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Molex M-100 Catalog 1973

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Index Page
CONNECTORS - Plugs and Receptacles with Terminals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-9 Lamp Push
Flat Blade Connectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . 7 Button Switch
International Pin Connectors........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Page 16
Miniature Pin Connectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5
Phono Receptacle for PC Board. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Relay Connector . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Standard Pin Connectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3
Switch, Miniature Snap-Action, Connectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Tube and Socket Connectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 14-Circuit
DISTRIBUTORS ........................................................ 22 Relay Socket
Page 8
INDEX ..... .. ......................... .. .................... Inside Front Cover
INTRODUCTION •...•.•............................•...................
NEW PRODUCTS .............................................. Inside Front Cover
PRINTED CIRCUIT CONNECTORS AND TERMINALS ...... .... .............. . 10-15
Board to Board Interconnections ..........•................................ 10-12
Board to Chassis Interconnections .................. .. ...................... . 10-12
Konektcon Modular Interconnect System •.................................. 10·11
Edge con Edge Connectors ....... . ...................................... . 13 PC Phono
lnconect 12 Receptacle
PRINTED CIRCUIT TERMINALS ......................................... . 14-15 Page 9
Claspcon ............................................................ . 15
IC Connections ....................................................... . 14
Soldercon .......................................................... . 14
Solder Tail Terminals... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Transistor Connections • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Wafercon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
SWITCHES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . • . 16-18
Phonograph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Push Button, lighted..................................................... 16-17
Push Button/Receptacle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Rocker Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Special Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
TECHNICAL CATALOGS . . . . .. . . .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . . .. .. . .. .. .. . . .. .. .. . . .. . 23
International . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
IC Connections
U. S. and Canada ............................... . . • ..... .• .. • . • .. Inside Back Cover
Page 14
TOOLING • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • 19-21
Crimping, Automatic Machines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Hand Tools, Crimping and Assembly......................................... 19
Vibrator Terminal Assembly Machines........................................ 20

© 1972, 1973 Molex Incorporated

Creating Components
That Simplify Circuitry

Connectors, Terminals, Interconnection Systems,

Modular Connecting Devices
Switching Components, Applications Tools . ..
These are our products ... ard and miniature terminating, con-
But our business is creating them necting, and switching devices.
in the most usable shapes and forms MOLEX also offers and services a
imaginable ... developing, design- complete line of hand tools, semi-
ing, and engineering economical automatic, and fully automatic
simplicity into electrical/electronic wire stripping and crimping ma-
components . . . producing com- chines.
ponents that lower assembly, test- But why do people responsible
ing, and servicing costs ... as they for so many leading products turn
increase versatility and reliability. to MOLEX? ACTION!! It's as
This is what sets MOLEX apart simple as that. MOLEX proves
from others in the field . . . the continuous:ty that its "person-to-
ability to create new concepts and person" approach to problem solv-
translate these concepts into prac- ing saves time and money and pro-
tical products, which save time, vides its customers with products
money, and man hours. developed to meet their specific
requirements. The MOLEX repre-
MOLEX was founded on these sentative you deal with is experi-
concepts in 1938inDownersGrove, enced in solving connecting and
illinois, near Chicago, and today, switching problems ... And he is
MOLEX electrical/electronic com- backed up by a team of experts
ponents are being used worldwide. at the home office.
Every year, millions of MOLEX Your MOLEX man knows what
components become an integral will and will not work in a product
part of electrical/electronic systems and on the production line. If one
used in household appliances, com- of our standard products doesn't
puters, home entertainment units, meet your parameters, he can get
business machines, communica- something off the drawing board
tions equipment, automobiles, and into production that will ...
medical electronics, instrumenta- for MOLEX people are not only
tion, aircraft, vending machines, knowledgeable but they have the
leisure-time vehicles, etc. facilities and the desire to meet
your requirements. In service; in
The components manufactured products; in action- MOLEX de-
by MOLEX are a variety of stand- livers. We want your business.
Connectors-Plugs and Receptacles with Terminals
Series 03-09 Nylon
Series 04-09 Phenolic




Molex connectors with crimped business machines, home entertain- voltage connector rated for 5,000
wire terminals are being specified ment units, and instrumentation. volts and 12 amps.
for some of man's most exciting From 1 to 15 circuits can be Most of the nylon connectors
circuitry because they offer relia- connected by the molded nylon have integrally molded mounting
bility, versatility, and economy. plugs and connecting receptacles. ears for snap-in, quick mounting
The Molex connector saves time The series 04-09 phenolic con- of either the plug or receptacle in
and labor for mass production as- nector, model1055,houses 3 to 60 an .093-inch thick panel (note
sembly, and provides a better mode circuits in multiples of 3. model 1261 detail). Most have a
of connection. Companies can pro- holding tab (model 1375 detail),
duce sub-assemblies more econom- The .093-inch diameter termi- and all are polarity keyed.
ically in remote locations by using nals attach to 14- through 30- Male and female terminals may
connectors to integrate compo- gauge insulated wire. Male and be assembled in either the plug or
nents at final assembly. female terminal pins are easily receptacle. Normally, male termi-
A further advantage of Molex crimped to wire leads with hand nals are housed in the plug and
connectors is their use for making tools, semi-automatic bench ma- mate with female terminals in the
production line reliability checks. chines, or high-speed machines that receptacle (models 1545/1360) ,
The plug-in connectors facilitate cut, strip, and crimp. The termi- but may be interchanged or mixed
performance tests on the spot ... nals lock into the connector, but (models 1816 and 1375 detail) .
for guaranteeing that components are easily removed. Phenolic connectors can be
function properly. Molex standard pin connectors mounted on panels with a jack
Field installation and service of are UL and CSA listed for maxi- screw assembly as shown (model
components connected by Molex mums of 250V and 12 amps per 1055) or with a bracket or clip.
connectors is easier and econom- circuit for 1-3 circuits; 9 amps 4-9
ical. Trouble-shooting and repair circuits; and 7.5 amps 12-15 cir-
work is simplified. cuits. Nylon connectors operate to Series 03-Q9 nylon 6/6
Typical applications are for a maximum of 105° C. Maximum Models: 1951, 1619, 1545, 1396, 1490, 1292
for phenolic is 325o F. 1360,1375,1261 , 1653 , 1816.
home appliances, automobiles, Circuits: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 12, 15 (model
computers, vending dispensers, Model ~951 is a !-circuit, high- 1816 for 2, 3, or 4 circuits).

Terminal size: .093-in. dia. (2, 4mm) , with
cri mp or PC tail .

