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First Year Engineering Semester I System in Mechanical Engineering

MMCOE, Karvenagar, Pune-52 Page 1

First Year Engineering Semester I System in Mechanical Engineering

102003 - Systems in Mechanical Engineering

Teaching Scheme: TH : 3 Hrs./week PR : 2 Hrs./Week Credits 04

Examination Scheme:
In-Semester:30 Marks
End-Semester :70 Marks
PR :25 Marks

Course Objectives:

1. To identify the sources of energy and their conversions

2. To explain the basic concept of engineering thermodynamics and its application
3. To understanding the specifications of vehicles
4. To get acquainted with vehicle systems
5. To introduce manufacturing processes applying proper method to produce components
6. To be able to select and compare domestic appliances.

Course Contents

Unit I Introduction of energy sources & its conversion (06 Hrs)

Energy sources: Thermal energy, Hydropower energy, Nuclear energy, Solar energy,
Geothermal energy, Wind energy, Hydrogen energy, Biomass energy and Tidal energy.
Grades of Energy. (Numerical on efficiency calculation of thermal power plant ) Energy
conversion devices: Introduction of pump, compressor, turbines, wind mills etc (Simple
numerical on power and efficiency calculations)
Unit II Introduction to Thermal Engineering (06Hrs)
Laws of thermodynamics, heat engine, heat pump, refrigerator (simple numerical) Modes of
heat transfer: conduction, convection and radiation, Fourier’s law, Newton’s law of cooling,
Stefan Boltzmann’s law. (Simple numerical) Two stroke and Four stroke engines (Petrol,
Diesel and CNG engines). Steam generators.
Unit III Vehicles and their Specifications (04 Hrs)
Classification of automobile. Vehicle specifications of two/three wheeler, light motor
vehicles, trucks, buses and multi-axle vehicles. Engine components (Introduction). Study of
engine specifications, comparison of specifications of vehicles. Introduction of Electric and
Hybrid Vehicles. Cost analysis of the Vehicle.
Unit IV Vehicle systems (08 Hrs)
Introduction of chassis layouts, steering system, suspension system, braking system, cooling
system and fuel injection system and fuel supply system. Study of Electric and Hybrid
Vehicle systems. Study of power transmission system, clutch, gear box (Simple Numerical),

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First Year Engineering Semester I System in Mechanical Engineering

propeller shaft, universal joint, differential gearbox and axles. Vehicle active and passive
safety arrangements: seat, seat belts, airbags and antilock brake system.
Unit V Introduction to Manufacturing (06 Hrs)
Conventional Manufacturing Processes: Casting, Forging, Metal forming (Drawing,
Extrusion, etc.), Sheet metal working, Metal joining, etc. Metal cutting processes and
machining operations- Turning, Milling and Drilling, etc. Micromachining. Additive
manufacturing and 3D Printing. Reconfigurable manufacturing system and IOT, Basic CNC
programming: Concept of Computer Numerical Controlled machines.
Unit VI Engineering Mechanisms and their application in Domestic Appliances
(6Hrs.) Introduction to Basic mechanisms and equipment: Pumps, blowers, compressors,
springs, gears, Belt-Pulley, Chain-Sprocket, valves, levers, etc. Introduction to terms:
Specifications, Input, output, efficiency, etc. Applications of: Compressors - Refrigerator,
Water cooler, Split AC unit; Pumps - Water pump for overhead tanks, Water filter/Purifier
units; Blower - Vacuum cleaner, Kitchen Chimney; Motor - Fans, Exhaust fans, Washing
machines; Springs - Door closure, door locks, etc.; Gears - Wall clocks, watches, Printers,
etc.; Application of Belt-Pulley/Chain-Sprocket - Photocopier, bicycle, etc.; Valves - Water
tap, etc.; Application of levers - Door latch, Brake pedals, etc.; Electric/Solar energy -
Geyser, Water heater, Electric iron, etc. (simple numerical on efficiency calculation )

