CH 3 Resource Masters

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Chapter 3

Resource Masters

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StudentWorksTM This CD-ROM includes the entire Student Edition along with the
Study Guide, Practice, and Enrichment masters.

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and printing in the Advanced Mathematical Concepts TeacherWorks

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ISBN: 0-07-869130-3 Advanced Mathematical Concepts

Chapter 3 Resource Masters
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 XXX 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04
Vocabulary Builder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii-x Lesson 3-7
Study Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
Lesson 3-1 Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
Study Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Enrichment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
Enrichment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 Lesson 3-8
Study Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
Lesson 3-2 Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Study Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Enrichment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Enrichment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Chapter 3 Assessment
Chapter 3 Test, Form 1A . . . . . . . . . . . . 111-112
Lesson 3-3 Chapter 3 Test, Form 1B . . . . . . . . . . . . 113-114
Study Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 Chapter 3 Test, Form 1C . . . . . . . . . . . . 115-116
Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 Chapter 3 Test, Form 2A . . . . . . . . . . . . 117-118
Enrichment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 Chapter 3 Test, Form 2B . . . . . . . . . . . . 119-120
Chapter 3 Test, Form 2C . . . . . . . . . . . . 121-122
Lesson 3-4 Chapter 3 Extended Response
Study Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 Chapter 3 Mid-Chapter Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
Enrichment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 Chapter 3 Quizzes A & B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
Chapter 3 Quizzes C & D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
Lesson 3-5 Chapter 3 SAT and ACT Practice . . . . . 127-128
Study Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 Chapter 3 Cumulative Review . . . . . . . . . . . 129
Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Enrichment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 SAT and ACT Practice Answer Sheet,
10 Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A1
Lesson 3-6 SAT and ACT Practice Answer Sheet,
Study Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 20 Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A2
Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 ANSWERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A3-A17
Enrichment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill iii Advanced Mathematical Concepts

A Teacher’s Guide to Using the
Chapter 3 Resource Masters

The Fast File Chapter Resource system allows you to conveniently file the
resources you use most often. The Chapter 3 Resource Masters include the core
materials needed for Chapter 3. These materials include worksheets, extensions,
and assessment options. The answers for these pages appear at the back of this

All of the materials found in this booklet are included for viewing and printing in
the Advanced Mathematical Concepts TeacherWorks CD-ROM.

Vocabulary Builder Pages vii-x include a Practice There is one master for each lesson.
student study tool that presents the key These problems more closely follow the
vocabulary terms from the chapter. Students are structure of the Practice section of the Student
to record definitions and/or examples for each Edition exercises. These exercises are of
term. You may suggest that students highlight or average difficulty.
star the terms with which they are not familiar.
When to Use These provide additional
When to Use Give these pages to students practice options or may be used as homework
before beginning Lesson 3-1. Remind them to for second day teaching of the lesson.
add definitions and examples as they complete
each lesson.

Enrichment There is one master for each

lesson. These activities may extend the concepts
Study Guide There is one Study Guide in the lesson, offer a historical or multicultural
master for each lesson. look at the concepts, or widen students’
perspectives on the mathematics they are
When to Use Use these masters as learning. These are not written exclusively
reteaching activities for students who need for honors students, but are accessible for use
additional reinforcement. These pages can also
with all levels of students.
be used in conjunction with the Student Edition
as an instructional tool for those students who When to Use These may be used as extra
have been absent. credit, short-term projects, or as activities for
days when class periods are shortened.

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill iv Advanced Mathematical Concepts

Assessment Options Intermediate Assessment
The assessment section of the Chapter 3 • A Mid-Chapter Test provides an option to
Resources Masters offers a wide range of assess the first half of the chapter. It is
assessment tools for intermediate and final composed of free-response questions.
assessment. The following lists describe each • Four free-response quizzes are included to
assessment master and its intended use. offer assessment at appropriate intervals in
the chapter.

Chapter Assessments Continuing Assessment

• The SAT and ACT Practice offers
Chapter Tests
continuing review of concepts in various
• Forms 1A, 1B, and 1C Form 1 tests contain formats, which may appear on standardized
multiple-choice questions. Form 1A is tests that they may encounter. This practice
intended for use with honors-level students, includes multiple-choice, quantitative-
Form 1B is intended for use with average- comparison, and grid-in questions. Bubble-
level students, and Form 1C is intended for in and grid-in answer sections are provided
use with basic-level students. These tests
on the master.
are similar in format to offer comparable
testing situations. • The Cumulative Review provides students
an opportunity to reinforce and retain skills
• Forms 2A, 2B, and 2C Form 2 tests are as they proceed through their study of
composed of free-response questions. Form advanced mathematics. It can also be used
2A is intended for use with honors-level as a test. The master includes free-response
students, Form 2B is intended for use with
average-level students, and Form 2C is
intended for use with basic-level students.
These tests are similar in format to offer
comparable testing situations. Answers
• Page A1 is an answer sheet for the SAT and
All of the above tests include a challenging ACT Practice questions that appear in the
Bonus question. Student Edition on page 203. Page A2 is an
• The Extended Response Assessment answer sheet for the SAT and ACT Practice
includes performance assessment tasks that master. These improve students’ familiarity
are suitable for all students. A scoring with the answer formats they may
rubric is included for evaluation guidelines. encounter in test taking.
Sample answers are provided for • The answers for the lesson-by-lesson
assessment. masters are provided as reduced pages with
answers appearing in red.
• Full-size answer keys are provided for the
assessment options in this booklet.

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill v Advanced Mathematical Concepts

Chapter 3 Leveled Worksheets
Glencoe’s leveled worksheets are helpful for meeting the needs of every
student in a variety of ways. These worksheets, many of which are found
in the FAST FILE Chapter Resource Masters, are shown in the chart
• Study Guide masters provide worked-out examples as well as practice
• Each chapter’s Vocabulary Builder master provides students the
opportunity to write out key concepts and definitions in their own
• Practice masters provide average-level problems for students who
are moving at a regular pace.
• Enrichment masters offer students the opportunity to extend their

Five Different Options to Meet the Needs of

Every Student in a Variety of Ways

primarily skills
primarily concepts
primarily applications


1 Study Guide

2 Vocabulary Builder

3 Parent and Student Study Guide (online)

4 Practice

5 Enrichment

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill vi Advanced Mathematical Concepts

NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________
3 Reading to Learn Mathematics
Vocabulary Builder
This is an alphabetical list of the key vocabulary terms you will learn in Chapter 3.
As you study the chapter, complete each term’s definition or description.
Remember to add the page number where you found the term.

Found Definition/Description/Example
Vocabulary Term on Page
absolute maximum

absolute minimum


constant function

constant of variation


critical point

decreasing function

direct variation


(continued on the next page)

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill vii Advanced Mathematical Concepts

NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________
3 Reading to Learn Mathematics
Vocabulary Builder (continued)
Found Definition/Description/Example
Vocabulary Term on Page
end behavior

even function

everywhere discontinuous


horizontal asymptote

horizontal line test

image point

increasing function

infinite discontinuity

inverse function

inverse process

(continued on the next page)

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill viii Advanced Mathematical Concepts

NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________
3 Reading to Learn Mathematics
Vocabulary Builder (continued)
Found Definition/Description/Example
Vocabulary Term on Page
inversely proportional

inverse relations

inverse variation

jump discontinuity

line symmetry




odd function

parent graph

point discontinuity

(continued on the next page)

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill ix Advanced Mathematical Concepts

NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________
3 Reading to Learn Mathematics
Vocabulary Builder (continued)

Found Definition/Description/Example
Vocabulary Term on Page
point of inflection

point symmetry

rational function

relative extremum

relative maximum

relative minimum

slant asymptote

symmetry with respect to the


vertical asymptote

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill x Advanced Mathematical Concepts

NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________

3-1 Study Guide

Symmetry and Coordinate Graphs
One type of symmetry a graph may have is point symmetry. A
common point of symmetry is the origin. Another type of
symmetry is line symmetry. Some common lines of symmetry
are the x-axis, the y-axis, and the lines y  x and y  x.
point x-axis y-axis yx y  x

Example 1 Determine whether ƒ(x)  x3 is symmetric with

respect to the origin.
If ƒ(x)  ƒ(x), the graph has point symmetry.
Find ƒ(x). Find ƒ(x).
ƒ(x)  (x)3 ƒ(x)  x3
ƒ(x)  x3
The graph of ƒ(x)  x3 is symmetric with respect
to the origin because ƒ(x)  ƒ(x).

Example 2 Determine whether the graph of x2  2  y2 is

symmetric with respect to the x-axis, the y-axis,
the line y  x, the line y  x, or none of these.
Substituting (a, b) into the equation yields
a2  2  b2. Check to see if each test produces
an equation equivalent to a2  2  b2.
x-axis a2  2  (b)2 Substitute (a, b) into the equation.
a2  2  b2 Equivalent to a2  2  b2
y-axis (a)2  2  b2 Substitute (a, b) into the equation.
a2  2  b2 Equivalent to a2  2  b2
yx (b)2  2  (a)2 Substitute (b, a) into the equation.
a2  2  b2 Not equivalent to a2  2  b2
y  x (b)2  2  (a)2 Substitute (b, a) into the equation.
b2  2  a2 Simplify.
a2  2  b2 Not equivalent to a2  2  b2
Therefore, the graph of x2  2  y2 is symmetric with respect to
the x-axis and the y-axis.

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NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________

3-1 Practice
Symmetry and Coordinate Graphs
Determine whether the graph of each function is symmetric with respect
to the origin.
1. ƒ(x)    2. ƒ(x)  x5  2
3. ƒ(x)  x3  4x 4. ƒ(x)  

Determine whether the graph of each equation is symmetric with respect to

the x-axis, the y-axis, the line y  x, the line y  x, or none of these.
5. x  y  6 6. x2  y  2
7. xy  3 8. x3  y2  4

9. y  4x 10. y  x2  1

11. Is ƒ(x)  x an even function, an odd function, or neither?

Refer to the graph at the right for Exercises 12 and 13.

12. Complete the graph so that it is the graph f(x)
of an odd function. (3, 3)
(4, 2)
(1, 1)
13. Complete the graph so that it is the graph O x
of an even function.

14. Geometry Cameron told her friend Juanita

that the graph of  y  6  3x has the shape
of a geometric f igure. Determine whether the
graph of  y  6  3x is symmetric with
respect to the x-axis, the y-axis, both, or
neither. Then make a sketch of the graph.
Is Cameron correct?

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 88 Advanced Mathematical Concepts

NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________

3-1 Enrichment
Symmetry in Three-Dimensional Figures
A solid figure that can be superimposed, point for
point, on its mirror image has a plane of symmetry.
A symmetrical solid object may have a finite or
infinite number of planes of symmetry. The chair in
the illustration at the right has just one plane of
symmetry; the doughnut has infinitely many
planes of symmetry, three of which are shown.

Determine the number of planes of symmetry for each object and

describe the planes.
1. a brick

2. a tennis ball

3. a soup can

4. a square pyramid

5. a cube

Solid figures can also have rotational symmetry. For example, the
axis drawn through the cube in the illustration is a fourfold axis of
symmetry because the cube can be rotated about this axis into four
different positions that are exactly alike.
6. How many four-fold axes of symmetry does a cube have?
Use a die to help you locate them.

7. A cube has 6 two-fold axes of symmetry. In the space at the right,

draw one of these axes.

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 89 Advanced Mathematical Concepts

NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________

3-2 Study Guide

Families of Graphs
A parent graph is a basic graph that is transformed to create other
members in a family of graphs. The transformed graph may appear in
a different location, but it will resemble the parent graph.
A reflection flips a graph over a line called the axis of symmetry.
A translation moves a graph vertically or horizontally.
A dilation expands or compresses a graph vertically or

Example 1  and
Describe how the graphs of ƒ(x)  x
g(x)    1 are related.
The graph of g(x) is a reflection of the graph of
ƒ(x) over the y-axis and then translated down
1 unit.

Example 2 Use the graph of the given parent function

to sketch the graph of each related function.
a. ƒ(x)  x3; y  x3  2
When 2 is added to the parent function, the
graph of the parent function moves up 2 units.

b. ƒ(x)  x; y  3x

The parent function is expanded vertically by a
factor of 3, so the vertical distance between the
steps is 3 units.

c. ƒ(x)  x; y  0.5x

When x is multiplied by a constant greater
than 0 but less than 1, the graph compresses
vertically, in this case, by a factor of 0.5.

d. ƒ(x)  x2; y  x2  4

The parent function is translated down 4 units
and then any portion of the graph below the
x-axis is reflected so that it is above the x-axis.