Terminal material : Tin-plated brass, tin-
Model 1375 - Most models
plated phosphor bronze, modified copper,
available with holding tabs and
selective or overall gold plating. 0
all are keyed for polarity. 11Jo
Wire size: 14- through 30..gauge, insulated Male and female terminals may
(model 1816 connects 18 gauge wire with
5/64-in. insulation). 1•0 • • 31 /32 be intermixed.
352 250
<1111 Model 1545- Typical overall
Terminal crimping: Hand crimp tools, semi- Receptacle Plug dimensions.
automatic bench, or high-speed cut, strip,
crimping machine (see pages 19-21).
Panel mounting: Mounting ears molded on
most models for snap-lock mounting of ~ <1111 Model 1360 - Typical overall
plug or receptacle in .093-in. thick panel.
Locking device: Holding tabs on most models
secure plug in receptacle. ~ ··~"'~"'
Color: Standard nylon white, or at extra
cost color dyed amber, black, blue, brown, Model 1261 - Molded ears pro-
green, grey, orange, red, yellow. vide quick snap-in mounting of
1-1/32 41/64 47/64 31/32 plug or receptacle. IIJo
Raceptacle Plug
Series 04-09 Phenolic
Model : 1055. .093 TERMINALS
Circuits: 3 through 60 in unit multiples of 3. (Male) Wire Gauge (Female)
Terminals: Size , material, wire gauge, and -jAt'- 1190 14 through 20 1189
crimping same as above.
Panel mounting: With nylon jack screw,
metal bracket, or clip.
18 through 22
24 through 30

.093 A .120
Color: Black .468 B .468
.125 c .125
(For additional specifications and details see .125 D .125
Molex catalog M200 : CONNECTORS AND .078 E .078

Connectors-Plugs and Receptacles with Terminals
Series 03-06 Nylon
Series 04-06 Phenolic




Model1821-& lledll182&-1&
witll Stnilt Rlfilf (1815)

The demand for miniature con- These connectors are UL and of .060-inch maximum thickness.
ne ctors grows bigger by the day. CSA listed for maximum use at Molded holding tabs (model
Manufacturers of computers, busi- 250V per circuit. They are designed 1625-9 detail) also offered on most
ness machines, portable appliances, for 5 amps per circuit for 1- to 15- of the nylon connectors, assure a
communications equipment, etc., circuit models, and 4 amps per cir- strong connection.
require smaller components; and cuit in the 24- and 36-circuit
Molex miniature connectors are models. Molex miniature connec- Series 04-06 phenolic connectors
meeting these demands. tors of nylon function without can be mounted on panels with a
The connectors have .062-inch loss of contact stability to maxi- jack screw assembly (model1725)
diameter, crimp-type terminals for mum operating temperatures of or bracket or clip.
insulated wires ranging from 18- 1050 C, and to 3250 F for phenolic Nylon connectors can be or-
through 30-gauge. Terminals can types. dered in standard white, or, at a
be specified in different materials, Male and female terminals can slight cost, dyed in any of nine
including gold plate. be inserted in either the plug or Molex colors. Phenolic connectors
receptacle , or they can be inter- come in black only.
Hand tools, semi-automatic
bench machines, or high-speed ma- mixed (note models 2004 and
chines that cut, strip, and crimp 1625-9 detail). Normally, the male
can be used for attaching terminals terminals are housed in the plug
to lead wires . The miniature ter- and mate with female terminals in
minals lock into the receptacle or the receptacle (models 1625-3 and
plug, and easily are inserted or re- 1625-6).
moved with simple hand tools. Most of the nylon connectors Series 03-06 nylon 6/6
Molded nylon connectors are sup- are available with integrally molded Models : 1625, 1649, 1772, 2004
plied for 1 through 36 circuits, and mounting ears (model 1625-12 Circuits: 1, 2 , 3 , 4, 5, 6, 8 (mod el 1649) , 9,
phenolic types for 4 through 104 detail) for quick snap-mounting of 12, 15, 24,36 (model1772) . Mod el 2004
circuits. either plug or receptacle in a panel in 4 -ci rcuit only .

Model 1772·36
with Strain Relief (1864)



T er mina l size : .062 in . dia. (1,6mm), with Model 1625-9 - Most models

crimp tail . available with holding tabs and
Ter m inal material: T in-pl ated br ass , t i n- o ~ all are keyed for polarity. ...
plated phosp hor bronze, selective or over- Male and female terminals may
all go ld plating . l~ be intermixed.
Wire size : 18- t o 30-ga uge, insulated ,
Ter minal cr imping : Hand cri mp t oo ls, se mi-
25/32~ 3/4
3/16 9/32 011111 Model 1625-3-Typical overall
auto matic bench , or hi gh-speed cut , stri p , Receptacle Plug dimensions.
crimpin g mach ine (see pages 19-21 ).
Panel mount ing : Mo untin g ears molded on
most models f or sn ap-l o ck mo unting of
plug o r receptacle in ,060-in , th ick pa nel. .u ~
· dimenSIOnS,

~J ..,doi1625-12-Moldod~
8-cir cuit model 1649 mo unts in .062-in,
panel ,
Lock ing dev ice : Ho ldin g t abs o n mo st models ::•
secure plug in re cept acle.
Color : St andar d nylo n w hit e, or dyed at 25132
~164 3 / 4 provide quick snap-in mount-
ing of plug or receptacle. ...
sli ght cost in nine avai lable Molex co lo rs, Receptacle Plug
Series 04-06 phenolic
Model : 172 5 .062 TERMINALS
Circu its : 4 thro ugh 104 in unit multi ples of 4. !At: 1Ar

(Male) Wire Gauge (Female)
Ter minals : Size, materi al, wire size, and
cri mping same as above,
Pane l mount ing : Mount with nylo n jack
screw asse m bly, or meta l bracket or cli p.

24 through 30
18 through 22



Color : Black. .656 B .640
(F or addi ti o nal speci f icatio ns and deta ils see
.080 c .080
.076 0 .076
Mo lex cat alog M 200 : CONN ECTORS AND

~ Connectors-Plugs and Receptacles with Terminals
'-../ Series 19-09 Nylon

International connector specifica- The connectors are UL listed, (For additional specifications and detai Is see
tions often vary from those of the per circuit, for 600V AC at 11 amps Molex catalog M200: CONNECTORS AND
U.S. The Molex international con- (3 circuit), 9 amps (6-circuit), 8 TERMINALS.)
nector , series 19-09, meets foreign amps (9-circuit) , and 6 amps (15-
requirements with 3-, 6-, 9-, and circuit). They also accept heavier
15-circuit 1991 molded nylon than usual insulation on leads. TYPICAL OVERALL DIMENSIONS
models. In addition a 12-circuit
model is planned for production
in the near future. SPECIFICATIONS
The 1991 connectors feature Series 19-09 nylon 6/6
the Molex integrally molded recep- Models: 1991-3, 1991-6, 1991 -9, 1991 -15.
Circuits: 3, 6, 9, 15 (query for 12-circuit
tacle/plug locking device and op- availability).
tional mounting ears for panel as- Terminal size: .093-in. dia. (2,4mm) .
sembly. Their "egg-crate" housing Terminal material: Tin-plated brass, tin-
design for terminal protection pro- plated phosphor bronze, selective or over-
vides for 4mm over-surface spacing all gold plating.
between terminals (note detail Receptacle and plug- available with
Wire size: 14- through 30-gauge, heavy insu-
or without mounting ears and posi-
drawing), and 4mm spacing be- lation.
tive holding tabs.
tween the back of the connector Amp rating: Per circuit at 600VAC : 11 amps
and the end of the crimped termi- (3-circuit), 9 amps (6-circuit), 8 amps (9- --1 f-4- 4mm over surface
circuit), 6 amps (15 -circuit) .
nal. Molex 1991 connectors are
Terminal crimping: Hand crimp tools, semi-
designerl to meet European and automatic bench, or high-speed cut, strip,
Japanese requirements in addition crimping machine (see pages 19-21 ).
to those of ULand CSA. Panel mounting: Mounting ears available
optionally for snap-lock mounting of
Terminals .093 inches in dia- plug or receptacle in .062-in. ( 1 ,6mm)
meter (2,4mm), for 14- through maximum thickness panel.
30-gauge insulated wire, can be Locking device: Holding tabs secure plug in
specified in tin-plated brass, tin- receptacle.
Terminal spacing meets CEE and
plated phosphor bronze, selective Color: Standard nylon white, or dyed at VDE specifications.
and overall gold plating. slight cost in nine available Molex colors.

