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A Review on mobile technologies: 3G, 4G and 5G.

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E. Ezhilarasan, M.Dinakaran,
Research Scholar, school of information Associate Professor, School Of Information
technology & engineering, Technology & Engineering,
VIT university-Vellore, India, VIT University –Vellore, India,
[email protected] [email protected]

Abstract: In the recent decades, wireless communication system consist of a core network and Radio access network. General
development has been changing enormously. The Wireless packet radio service (GPRS) and switching voice calls was
application services are increasing quickly and the service the core network functionality system. 3G RAN was differing
provider is very hard to manage the user requested services. As from core functionality and it provides independent access for
per the Ericson mobility report on 2016 utters in 2021, the mobiles and network terminals. Radio network controllers act
worldwide mobile subscriptions will accomplish 9,000 million, as base station controller in the 3G mobile network.
then W-CDMA and HSPA subscriptions will reach 3,100 million
and LTE will attain 4,300 million subscriptions, so in upcoming Key features of 3G
years 3G and 4G technologies will difficult to handle the mobile
traffics. 5G subscriptions are expecting to be commercial In this section elaborately discussed about the key features of
technology from 2020 onwards and it can assure 5G is capable of 3G involvement.
managing the mobile traffic. The purpose of the research is a W-CDMA: W-CDMA developed by the GSM community to
detailed study on 3G, 4G, and 5G network technologies. support the 3G service and launched by Telia Sonera on
October 2014 from Finland . W-CDMA was particularly
utilized for mobile data transmission by little satellites. It has
included high-speed packet access (HSPA), high-speed uplink
packet access, high-speed downlink packet access (HSDPA),
One of the most active technology is wireless communication have enhanced throughput and capacity. It improved the
coverage and decrease system delays.
network, it offers a connection between different types of
network without cables [1]. In this research, discussing Applications of 3G
technical standards of 3G, 4G and 5G mobile technologies
whereas, Code Division Multiple Access2000 (CDMA2000), 3G has supported real time application services to the smart
Wideband CDMA (W-CDMA), Long-Term Evolution (LTE) phone users with high speed access. Some of the applications
and World-Wide Interoperability for Microwave Access (Wi- are [4]:
Max). The broad-range of mobile communication systems are
diverse from the other following key features like, data rates, Video on Demand (VOD): Video on Demand has provided a
radio access, switching methodologies and bandwidth. The scalable service to the 3G subscribers than 2G. VOD has
speed of the 3G has 2 Mbps capacity and the 4G data rate is offered the service to the users based on the availability of a
2Mbps to 1Gbps. 5G is Capable for following web network. It has provided the services through a satellite
applications through wireless communication System. 50 network over a wide geographic area. The network resources
billion wireless devices would be connected to the global IP
were involved to supply the data while the large number of
network, which helps to access the advanced requirements. 5G
will be improve the important key elements like high users demanding on a continuous basis.
throughput, high reliability, low latency, increased scalability
and energy efficiency [2]. Global Positioning System (GPS): GPS has provided the
exact location and on time information in geographical areas,
based on satellite navigation system. So that anyone could
3G launched in Japan on October 2001 by NTT DoCoMo. 3G access the location information through a GPS receiver with
given a good experience for the mobile user, it provided high 3G broadband access. The GPS program is the backbone of air
speed connection rather than the previous generations [3]. The traffic system and it provides essential ability to a military
essential factor of this technology is to merge the wireless network, civil and commercial users around the world.
principles like Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA),
Global system for Mobile communication (GSM) and CDMA.
