Fossile Et Al. (2021) Gulf of Manfredonia (Southern Adriatic Sea)
Fossile Et Al. (2021) Gulf of Manfredonia (Southern Adriatic Sea)
Fossile Et Al. (2021) Gulf of Manfredonia (Southern Adriatic Sea)
Keywords: This paper aims to compare two foraminiferal based biotic indices generally used to evaluate the ecological
Foraminifera quality status (EcoQS): the Foram-AMBI and the Foram Stress Index (FSI). For this purpose, we report the dis
Biomonitoring tribution and diversity of living foraminiferal assemblages and the environmental variables from a bathymetric
Biotic indices
transect in the Southern Adriatic Sea. The two indices agree well with the detected organic enrichment but
Organic matter
indicate conflicting EcoQS as the Foram-AMBI detects good environmental conditions, whereas the FSI describes
Heavy metals a poor-moderate quality. Many species not assigned (including soft-shelled foraminifera) are to blame for the
different results. Also, both foraminiferal-based indices neglect the heavy metal increase encountered in the
deepest stations. These findings suggest the need for a more in-depth analysis to improve the ecological status
evaluation of marine benthic systems, including other descriptors as chemical pollutants in combination with
biotic indices sensitive to organic matter enrichment.
* Corresponding authors.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (A. Sabbatini), [email protected] (F. Spagnoli).
LPG-BIAF UMR-CNRS 6112, UNIV Angers, CNRS, UFR Sciences, 2 bd Lavoisier 49045, Angers CEDEX 01, France.
Received 9 July 2020; Received in revised form 7 December 2020; Accepted 9 December 2020
Available online 20 January 2021
0025-326X/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
E. Fossile et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 163 (2021) 111933
Alve et al., 2009; Dolven et al., 2013). Foraminiferal distribution and 2. Material and methods
composition are influenced by several environmental factors, including
temperature, salinity, organic matter inputs, oxygen, sediment grain size 2.1. Study area
and composition (Murray, 2006; Celia Magno et al., 2012).
Based on such features, foraminifera are widely used to evaluate The present study was carried out in the Gulf of Manfredonia (South-
different impacts in coastal environments: aquaculture, oil spills, heavy Eastern of the Gargano promontory, SW Adriatic Sea) (Fig. 1). The
metals and urban sewage (see Bouchet et al., 2012 and reference western Adriatic current (W-Ad) determines the sedimentological
therein). However, it is still unclear how to distinguish between natural characteristics of the western Adriatic Sea. It represents the main sup
and anthropogenic stress (Armynot du Châtelet and Debenay, 2010). plier of fine-grained sediments within the Gulf of Manfredonia (Spagnoli
The FOraminiferal BIo-MOnitoring group (FOBIMO) established a et al., 2008). The W-Ad current flows southward offshore the Gargano
standardised protocol for environmental monitoring studies to optimise Promontory. It generates an anticyclonic cell into the central area of the
the use of foraminifera as bioindicators (Schönfeld et al., 2012). After Gulf (Fig. 1), responsible for the partial mixing of the Ofanto river
that, several foraminiferal indices have been proposed to evaluate the sediments with the fine sediments coming from the north (Spagnoli
soft bottom EcoQS (e.g., Alve et al., 2016; Barras et al., 2014; Bouchet et al., 2008). Also, the Ofanto river provides the main continental inputs
et al., 2012; Dimiza et al., 2016; Jorissen et al., 2018; Alve et al., 2019). (Cattaneo et al., 2003).
However, the scientific community is not yet fully coordinated and a As for the reactive organic matter, porewater concentration data
shared routine application to evaluate the environmental quality is showed high inputs in the Gulf of Manfredonia shelf and minor inputs in
missing. the southern Adriatic Sea (Spagnoli et al., 2010). Previous studies
The present study aims to contribute this topic by investigating the (Spagnoli et al., 2010) observed that the basin area presents higher
living foraminiferal assemblages from the surface sediments along a oxygen penetration depth and lesser organic matter degradation prod
bathymetric transect in the Gulf of Manfredonia (southern Adriatic Sea, ucts (NH+ 4 and DIC) than the shelf. Also, in the Gulf of Manfredonia,
Italy) to evaluate the environmental status of the area. First, we analysed organic matter degradation processes led to anoxic conditions within the
foraminiferal distribution and diversity patterns related to several first millimeters of sediments, whereas in the basin the oxic layer is
environmental variables measured in the surface sediment (e.g., sedi thicker (Spagnoli et al., 2010). Finally, Mn and P enrichment, in the
ment organic matter quantity and quality, grain size, temperature, pH, superficial sediment of the Gulf, was attributed to changes in the solid
redox potential, and heavy metals concentrations). Then, we applied discharge from rivers into the Gulf rather than industrial contamination
two different foraminifera-based indices to evaluate the EcoQS, the (Focardi et al., 2009).
Foram-AMBI developed for the Mediterranean (Jorissen et al., 2018)
and the Foram Stress Index (FSI; Dimiza et al., 2016) to evaluate their
sensitivity and highlight the differences in the EcoQS obtained. 2.2. Sampling strategy
Fig. 1. Location of the study area with sampling stations. The blue lines represent the western Adriatic current (W-Ad). Bathymetry obtained from GEBCO 2014
( and map elaborated with Qgis (made with Natural Earth). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred
to the web version of this article.)
E. Fossile et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 163 (2021) 111933
Table 1
List of sampling stations with date of sampling, coordinates, water depth and surface sediment parameters (Eh = redox potential, T = temperature).