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 90 Advanced Mathematical Concepts

NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________

3-2 Practice
Families of Graphs
Describe how the graphs of ƒ(x) and g(x) are related.
1. ƒ(x)  x2 and g(x)  (x  3)2  1 2. ƒ(x)  x and g(x)  2x

Use the graph of the given parent function to describe the graph of each
related function.
3. ƒ(x)  x3 4. ƒ(x)  x

a. y  2x 3
a. y  x

b. y  0.5(x  2)3 b. y  
x  2

c. y  (x  1)3 c. y  0
5x  4

Sketch the graph of each function.

5. ƒ(x)  (x  1)2  1 6. ƒ(x)  2x  2  3

7. Consumer Costs During her free time, Jill baby-sits

the neighborhood children. She charges $4.50 for each
whole hour or any fraction of an hour. Write and graph
a function that shows the cost of x hours of baby-sitting.

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 91 Advanced Mathematical Concepts

NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________

3-2 Enrichment
Isomorphic Graphs
A graph G is a collection of points in which a pair of points, called vertices, are
connected by a set of segments or arcs, called edges. The degree of vertex C, denoted
deg (C), is the number of edges connected to that vertex. We say two graphs are
isomorphic if they have the same structure. The definition below will help you
determine whether two graphs are isomorphic.

A graph G′ is isomorphic to a graph G if the following conditions hold.

1. G and G′ have the same number of vertices and edges.
2. The degree of each vertex in G is the same as the degree of each corresponding vertex in G′.
3. If two vertices in G are joined by k (k  0) edges, then the two corresponding vertices in G′ are
also joined by k edges.

Example In the graphs below HIJKLMN ↔ TUVWXYZ.

Determine whether the graphs are isomorphic.

Number of vertices in G: 7 Number of vertices in G′: 7

Number of edges in G: 10 Number of edges in G′: 10
deg (H): 3 deg (I): 3 deg (T): 1 deg (U): 3
deg (J): 3 deg (K): 3 deg (V): 3 deg (W): 3
deg (L): 4 deg (M): 3 deg (X): 4 deg (Y): 3
deg (N): 1 deg (Z): 3

Since there are the same number of vertices and the same number of edges
and there are five vertices of degree 3, one vertex of degree 4, and one
vertex of degree 1 in both graphs, we can assume they are isomorphic.

Each graph in Row A is isomorphic to one graph in Row B.

Match the graphs that are isomorphic.
Row A
1. 2. 3.

Row B
a. b. c.

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 92 Advanced Mathematical Concepts

NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________

3-3 Study Guide

Graphs of Nonlinear Inequalities
Graphing an inequality in two variables identifies all ordered
pairs that satisfy the inequality. The first step in graphing
nonlinear inequalities is graphing the boundary.

Example 1 
Graph y  x 
3  2.
The boundary of the inequality is the graph of y x
3  2.
To graph the boundary curve, start with the parent graph
y x. Analyze the boundary equation to determine how the
boundary relates to the parent graph.
y  x32
↑ ↑
move 3 units right move 2 units up
Since the boundary is not included in the inequality, the
graph is drawn as a dashed curve.

The inequality states that the y-values of the solution are

less than the y-values on the graph of y x 
 3  2.
Therefore, for a particular value of x, all of the points in the
plane that lie below the curve have y-values less than
x 3  2. This portion of the graph should be shaded.

To verify numerically, test a point not on the boundary.

y  x

0  4
3  2 Replace (x, y) with (4, 0).
03 ✓ True

Since (4, 0) satisfies the inequality, the correct region is


Example 2 Solve x  3  2  7.
Two cases must be solved. In one case, x  3 is negative, and
in the other, x  3 is positive.
Case 1 If a  0, then a  a. Case 2 If a  0, then a  a.
(x  3)  2  7 x327
x  3  2  7 x57
x  6 x  12
x  6
The solution set is {xx  6 or x  12}.

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 93 Advanced Mathematical Concepts

NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________

3-3 Practice
Graphs of Nonlinear Inequalities
Determine whether the ordered pair is a solution for the given inequality.
Write yes or no.
1. y  (x  2)2  3, (2, 6) 2. y  (x  3)3  2, (4, 5) 3. y   2x  4   1, (4, 1)

Graph each inequality.

4. y  2  x  1  5. y  2(x  1)2

6. y  x
21 7. y  (x  3)3

Solve each inequality.

8.  4x  10   6 9.  x  5   2  6 10.  2x  2   1  7

11. Measurement Instructions for building a birdhouse warn that the

platform, which ideally measures 14.75 cm2, should not vary in size
by more than 0.30 cm2. If it does, the preconstructed roof for the
birdhouse will not fit properly.
a. Write an absolute value inequality that represents the range of
possible sizes for the platform. Then solve for x to find the range.

b. Dena cut a board 14.42 cm2. Does the platform that Dena cut fit
within the acceptable range?

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 94 Advanced Mathematical Concepts

NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________

3-3 Enrichment
Some Parametric Graphs
For some curves, the coordinates x and y can be written as functions
of a third variable. The conditions determining the curve are given
by two equations, rather than by a single equation in x and y. The third
variable is called a parameter, and the two equations are called para-
metric equations of the curve.

For the curves you will graph on this page, the parameter is t and
the parametric equations of each curve are in the form x  f (t) and
y  g(t).

Example Graph the curve associated with the parametric

equations x  48t and y  64t  16t 2.
Choose values for t and make a table showing the
values of all three variables. Then graph the
x- and y-values.
t x y
–1 –48 –80
0 0 0
0.5 24 28
1 48 48
2 96 64
3 144 48
4 192 0

Graph each curve.

1. x  3t, y  
2. x  t2  1, y  t3  1

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 95 Advanced Mathematical Concepts

NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________

3-4 Study Guide

Inverse Functions and Relations
Two relations are inverse relations if and only if one relation
contains the element (b, a) whenever the other relation
contains the element (a, b). If the inverse of the function ƒ(x)
is also a function, then the inverse is denoted by ƒ 1(x).

Example 1 Graph ƒ(x)  41 x3  3 and its inverse.

To graph the function, let y  ƒ(x). To graph
ƒ1(x), interchange the x- and y-coordinates of
the ordered pairs of the function.
ƒ(x)  1x 3  3 ƒ 1(x)
x y x y
3 9.75 9.75 3
2 5 5 2
1 3.25 3.25 1
0 3 3 0
1 2.75 2.75 1
2 1 1 2
3 3.75 3.75 3

You can use the horizontal line test to determine if the

inverse of a relation will be a function. If every horizontal line
intersects the graph of the relation in at most one point, then
the inverse of the relation is a function.
You can find the inverse of a relation algebraically. First, let
y  ƒ(x). Then interchange x and y. Finally, solve the
resulting equation for y.

Example 2 Determine if the inverse of ƒ(x)  (x  1)2  2

is a function. Then find the inverse.

Since the line y  4 intersects the graph of ƒ(x)

at more than one point, the function fails the
horizontal line test. Thus, the inverse of ƒ(x) is
not a function.

y  (x  1)2  2 Let y  ƒ(x).

x  ( y  1)2  2 Interchange x and y.
x  2  ( y  1)2 Isolate the expression containing y.
2y1 Take the square root of each side.
y  1 x  
2 Solve for y.

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NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________

3-4 Practice
Inverse Functions and Relations
Graph each function and its inverse.
1. ƒ(x)  (x  1)3  1 2. ƒ(x)  3x   2

Find the inverse of ƒ(x). Then state whether the inverse is also a function.
3. ƒ(x)  4x2  1 4. ƒ(x)  x
1 5. ƒ(x)   4
(x  3)

Graph each equation using the graph of the given parent function.
6. y  x
3  1, p(x)  x2 7. y  2  x
 2, p(x)  x5

8. Fire Fighting Airplanes are often used to drop water on forest fires in an effort to
stop the spread of the fire. The time t it takes the water to travel from height h to
the ground can be derived from the equation h  12gt 2 where g is the acceleration
due to gravity (32 feet/second 2 ).
a. Write an equation that will give time as a function of height.

b. Suppose a plane drops water from a height of 1024 feet. How many seconds will it
take for the water to hit the ground?

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 97 Advanced Mathematical Concepts

NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________

3-4 Enrichment
An Inverse Acrostic
The puzzle on this page is called an acrostic. To solve the puzzle,
work back and forth between the clues and the puzzle box. You may
need a math dictionary to help with some of the clues.

1. If a relation contains the element (e, v), then the __ __

inverse of the relation must contain the element 17 28
( __, __ ).
2. The inverse of the function 2x is found by __ __ __ __
computing __ of x. 2 29 6 27
3. The first letter and the last two letters of the __ __ __
meaning of the symbol f –1 are __ . 31 33 14
4. This is the product of a number and its __ __ __
multiplicative inverse. 20 11 34
5. If the second coordinate of the inverse of (x, f (x)) is __ __
y, then the first coordinate is read “__ of __”. 36 7
6. The inverse ratio of two numbers is the __ of the __ __ __ __ __
reciprocals of the numbers. 24 16 1910 4
7. If
is a binary operation on set S and __
e  e
x  x for all x in S, then an identity 18
element for the operation is __.
8. To solve a matrix equation, multiply each side of __ __ __ __
the matrix equation on the __ by the inverse 35 3 21 8
9. Two variables are inversely proportional __ their __ __ __ __
product is constant. 13 9 22 5
10. The graph of the inverse of a linear __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
function is a __ line. 26 32 30 23 25 12 15 1

From President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s inaugural address

during the Great Depression; delivered March 4, 1933.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36

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3-5 Study Guide

Continuity and End Behavior
A function is continuous at x  c if it satisfies the following three conditions.
(1) the function is defined at c; in other words, ƒ(c) exists;
(2) the function approaches the same y-value to the left and right of x  c; and
(3) the y-value that the function approaches from each side is ƒ(c).

Functions can be continuous or discontinuous. Graphs that

are discontinuous can exhibit infinite discontinuity, jump
discontinuity, or point discontinuity.
Example 1 Determine whether each function is continuous
at the given x-value. Justify your answer using
the continuity test.
b. ƒ(x)   2
x ;x1
a. ƒ(x)  2x 3; x  2 x2  1
(1) The function is defined at x  2; Start with the first condition in the
ƒ(2)  7. continuity test. The function is not
(2) The tables below show that y defined at x  1 because substituting 1
approaches 7 as x approaches 2 for x results in a denominator of zero. So
from the left and that y approaches the function is discontinuous at x 1.
7 as x approaches 2 from the right.

y  ƒ(x) y  ƒ(x) 2x  1 if x  2
x x
c. ƒ(x)  x  1 if x  2
1.9 6.8 2.1 7.2
1.99 6.98 2.01 7.02 This function fails the second part of the
1.999 6.998 2.001 7.002 continuity test because the values of
ƒ(x) approach 1 as x approaches 2 from
(3) Since the y-values approach 7 as the left, but the values of ƒ(x) approach
x approaches 2 from both sides 5 as x approaches 2 from the right.
and ƒ(2)  7, the function is
continuous at x  2.

The end behavior of a function describes what the yvalues do

asxbecomes greater and greater. In general, the end behavior of
any polynomial function can be modeled by the function made up
solely of the term with the highest power of x and its coefficient.
Example 2 Describe the end behavior of p(x)  x5  2x3  4.
Determine ƒ(x)  anxn where xn is the term in p(x) with
the highest power of x and an is its coefficient.
ƒ(x)  x5 x n  x5 an  1
Thus, by using the table on page 163 of your text, you
can see that when an is negative and n is odd, the end
behavior can be stated as p(x) → ∞ as x → ∞ and
p(x) → ∞ as x → ∞.

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 99 Advanced Mathematical Concepts

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3-5 Practice
Continuity and End Behavior
Determine whether each function is continuous at the given x-value. Justify
your answer using the continuity test.
1. y  22 ; x  1 x2  x
2. y   4 ;x1
3x 2

3. y  x3  2x  2; x  1 x 
4. y   2 ; x  4

Describe the end behavior of each function.

