National RE
National RE
National RE
Supported by
T E R I. 2015
Replace this line with the title of the report
New Delhi: The Energy and Resources Institute. 26 pp.
[Project Report No. _________________]
Renewable Energy and Green Growth in India
Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................. 1
STATUS REPORT ............................................................................................................................. 1
Grid Power/Installed Capacity....................................................................................... 1
Off-Grid Renewable Energy/Power .............................................................................. 5
Liquid Biofuels ................................................................................................................. 6
Job creation ....................................................................................................................... 7
KEY BARRIERS .............................................................................................................................. 13
NATIONAL ROADMAP ................................................................................................................. 15
Short Term Plan: By 2020..................................................................................................... 15
Medium Term Plan: By 2030 ............................................................................................... 18
Long Term Plan: 2047 .......................................................................................................... 20
BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................................................. 21
Renewable energy has been an important component of India’s energy planning. The
importance of renewable energy sources in the transition to a sustainable energy base was
recognized in the early 1970s. Modern renewable energy is being used increasingly in four
distinct markets: power generation, heating and cooling, transport, and rural/off-grid energy
services. The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) in India has been facilitating
the implementation of broad spectrum programs including harnessing renewable power,
renewable energy for rural areas for lighting, cooking and motive power, use of renewable
energy in urban, industrial and commercial applications and development of alternate fuels
and applications. In addition, it supports research, design and development of new and
renewable energy technologies, products and services.
The approach for deployment of new and renewable energy systems focused on a mix of
subsidy, fiscal incentives, preferential tariffs, market mechanism and affirmative action such
as renewable purchase obligations by way of legislation and policies. Financial support has
also been extended to research and development (R&D), information & publicity and other
support programs.
Renewable energy plays an important role in the long-term energy supply security,
diversification of energy mix, energy access, environmental security and sustainability.
Renewable energy is bound to play an increasing role in future energy systems. This chapter
analyses central level policies and interventions for renewable energy applications and also
recommends a set of guidelines to serve as a roadmap to accelerate the deployment of
renewable energy technologies.
Status Report
Grid Power/Installed Capacity
Power generation from renewable sources is on the rise in India, with the share of renewable
energy in the country’s total installed capacity rising from 7.8% in 2008 to around 13% in
2014 (IREDA, 2014). India now has about 36.4 GW of installed renewable energy capacity. Of
these, wind is the largest contributor and stands at around 23.7 GW of installed capacity
making India the world’s fifth largest wind energy producer. Small hydro power (4.1 GW),
bio-energy (4.4 GW) and solar energy (4 GW) constitute the remaining capacity (MNRE,
2015). It has been reported that in terms of electricity generation, approximately 70 billion
units per year is being generated from renewable sources (MNRE, 2014). Figure 1 below
shows the renewable energy mix in the total installed capacity in India.
Renewable Energy and Green Growth in India
Gas -
Hydro - 41,997 MW
Wind - 23,762 MW
Renewable Energy -
36,470 MW
Coal -167,707 MW
Solar - 4,060 MW
Small Hydro - 4,101
Bio Power - 4,418
Waste to Power -
127 MW
Renewable energy capacity addition has always kept pace with and exceeded the targets set
by India’s 5 year plans. Recently the government has announced a revision of targets for
renewables by 2022. Table 1 below shows installed capacities of the past along with the
numbers for the targeted capacity in 2022. It is evident that this has been an unprecedented
level of ambition of renewables in India.
