2J New With Ans
2J New With Ans
2J New With Ans
Purpose: This test contains nine parts/lesson. The purpose of this mastery test is to:
To check the trainee competency and readiness to attempt the CAA Flight
Dispatch paper 2 Examination
1-(Refer to figure 3.3 and 3.4 of CAP 697). What is the expected fuel consumption for a 250-nautical
miles, and flight under the following conditions?
pressure altitude ................................ 6,000 ft
temperature ....................20°C above standard
power setting ......................................... 65%
wind ..................................................... calm
Aircraft mass at “A” is 51,200 kg
Aircraft mass at “B” is 48,500 kg
Cruise at: Mach 0.78 @ FL 350
Temperature: ISA +20O C
Wind component: 50 kt Tailwind
4-(For this Question use Fuel Planning MRJT1, Figure or Annex 6)
Annex 6
A. 1107 kg
B. 1100 kg
C. 1000 kg
D. 1093 kg =
5-Refer to the data sheet Annex 7 below. The flight crew of a turbojet aeroplane prepares a flight using
the following data: -
Flight level FL 370 at
"Long Range" (LR) cruise regime –
Mass at brake release: 212 800 kg –
Flight leg ground distance: 2 500 NM –
Temperatures: ISA –
CG: 37% -
Headwind component: 30 kt –
"Total anti-ice" set on "ON" for the entire flight –
No requested climb and descent correction of the fuel consumption.
Annex 7
A. 34 430 kg =
B. 30 440 kg
C. 32 480 kg
D. 28 720 kg
6-(For this question use annexes 033-11204A, 033-11204B and 033-11204C below)
The flight crew of a turbojet aeroplane prepares a flight using the following data:
Flight leg ground distance: 4 000 NM,
Flight level FL 370;
"Long range" flight regime
Effective wind at this level: head wind of 50 kt
Temperature: ISA,
Centre of gravity (CG): 37 %,
Pack flow : LOW (LO),
Anti ice: OFF
Reference landing mass: 140 000 kg
Taxi fuel: 500 kg,
Final reserve fuel: 2 400 kg
The fuel quantity which must be loaded on board the aircraft is:
A. 51 860 kg =
B. 41 950 kg
C. 52 060 kg
D. 46 340 kg
7-(For this Question use Fuel Planning MRJT1) Given : Distance C - D : 3200 NM Long Range
Cruise at FL 340 Temperature Deviation from ISA : +12°C Tailwind component : 50 kt Gross mass at
C : 55 000 kg The fuel required from C - D is :
A. 14 500 kg =
B. 13500 kg
C. 12500 kg
D. 11500 kg
8-(For this Question use Fuel Planning MRJT1) Given : Distance C - D : 680NM Long Range Cruise
at FL340 Temperature Deviation from ISA : 0° C Headwind component : 60 kt Gross mass at C : 44
700 kg The fuel required from C - D is :
A. 3700 kg =
B. 4700 kg
C. 5700 kg
D. 2700 kg
CAP 697, MRJT1 Fuel Planning, Figure Long Range cruise at FL 340, page 54: Column
headings are kg gross weight of the aeroplane. The question states that the gross mass at "C" is 44'700
kg. Read NAM for 44'700 kg in the line 44'000 kg and the column 700 and find 2150 NAM Read TAS
= 430 KT for 44'000 kg Calculate Equivalent Still Air Distance: ESAD = Ground Distance/GS*TAS =
680/(430-60)*430 = 790.