5. y  2x5  4x 6. y  2x6  4x4  2x  1

7. y  x4  2x3  x 8. y  4x3  5

Given the graph of the function, determine the interval(s) for which the function
is increasing and the interval(s) for which the function is decreasing.

10. Electronics Ohm’s Law gives the relationship between resistance R, voltage
E, and current I in a circuit as R  E
 . If the voltage remains constant but the
current keeps increasing in the circuit, what happens to the resistance?

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 100 Advanced Mathematical Concepts

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3-5 Enrichment
Reading Mathematics
The following selection gives a definition of a continuous function as
it might be defined in a college-level mathematics textbook. Notice
that the writer begins by explaining the notation to be used for
various types of intervals. It is a common practice for college authors
to explain their notation, since, although a great deal of the notation
is standard, each author usually chooses the notation he or she
wishes to use.

Throughout this book, the set S, called the domain of definition of a function, will usually be
an interval. An interval is a set of numbers satisfying one of the four inequalities a  x  b,
a  x  b, a  x  b, or a  x  b. In these inequalities, a  b. The usual notations for the
intervals corresponding to the four inequalities are, respectively, (a, b), [a, b), (a, b], and [a, b].
An interval of the form (a, b) is called open, an interval of the form
[a, b) or (a, b] is called half-open or half-closed, and an interval of the form
[a, b] is called closed.
Suppose I is an interval that is either open, closed, or half-open. Suppose ƒ(x) is a function
defined on I and x0 is a point in I. We say that the function f (x) is continuous at the point x0 if
the quantity |ƒ(x)  ƒ(x 0)| becomes small as x  I approaches x 0.

Use the selection above to answer these questions.

1. What happens to the four inequalities in the first paragraph when a  b?

2. What happens to the four intervals in the first paragraph when a  b?

3. What mathematical term makes sense in this sentence?

If f(x) is not ____?__ at x0, it is said to be discontinuous at x0.

4. What notation is used in the selection to express the fact that a number x is
contained in the interval I?

5. In the space at the right, sketch the graph

of the function f(x) defined as follows:

if x  0, 
1 1

1, if x    , 1
6. Is the function given in Exercise 5 continuous on the
interval [0, 1]? If not, where is the function discontinuous?

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 101 Advanced Mathematical Concepts

NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________

3-6 Study Guide

Critical Points and Extrema
Critical points are points on a graph at which a line drawn
tangent to the curve is horizontal or vertical. A critical point may be
a maximum, a minimum, or a point of inflection. A point of
inflection is a point where the graph changes its curvature. Graphs
can have an absolute maximum, an absolute minimum, a
relative maximum, or a relative minimum. The general term for
maximum or minimum is extremum (plural, extrema).
Example 1 Locate the extrema for the graph of y  ƒ(x).
Name and classify the extrema of the function.
a. c.

The function has an absolute maximum

at (0, 2). The absolute maximum is the
greatest value that a function assumes The relative maximum and minimum
over its domain. may not be the greatest and the least
b. y-value for the domain, respectively, but
they are the greatest and least y-value on
some interval of the domain. The function
has a relative maximum at (2, 3) and a
relative minimum at (0, 5). Because
the graph indicates that the function
increases or decreases without bound as
The function has an absolute x increases or decreases, there is neither
minimum at (1, 0). The absolute an absolute maximum nor an absolute
minimum is the least value that a minimum.
function assumes over its domain.

By testing points on both sides of a critical point, you can

determine whether the critical point is a relative maximum, a
relative minimum, or a point of inflection.
Example 2 The function ƒ(x)  2x6  2x4  9x2 has a critical
point at x  0. Determine whether the critical
point is the location of a maximum, a minimum,
or a point of inflection.
Type of
x x  0.1 x  0.1 ƒ( x  0.1) ƒ( x) ƒ( x  0.1)
Critical Point
0 0.1 0.1 0.0899 0 0.0899 maximum

Because 0 is greater than both ƒ(x  0.1) and

ƒ(x  0.1), x  0 is the location of a relative maximum.

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 102 Advanced Mathematical Concepts

NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________

3-6 Practice
Critical Points and Extrema
Locate the extrema for the graph of y  ƒ(x). Name and classify the
extrema of the function.
1. 2.

3. 4.

Determine whether the given critical point is the location of a maximum, a

minimum, or a point of inflection.
5. y  x2  6x  1, x  3 6. y  x2  2x  6, x  1 7. y  x4  3x2  5, x  0

8. y  x5  2x3  2x2, x  0 9. y  x3  x2  x, x  1 10. y  2x3  4, x  0

11. Physics Suppose that during an experiment you

launch a toy rocket straight upward from a height
of 6 inches with an initial velocity of 32 feet per
second. The height at any time t can be modeled by
the function s(t)  16t 2  32t  0.5 where s(t) is
measured in feet and t is measured in seconds.
Graph the function to find the maximum height
obtained by the rocket before it begins to fall.

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 103 Advanced Mathematical Concepts

NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________

3-6 Enrichment
"Unreal" Equations
There are some equations that cannot be graphed on the
real-number coordinate system. One example is the equation
x2 – 2x  2y2  8y  14  0. Completing the squares in x and y
gives the equation (x – 1)2  2(y  2)2  –5.
For any real numbers, x and y, the values of (x – 1)2 and 2(y  2)2
are nonnegative. So, their sum cannot be –5. Thus, no real values of
x and y satisfy the equation; only imaginary values can be solutions.

Determine whether each equation can be graphed on the

real-number plane. Write yes or no.
1. (x  3)2  (y  2)2  4 2. x2  3x  y2  4y  7

3. (x  2)2  y2  6y  8  0 4. x2  16  0

5. x4  4y2  4  0 6. x2  4y2  4xy  16  0

In Exercises 7 and 8, for what values of k :

a. will the solutions of the equation be imaginary?
b. will the graph be a point?
c. will the graph be a curve?
d. Choose a value of k for which the graph is a curve and sketch
the curve on the axes provided.
7. x2  4x  y2  8y  k  0 8. x2  4x  y2  6y  k  0

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 104 Advanced Mathematical Concepts

NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________

3-7 Study Guide

Graphs of Rational Functions
A rational function is a quotient of two polynomial functions.
The line x  a is a vertical asymptote for a function ƒ(x) if ƒ(x) → ∞ or ƒ(x) → ∞ as x → a
from either the left or the right.
The line y  b is a horizontal asymptote for a function ƒ(x) if ƒ(x) → b as x → ∞ or as
x → ∞.
A slant asymptote occurs when the degree of the numerator of a rational function is exactly
one greater than that of the denominator.

Example 1 Determine the asymptotes for the graph of

ƒ(x)    1.
Since ƒ(3) is undefined, there One way to find the horizontal
may be a vertical asymptote at asymptote is to let ƒ(x)  y and
x  3. To verify that x  3 is solve for x in terms of y. Then
a vertical asymptote, check find where the function is
to see that ƒ(x) → ∞ or undefined for values of y.
ƒ(x) → ∞ as x → 3 from 2x  1
either the left or the right.
y(x  3)  2x  1
x ƒ(x) xy  3y  2x  1
2.9 68
xy  2x  3y  1
2.99 698
2.999 6998 x(y  2)  3y  1
2.9999 69998 3y  1
The values in the table confirm 3y  1
that ƒ(x) → ∞ as x → 3 from The rational expression   is
the right, so there is a vertical undefined for y  2. Thus, the
asymptote at x  3. horizontal asymptote is the line
y  2.

Example 2 Determine the slant asymptote for

3x2  2x
ƒ(x)     2.
First use division to rewrite the function.
3x  1
x  1

2 → ƒ(x)  3x  1   x
3x2  3x

As x → ∞, 3 → 0. Therefore, the graph of ƒ(x)

will approach that of y  3x  1. This means that
the line y  3x  1 is a slant asymptote for the
graph of ƒ(x).

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 105 Advanced Mathematical Concepts

NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________

3-7 Practice
Graphs of Rational Functions
Determine the equations of the vertical and horizontal asymptotes, if any, of
each function.
1. ƒ(x)   4 2. ƒ(x)  2x 
 1 3. g(x)   x 3
2 x 1 x1 (x  1)(x  2)

Use the parent graph ƒ(x)  1x to graph each equation. Describe the
transformation(s) that have taken place. Identify the new locations
of the asymptotes.
4. y  3  2 5. y  4  3
x1 x3

Determine the slant asymptotes of each equation.

5x  10
6. y  
x1 x 
7. y  
x2 x1

x  x
8. Graph the function y    6.


9. Physics The illumination I from a light source is given by the

formula I  k2 , where k is a constant and d is distance. As the
distance from the light source doubles, how does the illumination

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 106 Advanced Mathematical Concepts

NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________

3-7 Enrichment
Slant Asymptotes
The graph of y  ax  b, where a 0, is called a slant asymptote of
y  f (x) if the graph of f (x) comes closer and closer to the line as
x → ∞ or x → – ∞.
For f (x)  3x  4  ,
y  3x  4 is a slant asymptote because

2 2
f (x)  (3x  4)  ,
→ 0 as x → ∞ or x → – ∞.

x2  8x  15
Example Find the slant asymptote of f (x)   .

–2 1 8 15 Use synthetic division.

–2 –12
1 6 3

x2  8x  15 3
y  x6 
x2 x2
→ 0 as x → ∞ or x → – ∞,

y  x  6 is a slant asymptote.

Use synthetic division to find the slant asymptote for each of the following.
8x2  4x  11
1. y  

x2  3x  15
2. y  

x2  2x  18
3. y  

ax2  bx  c
4. y  

ax2  bx  c
5. y  

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 107 Advanced Mathematical Concepts

NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________

3-8 Study Guide

Direct, Inverse, and Joint Variation
A direct variation can be described by the equation y  kxn.
The k in this equation is called the constant of variation.
To express a direct variation, we say that y varies directly as
xn. An inverse variation can be described by the equation
y  xkn or xny  k. When quantities are inversely
proportional, we say they vary inversely with each other.
Joint variation occurs when one quantity varies directly as
the product of two or more other quantities and can be
described by the equation y  kxnzn.

Example 1 Suppose y varies directly as x and y  14 when x  8.

a. Find the constant of variation and write an
equation of the form y  kx n.
b. Use the equation to find the value of y when
x  4.
a. The power of x is 1, so the direct variation
equation is y  kx.
y  kx
14  k(8) y  14, x  8
1.75  k Divide each side by 8.
The constant of variation is 1.75. The
equation relating x and y is y  1.75x.

b. y  1.75x
y  1.75(4) x  4
When x  4, the value of y is 7.

Example 2 If y varies inversely as x and y  102 when x  7,

find x when y  12.
Use a proportion that relates the values.
x1n x n


7  x Substitute the known values.

12 102
12x  714 Cross multiply.
x 714 or 59.5 Divide each side by 12.

When y  12, the value of x is 59.5.

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 108 Advanced Mathematical Concepts

NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________

3-8 Practice
Direct, Inverse, and Joint Variation
Write a statement of variation relating the variables of each equation.
Then name the constant of variation.
1. xy  3 2. E  IR

3. y  2x 4. d  6t 2

Find the constant of variation for each relation and use it to write an
equation for each statement. Then solve the equation.
5. Suppose y varies directly as x and y  35 when x  5. Find y when x  7.

6. If y varies directly as the cube of x and y  3 when x  2, find x when y  24.

7. If y varies inversely as x and y  3 when x  25, find x when y  10.

8. Suppose y varies jointly as x and z, and y  64 when x  4 and z  8.

Find y when x  7 and z  11.

9. Suppose V varies jointly as h and the square of r, and V  45 when r  3 and
h  5. Find r when V  175 and h  7.

10. If y varies directly as x and inversely as the square of z, and y  5 when x  10 and
z  2, find y when x  5 and z  5.

11. Finances Enrique deposited $200.00 into a savings account. The simple
interest I on his account varies jointly as the time t in years and the principal P.
After one quarter (three months), the interest on Enrique’s account is $2.75.
Write an equation relating interest, principal, and time. Find the constant of
variation. Then find the interest after three quarters.

