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SBC, BH-01

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"Construction of plot no 21 situated at sardar Vallabhbhai Patel awasiya yojna

misrod phase 1, sector-B, Bhopal (M.P.)"

- Client -
M/s. Ashutosh Shrivastava,

Add. - 301, Saraswati Apartment, Aakrti Enclave G-1, Gulmohar Colony, Bhopal

- Location -

Plot No.- 21 , Misrod, (BH-01)

- Letter ref. -
Q... Date: 24/8/23

Report No. : EMES/1278/09

Date of Report : 29-08-23

Report Prepared By-

Earth Material & Engineering Solution Laboratory
Bhopal (M.P.)

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The Primary objective of this investigation is to establish the geotechnical condition at the site & to evaluate
the allowable bearing pressure and other engineering design parameters through the various field and laboratory tests. This
report consists of the ditails about the field and laboratory tests performed & the recommendation made based on the test

The scope of work comprises of conducting detail soil investigation, laboratory testing, and estimation of safe
bearing capacity for the above proposed work on drilled borehole Soil strata as shown by the Engineer-in charge.

a) Nature of Investigation Work

The all investigation consists of the following:
* Visual reconnaissance of the site.
* Field Work-Drilling of bore hole up to the required depth.
* Laboratory experiments, determination of soil parameters.
* Analysis of field and Laboratory data
* Arriving at the conclusive decision on foundation type to be adopted in the present case using Engineering judgment,
based on the current practice. The detailed Geo-technical investigation work that was carried out consists of two parts.

b) Field Investigation:
The field investigation consists of the following methods
* Location of One number of bore hole with due consultation with the authority.
* Boring / drilling up to 10.0mtr.Depth below Natural ground level.
* Study of site condition and surroundings with regards to the need of the Project.
* Transportation of all soil samples to laboratory for analysis with proper care.


i. Selection of Borehole:
One Bore-hole was selected by the Engineer in charge in order to obtain comprehensive sub-soil data for this site with a
provision of borings up to 2.0m depth as required as per IS:1892 - 1979.

ii. Boring:
For Geotechnical investigation work, drilling rig was installed at the specified borehole location. The boreholes
were progressed using Rotary Drilling machines. Boring was advanced at selected / specified borehole locations. This rig is
coupled with diesel engine and has tripod and all drilling accessories. Drilling rig deployed is suitable for and has arrangement
for driving as well as extracting casing, boring drilling by mud circulation method, conducting Standard Penetration Test .
(SPT) collection of Undisturbed Soil Sample (UDS) and Disturbed or wash Soil Sample (DS). Illustrates a standard rotary drilling
rig . The following precautions were taken;
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1) Diameter of Borehole was 100mm in soil and NX size in rock, all field work was supervised by well-trained / experienced
2) Borehole was properly cleaned before taking any sample in soil.
3) Casing was used as per the prevailing soil conditions / rock, to stabilize the borehole.
4) Required field tests i.e, Standard Penetration Tests and collection of undisturbed / disturbed samples was conducted as
per requirements and specified depths / levels, the same has been discussed in detail in sampling and tests in a borehole
5) Rock core drilling was advanced using double tube core barrels with diamond bits.


Standard Penetration Tests (SPT) was conducted as per IS specifications. SPT split spoon sampler of standard
dimensions was driven into the soil from the borehole bottom using 63.5 kg Hammer falling from 75 cm height. The SPT
weight was mechanically lifted to the specified height and allowed to fall freely on the anvil with the use of cat-head winch
with one to one and half turn of the drum. Blow counts for the penetration of every 15 cm were recorded and the N is
reported as the blow counts for 30 cm penetration of the sampler leaving the first 15 cm penetration as seating drive. When
the number of blows exceeded 50 to penetrate the first or second 15 cm. length of the sampler, the SPT N is regarded as
more than 100. The test is terminated in such case and a record of penetration of the sampler under 50 blows or more is
made. SPT refusal is recorded when there is no penetration of the sampler at any stage and also when a rebound of the
sounding system is recorded. SPT “N” values are correlated with relative density of non-cohesive stratum and with
consistency of cohesive stratum. SPTs were taken at 1.50 m interval. Fig.2 Illustrates general arrangement for SPT.


Disturbed soil collected in the SPT sampler was preserved in polythene covers and transported to the laboratory.
One more polythene cover was provided to prevent the loss of moisture during the transit period.