NAM Read NAM in the table for 44'700 kg: 2150NAM Calculate NAM at Point D: 2150-790 = 1360
Read the weight from the table for 1360 NAM: 41'000 kg The difference between the two weights is
the fuel burned between C and D Fuel required = 44'700 - 41'000 = 3'700 kg
9-(For this Question use Fuel Planning MRJT1) For a flight of 2800 ground nautical miles the
following apply : Head wind component: 15 kt Temperature: ISA + 15°C Cruise altitude: 35000 ft
Landing mass: 50000 kg The (i) trip fuel and (ii) trip time respectively are :
A. (i) 14200kg (ii) 5 hr 30 min
B. (i) 17600 kg (ii) 6 hr 00 min
C. (i) 19600 kg (ii) 6 hr 50 min
D. (i) 17600 kg (ii) 6 hr 50 min =
If nothing else is given, use LRC! (long range cruise) Use CAP697, Fig 4.3.1C, Simplified Flight
Planning, LONG RANGE CRUISE, page 30 Enter the graph at 2800 NM, move up to the REF line
and follow the graph up and right to 15 kt headwind. Move straight up, interpolate the graph for
35'000 ft and move from there to the right, to the REF Line. From there follow parallel to the dashed
line up and right to 50'000 kg landing mass and from there to the right and read the Trip Fuel = 17'600
kg Start again at the bottom of the graph as before, but move straight up to the upper part of the graph
to the location for 29'000 ft and above. From there move left to the REF line and then follow the graph
left and down to ISA +15°C. Then move left and read the cruise time 6 h and ca 45 to 50 minutes.
10-(For this Question use Fuel Planning MRJT1) For a flight of 2400 ground nautical miles the
following apply : Tail wind component 25 kt Temperature ISA -10°C Cruise altitude 31000ft Landing
mass 52000kg The (i) trip fuel and (ii) trip time respectively are :
A. (i) 14200kg (ii) 5 hr 30 min =
B. (i) 17600 kg (ii) 6 hr 00 min
C. (i) 19600 kg (ii) 6 hr 50 min
D. (i) 17600 kg (ii) 6 hr 50 min
if nothing else is given or mentioned, use LRC (long range cruise). This might be deliberately omitted
11-(For this Question use Fuel Planning MRJT1 Fig. 4.2.1) Find the OPTIMUM ALTITUDE for the
twin jet aeroplane. Given: Cruise mass=54000 kg, Long range cruise or .74 MACH
A. 24500 ft
B. 34500 ft =
C. 44500 ft
D. 54500 ft
12-(For this Question use Fuel Planning MRJT1) Find the FUEL MILEAGE PENALTY for the twin
jet aeroplane with regard to the given FLIGHT LEVEL. Given: Long range cruise, Cruise
mass=53000 kg, FL 310
A. 4 % =
B. 6 %
C. 8 %
D. 10 %
13-Before take off on an MNPS flight, one of your Long Range Navigation System fails. What is your
action in case you have one system left?
A. File Special routes or fly above the MNPS
B. File Special routes or fly below the MNPS
C. File Special routes or fly above or below the MNPS =
D. File Non-Special routes or fly above or below the MNPS
14-(Critical fuel reserves long range cruise, CAP697) You have an engine failure and a decompression
at the same time. Your data are: Tailwind: 25 kts Distance to diversion airport: 820 NM ISA: +10°C
Weight: 55’000 kg Icing conditions: YES What is your diversion fuel?
A. 2200 kg
B. 4200 kg
C. 6200 kg
D. 8200 kg =
15-(Critical fuel reserves long range cruise, CAP697) You have a decompression at your cruising
altitude and following information: Tailwind: 25 kts Distance to diversion airport: 820 NM ISA:
+20°C Weight: 55’000 kg Icing conditions: No What is your diversion fuel?
A. 5270 kg
B. 6270 kg
C. 7270 kg =
D. 8270 kg
16-(For this question use Flight Planning Manual MRJT 1 Figure 4.3.1.B) Given : estimated zero fuel
mass 50 t; estimated landing mass at alternate 52 t; final reserve fuel 2 t; alternate fuel 1 t; flight to
destination, distance 720 NM, true course (TC) 030, W/V 340/30; cruise: long range FL 330, outside
air temperature -30 ° C. Find : estimated trip fuel and time
A. 1800 kg; 01:45
B. 2800 kg; 01:45
C. 3800 kg; 01:45
D. 4800 kg; 01:45 =
Calculate Landing Mass at Destination: LM = 52 + 1 = 53 t Determine Headwind Component
(Jeppesen Computer): HW = 20 KT Calculate ISA Deviation: ISA at FL330 = 15 - 33x2 = 15 - 66 = -
51°C, OAT = -30°C = ISA +21 Enter the graph at 720 Nautical Ground Miles, move up to the REF
Line, follow parallel to the curves right and up to 20 KT Headwind. From there, move straight up to
intercept the line for 33'000 ft. Then move to the right to the REF Line and from there parallel to the
dashed lines (interpolate the direction) up to 53 t landing mass. Then move to the right and read the
fuel required about 4'900 kg. To determine the trip time, start the same way, but when moving straight
up, move up to the upper lines to the one for 29 & more thousand feet. From there to the left to the
REF line. Then follow parallel to the curves down and to the left to ISA +21 and read the trip time =
ca 1.85 h which is 1:51 h. Choose the most correct answer
17-(For this Question use Fuel Planning MRJT1, Figure Find: Final fuel consumption for this
leg Given: Long range cruise, Temperature -63°C, FL 330, Initial gross mass enroute 54100 kg, Leg
flight time 29 min
A. 1093 kg =
B. 2093 kg
C. 3093 kg
D. 4093 kg
18-(For this Question use Fuel Planning MRJT1) Find: Air distance in Nautical Air Miles (NAM) for
this leg and fuel consumption Given: Flight time from top of climb at FL 280 to the enroute point is 48
minutes. Cruise procedure is long range cruise. Temperature is ISA -5°C. The take-off mass is 56000
kg and climb fuel 1100 kg.
