All Superconducting Tokamak

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et al. AAPPS Bulletin (2023) 33:8 AAPPS Bulletin


All superconducting tokamak: EAST

Jiansheng Hu1*   , Weibin  Xi1, Jian Zhang1, Liansheng Huang1, Damao Yao1, Qing Zang1, Yanlan Hu1,
Guizhong Zuo1, Qiping Yuan1, Jinping Qian1, Zhiwei Zhou1, Xinjun Zhang1, Mao Wang1, Handong Xu1,
Yahong Xie1, Zhengchu Wang1, Haiqing Liu1, Youwen Sun1, Liang Wang1, Guoqiang Li1, Hongxing Yin1,
Yao Yang1, Xianzu Gong1, Kun Lu1, Guosheng Xu1, Junling Chen1, Fukun Liu1, Jiangang Li1, Yuntao Song1 and
the EAST team 

Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST) was built to demonstrate high-power, long-pulse opera-
tions under fusion-relevant conditions, with major radius R = 1.9 m, minor radius a = 0.5 m, and design pulse length
up to 1000s. It has an ITER-like D-shaped cross-section with two symmetric divertors at the top and bottom, accom-
modating both single null and double null divertor configurations. EAST construction was started in 2000, and its first
plasma was successfully obtained in 2006. In the past 15 years, plasma-facing components, plasma heating, diag-
nostics, and other systems have been upgraded step by step to meet its mission on exploring of the scientific and
technological bases for fusion reactors and studying the physics and engineering technology issues with long pulse
steady-state operation. An advanced steady-state plasma operation scenario has been developed, and plasma param-
eters were greatly improved. Meanwhile, front physics on the magnetic confinement plasmas have been systemically
investigated and lots of fruitful results were realized, covering transport and confinement, MHD stabilities, pedestal
physics, divertor and scrap-off layer (SOL) physics, and energetic particle physics. This brief review of EAST on engi-
neering upgrading, stand-steady operation scenario development, and plasma physics investigation would be useful
for the reference on construction and operation of a superconducting tokamak, such as ITER and future fusion reactor.
Keywords  EAST, Superconducting tokamak, Magnetic confinement, Nuclear fusion

1 Introduction the Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak

The achievement of a steady-state operation with high (EAST) is aiming to explore the scientific and techno-
performance is one major challenge for present-day logical bases for fusion reactors and to study the phys-
tokamaks and future fusion devices. The steady-state ics and engineering technology issues with long pulse
operation of ITER will be the full non-inductive cur- steady-state operation [1–4].
rent-driven plasma with a pulse length of 3000s due EAST project was approved by the Chinese govern-
to engineering limits. The demonstration of a steady- ment in 1998 and started construction in Oct. 2000. The
state scenario on current tokamaks needs a simul- assembling was finished by the end of 2005 and the first
taneous integration of engineering technology and commissioning started on Feb. 1, 2006, which finished
physical issues, such as external current drive, heat flux on March 30, 2006, at the Institute of Plasma Physics,
to the first wall and divertor, and active plasma con- Chinese Academy of Sciences (ASIPP) [1]. Since then,
trol. As one of the superconducting fusion facilities, EAST has been in operation for more than 15 years and
achieved several milestones, in a steady-state scenario
*Correspondence: and H-mode plasma. The main design parameters of the
Jiansheng Hu
[email protected]
EAST device are presented in Table  1 [2], and an over-
Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hefei 230031, view photograph of the EAST device is shown in Fig. 1.

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Hu et al. AAPPS Bulletin (2023) 33:8 Page 2 of 24

Table 1  Main design parameters of the EAST device research. This paper briefly reviews engineering develop-
Parameter Performance ment and its current status of EAST in section 2, stand-
steady operation scenario development in section 3, and
Major radius 1.88 m plasma physics investigation in 6 topics in section 4. The
Minor radius 0.45 m last is a summary.
Toroidal field 1.5–3.5T
Plasma current 1 MA 2 EAST engineering development and current
Elongation Kappa ≤ 2 status
Triangularity δ ≤ 0.7 The main machine of the EAST device consists of six
Available flux ΔΦ ≈ 6.5 Vs components, including an ultra-high vacuum chamber,
toroidal coils, poloidal coils, thermal shields, external
vacuum pumping, and a supporting system. The experi-
mental operation also needs the support of large-scale
cryogenic helium refrigeration, large-scale high-power
pulse power supply and its loop, large-scale supercon-
ductor testing, large-scale computer control and data
acquisition and processing, MW LHCD and RF wave
heating, large-scale ultra-high vacuum, and a variety of
advanced diagnostic measurement systems, etc. (http://​

