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International Journal of

ISSN: 2230-9926 International Journal of Development Research

Vol. 4, Issue, 3, pp. 708-716, March, 2014

Full Length Research Article

Vijaykumar, B. S. and *Maharajan, A.
Department of Zoology, Khadir Mohideen College, Adirampattinam-614 701, Thanjavur Dist, Tamil Nadu, India


Article History: Present study was conducted for a period of 156 days (February - July, 2010) in three earthen
Received 22nd December, 2013 ponds of each 10000m2 area in different salinities. P. monodon seeds were stocked at a density of
Received in revised form 15 nos /m2 in all the ponds. The water quality parameters such as temperature, salinity, hydrogen
06th January, 2014 ion concentration (pH), dissolved oxygen and alkalinity were monitored. The alkalinity at pond
Accepted 17th February, 2014 I,II and III showed a significantly value (60-130ppm,180 to 230ppm and 220-260ppm) at 86
Published online 25th March, 2014 DOC. The Pond II showed higher survival rate than that of pond I and III. The survival at the time
of harvest was 86.6% for pond I, 95.6% for pond II and 72.6% for pond III at 142, 114 and 156
Key words: DOC respectively. The Average Body Weight (ABW) gained during the 114 DOC was
Penaeus monodon, 33.16±0.83g, 23.44±0.62g and 17.83±0.28g for pond II, I and III respectively. The Average Daily
Growth (ADG) at the time of harvest was 0.23g for pond I, 0.29g for pond II and 0.17g for pond
water quality,
growth, III at 142, 114 and 156 DOC respectively. Among the ponds, Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR) was
cost analysis. found to be lower in pond II, followed by pond I and pond III. A similar trend was observed for
Specific Growth Rate (SGR) also, in which pond II showed 37% higher SGR than pond III and
29.31% higher than pond I. Pond II obtained higher harvested biomass of shrimps at lesser DOC
(4928 kg in 114 DOC) than pond I (4390 kg in 142 DOC) and pond III (3150 kg in 156 DOC).
The Revenue Over Investment (ROI) was maximum for pond II (99%), followed by a moderate
ROI at pond I (60%) and the least was for pond III (10%) respectively.

Copyright © 2014 Vijaykumar, B. S. and Maharajan, A. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

INTRODUCTION lakh hectare (Agarwal et.al., 1982). The Godavari delta in

Aquaculture is one of the fastest growing sectors that ensure a Andhra pradesh is having significant high saline alkaline area
mammoth role in satisfying the protein requirements of the and this could be effectively utilized for aquaculture activities
burgeoning populace. It is rapidly expanding in developing by making use of the fresh water resources during the flood or
countries and is generally regarded as an efficient means of by using low saline ground water. Physico-chemical
increasing protein production and income generation (Pullin, parameters of water plays a very vital role that determines the
1993).Shrimp farming in India developed at a phenomenal rate fate of culture. Among this, salinity is one of the most
in the last decade. Congenial conditions such as availability of important abiotic factors in aquaculture, though many
unutilized coastal land, successful transfer of hatchery and crustacean species exhibit some degree of euryhalinity
grow-out technology, increased export demand and opening (Pequeux, 1995). Salinity is a masking factor that modifies
up of the economy in 1990s paved way to the rapid expansion numerous physiological responses such as metabolism,
of commercial intensive shrimp aquaculture. Penaeus growth, life cycle, nutrition and intra-and inerspecific
monodon, are widely cultured crustacean species around the relationships (Venkataramiah et al., 1974). Salinity is said to
world. Shrimp culture contributing to a significant portion of be a prime factor that plays a very vital role in the physiology
national income through export earnings. India stands as the and growth of shrimps that ultimately decides the fate of
fifth highest producer of farmed shrimps (Felix et al., 2007). culture. The physiological responses are believed to be
India is bestowed with an extensive coast line and brackish essential to assess the animal performance at different
water area with vast potential for coastal aquaculture activities. environmental conditions (Menezes et al., 2006). Staples and
The saline wetlands in India are estimated to the tune of 70 Heales (1991) emphasized that salinity influence the food
consumption and conversion efficiency thereby affects the
Corresponding author: Maharajan, A. growth and survival of cultured penaeid shrimps.
Department of Zoology, Khadir Mohideen College, Adirampattinam- Understanding the importance, several studies have been
614 701, Thanjavur Dist, Tamil Nadu, India conducted to determine effects of salinity alone or in
709 Vijaykumar, B. S. and Maharajan, A. Comparative evaluation of Penaeus monodon (Fabricius, 1798) culture in different saline grow-out
systems in India