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Undisturbed samples were collected using 100 mm dia. and 450 mm long MS tubes with Area ratio as specified in
BIS provided with sampler head with ball check arrangement, before taking any sample tubes were properly greased.
Immediately after taking an undisturbed sample in a tube, the adopter head was removed along with the disturbed material.
The visible ends of the sample shall each be trimmed off any wet disturbed soil. The ends will then be coated alternately with
four layers of just molten wax. More molten wax will then be added to give a total thickness of not less than 25 mm.
Undisturbed samples were collected by light hammering, all precautions were taken to prevent disturbance in transport also.
If in laboratory, density is not found in order in comparison of N values, that sample was treated as disturbed sample, and
tests were conducted on remolded samples and recorded in laboratory data sheet as UDS/DS-S. Collection of undisturbed
samples in very hard cohesive soils / dense granular soils / gravels / cobbles / pebbles / boulders, refusal strata is practically
not possible and such collected samples will not truly represent the undisturbed conditions.


Drilling was advanced by rotary core drilling method using double tube core barrels as per the guidelines of IS:
6926-1996. A core barrel and NX sized bits are used for drilling and recovering rock cores. Recovered rock cores were
numbered serially and preserved in good quality sturdy core boxes as specified in IS: 4078-1980 as shown in fig. 3. Rock core
recovery and Rock Quality Designation (RQD) were computed for every run length drilled. Rock classification in terms of
weathering and state of fractures and strength is carried out in the following manner. Tabulations given in below explain it


As per IS 4464 It should be understood that all grades of weathering may not be seen in a given rock mass and that in some
cases a particular grade may be present to a very small extent. Distribution of the various weathering grades of rock material
in the rock mass may be related to the porosity of the rock material and the presence of open discontinuities of all types in
the rock mass.

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Rock is also classified by strength of intact rock cores collected during drilling. Rock Unconfined Compressive strength
(UCS) is used to define strength of rock. Classification of rocks given in cls 8, Table 2 of Appendix-2 of IRC: 78-2014 is
reproduced below;

vii. Ground Water Table:

Ground water level was measured in the Boreholes after drilling and sampling was completed. The measured water
levels are recorded on the individual rock profiles.

The laboratory-tests were conducted on selected representative disturbed / undisturbed soil samples collected
from different Borehole drilled at the proposed site. The tests include Grain size analysis, Natural moisture content, Specific
Gravity and Liquid limit, Plastic limit, Plasticity index, Shear test, and Particles size distribution tests on representative soil
sample were also carried out. All the tests conducted confirming to the requirements of I.S specification. The results of all
these tests have been annexed separately.
soil sample have been prepared in accordance with IS:2720(Part-1)1983 and tested as follows:-
• S ieve analysis test as per IS:2720 (Part-4).
• Atterberg limit test (L.L., P.L. & P.I.) as per IS: 2720(Part-5)
• Proctor Density (MDD) test as per IS:2720(Part-8)

• C & Ø value were recorded as per IS: 2720 Part (11 & 13 )

• Calculation of Safe Bearing Capacity (SBC) as per IS:6403:1981

• Rock Safe Bearing Pressure as per IS: 12070 – 1987
• Uniaxial Compressive Strength as per IS: 9143

• Density, Water Absorption, Porosity, Sp. Gravity as per IS: 13030 / IS : 1124

a. General
A suitable foundation for any structure should have an adequate factor of safety against exceeding the bearing
capacity of the supporting soils. Also, the vertical movements due to compression or swelling of the soils should be within
tolerable limits for the structure. We consider that foundation designed in accordance with the recommendations given
herein will satisfy these criteria
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b. Foundation Type and Depth
Reviewing the stratigraphy of the site on the basis of boreholes data, & laboratory test results, we are of the
opinion that open/raft foundation is feasible foundation scheme to support the structural load.

c. Behavior of boulder /Gravelly Deposits Under Load

IS: 10042-1981 states that “the performance of boulder deposits under load is a matter of intelligent guess”. The
behavior of boulder deposits under high loads depends upon the size and quantity of gravel-boulder and also the nature and
amount of the filler.

d. Concepts for Analysis of Open Foundation

In shear, a foundation can fail in any of the three different ways viz.-
a) Local shear failure
b) General shear Failure
c) In between the above two
The local Shear failure is assumed to occur for Ø, interpolated values for local & general shear failure can be
determined. In this case bearing capacity for shear failure consideration has been determined.
qd = C. Nc. Sc. dc. ic + q (Nq-1) sq. dq. iq+ 0.5 B. γ. Nγ. sγ. dγ. iγ. w'
Where : C = Cohesion
Nc, Nq, Ny = Bearing Capacity Factor
Sc, Sq, Sy = square Footing factor
Dc, dq, dy = square Footing Depth Factor
Ic, iq, iy = Inclination Factors
q= Overburden Pressure
Qd = Ultimate Bearing Capacity of General shear failure
B= Width of strip footing, width of footing, lid. of square footing,
w’ = Correction (actor for location of water table
For the soil conditions encountered at this site, general shear failure conditions have been used for analysis.
Appropriate values have been substituted into the bearing capacity equation given above to compute the safe net bearing
capacity. The values have been checked to determine the settlement of the foundation under the safe bearing pressure. The
allowable bearing pressure has been taken as the lower of the two values computed from the bearing capacity shear failure
criterion as well as that computed from the tolerable settlement criterion.