Table 1: Past and Targeted grid connected renewable energy capacities
Renewable Installed Installed Target as per Revised
Energy Source capacity by end Capacity as 12th Plan targets
of the 11th Plan on March (March 2017) by 2022
(March 2012) 2015
Solar Power 941 3,383 10,941 100,000
Wind Power 17,352 22,645 32,352 60,000
Biomass 3,225 4,183 6,125 10,000
Small Hydro 3,395 4,025 5,495 5,000
Total 24,913 34,236 54,913 175,000
Source: MNRE
Renewable Energy and Green Growth in India
The Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission (JNNSM) was launched in 2010 after which
the Indian SPV market has seen significant growth. Grid connected SPV mainly consists of
ground mounted, rooftop and distribution grid plants. With the provision of institutional
arrangements, national and local enabling mechanisms, and targeted policies, including
appropriate subsidies and financing arrangements, the total installed capacity rose from 40
MW in 2010 to 2686 MW as on 30 June 2014. An aggregate capacity of 1686 MW was
installed in JNNSM Phase I, and an additional capacity of 1000 MW has been added in Phase
II of the programme (TERI, 2014-15). The total installed capacity of grid connected SPV as
on June 2015 is 4060.65 MW (MNRE, 2015), which includes central and state level initiatives.
In order to meet this target, the government is taking a number of measures which are listed
Provision of renewable purchase obligation (RPO) for solar power in the National
Tariff Policy
Grant of subsidy on off-grid applications and GBI facility for bundled power and
Viability Gap Funding (VGF) for grid-connected solar power projects through
various interventions announced from time to time
Setting up ultra-mega solar power projects and solar parks, 1 MW solar parks on the
banks of canals, and solar power driven agricultural pump sets for energizing 1 lakh
Concessional import duty/excise duty exemption for setting up of solar power
plants, accelerated depreciation and tax holiday
The first phase of the programme provided learning experiences to the government, such as
reduction in tariffs is possible if the capacity to be allotted is high, experienced companies
are interested in large projects and transmission and evacuation system is still a major issue.
Apart from that, timely payment and assurance of continuity is essential from the point of
view of the lender, the domestic manufacturing units need more R&D support since
majority of the equipment are imported increasing the overall price.
Rooftop solar has been relatively lackluster in India with no clear policy thrust so far and
only about 350 MW of rooftop solar being installed (100 MW) of total rooftop capacity.
Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) in India has reached the 225 MW mark. In 2014, the world’s
largest linear Fresnel plant of 125 MW and equivalent to 13% of global added capacity came
on line in India. The Dhursar CSP plant of 125 MW is located in Rajasthan and is Asia’s
largest CSP installation. Another plant of 50 MW located in Andhra Pradesh was also
commissioned in 2014. (REN 21, 2015)
On Shore Wind
India currently has about 23,762 MW of installed wind power capacity and is ranked fifth in
the world for total installed capacity, although the demand contracted by 26% in the
previous year (REN21 2014). A steep devaluation of the rupee against the US dollar
(increasing financing and import costs) and the removal of key support policies, in 2012
delayed investment in wind power. However, retroactive reinstatement of the generation-
Renewable Energy and Green Growth in India
based incentive (GBI) in late 2013 helped resurrect the market. Wind power is a mature and
scalable clean energy technology in which India holds a domestic advantage. India has an
annual manufacturing capacity of over 9.5 GW for wind turbines. During 2013, India
installed 1.729 GW of new wind power capacity. Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Maharashtra,
Rajasthan, and Gujarat are the leading states for wind power capacity.
In 2011, the Centre for Wind Energy Technology revised India’s wind power potential to
102,778 MW at 80 m height and at 2% land availability. This was a significant upward
revision from the earlier estimate of approximately 49,130 MW at 50 m height and at 2%
land availability. Over the past years, other research organizations have also estimated
India’s wind power potential using various models for mapping the wind resource. A study
conducted by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, assuming a turbine density of 9
MW/km2, estimated the total wind potential in India with a minimum capacity factor of 20%
to be 2006 GW at 80 m hub height and 3121 GW at 120 m hub height
Offshore Wind
India has around 7,600 km of coastline with the potential for offshore wind power
development. The MNREs initiatives towards the development of offshore wind power
include announcement of the Draft National Offshore Wind Energy Policy and preparation
of the Draft Cabinet note on National Offshore Wind Energy Policy, which have been
circulated for inter-ministerial comments. Finalization of the proposed policy is expected to
provide a conducive environment for harnessing offshore wind energy, including setting up
of a demonstration project to showcase technology and build investors’ confidence.