Text Books
1. Nag, P. K., “Engineering Thermodynamics,'' Tata McGraw-Hill Publisher Co. Ltd.
2. Chaudhari and Hajra, “Elements of Workshop Technology”, Volume I and II, Media
Promoters and Publishers, Mumbai
3. Agrawal,Basant and Agrawal, C. M., (2008), “Basics of Mechanical Engineering”, John
Wiley and Sons, USA
4. Rajput, R.K., (2007), “Basic Mechanical Engineering”, Laxmi Publications Pvt. Ltd.
5. Pravin Kumar, (2018), “ Basic Mechanical Engineering, 2nd Ed.”, Pearson (India) Ltd.
6. Moran, M. J., Shapiro, H. N., Boettner, D. D., and Bailey, M. “Fundamentals of
Engineering Thermodynamics”, Wiley
7. Surinder Kumar, (2011), “Basic of Mechanical Engineering”, Ane Books Pvt. Ltd. New

Reference Books
1. Khan, B. H., “Non Conventional Energy Sources, Tata McGraw-Hill Publisher Co. Ltd.
2. Boyle, Godfrey, “Renewable Energy”,2nd Ed., Oxford University Press
3. Khurmi, R.S. ,and Gupta, J. K.,“A Textbook of Thermal Engineering”, S. Chand & Sons
4. Incropera, F. P. and Dewitt, D.P., (2007), “Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer, 6th
Ed., John Wiley and Sons, USA
5. Groover,Mikell P., (1996), “Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing: Materials,
Processes, and Systems”, Prentice Hall, USA
6. Norton, Robert L., (2009), “Kinematics and Dynamics of Machinery”, Tata McGrawHill
7. Cleghorn, W. L., (2005), “Mechanisms of Machines”, Oxford University Press
9. Ganeshan, V., (2018), “Internal Combustion Engines”, McGraw Hill

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First Year Engineering Semester I System in Mechanical Engineering

Programe Outcomes (POs)

1. Engineering Knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering

fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering
2. Problem Analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze complex
engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of
mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
3. Design/development of Solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems
and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate
consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental
4. Conduct Investigations of Complex Problems: Use research-based knowledge and
research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and
synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
5. Modern Tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and
modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering
activities with an understanding of the limitations.
6. The Engineer and Society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to
assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities
relevant to the professional engineering practice.
7. Environment and Sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering
solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need
for sustainable development.
8. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and
norms of the engineering practice.
9. Individual and Team Work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or
leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
10. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the
engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and
write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and
receive clear instructions.
11. Project Management and Finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the
engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and
leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
12. Life-long Learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to
engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

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First Year Engineering Semester I System in Mechanical Engineering

System in mechanical Engineering


1. To identify the sources of energy and their conversions

2. To explain the basic concept of engineering thermodynamics and its application

3. To understand the specifications of vehicles 4. To get acquainted with vehicle systems

5. To introduce proper manufacturing process applicable to produce components

6. To be able to select and compare domestic appliances

On completion of the course, learner will be able to:

CO1: Describe and compare the conversion of energy from renewable and non-renewable
energy sources

CO2: Explain basic laws of thermodynamics, heat transfer and their applications.

CO3: List down the types of road vehicles and their specifications

CO4: Illustrate various basic parts and transmission system of a road vehicle

CO5: Discuss several manufacturing processes and identify the suitable process

CO6: Explain various types of mechanism and its application

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Sr. No. List of Lab Experiment

2 Energy sources (Minimum one assignment on Conventional and one on Nonconventional
3 Vehicle specifications and systems in passenger car
4 Electric vehicle specifications and its systems
5 Domestic appliances viz. refrigerator, air-conditioner, washing machine, cold storage
6 Demonstration of power train system in the vehicle
7 Demonstration of vehicle systems (automobile chassis, steering system, suspension system,
braking system - Any Two)
8 Demonstration of energy conversion devices
9 Demonstration of CNC
10 (Virtual Lab Assignment)