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PILE IN GRANULAR SOIL: Static formula to work out the Ultimate bearing capacity of a single pile-

PILE IN COHESIVE SOIL: Static formula to work out the Ultimate bearing capacity of a single pile

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f. Foundation Bearing on Rock Formation
The safe bearing capacity for the rock strata available after excavation has been assessed based on following
Based on strength of Rock Cores:- The allowable bearing pressure is estimated based on the strength of rock cores.
The allowable bearing is given by (IS: 12070-1987)

qba = qc.Nj

Where :
qc = Average uniaxial compressive strength
Nj = empirical coefficient depending on the spacing of discontinuities
( see Table 4 and Fig. 1 as per IS 12070-1987 )

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The following recommendations are made based on the detailed investigation conducted at the proposed
construction site.

1 The foundation for structure shall be taken to a minimum depth of 1.5m below the existing ground level.
Isolated/combined footing up to minimum width of 2.0 m may be designed with the following allowable bearing
pressure of, which gives a factor of safety of 3.0 against shear failure and for an allowable settlement of 25 mm;

Depth below
Safe Bearing
Location existing ground Type of Strata Type of Foundation

1.50 mtr. Black Soil 8.87 ton/m2 Shellow Foundation

Plot No.- 21 , Misrod, (BH-01)

3.00 mtr. Black Soil 18.53 ton/m2 Shellow Foundation

Note :
1) During excavations, in case any variation is noticed in the strata/seepage same shall be brought to
the notice of geotechnical engineer for review of net SBC recommended.

2) The bottom of foundation shall be properly leveled and verified for loose pockets/weaker zones and
if found, the same shall be replaced with lean concrete.


Subsurface conditions encountered during construction may vary somewhat from the conditions encountered during
this site investigation. In case significant variations are encountered during construction, we request to be notified so that our
engineers may review the recommendations in this report in light of these variations.


The soil investigation has been carried out at the location chosen by the client. Recommendations made in the report
are hence valid only for these tests locations. However if there is any change in subsoil conditions and properties at places
beyond chosen test locations.

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"Construction of plot no 21 situated at sardar Vallabhbhai Patel awasiya yojna misrod phase 1, sector-
Name of Work
B, Bhopal (M.P.)"
Client M/s. Ashutosh Shrivastava, Ground water table : -

Job No. N/A Commenced : 24-08-23

Location : Plot No.- 21 , Misrod, (BH-01) Completed : 24-08-23

Designation (RQD) %
SPT TEST, number of

% Core Recovery
blows recorded "N"

Rock quality
Drill Value=
Description of Sub-soil Log of Remar
Drill Run Depth, (m) Depth, Samples (Penetration in cm) N2 + N3
stratum Strata k
0-15 15-30 30-45
N1 N2 N3 N'

Black Soil 0.00 to 1.50 1.50 SPT-1 4 5 8 13 - -

Black Soil 1.50 to 3.00 3.00 SPT-2 4 8 10 18 - -

SPT= Standerd Pentration test DS = Disturb Sample UDS = Un Disturb Sample

B = No. of Blows Refusal means SPT N>50

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Soil Sample have been tested as follows :-

1. Determination of Sieve Analysis as per IS:2720 (part-04) 1985.
2. Determination of Atterberg Limit as per IS: 2720 (part-05) 1985.
3. Determination of Water Content - Dry Density relation using Heavy Compection as per IS 2720 (Part-8) 1983
4. Determination of the Shear Strength parameters (C & Ø value) test as per IS: 2720 (Part-11, Part-12 & Part 13)

Physical Properties of Soil

Shearing Strength
Particle Size Analysis Atterberg Limit

Angle of internal friction ( Ø)

Corrected Angle of internal

Maximum Dry Density g/cc


Cohesions 'C' in kg/cm

(4.75mm to 0.075mm)

Moisture Content %
Location Depth
Plasticity Index %
(Below 0.075mm)