Sampling date Station Longitude (◦ E) Latitude (◦ N) Depth (m) pH Eh (mV) T(◦ C)
24/09/2016 35 16 05.493
41 32.781
15.4 7.33 − 228.0 23.6
24/09/2016 33 16◦ 19.292 41◦ 35.738 32.5 7.20 − 219.0 21.9
24/09/2016 28 16◦ 28.693 41◦ 38.625 74.4 7.33 − 178.5 15.4
25/09/2016 26 16◦ 39.411 41◦ 41.492 103 7.16 − 160.8 15.3
29/09/2016 25 16◦ 46.459 41◦ 42.737 131 7.61 141.0 14.6
Marine; CNR, Ancona) (Fig. 1). At each station, the surface sediment was as bovine serum albumin, glucose and tripalmitin equivalents, respec
immediately described and photographed, and measurements of tively. Protein, carbohydrate and lipid concentrations were converted
physical-chemical parameters were taken by punch-in electrodes in the into carbon equivalents by using the following conversion factors: 0.49,
uppermost 2 cm (pH by Methrom 826 pH meter with Pt 1000 code n. 0.40 and 0.75 g C g− 1, respectively (Fabiano et al., 1995). The sum of
6.1114.010 and pH microelectrode code n. 6.0234.100; redox potential protein, carbohydrate, and lipid carbon was referred as Biopolymeric
(Eh) by Crison 507 pH meter with Crison redox electrode 5260; T by Carbon (BPC) and the algal fraction of the BPC was calculated as the
Methrom 826 ph meter and Pt 100 code n. 6.1114.010; Table 1). One percentage ratio of C-CPE to BPC (Pusceddu et al., 2009). To highlight
sediment core (3.6 cm inner diameter), dedicated to foraminiferal ana variations among stations in organic matter parameters, one-way
lyses, was collected at each station using a plexiglass liner tube and then ANOVA and Tukey’s HSD test were performed using the Paleontolog
stored at − 20 ◦ C until further processing in the laboratory. Additionally, ical Statistics Data Analysis (PAST) software (version 2.17c; Hammer
extra aliquots of surface sediment were collected from the box-corer et al., 2001).
with a spoon and stored at − 20 ◦ C until processing. These aliquots TOC-VCPH analyser was used to determine the Total Organic Carbon
were destined for grain size and total organic C analysis, biochemical (TOC) sediment content doing two sequential analyses. First, a sediment
composition of organic matter, and trace metals concentration. aliquot was used to measure the Total Carbon (TC) through a combus
tion process at 900 ◦ C. Then another aliquot of sediment was used to
2.3. Grain size analysis determine the Inorganic Carbon (IC) with a combustion process at 200
C (after the addition of concentrated phosphoric acid). The TOC con
A fraction of the surface sediment (0–2 cm) collected at each station tent was calculated as the difference between TC and IC content. For
was oven-dried at 70–80 ◦ C for about 48 h. Dry sediment samples were detailed methods refer to Droghini et al. (2019).
pre-treated with a 16% H2O2 solution (65 vol.) to facilitate separation of
the grain and remove organic matter. The coarser and finer fraction was 2.5. Trace metal analysis
then obtained by wet sieving with a mesh of 62.5 μm; the two fractions
thus obtained were oven-dried at 60–90C◦ for about 48 h. The coarser The total concentration of selected elements (As, Cr, Ni, Pb) of
fraction (>62.5 μm) was separated using sieves (Series A.S.T.M.) piled environmental concern were obtained on bulk sediment from the same
with a decreasing mesh, which allowed the separation of the different stations used for foraminiferal analyses. The analyses were carried out
grain size classes (Wentworth, 1922). Two cycles of vibration, 6 min by means of X-ray Fluorescence spectrometry using a Panalytical
each, were sufficient for the treatment; the fraction retained by every Axios4000 spectrometer at the XRF-Lab of the BiGeA Department. Dried
single sieve was weighed and expressed in percentage with respect to the sediment was milled and homogenised in an agate mortar and prepared
total weight of the sample examined. The pelitic fraction (<62.5 μm) as pressed powder pellets. Matrix corrections followed the methods of
was prepared for further analysis with a Sedigraph (Micromeritics Franzini et al. (1972, 1975), Leoni and Saitta (1976), and Leoni et al.
Sedigraph 5100): 4 g of sediment were treated with a solution of distilled (1982). Accuracy was tested by analysing international reference stan
water and sodium hexametaphosphate 6‰ (with anti-flocculant action) dards: differences with reference values were lower than 5%, except for
for about 24 h, and then ultrasonicated for 5–7 min, for further disin trace elements with concentrations lower than 10 μg g− 1 (10% relative
tegration of any floccules. The samples were then analysed by X-ray difference). The Loss on Ignition was determined gravimetrically after
Sedigraph that measures a grain size range between 0.1 and 300 μm with overnight heating at 950 ◦ C. The total mercury content was determined