~ Connectors-Plugs and Receptacles with Terminals =~
r -"' """"'\ -:r=a 0

molex 1
Series 06-01 Nylon

Molex 1/4-inch flat blade series

06-01 connectors are for higher-
current carrying applications; ones
that draw a maximum of 18 amps
per contact on a 250V circuit.
These connectors operate to a
maximum temperature of 1050 C.
Low friction insertion and with-
drawal, and keyed mating for posi-
tive polarity connection are other
advantages. They are UL listed
and approved in models for 2, 3,
4, 15, and 30 circuits.
Optional, integrally molded
holding tabs can be specified on
most models. Integrally molded
mounting ears allow easy, snap-lock
mounting into a panel of .062-inch
maximum thickness. Model 1257
for 15 and 30 circuits requires
metal mounting clips.

Series 06-01 nylon 6/6
Models: 1184,1183,1181,1257.
Circuits: 2, 3, 4, 15, 30,
Terminal size: 1/4-in. wide (6,4mm).
Terminal material: tin-plated brass.
Wire size: 10- through 20-gauge, insulated,
Amp rating: 18 amps maximum per contact,
Terminal crimping: Hand crimp tools, semi-
automatic bench, or high-speed cut, strip,
crimping machines (see pages 19-21).
Panel mounting: Integrally molded mounting
ears for snap-lock mounting in .062-in.
(1,6mm) maximum thickness panel.
Locking device: Optional holding tabs on
most models.
Color: Standard nylon white, or dyed in
nine available Molex colors at slight cost.
(For additional specifications and details refer Model12&7
to Molex catalog M200: CONNECTORS


1 11132
" ~ ~1-11/32
29/64 9/16

~ Connectors
Series 03-09 Series 06-02

A 14-circuit relay connector of

molded nylon material houses com-
pletely-insulated Molex crimp-type
miniature terminals. The .100-inch,
spring-tempered, tin-plated brass
terminals can be crimped to 18-
through 24-gauge wire. This series
06-02 model1852 relay connector
can be mounted in a panel up to SERIES 06-02
.093-inch maximum thickness. The
usual standard relay mounting
screw fits into a socket opening,
which is designed as a friction lock,
and is held firmly in the socket.
Tube and socket receptacles for
8, 9, and 11 circuits provide for
standard crimp-type .093-inch dia-
meter terminals for 14- tluough
30-gauge insulated wire. Mode118&2 Connector housing snap-locks in panel
for mounting. Relay base screw pro-
Molex tube and relay receptacles vides friction lock to connector.
may be mounted in .093-inch, or
.062-inch, maximum thickness
panels. ·
A tube and socket plug, model
1664, also is available for a nine-
circuit connection.

Series 06-02 nylon 6/6 SERIES 03-09
Models: 1852.
Circuits: 14.
Terminal size: .1 00-in. flat.
Terminal material: Spring-tempered, tin·
plated brass.
Wire size: 18- through 241Jauge, insulated.
Terminal crimping: Hand-crimp tools, semi· Model
automatic bench, or high-speed cut, strip, 14120·3
crimping machine (see pages 19-21 ).
Panel mounting: Molded single ear for snap-
mounting in ,093-in. (2,4mm) thickness
Locking device: Relay screw anchored by
connector friction lock,
Color: Standard nylon white, or at slight cost, Model1884
dyed in nine available Molex colors. Model
Series 03·9 nylon 6/6 Wire size: 14- through 30-gauge, insulated. .062-in. (1,6mm) maximum thickness
Models: 1412, 1664. Terminal crimping: Hand-crimp tools, semi· panel.
Circuits: 8, 9, 11 (model1664 tube and relay automatic bench, or high-speed cut, strip, Color: Standard nylon white, or at slight
socket 9-circuit only). crimping machine (see pages 19-21 ). cost, dyed in nine available Molex colors.
Terminal size: .093-in. dia. (2,4mm). Panel mounting: Model1412 tube and relay (For additional specifications and details see
Terminal material : Tin-plated brass, phosphor receptacles with optional mounting ears, Molex catalog M200: CONNECTORS AND
bronze, modified copper, overall gold or screw flanges for above or below panel TERMINALS, or Sales Technical Data
plating, mounting. Mount in .093-in, (2,4mm) or Sheets,)

~ Connectors
Series 06-02 Nylon

A nylon-molded Molex connector

for either 1 or 3 circuits for minia-
ture snap-action switches is UL
listed for up to 10 amps, and max-
imum operating temperature to
105° C. The model 2211 and 2191
switch connectors house 3/16-inch
flat, spring-type terminals.

Series 06-02 nylon 6/6
Models: 2211, 2191.
Circuits: 1, 3.
Terminal size: 3/16-in. flat.
Terminal material: Tin-plated brass.
Wire size: 18- through 22-gauge, insulated.
Terminal crimping: Hand-<:rimp tools, semi-
automatic bench, or high-speed cut, strip,
crimping machine (see pages 19-21 ).
Color: Standard nylon white, or at slight
Modll 2191·3
cost, dyed in nine available Molex colors.
(For additional specifications and details see
Molex catalog M200: CONNECTORS AND
TERMINALS, or Sales Technical Data Sheets.)

Series 15-24

The Molex PC board receptacle as-

sembly for a phonograph jack is of
molded nylon, with a hard-temper,
tin-plated outer shell and snap-in
solder tabs for mounting. The re-
ceptacle can be assembled on a PC
board to .062-inch maximum thick-
ness. It extends 3/8 inches above.
A clearance hole allows for any
length jack insertion. The recep-
tacle is UL listed, and operates to a
maximum temperature of 1050 C.

Series 15-24
Models: 2181.
Circuits: 1.
Terminal size: For standard phonograph jack.
Terminal material; Tin-plated brass.
Panel mounting: Snap-in tabs for PC board
soldering. Maximum panel board thick-
ness .062-i n. ( 1 ,6mm).
(For additional specifications and details see
Molex catalog M400 : CONNECTORS AND
TERMINALS, or Sales Technical Data Sheets.)