A National Offshore Wind Energy Authority (NOWA) under the MNRE will be constituted,
which will be the nodal agency for offshore wind projects in the country. NOWA will carry
out resource assessment and surveys in the exclusive economic zones (EEZs) of the country
and simultaneously enter into contract with project developers for the development of
offshore wind energy project in the territorial water.12 The preliminary assessment along
the coastline suggests that there could be a potential to develop offshore wind energy along
Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, and Maharashtra coasts. With a 7600 km coastline, India is estimated
to have 350 GW of offshore wind energy capacity.
This year a memorandum of understanding (MoU) has been signed for setting up a joint
venture company (JVC) for undertaking the first demonstration offshore wind power project
along the Gujarat coast. The MoU was signed by the MNRE, National Institute of Wind
Energy, and a consortium of partners consisting of the National Thermal Power Corporation
(NTPC), Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd (PGCIL), IREDA, Power Finance Corporation
(PFC), Power Trading Corporation (PTC), and Gujarat Power Corporation Ltd (GPCL).
The JVC will undertake detailed feasibility study based on the inputs received from pre-
feasibility studies and necessary steps for implementing the first offshore demonstration
project. The first planned project along the Gujarat coast will be of 100 MW capacity. It has
been proposed to provide subsidy for setting up of evacuation and transmission
infrastructure of the offshore wind power to the main land, including financial support for
carrying out studies such as wind resource assessment, environment impact assessment
(EIA), oceanographic survey, and bathymetric studies. The MNRE would assist in obtaining
clearances involved during the implementation of the project. Being the first demonstration
project in the country, it will certainly provide enough learning for taking up similar viable
Renewable Energy and Green Growth in India
projects in the future, enabling India to enter the club of countries that are in the business of
offshore wind power generation.
Biomass-based power generation has been increasing in India with the installation of
megawatt-scale plants processing a variety of biomass residues such as shells, husks, de-
oiled cakes, and wood. According to the MNRE, 500 million tonnes (MT) of agricultural and
agro-industrial residues are generated annually in the country, of which about 120–150 MT
per year could be surplus for power generation.7 Biomass power generation from
agriculture and agro-industrial residues is estimated at about 17 000 MW. Rajkumar Impex
Pvt. Ltd, Tuticorin, Tamil Nadu, is a leading cashew processing company in India. It has
established a biomass power plant with the capacity of 6 MW using cashew nut shells as
fuel, the first of its kind in India. Chanderpur Renewable Power Co Pvt. Ltd has installed 1
MW biomass gasifier-based power project in village Sohana, district Ambala, Haryana.8 The
project is financed by the Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency (IREDA) with a
loan of ` 390 lakh.
Small Hydro
India has an estimated potential of about 19,750 MW of small hydropower (SHP) projects
(MNRE 2012). Most of the potential is in the Himalayan states as river-based projects and in
other states on irrigation canals (MNRE 2014b). The MNRE has created a database of
potential sites for small hydro, and 5,415 potential sites with an aggregate capacity of
14,305.47 MW for projects up to 25 MW of capacity have been identified. So far SHP projects
with an aggregate capacity of 4,101 MW have been set up, and additional capacity is under
implementation. Setting up of SHP projects comes under the purview of state governments.
Potential sites are either developed by the state or allotted to private developers for setting
up of projects. During the Eleventh Five-year Plan, a capacity of 1419 MW was added
against 536 MW during the Tenth Five-year Plan. A capacity addition of 2,100 MW from
SHP projects has been planned during the Twelfth Five-year Plan. The MNRE provides
central financial assistance (CFA) to set up small/micro hydro projects in both public and
private sectors. Financial support is also given to state governments for identifying new
potential sites, including survey and preparation of detailed project reports (DPRs), and
renovation and modernization of old SHP projects. It also helps the state governments in
formulating their policies for the development of SHP projects and exploitation of this
potential. Under the CFA scheme of the MNRE, capital subsidy is now provided to both
private and state projects and for renovation and modernization of SHP plants. Besides,
technical support is being provided to SHP units through the Alternate Hydro Energy
Centre (AHEC), IIT, Roorkee.