2% accuracy. by thermal decomposition amalgamation atomic absorption spectrom
etry using a Direct Mercury Analyser (DMA-1, Milestone, BG, Italy) as
2.4. Organic matter analysis explained in Droghini et al. (2019).
The surface sediment (0–2 cm) collected at each station was used to 2.6. Foraminiferal analysis
assess the organic matter’s quantity and biochemical composition. The
quantification of all parameters (Chlorophyll-a, phaeopigments, total In the laboratory, we extruded every frozen sediment core from the
lipids, carbohydrates and proteins) were performed as three pseudo- plexiglass liner tube, and we sliced the 0–0.5 cm and 0.5–1 cm sediment
replicates, with about 1 g wet sediment per sample. Chlorophyll-a intervals. These were then fixed in a solution of 4% formalin (to preserve
(Chl-a) and phaeopigment analyses were carried out according to the foraminiferal cytoplasm) buffered with sodium borate (to prevent
standard protocols (Lorenzen and Jeffrey, 1980). Pigments were dissolution of foraminiferal calcareous shells) and stained with Rose
extracted with 90% acetone (12 h in the dark at 4 ◦ C). After the Bengal (1 g L− 1) for 48 h to distinguish living faunas. Sediment samples
extraction, the pigments were fluorometrically analysed to estimate the were then sieved through 150 and 63 μm mesh. All the processed samples
quantity of Chl-a and, after acidification (20 s) with 0.1 N HCl (Plante- were then stored in 4% buffered formalin solution with one drop of Rose
Cuny, 1974), to estimate the amount of phaeopigments. Chloroplastic Bengal solution. The described protocol was used to allow the better
pigment equivalents (CPE) were calculated as the sum of Chl-a and preservation of soft-shelled foraminifera (Danovaro et al., 2003), which is
phaeopigments concentration. The carbon associated with CPE (C-CPE) not fully guaranteed with the use of ethanol as recommended in the
was calculated by converting CPE contents into carbon equivalents using FOBIMO protocol (Schönfeld et al., 2012). The residues were kept wet
40 μgC per μg of phytopigment as a conversion factor (de Jonge, 1980). and hand-sorted for living stained benthic foraminifera in water in a Petri
Protein, carbohydrate and lipid sedimentary contents were determined dish using the stereomicroscope (ZEISS Stemi 2000). Hard-shelled
spectrophotometrically (Danovaro, 2009) and concentrations reported calcareous and agglutinated species were sorted in micro-
E. Fossile et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 163 (2021) 111933
paleontological slides. Instead, soft-shelled monothalamous species were Assigned species, NA hereinafter). According to Borja and Muxika
placed in cavity slides in glycerol and observed under a compound mi (2005), in samples where the NA make up >20% of the assemblage, the
croscope (Nikon Eclipse E 600 POL). For the >150 μm fraction, all living AMBI-values should be evaluated with care and if they make up >50%,
specimens were picked and counted while for the 63–150 μm fraction AMBI should not be used.
several splitted aliquots were analysed and picked for living specimens in The FSI was calculated using the Dimiza et al. (2016) formula and the
order to reach a total of at least 300 individuals; counts from each wet species were classified as “sensitive” (Sen) or “stress tolerant” (Str) using
aliquot were then extrapolated and standardised for the total sample. only the list provided by Dimiza et al. (2016). Following El Kateb et al.
Foraminiferal species were determined using commonly used taxonomic (2020), we added the species Eggerelloides scaber in the Str group. The
reference works (e.g., Cushman, 1950; Loeblich and Tappan, 1987). complete list of the species recognised in the present study with fora
Foraminiferal counts from the two sediment intervals (0–0.5 and 0.5–1 miniferal densities (ind.10 cm− 3) and the correspondent Foram-AMBI
cm) were combined and then standardised to 10 cm3. The total density of and FSI classification can be found in the supplementary materials.
living foraminifera (ind.10 cm− 3 in the >63 μm) in the 0–1 cm interval Both indices do not consider soft-shelled foraminifera, therefore we
was calculated as the sum of the density of the two size fractions (63–150 excluded them from the calculation, and the same we did for the H′ .
μm and > 150 μm). Foraminiferal biodiversity was estimated using However, in order to explore the possible contribution of this group in
different diversity indices: species richness, measured as the number of the evaluation of the EcoQS of the soft bottom area, both indices were re-
species; species diversity, measured by the Shannon-Wiener (H′ ); the calculated including the two most abundant and easily recognisable
equitability (J), known as Pielou’s evenness. The indices were calculated genera of monothalamous soft-shelled foraminifera. The pollution
using PAST (version 2.17c; Hammer et al., 2001). All the biodiversity ranking for each station (i.e. unpolluted, slightly polluted, meanly
indices were calculated considering the coarser fraction (>150 μm) and polluted, heavily polluted and extremely polluted) was obtained
the finer fraction (63–150 μm) separated and combined together (>63 μm following Borja et al. (2003) and Dimiza et al. (2016) for the Foram-
fraction). A heatmap was used to display foraminiferal relative abun AMBI and FSI, respectively. The corresponding EcoQS was classified
dances (for the species contributing more than 5% in at least one sample) as high, good, moderate, poor or bad for both indices. Since there is no
for the coarser (>150 μm) and the finer fraction (63–150 μm). The limit EcoQS performed on foraminifera yet, for the Foram-AMBI we
heatmap was generated using the package ggplot2 (Wickham, 2016) in R tentatively applied the EcoQS limits defined for macrofauna (Borja et al.,
software (version 4.0.0; R core team, 2020). 2003). A recent publication on the same topic (El Kateb et al., 2020) also
refers to EcoQS limits proposed by Barras and Jorissen (2011) when the
2.7. Multivariate analysis foraminiferal TSI-Med index is applied. El Kateb et al. (2020) also used
EcoQS classes developed for the Italian coastal environments by Bouchet
A Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) was used to visualise et al. (2018) based on environmental criteria and diversity (Exp(H’bc))
the relationships between the environmental parameters (water depth, values. We then tested the correlation of the Foram-AMBI and FSI with
sediment T, pH, Eh, grain-size, organic matter composition and heavy TOC % and H′ index (Alve et al., 2016) as it is expected correspondence
metal concentrations) and the faunas (>63 μm, 0–1 cm) of all stations between degraded environment (high values of the Foram-AMBI), high
considering the absolute densities (ind. 10 cm− 3) of the species which TOC % and low diversity. Additionally, we tested the possible correla
contribute with >5% to the assemblage. Values of different environ tion of both indices with the biopolymeric Carbon (BPC).