conjunction with other abiotic factors on the osmoregulatory ponds. All the three experiments were conducted concurrently
ability of commercially important penaeid species. Mair under semi-intensive production conditions. The shrimps were
(1980) conducted salinity tolerance experiments in penaeid fed with CP feed (Charoen Pokhpond Aquaculture India Pvt.
shrimps suggested that salinity preference changed with size in Ltd.).Feeding rate ranged between 2.5 and 10% of body
such a fashion that post larvae adapted quickly to lower weight per day. The feed ratio was divided in to 4 times a day
salinities than the other age groups. The age of tolerance to (06:00, 11:00, 16:00 and 21:00 hr).
wide salinity fluctuations for most penaeid post larvae is
between PL10 and PL40 (Tsuzuki et al., 2000); during this Water Quality Parameters
period farmer can subject them for acclimatizing to low-saline The water quality parameters in the pond are strictly
well waters. The post larvae and juveniles of most of the monitored in the morning hours daily at different corners of
penaeid species adapt and osmoregulates well at lower the pond. Temperature, salinity, hydrogen ion concentration
salinities than their adults. Studies conducted by Parado- (pH), dissolved oxygen and alkalinity were monitored in situ.
Estepa et al., (1987). Although few studies addressed the Water temperature and dissolved oxygen were measured with
impact of salinity on survival (Ogle et al., 1992), and growth the aid of portable electronic meter (Lutron, model no. DO-
(Ponce-Palafox et al., 1997) of P. vannamei, the estimation of 5510). The water salinity was measured by using a hand
optimal salinity for the growth of white shrimps is still refractometer (Atago, Japan, Model no.440449). pH and
controversial. alkalinity were measured using test kits (Advance pharma Co.
Ltd., Method-colorimetry). For the sake of convenience in
Farming of shrimp in inland low saline water has been interpretation, the data were pooled up in 14 days interval. The
undertaken in many parts of the world. Particularly, the culture harvest was conducted at 142 DOC in pond I, 114 DOC in
of white shrimp, P. vannamei, has become a rapidly growing pond II and 156 DOC in pond III.
industry in low saline areas due to its wide tolerance to
salinities ranging from 1 to 50 psu (McGraw et al., 2002). The Assessment of Survival, Growth and Food Conversion
ability of P. vannamei to grow at high salinities has also been Ratio (FCR)
demonstrated for aquaculture purposes in dry regions
(Martínez-Cordova et al., 1997). Earlier works on this line Shrimps in each pond were sampled at every 7days interval to
suggested that the optimum salinity for the culture of P. assess the growth. The survival, Average Body Weight
monodon ranges from 15 to 25 psu (Chen, 1985). A thorough (ABW), Average Daily Growth (ADG), Specific Growth Rate
and careful investigation on the role of salinity and its (SGR) and Food Conversion Ratio (FCR) were calculated
aftermath on the survival and growth of P. monodon is found using the formula mentioned below.
wanting. The present study is framed in this backdrop with the
objective of analyzing the semi-intensive culture of Average Body Weight (ABW)
P.monodon in low, medium and high salinities in Godavari
delta region of Andhra pradesh. Present study has been
directed so as to generate information pertain to various
biological and economic factors such as survival, Average
Body Weight (ABW), Average Daily Growth (ADG), Specific Survival
Growth Rate (SGR), Food Conversion Ratio (FCR) and cost
analysis in different salinities.