A. 145 NAM; 1994 kg
B. 245 NAM; 1994 kg
C. 345 NAM; 1994 kg =
D. 445 NAM; 1994 kg
19-(For this Question use Fuel Planning MRJT1) Given: Long range cruise, OAT -45°C at FL 350,
Gross mass at the beginning of the leg 40000 kg, Gross mass at the end of the leg 39000 kg Find: True
air speed (TAS) and cruise distance (NAM) for a twin jet aeroplane
A. TAS 333 kt, 227 NAM
B. TAS 433 kt, 227 NAM =
C. TAS 533 kt, 227 NAM
D. TAS 633 kt, 227 NAM
20-(For this Question use Fuel Planning MRJT1) Given: twin jet aeroplane, FL 330, Long range
cruise, Outside air temperature -63°C, Gross mass 50500 kg Find: True air speed (TAS)
A. 420 kt =
B. 430 kt
C. 440 kt
D. 450 kt
21-Refer to the data sheet below. The flight crew of a turbojet aeroplane prepares a flight using the
following data: - Flight level FL 370 at "Long Range" (LR) cruise regime - Mass at brake release: 212
800 kg - Flight leg ground distance: 2 500 NM - Temperatures: ISA - CG: 37% - Headwind
component: 30 kt - "Total anti-ice" set on "ON" for the entire flight - No requested climb and descent
correction of the fuel consumption. The fuel consumption (from take-off to landing) is:
A. 31 430 kg
B. 32 430 kg
C. 33 430 kg
D. 34 430 kg =
22-(For this question Flight Planning Manual MRJT 1 Figure Given: flight time from top of
climb to the enroute point in FL280 is 48 min. Cruise procedure is long range cruise (LRC). Temp.
ISA -5° C Take-off mass 56 000 kg Climb fuel 1 100 kg Find: distance in nautical air miles (NAM)
for this leg and fuel consumption:
A. 345 NAM; 8000 kg
B. 345 NAM; 6000 kg
C. 345 NAM; 4000 kg
D. 345 NAM; 2000 kg =
23-(For this question Flight Planning Manual MRJT 1 Figure Given :FL 330; long range
cruise; OAT -63°C; gross mass 50 500 kg. Find: true airspeed (TAS)
A. 450 kt
D. 440 kt
C. 430 kt
D. 420 kt =
24-(For this question Flight Planning Manual MRJT 1 Figure Given: long range cruise;
outside air temperature (OAT) -45 ° C in FL 350; mass at the beginning of the leg 40 000 kg; mass at
the end of the leg 39 000 kg. Find: true airspeed (TAS) at the end of the leg and the distance (NAM).
A. TAS 431 kt; 227 NAM =
B. TAS 331 kt; 227 NAM
C. TAS 231 kt; 227 NAM
D. TAS 131 kt; 227 NAM
25-(For this Question use Fuel Planning MRJT1) The aeroplane gross mass at top of climb is 61500
kg. The distance to be flown is 385 NM at FL 350 and OAT - 54.3 °C. The wind component is 40 kt
tailwinds. Using long range cruise procedure what fuel is required?