(Above 4.75mm)

specific gravity
Plastic Limit %
Liquid limit %

friction ( Ø')
Silt & Clay %
Gravel %

Sand %
Plot No.- 21 , Misrod,

1.50 1.60 16.37 82.03 44.32 23.62 20.70 1.64 16.2 2.65 0.0 31 22

3.00 2.07 20.48 77.45 40.19 21.18 19.01 1.68 16.2 2.67 0.0 33 23

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SBC Calculation (As per IS 6403-1981) :- At Location Plot =No.- 21 , Misrod, (BH-01)
Depth = 1.50 mtr.
Type of Shear Faliure = General Shear Failure

Ultimate Bearing Capacity (qd) = CNc.Sc.dc.ic + q(Nq-1)sq.dq.iq+ 0.5 B.Y.Ny.sy.dy.iy.w

Type Of Foundation = Square

Correction Factor for Water Table W' = 1.0
Factor of safety = 3.0
Depth Of Foundation D = 1.50 Mtr.
Length of footing L = 1.50 Mtr.
Width of footing B = 1.50 Mtr.
Dry Density of soil y = 1.64 g/cc
Cohesions C = 0.00 N/mm2
Angle of internal friction Ø = 31.0 Degree
Corrected Angle of internal friction Ø' = 22.0 Degree
Bearing Capacity Factors = Nc Nq Nγ
17.19 8.10 7.59

Depth Factors dc = 1+0.2 Dt/B(NØ)1/2

dq=dy = 1+0.1 Dt/B(NØ)1/2
NØ = tan2(∏/4+Ø/2)
(NØ)1/2 = 0.40
Depth Factors = dc dq dγ
1.08 1.04 1.04

Shape Factors (for Square Shape of Base ) = Sc Sq Sγ

1.30 1.20 0.80

Inclination of the load to the vertical α = 0.00 degrees

Inclination Factors = ic iq iy
1.00 1.00 1.00

Bulk unit weight of foundation soil Y = 16.09 g/cc

Effective surcharge at the base level of foundation q = 24.13
Ultimate Bearing Capacity qd = 290.22 kN/m2
Net Ultimate Bearing Capacity
Deducting the Effective Surcharge ( Overburden Pressure) at the base Level of the Foundation
qnd = qd - q
qnd = 266.09 kN/m2
Safe Bearing Capacity qd = qnd/ factor of safety
qd = 88.70 kN/m2
Safe Bearing Capacity at 1.50 mtr. qd = 8.87 t/m2

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SBC Calculation (As per IS 6403-1981) :- At Location Plot =No.- 21 , Misrod, (BH-01)
Depth = 3.00 mtr.
Type of Shear Faliure = General Shear Failure

Ultimate Bearing Capacity (qd) = CNc.Sc.dc.ic + q(Nq-1)sq.dq.iq+ 0.5 B.Y.Ny.sy.dy.iy.w

Type Of Foundation = Square

Correction Factor for Water Table W' = 1.0
Factor of safety = 3.0
Depth Of Foundation D = 3.00 Mtr.
Length of footing L = 1.50 Mtr.
Width of footing B = 1.50 Mtr.
Dry Density of soil y = 1.68 g/cc
Cohesions C = 0.00 N/mm2
Angle of internal friction Ø = 33.0 Degree
Corrected Angle of internal friction Ø' = 23.0 Degree
Bearing Capacity Factors = Nc Nq Nγ
18.36 8.96 8.68

Depth Factors dc = 1+0.2 Dt/B(NØ)1/2

dq=dy = 1+0.1 Dt/B(NØ)1/2
NØ = tan2(∏/4+Ø/2)
(NØ)1/2 = 0.42
Depth Factors = dc dq dγ
1.17 1.08 1.08

Shape Factors (for Square Shape of Base ) = Sc Sq Sγ

1.30 1.20 0.80

Inclination of the load to the vertical α = 0.00 degrees

Inclination Factors = ic iq iy
1.00 1.00 1.00

Bulk unit weight of foundation soil Y = 16.48 g/cc

Effective surcharge at the base level of foundation q = 49.44
Ultimate Bearing Capacity qd = 605.27 kN/m2
Net Ultimate Bearing Capacity
Deducting the Effective Surcharge ( Overburden Pressure) at the base Level of the Foundation
qnd = qd - q
qnd = 555.83 kN/m2
Safe Bearing Capacity qd = qnd/ factor of safety
qd = 185.28 kN/m2
Safe Bearing Capacity at 3.00 mtr. qd = 18.53 t/m2
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Site Photo:

***** END OF REPORT *****

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