Renewable Energy and Green Growth in India
The main objectives of the programme are: supporting RD&D to make such systems more
reliable and cost-effective, demonstration, field testing, strengthening manufacturing base.
Table 2: Off grid, captive power and other renewable energy systems.
Liquid Biofuels
In 2002 the Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas (MoPNG), Government of India launched
the Ethanol Blending Programme (EBP), making 5 percent blending of ethanol with petrol
by oil marketing companies as mandatory in 9 states and 4 union territories with effect from
January 2003 and gradually increased it to 10% blending and made it mandatory across the
country except the Northeast, Jammu and Kashmir, and island territories. However, the
target of 10% blending was never met due to various reasons such as cyclical production of
sugar which increased the prices of ethanol production, failures to set an ethanol pricing
Renewable Energy and Green Growth in India
formula and procedural delays by various state governments. Even though the government
fixed the price at 44/liter, the response of the ethanol market remained unsatisfactory.
In order to promote biodiesel, the Planning Comission launched the National Mission on
Biodiesel based on non-edible tree-borneoils in 2003. While biodiesel production in India is
predominantly focused on using jatropha, other non-edible tree-borne-oils, such as
pongamia, karanja, and animal fats like fish oil are also being used. A target of blending 5%
biodiesel with high speed diesel was proposed by the Planning Commission in 2006-07
which rose to 20% by 2011-12. A total of 13.4 million ha of land was made available for
jetropha plantation. India deregulated the sale of biodiesel, allowing producers to sell
directly to consumers in an effort to expand the biodiesel market, and India’s state owned
rail company, India Railways, now aims to include up to 5% biodiesel in its locomotive fuel.
Job creation
Job creation in the renewables sector takes place in three ways:
Direct employment - Employment generated directly by core activities without taking into
account the intermediate inputs necessary to manufacture renewable energy equipment or
construct and operate facilities. Direct employment data may be estimated on the basis of an
industry survey, or data derived from representative projects and facilities for the industry
in question or derived from economic data such as labour input coefficients for selected
Indirect employment - includes the employment in upstream industries that supply and
support the core activities of renewable energy deployment. Usually, these workers do not
consider themselves as working in renewables; they produce steel, plastics or other
materials, or they provide financial and other services. These industries are not directly
involved in renewable energy activities but produce intermediate inputs along the value
chain of each renewable energy technology (RET). A review of employment factors available
in the literature indicates that the inclusion of indirect jobs typically increases overall job
numbers by anywhere from 50% to 100% (Rutovitz and Harris, 2012).
Induced employment - encompasses jobs beyond the renewable energy and its upstream
industries, such as jobs in the consumer goods industry. When people who are employed
directly or indirectly spend their incomes on a variety of items in the broader economy (such
as food, clothing, transportation and entertainment), the expenditure gives rise to induced
employment effects. Similarly, changes in consumer electricity tariffs due to higher/lower
costs of RETs give rise to induced employment impacts as the disposable income of the
consumer changes.
Renewable Energy and Green Growth in India
Biogas, 85000,
Solar PV,
125000, 29%
Small Hydro,
12000, 3%
Electricity Act 2003: Launched in June 2003, this is the most important piece of legislation
for the renewable energy sector. The act provides for policy formulation by the Government
of India and mandates State Electricity Regulatory Commissions (SERCs) to take steps to
promote renewable and non-conventional sources of energy within jurisdiction. It calls to
promote cogeneration and generation of electricity from renewable sources of energy by
providing suitable measures for connectivity with grid and sale of electricity to any person,
and also specify, for purchase of electricity from such sources, a percentage of total
consumption of electricity in the area of distribution licensee. Further, EA 2003 has explicitly
stated the formulation of National Electricity Policy (NEP), National Tariff Policy and plan
thereof for development of power systems to ensure optimal utilization of all resources
including renewable sources of energy.
National Electricity Policy 2005: Aims to exploit feasible potential of renewable energy
resources reduce capital costs; promote competition and private sector participation. The
percentage for purchase of power from non-conventional sources should be made applicable
for the tariffs to be determined by the SERCs. Progressively the share of electricity from non-
conventional sources would need to be increased as prescribed by SERCs. Such purchase by
distribution companies shall be through competitive bidding process.