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 109 Advanced Mathematical Concepts

NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________

3-8 Enrichment
Reading Mathematics: Interpreting
Conditional Statements
The conditional statement below is written in “if-then” form. It has
the form p → q where p is the hypothesis and q is the consequent.
If a matrix A has a determinant of 0, then A1 does not exist.
It is important to recognize that a conditional statement need not
appear in “if-then” form. For example, the statement
Any point that lies in Quadrant I has a positive x-coordinate.
can be rewritten as
If the point P(x, y) lies in Quadrant I, then x is positive.
Notice that P lying in Quadrant I is a sufficient condition for its
x-coordinate to be positive. Another way to express this is to say
that P lying in Quadrant I guarantees that its x-coordinate is
positive. On the other hand, we can also say that x being positive is
a necessary condition for P to lie in Quadrant I. In other words, P
does not lie in Quadrant I if x is not positive.
To change an English statement into “if-then” form requires that
you understand the meaning and syntax of the English statement.
Study each of the following equivalent ways of expressing p → q.
• If p then q • p implies q
• p only if q • only if q, p
• p is a sufficient condition for q • not p unless q
• q is a necessary condition for p.

Rewrite each of the following statements in “if-then” form.

1. A consistent system of equations has at least one solution.

2. When the region formed by the inequalities in a linear

programming application is unbounded, an optimal solution
for the problem may not exist.

3. Functions whose graphs are symmetric with respect to the y-axis are
called even functions.

4. In order for a decimal number d to be odd, it is sufficient that d end in the digit 7.

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 110 Advanced Mathematical Concepts

NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________
3 Chapter 3 Test, Form 1A
Write the letter for the correct answer in the blank at the right of
each problem.
1. The graph of the equation y  x3  x is symmetric with respect to 1. ________
which of the following?
A. the x-axis B. the y-axis C. the origin D. none of these
2. If the graph of a function is symmetric about the origin, which of the 2. ________
following must be true?
A. ƒ(x)  ƒ(x) B. ƒ(x)  ƒ(x) C. ƒ(x)  ƒ(x) D. ƒ(x)  1
3. The graph of an odd function is symmetric with respect to which 3. ________
of the following?
A. the x-axis B. the y-axis C. the line y  x D. none of these
4. Given the parent function p(x)  x, what transformations 4. ________
occur in the graph of p(x)  2x  3  4?
A. vertical expansion by factor B. vertical compression by factor of
of 2, left 3 units, up 4 units 0.5, down 3 units, left 4 units
C. vertical expansion by factor D. vertical compression by factor of
of 2, right 3 units, up 4 units 0.5, down 3 units, left 4 units
5. Which of the following results in the graph of ƒ(x)  x2 being expanded 5. ________
vertically by a factor of 3 and reflected over the x-axis?
A. ƒ(x)  31 x2 B. ƒ(x)  3x2 C. ƒ(x)  x12  3 D. ƒ(x)  31 x2
6. Which of the following represents the graph of ƒ(x)  x3  1? 6. ________
A. B. C. D.

7. Solve 2x  5  7. 7. ________

A. x  1 or x  6 B. 1  x  6
C. x  6 D. x  1
8. Choose the inequality shown by the graph. 8. ________
A. y  2x  1
B. y  2x  1
C. y  2x  1
D. y  2x  1
9. Find the inverse of ƒ(x)  2x  3. 9. ________
A. ƒ1(x)   x 
3 2 B. ƒ
3 2

C. ƒ1(x)  12x  3 D. ƒ1(x)  12x  3

10. Which graph represents a function whose inverse is also a function? 10. ________
A. B. C. D.

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 111 Advanced Mathematical Concepts

NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________
3 Chapter 3 Test, Form 1A (continued)
11. Describe the end behavior of ƒ(x)  2x4  5x  1. 11. ________
A. x → , ƒ(x)→ B. x→ , ƒ(x) →
x→  , ƒ(x) →  x →  , ƒ(x) →
C. x → , ƒ(x) →  D. x → , ƒ(x) → 
x →  , ƒ(x) → x →  , ƒ(x) → 
12. Which type of discontinuity, if any, is shown 12. ________
in the graph at the right?
A. jump B. infinite
C. point D. The graph is continuous.
13. Choose the statement that is true for the graph
of ƒ(x)  x3  12x. 13. ________
A. ƒ(x) increases for x  2. B. ƒ(x) decreases for x  2.
C. ƒ(x) increases for x  2. D. ƒ(x) decreases for x  2.
14. Which type of critical point, if any, is present in the graph of 14. ________
ƒ(x)  (x  4)5  1?
A. maximum B. minimum
C. point of inflection D. none of these
15. Which is true for the graph of ƒ(x)  x3  3x  2? 15. ________
A. relative maximum at (1, 0) B. relative minimum at (1, 0)
C. relative maximum at (1, 4) D. relative minimum at (0, 2)
16. Which is true for the graph of y    4?2
16. ________
x2  9
A. vertical asymptotes at x  3 B. horizontal asymptotes at y  2
C. vertical asymptotes at x  2 D. horizontal asymptote at y  1
17. Find the equation of the slant asymptote for the graph of 17. ________
x3  4x2  2x  5
y   x2  2 .
A. y  x  4 B. y  x  1 C. y  x D. y  1
18. Which of the following could be the function 18. ________
represented by the graph at the right?
1 (x  1)(x  3 )
A. ƒ(x)  
B. ƒ(x)  
(x  3)(x  2)
1 (x  1)(x  3)
C. ƒ(x)  
D. ƒ(x)  
(x  3)(x  2)
19. Chemistry The volume V of a gas varies inversely as pressure P is 19. ________
exerted. If V  3.5 liters when P  5 atmospheres, find V when
P  8 atmospheres.
A. 2.188 liters B. 5.600 liters C. 11.429 liters D. 17.5 liters
20. If y varies jointly as x and the cube of z, and y  378 when x  4 and 20. ________
z  3, find y when x  9 and z  2.
A. y  283.5 B. y  84 C. y  567 D. y  252
Bonus An even function ƒ has a vertical asymptote at x  3 and a Bonus: ________
maximum at x  0. Which of the following could be ƒ ?
2 2
A. ƒ(x)   x B. ƒ(x)  x C. ƒ(x)  x D. ƒ(x)   x
x2  9 x3 x2  9 x4  81
© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 112 Advanced Mathematical Concepts
NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________
3 Chapter 3 Test, Form 1B
Write the letter for the correct answer in the blank at the right of
each problem.
1. The graph of the equation y  x4  3x2 is symmetric with respect to 1. ________
which of the following?
A. the x-axis B. the y-axis C. the origin D. none of these
2. If the graph of a function is symmetric with respect to the y-axis, 2. ________
which of the following must be true?
A. ƒ(x)  ƒ(x) B. ƒ(x)  ƒ(x) C. ƒ(x) ƒ(x) D. ƒ(x)   1
3. The graph of an even function is symmetric with respect to which of 3. ________
the following?
A. the x-axis B. the y-axis C. the line y  x D. none of these
4. Given the parent function p(x)  x2, what translations occur in 4. ________
the graph of p(x)  (x  7)2  3?
A. right 7 units, up 3 units B. down 7 units, left 3 units
C. left 7 units, up 3 units D. right 7 units, down 3 units
5. Which of the following results in the graph of ƒ(x)  x3 being expanded 5. ________
vertically by a factor of 3?
A. ƒ(x)  x3  3 B. ƒ(x)  13 x3 C. ƒ(x)  3x3 D. ƒ(x)  13 x3
6. Which of the following represents the graph of ƒ(x)  x2  1? 6. ________
A. B. C. D.

7. Solve 2x  4  6. 7. ________

A. x  1 or x  5 B. 1  x  5
C. x  5 D. x  1
8. Choose the inequality shown by the graph. 8. ________
A. y  x  2  1 B. y  x  2  1
C. y  x  2  1 D. y  x  2  1

9. Find the inverse of ƒ(x)  1. 9. ________

A. ƒ1(x)  1
B. ƒ1(x)  1x  2
C. ƒ1(x)  x  2 D. ƒ1(x)  1x  2
10. Which graph represents a function whose inverse is also a function? 10. ________
A. B. C. D.

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 113 Advanced Mathematical Concepts

NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________
3 Chapter 3 Test, Form 1B (continued)
11. Which type of discontinuity, if any, is shown 11. ________
in the graph at the right?
A. jump B. infinite
C. point D. The graph is continuous.

12. Describe the end behavior of ƒ(x)  2x3  5x  1 12. ________

A. x → , ƒ(x) → B. x → , ƒ(x) →
x →  , ƒ(x) →  x →  , ƒ(x) →
C. x → , ƒ(x) →  D. x → , ƒ(x) → 
x →  , ƒ(x) → x →  , ƒ(x) → 
13. Choose the statement that is true for the graph of ƒ(x)  (x  2)2. 13. ________
A. ƒ(x) increases for x  2. B. ƒ(x) decreases for x  2.
C. ƒ(x) increases for x  2. D. ƒ(x) decreases for x  2.
14. Which type of critical point, if any, is present in the graph of 14. ________
ƒ(x)  (x  4)3?
A. maximum B. minimum
C. point of inflection D. none of these
15. Which is true for the graph of ƒ(x)  x3  3x  2? 15. ________
A. relative maximum at (1, 0) B. relative minimum at (1, 4)
C. relative maximum at (1, 4) D. relative minimum at (0, 2)
16. Which is true for the graph of y  
 4? 16. ________
x2  9
A. vertical asymptotes, x  3 B. horizontal asymptotes, y  2
C. vertical asymptotes, x  2 D. horizontal asymptote, y  0
17. Find the equation of the slant asymptote for the graph of 17. ________
y 3x2 + 2x
A. y  x B. y  3x  1 C. y  x  3 D. y  3x  5
18. Which of the following could be the function 18. ________
represented by the graph at the right?
x B. ƒ(x)   x(x  3)
A. ƒ(x)  

(x  3)(x  2)
x D. ƒ(x)   x(x  3)
C. ƒ(x)  
x2 (x  3)(x  2)

19. Chemistry The volume V of a gas varies inversely as pressure P is 19. ________
exerted. If V  4 liters when P  3.5 atmospheres, find V when
P  2.5 atmospheres.
A. 5.6 liters B. 2.188 liters C. 2.857 liters D. 10.0 liters
20. If y varies jointly as x and the cube root of z, and y  120 when x  3 20. ________
and z  8, find y when x  4 and z  27.
A. y  540 B. y  240 C. y  60 D. y  2623
Bonus If ƒ( g(x))  x and ƒ(x)  3x  4, find g(x). Bonus: ________
x  4 x + 4 x x
A. g(x)  3 B. g(x)  3 C. g(x)  3  4 D. g(x)  3  4

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 114 Advanced Mathematical Concepts

NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________
3 Chapter 3 Test, Form 1C
Write the letter for the correct answer in the blank at the right of
each problem.
1. The graph of the equation y  x2  3 is symmetric with respect to 1. ________
which of the following?
A. the x-axis B. the y-axis C. the origin D. none of these
2. If the graph of a relation is symmetric about the line y  x and the 2. ________
point (a, b) is on the graph, which of the following must also be on
the graph?
A. (a, b) B. (a, b) C. (b, a) D. (a, b)
3. The graph of an odd function is symmetric with respect to which 3. ________
of the following?
A. the x-axis B. the y-axis C. the origin D. none of these
4. Given the parent function p(x)  x, what transformation occurs in 4. ________
the graph of p(x)  x
2  5?
A. right 2 units, up 5 units B. up 2 units, right 5 units
C. left 2 units, down 5 units D. down 2 units, left 5 units
5. Which of the following results in the graph of ƒ(x)  x2 being 5. ________
expanded vertically by a factor of 4?
A. ƒ(x)  x2  4 B. ƒ(x)  x2  4 C. ƒ(x)  4x2 D. ƒ(x)  14x2
6. Which of the following represents the graph of ƒ(x)  x3? 6. ________
A. B. C. D.