~ Printed Circuit Connectors and Terminals
KONEKTCON ~ Board and Chassis Connections
\....../ Series 09-50/52/57/60/64/65 Series 08-50 Series 08-54

Konektcon is a versatile and adapt-

able interconnecting system de-
signed by Molex for almost any
printed circuit requirement.
The system is unlike anything
else available to the assembler of
printed circuits, and the exponent
of modularization.
The Konektcon system makes
possible almost any form of board-
to-board, board-to-component,and 01-67·11&
chassis-to-board PC connection. c......ouatWifw
Four basic connectors, using their inlrcoDIICtor
assembled male or female terminals
in various modes, permit the de-
signer to complete the most com-
plex of interconnections.
Konektcon is built around the
unique Molex use of .045-inch
rigid square wire male pins (series 09-8&-1NX
08-54). These tin-plated pins can Frlctio1 lock wtfw
be specified in 1/2-inch to 2-inch intlrcoiiiiCtOr
lengths , permitting a stacking
arrangement for multiple board 09·80-1N1
connections to the same circuits.
Polarizing Wiler
By using the Molex vibration
assembly method (see page 20),
pins are positioned into a .050-
inch diameter hole at a rate of up
to 300 per minute, and then wave 01-&2·311
soldered. B-.1 ii1IROD...:tor,
A round male pin, 0.45 inches .......icullr X =terminal length
in diameter and mounted in a N =#of circuits
ny Ion support wafer, also can be
used. No special staking equip- board-to-board, parallel; board-to- Board edge connectors with
ment is needed. The pin is sup- board, perpendicular; board-to- crimped t erminal leads (series 09-
plied in specified lengths from chassis; and for three-circuit power 50) mate with .062-inch thick
3/4-inch to 1-3/8-inches for 2 transistor connections. boards.
through 18 circuits (model 09-64) . Crimp or PC board solder tail
Pins are on .156-inch centers. A female terminals are available. SPECIFICATIONS
similar wafer (series 09-65) for Crimp-type terminals are used in HARNESS CONNECTOR
round male pins has an added the cable-to-board connectors Series 09-50 nylon 6/6
friction locking device. This snaps (series 09-50) in various units for Models: 2139.
over a molded ramp on the female 3 to 24 circuits, and for power Circuits: 3, 4, 5 , 6, 8, 12, 15, 24.
connector (recommended with transistor connections (series 09- Terminal type: Double cantilever bellows
less than six circuits) . 52-3030). These terminals can be crimp type ,
A locking, snap-in wafer for Terminal material : Tin -plated brass, selective
crimped to 22- through 26-gauge or overall gold plating.
chassis mounting (series 09-57) wire, or 18- through 22-gauge. The Wire size: Terminals 2478 crimp 18- through
and a polarizing wafer for board 3-circuit model with mounting 22-gauge insulated wire; terminals 2578
positioning (series 09-60) are avail- ears (09-50-4031) snap-locks into a crimp 22- through 26-gauge wire.
able also. .062-inch (1,6mm) panel. Terminal spacing : .156-in. centers.
Three assemblies with female Terminals can be crimped with Panel mounting: 3-circuit with molded-on
mounting ears snap-locks into panel
terminals on .156-inch centers with Molex hand tools , semi-automatic, .062-in. (1,6mm) thick.
many variations available are used and high-speed automatic cut, strip, Locking device: Molded edge loc king ra mp :
for connecting cable-to-board; crimping machines. 2 ,3, 4,5,6 , 8,9, 12 , 15,24ci rcu iu .

09-52 Models


.10lJ 09-52-306X


09-50-XNO /"'

T--=.j ~5/64 TYP.~ f-- AsHook(s)

Boerd intarconnector, 1 Center
penllal Req'd.

Power tnnsistor connector

BOARDINTERCONNECTORS Pin size: .045-in. dia. or .045-i n. square wire, Panel mounting: Terminals extend through
3/4-in. thro ugh 1-3 /8-in . long. connector with solder tails for board
Series 09-52 nylon 6/6 mounting. Optional molded ears for snap-
Models: 2145 A, B & C. lock mounting in panel of .062-in.
Pin material: Brass, with tin plating or
Circuits: 3, 4, 6, 8, 10. (1 ,6mm) maximum thickness.
overall gold plating.
Terminal type : Double cantilever bellows (For additional specifications and details see
type with solder tail. Pin spacing: .1 56 -in . centers. Molex catalog M400: PRINTED CIRCUIT
Terminal material: Brass, with tin plating or CONNECTIONS, or Sales Technical Data
Panel mounting : Pins extend from wafer Sheets.)
overall gold plating. through board for soldering i n board of
Terminal spacing: .156-in. centers. .062-in . (1,6mm) Maximum t hickness. MALE PIN SPECIFICATIONS
Panel mounting: Terminals extend horizon-
tally one side or vertically (up or down) Series 08-54
through connector for soldering to parallel Models: 2161.
or perpendicular board. Size : 1/2, 3/4, 15/16, 1-3/16, 1-3/8,
Locking device: Molded edge locking ramp; .045-in. square wire.
molded hook support for stabilizing board. Series 09-50 and 09-52 nylon 6/6
Material: Brass, with tin plating or overall
Models: 2139-31 . A2169 . gold plating.
Circuits: 3. Assembly: Vibration positioning with tem-
Terminal type: .045-in. double cantilever plate for staking into .050-in. dia. PC
Series 09-57/60/64/65 nylon 6/6 bellows type with .080-in. square contact board hole and soldering (see page 20).
Models: A2220, A2403, A2402, A2391. opening: 09-50 crimp type ; 09-52 solder (Round wire .045-in. dia. can be substi-
Circuits: 2 through 18 with or without fric- tail. tuted, preassembled for board soldering in
tion lock (friction lock unavailable for Terminal material: Brass, with tin plating or nylon interconnection wafer, see series
chassis-mount series 09-57). overall gold plating. 09-64/65).

~ Printed Circuit Connectors and Terminals
INCONECT® Board and Chassis Connections
Series 09-08 Series 09-18

Modll1174 llellll1113
. . . . . .11
Series DNI

Slrilslll-11 ......
A fast production and assembly Terminals can be obtained in snap-lock ears for chassis cutout mounting,
perpendicular board/chassis connection
system for modular interconnec- several materials, for 18- through (model 2048).
tion of electrical and electronic PC 22-gauge wire. Parallel assemblies Locking device: Optional molded through-
assemblies ... that's Inconect. are designed with .250-inch termi- board locking arm (model1874), integral
For the designer; Inconect liber- nal centers, and snap-lock into aligning and holding track (model 2048).
alizes flexibility for modularization board cutouts. The perpendicular Series 09-18
and enhances reliability of connec- connection employs male terminals Models: 1863, 1868.
tions. This system also reduces as- that stake for soldering to the In- Circuits: 6.
sembly testing and servicing costs. conect assembly, with .300-inch Terminal size: Pre-assembled .093-in. dia. for
Model changes are simplified, and centers. wire wrapping (model 1863); pre-assem-
bled .093-in. dia. round pin.
the rugged construction of the Terminal material : Same as above except
components allows for wide toler- model1868 tin-plated brass only.
ance in connections. SPECIFICATIONS
Wire size: 18- through 22-gauge insulated
Series 09-08 wire (model1863).
Housings for the six-circuit male Models: 1874, 2048.
terminal components are of molded Terminal spacing: .250-in. centers, except
Circuits: 6. .300-in. center for model1868.
nylon material. Terminal size: .093-in. dia. crimp type. Terminal crimping: Same as above (not ap-
Basic applications are: parallel Terminal material: Tin-plated brass, selective plicable model 1868).
male board connections using .093- or overall gold plating. Panel mounting: Model 1863 has end snap-
inch diameter crimp-type terminals Wire size: 18- through 22-gauge insulated lock ears for chassis cutout mounting,
(model 1874) and pre-assembled wire. parallel board/chassis connection; model
Terminal spacing: .250-in. centers. 1868 stakes for soldering.
units for wire-wrapping (model Locking device: As above, locking arm
1863); perpendicular board con- Terminal crimping: Hand-crimp tools, semi-
automatic bench, or high-speed cut, strip, (model 1863), aligning track (model
nections with pre-assembled round crimping machine (see pages 19-21 ). 1868).
pins (model 1868); perpendicular Panel mounting: End snap-lock ears for (For additional specifications and details see
chassis-to-male board with male chassis cutout mounting, parallel board/ Molex catalog M400: PRINTED CIRCUIT
crimp-type terminals (model2048). chassis connection (model1874); side CONNECTIONS.).