2.1 EAST main machine

The EAST machine mainly consists of 14 superconduct-
ing poloidal fields (PF) coils and 16 superconducting
Fig. 1  The overview photograph of the EAST device toroidal fields (TF) coils, vacuum vessel (VV), thermal
shields (TS), and cryostat vessel (CV). The 16 TF coils
are arranged in a toroidal direction, its operating cur-
EAST is aiming at the frontier of nuclear fusion energy rent is 14.3 kA, and the maximum toroidal magnetic
research, to carry out joint experimental research on field intensity at the center of the plasma can reach 3.5 T
the basic physics and engineering problems of advanced [6]. Six central solenoid coils and six large poloidal field
tokamak fusion reactors with stable, safe, and efficient coils form the poloidal field magnet system. The maxi-
operation. It is to provide a scientific basis for the design mum operating current of PF is 14.5 kA, and the maxi-
and construction of nuclear fusion engineering test reac- mum poloidal magnetic field intensity and magnetic field
tors and promote the development of other related dis- change rate can reach 4.5 T and 7 T/s respectively [6].
ciplines and technologies in plasma physics [5]. EAST The conductor used in the TF/CS/PF coils is an NbTi/
has three distinctive features: non-circular cross-section, Cu cable-in conduit (CIC) conductor, which is based on
fully superconducting magnets, and fully actively water- NbTi cooled with supercritical helium. The EAST main
cooled plasma-facing components (PFCs), which will machine features a diameter of 7.7 m, a height of 10 m
be beneficial to the exploration of the advanced steady- with a support frame and its total weight of 400 tons. The
state plasma operation modes. Compared with the Inter- cutaway isometric drawing of the EAST main machine is
national Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor project as shown in Fig. 2 [7].
(ITER), EAST is smaller but similar in shape and equi- In addition, the auxiliary systems to maintain the oper-
librium, yet more flexible. Its construction and phys- ation of superconducting magnets include a supercon-
ics research will provide direct experience for ITER and ducting feeder, PF power supply, TF power supply, and
China Fusion Engineering Test Reactor (CFETR) and will quench detection (QD) of the superconducting magnets
ultimately contribute to the development of fusion energy system. Quench detection in superconducting magnet
(http://​east.​ipp.​ac.​cn). Many experimental parameters systems is distributed as follows over the 4 major sub-sys-
obtained are close to the physical conditions required tems, including TF quench detection, PF and CS quench
for the steady-state operation mode of the future reactor, detection, quench detection in superconducting feeders,
which is a key step towards the experimental operation and electronic device for quench detection. In order to
of future reactors. Up to the 2022 campaign, EAST has prevent electromagnetic perturbations caused by plasma
carried out over 118,824 shots (http://​east.​ipp.​ac.​cn). It scenarios and reduce false QDs, several novel compensa-
is necessary to review EAST development and its physics tion systems, such as a real-time feedback compensation
Hu et al. AAPPS Bulletin (2023) 33:8 Page 3 of 24