Description of the study area Estimated survival (based on feeding rate)

The present study was conducted in three growout ponds with

pronounced salinity variation, each of 1 ha water spread area.
The pond I is a low saline (2-5psu) culture pond and is located
at Kumaragiri (Lat.16°35’ 40.9” N; Long. 82°17’35.8’’ E).
The pond II is a medium saline (15-20 psu) culture pond and is
located at Yedhurlanka (Lat. 16° 40’ 55.41’’N; Long. 82° 5’
47.67”E). The pond III is a high saline culture pond where the
water salinity ranges from 30- 40 psu and is located at Average Daily Growth (ADG)
Antervedi (Lat.16° 21’ 37.71”N; Long.81°45’ 19.6” E). (Plate
3). The present study was conducted for a period of 156 days
(February -July, 2010) in 3 earthen ponds of each 10000m2
Food Conversion Ratio (FCR)
Healthy and WSSV negative (PCR tested) P. monodon seeds
were procured from a commercial hatchery near Kakinada.
Post larvae (PL- 20) with an average initial weight of 0.02gm
were selected and acclimatized to pond water temperature and
salinity and stocked at a density of 15 shrimps /m2 in all the
710 International Journal of Development Research, Vol. 4, Issue, 3, pp. 708-716, March, 2014

Specific Growth Rate (SGR)

Statistical analysis

The results of survival, ABW, ADG, SGR and FCR were

arranged in 14 days interval for the sake of easy interpretation.
The results are statistically treated with the help of computer
package (MS-Excel
Excel and SPSS software, version 10.0). To Fig. 2. Salinity (psu) recorded in all the ponds (I
(I-III) during the
maintain uniformity y and for the sake of comparison, the graph, study period.
tables so also the statistical treatments were represented evenly
for 114 DOC only. The results are presented as mean ± SD Hydrogen ion concentration (pH)
(standard deviation). Differences between mean values of
growth parameters were analysed by two--way Analysis of The details of pH are portrayed in Fig. 33. The pH was ranged
Variance (ANOVA) followed by testing for multiple range between 7.5 and 8.2. The pH displayed an optimum range at
comparisons between means (Duncan’s Multiple Range Test) all the experimental ponds during the culture period. In pond I
and the differences between means were checked for & II, the pH ranged between 7.8 to 8.2, whereas in pond III it
significance at level P < 0.05.The cost analysis was worked ranged from 7.5 to 8.2 respectively.
out individually
vidually for each pond covering all factors pertain to
expenditure. The production cost per kg of shrimp against all
major expenditure was calculated with special emphasis on
profit and Revenue Over Investment (ROI) so as to get a clear
picture of economics.

Water Quality Parameters

Water quality parameters were recorded from all the ponds

daily and the results are pooled up in 15 days interval and are
portrayed in graphs. Fig. 3. pH recorded in all the ponds (I
(I-III) during the study
Water Temperature
Dissolved oxygen
The results of water temperature are depicted in Fig. 1. The
temperature in all the three ponds varied from 27 to 30.7 °C. The variation in dissolved oxygen levels between the grow
No pronounced variation in temperature was found between ponds during the entire days of culture are pooled up in Fig. 4.
the ponds. Among all the ponds, the minimum was recorded In general, high dissolved oxygen levels were recorded during
during the 15 DOC and the maximum was recorded during 72 the early days of culture.. In pond I, the level varied from 4 to
DOC. 6.5 ml/l, in pond II it was 4 to 6.5 mg/l and in pond III the
dissolved oxygen level varied from 4 to 5.5 ml/l respectively.

Fig. 1. Water temperature (oC) recorded in all the ponds (I-III)

(I Fig. 4. Dissolved oxygen (O2ml/l) recorded in all the ponds (I
during the study period. during the study period.