A. 1150 kg
B. 2150 kg =
C. 3150 kg
D. 4150 kg
26-The flight crew of a turbojet aeroplane prepares a flight using the following data: Flight leg ground
distance: 4 000 NM, Flight level FL 370; "Long range" flight regime Effective wind at this level: head
wind of 50 kt Temperature: ISA, Centre of gravity (CG): 37 %, Pack flow : LOW (LO), Anti ice: OFF
Reference landing mass: 140 000 kg Taxi fuel: 500 kg, Final reserve fuel: 2 400 kg The fuel quantity
which must be loaded on board the aircraft is:
A. 21 860 kg
B. 31 860 kg
C. 41 860 kg
D. 51 860 kg =
27-Should you use the normal approach speed when approaching to land in gusty wind conditions?
A. No. Use 1.2 times stall speed.
B. Yes (go by Operator's Manual).
C. No. Add one half the "gust factor" to the calculated approach speed. =
28-An aircraft is approaching to land on runway 26 with the wind of 270O at 18 kt gusting 30 kts,
approach speed is 77 kts. What is the gust wind correction?
A. 6
B. 12
C. 77 kt
D. 83 kt =
Formula for Gust Wind Correction (Approach Speed + Half gust factor) The gust factor is 12 knots
(30 – 18 = 12)
29-You are attempting to dispatch an aircraft with an inoperative APU, which of the following is/are
special consideration you need to note for this condition?
i-the inoperative APU would be noted as per MEL instruction, in the dispatch release
ii-Bird strike at destination airport is a sure possibility
iii-cockpit visibility will be poor during cruise because of air conditioning problem
iv-ensure that climatic or ground air conditioning control capability exist at the gate of the destination
A. i and ii
B. ii and iii
C. iii and iv
D. i and iv =
30-An inoperative APU, if the aerodrome air born, how can you communicate?
A) Communication (Address)
B) Aircraft Flight Manual
D) Aeronautical Communication
32-Given DOM 33510kg, load 7600kg, final reserve fuel is 983kg, alternate fuel is 1100kg,
contingency is nil. The estimate landing mass at the alternate should be?
A) 42210kg
B) 42093kg =
C) 42312 kg
D) 42195kg
33-Given DOM 33510kg, load 7600kg, final reserve fuel is 983kg, alternate fuel is 1100kg,
contingency is 102kg. The estimate landing mass at the alternate should be?
A) 42210kg
B) 42093kg
C) 42312 kg
D) 42195kg =
34-Given: DOM 33510 kg Traffic load 7600 kg Taxi fuel 250 kg Trip Fuel 2500 kg Contingency fuel 125 kg
Final reserve fuel 983 kg Alternate fuel 1100 kg. What is the estimated landing mass at the destination?
A. 43318 kg =
B. 45818 kg
C. 42218 kg
D. 43193 kg
DOM 33,510 kg;
Traffic load 7,600 kg
Trip fuel 2040 kg
Final reserve 983 kg
Alternate fuel 1100 kg
Contingency 5% of trip fuel.
08 26
A. 0080 and 0260
B. 0008 and 0026
C. 0800 and 2600 =
130 133 +2 131
130 133 -2 131
130 133 -2 133
39-An inoperative APU, if the aerodrome air born, how can you communicate?
A) Communication (Address)
B) Aircraft Flight Manual
D) Aeronautical Communication
40-If the aeroplane is air born and had an inoperative APU, how can you communicate to the tower?
A) Communication (Address)
B) Aircraft Flight Manual
D) Aeronautical Communication =
41-If the aeroplane is air born and had an inoperative APU, where can you get information about it?
A) Communication (Address)
B) Aircraft Flight Manual =
D) Aeronautical Communication
42-The estimate landing mass at the alternate should be: given DOM 33510kg, load 7600kg, final
reserve fuel is 983kg, alternate fuel is 1100kg, contingency is 102kg,
A) 42210kg
B) 42093kg
C) 42312 kg
D) 42195kg =
43-(Refer to figure 3.3 and 3.4 of CAP 697). What is the expected fuel consumption for a 350-nautical
miles, and flight under the following conditions?
pressure altitude ................................ 4,000 ft
temperature .................... 20°C below standard
power setting ......................................... 55%
wind ..................................................... calm
A) 44.9 USA gal. =
B) 43.3 USA gal.