Program outcomes
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

102003.1 1 1 1
102003.2 1 1 1
102003.3 1 1 1 1
102003.4 1 1 1 1
102003.5 1 1 1
102003.6 1 1 1
1 1 1 1


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Experiment –CO mapping Matrix :

Subject Exp No CO1 CO2 CO3 CO4 CO5 CO6

System in 01 X X
Mechanical 02 X
Engineering 03 X
04 X X
05 X
06 X
07 X
08 X X
09 X
10 X

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First Year Engineering Semester I System in Mechanical Engineering

Experiment No:

Title:-Write a report on Industry Visit

Date of performance: __________ Signature of teacher: ______

Date of checking: ___________ Signature of teacher: ______

Title: - Study of power transmitting elements couplings, gears and bearings.

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1. Name of Industry/Workshop/Showroom visited:

2. Address & Phone No:

3. Day & Date of visit:

4. Name of Concerned HR/Contact Person:

Email ID:
Contact no (Off/Dept.): Mob-
5. Name of faculty accompanied: 1) ---------------------------
2) ---------------------------
6. Name of Subjects for which visit was useful:
Sr. No. Name of Subject/s Knowledge Gained


7. Details of the person who explained in company:

Name of Industry staff Designation Department Phone No.& Email id

8. Content of the Report on visit to Industry:


a. Background of the industry, Type of Industry: Large (only one department /

overall), Medium, Small
 Functioning of the Industry / Workshop / Showroom
a. Description of the Process, Inputs & outputs

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b. Flow diagram of the Process

 Student’s Observations on
a. Functioning or Process

b. Specific skills or special machines or technology used, innovations

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c. Productivity or efficiency of the process & layout

d. Environmental impact

e. Safety measures, Cleanliness, Working environment

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 Conclusion
a. Summary of the visit

b. Usefulness of the visit

c. Future plan of action or inspiration

9. Visit Pictures
Photo1 Photo2

Name and Sign of student

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(With date)

Group B: Assignments

Experiment No:

Title:- Assignment on Energy Sources

Date of performance: __________ Signature of teacher: ______

Date of checking: ___________ Signature of teacher: ______

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First Year Engineering Semester I System in Mechanical Engineering

Title:-Write a assignment on Conventional and Non-conventional energy sources.

After studying this experiment, you should be able to:-
 Understand the concept of various forms of energy source.
 Distinguish and Compare the various forms of energy source
 Understand the importance of renewable energy source.

Apparatus: Charts with diagram & Power point presentation.

We use many different energy sources to do work. Energy sources are classified as
renewable (Non-Conventional) or non-renewable (Conventional). Renewable and non-
renewable energy can be used as primary energy sources and converted into secondary
energy sources such as electricity and hydrogen.

 Non-renewable energy sources :

In the United States, non-renewable energy sources supply most of the energy we use.
Non-renewable energy sources include coal, natural gas, petroleum made from crude
oil and natural gas liquids, and uranium. These energy sources are called non-
renewable because their supplies are limited and take a very long time to form. Coal,
crude oil, and natural gas formed from the remains of plants buried underground
millions of years ago.

 Renewable energy sources :

Renewable energy sources include biomass, geothermal energy, hydropower, solar
energy, and wind energy. They are called renewable because they are naturally
replenished in a short period of time. Day after day, the sun shines, the wind blows,
and rivers flow.

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Q1.What is Non-conventional source of energy? Explain the different types of source of
Q2. What is solar energy? Explain solar thermal energy applications.
Q3.What is wind energy? How is electricity produced from wind energy? Discuss wind
energy development in India.
Q4. What is meant by geothermal energy? What are the main applications of geothermal
Q5.What is the basic principle of tidal energy? What are the advantages and limitations of
tidal power generation?

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First Year Engineering Semester I System in Mechanical Engineering

Experiment No:

Title:-Write assignment on Vehicle

specification and system in passenger

Date of performance: __________ Signature of teacher: ______

Date of checking: ___________ Signature of teacher: ______

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Title: Assignment on automobile or vehicle specifications and systems in passenger car.

