Paper-3 : Corporate Accounting
Paper-4 : Corporate Laws
Environmental Science / Communication
(Any one out of the four given below)
English A/B/C
Tamil A/B/C
Urdu A/B/C
Course Objective
To acquire the conceptual knowledge of corporate accounting and to understand the
various techniques of preparing accounting and financial statements
Course Learning Outcomes
After completing the course, the student shall be able to:
Course Contents
UNIT 1: Accounting for Share Capital and Debentures
Introduction to issue of shares and debentures. Issue of rights and Bonus shares,
ESOPs and buyback of shares, book building. Underwriting of shares and
debentures. Redemption of Preference shares, Redemption of debentures:
sinking/debenture redemption fund, open market purchase and conversion of
Preparation of financial Statement of Joint Stock companies as per schedule III Part
I & II (Division I in detail and Division II only on overview)
Relevant AS and IND-AS as applicable
UNIT 3: Cash Flow Statements
Meaning, Usefulness, Preparation of a cash flow statement in accordance with
Accounting Standard 3 (Revised) issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of
India. (Only indirect method), Limitations of cash flow statement.
Shares, Financial Statements, Cash Flow, Amalgamation, Liquidation, Purchase
Consideration, Holding Company
Paper-4 : Corporate Laws
Course Objective
To impart basic knowledge of the provisions of the Companies Act 2013 and the
Depositories Act, 1996. Case studies involving issues in corporate laws are required to
be discussed.
Course Learning Outcomes
After completing the course, the student shall be able to:
CO1: understand the regulatory aspects and the broader procedural aspects involved in
different types of companies covering the Companies Act 2013 and Rules there
CO2: follow the basic legal documents and their usage essential for operations and
management of company.
CO3: enable the students to synthesis company processes, meetings and decisions.
CO4: equip the students with framework of dividend distribution and role of auditors in
a company.
CO5: comprehend and evaluate working of depositories and their functions in stock
Course Contents
Unit I: Introduction
Meaning and characteristics of a company; Lifting of corporate veil; Administration of
Company Law [including National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT), National Company
Law Appellate Tribunal (NCLAT), Special Courts]; Types of companies including
private and public company, government company, foreign company, one person
company, small company, associate company, dormant company and producer
company; Association not for profit; Illegal association; Formation of company,
promoters, their legal position and pre incorporation contracts; Online registration of a
Unit II: Documents and shares
Memorandum of Association and its alteration, Articles of Association and its alteration,
doctrine of constructive notice, doctrine of ultra vires and indoor management;
Prospectus, Shelf and Red herring prospectus, misstatement in prospectus; book
building; Allotment and Forfeiture of share, Sweat Equity, ESOPs, Bonus issue, and
Further issue of shares, buyback and provisions regarding buyback; Membership of
Unit III: Management and Meetings
Classification of directors-Additional, Alternate and Casual directors, Women
directors, Independent director, Small shareholder’s director; Director Identity
Number (DIN); Appointment, Disqualifications, Removal of directors; Legal
positions, Powers and Duties; Key managerial personnel, Managing director,
Manager and Whole Time Director; Board Meetings: meeting through video
conferencing; Shareholder meetings: AGM and EGM. Convening and Conduct of
meetings: Requisites of a valid meeting; Resolutions; Postal ballot; e-voting.
Unit IV: Dividends, Audit and Winding up
Provisions relating to payment of Dividend, Company Audit-auditor’s qualification and
disqualifications, Auditor’s appointment, Rotation of auditors, Auditor’s removal,
Auditors' report and Auditor’s powers.
Winding Up: Concept and Modes of Winding Up; Provisions of winding up under
Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code 2016.
Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course (AECC)
Environmental Science
Unit 1
Introduction to Environmental Studies
Multidisciplinary nature of environmental studies; components of environment:
atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, and biosphere
Scope and importance; Concept of sustainability and sustainable development; Brief
history of environmentalism
Suggested Readings
1. Raven, P.H, Hassenzahl, D.M., Hager, M.C, Gift, N.Y., and Berg, L.R. (2015). Environment, 8th
Edition. Wiley Publishing, USA. Chapter 1 (Pages: 1-17); Chapter 2 (Pages: 22-23); Chapter
3 (Pages: 40, 41); Chapter 4 (Pages: 64, 66).
2. Singh, J.S., Singh, S.P., and Gupta, S.R. (2017). Ecology, Environmental Science and
Conservation. S. Chand Publishing, New Delhi. Chapter 1 (Page: 3-28).
Unit 2
Definition and concept of Ecosystem
Structure of ecosystem (biotic and abiotic components); Functions of Ecosystem:
Physical (energy flow), Biological (food chains, food web, ecological succession), and
Biogeochemical (nutrient cycling) processes. Concepts of productivity, ecological
pyramids and homeostasis
Types of Ecosystems: Tundra, Forest, Grassland, Desert, Aquatic (ponds, streams,
lakes, rivers, oceans, estuaries); importance and threats with relevant examples from
Ecosystem services (Provisioning, Regulating, Cultural, and Supporting); Ecosystem
preservation and conservation strategies; Basics of Ecosystem restoration
Suggested Readings
1. Odum, E.P., Odum, H.T., and Andrews, J. (1971). Fundamentals of Ecology. Saunders,
Philadelphia, USA. Chapter 1 (Pages: 1-16); Chapter 2 (Pages: 18-76); Chapter 10 (Pages:
2. Raven, P.H, Hassenzahl, D.M., Hager, M.C, Gift, N.Y., and Berg, L.R. (2015). Environment, 9th
Edition. Wiley Publishing, USA. Chapter 3 (Pages: 38-52); Chapter 4 (Pages: 53-62); Chapter
5 (Pages: 100-103); Chapter 6 (Pages: 106-128).
3. Singh, J.S., Singh, S.P., and Gupta, S.R. (2017). Ecology, Environmental Science and
Conservation. S. Chand Publishing, New Delhi. Chapter 13 (Pages: 307-323); Chapter 18
(Pages: 420-442); Chapter 28 (Pages: 747-769).
Unit 3
Natural Resources
Land resources: Minerals, soil, agricultural crops, natural forest products, medicinal
plants, and forest-based industries and livelihoods; Land cover, land use change, land
degradation, soil erosion, and desertification; Causes of deforestation; Impacts of
mining and dam building on environment, forests, biodiversity, and tribal communities
Water resources: Natural and man-made sources; Uses of water; Over exploitation
of surface and ground water resources; Floods, droughts, and international &inter-
state conflicts over water
Energy resources: Renewable and non-renewable energy sources; Use of alternate
energy sources; Growing energy needs; Energy contents of coal, petroleum, natural
gas and bio gas; Agro-residues as a biomass energy source
Case studies: Contemporary Indian issues related to mining, dams, forests, energy,
etc (e.g., National Solar Mission, Cauvery river water conflict, Sardar Sarovar dam,
Chipko movement, Appiko movement, Tarun Bharat Sangh, etc)
Suggested Readings
1. Gadgil, M. and Guha, R. (1993). This Fissured Land: An Ecological History of India. University
of California Press, Berkeley, USA. (pp. 1-245).
2. McCully, P. (1996). Rivers no more: the environmental effects of dams, In: Silenced Rivers: The
Ecology and Politics of Large Dams, Zed Books, New York, USA. Page. 29-64.
3. Raven, P.H, Hassenzahl, D.M., Hager, M.C, Gift, N.Y. and Berg, L.R. (2015). Environment, 9th
Edition. Wiley Publishing, USA. Chapters 10, 11, 12, 13 (Pages: 180-263); Chapter 14 (Pages:
272-275); Chapter 15 (Pages: 286-289).