C) 48.6 USA gal.
D) 42.7 USA gal.
44-Refer to CAP697 SEP Figure 2.1 Given : Airfield elevation 6000ft OAT 15°C Initial Weight 3525Lb Cruise
altitude 14000ft OAT -13 °C Wind component 60kt tail The time, fuel and ground nautical miles to TOC are:
A. 16 min 5 gall 31 nm =
B. 15 min 6 gall 18 nm
C. 17 min 7 gall 46 nm
D. 16 min 5 gall 52 nm
45-Refer to CAP697 SEP Figure 2.1 Given : Airfield elevation 6000ft OAT 15°C Initial Weight
3525Lb Cruise altitude 14000ft OAT -13 °C Wind component 60kt tail The time, fuel and ground
nautical miles to TOC are:
A. 17.5 min 5.1 gall 37 nm =
B. 15 min 6 gall 18 nm
C. 17 min 7 gall 46 nm
D. 16 min 5.1 gall 52 nm
46-Refer to CAP697 SEP Figure 2.1 Given : Airfield elevation 6000ft OAT 15°C Initial Weight
3525Lb Cruise altitude 14000ft OAT -13 °C Wind component 60kt tail The time, fuel and ground
nautical miles to TOC are:
A. 16 min 5 gall 60 nm
B. 20.4 min 6 gall 58 nm =
C. 17 min 7 gall 46 nm
D. 16 min 5 gall 52 nm
47-Refer to CAP697 SEP Figure 2.2 Given: Pressure Altitude 10000ft OAT -15°C Power 23 IN HG at
2300RPM The fuel flow and KIAS are:
A. 67.3 PPH 140 kt =
B. 67.3 GPH 157 kt
C. 11.4 GPH 139 kt
D. 66.2 GPH 137 kt
50-In a navigation chart a distance of 49 NM is equal to 7 cm. The scale of the chart is approximately:
A. 1 : 7 000 000
B. 1 : 700 000
C. 1 : 1 300 000 =
D. 1 : 130 000
51-A flight from Lagos to Abuja. Choose the appropriate fly level from FL 310 to FL 320 RVSM.
Taken of fuel (given). TAS (given), Climb distance xxx, Descent distance xxx, climb wind component
-20 kts, enroute wind component -20 kts, climb temperature -5OC ISA, Enroute temperature –ISA,
Descent temperature -10 ISA. Taxi fuel consumption 150 kg/mins. Weight at brake release 55,800 kg.
Complete the navlog and find the cruise distance for this flight and fuel that will be consume, if total
distance is 448 nm.
A. 448 nm
B. 258 nm =
C. 170 nm
D. 190 nm
52-Refer to Munich Area Chart 10-1 attached. What are the tracks and distance from Walda WLD
(N48 34 E011 07) to Moosburg MBG (N48 34 E012 15)?
A. 089O 091O 45nm
B. 095O 089O 26nm
C. 091O 089O 35nm
D. 091O 089O 45nm =
53-For a flight from Zurich to Rome, you consult amongst other information. the following SIGMET:
A) you disregard this SIGMET, because it does not affect your flight
B) you select a flight level below FL260 due to turbulence =
C) you delay your departure until 1820 LT to avoid the icing conditions between FL260 and FL380
D) you select a flight level between FL260 and FL380 due to turbulence
54-Given: CAS: 300 kts, Mach number: 0.76. What is the Pressure Altitude?
A) 26,000 ft
B) 28,000 ft =
C) 30,000 ft
D) 32,000 ft
55-Given: CAS: 268 kts, Mach number: 0.82. What is the Pressure Altitude?
A) 36,000 ft
B) 37,000 ft =
C) 35,000 ft
D) 38,000 ft
56-For this question use Annex 06, for a flight from Kano International Airport (N1202.2 E00829.0)
to Niamey (N29.0 E00212.4) Chart 06, Choose appropriate flight level between FL 30 and FL 320,
RVSM Airspace in operations, Takeoff Fuel: 5350 kg, True Airspeed (TAS): 486 Kts; Climb
Distance: 138 nm, descend distance: 108 nm, climb wind component: -20kt, enroute wind component:
-20 kts, climb temperature: ISA +20, enroute and descend temperature: ISA +20, Taxi fuel
consumption: 150 kg/mins, elevation at Niamey (NY) approximately 1000 ft.