After studying this experiment, you should be able to:-
 Understand the specification of various vehicle.
 Understand the system in passenger car.
 Understand the role of various system in car.


Car specifications, or car specs, provide a snapshot of a vehicle's important details and
are commonly displayed by a car dealer at the dealership. This information might be a
printout attached to a car window or given to you as a hand out when you inquire about a
specific car. Understanding these specs and how they can affect you as the potential owner of
the vehicle can help you save time and ensure you get the right car for your lifestyle.

Car specs typically fall into the loose categories of construction, operation, and
performance. Construction specs can include basic dimensional factors like height and
weight, as well as deeper details like the car's wheelbase and cargo capacity. Operation specs
include features such as air conditioning, cruise control and seating materials. Performance
specs indicate how the vehicle can be expected to drive and, yes, perform. These can include
fuel economy and the vehicle's turning radius.
Construction specs are often presented as a simple block of data. Lighter vehicles are
often easier on fuel, but may not always have the power or traction of more heavy-duty
versions. A vehicle's height might be of concern if you regularly drive under bridges or
through short drive-through locations. This is a major factor for drivers of large trucks or
vans. Other commonly reported information includes vehicle length and ground clearance.
These are important for those driving off-road.


Q1. What is automobile or vehicle? Explain the classification of Vehicles.

Q2. Explain the function of vehicle chassis and explain its different types.
Q3. Explain the functions of major components of an automobile. Draw schematic diagram.
Q4. Explain the relative positioning of engine and drive axle layout of an automobile.
Q5. Explain the specifications of passenger car.

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Experiment No:

Title:-Write assignment on Electric

vehicle specification and its systems.

Date of performance: __________ Signature of teacher: ______

Date of checking: ___________ Signature of teacher: ______

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Title: Write assignment on Electric vehicle specification and its systems.

After studying this experiment, you should be able to
 Understand the concept of electric vehicle.
 Understand the types of electric vehicle.
 Understand about vehicle specification and its systems.

Q1. What is electric vehicle? What is the need of electric vehicle?
Q2. Explain the working principle of electric vehicle.
Q3. Explain the different types of electric vehicles.
Q4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of electric vehicles?
Q5. Explain the Indian electric vehicles scenario.

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Experiment No:

Title:-Write assignment on Domestic


Date of performance: __________ Signature of teacher: ______

Date of checking: ___________ Signature of teacher: ______

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Title: Write assignment on Domestic appliances like Refrigerator, air-conditioner, washing

machine, cold storage.


Q1. What are refrigeration, refrigerator, refrigerant and Ton of Refrigeration?

Q2. Explain the vapour compression refrigeration cycle.
Q3. Explain the internal parts of domestic refrigerator. Draw schematic diagram.
Q4. Explain the external visible parts of refrigerator. Draw schematic diagram.
Q5. What are the applications of refrigerator?


Aim:-Assignment on domestic appliances - Air-Conditioner. Questions:-

Q1. What is air-conditioning? Explain the different types of air-Conditioning.
Q2. Explain the applications of Industrial Air-conditioning.
Q3. Explain the schematic of window type room air conditioner.
Q4. Explain the limitations and applications of window type air conditioner


Aim: - Assignment on Cold Storage plant.

Q1. What is a Cold Storage Plant? Why Cold Storage plants are needed in India?
Q2. How does a typical Cold Storage Plant works? Draw schematic diagram.
Q3. Is cold storage business profitable? Explain it with your online research.
Q4. What is the “storage days” capacity for Lemons, Ginger, Apples, Kiwifruit, Onions,
Q5. How to calculate Cold Storage Capacity? Explain how to calculate Cooling load capacity
of a plant with an example.