Salinity Alkalinity
The results of salinity are detailed in Fig. 2. The salinity in The results of alkalinity are detailed in Fig.
Fig.5. The alkalinity at
pond I was ranged between 4 to 6 psu, in pond II between 14-14 pond I showed a significantly lower value (60ppm) during the
16 psu and in pond III between 34-36
36 psu throughout the study initial days of culture and had a gradual increase as the culture
period. proceeds with the maximum level (13 (130ppm) during 86 days of
711 Vijaykumar, B. S. and Maharajan, A. Comparative evaluation of Penaeus monodon (Fabricius, 1798) culture in different saline grow
systems in India

culture. In pond II and III, the alkalinityy showed a higher range in pond II and 2.26±0.06 g in pond III. The ABW in all the
(180 to 230ppm in pond II and 220 to 260ppm in pond III three ponds varied significantly
gnificantly (p
(p<0.05) from the beginning
respectively). of the culture to 114 DOC and harvest. The average weight
gained during 114 DOC in pond I 23.44±0.62g and in pond III
was 17.83±0.28g; which showed significantly lower values
0.05) than pond (II 33.16±0.83g). The pond II exhibited
fastest growth (33.14g) in 114 days, and was harvested 28
days before Pond I and 42 days before pond III. In general, the
shrimps grown at pond III showed poor growth performance
from the beginning of the culture and attained a harvestabl
size of 28.58g only at 156 days. The analysis of variance (2(2-
way) showed significant difference in Average Body weight
between the days of culture and also between the culture
ponds (p<0.05)
Fig. 5. Alkalinity (ppm) recorded in all the ponds (I-III)
(I during
the study period.
Growth Parameters
P.monodon post larvae were checked for survival in happa ha
after 48 hours of stocking. pond I and II observed higher
survival (90% and 95%) than pond III (80%) respectively.
Based on the happa survival, the feeding was adjusted in each
experimental pond. The shrimps were fed with CP feed
(Charoen Pokh pond Aquaculture
lture India Pvt. Ltd.). The feeding
schedule was based on the feed chart given by the CP
Company. Blind feeding was done for the first 25 days. Later
the feeding ration was adjusted based on the check tray
observation and periodic sampling. Fig. 7. Average Body weight (ABW) (g) of P. monodon cultured in
ponds I to III up to 114 days of culture.
The results of the survival rate are depicted in Fig. 6. The Average Daily Growth (ADG)
survival at 30 DOC was 90.33±2.08% in pond I, 92.33±2.08% The results of growth performance based on Average Daily
in pond II, which showed significance (p<0.05)
(p with each growth (ADG) are depicted in Fig. 8. The ADG at 30 DOC for
other. But pond III showed the least survival of 76±1%. The pond I (0.07±0.00g) was significant with pond III, whereas
survival at pond I was 80.67%, in pond II was 95.67% and in pond II showed fairly higher ADG value (0.12±0.01g). The
pond III was 70.67% at 114 days. The survival at the time of Average Daily growth at 114 days for pond II was recorded to
harvest was 86.6% for pond I, 95.6% for pond II and 72.6% be the maximum (0.29±0.01g) compared to pond I
for pond III at 142, 114 and 156 DOC respectively. Except for (0.20±0.01g) and pond III (0.15±0.00g) respectively. There
the significance between pond I and II during 30 days, all was continues increment in ADG as the culture days proceeds.
other duration showed a varied significance between the Comparatively, pond II revealed higher ADG followed by
ponds. The analysis of variance (2-way)
way) showed significant
sign pond I, while pond III showed lesser values throughout the
difference in survival between the days of culture and also culture period. The Average Daily Growth (ADG) at the time
between the culture ponds (P≤ 0.05). of harvest was 0.23g for pond I, 0.29g for pond II and 0.17g
for pond III at 142, 114 and 156 DOC respectively. The
analysis of variance (2-way)
way) showed significant difference in
Average Daily Growth between the days of culture and also
between the culture ponds (p<0.05).