7. Solve x  4  6. 7. ________
A. x  2 B. x  10
C. 2  x  10 D. x  2 or x  10
8. Choose the inequality shown by the graph. 8. ________
A. y  x2  1 B. y  (x  1)2
C. y  x2  1 D. y  (x  1)2

9. Find the inverse of ƒ(x)  2x  4. 9. ________

A. ƒ1(x)   1 x 
B. ƒ1(x)   4
2x  4 2
C. ƒ1(x)  2x  4 D. ƒ1(x)  2x  4

10. Which graph represents a function whose inverse is also a function? 10. ________
A. B. C. D.

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 115 Advanced Mathematical Concepts

NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________
3 Chapter 3 Test, Form 1C (continued)
11. Which type of discontinuity, if any, is shown 11. ________
in the graph at the right?
A. jump
B. infinite
C. point
D. The graph is continuous.
12. Describe the end behavior of ƒ(x)  x2. 12. ________
A. x → ∞, ƒ(x) → ∞ B. x → ∞, ƒ(x) → ∞
x → ∞, ƒ(x) → ∞ x → ∞, ƒ(x) → ∞
C. x → ∞, ƒ(x) → ∞ D. x → ∞, ƒ(x) → ∞
x → ∞, ƒ(x) → ∞ x → ∞, ƒ(x) → ∞
13. Choose the statement that is true for the graph of ƒ(x)  (x  1)2. 13. ________
A. ƒ(x) increases for x  1. B. ƒ(x) decreases for x  1.
C. ƒ(x) increases for x  1. D. ƒ(x) decreases for x  1.
14. Which type of critical point, if any, is present in the graph 14. ________
of ƒ(x)  x3  1?
A. maximum B. minimum
C. point of inflection D. none of these
15. Which is true for the graph of ƒ(x)  x3  3x? 15. ________
A. relative maximum at (1, 2) B. relative minimum at (1, 2)
C. relative maximum at (1, 2) D. relative minimum at (0, 0)
16. Which is true for the graph of y  
 9? 16. ________
x2  4
A. vertical asymptotes at x  3 B. horizontal asymptotes at y  2
C. vertical asymptotes at x  2 D. horizontal asymptote at y  0
17. Find the equation of the slant asymptote for the graph of y   
5. 17. ________
A. x  3 B. y  x  3 C. y  x D. y  x  3
18. Which of the following could be the function 18. ________
represented by the graph?
A. ƒ(x)  1 B. ƒ(x)   x  2
x4 (x  2)(x  4)
C. ƒ(x)   2 D. ƒ(x)   x  2
x4 (x  2)(x  4)

19. Chemistry The volume V of a gas varies inversely as pressure 19. ________
P is exerted. If V  4 liters when P  3 atmospheres, find V when
P  7 atmospheres.
A. 1.714 liters B. 5.25 liters C. 9.333 liters D. 1.5 liters
20. If y varies inversely as the cube root of x, and y  12 when x  8, 20. ________
find y when x  1.
A. y  6144 B. y  24 C. y  6 D. y  3
Bonus The graph of ƒ(x)   1 has a vertical asymptote at x  3. Bonus: ________
x2  c
Find c.
A. 9 B. 3 C. 3 D. 9

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 116 Advanced Mathematical Concepts

NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________
3 Chapter 3 Test, Form 2A
Determine whether the graph of each equation is symmetric with
respect to the origin, the x-axis, the y-axis, the line y  x, the line
y  x, or none of these.
1. xy  4 1. __________________

2. x  5y2  2 2. __________________

3. Determine whether the function ƒ(x)   x is odd, even, 3. __________________

x2  4
or neither.

4. Describe the transformations relating the graph of 4. __________________

y  2x3  4 to its parent function, y  x3.

5. Use transformations of the parent graph p(x)  1x 5.

to sketch the graph of p(x)  1x  1.

6. Graph the inequality y  2x2  1. 6.

7. Solve 5  2x  11. 7. __________________

Find the inverse of each function and state whether the

inverse is a function.
8. ƒ(x)  x 8. __________________

9. ƒ(x)  x2  4 9. __________________

10. Graph ƒ(x)  x3  2 and its inverse. State whether the 10. __________________
inverse is a function.

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 117 Advanced Mathematical Concepts

NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________
3 Chapter 3 Test, Form 2A (continued)
Determine whether each function is continuous at the given
x-value. If discontinuous, state the type of discontinuity (point,
jump, or infinite).
x2  1 if x  1
11. ƒ(x)  x3  2 if x  1; x  1 11. __________________
12. ƒ(x)   
9 ; x  3 12. __________________

13. Describe the end behavior of y  3x4  2x. 13. __________________

14. Locate and classify the extrema for the graph of 14. __________________
y  x4  3x2  2.

15. The function ƒ(x)  x3  3x2  3x has a critical point 15. __________________
when x  1. Identify the point as a maximum, a
minimum, or a point of inf lection, and state its coordinates.

16. Determine the vertical and horizontal asymptotes for 16. __________________
the graph of y   x2 
 4 .
3 2x  5x  6x
3x  5x
17. Find the slant asymptote for y  
  1. 17. __________________

18. Sketch the graph of y   x  12

. 18.
x3  x2  12x

19. If y varies directly as x and inversely as the square root 19. __________________
of z, and y  8 when x  4 and z  16, find y when x  10
and z  25.

20. Physics The kinetic energy Ek of a moving object, 20. __________________

measured in joules, varies jointly as the mass m
of the object and the square of the speed v. Find the
constant of variation k if Ek is 36 joules, m is 4.5 kilograms,
and v is 4 meters per second.

Bonus Given the graph of p(x), Bonus:

sketch the graph of

y  2p 12 (x  2)  2.

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 118 Advanced Mathematical Concepts

NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________
3 Chapter 3 Test, Form 2B
Determine whether the graph of each equation is symmetric with
respect to the origin, the x-axis, the y-axis, the line y  x, the line
y  x, or none of these.
1. xy  2 1. __________________
2. y  5x3  2x 2. __________________
3. Determine whether the function ƒ(x)  x is odd, even, 3. __________________
or neither.

4. Describe the transformations relating the graph of 4. __________________

y  12 (x  3)2 to its parent function, y  x2.

5. Use transformations of the parent graph of p(x)  x 5.
to sketch the graph of p(x)  x

6. Graph the inequality y  (x  2)3. 6.

7. Solve 2x  4  10. 7. __________________

Find the inverse of each function and state whether the

inverse is a function.
8. ƒ(x)  x3  4 8. __________________

9. ƒ(x)  (x  1)2 9. __________________

10. Graph ƒ(x)  x2  2 and its inverse. State whether the 10. __________________
inverse is a function.

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 119 Advanced Mathematical Concepts

NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________
3 Chapter 3 Test, Form 2B (continued)
Determine whether each function is continuous at the given
x-value. If discontinuous, state the type of discontinuity (point,
jump, or infinite).
x2  1 if x  1

11. ƒ(x)  x  3
if x  1
;x1 11. __________________

12. ƒ(x)   
9 ; x  3 12. __________________

13. Describe the end behavior of y  3x3  2x. 13. __________________

14. Locate and classify the extrema for the graph 14. __________________
of y  x4  3x2.

15. The function ƒ(x)  x3  6x2  12x  7 has a critical 15. __________________
point when x  2. Identify the point as a maximum, a
minimum, or a point of inflection, and state its coordinates.

16. Determine the vertical and horizontal asymptotes for the 16. __________________
graph of y    4.
x3  x2

2x  5x
17. Find the slant asymptote for y  
  2. 17. __________________

18. Sketch the graph of y  x 1 . 18.

x2  3x

19. If y varies directly as x and inversely as the square of z, 19. __________________

and y  8 when x  4 and z  3, find y when x  6 and
z  2.

20. Geometry The volume V of a sphere varies directly as 20. __________________

the cube of the radius r. Find the constant of variation k
if V is 288 cubic centimeters and r is 6 centimeters.

Bonus Determine the value of k such that Bonus: __________________

2x2 if x  2
x  k if x  2
is continuous when x  2.

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 120 Advanced Mathematical Concepts

NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________
3 Chapter 3 Test, Form 2C
Determine whether the graph of each equation is symmetric with
respect to the origin, the x-axis, the y-axis, the line y  x, the line
y  x, or none of these.
1. y  2x 1. __________________
2. y  x3  x 2. __________________
3. Determine whether the function ƒ(x)  x2  2 is odd, even, 3. __________________
or neither.

4. Describe the transformation relating the graph of 4. __________________

y  (x  1)2 to its parent function, y  x2.

5. Use transformations of the parent graph p(x)  x3 5.

to sketch the graph of p(x)  (x  2)3  1.

6. Graph the inequality y  x2  1. 6.

7. Solve x  4  8. 7. __________________

Find the inverse of each function and state whether the

inverse is a function.
8. ƒ(x)  x2 8. __________________

9. ƒ(x)  x3  1 9. __________________

10. Graph ƒ(x)  2x  4 and its inverse. State whether the 10. __________________
inverse is a function.

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 121 Advanced Mathematical Concepts

NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________
3 Chapter 3 Test, Form 2C (continued)
Determine whether each function is continuous at the given
x-value. If discontinuous, state the type of discontinuity (point,
jump, or infinite).

x2  1 if x  0
11. ƒ(x)   x if x  0 ; x  0 11. __________________

12. ƒ(x)   3 ; x  3 12. __________________
2x 9

13. Describe the end behavior of y  x4  x2. 13. __________________

14. Locate and classify the extrema for the graph of 14. __________________
y  x4  2x2.

15. The function ƒ(x)  x3  3x has a critical point when x  0. 15. __________________
Identify the point as a maximum, a minimum, or a point of
inflection, and state its coordinates.

16. Determine the vertical and horizontal asymptotes for the 16. __________________
graph of y   4 .
2 x  25

x  x
17. Find the slant asymptote for y  
 2. 17. __________________

18. Sketch the graph of y   x. 18.

x2  4

19. If y varies directly as the square of x, and y  200 19. __________________

when x  5, find y when x  2.

20. If y varies inversely as the cube root of x, and y  10 20. __________________

when x  27, find y when x  8.

Bonus Determine the value of k such that Bonus: __________________

ƒ(x)  3x2  kx  4 is an even function.

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 122 Advanced Mathematical Concepts

NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________
3 Chapter 3 Open-Ended Assessment
Instructions: Demonstrate your knowledge by giving a clear, concise
solution to each problem. Be sure to include all relevant drawings and
justify your answers. You may show your solution in more than one way
or investigate beyond the requirements of the problem.
1. a. Draw the parent graph and each of the three transformations
that would result in the graph shown below. Write the
equation for each graph and describe the transformation.

b. Draw the parent graph of a polynomial function. Then

draw a transformation of the graph. Describe the type of
transformation you performed. Use equations as needed
to clarify your answer.
c. Sketch the graph of y   x 4 . Describe how you
x(x  3)(x  4)
determined the shape of the graph and its vertical asymptotes.
d. Write the equation of a graph that has a vertical asymptote
at x  2 and point discontinuity at x  1. Describe your

2. The critical points of ƒ(x)  15 x5  14 x4  23 x3  2 are at x  0,

2, and 1. Determine whether each of these critical points is the
location of a maximum, a minimum, or a point of inflection.
Explain why x  3 is not a critical point of the function.

3. Mrs. Custer has 100 bushels of soybeans to sell. The current

price for soybeans is $6.00 a bushel. She expects the market
price of a bushel to rise in the coming weeks at a rate of $0.10
per week. For each week she waits to sell, she loses 1 bushel
due to spoilage.
a. Find a function to express Mrs. Custer’s total income from
selling the soybeans. Graph the function and determine when
Mrs. Custer should sell the soybeans in order to maximize
her income. Justify your answer by showing that selling a
short time earlier or a short time later would result in less
b. Suppose Mrs. Custer loses 5 bushels per week due to
spoilage. How would this affect her selling decision?

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 123 Advanced Mathematical Concepts

NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________
3 Chapter 3 Mid-Chapter Test (Lessons 3-1 through 3-4)
Determine whether the graph of each equation is
symmetric with respect to the origin, the x-axis, the
y-axis, the line y  x, the line y  x, or none of these.
1. x  y2  1 1. __________________
2. xy  8 2. __________________
3. Determine whether the function ƒ(x)  2(x  1)2  4x is 3. __________________
odd, even, or neither.

4. Describe the transformations that relate the graph 4. __________________

of p(x)  (0.5x)3  1 to its parent function p(x)  x3.

5. Use transformations of the parent graph p(x)  x 5.

to sketch the graph of p(x)  2x  3.