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Group C Experiments

Experiment No: 06

Title:-Demonstration of power train

system in the vehicle.
Date of performance: __________
Signature of teacher: ______

Date of checking: ___________ Signature of teacher: ______

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Title of Experiment: Demonstration of power train system in the vehicle

Overview: Powertrain system of any vehicle is important part of all the vehicles. The vehicle
powertrain system consists of Engine, gear box, clutch, propeller shaft and differential. The
internal combustion engine consists of different elements which are giving power to other
components of vehicle. This power is transferred to wheels by means of gear box and other


 To study the constructional details of power train of automobile.

 To study functioning of different elements of power train system

Prerequisites: Types of vehicles, layouts, gears

Chassis is a French term and was initially used to denote the frame parts or Basic Structure of
the vehicle. It is the back bone of the vehicle. A vehicle without body is called Chassis. The
components of the vehicle like Power plant, Transmission System, Axles, Wheels and Tyres,
Suspension, Controlling Systems like Braking, Steering etc., and also electrical system parts
are mounted on the Chassis frame. It is the main mounting for all the components including
the body. So it is also called as Carrying Unit

Functions of Major Components of an Automobile Power train

1. Chassis and Frame

The chassis is formed by the frame with the frame side members and cross members. The
frame is usually made of box, tubular and channel members that are welded or riveted
together. In addition to this, it comprises of the springs with the axles and wheels, the steering
system and the brakes, the fuel tank, the exhaust system, the radiator, the battery and other
accessories. Along with this the frame supports the body.

2.Engine or Power Plant

The engine is the power plant of the vehicle. In general, internal combustion engine with
petrol or diesel fuel is used to run a vehicle. An engine may be either a two stroke engine or a
four-stroke engine.
An engine consists of a cylinder, piston, valves, valve operating mechanism, carburetor (or
MPFI in modern cars), fan, fuel feed pump and oil pump, etc. Besides this, an engine requires
ignition system for burning fuel in the engine cylinder.

3.Transmission System (Clutch and Gear Box)

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The power developed by the engine is transferred to the wheels by transmission system.
Transmission system must do three jobs :
It must provide varying gear ratios. Number of gear ratio is equal to number of gears in a

It must provide a reverse gear for moving vehicle in reverse direction.

It must provide a neutral or disconnecting arrangement so that the engine can be uncoupled
from the wheels of the vehicle. In a conventional transmission system, there is a clutch, a
manually operated transmission (gear box), a propeller shaft and a differential or final drive.

4. Clutch

The purpose of the clutch is to allow the driver to couple or decouple the engine and
transmission. When clutch is in engaged position, the engine power flows to the transmission
through it (clutch). When gears are to be changed while vehicle is running, the clutch permits
temporary decoupling of engine and wheels so that gears can be shifted. In a scooter, the
clutch is operated by hand where as in a car the clutch is operated by foot. It is necessary to
interrupt the flow of power before gears are changed. Without a clutch, it will be very

5. Final Drive
Final drive is the last stage in transferring power from engine to wheels. It reduces the speed
of the propeller shaft (drive shaft) to that of wheels. It also turns the drive of the propeller
shaft by an angle of 90o to drive the wheels. The propeller shaft has a small bevel pinion
which meshes with crown wheel. The crown wheel gives rotary motion to rear axles. The size
of crown wheel in bigger than that of bevel pinion, therefore, the speed of rear axles (or
crown wheel) in lower than the speed of pinion. Final drive is of two types, i.e. chain type
and gear type.
6. Gear Box
Gear box contain gearing arrangement to get different speeds. Gears are used to get more
than one speed ratios. When both mating gears have same number of teeth, both will rotate at
same number speed. But when one gear has less teeth than other, the gear with less number of
teeth will rotate faster than larger gear. In a typical car, there may be six gears including one
reverse gear. First gear gives low speed but high torque. Higher gears give progressively
increasing speeds. Gears are engaged and disengaged by a shift lever.

7.Front Axle
A part of the weight of vehicle is transmitted to the wheels through this axle. The front axle
performs several functions. It carries the weight of the front of the vehicle and also takes
horizontal and vertical loads when vehicle moves on bumpy roads. When brakes are provided
on front wheels, it endures bending stresses and torsional stresses. It is generally made from
steel drop forging. It is robust in construction.

