ASAT - Volume 12 - Issue ASAT Conference, 29-31 May 2007 - Pages 1-15
ASAT - Volume 12 - Issue ASAT Conference, 29-31 May 2007 - Pages 1-15
ASAT - Volume 12 - Issue ASAT Conference, 29-31 May 2007 - Pages 1-15
Determination of a missile dynamic characteristics or parameters and aerodynamic
derivatives are indispensable when analyzing the flight path trajectory. The missile
dynamic parameters include its center of pressure (c.p.) location, the center of gravity
(c.g.) location and the moments of inertia around the principal axes. These
parameters can be determined either by the vectorial sum of those for individual
sections in the missile or globally by measurement with appropriate laboratory
installations. The experimental measurements are considered the more accurate as it
considers the interactions or interferences between different parts of the missile body
with different sources of anomalies. Therefore, this paper is devoted to describe the
procedure of measuring the missile c.g. and moments of inertia experimentally. Then,
it is complemented with a numerical case study for its justification.
1.1 Introduction
Determination of the aerodynamic derivatives is considered as an essential
procedure when analyzing the flight path trajectory, where the aerodynamic forces
and moments are the main parameters that determine its flight dynamics. As
accurately these derivatives are calculated, as accurately the flight path trajectory is
determined and consequently the autopilot to be designed. The evaluation or
enhancement of the guidance, control, and autopilot behavior necessitates a three-
dimensional representation of the aerodynamic coefficients for forces and moments.
The intent of this representation is to be able to analyze the missile performance
throughout its potential operational regimes. The six-degree-of-freedom trajectory
simulation, using these three dimensional data, can be used to predict the missile
performance against maneuvering targets and to troubleshoot flight problems by
reconstructing the flight trajectory from on-board measurements of missile
parameters. Aerodynamic forces and moments acting on the missile depend on a set
Science Valley Academy (SVA), High Institute of Engineering and Technology
Egyptian Armed Forces
Proceeding of the 12-th ASAT Conference, 29-31 May 2007 APM-01 2
of aerodynamic coefficients. Wind tunnel tests are considered as the accurate way
for estimating these aerodynamic coefficients. However for the theoretical estimation,
these coefficients are obtained by the computational fluid dynamics calculations. It is
usual to incorporate the aerodynamic descriptions in the equations of motion in the
form of aerodynamic stability derivatives. These derivatives are calculated for the
body and each of the aerodynamic surfaces, together with estimates for the
interference effects of the various components on each other and for different Mach
This paper is devoted to describe the procedure of measuring the missile c.g. and
moments of inertia experimentally and it is complemented with a numerical example
for its justification. Since, the position of missile c.g., mass and moments of inertia
depend on the fuel consumption and to simplify the computations, the time
dependence of these parameters is considered to be linear. That is, the values of
these variables can be calculated at any instant if the corresponding values at
ignition and at burnout of the missile motor were known. The c.g. measurements
include the longitudinal and lateral components while the moment of inertial
measurement include the pitch, yaw and roll components along the body axes. By
experimentation one can obtain accurate values for the missile c.g. location and its
moments of inertia. It is believed that this approach and the algorithmic steps
presented in the paper will be quit helpful for both academic colleagues and for the
engineers working in practice concerned with that field.
Where; Fi is the ith applied force vector, and ri is the position vector from origin of
body-fixed coordinate system to the point of Fi application. However, to determine
the center of gravity position of the missile, the center of gravity position of each
section is to be determined. Then, the total center of gravity position of the missile
can be determined by:
∑ x cg m i
x cg = i =1
Where x cgi is the center of gravity of the part number i, mi is the mass of that part,
and m is the total missile mass.
Assuming that the distances, to the center of gravity of each part, are measured from
the rear end of the missile as shown in Fig.1 where the nose is taken as a conical
shape and all of the wings, fins and canards are taken as right trapezoidal. For
simplicity, the wings, fins and canards are assumed of homogeneous distributed
Proceeding of the 12-th ASAT Conference, 29-31 May 2007 APM-01 3
If the missile mass is higher than m ωz1 z , then the factor μ is higher than m ωz1 z and
consequently the term ( m ωz1z / μ ) is very small with respect to x cp . This means that the
Proceeding of the 12-th ASAT Conference, 29-31 May 2007 APM-01 4
missile dynamic point is very close to the center of pressure, and then the damping
coefficient of the missile dynamics is small.