6. Graph the inequality y  x .
1 6.

7. Solve x  4  6. 7. __________________

Find the inverse of each function and state whether the

inverse is a function.
8. ƒ(x)  x3  1 8. __________________

9. ƒ(x)  1x 9. __________________

10. Graph ƒ(x)  (x  3)2 and its inverse. State whether 10. __________________
the inverse is a function.

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 124 Advanced Mathematical Concepts

NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________
3 Chapter 3 Quiz A (Lessons 3-1 and 3-2)
Determine whether the graph of each equation is
symmetric with respect to the origin, the x-axis, the
y-axis, the line y  x, the line y  x, or none of these.
1. y  (x  2)3 2. y  14 1. __________________
2. __________________

3. Determine whether the function ƒ(x)  x3  4x is 3. __________________

odd, even, or neither.

4. Describe how the graphs of ƒ(x)  x and g(x)  4x 4. __________________
are related.

5. Use transformations of the parent graph of p(x)  x2 to 5.

sketch the graph of p(x)  (x  1)2  2.

NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________

Chapter 3 Quiz B (Lessons 3-3 and 3-4)
1. Graph y  x2  1. 1.

2. Solve x  3  4. 2. __________________
3. Find the inverse of ƒ(x)  3x  6. Is the inverse a function? 3. __________________

4. Graph ƒ(x)  (x  1)2  2 and its inverse. 4.

5. What is the equation of the line that acts as a line of 5. __________________

symmetry between the graphs of ƒ(x) and ƒ1(x)?

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 125 Advanced Mathematical Concepts

NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________
3 Chapter 3 Quiz C (Lessons 3-5 and 3-6)
Determine whether the function is continuous at the given x-value. If
discontinuous, state the type of discontinuity (jump, infinite, or point).
x2 + 1 if x  0

1. ƒ(x)  x if x  0 ;x0 1. __________________

2. ƒ(x)   1 ; x  1 2. __________________
x 1

3. Describe the end behavior of y  x4  3x  1. 3. __________________

4. Locate and classify the extrema for the graph of 4. __________________

y  2x3  6x.

5. The function ƒ(x)  x5  43 x3 has a critical point at x  2. 5. __________________
Identify the point as a maximum, a minimum, or a point
of inflection, and state its coordinates.

NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________

Chapter 3 Quiz D (Lessons 3-7 and 3-8)
1. Determine the equations of the vertical and horizontal 1. __________________
asymptotes, if any, for the graph of y  
x2  5x  6 .
x  4x
2. Find the slant asymptote for ƒ(x)   
 3. 2. __________________

3. Use the parent graph ƒ(x)  x1 to graph the function 3. __________________
g(x)  2. Describe the transformation(s) that have
taken place. Identify the new locations of the asymptotes.

Find the constant of variation for each relation and use it to

write an equation for each statement. Then solve the equation.
4. If y varies directly as x, and y  12 when x  8, find y when 4. __________________
x  14.

5. If y varies jointly as x and the cube of z, and y  48 when 5. __________________

x  3 and z  2, find y when x  2 and z  5.

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 126 Advanced Mathematical Concepts

NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________
3 Chapter 3 SAT and ACT Practice
After working each problem, record the 6. (3.1  12.4)  (3.1  12.4) 
correct answer on the answer sheet A 24.8
provided or use your own paper. B 6.2
C 0
Multiple Choice D 6.2
1. If x  y  4, what is the value of E 24.8
y  x  x  y? 1, then which of
A 0 7. If x  5z and y  15z + 2
B 4 the following is equivalent to y?
C 8 A  5
D 16
E It cannot be determined from the B 31
information given. 1
C x2
2. If 2x  5  4y and 12y  6x  15, then 1
3x  2
which of the following is true?
A 2y  5 E None of these
B 2x  5 xy zy
C y  2x  5 8. If x  3 and z  5, then which
D x  2y  5 of the following is the value of xz?
E 2y  x  5
A 12
3. If x  45, then
3(x  1)  4x is how
B 53
many fifths?
A 13 C 53
B 15 D 2
C 17 E 15
D 23
E 25
9. 1
 12 14  
11 6

4. If x2  3y  10 and x  1, then
y 3
which of the following could be a 8
value of x? 6
A 5 
B 2 C 4
C 1 D 14
D 2
E 3 3
5. 168:252 as 6: ?
A 4
B 5
C 9
D 18
E 36

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 127 Advanced Mathematical Concepts

NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________
3 Chapter 3 SAT and ACT Practice (continued)
10. If 12 and 18 each divide R without a 15. If a and b are real numbers where
remainder, which of the following a  b and a  b  0, which of the
could be the value of R? following MUST be true?
A 24 A a0
B 36 B b0
C 48 C a  b
D 54 D ab  0
E 120 E It cannot be determined from the
information given.
11. If x  y  5 and x  y  3, then x2  y2  16. For all x, (3x3  13x2  6x  8)(x  4) 
A 2 A 3x4  25x3  46x2  16x  32
B 4 B 3x4  25x3  46x2  32x  32
C 8 C 3x4  x3  46x2  16x  32
D 15 D 3x4  25x3  58x2  32x  32
E 16 E 3x4  25x3  58x2  16x  32
17–18. Quantitative Comparison
12. If n  0, then which of the following A if the quantity in Column A is
statements are true? greater
I.  n0 B if the quantity in Column B is
II. 1 n1 greater
III. n
3 C if the two quantities are equal
A I only D if the relationship cannot be
B III only determined from the information
C I and III only given
D II and III only Column A Column B
E None of the statements are true.
17. The smaller The larger value
value of x in the of x in the
13. If x* is defined to be x  2, which of the equation equation
following is the value of (3*  4*)*? x2  7x  12  0 x2  7x  12  0
A 0
B 1
C 2
D 3 18. (2x  3)2 4x(x  3)
E 4
19. Grid-In For nonzero real numbers
a, b, c, and d, d  2a, a  2b, and
14. Which of the following is the total cost b  2c. What is the value of dc ?
of 312 pounds of apples at $0.56 per
pound and 412 pounds of bananas at 3
20. Grid-In If 
 34, what is the
$0.44 per pound? x
value of x?
A $2.00
B $3.00
C $3.94
D $4.00
E $4.06

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 128 Advanced Mathematical Concepts

NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________
3 Chapter 3, Cumulative Review (Chapters 1-3)
1. State the domain and range of {(2, 2), (0, 2), (2, 2)}. Then 1. __________________
state whether the relation is a function. Write yes or no.

2. If ƒ(x)  3 and g(x)  x  1, find ƒ( g(x)). 2. __________________


3. Write the standard form of the equation of the line that is 3. __________________
parallel to the line with equation y  2x  3 and passes
through the point at (1, 5).

4. Graph ƒ(x)  x  1. 4.

Solve each system of equations algebraically.

5. 3x  5y  21 5. __________________

6. x  2y  z  7 6. __________________
3x  y  z  2
2x  3y  2z  7

7. How many solutions does a consistent and independent 7. __________________

system of linear equations have?

8. Find the value of 35 7

. 8. __________________

9. Determine whether the graph of y  x3  2x is symmetric 9. __________________

with respect to the origin, the x-axis, the y-axis, or none
of these.

10. Describe the transformations relating the graph of 10. __________________

y  2(x  1)2 to the graph of y  x2.

11. Solve 3x  6  9. 11. __________________

12. Find the inverse of the function ƒ(x)  3. 12. __________________

13. State the type of discontinuity ( jump, infinite, or point) 13. __________________
that is present in the graph of ƒ(x)  x.

14. Determine the horizontal asymptote for the graph of 14. __________________
ƒ(x)   3.

15. If y varies inversely as the square root of x, and y  20 15. __________________

when x  9, find y when x  16.

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SAT and ACT Practice Answer Sheet

(10 Questions)

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SAT and ACT Practice Answer Sheet

(20 Questions)

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3-1 Practice 3-1 Enrichment

Symmetry and Coordinate Graphs Symmetry in Three-Dimensional Figures
A solid figure that can be superimposed, point for
Determine whether the graph of each function is symmetric with respect point, on its mirror image has a plane of symmetry.
to the origin. A symmetrical solid object may have a finite or
1. ƒ(x)    yes 2. ƒ(x)  x5  2 no infinite number of planes of symmetry. The chair

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2 in the illustration at the right has just one plane of
3. ƒ(x)  x3  4x yes 4. ƒ(x)  x
no symmetry; the doughnut has infinitely many
planes of symmetry, three of which are shown.
Determine whether the graph of each equation is symmetric with respect to Determine the number of planes of symmetry for each object and
the x-axis, the y-axis, the line y ⫽ x, the line y ⫽ ⫺x, or none of these. describe the planes.
5. x  y  6 y  x 6. x2  y  2 y-axis 1. a brick
7. xy  3 y  x and y  x 8. x3  y2  4 x-axis 3 planes of symmetry; each plane is parallel to
a pair of opposite faces.
9. y  4x none of these 10. y  x2  1 y-axis 2. a tennis ball
11. Is ƒ(x)  x an even function, an odd function, or neither? even An infinite number of planes; each plane passes
through the center.
3. a soup can
Refer to the graph at the right for Exercises 12 and 13. an infinite number of planes passing through
12. Complete the graph so that it is the graph f(x) the central axis, plus one plane cutting the cen-

of an odd function. (3, 3) ter of the axis at right angles

(4, 2) 4. a square pyramid
(1, 1)
13. Complete the graph so that it is the graph O x 4 planes all passing through the top vertex:
of an even function. 2 planes are parallel to a pair of opposite edges
of the base and the other 2 cut along the diago-
nals of the square base.
5. a cube
(Lesson 3-1)

14. Geometry Cameron told her friend Juanita

that the graph of  y  6  3x has the shape
9 planes: 3 planes are parallel to pairs of oppo-
of a geometric f igure. Determine whether the site faces and the other 6 pass through pairs of
graph of  y  6  3x is symmetric with opposite edges.
respect to the x-axis, the y-axis, both, or Solid figures can also have rotational symmetry. For example, the
neither. Then make a sketch of the graph. axis drawn through the cube in the illustration is a fourfold axis of
Is Cameron correct? x-axis and y-axis; symmetry because the cube can be rotated about this axis into four
yes, the graph is that of a diamond or different positions that are exactly alike.
parallelogram. 6. How many four-fold axes of symmetry does a cube have?
Use a die to help you locate them.
3; each axis passes through the centers of a
pair of opposite faces.
7. A cube has 6 two-fold axes of symmetry. In the space at the right,
draw one of these axes.

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3-2 Practice 3-2 Enrichment

Families of Graphs Isomorphic Graphs
A graph G is a collection of points in which a pair of points, called vertices, are
Describe how the graphs of ƒ(x) and g(x) are related. connected by a set of segments or arcs, called edges. The degree of vertex C, denoted
1. ƒ(x)  x2 and g(x)  (x  3)2  1 2. ƒ(x)  x and g(x)  2x deg (C), is the number of edges connected to that vertex. We say two graphs are
g(x) is the graph of ƒ(x) g(x) is the graph of ƒ(x) reflected isomorphic if they have the same structure. The definition below will help you

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translated left 3 units and over the x-axis and compressed determine whether two graphs are isomorphic.
down 1 unit. horizontally by a factor of 0.5.
A graph G′ is isomorphic to a graph G if the following conditions hold.
Use the graph of the given parent function to describe the graph of each 1. G and G′ have the same number of vertices and edges.
2. The degree of each vertex in G is the same as the degree of each corresponding vertex in G′.
related function.
3. If two vertices in G are joined by k (k  0) edges, then the two corresponding vertices in G′ are
3. ƒ(x)  x3 4. ƒ(x)  x
 also joined by k edges.
a. y  2x3 a. y  x
expanded vertically by translated left 3 units and up Example In the graphs below HIJKLMN ↔ TUVWXYZ.
Determine whether the graphs are isomorphic.
a factor of 2 1 unit

b. y  0.5(x  2)3 b. y  
x  2
reflected over the x-axis, reflected over the y-axis,
translated right 2 units, translated down 2 units Number of vertices in G: 7 Number of vertices in G′: 7

Number of edges in G: 10 Number of edges in G′: 10

compressed vertically by
deg (H): 3 deg (I): 3 deg (T): 1 deg (U): 3
a factor of 0.5
deg (J): 3 deg (K): 3 deg (V): 3 deg (W): 3
c. y  (x  1)3 c. y  0
5 x  4 deg (L): 4 deg (M): 3 deg (X): 4 deg (Y): 3
translated left 1 unit, expanded horizontally deg (N): 1 deg (Z): 3
portion below the x-axis by a factor of 4,
reflected so that it is translated down 4 units Since there are the same number of vertices and the same number of edges
and there are five vertices of degree 3, one vertex of degree 4, and one
(Lesson 3-2)

above the x-axis vertex of degree 1 in both graphs, we can assume they are isomorphic.
Sketch the graph of each function. Each graph in Row A is isomorphic to one graph in Row B.
5. ƒ(x)  (x  1)2  1 6. ƒ(x)  2x  2  3 Match the graphs that are isomorphic.
Row A
1. b 2. a 3. c

Row B
7. Consumer Costs During her free time, Jill baby-sits a. b. c.
the neighborhood children. She charges $4.50 for each
whole hour or any fraction of an hour. Write and graph
a function that shows the cost of x hours of baby-sitting.
4.5 if 冀x冁  x
f(x)  4.5冀x  1冁 if 冀x冁  x

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3-3 Practice 3-3 Enrichment

Graphs of Nonlinear Inequalities Some Parametric Graphs
For some curves, the coordinates x and y can be written as functions
Determine whether the ordered pair is a solution for the given inequality. of a third variable. The conditions determining the curve are given
Write yes or no. by two equations, rather than by a single equation in x and y. The
1. y  (x  2)2  3, (2, 6) 2. y  (x  3)3  2, (4, 5) 3. y   2x  4   1, (4, 1) third variable is called a parameter, and the two equations are called

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yes no yes parametric equations of the curve.