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Figure 1: Vehicle Power Train

Schematic Layout/ Diagram:

Figure 2: Vehicle Power Train

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The different components of power train or transmission system are studied with respect to
their construction and working.

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Experiment No:

Title:- : Demonstration of Vehicle


Date of performance: __________ Signature of teacher: ______

Date of checking: ___________ Signature of teacher: ______

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Title of Experiment: Demonstration of vehicle systems (automobile chassis,

steering system, suspension system, braking system - Any Two)

Overview: The chassis is formed by the frame with the frame side members and cross
members. The frame is usually made of box, tubular and channel members that are welded or
riveted together. In addition to this, it comprises of the springs with the axles and wheels, the
steering system and the brakes, the fuel tank, the exhaust system, the radiator, the battery and
other accessories. Along with this the frame supports the body.


 To study the constructional details of vehicle chassis and steering system of automobile.
 To study functioning of chassis.
 To study functioning of different elements of vehicle steering system

Prerequisites: To study functioning of chassis.


1. Types of Chassis Frames

There are three types of frames

1. Conventional frame
2. Integral frame
3. Semi-integral frame

1.Conventional Frame

It has two long side members and 5 to 6 cross members joined together with the help of rivets
and bolts. The frame sections are used generally.
a. Channel Section - Good resistance to bending
b. Tabular Section - Good resistance to Torsion
c. Box Section - Good resistance to both bending and Torsion

2. Integral Frame

This frame is used now days in most of the cars. There is no frame and all the assembly units
are attached to the body. All the functions of the frame carried out by the body itself. Due to
elimination of long frame it is cheaper and due to less weight most economical also. Only
disadvantage is repairing is difficult.

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3. Semi - Integral Frame

In some vehicles half frame is fixed in the front end on which engine gear box and front
suspension is mounted. It has the advantage when the vehicle is met with accident the front
frame can be taken easily to replace the damaged chassis frame. This type of frame is used in
FIAT cars and some of the European and American cars.

Figure 3: Vehicle Layout

2. Steering System

This system provides the directional change in the movement of an Automobile and maintain
in a position as per the driver’s decision without much strain on him.

2.1. Requirements of Steering System :

It must keep the wheel at all times in to rolling motion without rubbing on the road.
This system should associate to control the speed.
It must light and stable.
It should also absorb the road shocks.
It must easily be operated with less maintenance.
It should have self-centering action to some extent.

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2.2. Functions of Steering System

It helps in swinging the wheels to the left or right.

It helps in turning the vehicle at the will of the driver.
It provides directional stability.
It is used to minimize the tyre wear and tear.
It helps in achieving self-centering efforts.
It absorbs major part of the road shocks.

Steering System Elements:

Steering System consists of following main elements

1. Steering Wheel:
It is provided in the driver's cabin.The driver can rotate the steering wheel in the direction
as required to steer the vehicle.
2. Steering Column:
It transmits the rotary motion of steering wheel to the input of steering gearbox.
3.Steering Gearbox:
It provides the mechanical advantage so that only a small effort is required at the steering
wheel to apply much larger force at the wheels.
4. Pitman or Drop Arm:
Pitman is rigidly connected to the output of steering gearbox. • The other end of pitman is
connected to the drag link by a ball joint. • It converts the rotary motion of gearbox output
shaft to linear movement of drag link.
5. Drag Link (Link rod):
The drag link is connected to the stub axle.
6. Stub Axle:
The stub axle is swiveled about the king pin. One end of stub axle is connected to the
drag link by a link rod arm. The two stub axles are connected to each other by track rod
arm and tie rod.
7. Track Rod Arm and Tie Rod:
Track rod arm and tie rod form mechanism. They connect both the stub axles. A slider
joint is provided in the tie rod for alignment. steering linkages for wheel adjustment of
a 4-bar link.

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Schematic Layout/ Diagram:

Figure 4: Conventional Steering System

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The different types of chassis frame and components of steering system of vehicle are studied
with respect to their construction and working.