Fig. 2  The cutaway isometric drawing of the EAST main machine

system to eliminate plasma-induced noise, pick-up coil- TF and PF magnets together generate a magnetic field
based detection system, RF noise suppression technol- to control plasma configurations. The vacuum vessel pro-
ogy, have been developed to ensure the required fast vides a high vacuum environment for high-temperature
response time for the QD system. plasma operation [6, 14, 15]. Since 2006, it has been run-
TF power supply provides a 15-kA current for TF coils, ning safely and stably, and the false QDs during EAST
with the two-quadrant thyristor phase control AD/DC operations is close to zero in the past 6 years.
converter. The TF quench protection is composed of Since 2006, the main technical upgrading of the EAST
two DC breakers and one explosive breaker connected machine is as follows: firstly high-performance insula-
in series for TF coil quench discharge [8, 9]. PF power tion breaks have been manufactured by vacuum wind-
supply system has twelve sets of 15 kA four-quadrant ing technology to solve the vacuum leakage problem
thyristor phase control AD/DC converters, and the of original insulators after years of operation and have
rated no-load voltage is from 350V to 1000V DC. Each replaced all leaking insulation breaks in the cooling loops
PF power supply loop is connected to one set 2.4 kV/15 of magnets; secondly, with enough space for the upgrade
kA switch network unit for plasma initialization. And in heating devices and diagnostic facilities, two cryostats
each PF coil is connected to one quench protection unit, which are installed in the13 pairs of HTS current leads
which is composed of two DC breakers and one explosive have been moved from the EAST machine hall to the
breaker connected in series [10–13]. The PF coil power new power supply hall which is about 30 m away from
supply control system was updated from an analog con- the EAST machine, two new feeder system have been
trol system to a full digital control system in 2015, to developed. Now EAST machine has been running safely
improve the power supply output linearity and accuracy, and stably for nearly 20 years.
and to reduce the failure rate by an order of magnitude.
The PF coil supplies PS11/12 were updated from thyris- 2.2 Vacuum system
tor phase control technology to the IGBT (Insulated Gate EAST vacuum systems as the basic configuration of the
Bipolar Transistor) Pulse Width Modulation technology magnetic confinement fusion device mainly include
in Nov. 2022. This is the first time to use the PWM ac/dc a pumping system, fueling system, wall conditioning,
converter to feed the PF coils in the Tokamak machine. measurement, and control system, which provide a good
The benefits of the new technology power supply are very vacuum environment, clean wall condition, fuel injec-
low response latency, high voltage output efficiency, high tion, and particle exhaust and directly affect the quality of
power factor, and low harmonic wave, etc. the high-temperature plasma.
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When the EAST device was commissioned in 2006, The wall condition system includes baking, glow dis-
a horizontal pump duct for the plasma vessel equipped charge cleaning (GDC) system, ion cyclotron clean-
with 4 sets of turbo molecular pumps with a total nomi- ing system, and coating systems. The hot nitrogen is
nal pumping speed of 12.9 ­m3/s and 4 cryo-pumps with designed to bake the first wall, and right now, the com-
a total nominal pumping speed of 52 ­m3/s for ­H2 [16]. In mon baking temperature of the first wall is limited to less
addition, 2 and 4 cryo-pumps were installed at the bot- than 150 °C due to some engineering limits. And we have
tom and top ports, respectively, connecting with the been developed 4 glow discharge cleaning systems and
divertor region through tubes. Besides those outside two RF discharge cleaning systems. The operation zone
pumps, two new dedicated inner cryopumps located of GDC is the voltage of 100–500 V, and the current of
at the outer target of low and upper divertors, respec- 2–6A. The dedicated belt RF antenna has a wave fre-
tively, had been mounted since 2008 for divertor pump- quency of 27/41 MHz and can produce max. power of 70
ing, with the calibrated pumping speed for D ­ 2 is about 75 kW. It is noted that the RF cleaning system is compatible
­m3/s. In 2021, the pumping systems were upgraded. The with a magnetic field, which is very important to be used
turbo molecular pumps were changed into the magnetic to clean the first wall between the two shots in a future
molecular pump with a pumping speed of 2 ­ 5m3/s, and device. Boronization using carborane (­C2B10H12) as the
the number of outer cryopumps was increased to 14 sets. working material has been applied for wall condition-
Furthermore, the part of the cryopump was upgraded ing from the first campaign of EAST. This technique has
into the pump with a larger pumping speed (­ 18m3/s) and been demonstrated to suppress impurities and allow the
capacity (~100Pa·m3). attainment of low Zeff plasmas in EAST. Unfortunately,
The fueling system is designed to meet the require- it also introduces H to the walls, which leads to high
ments of plasma fueling, wall conditioning, the radiative particle recycling. Siliconization using ­SiH4/He or ­SiD4/
divertor, disruption mitigation, and diagnostic system. He as working gases was also investigated on EAST [17].
The injected gases include deuterium, helium, nitrogen, It was found that siliconization could be used to reduce
argon, and neon. In the first phase of the EAST machine, particle recycling slightly, but the H content reduction
it designed 12 gas puffing systems for plasma fueling at caused by SiD4 coating from ~28 to ~8% was slower than
top and bottom divertors. The piezo valves were used to Li coating. Compared with traditional wall condition-
control injection gas, but it has a long response time of ings, Li coating was testified as the most effective way to
20-100ms for gas injection. Therefore, it is only used as suppress impurities, and reduce recycling and H/(H+D)
a basic fueling technique to provide a working medium ratio to stabilize the plasma edge. Specifically, the high-
for plasma establishment, heating antenna, and divertor Z tungsten core impurity concentration was maintained
experiment, wall conditioning. In order to decrease the between 3 and 15 ppm during long H-mode plasmas [18].
delay time of gas injection, 4 supersonic molecular beam With the help of these advanced vacuum pumping,
injectors (SMBI), which could form supersonic speed gas fueling, and wall conditioning technologies, the vacuum
with the theory speed of 400–1200m/s through a Laval vessel can provide enough and controllable pumping
nozzle and high-pressure gas, have been developed for speed to achieve an ultimate vacuum lower than 1.5×10-
the plasma density feedback and divertor heat flux con- Pa with a water content of 2–5%.
trol. The SMBI system has the EM valve response time
of 160μs and a gas delay time of 5–25ms. The fueling effi- 2.3 Cryogenic system
ciency of SMBI is about 30% in contrast to ~10% with gas The large-scale helium cryogenic system is one of the key
puffing. In order to further improve plasma fueling effi- subsystems for the EAST tokamak device, which is used
ciency, 2 sets of pellet injection system (PI), which uses for cooling of the cold components including the poloidal
cryogenic liquid helium to cool gas into ice, form shot of field (PF) and toroidal field (TF) coils, structures, thermal
specific size by cutting, and is accelerated and injected shields, buslines, HTS current leads, and cryopumps. The
into the plasma by high-pressure gas, from mid-plane total cold mass is over 250 tons. The basic design capacity
either at the high-filed side or low-filed side, and lower of the refrigerator is 1050 W/3.5 K+200 W/4.5 K+13 g/s
divertor, have also been developed in EAST machine. LHe+12–30 kW/80 K. And the security factor is 1.5. It
The results show the pellet fueling efficiency (max.~50% is approximately equivalent to a helium refrigerator with
from high field side injection) is higher than SMBI and a capacity of more than 2kW at 4.5 K. EAST cryogenic
gas puffing. The wall condition system is designed for system is composed of compressors, oil removal systems,
hydrogen removal or impurity suppression as well as to cold box, cryogenic distribution system, liquid helium
optimize wall conditioning for high-performance plasma Dewar, helium recovery, and storage system, purifier, etc.
operation. [19, 20].
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EAST cryogenic system has served in the physical magnets, the 3.5K sub-cooling system upgrade will be
experimental campaigns for over 15 years since the first considered in the future.
cool-down experiment in 2006. And its total operation
time has been over 2000 days. In order to promote the 2.4 Plasma facing components
refrigeration efficiencies and reliability, the EAST cryo- As main plasma facing components (PFC), the divertor
genic system was upgraded gradually with new helium and first walls in EAST have been upgraded from full
screw compressors and new dynamic gas-bearing helium graphite to full metal with increasing heat removal capa-
turbine expanders with eddy current brakes to improve bility step by step, as shown in Fig.  3. When the EAST
the original poor mechanical and operational perfor- device started operation in 2006, initial 500kA plasma
mance from 2012 to 2015 [21]. And the helium gas puri- was achieved using a non-actively cooled stainless steel
fication system including the oil-removal system after the plate as the sole plasma-facing material [23–25].
oil-injected screw compressors, the adsorbers inside the From 2008 to 2012, it was upgraded into doped graph-
cold-box and two sets of external purifiers as well as the ite tiles (with SiC coating) bolted onto water-cooled heat
control system has been redesigned and reconstructed sinks and used graphite paper as the interlayer to improve
from 2019 to 2020, which was to avoid the fault of heat the mechanical connection between the tile and heat sink,
exchanger blocking due to the purity of gas helium [22]. whose capability of removing heat loads was up to 2 MW/m2
At present, the EAST cryogenic system has performed 20 [26–28]. Then, the high field side, low field side, and passive
cool-down experimental campaigns till August 2022. And plate were changed further from graphite tiles into molybde-
in the latest experiment, it has been operated continu- num alloy in 2012, which successfully controlled the particle
ously and stably for over 5 months. To ensure the future recirculation level of the first wall material [26, 29].
continuous 6 months of stable operation and promote From 2014 to 2020, in order to obtain higher-parameter
the cooling capacity for the safety of superconducting plasma, EAST developed a new type of W/Cu divertor

Fig. 3  In-vessel view of PFC on EAST. a Full – SS for the first plasma. b Full carbon, 2008–2012. c Carbon divertor and TZM FW, 2012–2014. d W
upper Div. & C lower Div. & TZM FW, 2014–2020. e W upper Div. & W lower Div. & TZM FW, 2020 to now
Hu et al. AAPPS Bulletin (2023) 33:8 Page 6 of 24