Fig. 6. Survival (%) of P. monodon cultured in ponds I to III up

to 114 days of Culture

Average Body Weight (ABW)

The results of growth performance based on Average Body
Fig.8.. Average Daily Growth (ADG) (g) of P. monodon cultured
Weight (ABW) are detailed in Fig.7. The average body weight
in ponds I too III up to 114 days of culture
of shrimps at 30 DOC was 2.33 ±0.05g in pond I, 3.64±0.09 g
712 International Journal of Development Research, Vol. 4, Issue, 3, pp. 708-716, March, 2014

Food Conversion Ratio (FCR) Cost Analysis

The results of the food conversion ratio are detailed in Fig. 9. The details of harvested shrimp biomass is detailed in (Table 1
The FCR in all the three ponds varied significantly (p<0.05)
(p and Fig.11). Pond II obtained comparatively good harvest in
from the beginning of the culture up to the harvest. The FCR shorter time (4928 kg at 114 DOC) than other ponds. The
of shrimps at 30 DOC was 1.06±0.07 in pond I, 1.17±0.07 in culture period for pond I, II and III had a varied duration (142,
pond III and the lowest was 0.83±0.03 in pond II respectively. 114, and 156 days respectively) and diff different biomass
The FCR widely ranged from 1.57±0.02 to 2.06±0.06 at 100 production (4390
4390 kg,4928kg, and 3150kg respectively).The
days and varied significantly (p<0.05)
0.05) at all ponds. The final production cost analysis was worked out individually and are
FCR for pond II at 114 days was 60.83 % less than pond III given in Table 2. The feed cost of accounted to the maximum
and 34.26% less than pond I. At harvest, the pond III showed expenditure in all the threee experimental culture. The cost of
higher FCR (2.4) than pond II (1.42) and pond I (1.89) feed per kilogram of shrimp in pond III was maximum
respectively. The analysis of variance (2-way)
(2 showed (Rs.120.59), whereas the pond I recorded 21.55% less
significant difference in FCR between the days of culture and (Rs.94.60/kg) and pond II recorded 41.17% (Rs.70.94/kg) less
also between the culture ponds (P≤ 0.05). expenditure than the pond III. The next major expenditure was
the energy cost. The pond III showed the maximum power
cost per kg shrimp (Rs.27.99), followed by pond I
(Rs.19.74/kg) showing a reduced cost by 41.99% than pond
III. The least expenditure was obtained by pond II
(Rs.13.22/kg) which was comparatively 111.72% less than
pond III and 49.31% less than pond I respectively. The lease
cost includes lease for land, generator and aerators for a single
crop (6 months) respectively. The probiotics used for soil,
water and feed accounted for 6% of the total expenditure at
pond I, whereas pond II showed 7.06% and pond III 4.26%
respectively. The seed cost in pond III were high (Rs.11.43/kg
shrimp) when compared to pond I (Rs.8.20/kg shrimp) and
pond II (Rs.7.305/kg shrimp).p). The labour cost per crop in pond
Fig. 9. Food Conversion Ratio (FCR) (g) of P. monodon cultured III was 1.99 fold more than the pond II and 1.56 fold more
in ponds I to III up to 114 days of culture. than the pond I.
Specific Growth Rate (SGR):
The results of the SGR at different salinities are presented in
Fig. 10. The SGR of shrimps at 30 DOC was 7.69±0.15% in
pond I, 7.45±0.22% in Pond III and 12.06±0.3% in pond II
respectively. At 100 days, the SGR varied greatly between
pond I (19.71±0.23%),, pond II (26.09±1.02%) and pond III
(15.21±0.48%) respectively. The SGR at 114 days for pond II
was recorded to be the maximum (29.06±0.73%) compared to
pond I (20.54±0.54%) and pond III (15.62±0.25%).
Throughout the culture period, higher SGR was observed
observe at
pond II, followed by pond I and pond III. At harvest, pond II
showed 37% higher SGR than pond III and 29.31% higher
than pond I respectively. Pond III showed a lesser SGR
compared with pond I (-20.98%)
20.98%) and pond II (- ( 37%) Fig. 11. Total Harvested biomass of P.monodon at end of the
respectively. The analysis of variance (2-way)(2 showed culture a pond I, pond II and pond III.
significant difference in SGR between the days of culture and
also between the culture ponds (P≤ 0.05). Table 1. Pond wise summary of semi – intensive shrimp farming
pertain to stocking, harvest and growth