~ Printed Circuit Connectors and Terminals
'-..._/ EDGECON®Edge Connectors
Series 09-01 Series 09-02

Fast assembly, reliability ,and econ-

omy are the major benefits in using SERIES 09-01
Edgecon,straight-on and right-angle
Molex edge connectors.
The color-coded nylon housings
are designed for 5 through 24 cir-
cuits. Individual terminals are on
.156-inch spacing with each circuit
rated to 10 amps maximum, for 18-
through 30-gauge wire.
Edgecon connectors mate with
PC boards of .063-inch thickness.
The Molex bifurcated flat terminal
makes excellent contact with both
board terminal contact faces. Ter-
minals are available in loose or
chain form for hand or machine

Model 1196-1
Series 09-01 nylon 6/6
Models: 1796 straight-on.
Circuits: 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 22, 24,
wit h .156-in. spacing.
Terminal material: Tin-plated brass, tin-
plated phosphor bronze, selective or
overa ll gold plat in g on nicke l.
Wire size: 18- through 30-gauge, insulated ,
depe nding on terminal.
Terminal rating: 10 amps maximum per SERIES 09-02
Terminal crimping: Hand-crimp tools, semi-
automatic bench, or high-speed cut , strip,
crimping machine (see pages 19-21).
Panel mounting: .125-in . dia . hol e end
flanges optional.
Board thickness: .063-in. ± .008 in.
Color: Standard nylon white, or at slight
cost, dyed in nine available Molex colors.
Series 09-02 nylon 6/6
Models: 1800M right angle.
Circuits: 9 , 15, 18, 21 , 22, with .156-in.
Terminal material: See above.
Wire size : 18- through 24-gauge insulated,
depending on terminal.
Terminal rating: See above.
Terminal crimping: Hand-crimp tool s, semi-
automatic bench, or high-speed cut, strip,
crimping machine (see pages 19-21).
Panel mounting: .156-i n. d ia. hole e nd flanges
- optional without flanges 18-circuit only.
Board thickness: .063-in . ± .005 in.
Color : See above.
(For additional specifications and detai Is see
Mo lex Catalog M400 : PRJ NTED Cl RCUIT

~ Printed Circuit Terminals
SOLDERCON® IC Connections
Series 02-04 Series 05-30/35 Series 05-40/45

Series 02·04

Model 1938-4 and Nest Model 2460 Model1938-8

Series 05-30/35 Series 06-05 Series 05-40/45

Soldercon terminals provide the SPECIFICATIONS

advantage of plug-in packages for Series 02-04 Terminals furnished in chain form;
connecting transistor and inte- carrier breaks off after soldering.
Model : 1875.
grated circuits with economy. Type: Round female transistor socket type ;
The Molex (series 02-04 female) takes .015/.020-in. dia. leads. Rises .197
in. above board.
transistor terminal can be assem-
Terminal material : Tin-plated brass.
bled for soldering several hundred
Assembly : Press-fitted and so ldered to board.
at a time using Molex vibrator
Terminal spacing: ,090-in. minimum.
equipment (see page 20) and can
be positioned in any desired config- Series 05-30/35 Series 05-40/45
uration. For ease of assembly, they Models: 1938-4, 1938-8.
have a lead opening of .015/.020 Type : Rectangular female IC type; for .007/
.011 x .018/.030-in. leads. Rises .180 in.
inches in diameter. No connecting above board.
insulator is required. Terminal material: Tin-plated brass, phosphor
Soldercon IC terminals option- bronze, or gold-plated over nickel.
ally in-line (series 05-30 /3 5) with Assembly : Soldered in strips for straight-line
assembly nest (series 06-05) or (model 1938-4) or staggered (model
1938-B) for IC mating,
staggered (series 05-40 /4 5) con- Terminal spacing: .100 in. on centers ; 200 in
figurations have .007 I .011 x .018 / minimum between rows•
.030-inch lead openings. Chain (For additional specifications and details, see
form or pre-cut terminal strips Molex Catalog M400 : PRINTED CIRCUIT
may be specified. CONNECTIONS.)

~ Printed Circuit Terminals
CLASPCON® PC Connections
Series 02-08 Series 02-05 Series 02-08
Models: 1929, 1881
Single printed circuit board con-
Type : Round female crimp type for .045-in .
nections are mated easily with the square post (02-05); round female crimp
rugged, simply designed Claspcon type for .093-in. round pin (02-08).
terminals. It is one of the most Terminal material : Tin -plated brass; selective
economical ways for making re- gold-plating over nickel model 02-05 only .
movable connections to printed Wire size: 18- through 30-gauge (02-05); 16·
circuit boards. These terminals are through 28-gauge (02-08), insulated. Model
also useful where circuits cannot Assembly: Connect with board -s taked male
termina l.
easily be brought to the board edge
Terminal crimping: Hand crimp tools, semi·
for connection. Both series are automatic bench, or high-speed, cut, strip,
crimp types. Series 02-05 mates crimp machine (see pages 19-21) .
with .045-inch square-wire termi- (For additional specifications and details, see
nals, and series 02-08 with .093- Molex Catalog M400: PRINTED CIRCUIT Model1929
inch diameter round-pin terminals. CONNECTIONS.)

~x WAFERCON® PC Connections
\...J Series 09-18
Wafercon provides a printed circuit
board connector that speeds pro- SPECIFICATIONS
duction, testing, and servicing. The Series 09-18 nylon 6/6
Wafercon series 09-18 is available Model: 1840
in units ranging from 3 to 12 cir- Circuits : 3, 5, 6, 9, 12 assembled in 3/32-in.
cuits. Terminals mate with Molex thick nylon wafer .
.093 crimp type terminals. Type: .093-in. dia. with solder tail.
Terminal material : Tin-plated brass.
An intermix of male and female
Assembly: Press-fit for board soldering.
terminals assures error-free con-
Color: Standard nylon white or, at slight
nections and positive polarity. cost, dyed in nine available Molex colors.
This series of products is not avail-
(For additional specifications and details, see
able for all applications. Check Molex Catalog M400: PRINTED CIRCUIT
with your local representative or CONNECTIONS.)
Molex Incorporated for details.
Model 09-18


\...J Series 02-09
Nylon-housed standard .093-inch
diameter tin-plated brass male or SPECIFICATIONS
female PC terminals with solder Series 02-09
tails interface with Molex crimped Models: 1376, 1377.
terminal harness connectors. Either Circuits: 1 through 15 assembled in Molex
the female (model 1376) or the standard 03-09 nylon connector.
male ( model1377) is assembled in a Terminal size: .093-in. dia. with solder tail.
nylon housing, for insertion into a Terminal material: Tin-plated brass.
PC board and dip soldering, for Assembly: Housed in plug or receptacle,
one- through 15-circuit connec- press-fitted and soldered.
tions. Housing the terminals in a (For additional specifications and details, see
connector avoids board damage. Molex Catalog M400: PRINTED CIRCUIT
Mixing male and female terminals CONNECTIONS.)
Model Model
on the board assures error-free con-
1377 1376