manufacturing technology for in-vessel components Multijunction (FAM) antenna and upgraded to 4MW in
and successfully applied it to the EAST upper divertor, 2011 and Passive Active Multijunction (PAM) antenna
improving the heat transfer performance of the divertor in 2021 [36, 37]. The 6MW/4.6GHz LHCD system was
PFCs, achieving heat removal capability up to 10 MW/ completed in 2013 and put into an experiment in 2014. In
m2 and successfully obtaining a 100s H-mode plasma order to realize the accurate control of loop voltage and
in 2017 [24]. In 2020, a full tungsten lower divertor has βp, the power control technology [38] is developed, which
been developed, which has replaced the original graphite can realize the arbitrary waveform control of power. For
lower divertor and greatly improved the overall perfor- the sake of studying the mechanism of LHW absorption
mance of the device [30]. The peak heat removal capac- and the ELM control, the power modulation technology
ity is 10 MW/m2 for a tungsten monoblock divertor and [39] is realized, and the maximum modulation frequency
20 MW/m2 for a flat-type divertor [31, 32]. In 2021 with is up to 100 kHz. LHCD power control provides impor-
those tungsten divertors, EAST has successfully achieved tant technical support for long pulse operation and phys-
plasma operation of 100 million degrees for 101s and ical experiment research.
long-pulse discharges up to 1056s [32]. The ion cyclotron range of frequency (ICRF) system at
25–70 MHz [40] has a capability of delivering more than
2.5 Plasma heating and current drive 10 MW of RF power to the plasma for long pulse lengths
To improve plasma parameters and for non-inductive long up to 1000 s. The performance of ICRF heating has pro-
plasma operation, plasma heating and current drive systems gressed steadily in the EAST. Initial ICRF experiments
were greatly upgraded. Now, there are low hybrid current started in 2010 [41, 42]. The Hydrogen Minority Heat-
drive systems (LHCDs), ion cyclotron range of frequency ing (H-MH) heating method has had the best plasma
(ICRF), electron-ion cyclotron range of frequency (ECRF), performance and has helped achieve H-mode by ICRF
and natural beam injection (NBI) for plasma heating and alone in 2012 [43]. The first successful application of the
current drive on EAST. The present distribution of EAST ICRF heating in the D (He3) plasma was also achieved. A
heating, pumping, and main diagnostics is shown in Fig. 4. new ICRF antenna with a lower parallel wave spectrum
There are two LHCD systems working at continue was fabricated and put into operation in the 2021 EAST
wave mode with the parameters of 4MW/2.45GHz [33] experimental campaign. Significant progress has been
and 6MW/4.6GHz [34], respectively. The 2MW/2.45GHz achieved in H mode plasma with the new ICRF antenna
LHCD system [35] was built in 2007 with a Full Active on EAST [44].

Fig. 4  Distribution of EAST main systems

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A long pulse electron cyclotron resonance heating source was applied and optimized [51]. Furthermore,
(ECRH) system has been developed to meet the require- a beam re-turn on technology, which is re-turn on the
ments of steady-state operation for EAST, and the first beam in several ms when the beam was terminated by
EC wave was successfully injected into plasma in 2015 break down or other reasons, such as the interference of
[45]. The system is mainly composed of four 140 GHz the interlock system, was applied for NBI heating during
gyrotron systems, 4 ITER-Like transmission lines, 4 inde- the long pulse operation [52]. So, the NBI can be oper-
pendent channel launchers and corresponding power ated with a long pulse, the typical waveform can be seen
supplies, a water cooling, control, and inter-lock system, in Fig. 5. For routine operation, the total injected power
etc. The launcher has a main feature of active cooling in is around 3–5 MW and the beam pulse of 10 s. A long
all mirrors which will ensure the availability of CW oper- pulse of 100s with a beam power of 3 MW will be tested
ation. Gycom gyrotrons are employed in the No. 1, No. 3, in the near future.
and No. 4 systems, and CPI gyrotrons are used in the No.
2 system. Since No. 1 gyrotron is under maintenance, the 2.6 Diagnostics
system has an available power of 2.05MW/1000s recently After more than 10 years of development, nearly 80 diag-
by using the remaining three gyrotrons. Some gyrotrons nostics have been developed and implemented on the
will be upgraded to dual frequency (140/105GHz) mode EAST, which are capable of measuring the dynamics of
to fit low ­BT (2.5T→1.9T) operation in the future [46]. plasma profiles, instabilities, and plasma-wall interac-
The NBI system was employed on EAST with two tions during long-pulse operation [53]. They are distrib-
beamlines [47, 48]. The first beamline (NBI-1) was uted on 12 different midplane ports and integrated with
started in design and manufacture from the year of 2010, the machine and auxiliary heating systems, as shown in
which was finished assembled and installed on the EAST Fig. 6, Table 2.
in 2014 (co-injection). It injected the first neutral beam All magnetic sensors have been installed in the vacuum
into the EAST plasma in the August of 2014 [49]. The chamber as an integral part of the in-vessel components,
second beam line (NBI-2) started manufacture in 2012 which can provide sufficient information about machine
and finished in April 2015 and injected the first neutral operation, plasma control, and physics analysis. The
beam in the same year too (counter-injection). Accord- radial profiles of key plasma parameters, such as the con-
ing to the physical requirement, the NBI-2 was changed tents of Te, ne, and Ti, along with the rotation, are avail-
from counter-injection to co-injection in 2021 [50]. Each able during the experiments. Thomson scattering (TS)
beamline was designed with a beam power of 4 MW systems can be used to determine the electron density
and beam energy of 80 keV. In order to be operated with ne and temperature Te with a time interval of 20ms [54,
a long pulse, the real-time feedback control of the ion 55]. The advanced X-ray imaging crystal spectrometer

Fig. 5  The typical waveform of long pulse operation with beam re-turn on technology
Hu et al. AAPPS Bulletin (2023) 33:8 Page 8 of 24

Fig. 6  The layout of diagnostics on EAST. Nearly 80 diagnostics are distributed on 12 different midplane ports and integrated with the machine and
auxiliary heating systems