Fig. 10. Specific Growth Rate (SGR) (%) of P. monodon cultured

in ponds I to III up to 114 days of culture.
713 Vijaykumar, B. S. and Maharajan, A. Comparative evaluation of Penaeus monodon (Fabricius, 1798) culture in different saline grow-out
systems in India

Table 2. Economics and profit analysis (pond wise) of the semi intensive shrimp farming

Low saline Moderate saline High saline

culture (pond I) culture (pond II) culture (pond III)
Cost Details Per Crop
Total Cost/Kg Total Cost/kg Total Cost/kg
cost shrimp cost shrimp cost shrimp

Feed (Rs.) 4,15,550 94.60 3,49,600 70.94 3,79,850 120.59

Seed (Rs.) 36,000 8.20 36,000 7.30 36,000 11.42

Electricity (Rs.) 86,640 19.74 65,136 13.22 88,176 27.99

Bleaching (Rs.) 13,050 2.64 13,050 2.97 13,050 4.14

Lime (Rs.) Nil Nil 7,500 1.52 6,250 1.98

Probiotics (Rs.) 42,825 9.76 45,375 9.21 28,200 8.95

Chemicals (Rs.) 6,000 1.37 10,500 0.47 2,000 0.63

Labour (Rs.) 25,000 5.69 22,000 4.46 28,000 8.89

Lease (Rs.) 62,500 14.24 70,000 14.20 62,500 19.84

Fencing (Rs.) 3,000 0.68 3,000 0.60 3,000 0.95

Others (Rs.) 20,000 4.56 20,000 4.06 10,000 3.17

Total expenditure(Rs.) 7,10,565 161.88 6,42,161 130.31 6,57,026 208.58

Total income(Rs.) 11,41,400 260.00 12,81,280 260 7,24,500 230

Profit (Rs.) 4,30,835 98.14 6,39,119 129.69 67,474 21.42

Revenue Over Investment (ROI) % 60 99 10

The overall production cost per kg of shrimp was minimum accelerates the growth of shrimps and the level greater than
for pond II (Rs.130.31), followed by pond I (Rs.161.88/kg this range is lethal to the cultured organisms. The temperature
shrimp), whereas the highest production cost was observed in in all the three ponds varied from 27 to 30.7 °C with no
pond III (Rs.208.58/kg shrimp) respectively. For pond III, the pronounced variation was found between the ponds. Boyd and
production cost per kg of shrimp increased by 37.5% and Fast (1992) opined that the optimum temperature range in
22.3%, when compared to pond II and pond I respectively. culture ponds is between 25 to 30o C that accelerates the
The profit per kg of shrimps for pond II (Rs.129.64) showed growth of shrimps and the level greater than this range is
six fold increase than pond III and 1.32 fold increase than lethal to the cultured organisms Salinity is one of the most
pond I. Likewise the profit per kg of shrimp for pond I prime environmental parameter in shrimp culture that decides
(Rs.98.14) increased to 4.58 fold than pond III and decreased the fate of culture. In the present study, the salinity ranged
to 0.32 fold than pond II. The Revenue Over Investment from 4 to 6 psu in pond I, 14 to 16 psu in pond II and 35 to 37
(ROI) was maximum for pond II (99%). A moderate ROI was psu in pond III. The salinity closer to is osmotic point (14 to
seen for pond I (60%), whereas the ROI (10%) was least for 16 psu) resulted in increased growth in pond II than other
pond III. ponds. The growth of P. monodon will be at optimum in
salinities of 15psu and 20psu (Cheng and Liao, 1986). In the
DISCUSSION present study the pH range flanked within the optimum level
for penaeid shrimp culture. Ramakrishna Reddy (2000)
Water Quality Parameters recommended an optimum pH of 7.5 to 8.5 for P.monodon
culture. The dissolved oxygen level was maintained at 4 to 6.5
The water quality parameters play a very vital role in the mg/l during the culture period in all the ponds which is proved
successful culture of aquatic organisms. In P.monodon culture to be an optimum range in the semi intensive culture of
the hydrological parameters such as salinity, pH, dissolved shrimps. Even the lowest level of dissolved oxygen observed
oxygen and alkalinity levels ranks a crucial role in the fate of (4ml/l) was also suitable for high survival and growth rate of
the growth and survival of shrimps especially in semi intensive P.monodon. This was attained probably due to continuous
systems. The variations of dissolved oxygen, temperature and aeration in the pond. A similar observation was made in the
salinity are the key factors in the culture system which plays study of McGraw et al., (2001).
an important role in keeping the prawn in good condition
(Shigueno 1972). Water temperature is probably the most Growth Performances
important environment variables in shrimp culture, because it
directly affects metabolism, oxygen consumption, growth, The estimation of preliminary survival was based on the
moulting and survival. Boyd (1992) opined that the optimum assessment of post larvae stocked in happa. Poor survival and
temperature range in culture ponds is between 25 to 30o C that lack of accurate prediction in the early phase of grow-out are
714 International Journal of Development Research, Vol. 4, Issue, 3, pp. 708-716, March, 2014