National Tariff Policy 2006: Formulates that a minimum percentage of renewable energy
procurement should be made applicable. Also, a preferential tariff should be determined by
SERCs to enable renewable technologies to compete and procurement of renewable energy
should be through competitive bidding.
NAPCC 2008: The National Action Plan of Climate Change by the Government of India
identifies 8 core national missions running through 2017, covering several measures to
Renewable Energy and Green Growth in India
address global warming. One of the missions states that a dynamic minimum renewable
purchase standard (DMRPS) be set, with escalation each year till a pre-defined level is
reached. It set targets of 5% RE purchase for FY 2009-10, with an increase of 1% in target
each year to reach 15% renewable energy penetration by 2020.
Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission (JNNSM): As a part of the 8 National Missions
announced under the NAPCC, the JNNSM (announced in 2009) aims to promote the
development of solar energy for grid connected and off-grid power generation. The
definitive objective is to make solar power competitive with fossil based applications by
Integrated Energy Policy (IEP) 2006: The Policy recognizes and emphasizes the importance
of renewable energy to meet the energy demand of the country. The broad vision behind the
IEP is to consistently meet the demand for energy services of all sectors. These include the
lifeline energy needs of vulnerable households in all parts of India with safe, clean and
convenient energy at the least-cost.
National Clean Energy Fund (NCEF): NCEF is a fund created in 2010-11 using the carbon
tax - clean energy cess - for funding research and innovative projects in clean energy
technologies of public sector or private sector entities. Assistance is available as a loan or as
a viability gap funding. A cess is levied on coal consumed for power generation in the
country, the revenues from which go towards the creation of a fund for research and
innovative projects in clean energy technology. The cess was introduced in 2011-12 and has
increased from INR 50 per ton in 2010-2011 to INR 200 per ton in 2014-15. By the year 2014-
15, an amount of Rs 16388.81 crore has been collected in the fund. As per estimates an
amount of Rs 13118.04 crore will be collected during 2015-16. (PIB, 2015)
Renewable Purchase Obligation (RPO): SERCs set targets for distribution companies to
purchase certain percentage of their total power requirement from renewable energy sources
known as RPO. The states have already specified their RPOs ranging from 2% to 14% of
their total energy demand to be met by renewable energy. In order to address the mismatch
between availability of renewable energy sources and the requirement of the obligated
entities to meet their RPO across States, the REC mechanism was introduced in 2010 to
enable and recognize interstate renewable energy transactions. The REC mechanism
facilitates emergence of large number of cross-border RE transactions based on non-firm
renewable energy sources, while at the same time, enhancing the volume of cross-border
renewable energy transactions based on firm RE sources as well. RECs serve as a motive for
high potential states to further develop their renewable energy potential and for lesser
potential states to develop maximum RE as they can. (RE-Invest 2015)
The government of India provides a mix of tax and non-tax benefits to promote these
technologies, so as to create an enabling investment climate where these projects are taken
up by market forces. The different incentives offered by central and state governments can
be broadly illustrated as shown in Figure 3:
Renewable Energy and Green Growth in India
•Feed-in-tariffs (FiTs)
•Renewable Purchase obligations (RPOs)
Policy/Regulatory •Renewable energy certificates (RECs)
Initiatives •Net metering
•Biofuels obligation/mandate
•Accelerated depreciation
Fiscal incentives •Excise duty and import tariff concessions
•Tax holidays
and Public •Generation based incentive (GBI)
financing •Capital Subsidy
•Interest Subsidy and Soft Loans
There are multiple agencies involved in the renewable energy sector in India. At the central
level, the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) is the nodal ministry of the
Government of India (GoI). The broad aim of the ministry is to develop and deploy new and
renewable energy for supplementing the energy requirements of the country. The Ministry
has set up three specialized technical institutions - National Institute of Solar Energy (NISE),
National Institute of Wind Energy (NIWE), and Sardar Swaran Singh National Institute of
Renewable Energy (SSS-NIRE). Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency Limited
(IREDA) is a government owned company, registered as a non-banking financial company
functioning under the administrative control of the MNRE. Additionally RECI (Renewable
Energy Corporation of India), erstwhile SECI (Solar Energy Corporation of India) will be
Section 3 company under the Companies Act, 2013. The change took place for commercial
purposes to facilitate growth of the company and will enable it to enlarge its scope of the
activities to cover all renewable energy sources.