The total moments of inertia of the missile about the axes passing from its center of
gravity are determined by the following relations:
I X = ∑ I Xi (8.a)
i =1
I Y = ∑ I Yi (8.b)
i =1
I Z = IY (8.c)
Where I X , I Y , and I Z are the total missile moments of inertia about the axes
passing from its center of gravity, while I Xi , I Yi , and I Zi are the individual parts’
moments of inertia about the axes passing from the missile center of gravity. The
missile moments of inertia about the x and y axes passing from its center of gravity
decrease with time in the boosted and sustained stages; during burning time. After
burnout the missile moments of inertia are constant whereas no fuel consumption.
fixture is attached to an overhead I-beam. The load cells are nulled for weights of the
test fixture before the missile is inserted into the aluminum holding rings. With the
missile inserted into the test fixture, a set of load cell readings is to be taken at each
90 o rotation of the missile as indicated in Fig. 3. The geometry of the test fixture and
the load cell readings at each missile orientation served as input data for calculating
the total weight, radial c.g. location, and longitudinal c.g. location. The missile c.g. is
characterized by longitudinal component (related to the missile longitudinal axis) and
radial components related to the lateral axes. To clarify this process, a case study is
considered in a later section.
90º W3
W3 W2
Y W2 X
Z wT
180º º d3
0 d4
d3 d2 d2 xm
Back view
forward looking
Fig. 2: Missile suspension for c.g. calculation
The objective is to determine the total weight and the position of the center of gravity
for the hypothetical missile using the following procedure:
1- The missile is suspended as shown in Fig. 2.
2- The load cells are nulled for weights of the test
fixture before insertion of the test item. The
following parameters will be recorded:
{ w 1 , w 2 , w 3 } are weight meters used to represent
the respective load cells reading (in lbs or kg), and
{ d 1 , d 2 , d 3 , d 4 } are distances from respective load
cells to respective test/reference points; Fig. 2.
Fig. 3: Back view of the missile
Specifically, { d 1 , d 4 } are distances from adapter
rings to the aft end of the missile while { d 2 , d 3 } are distances from the back
load cells (2 & 3) to the test longitudinal centerline of the missile.
y1 y2
Y Y 90º
90º 270º 270º
d3 d2 d3 d2
WT o 180 o
º º
180 0
Fig. 4: Suspension with 0 up º Fig. 5: Suspension with 180º up
Where y1 represents the position of the radial c.g. from the centerline and given as
w d − w3 d3
y1 = 2 2 (13)
wT o
Where y 2 represents the position of the radial c.g. from the centerline and given as
w d − w2 d2
y2 = 3 3 (15)
wT o
Thus, the coordinate of the missile radial c.g. w.r.t. the y-axis is given by
y + y2 (16)
ym = 1
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Since y1 > y 2 , the radial c.g. component along the y-axis is toward y1 or toward 270 o
and consequently its reference diagram is given as –ve value.
Where z 1 represents the position of the radial c.g. from the centerline and given as
w d − w 2 d2
z1 = 3 3 (18)
wT o
As shown in Fig. 7, if w 2 is greater than w 3 , then the lateral displacement of the c.g.
is toward the 270º direction and thus the summation of moments about the centerline
of the missile is zero i.e.
w 2 d2 − w 3 d3 − w T o z2 = 0 (19)
Where z 2 represents the position of the radial c.g. from the centerline and given as
w d − w3 d3
z2 = 2 2 (20)
wT o
Now, the coordinate of the missile radial c.g. w.r.t. the z-axis is given by
z + z2
zm = 1
Since z 2 > z 1 , the radial c.g. component along the z-axis is toward z 2 or toward 180 o
and consequently its reference diagram is given as –ve value.
Finally, the c.g. of the underlying missile w.r.t. its aft end and body axes is initially at
the following coordinates:
x cg = [x m y m z m ] (21)
90º 270º
W3 W2 W3 W2
z1 z2
180º 0º 0º 180º
d3 d2 d3 d2
90 o 270 o
270º 90º
Fig. 6: Suspension with 90º up Fig. 7: Suspension with 270º up
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e) Remove stopper B to let the cylinder to roll down in the x-direction until it stopped at
stopper A. Measure the time of motion (rolling), from stopper B to stopper A, and
record that time as "t1". Note that the rolling should be with no sliding.
f) Repeat steps (d) and (e) for the rocket as a whole and measure and record the rolling
time as "t2".
g) The roll moment of inertia of the rocket may be calculated as follows [18]:
1 t2
Ir = m R 22 × 22 (22)
2 t1
⎧ WT a 2 τ av2
⎪ − Im for pitch and yaw planes (23)
⎪ 1 6 π 2
L (12 )
⎪ WT a τ av k
2 2
I=⎨ − Im for roll; booster, warhead, seeker, seeker cover (24)
⎪ 4 π L (12
⎪ mass (d o2 + d i2 )
⎪ 2 for roll; warhead cover
⎩ 4
Keeping in mind that the difference between characteristics of different missile parts
and the inertia moment (pitch/yaw/roll) is to be calculated. The variables utilized in
these equations are k is the fixture correction factor, L is the element length, I m is the
inertia of mounting plate and the adaptation equipment, while d o and d i are,
respectively, the outer and inner diameters of the warhead cover. The average period
τ av of free oscillations for the underlying missile can be obtained as follows
total time of periods
τ av = (26)
total number of periods
The pitch ( I y ) and yaw ( I z ) moments of inertia for the underlying missile can be
obtained using the relationship (23). While, the roll moments of inertia for different
parts are obtained using Eqn (24) to yield the booster with umbilical ( I x ,b ), the
warhead ( I x , w ), the seeker ( I x , s ), the seeker ogive cover ( I x ,sc ), while the warhead
cover moment of inertia ( I x , wc ) is obtained using Eqn (25).