57-For this question use Annex 06, for a flight from Kano International Airport (N1202.2 E00829.0)
to Niamey (N29.0 E00212.4) Chart 06, Choose appropriate flight level between FL 30 and FL 320,
RVSM Airspace in operations, Takeoff Fuel: 5350 kg, True Airspeed (TAS): 486 Kts; Climb
Distance: 138 nm, descend distance: 108 nm, climb wind component: -20kt, enroute wind component:
-20 kts, climb temperature: ISA +20, enroute and descend temperature: ISA +20, Taxi fuel
consumption: 150 kg/mins, elevation at Niamey (NY) approximately 1000 ft.
What is the flight time from KANO to GULEN on the route KANO to NIAMEY
A. 30 mins 30 sec
B. 8 mins
C. 33 mins =
D. 30 mins 20 secs
58-For this question use Annex 06, for a flight from Kano International Airport (N1202.2 E00829.0)
to Niamey (N29.0 E00212.4) Chart 06, Choose appropriate flight level between FL 30 and FL 320,
RVSM Airspace in operations, Takeoff Fuel: 5350 kg, True Airspeed (TAS): 486 Kts; Climb
Distance: 138 nm, descend distance: 108 nm, climb wind component: -20kt, enroute wind component:
-20 kts, climb temperature: ISA +20, enroute and descend temperature: ISA +20, Taxi fuel
consumption: 150 kg/mins, elevation at Niamey (NY) approximately 1000 ft.
59-For this question use Annex 06, for a flight from Kano International Airport (N1202.2 E00829.0)
to Niamey (N29.0 E00212.4) Chart 06, Choose appropriate flight level between FL 310 and FL 320,
RVSM Airspace in operations, Takeoff Fuel: 5350 kg, True Airspeed (TAS): 486 Kts. Climb
Distance: 137 nm, descend distance: 108 nm. Climb wind component: -20kt. Enroute wind
component: -20 kts. Climb temperature: ISA +20. Enroute and descend temperature: ISA +20, Taxi
fuel consumption: 150 kg/min. Elevation at Niamey (NY) approximately 1000 ft.
What is the weight at top of climb (TOC). Assuming the weight of the aircraft at brake release from
chart 06 is 52000kg.
A) 52,000kg
B) 51,625kg
C) 53,500kg
D) 50,625kg =
60- For this question use Annex 06, for a flight from Kano International Airport (N1202.2 E00829.0)
to Niamey (N29.0 E00212.4) Chart 06. Takeoff Fuel: 5350 kg, True Airspeed (TAS): 486 Kts. Climb
Distance: 137 nm, descend distance: 108 nm. Climb wind component: -20kt. Enroute wind
component: -20 kts. Climb temperature: ISA +20. Enroute and descend temperature: ISA +20, Taxi
fuel consumption: 150 kg/min. Elevation at Niamey (NY) approximately 1000 ft.
What is the weight at top of climb (TOC). Assuming the weight of the aircraft at brake release is
52000kg and climb fuel flow 5100kg/h
A) 53,530kg
B) 52,000kg
C) 50,470kg =
D) 50,370kg
08 26
A. Turbulence
B. Embedded thunderstorm
C. Disregard this SIGMET, because it does not affect your flight
D. You select a flight level below 300 =
64-For a flight from Zurich to Rome, you consult amongst other information. the following SIGMET:
A) you disregard this SIGMET, because it does not affect your flight
B) you select a flight level below FL260 due to turbulence =
C) you delay your departure until 1820 LT to avoid the icing conditions between FL260 and FL380
D) you select a flight level between FL260 and FL380 due to turbulence
A. 50425 kg
B. 51425 kg
C. 49625 kg =
D. 48225 kg
69-The following is a forecast for DNIL TAF DNIL 240300z 240615z 24015KT 9999 BKN020
TEMPO 5000 –RA SCT008 BKN100 TEMPO 0608 SCT060CB BECMG 1214 13020KT.
The validity period is on?