For the curves you will graph on this page, the parameter is t and
the parametric equations of each curve are in the form x  f (t) and
Graph each inequality. y  g(t).
4. y  2  x  1  5. y  2(x  1)2
Example Graph the curve associated with the parametric
equations x  48t and y  64t  16t 2.
Choose values for t and make a table showing the
values of all three variables. Then graph the
x- and y-values.
t x y
–1 –48 –80
0 0 0
0.5 24 28
6. y  x
21 7. y  (x  3)3 1 48 48

2 96 64
3 144 48
4 192 0

Graph each curve.

(Lesson 3-3)

1. x  3t, y   2. x  t2  1, y  t3  1
Solve each inequality.
8.  4x  10   6 9.  x  5   2  6 10.  2x  2   1  7
{x 兩 1  x  4} {x 兩 x  9 or x  1} {x 兩 3  x  5}

11. Measurement Instructions for building a birdhouse warn that the

platform, which ideally measures 14.75 cm2, should not vary in size
by more than 0.30 cm2. If it does, the preconstructed roof for the
birdhouse will not fit properly.
a. Write an absolute value inequality that represents the range of
possible sizes for the platform. Then solve for x to find the range.
兩 x  14.75 兩  0.30; {x 兩 14.45  x  15.05}
b. Dena cut a board 14.42 cm2. Does the platform that Dena cut fit
within the acceptable range? no

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3-4 Practice 3-4 Enrichment

Inverse Functions and Relations An Inverse Acrostic
The puzzle on this page is called an acrostic. To solve the puzzle,
Graph each function and its inverse.
work back and forth between the clues and the puzzle box. You may
1. ƒ(x)  (x  1)3  1 2. ƒ(x)  3x  2 need a math dictionary to help with some of the clues.

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1. If a relation contains the element (e, v), then the __ E
V __
inverse of the relation must contain the element 17 28
( __, __ ).
2. The inverse of the function 2x is found by __
H __A __ F
L __
computing __ of x. 2 29 6 27
3. The first letter and the last two letters of the __I __
S __E
meaning of the symbol f –1 are __ . 31 33 14
Find the inverse of ƒ(x). Then state whether the inverse is also a function. 4. This is the product of a number and its O
__ __
N __E
1 4
3. ƒ(x)  4x2  1 4. ƒ(x)  x
 5. ƒ(x)   multiplicative inverse. 20 11 34
(x  3)2
inverse: ƒ1(x)  x3  1 inverse: y  3   2 x
 5. If the second coordinate of the inverse of (x, f (x)) is __ Y
F __
x y, then the first coordinate is read “__ of __”. 36 7

y  121 x
 yes no
no 6. The inverse ratio of two numbers is the __ of the __
R __
A __ I O
T __ __
reciprocals of the numbers. 24 16 1910 4
7. If is a binary operation on set S and _E_
x e  e x  x for all x in S, then an identity 18

Graph each equation using the graph of the given parent function. element for the operation is __.

6. y  x
3  1, p(x)  x2 7. y  2  x
 2, p(x)  x5 8. To solve a matrix equation, multiply each side of __
L __
E __ T
F __
the matrix equation on the __ by the inverse 35 3 21 8
9. Two variables are inversely proportional __ their __ H
W __ E
__ N
product is constant. 13 9 22 5
10. The graph of the inverse of a linear __ T
S __ R
__ __
A __I G
__ __ T
H __
(Lesson 3-4)

function is a __ line. 26 32 30 23 25 12 15 1

8. Fire Fighting Airplanes are often used to drop water on forest fires in an effort to
stop the spread of the fire. The time t it takes the water to travel from height h to From President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s inaugural address
the ground can be derived from the equation h  12gt 2 where g is the acceleration during the Great Depression; delivered March 4, 1933.
due to gravity (32 feet/second 2 ). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
a. Write an equation that will give time as a function of height.
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
h or   W E H A V E T O F E A R
t 16
 4 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
b. Suppose a plane drops water from a height of 1024 feet. How many seconds will it I S F E A R I T S E L F
take for the water to hit the ground? 8 seconds

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3-5 Practice 3-5 Enrichment

Continuity and End Behavior Reading Mathematics
The following selection gives a definition of a continuous function as
Determine whether each function is continuous at the given x-value. Justify it might be defined in a college-level mathematics textbook. Notice
your answer using the continuity test. that the writer begins by explaining the notation to be used for
x2  x various types of intervals. It is a common practice for college authors
1. y  22 ; x  1 2. y   2
4 ; x1

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3x to explain their notation, since, although a great deal of the notation
Yes; the function is defined Yes; the function is is standard, each author usually chooses the notation he or she
at x  1; y approaches 23 as defined at x  1; y wishes to use.
x approaches 1 from both approaches 3 as x approaches
sides; ƒ(1)  23. 1 from both sides; ƒ(1)  3. Throughout this book, the set S, called the domain of definition of a function, will usually be
an interval. An interval is a set of numbers satisfying one of the four inequalities a  x  b,
3  2;
x  a  x  b, a  x  b, or a  x  b. In these inequalities, a  b. The usual notations for the
3. y  x  2x  2; x  1 4. y  x4
x  4
intervals corresponding to the four inequalities are, respectively, (a, b), [a, b), (a, b], and [a, b].
Yes; the function is defined No; the function is
An interval of the form (a, b) is called open, an interval of the form
at x  1; y approaches 1 as undefined at x  4. [a, b) or (a, b] is called half-open or half-closed, and an interval of the form
x approaches 1 from both sides; [a, b] is called closed.
ƒ(1)  1. Suppose I is an interval that is either open, closed, or half-open. Suppose ƒ(x) is a function
defined on I and x0 is a point in I. We say that the function f (x) is continuous at the point x0 if
the quantity |ƒ(x)  ƒ(x 0)| becomes small as x 僆 I approaches x 0.
Describe the end behavior of each function.
5. y  2x5  4x 6. y  2x6  4x4  2x  1
y → ∞ as x → ∞, y → ∞ as x → ∞, Use the selection above to answer these questions.

y → ∞ as x → ∞ y → ∞ as x → ∞

1. What happens to the four inequalities in the first paragraph when a  b?
7. y  x4  2x3 x 8. y  4x3 5 Only the last inequality can be satisfied.
2. What happens to the four intervals in the first paragraph when a  b?
y → ∞ as x → ∞, y → ∞ as x → ∞,
y → ∞ as x → ∞ y → ∞ as x → ∞ The first interval is ø and the others reduce to the point a  b.
3. What mathematical term makes sense in this sentence?
If f(x) is not ____?__ at x0, it is said to be discontinuous at x0.
(Lesson 3-5)

Given the graph of the function, determine the interval(s) for which the function continuous
is increasing and the interval(s) for which the function is decreasing. 4. What notation is used in the selection to express the fact that a number x is
9. increasing for x  1 and x  1; contained in the interval I?
decreasing for 1 x  1 x苸I
5. In the space at the right, sketch the graph
of the function f(x) defined as follows:
1 1

if x 僆 0, 
1, if x 僆   , 1

10. Electronics Ohm’s Law gives the relationship between resistance R, voltage 6. Is the function given in Exercise 5 continuous on the
 . If the voltage remains constant but the
E, and current I in a circuit as R  E interval [0, 1]? If not, where is the function discontinuous?
current keeps increasing in the circuit, what happens to the resistance? 1
No; it is discontinuous at x  .
Resistance decreases and approaches zero. 2

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3-6 Practice 3-6 Enrichment

Critical Points and Extrema "Unreal" Equations
There are some equations that cannot be graphed on the
Locate the extrema for the graph of y  ƒ(x). Name and classify the real-number coordinate system. One example is the equation
extrema of the function. x2 – 2x  2y2  8y  14  0. Completing the squares in x and y
1. 2. gives the equation (x – 1)2  2(y  2)2  –5.

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For any real numbers, x and y, the values of (x – 1)2 and 2(y  2)2
are nonnegative. So, their sum cannot be –5. Thus, no real values of
x and y satisfy the equation; only imaginary values can be solutions.

Determine whether each equation can be graphed on the

real-number plane. Write yes or no.
1. (x  3)2  (y  2)2  4 2. x2  3x  y2  4y  7
relative maximum: (2, 1) absolute minimum: (2, 0) no no
3. (x  2)2  y2  6y  8  0 4. x2  16  0
relative minimum: (1, 2)
absolute minimum: (6, 6) yes no
5. x4  4y2  4  0 6. x2  4y2  4xy  16  0
3. 4. no no
In Exercises 7 and 8, for what values of k :
a. will the solutions of the equation be imaginary?

b. will the graph be a point?
c. will the graph be a curve?
d. Choose a value of k for which the graph is a curve and sketch
the curve on the axes provided.
absolute maximum: (1, 3) relative maximum: (0, 2) 7. x2  4x  y2  8y  k  0 8. x2  4x  y2  6y  k  0
relative minimum: (2, 2) a. k > 20; b. k = 20; a. k < –13; b. k = –13;
(Lesson 3-6)

Determine whether the given critical point is the location of a maximum, a

c. k < 20; c. k > –13;
minimum, or a point of inflection. d. d.
5. y  x2  6x  1, x  3 6. y  x2  2x  6, x  1 7. y  x4  3x2  5, x  0
minimum minimum minimum
8. y  x5  2x3  2x2, x  0 9. y  x3  x2  x, x  1 10. y  2x3  4, x  0
maximum maximum point of inflection
11. Physics Suppose that during an experiment you
launch a toy rocket straight upward from a height
of 6 inches with an initial velocity of 32 feet per
second. The height at any time t can be modeled by
the function s(t)  16t 2  32t  0.5 where s(t) is
measured in feet and t is measured in seconds.
Graph the function to find the maximum height
obtained by the rocket before it begins to fall.
16.5 ft
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3-7 Practice 3-7 Enrichment

Graphs of Rational Functions Slant Asymptotes
Determine the equations of the vertical and horizontal asymptotes, if any, of
The graph of y  ax  b, where a
0, is called a slant asymptote of
each function.
y  f (x) if the graph of f (x) comes closer and closer to the line as
1. ƒ(x)   4 2. ƒ(x)  2x 
 1 3. g(x)   x 3
2 (x  1)(x  2)
x → ∞ or x → – ∞.
x 1 x1

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y0 x  1, y  2 x  1, x  2, y  0 For f (x)  3x  4  x
y  3x  4 is a slant asymptote because

2 2
f (x)  (3x  4)  , and  → 0 as x → ∞ or x → – ∞.
x x
Use the parent graph ƒ(x) to graph each equation. Describe the
transformation(s) that have taken place. Identify the new locations x2  8x  15
of the asymptotes. Example Find the slant asymptote of f (x)   .
4. y  3  2
5. y   4  3
–2 1 8 15 Use synthetic division.
–2 –12
1 6 3

x2  8x  15 3
y  x6 
x2 x2
Since  → 0 as x → ∞ or x → – ∞,

expanded vertically by a reflected over x-axis;

y  x  6 is a slant asymptote.
factor of 3; translated left expanded vertically by a
1 unit and down 2 units; factor of 4; translated right
x  1, y  2 3 units and up 3 units; x  3, y  3 Use synthetic division to find the slant asymptote for each of the following.
8x2  4x  11
1. y  
Determine the slant asymptotes of each equation.
2 2 y  8x  44
5x  10 x1 x  x
(Lesson 3-7)

6. y    7. y   
x2 x1 x2  3x  15
2. y  
y  5x yx2 x2

8. Graph the function y    6.
x  x x2  2x  18
x1 3. y  

ax2  bx  c
4. y  

y  ax  b  ad
9. Physics The illumination I from a light source is given by the ax2  bx  c
5. y  
formula I  k2 , where k is a constant and d is distance. As the
distance from the light source doubles, how does the illumination y  ax  b  ad
change? It decreases by one fourth.