mental variables and different orders of magnitude were standardised as
follows: (x-mean x)/sd, in which x is the value of the variable in one 2.8.2. Environmental status based on other variables
station, mean x is the mean of the same variable among the stations and We considered several environmental parameters to evaluate the
sd is the corresponding standard deviation. The densities of the fora environmental status along the transect (pH, Eh, sediment grain size, the
miniferal faunas were normalised using the transformation Log10(x + 1) TOC %, the BPC with its composition and the concentrations of selected
(where x is the density expressed in ind. 10 cm− 3). We performed this heavy metals As, Cr, Hg, Ni and Pb). Values of pH and Eh were used to
CCA using PAST (version 2.17c; Hammer et al., 2001). infer the surface sediment oxygenation in comparison with the quantity
of organic matter (TOC % and BPC). The proteins to carbohydrate ratio
2.8. Evaluation of environmental quality (PRT/CHO) were used as descriptors of aging and nutritional quality of
the sediment organic matter (Pusceddu et al., 2000; Tselepides et al.,
2.8.1. Ecological quality status based on benthic foraminifera 2000).
To evaluate the environmental quality, we applied two indices using
the organic enrichment as a driving factor: the Foram-AMBI developed 3. Results
for the Mediterranean (Jorissen et al., 2018) and the Foram Stress Index
(FSI; Dimiza et al., 2016). We calculated both indices considering the 3.1. Environmental variables
foraminiferal assemblages of the larger fraction (>150 μm) and of the
total >63 μm size fraction, in the top first centimetre of the sediment. 3.1.1. Surface sediment characteristics
For the Foram-AMBI, the list of the Mediterranean species assign The temperature at the bottom sediment interface decreases with
ment is given in Jorissen et al. (2018) and the index was calculated using increasing water depth, varying from 23.6 ◦ C at the shallowest station
the Borja et al. (2000) formula. For each station we then calculated the (35) to 14.6 ◦ C at the deepest one (25) (Table 1). Surface sediment pH
percentage of individuals not present in the species assignment list (Not varies between 7.16 (at station 26) and 7.61 (at station 25). The redox
Table 2
Grain size characteristics (percentage of gravel, sand, silt and clay), percentages of total organic carbon (TOC) and protein to carbohydrate ratio (PRT/CHO).
Stations Gravel (%) Sand (%) Silt (%) Clay (%) TOC (%) PRT/CHO
E. Fossile et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 163 (2021) 111933
potential (Eh) increases from the coast to the open sea and it displays mg kg− 1 (set by the Environmental Quality Standard Water Framework
negative values (from − 228 mV to − 160 mV, therefore evidencing Directive and generally decrease from the inner to the outer stations (as
reducing conditions) at each station except for the outer station 25 detailed in Droghini et al., 2019). Pb varies from 21 to 27 mg kg− 1.
(+141 mV) (Table 1).
Grain size analyses (Table 2) show that sand contribution is low at all
stations except for the deepest station (38.5%), note that gravel size 3.2. Living foraminiferal assemblages
evidenced in table, corresponds to molluscan shell fragments. The per
centage of silt decreases from the coast to the open sea (from 46.1 to 3.2.1. Abundance, diversity and taxonomic composition
12.0%, from station 35 to 25) while clay increases from station 35 to 26 Considering the >63 μm size fraction the station 26 presents the
(from 53.3 to 75.8%). According to the Shepard classification (1954) the highest foraminiferal abundance (3182 ind. 10 cm− 2) and the station 33
sediment samples collected at the two shallowest stations (35 and 33) the lowest (309 ind. 10 cm− 3; Fig. 3) as well as the 63–150 μm fraction.
consist of silty clay, the stations 28 and 26 are clayey, and the deepest Whereas the coarser size fraction (>150 μm) records the highest abun
station 25 is sandy clay. dance at station 25 (326 ind. 10 cm− 3). The coarser fraction (>150 μm)
gives a low contribution to the total foraminiferal density at all stations
3.1.2. Phytopigments and organic matter composition (7 to 32%). In the >63 μm fraction, the highest species richness occurs at
The complete dataset for biochemical composition of the sediment is the station 25 with 88 identified species, decreasing progressively to
reported in Table S1 of the supplement. The BPC varies significantly wards the shallower stations (Fig. 3a). The H′ index values of the >63
among the stations (one-way ANOVA, F = 15.45, p < 0.001; Fig. 2). The μm fraction varies between 3.10 and 3.53 (Fig. 3b). If we consider the
highest BPC content is found at station 33 (5.61 ± 0.74 mgC g− 1), and it two size fractions separately, the >150 μm compared to the 63–150
shows a general decreasing trend from the coast to the open sea (from fraction shows lower diversity at the station 35 and 33 and higher at
4.44 ± 1.33 to 1.75 ± 0.20 mgC g− 1 at station 35 and 25, respectively; station 25. The equitability is high and similar at all stations with the
Fig. 2). The carbohydrates (CHO) concentration is similar at each station highest value at the station 33 (0.86) decreasing to 0.72 at station 26 and
(Table S1), while the protein (PRT) and lipid (LIP) concentrations show the coarser fraction always shows higher values compared with the finer
significant differences among stations (one-way ANOVA, F = 13.15, p < fraction (65–150 μm; Fig. S1).
0.001 for PRT, and F = 69.71, p < 0.001 for LIP). The BPC mostly Hyaline species dominate the foraminiferal assemblage of the
consists of PRT (60–83%), followed by CHO (10 and 34%) and LIP coarser fraction (>150 μm) at stations 28, 26 and 25 with relative
(<11%; Fig. 2). The PRT/CHO ratio generally decreases with increasing abundance varying from 43 and 52%, followed by agglutinated species
water depth (from 6.92 to 1.49 at station 33 and 25, respectively;
Table 2). The CPE concentrations vary significantly among stations (one-
way ANOVA, F = 88.11, p < 0.05), with the highest values at station 35
(18.19 ± 4.63 μg g− 1). Also, the contribution of the algal fraction to the
BPC (range: 6–19%) varies significantly among stations (one-way
ANOVA, F = 5.14, p < 0.05) but only the station 25 significantly differs
from the station 35 and 28 (Tukey’s HSD, p < 0.05). Total organic
carbon percentages are very similar in the sediments of stations 35 and
33 (0.29%) and slightly increase at station 28 and decrease at the two
deepest stations (Table 2).