(XCS), which can be used to record temporally and spa- device plants, as well as data acquisition, storage, analy-
tially resolved spectra of helium-like argon ions from sis, and visualization services to meet the requirements of
multiple sight lines through plasma, is a powerful diag- the steady-state operation. EAST diagnostic data acquisi-
nostic tool for measurement of ion and electron tem- tion with more than 4000 channels is distributed around
perature profiles as well as plasma toroidal rotation [56]. the EAST device, composed of more than 60 acquisition
A fast-ion D-alpha spectrum (FIDA) has been developed subsystems [63] with a sampling rate from 1Hz to 1GHz.
to assess fast-ion behavior and energetic particle-related The total data storage capacity is about 3000 TB with
physics [57]. Particular attention has been paid to plasma max data access bandwidth 10 GBytes/s.
core-edge diagnostics, such as lithium beam emission Plasma control system (PCS) [64], which was trans-
spectroscopy (Li-BES) to obtain edge electron density planted from the DIII-D PCS infrastructure, has the
profiles [58]. An 11-chord, double-pass, radial viewing, capability of realizing advanced configuration, pro-
and far-infrared laser-based polarimeter-interferometer file, and heat load control after more than 10 years of
(POINT) system has routinely operated for diagnosing continuous upgrading and development [65–69]. As a
the plasma current and electron density profiles during tokamak with a vertically elongated cross-section, the
plasma discharge [59]. EAST PCS is required to have the ability to stabilize the
Based on the diagnostics mentioned above, an vertical instability. Numbers of vertical feedback con-
understanding of the high-performance long-pulse trol algorithms have been designed and implemented
operation of the EAST is obtained, facilitating the [70–72] in EAST PCS, which extended the EAST oper-
design of the next-generation fusion reactors such as ation region and improved the stability, providing an
the ITER and CFETR. important reference scheme for future fusion reactor
The precision and speed of real-time equilibrium
2.7 Data acquisition and control reconstruction are related to the plasma control perfor-
EAST CODAC, consisting of the central control system mance. With the parallelized Grad-Shafranov solver and
[60], data acquisition system [61], and data service sys- middle-scale matrix calculation modules on GPU, a new
tem [62] as shown in Fig. 7, realizes the synchronization reconstruction code called P-EFIT was developed [12],
timing, coordinated communication, device and personal which reproduces the EFIT reconstruction algorithms
safety monitoring, and interlock protection of various at a fraction of the EFIT computational time [73–75].
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Table 2  The diagnostic systems in EAST

No. Port Abbreviations Detail

1 A HXR Hard X-ray

2 SXR Soft-X ray
3 GEM Gas electron multiplier
4 He-BES Helium beam emission spectroscopy
5 FIDA Fast-ion D-alpha
8 C CXRS Charge exchange recombination spectroscopy
9 MSE Motional stark effect
10 FILTERSCOPE Filterscope
12 INPA Imaging of neutral particle analyser
13 IR InfraRed
14 SMBI Supersonic molecular beam injection
15 CECE Correlation electron cyclotron emission
16 QMB Quartz crystal microbalance
17 D ECEI Electron cyclotron emission imaging
18 HXR Hard X-ray
19 QMB Quartz crystal microbalance
20 Div-LPs Divertor Langmuir probes
21 F Neutron Neutron
22 EUV Extreme ultraviolet
23 VB Visible Bremsstrahlung emission
24 ECE Electron cyclotron emission
25 IR InfraRed
26 HFMP High-frequency magnetic perturbation
27 VIS Visual inspection system
28 LI-BES Lithium beam emission spectroscopy
29 Infrared Camera Infrared camera
30 Divertor IR Divertor infrared
31 G VIS Visual inspection system
32 VUV Vacuum ultraviolet imaging system
33 EUV Extreme ultraviolet
34 XCS X-ray imaging crystal spectrometer
35 H MAPES Material and plasma evaluation system
36 IR InfraRed
37 LIBS/LIAS Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy/laser-induced
ablation spectroscopy
38 J AXUV Absolute extreme ultraviolet spectroscopy
39 Reci-LPs Reciprocating Langmuir probes
40 CCD Charge-coupled device
41 Density refl. Density reflectometer
42 FILD Fast ion loss detector
43 QMB Quartz crystal microbalance
44 K HCN Hydrogen cyanide
45 Neutron Neutron diagnostic
46 Reci-LPs Reciprocating Langmuir probes
47 Fluctuation refl. Fluctuation reflectometer
48 Doppler refl. Doppler reflectometer
49 IR InfraRed
50 L TS (core) Core Thomson scattering
51 M TS (edge) Edge Thomson scattering
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Table 2  (continued)
No. Port Abbreviations Detail

52 O POINT Polarimeter-interferometer
53 FIDA Fast-ion D-alpha
54 BOLO Bolometer
55 DBS Doppler backscattering
56 MGI Massive gas injection system
57 IR InfraRed
58 Div-LPs Divertor Langmuir probes
59 P SSNPA Solid state neutral particle analyzer
60 CHK Cherenkov
61 UF-CXRS Ultra-fast charge exchange recombination spectroscopy
62 GPI Gas puff imaging
63 AXUV Absolute extreme ultraviolet spectroscopy
64 SXR Soft-X ray
65 ECE Electron cyclotron emission

Fig. 7  Block diagram of EAST CODAC and plasma control system

Integrated into the EAST plasma control system, P-EFIT Some new control techniques for steady-state opera-
not only provides control signal results but also enhances tion have been developed in EAST PCS [78]. The
EAST plasma control capacity with dedicated function pre-calculated linear drift rate for each integrator chan-
modules [76, 77]. nel is pre-calculated each day according to a routine
Hu et al. AAPPS Bulletin (2023) 33:8 Page 11 of 24