4. Singh, J.S., Singh, S.P. and Gupta, S.R. (2017). Ecology, Environmental Science and
Conservation. S. Chand Publishing, New Delhi. Chapter 25 (Pages: 623-663).
Unit 4
Biodiversity and Conservation
Definition of Biodiversity; Levels of biological diversity: genetic, species and
ecosystem diversity
India as a mega-biodiversity nation; Biogeographic zones of India; Biodiversity
hotspots; Endemic and endangered species of India; IUCN Red list criteria and
Value of biodiversity: Ecological, economic, social, ethical, aesthetic, and
informational values of biodiversity with examples; sacred groves and their
importance with examples
Threats to biodiversity: Habitat loss, degradation, and fragmentation; Poaching of
wildlife; Man-wildlife conflicts; Biological invasion with emphasis on Indian
biodiversity; Current mass extinction crisis
Biodiversity conservation strategies: in-situ and ex-situ methods of conservation;
National Parks, Wildlife Sanctuaries, and Biosphere reserves; Keystone, Flagship,
Umbrella, and Indicator species; Species reintroduction and translocation
Case studies: Contemporary Indian wildlife and biodiversity issues, movements, and
projects (e.g., Project Tiger, Project Elephant, Vulture breeding program, Project Great
Indian Bustard, Crocodile conservation project, Silent Valley movement, Save Western
Ghats movement, etc)
Suggested Readings
1. Primack, R.B. (2014). Essentials of Conservation Biology, Oxford University Press, USA. Page.
2. Raven, P.H, Hassenzahl, D.M., Hager, M.C, Gift, N.Y. and Berg, L.R. (2015). Environment, 9th
Edition. Wiley Publishing, USA. Chapter 5 (Pages: 97-99); Chapter 16 (Pages: 299-318).
3. Singh, J.S., Singh, S.P. and Gupta, S.R. (2017). Ecology, Environmental Science and
Conservation. S. Chand Publishing, New Delhi. Chapters 24 (Pages: 599-690); Chapter 26
(Pages: 664-714).
Unit 5
Environmental Pollution
Environmental pollution (Air, water, soil, thermal, and noise): causes, effects, and
controls; Primary and secondary air pollutants; Air and water quality standards
Nuclear hazards and human health risks
Solid waste management: Control measures for various types of urban, industrial
waste, Hazardous waste, E-waste, etc; Waste segregation and disposal
Pollution case studies: Ganga Action plan (GAP), Delhi air pollution and public health
issues, Plastic waste management rules, Bhopal gas tragedy, etc
Suggested Readings
1. Brusseau, M.L., Pepper, I.L. and Gerba, C.P. (2019). Environmental and Pollution Science, 3rd
Edition. Academic Press, USA. Chapter 16 (Pages: 243-255); Chapter 18 (Pages: 280-305);
Chapter 21 (Pages: 352-358); Chapter 22 (Pages: 365-374); Chapter 23 (Pages: 378-388);
Chapter 25 (Pages: 416-426).
2. Carson, R. (2002). Silent Spring. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, USA. Pp. 1-264.
3. Raven, P.H, Hassenzahl, D.M., Hager, M.C, Gift, N.Y. and Berg, L.R. (2015). Environment, 9th
Edition. Wiley Publishing, USA. Chapter 19 (Pages: 359-381); Chapter 21 (Pages: 401-421);
Chapter 23 (Pages: 440-453).
4. Singh, J.S., Singh, S.P. and Gupta, S.R. (2017). Ecology, Environmental Science and
Conservation. S. Chand Publishing, New Delhi. Chapters 19, 20, 12 (Pages: 445-535).