~ Switches
Series 01-50/60 Series 21-50/60

Modal 1820 and

1820 RL

Tremendous versatility and almost available. Neon glow lamps for Switch light: 6,12 (except 1820), 14 ,
limitless design possibilities are of- 250V AC also are offered for the 28VAC incandescent; 125 or 250VAC
neon (1820) .
fered by the model 1820 lighted 1820 fixed-lamp. Actions for
Terminal size: 3/ 16 x .020-in . male spade.
push button switches. SPST or SPDT may be specified,
Mounting method: Snap-lock with integrally
These SPST or SPDT switches including light -without-switch and molded mounting ears, removable.
may be used individually or stacked switch-without-light . Panel opening : .500 x 1.200 ins.
as multiple units , and can be used Snap-lock molded mounting ears Panel thickness: .070-in . snap-lock minimum,
as a pilot light indicator without on the nylon housing permit easy friction fit to 1-in. maximum
switching action or as a switch with- Colors : Housing and bezel- amber, black,
insertion and removal in pre-cut
blue, green, red, white ; buttons- amber,
out the light . . . they are low in panel openings. The locking ears black , blue, brown, green, grey, orange,
cost. permit a friction-holding assembly red, yellow, white; bezel - chrome , black
Applications range from use in up to a l-inch deep opening. oxide, or brass plate .
Button stamping: White on grey, red, blue,
test equipment to copy machines, A choice of six colors can be green, brown, and black; black on amber,
office equipment, computers, pe- specified for the housing. Buttons yellow, white , and orange.
ripheral equipment , vending ma- are available in identical or other
chines, home entertainment units, colors to the housing in a square (For further specifications and details see
appliances , conveyor systems, alarm or rectangular shape and can be Molex Catalog M300: SWITCHES.)
systems, broadcast equipment, air hot-stamped as specified. Also
poll uti on recording devices, medical available are bezels of chrome, ~~1/32~ ~
electronics, pleasure boats, etc. black oxide, or brass plate. " 2.0
The 1820 RL (series 21-50 / 60)
model has a removable lamp, but a SPECIFICATIONS ~
fixed lamp is assembled in the Series 01-50/60 Series 21-50/60 _.-->

Models: 1820, 1820RL
1820 (series 01-50/60). Both are
~,., ~
Switch action: SPST, SPOT, push-on/push·
UL and CSA rated at 2 or 9 amps off, push -push (SPOT), momentary on or
at 125V AC , and the 1820 also at off, light-without-switch , switch-without·
light, ULand CSA listed.
6 amps at 125V AC and 4 1/ 2 amps Switch rating : 2, 9 amps, 125VAC . Model Panel cutout opening
at 250V AC . Incandescent lamps 1820 al so 6amps, 125 VAC;4 Y, amps, 1.200 X .500
of 6 , 12, 14, or 28V AC ratings are 250VAC .

Series 01-10/20 Series 01-80


These model lighted switches add Mar-resistant nylon buttons are Panel opening: .915 x 1.115 ins. for single
functional beauty to hundreds of available in various colors, and can unit.
products in the computer, home be hot-stamped with vertical or Panel thickness: .031- to .171-in. range de-
entertainment, business machine, horizontal legends. Bezels also pending on clip.
appliance, vending and instrumen- may be obtained in chrome, brass Colors: Housing - black (1175) , white nylon
(2146) ; buttons- amber, black, blue ,
tation industries. plate, or black oxide. The phenolic brown, green, grey, orange, red,
They provide limitless varia- molded housing is made only in yellow, white; bezel - chrome, black
tions for a user to tailor the switch black for the 1175 (series . o xide, or brass plate .
to his specific needs. Series 01-80 01-10/20). Button stamping: White on grey, red, blue,
(model 2146) is constructed with green, brown, and black ; black on amber,
Switch terminals are standard yellow, white, and orange.
a dust-free nylon housing. 1/4-inch male spade type, but can
They are engineered for prac- (For further specifications and details see
be ordered optionally with 18- Molex Catalog M300 : SWITCHES.)
tical consumer use. Both are UL gauge wire leads.
and CSA rated at 2 or 8 1h amps at
125 V.\.C and 4 amps at 250V AC.
The SPST action is available with
push-on/push-off, momentary nor- SPECIFICATIONS
mally open or momentary nor- Series 01-10/20 Series 01-80
mally closed. Switches can be Models: 1175. 2146
clustered as multiple units and Switch action: SPST, push-on/push-off, or
have optional mounting for fast, momentary on or off, light without switch,
easy front panel insertion into switch without light.
cutouts. Switch rating: 2 amps or 8-1/2 amps at
125VAC; 4 amps at 250VAC; ULand CSA
A standard 125 V AC neon bulb listed.
illuminates the button. Also avail- Switch light: 6, 14, 28VAC incandescent;
able are 6 , 14, 28 VAC incan- 125 and 250VAC neon.
descent and 250 VAC neon bulbs. Terminal size: 1/4 in. male spade, optional Panel cutout opening
1.115 X .915
Either model may be used as a 18-gauge wire leads.
pilot light without the switch, or a Mounting method: Optional standard or posi-
switch without the light. tive snap-lock panel mounting.

~ Switches
mol ex
'-..../ Series 01-01 Series 01-30/40 Series 01-70 Series 01-90/91/92/93

A unique switch designed by Molex

specifically for a record changer;
series 01-70, model 1500 demon-
strates Molex design and engineer-
ing capabilities. This unit replaced
many individual parts and provided
a complete assembly that saves
production time and money. Its
Model1139 molded mounting ears provide fast,
Model1151 Series 01-30140 single push assembly and its staked
Series 01-01 pin terminals double as external
power connections and internal
switch contacts.
Series 01-70
Model: 1 500.
Switch action: On/off.
Switch rating: 3 amps at 115VAC inductive
load, ULand CSA listed.
Model1500 Terminal size: .093-in. dia.
Series 01-70 Mounting method: Integrally molded ears for
Model1917 snap-lock mounting.
Series 01-90191/92/93 Panei thickness: .062 ins.