Fig. 3. (a) Cumulative foraminiferal densities considering the two different size
Fig. 2. Biopolymeric carbon content (BPC, expressed in mgC g− 1 and repre fractions (63–150 μm and >150 μm) and species richness (S) of the >63 μm
sented by the black dots) and its relative composition of lipids (LIP), proteins fraction. (b) Shannon-Wiener index (H′ ) considering the 63–150 and the >150
(PRT) and carbohydrates (CHO). μm fraction separately and together (>63 μm fraction).
E. Fossile et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 163 (2021) 111933
(29 to 45%) (Table S2). Agglutinated species instead dominate the two Cassidulina carinata, Eiloedra vitrea and M. subrotunda characterise the
shallowest stations (35 and 33) with 39 and 57%, respectively (Table stations 28, 26 and 25. Miliolinella sp. characterised exclusively station
S2). Soft-shelled taxa contribute with the 30% to the assemblage of the 25. Some species shared among all stations are Bolivina seminuda, Boli
large fraction at station 35 and with 4% at station 33 and 25. The finer vina spathulata, Bulimina aculeata and Bulimina marginata.
size fraction is dominated by hyaline taxa (from 73 up to 77%) at all
stations except station 35 where the dominance is broken down among
3.3. Evaluation of environmental quality
hyaline and agglutinated species (39 and 38%, respectively). Soft-
shelled foraminifera contribute with 12% at station 35 and 33 to the
3.3.1. Foram-AMBI
63–150 μm fraction (Table S2).
Applying the Foram-AMBI index on the large size fraction (>150
μm), we obtained values between 1.73 and 3.00 corresponding to a good
3.2.2. Foraminiferal living assemblages of the 63–150 and >150 μm size
environmental status (Table 4) and a slightly polluted classification
following Borja et al. (2003). However, we can observe some differences
The heatmap highlights similarities and differences in species
among the stations. Indeed, the two deepest stations show lower scores
composition among the stations and between the two size fractions
(1.73 and 1.83 for stations 26 and 25, respectively), meaning higher
(Fig. 4). The agglutinated Eggerelloides scaber dominates the shallower
environmental quality, while the other stations record values higher
stations 35 and 33 in the >150 μm fraction, while the finer size fraction
than 2.50. The percentage of not assigned specimens (NA) is less than
(63–150 μm) presents a more homogenous composition. Station 35 is
50% of the assemblages at each station; however, NA < 20% is observed
also characterised by the presence of Ammonia spp., the agglutinated
only at the stations 35 and 28. As expected, the H′ index calculated for
Lepthoalysis scottii and Reophax sp. and by some soft-shelled species
the coarser size fraction displays the opposite trend observed for the
(Allogromiid spp. and Psammophaga cf cristallifera) unique of this station.
Foram-AMBI, increasing from the coast to the open sea. The value of the
Whereas the soft-shelled Micrometula sp. was found only at station 33.
Foram-AMBI increases when applied on the >63 μm size fraction at all
The coarser size fraction (>150 μm) of the deeper stations (28, 26 and
stations except the 33, highlighting that the environmental quality
25) is dominated by the calcareous Uvigerina mediterranea and the
generally decreases but remains in the same interval of quality (Table 4).
agglutinated Textularia spp.. These three stations share also the presence
The frequency of NA decreases for the stations 33 (20.4%), 26 (12.8%)
of the hyline Bolivina seminuda in the finer size fraction (63–150 μm).
and 25 (33.2%) while for the remaining stations it increases. Although
The finer size fraction (63–150 μm) of stations 26 and 25 are dominated
the NA percentage is <50% at all stations, it is <20% only at station 26.
by Cassidulina carinata and Globocassidulina subglobosa.
The >63 μm fraction’s H′ index does not show a clear trend, but we have
the highest value at the offshore station 25 and the lowest at the
3.2.3. Multivariate analysis
innermost station 35 (3.5 and 2.9, respectively).
The first two axes of the CCA analysis explain around 84% of the total
variance (Fig. 5). The axis 1 separates the two shallowest stations 35 and
3.3.2. Foram stress index (FSI)
33 from the other three stations. Both stations, especially station 33,
The application of the FSI index on the assemblage of the >150 μm
present a positive correlation with the percentage of mud (silt + clay)
size fraction results in three different pollution states (Dimiza et al.,
and high quantities of organic matter (both in terms of TOC % and BPC
2016) and it varies from 1.58 to 6.19 (Table 5). Station 25 classifies as
content). The two deepest stations (25 and 26) positively correlate with
slightly polluted (good EcoQS), stations 35, 33 and 26 as moderately
heavy metal concentrations, percentage of sand and carbohydrate con
polluted (moderate EcoQS) and station 28 as heavily polluted (poor
centrations. Axis 2 separates the two central stations of the transect (28
EcoQS). The NA % is high (>40%) at all stations except for stations 35.
and 33) from the other stations based on lipid percentages. Some com
The FSI applied on the >63 μm fraction varies between 1.28 and 3.81
mon species characterise station 35 and 33: A. parkinsoniana, A. tepida,
and it classifies the stations into two different pollution state: stations
E. scaber, L. scottii, Micrometula spp. and N. turgida. The genus Psam
35, 26 and 25 are classified as moderately polluted (moderate EcoQS)
mophaga spp. and the species Reophax sp. occur exclusively at station 35.
and stations 33 and 28 as heavily polluted (poor EcoQS). The
Fig. 4. Heatmap showing the relative abundances of the species occurring with frequencies >5% considering the finer (63–150 μm) and the coarser (>150 μm) size
fraction separately.