At the state level, there are nodal agencies and departments which operate under the
purview of the respective state governments for the effective implementation of all
renewable energy and cogeneration schemes. These agencies promote renewable energy
deployment at the local level by channeling central-level subsidies, implementing
demonstration projects, and providing assistance to interested parties. Many of the state
agencies are also designated agencies for the implementation of the Energy Conservation
Act, 2001. The MNRE provides grants to these agencies for their recurring and non-recurring
expenditure. Financial assistance to renewable energy projects is provided through the
Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency (IREDA) — the financial arm of the MNRE
— which provides loans and also channels funds and other initiatives to promote renewable
energy. In addition, there are a number of government institutions whose mandate
encompasses the renewable energy sector. For example, the Ministry of Power (MoP) is
responsible for the national electricity policy and national tariff policy, both of which play a
key role in promoting procurement of renewable energy-based power. The Ministry of
Environment and Forests (MoEF) is responsible for providing environmental clearances for
renewable energy projects.
Renewable Energy and Green Growth in India
The Renewable Energy source based power generation capacity was 18 MW in 1990 with a
slow rate of growth till 2008, however, 2008 onwards the progress in the made in the sector
has been considerable. This can be attributed to numerous factors which have led to this
impressive growth. The driving factors for the renewable energy projects in India include
demand/supply (low per capita consumption, large unelectrified areas; technology
improvements and cost reduction in renewable technologies, entry of large number of
players), policy (targets set under the NAPCC, JNNSM, fiscal and other incentives) and
other issues (fuel challenges, and significant potential for renewable energy capacity
addition) affecting conventional power generation. Against this backdrop the renewable
technologies are maturing in India and their growth in India in the last decade has been
commendable. The Indian growth story can be seen from the fact in the period from FY07
onwards the capacity addition from Renewable Energy based sources in India has seen a
CAGR of 18.41%.
Renewable Energy and Green Growth in India
Renewable Energy and Green Growth in India
Key Barriers
High cost of financing: renewable energy technologies have high capital costs but very low
operating costs spread over 25-30 years. However the cost of finance (currently ranging from
12–14%) forms a significant component of the power tariff from these sources. Reduction in
interest rates would reduce tariffs and improve the competitive edge of the technology.
Financing costs depends on the risk perceived by funding institutions and higher perceived
risks result in more stringent financial conditions. The relatively high cost and low
availability of debt in India has significantly increased the cost of renewable energy projects
which is a major barrier to the expansion of the renewable sector.
Lack of enforcement of RPOs: The RPO is the biggest driver for the uptake of renewable
energy by state utilities and captive users (obligated entities). The RPO regime is an
instrument for stimulating renewable energy investments. However lack of RPO
enforcement has led to concerns about the final purchase of renewable power. The state
discoms will have to start taking RPOs seriously and state regulatory authorities would have
to hold the discoms responsible and penalize them for failing to comply on purchase
obligations. Instead of forcing defaulters to buy RECs (Renewable Energy Certificates) to
cover shortfall in power purchase, states are allowing the obligated entities (such as
DISCOMs and captive consumers) to ‘carry forward’ deficits to the next financial year. There
also needs to be harmonization of the state-level RPO targets with the national targets.
Off taker risk: The creditworthiness of the distribution companies is a critical issue and
plays a key role in determining the bankability of a PPA (Power Purchase Agreement). Very
few discoms are in good financial health. When discoms have poor financial health, the risk
of off-taker default and delayed payments is high. Weak financials of discoms will keep
them from meeting commitments and affects the effectiveness of instruments that have been
put in place for deployment of renewables. Recently the Electricity Regulatory Commission
of Uttarakhand imposed a penalty on its discom for not complying with its renewable
power obligation (RPO) target. Such actions are important for proper functioning the
renewables sector.