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Experiment No:

Title:- : Demonstration of energy

conversion devices.

Date of performance: __________ Signature of teacher: ______

Date of checking: ___________ Signature of teacher: ______

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Title of Experiment: Demonstration of Energy Conversion Devices

Overview: In various engineering applications, one form of energy is converted into another
form. Usually, the heat is converted into work or work is converted into heat. The systems or
devices which are used for converting energy are called as energy conversion devices. The
energy converting devices are divided into two categories:

1. Power producing devices 2. Power absorbing devices

1. Power producing devices
Power producing devices operates on a cycle and produces mechanical power output on the
expense of supplied energy. These devices generally absorb thermal energy from the source
and reject some part of it to a sink, while doing so it produces work as per the laws of
thermodynamics. For example: Boilers, Steam and Gas tubines, I.C. engines, Hydraulic
turbines, etc.
1. Power absorbing devices
Power absorbing devices uses work energy from outside source to increase the energy of working
fluid during a cycle. For example : Pumps, Compressors, Blowers, Fans, Refrigerators, Air
conditioners, etc.

 To study the constructional details of pump, compressor and turbine.
 To understand working of pump, compressor and turbine.

Prerequisites: Energy, Types of Energy

Theory :
1. Pump
A pump is a machine that imparts energy to a fluid so as to lift the fluid to a higher level, to
transport the fluid from one place to another, to pressurize the liquid for sonic useful purpose
or to circulate the liquid in a piping system
1.1. Centrifugal Pump
The Centrifugal Pump works on the principle of conversion of the rotational kinetic energy
into an increased fluid pressure. The action is explained by Bernouills Principle. Centrifugal
Pumps are used for large discharge through smaller heads.
Figure 4 shows the schematic diagram of a centrifugal pump. It consists of an impeller
enclosed in a volute casing. The impeller is coupled with prime movers such as internal
combustion engine or electric motor, which makes the impeller to rotate inside the volute
casing. The rotation of the impeller imparts kinetic energy to the fluid forcing the fluid to
move outward from the impeller vanes to the periphery. At the periphery, the change in area
of the volute casing converts the fluid kinetic energy (velocity) into (static) pressure head.
The increased pressure on the delivery side of the pump enables the fluid to flow or lift to a
higher level. The low pressure created at the impale eye (center) sucks the fluid from the
suction pipe.

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Figure 5: Centrifugal Pumps

2. Compressor
A compressor is used to increase the pressure of the air which can be used for a variety of
purposes, from industrial and manufacturing to commercial and personal purposes. The most
well known use of they; compressor is in the case of pneumatic tools such as air-powered nail
guns, staplers, sanders, spray pa ratchet wrenches, etc.
2.1. Reciprocating Air Compressor
Reciprocating compressor is a machine which is used to increase the pressure energy of the
working fluid by means of piston cylinder arrangement, here in refrigeration the working
fluid is refrigerant. It is a positive displacement compressor that uses pistons driven by a
crankshafts to deliver gases at high pressure.
In a reciprocating compressor, a volume of air is drawn into a cylinder, it is trapped, and
compressed by piston and then discharged into the discharge line. The cylinder valves control
the flow of air through the cylinder; these valves act as check valves.

Figure 6: Reciprocating Compressor

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3. Turbine
Turbines are the hydraulic machines which convert hydraulic energy into mechanical energy.
4.1. Impulse Turbine (Pelton Wheel)
 Impulse turbine works on the basic principle of impulse.
 When the jet of water strikes at the turbine blade with full of its speed, it generates a large
force which used to rotate the turbine.
 The force is depends on the time interval and velocity of jet strikes the blades.
 This turbine used to rotate the generator, which produces electric power.
 High pressure water flow form dam (high head) to nozzle (low head).
 This water flows through divergent nozzle where it’s all pressure energy change into
kinetic energy. It forms a water jet.
 The water jet strikes the blade at high speed which rotates the rotor.
 It transfers all kinetic energy of water to the rotor, which further use to rotate the
 After transferring energy, water flows to the tail race.
 This process run continuously until sufficient power generates.

