SNS CFE 102 0830 Religious Involvement 1 Paraan Joshua
SNS CFE 102 0830 Religious Involvement 1 Paraan Joshua
SNS CFE 102 0830 Religious Involvement 1 Paraan Joshua
B. Further, what changes need to occur in you in order to grasp the terms of your
discipleship (to your family, to the community, to the world in general). Again, list down 3,
one for each area mentioned.
a. Family
To be obedient towards my parents (Ephesians 6:1)
To take their advice and teachings into account (Proverbs 1:8)
To bring joy in their lives (Proverbs 10:1)
To look after them when they are old (Proverbs 23:22)
To bless them always in order to have a clear understanding of things and so their
lives may stand out (Proverbs 20:20)
b. Community
To submit to the authority – love, honor and respect our leaders
c. World
To love the next generation - evangelize and teach the people to obey the
commandments of God.
Heavenly Father, You are worthy of our praise and worship. Thank You for the breath of life.
Thank You for Your mercy and favor. Thank You for Your provision, for the opportunity to be
restored and reconciled to You, and the opportunity to encounter You for my life to be changed
completely. I apply the blood of Jesus over every life for us to be redeemed from the power of
Satan and for us to be rescued from the dominion of darkness, to be brought back in Your
kingdom. It is by the blood of Jesus that our sins are forgiven. Because as I walk in the light and
have fellowship with other believers, the blood of Jesus cleanses us continually from our sins. I
apply the blood of Jesus for us to be justified and sanctified. It is by Your wounds Jesus that
people are healed physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Change and purify us. Teach
us to number our days. Here I am Father, send my life for Your glory and for the expansion of
Your kingdom here on earth as it is in heaven.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
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