hundred-seconds test shot for integrators, which is sub- years, focusing on long pulse divertor operation, plasma
tracted from raw data in PCS to eliminate the impact of duration was extended, as well as the improvement of
linear drift during plasma discharges. For high-perfor- plasma parameters, as shown in Fig.  8. And parameters
mance and non-inductive plasma operations, the plasma in typical long pulse plasmas are listed in Table 3.
beta and loop voltage control have been implemented in Long pulse operation over 410s [79] has been achieved
PCS. In addition, a data segment archiving technology of in the campaign 2012, which was driven by LHCD. The
MDSplus was applied to save all data in segments with- LHCD power was feedback controlled by a flux loop to
out increasing the computer memory or reducing the minimize the poloidal flux consumption and maintain
saving frequency. the plasma current. The plasma configuration was var-
In conclusion, EAST CODAC and PCS systems provide ied from USN via DN to LSN during the discharge with
an effective control guarantee for EAST’s thousand-sec- strike point sweeping to improve power handling at the
ond operation and achievement of excellent experiment divertor target plates, minimizing divertor heat load,
results. impurity influxes, and plasma–wall interactions. In addi-
tion, all PF coil currents at a minimum level (<2 kA) were
3 Scenario development on EAST well controlled away from the coil current limitation to
As a long-term goal, the EAST program is to provide a maintain a large safe operation margin for superconduct-
suitable platform to address physics and technology ing coils.
issues relevant to develop high-performance H-mode A steady-state long pulse with a duration over 100
plasmas. Significant progress has been made in develop- s and a core electron temperature over 10 keV was
ing scenarios contributing to ITER baseline, hybrid, and achieved established and stably sustained by applying
steady-state scenarios, together with helium H-mode both lower hybrid wave (LHW) and on-axis electron
plasmas. cyclotron resonance heating (ECRH) in the middle of
2021 [80]. It was found a reduction of core turbulence
3.1 Achievement of long‑pulse divertor operation by multi-scale instabilities interaction with MHD and
As a superconducting tokamak, the main mission of steep central electron temperature gradient region. In
EAST is to demonstrate high-power, long-pulse opera- this kind of plasmas with a high central electron tem-
tions under fusion-relevant conditions. In the past 15 perature gradient (ETG), the turbulence-driven current

Fig. 8  Experiment milestones of long pulse divertor operation in EAST

Table 3  Parameters in typical long pulse plasmas in EAST

Shot Year Ip (MA) Pulse length (s) <ne> H/L mode H&CD (MW) Ti (keV) Te (keV) τe (s) βN

43,336 2012 0.27 410 1.0 L 1.2 0.8 / 0.038 /

41,195 2012 0.27 31 2.5 H 2.8 0.9 / 0.04 /
73,999 2017 0.4 101 3.0 H 3.0 1.1 5.0 0.056 0.9
90,949 2019 0.35 60 4.3 H 3.4 1.0 5.5 0.06 1.6
106,915 2021 0.33 1056 1.8 L 1.6 0.8 6.5 0.06 0.9
110,488 2022 0.3 310 3.2 H 4.8 1.0 6.0 0.045 1.6
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has been experimentally observed and the ratio of the exhibits a confinement quality modestly lower than the
turbulent current to the total current can reach a maxi- standard ELMs, with a confinement enhancement factor,
mum of 5% (25% of the bootstrap current) at the q=1 ­H98(y;2) ∼ 0.9. However, this H-mode plasma discharge is
rational surface [81]. Those experimental observations not fully non-inductive and its duration is limited by the
on EAST suggest the interaction among the ETG tur- available flux of the PF coils and by wall particle satura-
bulence, the turbulent current, and the m/n=1/1 kink tion. Several upgrades on EAST were applied to extend
mode plays a contributing role in sustaining the station- long-pulse H-mode discharges, including active divertor
ary high-βθe long pulse plasmas. Power balance analy- pumping using the internal toroidal cryopump, installa-
sis shows that the increase of ECRH power can increase tion of a tungsten divertor, augmented heating, and cur-
the normalized T (e) gradient significantly at the plasma rent drive capabilities.
core region (rho < 0.6), but does not change the T (e) In 2014, the long pulse H-mode performance has been
profile stiffness in the low-density L-mode plasmas [82]. enhanced. A 28 s long-pulse H-mode [84] was obtained
Recently near the end of 2021, a steady-state plasma with the newly implemented 4.6 GHz LHCD system
with a world-record pulse length of 1056 s was obtained, with ­H98 ∼ 1.2, exceeding the 32 s H-mode (­H98 ∼ 0.9)
where the density and the divertor peak heat flux were in 2012. An important factor for achieving the 28 s high-
well controlled, with no core impurity accumulation. It performance H- mode is the high triangularity, δ ∼ 0.55,
is a fully non-inductive plasma with dominant e-heat- and high density (ne/nG~0.55). The divertor peak heat
ing zero injected torque with a total injected energy of flux was controlled largely below 3 MW/m−2, resulting
1.73GJ. The plasma current is mainly driven by LHCD from type-II like small ELMs.
and a moderate bootstrap current (~37%). A new high- After the commissioning of the tungsten divertor and
confinement and self-organizing regime was discov- redesigned mono-block units [85] with improved heat
ered and demonstrated. The plasma regime (­H98 ~1.2, transfer in 2015, world records of over 60 s and 100 s [53,
βp~1.5), the so-called Super I-mode, is characterized by 86]. H-mode operation with strike points on the tung-
the coexistence of an electron ITB (eITB) at the plasma sten divertor was obtained. The steady-state scenarios
center and an improvement energy confinement mode were characterized by fully non-inductive current drive
(I-mode), without ELMs, at the plasma edge, leading to (zero loop voltage) and high-frequency small-amplitude
a large improved energy confinement. The confinement ELMs, and it verified the stable control capability of
time τE is higher than the value predicted by the H-mode heat and particle exhausts using the ITER-like tungsten
scaling law by 20% [83]. divertor. Using ~3.4 MW of total injected RF power for
heating and current drive, the first long pulse H-mode
3.2 Achievement of long pulse H‑mode plasmas (61 s) with zero loop voltage and an ITER-like tungsten
The first long pulse H-mode around 32 s with a combi- divertor has demonstrated access to broad plasma cur-
nation of LHCD and ICRH has been achieved in the rent profiles by increasing the density in fully noninduc-
EAST experimental campaign of 2012 [79]. This is about tive lower hybrid current-driven discharges. These long
10–20 times longer than the present diffusion time, thus pulse discharges reach wall thermal and particle bal-
setting a record for the longest H-mode duration at that ance and exhibit stationary good confinement ­(H98y2 ~
time. These long H-mode plasmas, achieved with exten- 1.1) with low core electron transport. Small and rapid
sive Li wall coating, are highly reproducible, with the ELMs are with a frequency of 100–200 Hz, and the sta-
heating power P ­ LHCD=1–2 MW and P ­ ICRH = 0.5–1.5 tionary safety factor profile has a minimum value qmin
MW, which is about 1–3 times the threshold power for ~ 1.5. The tungsten divertor temperature remains con-
the transition from the usual low confinement mode, stant at about 500 °C with a constant peak heat flux of
L-mode, to H-mode double null divertor configura- ~3.5 MW ­m−2, showing that the divertor has reached
tion. In those shots, the toroidal magnetic field was 1.9T, thermal equilibrium. The first demonstration of a  >100 s
plasma current was 280kA, plasma density was 0.5nGW, time scale long-pulse steady-state scenario was also
q95 was about 6.8, δ was 0.5, κ was 1.7, and q95 was 6.8. achieved with a good plasma performance ­(H98(y2) ~ 1.1)
It was discovered that LHCD induces a profound change and a good control of impurity and heat exhaust with the
in the magnetic topology of the edge plasma by driving upper tungsten divertor. The RF power heating and cur-
helical current filaments on the magnetic field lines in the rent drive (H&CD) has a total of ~0.5 MW lower hybrid
boundary, leading to a three-dimensional distortion of wave (LHW) at 2.45 GHz, ~1.7 MW LHW at 4.6 GHz,
the edge magnetic topology. These small ELMs are with a ~0.4 MW ECH, and ~0.5 MW ICRF. This long-pulse
frequency of 0.5–1 kHz and peak heat fluxes on the PFCs discharge reaches wall thermal and particle equilibra-
from the plasma ejected by the small ELMs are largely tion, with the steady-state peak heat flux on the divertor
below 2 MW/m−2. This small-ELMy H-mode regime plates being maintained at ~3.3MWm−2 and the particle
Hu et al. AAPPS Bulletin (2023) 33:8 Page 13 of 24