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3-8 Practice 3-8 Enrichment

Direct, Inverse, and Joint Variation Reading Mathematics: Interpreting
Write a statement of variation relating the variables of each equation. Conditional Statements
Then name the constant of variation.
2 The conditional statement below is written in “if-then” form. It has
1. xy  3 2. E  IR
the form p → q where p is the hypothesis and q is the consequent.
y varies directly as the E varies jointly as

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If a matrix A has a determinant of 0, then A1 does not exist.
square of x; 13 I and R; 1 It is important to recognize that a conditional statement need not
3. y  2x 4. d  6t 2 appear in “if-then” form. For example, the statement
y varies directly as x; 2 d varies directly as Any point that lies in Quadrant I has a positive x-coordinate.
the square of t; 6 can be rewritten as
If the point P(x, y) lies in Quadrant I, then x is positive.
Find the constant of variation for each relation and use it to write an
Notice that P lying in Quadrant I is a sufficient condition for its
equation for each statement. Then solve the equation.
x-coordinate to be positive. Another way to express this is to say
5. Suppose y varies directly as x and y  35 when x  5. Find y when x  7. that P lying in Quadrant I guarantees that its x-coordinate is
7; y  7x; 49 positive. On the other hand, we can also say that x being positive is
a necessary condition for P to lie in Quadrant I. In other words, P
does not lie in Quadrant I if x is not positive.
6. If y varies directly as the cube of x and y  3 when x  2, find x when y  24.
3 ; To change an English statement into “if-then” form requires that
y  38 x 3 ; 4
you understand the meaning and syntax of the English statement.
Study each of the following equivalent ways of expressing p → q.

7. If y varies inversely as x and y  3 when x  25, find x when y  10.

• If p then q • p implies q

5 ; 7.5
75; y  7x • p only if q • only if q, p
• p is a sufficient condition for q • not p unless q
8. Suppose y varies jointly as x and z, and y  64 when x  4 and z  8. • q is a necessary condition for p.
Find y when x  7 and z  11. Rewrite each of the following statements in “if-then” form.
2; y  2x z; 154
1. A consistent system of equations has at least one solution.
(Lesson 3-8)

If a system of equations is consistent, then the

9. Suppose V varies jointly as h and the square of r, and V  45␲ when r  3 and
h  5. Find r when V  175␲ and h  7.
system has at least one solution.
2. When the region formed by the inequalities in a linear
␲ ; V  ␲ r 2 h; 5
programming application is unbounded, an optimal solution
for the problem may not exist.
10. If y varies directly as x and inversely as the square of z, and y  5 when x  10 and If the region formed by the inequalities in a linear
z  2, find y when x  5 and z  5. programming application is unbounded, then an
2; y  2x2 ; 0.4 optimal solution for the problem may not exist.
3. Functions whose graphs are symmetric with respect to the y-axis are
11. Finances Enrique deposited $200.00 into a savings account. The simple called even functions.
interest I on his account varies jointly as the time t in years and the principal P. If the graph of a function is symmetric with
After one quarter (three months), the interest on Enrique’s account is $2.75. respect to the y-axis, then the function is even.
Write an equation relating interest, principal, and time. Find the constant of
4. In order for a decimal number d to be odd, it is sufficient that d end in the digit 7.
variation. Then find the interest after three quarters.
I  kPt; 0.055; $8.25 If a decimal number d ends in the digit 7, then d is odd.

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Chapter 3 Answer Key
Form 1A Form 1B
Page 111 Page 112 Page 113 Page 114
1. C 11. B 1. B 11. C

2. B 2. A
12. A
12. B
3. D 3. B

4. C 4. A 13. C
13. C

14. C
14. C 5. C

5. B
6. C
15. A 15. C
6. D

16. D 16. A

7. B
7. A 17. A 17. D

8. A
8. D 18. B
18. B

9. B
9. A
19. A
19. A
10. D
10. D
20. D 20. B

Bonus: D Bonus: B

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill A11 Advanced Mathematical Concepts

Chapter 3 Answer Key
Form 1C Form 2A
Page 115 Page 116 Page 117 Page 118
1. B 11. A 1. y  x, y  x, 11. discontinuous
the origin jump
12. discontinuous
2. x-axis infinite
13. x→ ∞, y→ ∞,
x→ ∞, y→∞
2. C 3. odd 14. rel. max. at (0, 2);
12. D reflected over the
abs. min. at
x-axis, expanded
vertically by factor (1.22, 0.25)
4. of 2, translated up 15. point of inflection
3. C 4 units at (1, 1)

13. A vertical at x  0, 3;
4. C 16. horizontal at y  0

14. C 5.
17. y  3x  1
5. C
15. C
6. C
16. C

17. B x  3 or
7. x 8 19. y  16
7. C
18. D
20. k  12
8. A
8. ƒ 1(x)  2
x ; yes

9. ƒ1(x)   x
9. B 19. A 10. yes Bonus:

10. D 20. B

Bonus: A

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill A12 Advanced Mathematical Concepts

Chapter 3 Answer Key
Form 2B Form 2C
Page 119 Page 120 Page 121 Page 122
1. y  x, y  x, 11. continuous 1. y-axis 11. discontinuous;
the origin jump
discontinuous; 2. origin
2. origin 12. point 3. even 12. continuous
3. even
x→ ∞, y→ ∞,
translated right
13. x→ ∞, y→∞
x→ ∞, y→ ∞,
3 units, 13. x→ ∞, y→∞
compressed translated right
vertically by a rel. max. at (0, 0); 4. 1 unit
4. factor of 0.5 abs. min. at
14. abs. max. at (0, 0)
14. (1.22, 2.25)

5. 5.
point of inflection 15. point of inflection
15. at (2, 1) at (0, 0)

vertical at x  0,
1; horizontal at 16. vertical at x  5;
16. y  0 horizontal at

17. yx
17. y  2x  1

7. 4  x  12
7. 3  x  7

3 8. ƒ 1(x)  x ; no
ƒ 1(x)  x
8. yes
ƒ 1(x)  x
9. yes 19. y  32
9. ƒ 1(x)  1x ; no 19. y  27
10. yes
10. no 20. y  15
20. k  43␲

Bonus: k  0
Bonus: k6

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill A13 Advanced Mathematical Concepts

Chapter 3 Answer Key
Level Specific Criteria
3 Superior • Shows thorough understanding of the concepts parent
graph, transformation asymptote, hole in graph, critical
point, maximum, minimum, and point of inflection.
• Uses appropriate strategies to solve problems and transform
• Computations are correct.
• Written explanations are exemplary.
• Graphs are accurate and appropriate.
• Goes beyond requirements of some or all problems.
2 Satisfactory, • Shows understanding of the concepts parent graph,
with Minor transformation, asymptote, hole in graph, critical point,
Flaws maximum, minimum, and point of inflection.
• Uses appropriate strategies to solve problems and
transform graphs.
• Computations are mostly correct.
• Written explanations are effective.
• Graphs are mostly accurate and appropriate.
• Satisfies all requirements of problems.
1 Nearly • Shows understanding of most of the concepts parent
Satisfactory, graph, transformation, asymptote, hole in graph, critical
with Serious point, maximum, minimum, and point of inflection.
Flaws • May not use appropriate strategies to solve problems and
transform graphs.
• Computations are mostly correct.
• Written explanations are satisfactory.
• Graphs are mostly accurate and appropriate.
• Satisfies most requirements of problems.
0 Unsatisfactory • Shows little or no understanding of the concepts parent
graph, transformation, asymptote, hole in graph, critical
point, maximum, minimum, and point of inflection.
• May not use appropriate strategies to solve problems and
transform graphs.
• Computations are incorrect.
• Written explanations are not satisfactory.
• Graphs are not accurate or appropriate.
• Does not satisfy requirements of problems.

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill A14 Advanced Mathematical Concepts

Chapter 3 Answer Key
Open-Ended Assessment
Page 123 Since x  4 is a common factor of
1a. the numerator and the denominator,
1. parent graph 2. transformation the graph has point discontinuity at
x  4. Because y increases or
decreases without bound close to
x  3 and x  0, there are vertical
asymptotes at x  3 and x  0.
1d. ƒ( x)   x  1
(x  2)(x  1)
ƒ( x)   1, except at
3. transformation 4. transformation x2
x  1, where it is undefined.
ƒ( x)  1 is undefined at x  2.
It approaches ∞ to the left of
x  2 and ∞ to the right.
The parent graph y  x 2 is reflected 2.
1, 163
3 is a maximum. (0, 2) is a

over the x-axis and translated 5 units point of inflection.

2,  1145 is a
right and 2 units down.
minimum. The value x  3 is not a
1b. critical point because a line drawn
1. parent graph 2. transformation tangent to the graph at this point is
neither horizontal nor vertical. The
graph is increasing at x  2.99 and
at x  3.01.
3a. ƒ( x)  total income,
x  number of weeks
3. transformation ƒ( x)  (6.00  0.10x)(100  x)
 0.10x2  4x  600

The parent graph y  x3 is translated

2 units left and 1 unit up.
Examining the graph of the function
reveals a maximum at x  20.
ƒ( 20)  640, ƒ( 19.9)  639.999, and
ƒ( 20.1)  639.999, so ƒ( 19.9)  ƒ( 20)
and ƒ( 20)  ƒ( 20.1), which shows
that the function has a maximum of
640 when x  20.
3b. She should sell immediately because
the income function would always be
© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill A15 Advanced Mathematical Concepts
Chapter 3 Answer Key
Mid-Chapter Test Quiz A Quiz C
Page 124 Page 125 Page 126
1. x-axis 1. none of these 1. discontinuous;
2. y  x, y  x, origin
2. y-axis
3. neither 2. discontinuous;
3. odd infinite
3. x →∞, y →∞,
g(x) is the reflection of ƒ(x) over
translated up 1 unit, the x-axis and is expanded
expanded horizontally 4. vertically by a factor of 4 x →∞, y →∞
4. by a factor of 2 4. rel. max. (1, 4);
rel. min. (1, 4)
5. 5. min. at (2, 4.27)

Quiz D
Page 126
Quiz B
Page 125 1. vertical at x  2
1. and 3, horizontal
7. x  2 or x 10 at y  1
2. y  x  2
translated right 3 units,
expanded vertically by a
3 factor of 2; vertical
ƒ1(x)  x
1 yes 3. asymptote at x  3,
2. {x| x  7 or x  1} horizontal asymptote
1 unchanged at y  0
9. ƒ1(x)   x; yes x
3. ƒ1(x)   6
; yes
10. no


4. 1.5; y  1.5x; 21

5. yx
5. 2; y  2xz 3 ; 500

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill A16 Advanced Mathematical Concepts

Chapter 3 Answer Key
SAT/ACT Practice Cumulative Review
Page 127 Page 128 Page 129

1. C 10. B 1. D  {2, 0, 2};

R  {2}; yes
2. B 11. D 3. 2x  y  7  0

3. A 12. E

4. B 13. B

5. (2, 3)
5. C 14. C
6. (2, 1, 3)

6. A 15. A
7. one

8. 29
7. D 16. D
9. origin

expanded vertically by a
8. A 17. A factor of 2, translated right
10. 1 unit

11. 1  x  5
9. E 18. A
12. ƒ 1(x)  x3  2
13. jump
19. 8
14. y1

20. 1 15. 15

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill A17 Advanced Mathematical Concepts

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