A-The 24th from 0300z
B-On the 24th from 0600z to 1500z =
C-On the 24th from 0300z till 1500z the following day
D-On the 24th from 0300z till 1615z the following day
71-Refer to the TAF for Port Harcourt Airport (DNPO) below and answer the question below
DNPO 182130z 1900/2006 00000KT 9999 FEW 007 TEMPO 1904/1907 3000BR PROB30 0800 FG
BECMG 1909/1911 18005G15KT BKN010 PROB30 TEMPO 1914/1918 500 TSRA FEW 023CB
BECMG 1922/1924 VRB02KT 8000 NSW NSC.
The forecast for DNPO shown above is valid for a flight landing at the following time
A-A flight landing on the 18th at 2130z
B-A flight landing on the 19th at 1200z =
C-A flight landing on the 20th at 1800z
D-A flight landing on the 20th at 0800z
72-Which of the following aerodrome is not suitable for landing at 1800 hours for aircraft with a
registration No. 5N-XXX?
i-TAF DNMM 091200Z 091319Z 22515KTS 6000 TSRA BKN100 TEMPO 1619 SCT060 CB
ii-TAF DNKN 091200Z 091319Z 22515KTS 3000 RA BKN100 BECMG 1619 24020KTS
iii-TAF DNIB 091200Z 091319Z 22515KTS 600 +RA BKN100 TEMPO 1619 22015G35KTS
iv-TAF DNPO 091200Z 091319Z 22515KTS 4000 -RA SCT008 BKN100 TEMPO 1619 SCT060 CB
A) iv only
B) iii only =
C) ii only
D) i only
73-You plan to fly a track (course) of 348O, Drift is 17O port, variation 32OW, deviation 4OE. What
compass heading should you fly?
A. 041O
B. 033O =
C. 016O
D. 359O
74-You are flying on constant compass heading of 252° Variation is 22°E, deviation is 3°W and your
INS is showing a drift of 9° to the right. True track is?
A. 242°
B. 262°
C. 280° =
D. 224°
75-Given the following: True track: 192° Magnetic variation: 7°E Drift angle: 5° left What is the
magnetic heading required to maintain the given track?
a) 194°
b) 190° =
c) 180°
d) 204°
76-Given the following: Magnetic heading: 060° Magnetic variation: 8°W Drift angle: 4° right What is
the true track?
a) 056° =
b) 064°
c) 072°
d) 048°
77-Given: True course 300° drift 8°R variation 10°W deviation -4° Calculate the compass heading?
a) 306° =
b) 278°
c) 294°
d) 322°
78-Given: true track 352° variation 11° W deviation is -5° drift 10°R. Calculate the compass heading?
a) 018°
b) 346°
c) 358° =
d) 025°
79-Given: true track 070° variation 30°W deviation +1° drift 10°R Calculate the compass heading?
a) 100°
b) 089° =
c) 091°
d) 101°
Variation: 15°E
Deviation: 6°W
Heading: 080° (T)
Determine aircraft's compass and magnetic headings:
A) 071°,065° =
B) 065°,071°
C) 086°,095°
D) 095°,086°
81-The measured course 042° T. The variation in the area is 6°W and the wind is calm. The deviation
is 4°W. In order to follow this course, the pilot must fly a compass heading of:
A) 040°
B) 044°
C) 052° =
D) 058°
True course: 017°
W/V: 340°/30
TAS: 420 kts
Find: 1) The wind correction angle (WCA) 2) The ground speed (G/S)
A) (1)+2°;(2) 416 kts.
B) (1)+2°;(2) 396 kts.
C) (1)-2°; (2) 426 kts.
D) (1)-2°; (2) 396 kts. =
Variation: 12°W
Deviation: 3°E
Heading: 180° (T)
84-If all index units are positive when computing weight and balance, the location of the datum would
be at?
A) Center line of the main wheels
B) The trailing edge of the gear wheels
C) Nose, or out in front of the aircraft =
D) Centerline of the nose or tailwheel.
CHART: Referring to the MRJT planning charts (figure 4.5.1), calculate the fuel used and time taken
during an enroute climb from an airfield at 6000ft amsl to FL330 given a break release weight of
56000kg and ISA + 17OC conditions.