Molex special purpose switches in- Model 1139 in the series 01-30/40
clude combination push button provides a combination of one or
with receptacle; momentary nor- two push-on/push-off switches and Among the newer switches is the
mally on or off rocker type; and a grounded receptaCle. One switch series 01-90/91/92/93 model1977
on-off record changer. can be used as a fluorescent starter rocker type that provides for mo-
and an on-off switch. Many com- mentary on or off switching. The
The series 01-01 push-button
switch combines a mounted recep- binations of switch action and in- model 1977 was developed for use
ternal connections are available. as a refrigerator light switch. It can
tacle with a push-on/push-off
switch. It is available with an op- be adapted for automatic lighting
tional fluorescent light starter. This of equipment cabinets, closets,
SPECIFICATIONS garages, as a safety switch, a treadle
model 1151 is used extensively in
bathroom medicine cabinets, Series 01-30/40 switch, for activating alarm sys-
ranges, and similar appliances. Model: 1139. tems, and similar uses. It is rated
Switch action : Push-on/push-off, single or for 500,000 operating cycles with
double switch, optional fluorescent starter. a 150W incandescent load.
SPECIFICATIONS Switch rating: 2 amps; receptacle 15 amps;
Series 01-01 starter for 40W fluorescent light at
Model : 1151. 125VAC; ULand CSA listed. Series 01-90/91 /92/93
Switch action: Push-on/push-off, optional Terminal size: 1/4-in. male spade with 16- Model: 1977.
fluorescent light starter. gauge grounded lead and ring or pressure Switch action: Momentary on or off.
wire. Switch rating: 125 and 250VAC, UL listed.
Switch rating: 2 amps; receptacle 15 amps;
starter for 40W fluorescent light at Mounting method : Optional standard for Terminals: Silver button contacts.
125VAC; ULand CSA listed. front-panel mounting, or clips for positive
locking. Mounting method: Integrally molded ears for
Terminal size: Wire leads attached, 14- and front entry snap-lock mounting.
18-gauge insulated. Panel opening: .985 x 2.435/2.46Q-in. range
depending on clip. Panel opening: 1.080 x .410 ins. or 1.080 x
Mounting method: Spring clip, snap-lock .900 ins. with optional cover flanges19/32
panel mount. Panel thickness: .020 to .090 ins. x 1-13/64 ins., or 1 x 1-13/64.
Panel opening: .929/.921 x 1.900/1.880 ins. Button stamping: White on black and grey ; Panel thickness: 3/32-in. thick maximum.
black on medium grey, white, and brown.
Panel thickness: .031 to .062 ins. Colors: White.
Colors: Housing- black; bezel- black or
Colors: Housing and button -black, grey, chrome ; buttons- black, grey, medium (For further specifications and detai Is, see
white, brown, medium grey. grey, white, brown. Molex Catalog M300 : SWITCHES.)

molex Tooling
'-..../ Series 11-01/02/03

Series 11·01

Crimping is one of the most impor-

tant steps in connector perform-
ance and Molex offers a number of
ways to make reliable, strong and
durable terminal/lead connections.
Prototype or repair work and
small production runs are best
handled with the simple but rugged
hand tools developed by Molex.
The series 11-01 models are sup-
plied with dies for precise crimping
of specified terminals. These hand-
crimping tools include a ratchet Series 11·02
assembly that facilitates operation.
Terminal extractors available for
all Molex terminals are part of the
hand tool line. Plunger types in
separate models of series 11-03 are
available for automatic extraction
of .093- or .062-inch terminals.
For the .062-inch diameter and
smaller terminals, special insertion
equipment can be obtained. Two
models of the series 11-0 2 are

~ Tooling
mol ex
Series 11-05 Series 11-20 CS-9

Terminals -mblecl in PC board with

Molex model 11-20-0001 vibration
equipment, at the rate of 300 per
minute, 1'811dy for soldering.

1. PI- the PC board under the template
~ .
2. Sprinkle terminals over template. 3. Start vibrator.
of the Molex vibrator.

, .... -
.-e:;_ ,
"" t

4. Empty excess terminals from template 5. Remove template with PC board. 6. Insert template and PC board into air
into hopper. prea for staking.

Semi- and automatic machines for leased, purchased, or obtained wires per hour. Artos machines
crimping terminals to leads assure through a lease-purchase basis. may be obtained on a lease, pur-
strong, reliable connections. chase, or on a lease-purchase basis.
Artos high-speed presses (models
The Molex bench press (model CS-9ST, CS-9AT) automatically
11-05-0001) is designed specifically cut, strip and crimp with utmost The Molex vibrator assembly equip-
for fast, precision crimping opera- reliability. ment (model 11-20-0001) is espe-
tions. The press is fed from reels of cially advantageous when large
chain-linked terminals and crimps The CS-9ST can be equipped numbers of PC terminals require
terminals to leads at a rate of up with a double crimping head. It board staking. Using a template as
to 3,000 per hour. The Molex cuts, strips, and crimps 8,000 single a guide, specified terminals can be
bench press can easily be adjusted wires per hour. The CS-9AT cuts, placed on a board in any desired
for crimping either male or female strips and crimps terminals at each position at a rate of up to 300 per
terminals. Bench presses may be end of a lead wire at a rate of 4,000 minute.


tric powered. (CS-9AT also crimps loose CS-9ST -24- through 4-gauge: 4- through
SPECIFICATIONS terminals.) 50-in. lengths, 3,600 to 4,000 per hour;
Series 11-05-0001 Terminal type: Crimp. 24- through 12-gauge: 50- through 1 00-in.
Wire sizes processed: 4- through 24-gauge, lengths, 1,800 to 3,000 per hour.
Model: 11.05-0001
insulated. Floor space: CS-9AT....:. 89-1/2 x 91-1/2 ins.
Operation: Chain-link terminal crimping,
semi-automatic, electric powered. Lead lengths cut: 7·1/2 to 1 00 ins. (CS-9A T), CS-9ST- 49 x 88 ins.
Terminal type: Crimp. 4to 100 ins. (CS-9ST).
Wire sizes processed: 10· through 30-gauge. Series 11-20-0001
Lengths stripped: 3/16 through 1-1/2 ins.,
Assembly rate: Up to 3,000 per hour two ends (CS-9AT); 3/16 through 3/4 ins., Model: 1875.
Bench space: 18 x 28 ins. one end (CS-9ST). Operation: PC terminal vibrator assembly,
electric powered.
Assembly rate: CS-9AT- 24- through 4-
CS-9 gauge: 7-1/2- through 50-in. lengths, Terminal type: Soldercon, Konektcon, similar
Models: CS-9AT, CS-9ST 3,600 to 4,000 per hour; 24- through staking types.
Operation: Automatically cuts and strips 12-gauge: 50- through 1 00-in. lengths, Assembly rate: Up to 300 per minute.
leads, crimps chain-linked terminals, elec- 1 ,800 to 2,000 per hour. Bench space: 22 x 22 ins.

vvaldornj molex

Waldom/Molex Designer Kits

Standard .093 connectors
and terminals WM-50
Miniature .062 connectors
and terminals WM-72

Molex products are available

from leading distributors under
the Waldom/Molex brand name.


C) switches

~!I! 1i'! :
?i!lli [il !
molex 1i'l !I! iii .
rtl ~ ~
...Itt iii ~ ~

I connectors Catalog M300: Switches

I I and

Catalog M200: Connectors and Terminals

MOLEX products shown in this catalog are detailed with de-

sign drawings, engineering, and performance specifications in
0 0 0
three technical catalogs. They may be obtained on request by:
0 0 0
0 0 0
Using the information reply card enclosed in this catalog to
order a copy of any or all of these catalogs;

Contacting your area technical sales representative. Loca-

tions of these representatives are listed on the inside back
cover; or

Direct contact with MOLEX INCORPORATED, 2222

Wellington Court, Lisle, Illinois 60532. Telephone (312) Catalog M400: Printed Circuit Connections
9694550, TWX 910-695-3533.


