatus, motors, or equipment for damages to persons or buildings
caused by any defect therein by reason of the inspection authorized in this division or the certificate
of approved inspection issued by the electrical inspection section as provided in this division. The
city shall not be held liable for any damages by reason of the enforcement of this Article.
Where action is taken by the electrical inspectors to enforce the provisions of this Article,
such acts shall be done in the name of and on behalf of the city, and the inspectors, in so acting for
the city, shall not render themselves personally liable for any damage which may accrue to person
or property as a result of any act committed in the discharge of their duties.
(a) The provisions of this Article shall apply to all installations of and work done on
electrical conductors, fittings, devices, motors, controls, appliances, fixtures, electronic devices,
signs and gaseous tubing, within or on public and private buildings and premises, with exceptions
as provided in this Article.
(b) All installations of electrical conductors or equipment and all existing installations
which are altered shall conform to the requirements for a sufficient and safe electrical structure
and system under this Article.
(c) Repair and maintenance work shall be such that if any electrical conductor or
equipment is removed and later replaced, the same shall be replaced in accordance with the
provision of this Article
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The provisions of this Article shall apply to electrical equipment used for supplying
electrical power for radio transmission in amateur radio transmitting stations and shall apply to all
electrical equipment used for power supply to radio and television transmitting equipment, but
shall not apply to other electrical equipment used for radio transmission.
Sec. 6-303. City, county and school districts departments and buildings.
The various departments and buildings of the city, the county, and of the Plano Independent
School District shall be subject to the provisions of this Article, but shall be exempt from the
requirements of fees.
This Article shall not apply to low voltage, electrical conductors or equipment when served
from a source of supply which is limited by design or construction, other than fuses, so that the
voltage shall never exceed fifty (50) volts, and so that current in excess of ten (10) amperes on
short circuit would not be possible.
(1) To enforce the provisions of this Article and issue citation to any person
who violates any of such provisions.
(2) To enter any house by due process of law, if necessary, during reasonable
hours, to examine any electrical wiring or installation of electrical wiring, fixtures or equipment
therein, in the performance of his official duties.
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It shall be unlawful for city electrical inspectors to engage in the business of the sale,
installation or maintenance of electrical conductors, devices, appliances, fixtures, or other
electrical equipment, either directly or indirectly, and they shall have no financial interest in any
concern engaged in such business at any time while in the employ of the city as an electrical
inspector without prior approval by the department head.
(a) It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in the business of installing,
maintaining, altering or repairing any wiring, fixtures, or equipment used for conducting
electricity for which a permit is required by this Article, or for any person to in any manner
undertake to execute such work, unless such person is licensed in accord with the Texas
Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR) and has a current certificate of registration per
Sec. 6-328.
(b) Only persons who are employed by a registered electrical contractor or a registered
electrical sign contractor with the appropriate license category may perform electrical work under
the supervision of the master electrician, or master sign electrician, whichever is applicable.
(c) Persons who are not licensed electricians may carry out the following classes
of work:
(1) The replacement of lamps, fuses and connection of portable devices to
suitable receptacles, which have been permanently installed.
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appliances, or equipment are operated at a voltage not exceeding fifty (50) volts between
conductors and do not include generating equipment.
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City registration issued under this division shall expire one (1) year after the date of
renewal of registration.
Registration issued under this division shall not be transferable. It shall be unlawful for any
person to lend, rent or transfer his registration or any rights thereunder to any other person, or
for any person to make use of any such rights which are not actually his own.
It shall be unlawful for any person other than the electrical inspector at the direction of
the building inspections department to alter or amend in any manner any registration issued under
this division.
Every holder of a license issued by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation
(TDLR) shall carry the license on their person at all times while doing electrical work and shall
produce and exhibit it when requested by an electrical inspector or proper official of the city.
It shall be unlawful for any person to falsely represent themselves as a registered electrician
of any class set forth in this division or to use the words “electrical contractor,” “electrical sign
contractor”, or words of similar import or meaning on signs, cards, stationery, or by any other
manner whatsoever, unless such person is properly registered within the meaning of the words used
as provided in this Article.
The building inspections department shall keep a record of the name and place of business
of all persons to whom registration have been issued under this division, provided that the
department shall not be responsible for the record of any person whose registration has not been
renewed or has lapsed for a period in excess of twelve (12) months.
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It shall be unlawful for any licensed master electrician, or master sign electrician to allow
their license to be used by another electrician to permit any job of electrical wiring in the city.
(a) The chief building official, or the official’s designee, shall have the power to
temporarily suspend the registration of any electrical contractor, or electrical sign contractor who:
(2) Takes out electrical permits in the name of some person, firm, or
corporation authorized by law to do electrical work and thereafter permits an unauthorized person to
do the work;
(4) Fails to obtain a permit for electrical work that is performed within the
jurisdiction of the city; or
(5) Fails to obtain all necessary inspection approval required to complete the
work as described in the permit.
(b) The building inspections department shall inform the board in writing of any
temporary suspensions and the basis thereof within two (2) business days of issuing the temporary
suspension. A hearing will be scheduled before the board not later than ten (10) business days from
the date the temporary suspension was issued. The alleged violator shall be notified in writing via
certified mail of the date, time and location of the hearing. The alleged violator may appear in
person or thru counsel or both, at the time and place named in the notice and make defense
to the same.
(c) The board shall have the power, through its chairman or secretary to administer oaths
and to compel the attendance of witnesses before it by subpoena issued over the signature of
the secretary of the board. The city attorney shall provide counsel for the board.