exhaust rate being maintained at ~6.6 × ­1020 D ­s−1. It divertor configuration at an unfavorable BT direction.
was found that a gradual increase of loop voltage after The resonant magnetic perturbation (RMP) coil with
90 s causes by the ECRH protection of the cutoff, which toroidal mode number n = 4 was used to control high-
suggests that ECH has the effect on the avoidance of Z impurity accumulation and to mitigate low-frequency
impurity accumulation. large ELMs. Statistic result indicates that improved con-
EAST experiment has also demonstrated a long pulse finement and the formation of internal transport barrier
steady-state high plasma performance scenario with in ion thermal channel strongly correlates to the excita-
core-edge integration in 2018. A discharge with a dura- tion of fishbone.
tion over 60 s with Ip~0.35MA, βP~2.0, βN~1.6, H98~1.3, Extensive experiments of hybrid scenario develop-
and internal transport barrier on electron temperature ment [89] have also been carried out on EAST tokamak
channel is obtained with multi-RF power H&CD. Small recently with the ITER-like tungsten divertor. The βN in
ELMs with the frequency of 100–200Hz were obtained this operational scenario is intermediate up to 2.1 with
in this long pulse H-mode discharge. Optimization of q95 = 3.7. The internal transport barrier (ITB) was fre-
plasma shape and local gas puffing located close to the quently observed with the central flat q profile, and it was
LHW antenna were investigated to maintain RF power found that the fishbone mode (m/n = 1/1) can be beneficial
coupling and to avoid the formation of hot spots on the to sustain the central flat (q(0) ∼ 1) q profile; thus, a stable ITB
LHW antenna. The on-axis ECH was applied for the core can be obtained for better plasma performance. The forma-
electron heating and the control of high Z impurities. tion of the ITB of the electron density is related to the fishbone
Parallel to long pulse H-mode operations, the devel- activities. Energy transport analysis shows that the fishbone
opment and test of possible scenarios for steady-state instabilities have a suppression on electron turbulent energy
advanced tokamak, i.e., the research on the extension of transport, while the ITB of ion temperature is due to the sup-
high βP regime towards higher bootstrap current fraction, pression of high-k modes (electron temperature gradient).
were carried out. An example of EAST high βP discharge
using pure RF H&CD was achieved with parameters of βP 3.4 Demonstration of helium H‑mode plasma with pure RF
~2.0, βN ~1.6, fbs~50%, fGw~0.8, and H98y2>1.3 at q95=6.7, power
which close to the design target of the CFETR Phase-III To support the ITER non-nuclear operational phase,
1GW fusion power operation scenario [87, 88]. More helium experiments have been investigated in EAST with
data analysis shows improved confinement and reduced the ITER-like Tungsten divertor. The concentration of
turbulence when extending to higher βP. The higher βp helium [90] is found to be a key parameter in H-mode oper-
with high energy confinement was observed in plasmas ation. The higher helium concentration increases the L-H
with higher density. By tailoring the current density transition power threshold and degrades the energy con-
profile, a q-profile with local (off-axis) negative shear is finement. The global energy confinement time in He plas-
achieved, which yields improved confinement and MHD mas was on average about 30% lower than in D ­ 2 plasmas.
stability. Transport analysis and simulation suggest that
the combination of a high-density gradient and high 4 Physics research in support of future fusion
Shafranov shift allows turbulence stabilization and higher reactors
confinement. 4.1 Transport and confinement
Recently in 2022, a long fully noninductive high beta 4.1.1 Electron heat transport
H-mode scenario (H98,y2>1.3, βP >2.5, fGr>0.6, fbs~49%) Non-local heat transport has been observed and studied
with small ELMs was achieved with active controls of the in EAST ohmic plasmas [91]. The non-local heat trans-
stationary and transient divertor heat and particle fluxes. port occurs with electron density ne0 below a critical
Compared to the longest H-mode achieved in 2017, the new value of (1.35 ± 0.25) × ­1019 ­m-3 and plasma current Ip =
record not only extended the plasma duration from 101 s to 450 kA. The electron density fluctuation in the plasma
more than 300 s, but also improved plasma parameters, i.e., core starts to increase within 5 ms after SMBI, while the
βP, βN, fbs, H98, and ne/nGW (not published). response time of core electron temperature and density
is about 15 ms. The results imply that the turbulence
3.3 Development of low ­q95 H‑mode plasmas intensity was not only determined by the local gradients.
In the recent EAST experiments, an effort has been made Also, intense intermittent radiation has been observed
to explore high-performance stable plasma operation regularly in EAST plasmas [92]. The duration of radiation
at a low q95 (q95 < 3.5) regime that could demonstrate bursts is with a characterization time of a few microsec-
future ITER baseline scenarios and contribute to under- onds, and the radiation frequency f is at the plasma fre-
stand its relevant physics issues. The discharges at q95 < quency, and the frequency bandwidth ∆f is very narrow (~
3.5 regimes have been achieved with the quasi single-null 1.5 MHz FWHM, ∆f/f~ 3×10-5). The fine structure of the
Hu et al. AAPPS Bulletin (2023) 33:8 Page 14 of 24