E. Fossile et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 163 (2021) 111933
Fig. 5. Canonical correspondence analysis based on foraminiferal densities (0–1 cm, > 63 μm, absolute densities of the species with relative abundance >5%) and 17
environmental variables.
percentages of NA are higher than 30% at each station except for station μm and >63 μm size fraction, respectively) (Fig. 6c). The same corre
26 (27.5%). lations were tested using the FSI scores (Fig. 6d, e, f). In this case, the FSI
index shows a strong negative correlation (R2 = 0.80) with the TOC %
3.3.3. Biotic indices correlations when applied on the coarser size fraction (>150 μm) while it decreases
A positive correlation between the Foram-AMBI and TOC % as well (R2 = 0.57) when applied on the entire fraction (>63 μm) (Fig. 6a). We
as between the Foram-AMBI and the BPC considering both size fractions can observe a significant correlation between the FSI and BPC when
is observed (Fig. 6a, b). However, the correlation between the Foram- considering the >63 μm fraction (R2 = 0.57) (Fig. 6e). The FSI index as
AMBI and the BPC (R2 = 0.89 and R2 = 0.62, for the >150 μm and opposed to the Foram-AMBI does not show a strong correlation with
>63 μm size fraction, respectively) is stronger than that with TOC % (R2 Shannon-Wiener Index (R2 = 0.44 for the >150 μm) (Fig. 6f).
= 0.42, for both size fractions). A negative correlation is recorded be
tween Foram-AMBI and H′ index (R2 = 0.74 and R2 = 0.78, for the >150
Fig. 6. Correlation of the two biotic indices (Foram-AMBI in panels a, b, c; FSI in panels d, e, f) and the TOC % (a, d), the BPC content (b, e) and the H′ index (c, d).
E. Fossile et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 163 (2021) 111933
Fig. 7. Curves indicating the maximum relative frequencies of the two genera Micrometula and Psammophaga found as a function of (a) TOC % and (b) BPC con
centrations. (c) The cumulative relative abundance of all species belonging to each of the 5 ecological groups along an organic enrichment gradient (figure modified
from Jorissen et al., 2018 and Alve et al., 2016). The group Micrometula spp. includes M. hyalostriata and Micrometula sp. and the group Psammophaga spp. includes P.
cf cristallifera, P. cristallifera and P. cristallifera “magnetic”.
E. Fossile et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 163 (2021) 111933
Farther from the coast (stations 28, 26 and 25), benthic foraminiferal of the total assemblage is not assigned to a definite ecological category.
abundance and diversity (H′ index) increase, whereas the BPC in the We observed high percentages of NA in most of the stations: the values
sediment decreases, as well as the PRT/CHO ratio as stated previously. exceed 20% in three stations for the >150 μm size fraction, and in four
This, combined with Eh values higher than in the previous stations, stations when the total fraction >63 μm is considered. In the present
suggests a relatively higher availability of oxygen at the surface sedi work, the majority of the Foram-AMBI values should be evaluated with
ment but it contrasts with the finer grain size (clay) observed at stations care as recommended by Borja and Muxika (2005). Therefore, the need
28 and 26. The high foraminiferal abundance observed in the first to assign more species to their respective ecological groups to reduce the
centimetre of sediment might also reflect the possible reduction of other NA percentage is mandatory.
stressful environmental conditions (i.e., sediment resuspension due to Furthermore, the station showing the lowest number of NA species is
the increased water depth and slower sedimentation). In this regard, the that with the highest density, and this is mainly due to the contribution
coarser size assemblages (>150 μm) of these stations are characterised of the finer size fraction. This highlights the relevant contribution of the
by the agglutinated species Textularia agglutinans, previously observed in 63–150 μm fraction in both ecological and biomonitoring studies, even if
nutrient-poor area, less influenced by rivers inputs (e.g., Donnici and the analysis of the finer fraction is often overlooked because it is time-
Serandrei Barbero, 2002). Another dominant species in these stations is consuming (Schönfeld et al., 2012). As reported in this survey, and by
the calcareous Uvigerina mediterranea. This species has been classified as previous studies (e.g., Diz, 2004; Nardelli et al., 2018), the finest fraction
an “indifferent species” to organic enrichment in the Foram-AMBI list (63–150 μm) includes the highest proportion of living foraminifera.
(Jorissen et al., 2018) and it is a species usually found at deeper water Some ecologically significant species may exclusively occur in the
depth (Murray, 2006). Therefore, the presence of U. mediterranea in the 63–150 μm size fraction and, consequently, studies based only on the
outer part of the Gulf is probably more related to the water depth instead coarser size fraction may lack important information (Lo Giudice Cap
of organic matter decrease or maybe both. pelli and Austin, 2019). Moreover, the 63–150 μm fauna often consists of
juveniles and small opportunistic taxa that quickly respond to eutro
4.2. Foram-AMBI sensitivity phication (e.g., Mojtahid et al., 2006).
Consequently, the opportunistic behaviour or sensitivity of small-
This study is one of the first attempts to apply the recently developed size species to increased organic matter accumulation can only be
Foram-AMBI index (Jorissen et al., 2018) adapted to the Mediterranean observed considering this fraction. Once again, analyses conducted only
faunas to evaluate the Ecological Quality Status (EcoQS) of coastal on the coarser fraction may cause under-representation or even absence
marine environments. This index is based on species sensitivity or of indicative species (Duchemin et al., 2007). The finer fraction better
tolerance to environmentally stressful conditions, primarily determined represents soft-shelled taxa, but these taxa are frequently excluded from
by organic enrichment. All the Foram-AMBI values obtained, fall within biomonitoring programs (Schönfeld et al., 2012) and the evaluation of
the interval 1.73–3.38 (Tables 3, 6) indicative of “slightly polluted” or EcoQS using Foram-AMBI and FSI indices. We suggest a reassessment
“meanly polluted” environment (Borja et al., 2003) and corresponding considering that some soft-shelled opportunistic species (e.g., Psammo
to good or moderate EcoQS, respectively. The scores of the index either phaga spp.; Sabbatini et al., 2012) can provide a precise evaluation of the
considering the different size fractions or including soft-shelled fora environmental quality concerning the organic enrichment.