Now, the total roll inertia moment of the underlying missile is the sum of inertia
moments for all components as follows:
I x = I x ,b + I x , w + I x , wc + I x ,s + I x ,sc (27)
Finally, the moment of inertia of the underlying missile w.r.t. its body axes has the
values I x I y I z . ]
The underlying missile is aerodynamically controlled via tail control fins and has two
planes of symmetry.
Then, the total weight w T of the underlying missile can be obtained as follows
w T = w 1av + w 2av + w 3av = 604 [kg]
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It is clear from the given data and Fig. 5 that w 3 (170 kg) is greater than w 2 (167
kg) and consequently the lateral displacement of the c.g. is toward the 270º
direction. Thus, the summation of moments about the centerline of the missile is
zero and y 2 represents the position of the radial c.g. from the centerline and given
w d − w2 d2
y2 = 3 3 = 0.148 [cm]
wT o
Thus, the coordinate of the missile radial c.g. w.r.t. the y-axis is given by
y + y2
ym = 1 = 0.296 [cm]
Since y1 > y 2 , the radial c.g. component along the y-axis is toward y1 or toward
270 o and consequently its reference diagram is given as
y m = −0.296 [cm]
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• Z-Component
The given data and Fig. 6 clarify that w 3 (170 kg) is greater than w 2 (167 kg) and
consequently the lateral displacement of the c.g. is toward the 180º direction.
Thus, the summation of moments about the centerline of the missile is zero and
z 1 represents the position of the radial c.g. from the centerline and given as
w d − w2 d2
z1 = 3 3 = 0.148 [cm]
wT o
The given data and Fig. 7 show that w 2 (176.5 kg) is greater than w 3 (160 kg)
and consequently the lateral displacement of the c.g. is toward the 270º direction.
Thus, the summation of moments about the centerline of the missile is zero and
z 2 represents the position of the radial c.g. from the centerline and given as
w d − w 3 d3
z2 = 2 2 = 0.815 [cm]
wT o
Finally, the c.g. of the underlying missile w.r.t. its aft end and body axes is initially
at the following coordinates:
[x m y m z m ] = [236 − 0.296 − 0.482] [cm]
4.2 Missile moment of inertia
Considering the equations of section-3 and the following data,
- The fixture correction factor is given by
⎧0.996 for pitch and yaw planes
k = ⎨0.98475 for roll; booster
⎩ for roll; warhead, seeker and seeker cover
- The total weight w T of the missile/element and mounting equipment {average
missile or element weight + beam weight + two cable adapters + forward
adapter + aft adapter + aft ring + fwd ring} is
⎧640 [kg] for pitch and yaw planes (missile + adaption)
⎪579 [kg] for roll; (booster + adaption)
WT = ⎨87 [kg] for roll; (warhead + adaption)
⎪63.8 [kg] for roll; (seeker + adaption)
⎪⎩47.7 [kg ] for roll; (seeker cover + adaption)
- The inertia of mounting plate and the adaptation equipment {beam + two cable
adapters + fwd adapter + aft adapter + aft ring + fwd ring} is given by
Proceeding of the 12-th ASAT Conference, 29-31 May 2007 APM-01 13
Thus, the total roll inertia moment of the missile is the sum of inertia moments
for all components as follows:
Ix = I x ,b + I x , w + I x , wc + I x ,s + I x ,sc
= 12.16 + 0.46 + 0.0646 + 0.37 + 0.26
= 13.3146 [kg − m 2 ]
Finally, the moment of inertia of the underlying missile w.r.t. its body axes has the
following values:
[ ]
I x I y I z = [13.3146 1028.96 1030.16] [kg − m 2 ]
This paper described the procedure of measuring the missile c.g. and moments of
inertia experimentally and then, it is complemented with a numerical case study for its
justification. The c.g. measurements include the longitudinal and lateral components
while the moment of inertia measurement include the pitch, yaw and roll components
along the body axes. By experimentation one can obtain accurate values for the
missile c.g. location and its moments of inertia. It is believed that this approach and
the algorithmic steps presented in the paper will be quit helpful for both academic
colleagues and for the engineers working in practice concerned with that field.
[1] Cimbala, J.M., Mechanical Engineering Measurements, ME-82 course web
pages at
[2] Chernobrobkin, L., Dynamic Flight of Non Pilot Vehicle, Moscow, 1973.
[3] Cook, M.V., Flight Dynamics Principles, AIAA, 1996.
[4] Edelson, B., and Allen E.F., Thrust and Drag: Its Prediction and Verification,
National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1985.
[5] Emil, J. (Ed.), Test and Evaluation of The Tactical Missile, AIAA, 1989.
[6] "Eric Weisstein's World of Physics: Torsional Pendulum" from Courtesy of
Wolfram Research Inc.
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