the major obstacles during the culture. However after 30 DOC, al., 1998) and P.monodon (Cawthorne et al., 1983) has been
the response of shrimps to the feeding trays is more legible successfully carried out in moderate saline inland ground
and this will gave a clear idea of survival for the successive water. No pronounced problems have been reported in
phase of culture. Thus the use of feeding trays is considered culturing shrimps in the saline ground waters of inland or
inevitable in shrimp farming. Post larvae of P.monodon aged coastal low-lying saline-alkaline areas. China has been
between PL 7 and 22 proved better survival and growth at 20 exploiting and ameliorating the saline-alkaline wetland by
and 25 psu than at high salinities (40 ppt) indicates that their using the fish pond-agricultural terrace system in the Yellow
optimal salinity is in the lower range. This is in accordance River Delta for decades. It is prominent that this type of
with the work of Raj and Raj (1982) whom studied the salinity aquaculture could not only reduce the salinization of the soil
preference of post larvae and juveniles of P. indicus. The around the pond area, but also be a good way for the
results of survival obtained in the present study revealed that sustainable development of the agricultural economy (Cheng,
shrimps in pond II exhibited fairly higher survival (96%) than 1993).
that of pond I (81%), whereas in pond III which is a high
saline culture, showed comparatively poor survival (71%). It is Cost Analysis
also clear from the present investigation that, shrimp Feed is the most important expensive item for a semi-intensive
production increased significantly with the stocking density shrimp culture practice. Pond III showed high FCR (1:2.4)
and survival, this is in agreement with the report of Allan and which might be attributed to less survival and slow growth
Maguire (1992). Michael (1996) opined that poor shrimp rate. Concurrent to this, the cost of feed/kg shrimp increased
survival leads to less yield though the growth rate and shrimp exponentially in pond III (Rs.120.59), compared to pond I (Rs.
size at harvest were good. 94.60) and pond II (Rs.70.94) Overfeeding results in higher
cost of feed per unit shrimp produced (Peter, 1998). Besides,
In the present study, shrimps grown at medium salinity (pond Wyban et al., (1995) opined that excess feeding can cause
II) had better growth performance, when compared with deterioration of water quality that leads to poor growth and
shrimps cultured either in low (pond I) or high salinity levels survival with a consequent reduction in production and
(pond III), suggesting that the best productivity of P.monodon economic return. The proper assessment of check trays are
is in the moderate salinity level of 15-20 psu. The growth of P. treated as a guide for adjusting feeding rates (Allan et al.,
monodon will be at optimum in salinities of 15psu and 20psu 2006). The second major expenditure accounting to the
and at high or low salinities affects the molting frequency production cost is the power cost. The slow growth rate
(Boyd, 1989). Similarly, Huang (1983) reported that P. increased the duration of culture in pond III (156 days) and
vannamei performed better growth at salinities of about 20 psu pond I (142 days), resulted in increased utilization of
and poorest at 5 psu and 45 psu respectively. The Standard electricity, which in turn increase the power cost / kg shrimp
Growth Rate (SGR) and the Average Daily Growth (ADG) by (Rs.27.99) and (Rs. 9.74) respectively. However pond II
was also influenced by the salinity in such a fashion that pond with least culture period (114 days), showed the economical