A) 20mins 1600kgs
B) 20mins 1400kgs =
C) 15mins 1300kgs
D) 15mins 1150kgs
86-Passengers were moved from passenger zone F to Zone A the center of gravity would be at:
A) 4.0%MAC
B) 14.6%MAC
C) 21.8%MAC
D) 17.2%MAC =
89-(For this question use the figure attached) what is the optimum flight level between Rome and Paris
according to the significant weather chart?
A) FL 160
B) FL 360
C) FL 220 =
D) FL 340
90-Refer to the chart attached (050-4375A) select from the chart, what average temperature for the
route Zurich – Lisbon at FL 270.
A) -350C
B) -410C
C) -470C
D) -390C
91-If thunderstorm are predicted to occur at the estimated time of a flight arrival, which of the
following is the most preferable option the dispatcher in charge of the flight should do?
A) An alternate airport should be included in the flight =
B) The dispatcher should plan and use the downwind of the thunderstorm
C) Additional fuel should be added in case the aircraft cannot land immediately
D) He should choose a route just below the base of the thunderstorm.
92-150kg/min elevation at Niamey approximately 1000ft, complete the Nav log and answer the
following questions: what is the weight at top of climb (TOC)
A) 59,727kg
B) 57,977kg
C) 56,127kg
D) 54,377kg
Note: the above question number 91 is inconclusive, like Nigerian election. Please see question
numbers 59 and 60 for something similar to this.
93-Refer to Munich Area Chart 10-1 attached: what are the tracks and distance from Walda WLD
(N4834 E01107) to Moosburg MBG (N4834 E01215)?
A) 089O 091O 45nm
B) 095O 089O 26nm
C) 091O 089O 35nm
D) 091O 089O 45nm =
94-How far is the ACCRA/DAKAR Flight Information Region (FIR) from ACCRA TMA boundary
on the airway (B600 UB600) route?
A) 226 nm
B) 166 nm
C) 95 nm =
D) 155 nm
95-Refer to Jeppessen Manual instrument approach chart ZURICH ILS Rwy 16 (11-2) attached. The
lowest published authorized RVR for an ILS approach, glide slope out, all other aids serviceable;
areophane category A; is:
A) 800 m
B) 1500 m =
C) 720 m
D) 600 m
96-(For this question use the figure attached) what is the optimum flight level between Rome and Paris
according to the significant weather chart?
A) FL 160
B) FL 360
C) FL 220 =
D) FL 340
97-Which document will you consult as a dispatcher for information concerning flight limitation of
your aircraft?
A) The Nigerian Civil Aviation Regulation
B) The certificate of airworthiness
C) The aircraft flight manual =
D) The certificate of registration
98-“Long Range” regime, divided into three flight legs, with the following characteristics: Mass at the
start of the first leg of the cruise = 56000 kg, ISA temperature. Segment AB: Ground Distance: 1500
nm; Headwind Component: 30 kt. Segment BC: Ground Distance: 1300 nm; Headwind component: 50
kt. Segment CD: Ground Distance: 700 nm: Tailwind component: 70 kt; True Airspeed (TAS) 421 kt.
The total air distance is approximately:
A. 3687 nm =
B. 3940 nm
C. 4940 nm
D. 3580 nm
99-“Long Range” regime, divided into three flight legs, with the following characteristics: Mass at the
start of the first leg of the cruise = 56000 kg, ISA temperature. Segment AB: Ground Distance: 1500
nm; Headwind Component: 30 kt. Segment BC: Ground Distance: 1300 nm; Headwind component: 50
kt. Segment CD: Ground Distance: 1700 nm: Tailwind component: 70 kt; True Airspeed (TAS) 421
kt. The total air distance is approximately:
A. 3687 nm
B. 3940 nm
C. 4547 nm =
D. 3580 nm
100-“Long Range” regime, divided into three flight legs, with the following characteristics: Mass at
the start of the first leg of the cruise = 56000 kg, ISA temperature. Segment AB: Air Distance: 1615
nm; Headwind Component: 50 kt. Segment BC: Air Distance: 1475 nm; Headwind component: 30 kt.
Segment CD: Air Distance: 600 nm: Tailwind component: 40 kt; True Airspeed (TAS) 421 kt.
The total air distance is approximately:
A. 3350 nm
B. 3450 nm =
C. 3550 nm
D. 3650 nm