Technical Sales Representatives throughout the world

'-...,/ 5224 Katrine Ave. F-75 Paris 19E France deC.V. FASTRONIX, S.A. (ELl CO)
Downers Grove, Illinois 60515 Phone : 202-67-20 Quetzalcoatl No. 10 Bix Constancia, 43
Col. Tlaxpana Madrid 2, Spain
Phone: 312-852-8400 Phone: 415 66 54
TWX 910/695-3533 HOLLAND Mexico 17, D.F.
N. V. Elspec Phone: 535-43-82
Telex No. 72-1540 T etteroweweg 8-10 SWEDEN
14 Commercial Road Phone: 023-255050 LIMITED Akers Runo
Kingsgrove, N. S.W., 2208 23 Edinburgh Street Post Nummer 180 20
Australia IRELAND Newton Sweden
Phone : 50 0312 ATRONICS Auckland , New Zealand Phone: 0764-201 10
7 Lower Doreset Street Phone: 361-788
BELGIUM Dublin 2. Ireland ERNST M. EGLI
ETS. CLOFIS S.P.R.L Phone : 48408 NORWAY
Steenweg Brussel 539 CH-8053 Zurich
Notre-Dame Au Bois ISRAEL Sandakerveien 104B
Witikonerstrasse 295
B-1900 Overijse, Belgium GIVEON AGENCIES Postboks 42, Grefsen
Oslo 4, Norway Switzerland
Phone: 02/57.18.05 105 Hahashmonaim Street Phone : (051) 53-38-11
Tel-Aviv 67011 Phone: 21 37 55
LTD. E. FRANCESCHINI 14 Yeading 1.ane, Hayes
262 Kerr Street ITALY ASSOCIATES Middlesex, England
Oakville, Ont. , Canada INTERTECNICA S.R.L 187 Jose Pad in St. Phone : (01) 561-0066
Phone : (416) 844-6721 20144 Milano Hato Rey, P.R. 00918
Via elba, 10 Phone: 722-1291 WEST GERMANY
HANS FOLSGAARD Phone : 46.97.241/2/3/4/5
TECHNIX (PTY) LIMITED 2085 Quick born- Hamburg
Amalievej 20 JAPAN P.O. Box 10736 Schillerstrabe 14
OK 1875 MOLEX-SHOWA CO., LTD. Johannesburg , South Africa West Germany
Copenhagen, Denmark No.4, Kochi322 Phone: 35-7991 Phone: 04106/612-1
Phone : (01) 31 22 77 Shimosoyagi , Yamato-Shi
Kanagawa-Ken,242, Japan
Phone : 0462-61-4500 & 4501

Regional Sales
Lisle, Illinois

Eastern Region
(312) 852-6600

Central Region
(312) 852-6610
(312) 852-6605

Bellevue, Washington 98009 720 Third Avenue, S.E. 1575 Marion Avenue 157 West 57th Street
(206) 827-2421 Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52401 Mansfield, Ohio 44906 New York, N.Y. 10019
Henry Paulman (319) 365-8071 (419) 529-3225 (212) 247-3855
David Ott Ralph E. Meckling, Arthur Sattler,
2. JOHNSON & ASSOCIATES Harold J. Kieffer Norman Leeb,
2160 Prospect STASCO Murray Toback
Menlo Park, Calif. 94025 7.
13310 Spring Grove Avenue 13. PEIRSON, DEAKINS &
(415) 854-3550 Dallas, Tex. 75240 McGINNESS, INC. 18. FLINN SALES &
Larry Johnson (214) 239-5054 3806 Tennessee Avenue ASSOCIATES
Chattanooga, Tenn.37409 11201 Frankstown Road
Bob Stastny Pittsburgh , Penn. 15235
3. R. H. McDONALD & (615) 821-4501
ASSOC IATES (412) 242-2442
8. E. S. HEALY & Joe McGinness, Sr.,
1323 Lincoln Boulevard ASSOCIATES Joe McGinness, Jr., Howard Flinn, Terry Fli nn
Santa Monica, Calif. 90401 225 Warwick Lane Lynn Deakins
(213) 393-9237 19 . EDWARD J. SWEENEY
Crystal Lake, Ill. 60014 District Sales Manager
Russ McDonald, (815) 459-4386 14 . WMM ASSOCIATES, INC.
Hulmac Bldg ., Suite 115 MOLEXINCORPORATED
Charles Mclaughlin Ed Healy, Sr., Ed Healy, Jr. , 3118 Gulf to Bay Blvd. 1304 Zachary
Barry Fues, John Walsh Clearwater, Fla. 33515 Roslyn, Pa. 19001
4. I. W. STRONG &
ASSOCIATES (813) 726-8871 (215) 657-3107
635 Canosa Court ASSOCIATES Fran (R. F.) Willett 20 . BARNHILL & ASSOCIATES,
Denver, Colo. 80204 9415 Old Bonhomme Road INC.
(303) 292-6900 WMM ASSOCIATES, INC. Glen White
St. Louis, Mo. 63132 1628 East Atlantic Blvd.
Woody Strong, Ted Strong, (314) 993-2077 (headquarter office)
LeRoy (Bud) Knopfle Pompano Beach , Fla. 33060 P.O. Box 1104
Palmer Still, Frank Manczuk (305) 943-3091 Lynchburg , Va.24505
5. ED MELIUS & Lee May, Russ Red house (703) 846-4624
1301 East 79th Street WMM ASSOCIATES, INC.
205 W. Main Street 515 Tivoli Court Garland Haynes
Minneapolis, Minn. 55420 Benton Harbor, Mich. 49022
(612) 854-4270 Altamonte Springs, BARNHILL & ASSOCIATES,
( 616) 925-0341 Fla. 32701
Ed Melius, Ron Berthe, INC.
Ike Hampton (305) 831-4645 P.O. Box 251
Darrel McGillis
Barney Askin 15. SALES ENGINEERING Glen Arm, Md. 21 057
SALES, INC. D. D. DOUGLASS & 113 Commonwealth Avenue Bob Smith
7520 West 63rd Street ASSOCIATES (Chrysler) West Concord, Mass. 01742
Suite 10 29563 Northwestern Hwy. (617) 369-3943 BARNHILL & ASSOCIATES,
Overland Park, Kans. 66202 Suite 208 Oscar Kress, Steve Curran , INC.
(913) 262-5643 Southfield, Mich . 48075 Bill Allen, Jay Anderson , 6030 Bellow Street
Frank Mclean, John Schroy, (313) 352-7180 Andy Terenzi, Norm Kraft, Raleigh , N. C. 27609
Carl Morgan, Marty Taraski Jack Grady (919) 787-5744
11. DALE A. MILLER & Lou Campbell
SALES, INC. P.O. Box 9 285 Mount Read Blvd. BARNHILL & ASSOCIATES,
1722 North Terry Lane 124 East Main P.O. Box 7945 Lyell Station INC.
Andover, Ka ns. 67002 Crawfordsville, Ind. 47933 Rochester, New York 14606 206 Chickasaw Drive
(316) 683-7512 (317) 362-6348 (716) 328-5240 Johnson City, Tenn . 37601
Dale Miller, Doug Thomson, Edward L Lepkowski, (615) 928-01 84
Richard Loosen
Bob Greim; Kelly Howell David Kirby Bob Danzer

Printe d in U. S . A.
04-73 MOLEX M1 00R

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