Three interface modes are W-CDMA, CDMA2000 and Wi- Location-Based Services (LBS): It considered the same as a
Max, compatible easy with previous network standards. 3G general class of computer program-level services in 3G
network. LBS has make use of in a variety of perspective, less than earlier. so the symbol duration is longer. It improves
such as personal life, work, health, entertainment, identify the the performance of physical layer and data link layers.
location of the object, discovering nearest bank machine,
MIMO: MIMO in terms of Multiple Inputs and Multiple
vehicle tracking services, parcel tracking, friend or employee. outputs, MIMO technique tested on 1998 at Bell Labs. It can
Mobile TV (MTV): Television was watched through a mobile broadcast and receive multiple radio links by exploited
device and hand-held device with 3G speed. 3G mobile multipath transmission techniques. The essential factors of
networks provided a clear vision of mobile TV services with wireless communication technology are HSPA+3G, IEEE
high speed broadband access. The global television stations 802.11n (Wi-Fi), IEEE 802.11ac (Wi-Fi), Wi-Max (4G) and
provided TV services and delivered. It has additional features Mesh networks (e.g.) Digital home. MIMO mainly vary from
smart antenna techniques to develop the performance of a
like downloading then saving the TV programs from the
single data signal in the vein of beam forming and diversity.
Video conferencing (VC): Video conference was allowed in MU-MIMO: MU-MIMO stands for Multi-user MIMO and its
multiple locations to communicate instantly with 3G speed. additional content with low complexity mobile phones by the
Video conference was different from videophone calls. It has use of few antennas. Improved user throughput was suitable
designed for conference purpose too at any place to a group of better for managing the complex mobile devices with
people. numerous antennas.
Challenges in 3G
LTE: LTE was launched on December 2009 by Telia Sonera
Network operators should check the network coverage and from Norway and sweedan. LTE stands on OFDM, MIMO
capacity of requirements for deployment of more base stations techniques along with continuous to the development by
to increase capex and opex. 3GPP. The current mobile telecommunication systems reached
3G observed strong growth in worldwide consumption. It was worldwide and it provides broadband wireless service through
very hard for telecom operators to get the 3G service license in LTE and WIMAX telecommunication technologies. The
such cases, like to sustain large amounts of liability. mobile subscribers (MS) are like to connect the Smartphone to
internet through Base stations (BS), at the same time it
III.FOURTH GENERATION (4G) controls the channel access of mobile users too. Both LTE and
WIMAX are carrying by Frequency division duplex (FDD)
4G launched on 2010 by Telia sonera from Finland. It is and Time division duplex (TDD). LTE-A has maintained that
providing a better solution than 2G and 3G. Third generation picocells, femtocells and multi-carrier channels up to 100
project partnership (3GPP) was standardised as LTE- MHZ wide. LTE has been seize with GSM / UMTS and
Advanced. The main difference between 3G and 4G are access CDMA operators [7].
methodology, data transfer rate, transmission terminology and
security. “Anytime”, “Anywhere” mobile user can access the Applications of 4G
multimedia data like videos and voice calls with securely [5].
The user can access the Internet and send e-mails by using
HSPA (high-speed packet access). It can enable for notebooks 4G gives more integrity through OFDM with Wi-Max, it can
be delivered up to 70 mbps over a wireless technology, and
and replace their fixed Digital subscriber line (DSL) modems
indoor user can be reach up to 1Gbps. 4G has a facility to
with HSPA modems. 4G IMT-advanced wireless systems
transfers data like audio, video and pictures during voice call.
consist of LTE-Advanced, 3GPP and mobile Wi-Max. LTE–A Based on environmental factors, it has changed the time and
and IEEE family standards increase data rates and enhance other settings. Mobile phones are guiding the mobile owners
system spectral efficiency in addition to supports compatibility in right way, 4G has a facility of network interoperability, and
with their respective earlier release it makes available personalized multimedia communication
tools and services. Telecom vendors have been attaining a
4g features and standards good position in market place.
OFDMA: The Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access Challenges in 4G
(OFDMA) achieving high spectral efficiency, supported on 4G provides secure IP address to the mobile user, it will be
channel allocation scheme, the downlink transmission signal vulnerable to all the Security threats as the recent mobile
transmit from the base station and mobile terminals can world. Commonly a core network shared by all network
receive the signal. This technique used to splits the data to be operators and services, so there is a chance to collapse the
transmit along the orthogonal narrowband carriers well spaced entire network architecture by a single network operator.
by frequency [6]. OFDM transmitter splits the information Spam over Internet telephony (SPIT), Spam over VOIP may
into a number of parallel sub streams, drive to the every sub be in the form of threats on the e-mail system. In misdirecting
stream on a dissimilar frequency (sub-carrier). If the total date communication have leads to cause some Internet banking
rate resides the same, then the data rate on each sub–carrier is related frauds, spoofing attacks and so on.