Intermittency: Renewable energy is as an intermittent source of electricity. Characteristics of
renewable power make it variable (natural variation in generation – e.g wind peaking
during monsoon and reducing in availability in other seasons) and affect the degree of its
predictability (e.g. sudden drop in wind power). Renewables can be integrated into the grid
by taking measures like renewable energy generation forecasting; co-ordinated project
development; grid planning and grid strengthening; reducing the variability and
uncertainty of RE generation through aggregation over broader geographic regions; creating
flexible capacity, spinning reserves and ancillary services market; and properly defining RE
grid integration standards and regulations.
Inadequate evacuation infrastructure: Lack of adequate evacuation facilities has led to
scaling back the commissioning and partial commissioning of new generation and the
reduction of generation during peak periods. Banks and financial institutions are more
cautious lending to renewable energy projects given the poor state of the evacuation
networks. Access to grid access is a critical challenge as renewable resources are often
located far away from the consumer market. Though states are required to provide the
Renewable Energy and Green Growth in India
Renewable Energy and Green Growth in India
National Roadmap
With the above background, a roadmap is suggested for effective planning and the way
ahead for renewables. The MNRE has a vision for renewable energy ‚to be a significant source
in furtherance of the national aim of energy security and independence.‛ A vision is essential as it
serves as the uniting component that all stakeholders can refer to. The vision is realistic but
still has the provision of novel and new ideas that add real value and push the set
Once the vision is well established, it is necessary to translate it into more specific objectives
and targets, for the different sectors in which the local authority intends to take action.
Short Term Plan: By 2020
The government of India has identified several applications and in various sectors and is
encouraging development of renewables to satisfy energy demand, energy security, energy
access, clean energy and environmental protection considerations. The government of India
has also incorporated in its mission statement an increase in the contribution of Renewable
Energy in the total energy mix of the country to 9 per cent with about 17 per cent
contribution to total installed capacity of electricity by the end of 12th plan (2016-17).
The approach the MNRE has indicated on following are the principles of SMART targets
(Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-bound) for different renewable resources
and application areas.
Thus short term focus of the government must be on deployment of renewables to reach
the targets that have been set in policies. The main areas of focus need to be:
Renewable Energy and Green Growth in India
Renewable Energy and Green Growth in India
Renewable Energy and Green Growth in India
Renewable Energy and Green Growth in India
Renewable Energy and Green Growth in India
Renewable Energy and Green Growth in India
IREDA. (2014). Retrieved from
IRENA. (2014). The Socio-economic Benefits of Solar and Wind energy.
IRENA. (2015). Renewable Energy and Jobs - Annual Review.
MNRE. (2014). MNRE Annual Report. Retrieved from
MNRE. (2015, August 10). Physical Progress (Achievements). Retrieved from MNRE:
PIB. (2015). Press Information Bureau. Retrieved from
RE-Invest 2015. (n.d.). Investors Guide. Retrieved from
TERI. (2014-15). TEDDY. New Delhi: TERI.
The Climate Group. (2015). The business case for off-grid in India.
About TERI
A unique developing country institution, TERI is deeply committed to every
aspect of sustainable development. From providing environment-friendly
solutions to rural energy problems to helping shape the development of the
Indian oil and gas sector; from tackling global climate change issues across
many continents to enhancing forest conservation efforts among local
communities; from advancing solutions to growing urban transport and air
pollution problems to promoting energy efficiency in the Indian industry, the
emphasis has always been on finding innovative solutions to make the world a
better place to live in. However, while TERI’s vision is global, its roots are firmly
entrenched in Indian soil. All activities in TERI move from formulating local-
and national-level strategies to suggesting global solutions to critical energy
and environment-related issues. TERI has grown to establish a presence in not
only different corners and regions of India, but is perhaps the only developing
country institution to have established a presence in North America and Europe
and on the Asian continent in Japan, Malaysia, and the Gulf.