(d) If the accused admits liability or if upon a hearing the board, by vote of five (5)
or more of its members, shall find them to be true, it shall enter a finding suspending or revoking
the registration of such electrical contractor or electrical sign contractor. The board shall render
a decision within forty-eight (48) hours of the hearing.
(e) The board shall, in reciting its decision after a hearing under this section, make
provisions for reinstatement. Such reinstatement provisions shall be filed as a part of the record
and a copy shall be made and given or mailed within twenty-four (24) hours to the electrical
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contractor or electrical sign contractor. Once the requirements have been fulfilled the electrical
contractor or electrical sign contractor may notify the chief building official in writing of
compliance. If the chief building official determines that all requirements have been fulfilled, the
registration shall be reinstated. If the chief building official determines that all requirements have
not been fulfilled, the registration shall not be reinstated. Failure to reinstate can be appealed to
the board.
(f) The building inspections department shall inform the board in writing of any failure
to reinstate within two (2) business days of issuing the denial. A hearing will be scheduled before
the board not later than ten (10) business days from the date of the denial of reinstatement. The
violator shall be notified in writing via certified mail of the date, time and location of the hearing.
The violator may appear in person or by counsel or both, at the time and place named in the
notice and make defense to the same.
(g) The board shall render a decision not later than forty-eight (48) hours after a hearing
and a copy shall be made and given to the electrical contractor or electrical sign contractor within
twenty-four (24) hours of the rendering of the decision.
(i) It shall be unlawful for any person whose rights under a registration have been
suspended or revoked to engage in or do electrical work for which this Article requires a permit.
Each registration, when issued under this division, shall be issued to a person, firm
or corporation to be known as the holder of the registration, and should such firm or corporation
dissolve or surrender its charter; such registration shall become null and void. No refund shall ever
be made for the un-expired portion of the registration.
(a) It shall be unlawful for any person to install or cause to be installed, or to permit
any person to install, any electrical wiring, fixtures or equipment, or to make any alterations,
additions, changes or repairs, within the scope of this Article, without first having procured a permit
therefore issued by the electrical inspector. One (1) permit shall be allowed for each building for
which rough work for electrical conductors or electrical equipment is installed.
(b) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a), no permit shall be required for
the making of a minor repair or for maintenance work, the replacement of lamps, or the connection
of portable electrical equipment to suitable permanently installed receptacles. No permit shall
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Application for a permit required by this division shall be made in writing upon forms
provided by the electrical inspection section for that purpose. With such application there shall
be filed, when requested by the electrical inspector, a diagram or plan showing clearly the
character and kind of wiring or installation of fixtures or equipment to be done. The plan or
diagram shall show the manner in which the electrical installation is to be made, or the character
of any repairs to any existing electric installation. Such application shall include the following
information; street and house number, name of addition where the work is to be done, name of the
owner, kind of building, number of stories in the building, and a list of electrical fixtures and
appliances to be installed.
Prior to issuance of a permit required by this division, the applicant therefore shall pay
a permit fee in accordance with the schedule as adopted by the city council.
Permits may be issued to registered electrical contractors or electrical sign contractors qualified to
secure permits as set forth in this Article, or their duly authorized agents, and to owners to
personally perform repair, maintenance or electrical construction work upon premises owned by
them. Qualified registered electricians shall certify their duly authorized agents to the electrical
inspector in the form of an affidavit stating that such registered electrician assumes all and full
responsibility for any permit taken out or applied for by such agents. The certification shall be kept
in the files of the building inspections department.
When the plans examiner finds the application for a permit under this division to be correct and
the diagram or plan and specifications, when requested are approved, and all fees have been paid,
the permit will be issued. Upon receipt of such permit, the permittee may start or cause to start the
proposed job and make the installation described, in the application, requesting inspection by the
city inspectors in the proper sequence as the work progresses. If the plans relating to electrical
wiring or installation of fixtures or equipment and the permit application are found to be incorrect
or faulty, they shall be disapproved and the permit refused, and the electrical inspector shall notify
the applicant, listing the corrections necessary to comply with this Article and rules and regulations
of the inspection section.
When one (1) electrical contractor completes the rough work, in whole or in part, on any electrical
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wiring or installation of fixtures or equipment and a second electrical contractor is called upon to
complete the work, regular fees prescribed by this division shall be paid for the work to be done.
Each electrical contractor shall be held responsible only for the work installed by the contractor.
Before the second electrical contractor is issued a permit for the completion of electrical wiring or
installation of fixtures or equipment, the electrical inspector shall first notify the electrician holding
the original or first permit, if the electrician can be found, that the second permit is to be issued.
The issuance of the second permit shall cancel the first permit and no refund of fees shall be made.
The electrical inspector shall have the right to revoke a permit issued under this division
if there has been misrepresentation of facts or any violation of the provisions of this Article.
Section III. All provisions of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Plano in conflict
with the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed, and all other provisions of the Code of
Ordinances of the City of Plano, not in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance, shall remain
in full force and effect.
Section IV. It is the intention of the City Council that this Ordinance, and every
provision thereof, shall be considered severable, and the invalidity or unconstitutionality of any
section, clause, provision or portion of this Ordinance shall not affect the validity or
constitutionality of any other portion of this Ordinance.
Section VI. Any violation of the provisions or terms of this ordinance by any person,
firm or corporation shall be a misdemeanor offense and shall be subject to a fine in accordance
with Section 1-4(a) of the City Code of Ordinances for each offense. Every day a violation
continues shall constitute a separate offense.
Section VII. This Ordinance shall become effective February 1, 2022 and after its
passage and publication as required by law.
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ORDINANCE NO. 2022-1-14
DULY PASSED AND APPROVED this, the 24th day of January, 2022.
Lisa C. Henderson, CITY SECRETARY
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