minifera do not change. The only shift from good to moderate EcoQS is Although we encountered some critical issues in the Foram-AMBI
observed for station 35 when soft-shelled foraminifera are included. The application, especially the high NA percentage (from 13 to 44%) and
limited variation of TOC content along the transect may explain the the use of only the coarser size fraction, our results suggest the sensi
relatively small range of index scores. The correlation found in this study tivity of this index to represent the organic matter distribution. In
between TOC content and the index is consistent with the results ob particular, referring to the observed correlation between the reduction
tained by Alve et al. (2016), further confirming the validity of the spe of sediment organic matter values together with the slightly decreasing
cies assignments based on organic enrichment. However, a stronger trend of Foram-AMBI scores along the studied transect (Fig. 3 and
relationship was found between the index value and BPC concentration. Table 4). However, in the present study, it seems that the Foram-AMBI
This observation, and the fact that the BPC is considered more repre score does not fully reflect the potential environmental stress caused
sentative of the benthic trophic status than the TOC (Pusceddu et al., by the organic enrichment; in fact, our stations result all in a good EcoQS
2009), suggests that this variable better explains the benthic forami beside the high organic matter values of biopolymeric carbon recorded
niferal distribution. The benthic trophic status can be evaluated in terms in the transect. In marine sediment, our BPC values (4–6 mgC g− 1) are
of TOC supply rate to the sea bottom (as gC m− 2 yr− 1; Nixon, 1995). associated at highly productive systems (such as estuaries, ponds, and
However, this is difficult to assess since the magnitude of the organic fish farm sediments) in coastal eutrophic environments (Pusceddu et al.,
carbon fluxes is not always directly linked to the primary production in 2009). El Kateb et al. (2020) already highlighted that the Foram-AMBI
the water column, and the assessment of all of the possible inputs of just reflects the organic matter sedimentary distribution (considering
organic carbon is difficult to achieve on large spatial and temporal scales the TOC), further confirming our findings and they underlined that this
(Lee et al., 1988). BPC is significantly related to TOC. However, while index underestimates the ecological conditions along the Tunisian coast
the biopolymeric fraction undergoes rapid changes in quantity and affected by intense anthropogenic pollution. Besides, they confirm also
composition during early diagenesis, TOC generally exhibits a more that the application of the Foram-AMBI is presently not appropriate to
conservative nature (Fabiano et al., 1995). This fact suggests that assess the EcoQS since a large percentage of the present species are not
changes in the BPC quantity might respond to changes and/or differ assigned to ecological groups. Finally, our results confirm also that the
ences in the systems’ productivity more promptly than TOC. TOC con
tent was selected as a proxy for the stress level on benthic communities
Table 3
because it is one of the most used environmental variables in forami
Sediment heavy metal concentrations (expressed in mg kg− 1) for each station.
niferal studies (Alve et al., 2016). Nevertheless, our data suggest that the
foraminiferal species assignment into the ecological groups can be Stations Heavy metals concentrations (mg kg− 1)
improved using the BPC as a more sensitive proxy for benthic trophic 35 33 28 26 25
status in further studies (Pusceddu et al., 2009). As 14 16 24 23 22
The major issue in applying the Foram-AMBI is the high number of Cr 102 109 112 126 135
Not Assigned specimens (NA). Indeed, Jorissen et al. (2018) assigned Hg 0.05 0.07 0.08 0.05 0.03
only 199 common Mediterranean benthic foraminiferal taxa to the five Ni 49 59 65 79 92
Pb 21 23 26 27 27
ecological categories considered. Our analysis highlights that 13 to 44%
E. Fossile et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 163 (2021) 111933
Table 4
From left to right: the five ecological quality status (EcoQS) classes, the correspondent Foram-AMBI intervals and the pollution clas
sification following Borja et al. (2003). The percentages of not assigned specimens (NA), Foram-AMBI values, Shannon- Wiener index
(H′ ) calculated excluding soft-shelled foraminifera for the larger size fraction (>150 μm) and for the small plus large size fraction (>63
μm). Dot colour corresponds to the EcoQS code.
Table 5
The five ecological quality status (EcoQS) classes, the correspondent FSI intervals and the pollution classification
following Dimiza et al. (2016). The percentages of not assigned individuals (NA), FSI values, for the larger size fraction
(>150 μm) and for the small plus large size fraction (>63 μm). Dot colour corresponds to the EcoQS code.