IV. FIFTH GENERATION (5G) SBS antenna arrays are spotted in each and every building for
communicating with MBS. All User types of equipment in a
building can have a connection to another User Equipment
In the mobile networking generation has evolution and growth
either through the SBS or mm-wave, Wi-Fi, and VLC. The
which has determined by wireless user devices, Quality of parting of user’s results in fewer loads on an MBS. Mobile
Experience (QOE) and data usage. In 2020, above 50 billion small cell fixed in a vehicle then build the user access with
devices are likely to be connect and make use of the mobile equipments from inside the vehicle, subsequently large
network sources [8]. 4G wireless is not viable to provide antenna are fixed outside the vehicle to communicate on MBS.
support in the future, the mobile data traffic has been All the user type of equipments fixed inside the vehicle or a
explosion and this development is expected to continue in the single unit corresponding MBS and SBS appears to all the
upcoming years. 5G wireless system can be bring as much as user type of equipments.
1000 and above times of the capability offered by today’s
mobile world. CRN architecture: A CRN is grouping of cognitive radio
5G cellular networks underline and deal with three categories. nodes or processors called as a secondary user (SU), and
i. Centralized user has providing 24x7 device develop the previous spectrum speculator. SU have a property
connectivity, smooth user experience with like intelligence, efficiency, reliability, and adaptive for
uninterrupted services. operating and monitoring multiple channels. Primary users
ii. A Centralized service provider delivering intelligent (PU) have a fixed bandwidth through high transmit power and
transport system, critical monitoring services, high reliability ,whichever a MBS or a SBS has cognitive
sensors, vehicular roadside services. properties for operational on different channels [8].
iii. Centralized network operator is provides scalability,
Types of CRN architecture for 5G
energy efficiency, and secure infrastructure
(i) Cooperative CRN: SBS communicates through an MBS
Wireless networks could be accommodate pre-existing
utilize licensed services to its UE and to serve up UE. An
technologies and applications like a machine to machine
SBS access the approved channel for transferring the data to
(M2M) in applications need quality of service (QOS) then
higher spectral with energy efficiency.
(ii) Non-cooperative CRN: CRN implements Multi-RAT
Two-tier architecture of 5g
systems have two separate radio interfaces, PU has an
unoccupied cognitive channel and SU has formed a CRN. The
In this section, discussed about the proposed architectures of two networks called as the upper layer and the physical layer.
5G like (cognitive radio networks (CRN), and cloud RAN (C- Cognitive and certified channels are worn by users near or
RAN), Device to Device communication (D2D). Two-tier extreme away from the MBS. It also used for relaxed QOS,
architecture have proposed in earlier time research works, strict QOS respectively.
where the mobile Base station (MBS) stays on upper tier
Smart base station (SBS) under the control of MBS in the D2D for 5G: It allows the UEs to communicate every one with
bottom tier. Small cells and Macrocell share the frequency licensed bandwidth frequency exclusive of MBS [9].
band. Macrocell cover all the small cells like femtocell,
Types of D2D
picocell, and microcell. The small cells strengthen the
coverage and services of a macro cell. CRN-based and D2D
i. Device Relaying with Operator Controlled link
communication improves two-tier architecture to multi-tier
architecture. A group of people can access the mobile network
ii. Direct D2D Communication with Operator
inside the bus or train is considered as an indoor system. For
Controlled link establishment.
outdoor users system also has segregated mobile network.
iii. Device relaying with device controlled link
MBS holding the large antenna ranges and distributed some
antenna elements around the macro cell and through fiber
iv. Direct D2D with Device Controlled link
optics MBS has to be connected.
CATEGORIZATION OF THE CELLS Cloud Based RAN architecture: China mobile institute introduced
the first C-RAN. MBS is implementing the functions; the
Cells Series User equipment cloud splits the functionality of MBS into a control layer data
Macro cell 30-35 km many layer.