II showed an increased ADG and SGR during all the sampling (Rs.13.22) power cost / kg shrimp. Seed is another major
intervals. The final mean ADG is to the tune of 0.23g, 0.29g, expenditure item All the experimental ponds were stocked
0.18g and SGR is about 23.3%, 29.06% and 18.3% in pond II, with the same stocking density, but the harvest results showed
I and III respectively. The results of the present findings are that the lowest seed cost / kg of shrimp produced was achieved
comparable to the SGR reported by Teruel et al., in pond II (Rs.7.30) compared to pond III (Rs.11.45) and Pond
(2003).Parado-Estepaet et al., (1987) reported that food I (Rs.8.20).
consumption and conversion ratio is correlated with water
temperature and salinity of the grow-out. In the present study, The might be credited to the good productivity (in terms of
it was observed that food consumption of shrimps reared at harvested biomass) in pond II (4928 kg/ha), compared to pond
pond II was much lower in comparison with those cultured in III (3150 kg/ha) and Pond I (4390 kg/ha) respectively.
pond I and pond III respectively. Because of good survival (95 %) in pond II, the frequency of
probiotic application so to improve soil condition was doubled
Since the temperature was nearly constant between the culture (weekly once), compared to pond I (once in 2 weeks) and
ponds, variation in food consumption was mainly related to Pond III (once in 10 days). Though the quantity of probiotic
salinity (Kumlu et al., 1999). Sandiferet et al., (1991) reported applied was comparatively higher for pond II, but the cost of
that intensive shrimp culture typically has a Feed Conversion probiotics per kilogram of shrimp was still lesser (Rs.9.2)
Ratio (FCR) of 2.0 or above. But the FCR value observed in compared to pond I (Rs.9.76) and pond III (Rs.8.95). A similar
this study showed promising results. pond I (1.89) and pond II trend was observed for the cost of chemicals applied and for
(1.42) showed a better FCR which might be attributed to the manpower. Because of the saline and alkaline soil nature of
favorable salinity conditions; whereas pond III exhibited feed pond I, little expenditure were made for liming, whereas in
conversion ratio of about 2.4 which might be due to the pond II (Rs.1.52 ) and pond III (Rs.1.98) ,expenditure were
influence of high salinity. Therefore it is safe to vouch that made for liming, but accounted only a smaller proportion
salinity plays a decisive role in increased survival rate and compared to the total expenditure. The profit per kilogram of
enhanced shrimp growth that will significantly improve the shrimp was worked out which showed that pond II exhibited 6
profitability of shrimp farming, Run Yu et al. (2006) fold increase than pond III and 1.32 fold increase than pond I
suggested that either high growth rate or high survival rate respectively. Correspondingly, results of economic evaluation
would imply a high biomass. Low-saline groundwater is an indicated that the Revenue Over Investment (ROI) was
abundant source of many arid regions which has great maximum for pond II (99%), followed by pond I (10%) and
potential for aquaculture (Dennis and Kevin, 2003). the least was observed at pond III (10%). The results of the
Commercial and viable culture of P. vannamei (Samochav et present study revealed that by utilization of the fresh water
715 Vijaykumar, B. S. and Maharajan, A. Comparative evaluation of Penaeus monodon (Fabricius, 1798) culture in different saline grow-out
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McGraw JW, Davis DA, Teichert-Coddington D, Rouse DB
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