Figure 7: Pelton Wheel

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Conclusion: The energy conversion devices such as Pump, compressor and Turbine
are studied

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First Year Engineering Semester I System in Mechanical Engineering

Experiment No:

Title:- : Demonstration of CNC.

Date of performance: __________ Signature of teacher: ______

Date of checking: ___________ Signature of teacher: ______

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Title of Experiment: Demonstration of CNC

Overview: Computerized Numerical Control (CNC) is a NC system which uses micro-

computer as the machine control unit. The presence of a microprocessor, RAM, ROM,
Input/output (I/O) devices has raised the automation level in NC system. In CNC machines,
various functions are controlled with the help of part programs which are generally entered
through the keyboard.


 To study principle of CNC Machine.

 To understand working of CNC Machine.
Prerequisites: Machining processes and machines


CNC Machine Basic Elements

1. Part Program and Drawings:

The part program is written by observing the part drawing and the given cutting process
parameters like feed, speed, depth of cut, etc.

2. Input/output Devices: The written part program is entered into the micro-computer by
using input devices like keyboard, CD, DVD, etc.

3. Memory Storage Devices:

The entered program is stored in computer memory which can be recalled whenever required.
Also, the program can be easily edited and modified as per the requirement.

4. Micro-computer (MCU):

The entered part program is read by the micro-computer which is the machine control unit of
CNC system. It controls all the movements of machine tool, actuation of all the drives,
coolant supply, etc. of the machine tool.

5. CNC Machine Tool:

It is the manufacturing arm of CNC machine tool system. It receives raw material and
performs various operations which are needed. For performing these operations it should

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receive the information from the MCU. In CNC system, all the operations like spindle start
and stop, tool positioning, tool changing, speed control, etc. are fully automatic.

4. Feedback Device :

Feedback device receives feedback from the machine tool and gives it to the MCU.

Schematic Layout/ Diagram:

Figure 8: CNC Machine Block Diagram

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The different constructional features of CNC machines are studied.

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Experiment No:

Title:- V-Lab Experiment (Universal


Date of performance: __________ Signature of teacher: ______

Date of checking: ___________ Signature of teacher: ______

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After completing the simulation experiments on balancing of multiple

masses in single plane one should be able to

1. To understand the relative motion between the output and the input
shaft of the universal joint.
2. To understand the variation of angle output shaft and input shaft.


Universal joint is a positive mechanical joint used for connecting

shafts, whose axes are inclined at an angle to each other. It is also known as
universal coupling, U-joint, Cardan Joint and Hooke’s Joint. It compensates
angular misalignment between the shafts in any direction.

A universal joint is a joint or coupling in a rigid rod that allows the rod
to 'bend' in any direction and is commonly used in shafts that transmit rotary
motion. It consists of a pair of hinges located close together, oriented at 90°
to each other, connected by a cross shaft. It is not a constant velocity joint.
The universal joint suffers from one major problem: even when the input
drive shaft axle rotates at a constant speed, the output drive shaft axle
rotates at a variable speed, thus causing vibration and wear.

You can understand the parts of a universal coupling clearly by taking

a look at the exploded view shown below. To know more about the parts.

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Fig: Exploded view of a Universal Joint

The two fork ends are assembled co-axially with respect to the centre
block. The pins are assembled into the holes provided in the fork end. They
are held in position by means of a collar and a collar pin. The assembled
view of a universal joint is shown below. For a detailed understanding of the
assembly of a typical universal joint.

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Fig: Assembled View

Universal joint has a wide range of applications. It is used in:

 Driveshafts
 Automobile propeller shafts
 Stone crushers
 Tapping machinery
 Centrifugal blowers
 Centrifugal fans and centrifugal pumps
 Belt conveyors
 Control mechanisms
 Marine equipment
 Metal forming machinery
 Sockets

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