In this section, we proposed two layers in this paper, as
Micro cell 2 km >100
Pico cell 200 m 20-40 1. Control layer of C-RAN: It attains baseband processing and
Femto cell 10-20 m few network management, resource management, Seamless
mobility, power control, security.
2. Data layer of C-RAN: It consist of various substantial type of service providers using the same device. 5G supports
resources and performs signal processing tasks e.g. channel virtual private network and it provides subscriber supervision
decoding multiplexing, , fast Fourier transformation [11]. tool for fast performance. Monitoring and diagnose the
mobility services using the remote access management tools.
Advantages 5G networks will support the new methodologies and
 An easy network management. techniques like Network Function Virtualization (NFV),
 Cost reduction. Software Defined Network (SDN), Massive MIMO
 Save energy of MBS, UEs. (mMIMO), D2D communication, Visual Light communication
 Spectrum utilization has improved. (VLC), Fast caching and Multiple Radio access technologies.

Applications of 5G networks

The salient features of 5G networks work with high-speed data

Mobility management Congestion control transfer, and Reliable connectivity with zero percent latency.
Here specifying the very significant applications of 5G
Security and privacy networks as follows.
QOS management Handoff management Control
Virtual vision and navigation: All times the 5G provides user
layer services, even if the user in off-site. It offers virtual navigation
Channel access
through which a user can right to use a database in a street
Network Management view by high-speed data transmission.
Baseband Unit
Personal admittance: 5G networks able to sustaining a broad
Very high speed connection
range of user equipment, from scalable to various devices and
also supports the data demands in the vein of voice
communication, web access and multimedia data.
Tele-geo-processing: Geographical Information System and
Data Layer Global Positioning System are a arrangement of a
geographical system in which a user can get the location by
Management of crisis: Communication systems can cause
break down due to the natural disaster. In earlier generations
has taken days or weeks to renovate the system, but in 5G
expectant to restore and solve the issues in an hours.
Figure 1-Cloud based architecture for 5G Health care assistance: 5G will support remote hospitality
management systems. Patients need not go to the hospital
Challenges in C-RAN instead of that patient can meet the doctor through video
The security and confidentiality issues involved while conference assistance at anytime and anywhere.
transferring data from RRH to BBUs in the cloud computing Virtualized homes: C-RAN (Cloud Radio Access Networks)
environment [12]. Inherent Challenge involved C-RAN with architecture adopts all the upper layer application services, so
wireless cellular communication. the user can access the mobile TV with low-cost equipment.
Key features of 5G
Smart cities: It connects virtualized home and business areas
like stores and offices. All the digital equipments like printer,
5G offers the high resolutions for the Smartphone with the LCD, conditioners, temperature maintenance are connected in
high quality of services for the end users with Mobile brand a single way user can feel the great experience.
band technologies (MBB). 5G networks allow the users to Industrial support: 5G supports for industrial robots, drones,
access the big repository of data and services. A user has the sensors, mobile devices with high-speed accessibility, also
flexibility to access the data and services from various outside manage and operate the industrial application services.
requests by filtering option. For example: a mobile user can Education: People can study online courses from anywhere in
receive the alerts from various discount offers while buying the world through 5G internet access.
the clothes in a mall. Network heterogeneity refers to access
Challenges in 5G
the different type of networks such as Wi-Max, UMTS.
Terminal heterogeneity refers to the terminal size, display and
5G is a secure IP-based solution it will be responsible for all
power reduction factor. 5G is expecting to offer above 1Gbps
the security threats in the current internet world. It can be
in Local area network 500 Mbps in wide area network
expect some threats while implementing the 5G network.
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This research describes a detailed review of 3G, 4G and 5G

wireless standards. Wireless network provides efficiency,
scalability, and reliable services. This paper vastly discussed
the key features, applications, and challenges of the mobile
generations. The 3G, 4G and 5G consist of every form of
advanced characteristics which makes mobile technology as
more powerful; especially 5G have a huge demand in close to
upcoming era.
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