Foram-AMBI does not effectively reflect EcoQS as the AMBI of Borja between 1.26 and 6.19 (Tables 5, 6). The EcoQS obtained using the
et al. (2000) does for macrofauna. Moreover, Bouchet et al. (2018) coarser size fraction of the assemblage, results good at station 25,
compared EcoQS obtained with benthic foraminifera to previous studies moderate at station 35, 33 and 26 and poor at station 28 highlighting a
that assessed EcoQS in the same areas using indices based on benthic variable score for the FSI along the transect. A different result is obtained
macrofauna (Borja et al., 2000). By comparing EcoQS assessment ob when we consider the total assemblage (>63 μm): the EcoQS results
tained using the foraminiferal method with those calculated with mac moderate at station 35, 26 and 25, while it becomes poor at stations 33
rofaunal methods, they demonstrated that benthic foraminifera might and 28 in the inner part of the Gulf of Manfredonia. The inclusion in the
be more appropriate than benthic macrofauna to evaluate the health of FSI index of the 63–150 μm assemblage, lower all the scores (except for
Italian transition waters accurately. So, foraminifera are candidates, station 35) and the consequent classification in a worse EcoQS class at
better than macrofauna, to be very promising bioindicators but there is station 33. However, this apparent impoverishment of the environ
not a clear discrepancy between EcoQS limits defined by macrofauna mental quality obtained for the >63 μm size fraction should be evalu
and foraminifera. ated with care. In fact, the abundance of the species considered to
calculate the FSI index at each station is lower than 53% of the total
4.3. Foram stress index (FSI) sensitivity assemblage both considering the total >63 μm or only the coarser size
fraction. Nevertheless, the scores obtained depend on the fact that we
The biotic index called Foram Stress Index (FSI) is based on the calculated the index using only the species or genera included by Dimiza
assignment of foraminiferal species to two ecological groups based on et al. (2016) (with the addition of E. scaber following El Kateb et al.,
their tolerance or sensitivity to organic enrichment (Dimiza et al., 2016). 2020) whose assignments to the sensitive or stress-tolerant group are
The values we obtained from the application of the FSI index falls based on the literature. This fact determines the low relative abundances
of the assemblage used to calculate the FSI index. Furthermore, when
Table 6 the two soft-shelled foraminifera genera are included as a stress-tolerant
Comparison between Foram-AMBI and FSI scores considering soft-shelled group in the FSI index, we observe a slight decrease in the index score for
foraminifera for both >150 μm and >63 μm size fractions. Values station 35 and 33. However, the inclusion of these two taxa does not
affected by the inclusion of soft-shelled foraminifera in the indices are change the EcoQS of these two stations.
marked in bold. Dot colours correspond to the EcoQS code. As for the Foram-AMBI, the FSI index reflects the organic enrich
Foram-AMBI FSI ment: a negative correlation is observed between the FSI scores and the
Stations TOC content (Fig. 6d). The correlation is weaker between the FSI and the
> 150 µm > 63 µm > 150 µm > 63 µm
BPC (Fig. 6e). Moreover, the obtained FSI scores show a correlation with
35 2.76 3.38 1.96 2.66 the H′ index only when the coarser fraction is used. Summarising the
33 3.00 3.16 4.00 1.26 findings, if we consider the percentage of species assignments, it is
28 2.54 2.77 1.58 1.42 evident that also in this case there is a methodological limitation due to
26 1.73 2.71 4.99 3.61 the species included in the list of Dimiza et al. (2016).
25 1.83 2.46 6.19 3.81
E. Fossile et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 163 (2021) 111933
4.4. Indices comparison and heavy metals concentrations Credit authorship contribution statement
The Foram-AMBI and the FSI indices are based on two different spe Eleonora Fossile: Conceptualization, Methodology, Validation,
cies classification in ecological groups and two different formula, but both Formal analysis, Investigation, Writing - Original Draft. Anna Sabba
species assignments are based on their sensitivity to organic enrichment tini: Conceptualization, Methodology, Validation, Investigation, Re
(Alve et al., 2016; Dimiza et al., 2016; Jorissen et al., 2018). Thus, from sources, Writing - Review & Editing, Supervision. Federico Spagnoli:
the application of these two indices, similar EcoQS are expected. On the reference person for geochemistry and sedimentology. Methodoloy,
contrary, we observe an impoverishment of the environmental quality Investigation, Resource, Writing - Review & Editing. Francesca Caridi:
when we apply the FSI index. In this study, we used two different vari Methodology, Interpretation Analysis. Antonio Dell’Anno: Methodol
ables to assess organic enrichment: TOC and BPC concentrations. As ogy, Writing- Review & Editing. Rocco De Marco: Methodology. Enrico
shown in Fig. 6, both variables show a correlation with the Foram-AMBI Dinelli: Methodology. Elisa Droghini: Methodology. Mario Tra
and the FSI scores. This correlation is stronger between the Foram-AMBI montana: Methodology. Alessandra Negri: Conceptualization, Writing
and the BPC and between the FSI and the TOC content. The difference - Review & Editing, Supervision.
between the two indices may depend on the different species assignments,
the percentage of the assemblage considered in the calculation or the Declaration of competing interest
different formula used. As mentioned earlier, the major issue in applying
both indices is the high percentages of foraminifera not included in the The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
evaluation of the EcoQS. Our results suggest that both the Foram-AMBI interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
and the FSI are good tools to evaluate the EcoQS in the Mediterranean the work reported in this paper.
Sea because they seem to reflect the organic enrichment. However, there
is the need to extend the list of the species assigned to both indices and it Acknowledgements
may be necessary to adapt the coefficients in the Foram-AMBI formula as
previously suggested by El Kateb et al. (2020). We are grateful to Giuseppe Caccamo, Simone Baldelli, Elisa Man
The heavy metal concentration slightly increases from the coast to the zotti, Andrea Castelli, Massimo Leonetti and the crew of the R/V Dal
open sea, but it seems to not influence the foraminiferal distribution along laporta for their precious help in the cruise activities. We thank Marco
the transect. Foraminiferal responses to heavy metal pollution are still Lo Martire and Giuseppe Toscano for the help in organic matter analyses
unclear. Experimental studies have shown ultrastructural changes and and Anna Annibaldi for Hg analysis. We thank the two anonymous re
intracellular modification in foraminifera exposed to heavy metals (e.g., viewers for their constructive and useful comments.
Frontalini et al., 2016, 2018a), while others have shown effects at the
ecological level (e.g., Frontalini et al., 2018b). Miliolids, for instance, Appendix A. Supplementary data
have shown contradictory responses to heavy metal pollution (Nardelli
et al., 2016 and reference therein). Frontalini and Coccioni (2008) Supplementary data to this article can be found online at doi:https://
underlined a possible control of heavy metals on benthic foraminiferal
assemblages and test malformation development. Our study did not
observe test malformations and foraminiferal diversity seems to increase References
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