Unit 6
Global Environmental Issues and Policies
Causes of Climate change, Global warming, Ozone layer depletion, and Acid rain;
Impacts on human communities, biodiversity, global economy, and agriculture
International agreements and programmes: Earth Summit, UNFCCC, Montreal and
Kyoto protocols, Convention on Biological Diversity(CBD), Ramsar convention, The
Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC), UNEP, CITES, etc
Sustainable Development Goals: India’s National Action Plan on Climate Change and
its major missions
Environment legislation in India: Wildlife Protection Act, 1972; Water (Prevention and
Control of Pollution) Act, 1974; Forest (Conservation) Act 1980; Air (Prevention &
Control of Pollution) Act, 1981; Environment Protection Act, 1986; Scheduled Tribes
and other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006
Suggested Readings
1. Divan, S. and Rosencranz, A. (2002). Environmental Law and Policy in India: Cases, Material &
Statutes, 2nd Edition. Oxford University Press, India. Chapter 2 (Pages: 23-39); Chapter 3
(Pages: 41-86).
2. Raven, P.H, Hassenzahl, D.M., Hager, M.C, Gift, N.Y. and Berg, L.R. (2015). Environment, 9th
Edition. Wiley Publishing, USA. Chapter 19 (Pages: 370-376); Chapter 20 (Pages: 385-399).
3. Singh, J.S., Singh, S.P. and Gupta, S.R. (2017). Ecology, Environmental Science and
Conservation. S. Chand Publishing, New Delhi. Chapter 23 (Pages: 555-598); Chapter 30
(Pages: 801-807).
Unit 7
Human Communities and the Environment
Human population growth: Impacts on environment, human health, and welfare;
Carbon foot-print
Resettlement and rehabilitation of developmental project affected persons and
communities; relevant case studies
Environmental movements: Chipko movement, Appiko movement, Silent valley
movement, Bishnois of Rajasthan, Narmada Bachao Andolan, etc
Environmental justice: National Green Tribunal and its importance
Environmental philosophy: Environmental ethics; Role of various religions and
cultural practices in environmental conservation
Environmental communication and public awareness: case studies (e.g., CNG
vehicles in Delhi, Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, National Environment Awareness
Campaign (NEAC), National Green Corps (NGC) “Eco-club” programme, etc)
Suggested Readings
1. Divan, S. and Rosencranz, A. (2002). Environmental Law and Policy in India: Cases, Material
& Statutes, 2nd Edition. Oxford University Press, India. Chapter 10 (Pages: 416-473).
2. Raven, P.H, Hassenzahl, D.M., Hager, M.C, Gift, N.Y. and Berg, L.R. (2015). Environment, 9th
Edition. Wiley Publishing, USA. Chapter 2 (Pages: 33-36); Chapter 8 (Pages: 148-162).
3. Singh, J.S., Singh, S.P. and Gupta, S.R. (2017). Ecology, Environmental Science and
Conservation. S. Chand Publishing, New Delhi. Chapter 1 (Pages: 23-26); Chapter 31 (Pages:
Essential Readings
1. Brusseau, M.L., Pepper, I.L., and Gerba, C.P. (2019). Environmental and Pollution
Science, 3rd Edition. Academic Press, USA. (pp. 1-520).
2. Divan, S. and Rosencranz, A. (2002). Environmental Law and Policy in India: Cases,
Material & Statutes, 2nd Edition. Oxford University Press, India. (pp. 1-837).
3. Gadgil, M., and Guha, R. (1993). This Fissured Land: An Ecological History of India.
University of California Press, Berkeley, USA. (pp. 1-245).
4. Raven, P.H, Hassenzahl, D.M., Hager, M.C, Gift, N.Y., and Berg, L.R. (2015).
Environment, 8th Edition. Wiley Publishing, USA. (pp. 1-472).
5. Singh, J.S., Singh, S.P., and Gupta, S.R. (2017). Ecology, Environmental Science and
Conservation. S. Chand Publishing, New Delhi. (pp.1-842).
Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course (AECC )
Course Objectives
Effective communication is an essential skill for success in any sphere of activity, from
leadership responsibilities, teamwork, interviews, presentations, and inter-personal
relations. This is a skill that needs to be taught in a systematic manner so that students
imbibe the fundamentals of communication. The art of persuasive speaking and writing
depends crucially on clarity of thought and contextual understanding expressed through
appropriate vocabulary.
The ability to think critically is crucial for a good communicator and involves an
understanding of the communicative process. Therefore, we need to study every stage of
this process systematically in order to be much more effective at communicating
successfully – in interviews, public speaking, letter writing, report writing, presentations,
and inter-personal debates and conversations.
Learning Outcomes
o Students will master the art of persuasive speech and writing.
o Students will master the art of listening, reading, and analyzing. Students will
spend the bulk of their time in class in practical exercises of reading and
o Students will develop critical thinking skills.
o They will be introduced to established principles of academic reading and
2. Expressing concepts How to think critically Writing essay length
through writing and write with clarity assignments
3. Demonstrating conceptual Discussing exam Class tests
and textual understanding questions and
in tests and exams answering techniques
Course Content
Unit 1
Theory of communication, types and modes of communication (Introductions to all five
Unit 2
Language of Communication
Verbal and non-verbal, spoken and written
Personal communication
Social communication
Business communication
Barriers and Strategies
Intra-personal Communication
Inter-personal Communication
Group communication
Unit 3
Speaking Skills
Group Discussion
Effective Communication
Public Speech
Unit 4
Reading and Understanding
Close Reading
Translation from Indian languages to English and vice versa
Literary/Knowledge, Texts
Unit 5
Writing Skills
Report writing
Making notes
Letter writing
Critical reading
Verbal communication
Non-verbal communication
Personal communication
Social communication
Barriers to communication
Intra-personal communication
Inter-personal communication
Group discussion
Public speech
Literary knowledge
Writing skills
Report writing
Note taking
Letter writing
Additional Resources
Tamil Communication
Tamil - A/B/C
Course objectives:
The course is designed to bring to the students the joy of learning Tamil language with
utmost ease and productivity. The carefully selected lessons lead them step by step,
giving such information only as is positively required, at the stage at which they have
arrived. It presents English speaking students with a few lessons in which they may
commence Tamil, and gradually acquire a thorough knowledge of the colloquial dialect,
and afterwards an introductory knowledge of the grammatical dialect. The aim of the
course is to enable the students to improve their communication skills in various practical
day-today life situations and in their interactions with others.
Course learning outcomes:
The course will highlight the theories of communication, types of communication and
language of communication so that they can avoid distortion in their communications and
express clearly what they intend to convey.
Note :
• For Student’s who have studied Tamil in class VIII or Above.
• For Student’s who have not studied Tamil in any-level/Non-Tamil students.
Urdu A (AECC)
Urdu-B - (AECC)
Urdu-C – (AECC)
Generic Elective (GE)
Introductory Macroeconomics
Credit: 6
Course Objective
This course aims to introduce the students to the basic concepts of Macroeconomics.
Macroeconomics deals with the aggregate economy. This course discusses the
preliminary concepts associated with the determination and measurement of aggregate
macroeconomic variable like GDP, savings, investment, money, inflation, and the balance of
payments. It also introduces students to simple analytical frameworks (e.g., the IS-LM model)
for determination of equilibrium output.
Course Learning Outcomes
This course will allow students to understand the basic functioning of the macroeconomy.
Unit 1
Introduction to macroeconomics and national income accounting Basic issues studied
in macroeconomics; measurement of gross domestic product; income, expenditure and the
circular flow; real versus nominal GDP; price indices; national income accounting for an open
economy; balance of payments: current and capital accounts
Unit 2
Money Functions of money; quantity theory of money; determination of money supply and
demand; credit creation; tools of monetary policy
Unit 3
Inflation Inflation and its social costs; hyperinflation
Unit 4
The closed economy in the short run Classical and Keynesian systems; simple Keynesian
model of income determination; IS-LM model; fiscal and monetary multipliers