spectrum in the frequency domain has been observed, and The ICRF-induced rotation increments, with about
the cavity modes model is capable of explaining the radia- a 15 km/s difference in co-current direction, have been
tion frequency and the frequency spacing. observed when the magnetic configuration changes from
High-βp plasmas with steep central electron tempera- lower-single-null to double-null. Both discharges were
ture gradients have been achieved by ECH and LHCD heated by 27 MHz ICRF with the same Ip = 0.5 MA,
on EAST. An intrinsic current is observed to be modu- the same density (ne ∼ 1.75×1019 m−3), toroidal mag-
lated by turbulence driven by the electron temperature netic field (Bt = 2.0 T), and similar RF power (PRF = 1.75
gradient [81]. This turbulent current is generated in the MW). The result implies the effects of edge scrape-off
countercurrent direction and can reach a maximum layer flows on the core plasma rotations [99].
ratio of 25% of the bootstrap current. The dominant The dimensionless analyses of LHCD and ICRF plas-
mechanism for the turbulent current generation is due mas, as reported in reference [100], demonstrate that the
to the divergence of ETG-driven residual flux of current. increments in rotation are proportional to the negative
The maximum values of turbulent current and electron changes in internal inductance following the injection
temperature gradient lead to the destabilization of an of radio frequencies. This finding provides supplemen-
m/n = 1/1 kink mode, which by counteraction reduces tary evidence in support of the Mach number scaling
the turbulent level (m and n are the poloidal and toroidal principle, as proposed in reference [98], which posits a
mode numbers, respectively). The observations suggest correlation between toroidal rotation velocities and cur-
that the self-regulation system including turbulence, tur- rent density profiles, specifically predicting greater incre-
bulent current, and kink mode is a contributing mechanism ments in rotation for flatter current density profiles.
for sustaining the steady-state long-pulse high-βθe regime.
4.1.4 Impurity transport
4.1.2 Particle confinement and transport Based on the development of the high-performance high-
For particle transport investigation, a density modula- Z impurity diagnostics [101–103], the behavior of high-Z
tion is a powerful tool. On EAST tokamak, SMBI density impurity in different plasma scenarios and the effect of real-
modulation experiments have been conducted in differ- time wall conditioning of lithium granule injection, RMP,
ent confinement regions [93]. This technique has also and on-axis RF heating on the core tungsten suppression
been used in RMP (n = 2) induced density pump-out have been experimentally studied [104–106]. As a result,
discharges with NBI-heated H mode [94], and the results the effect on suppression of impurity source, enhancement
showed that the diffusive coefficient becomes larger and of impurity screening in the edge, and control of tungsten
the inward convection velocity decreases towards the content in core plasma has been verified, respectively.
plasma edge after applied RMP switched on. The integral modeling workflow under the OMFIT
For high-density operation, pellet injection is a neces- framework is used to study the tungsten transport, and
sary method in the future tokamak, such as ITER. EAST the result indicates the tungsten accumulation in the NBI
has been equipped with a 10-Hz deuterium pellet injec- dominant-heated high βN scenario is caused by a large
tion system and high-density operation approaching the neoclassical pinch, which may be originated in density
Greenwald density limit (~ 0.84nGW) with MARFE move- peaking and an enhancement of toroidal rotation [107].
ment has been investigated [95]. In RMP-induced den- On the other hand, for high-performance fully non-
sity pump-out discharges with similar shapes to those inductive discharge in EAST, high Te, and its gradient by
in ITER with q95 ~ 3.8, and triangularity δ ~ 0.45, pellet on-axis ECRH play a key role to generate large turbulent
fueling with a frequency of 5 Hz from ~40 cm above the diffusion through increasing the growth rate of linear
mid-plane on the low field side is also used to compen- instability so that tungsten accumulation is prevented
sate the decreased density and stored energy [96]. [108]. With strong support from experimental study and
physical understanding of tungsten transport, reproduc-
4.1.3 Momentum transport and intrinsic rotations ible long-pulse high βp H-mode discharges with tungsten
The application of low-hybrid waves to EAST L-mode concentration at ~10-5 were successfully achieved with
plasmas has been observed to induce notable increments stable tungsten control approaches of real-time wall con-
in co-current plasma rotation from XCS diagnostic [97], ditioning and on-axis ECRH.
in the absence of any other discernible external torque
inputs [98]. Specifically, co-current changes in the toroi- 4.2 MHD and 3D physics
dal rotation of up to 40 km/s in the core region and 20 4.2.1 Core MHD
km/s in the edge have been documented in early experi- In the observation of MHD instabilities, modes associ-
ments at EAST, where low-hybrid current drive (LHCD) ated with internal kink modes such as snake, saturated
was applied in L-mode ohmic plasmas. helical m/n=1/1 mode, and sawtooth are of particular
Hu et al. AAPPS Bulletin (2023) 33:8 Page 15 of 24

interest. Firstly, two typical snake oscillations were Error fields are more sensitivity for future reactors.
observed in EAST experiments. One of the snake oscil- Error field locked mode can limit the high-performance
lations disappeared before the sawtooth crash [109], operation and even lead to disruption. Therefore, clarify-
while the other coexisted with the sawtooth crash [110]. ing its scaling differences between theory and experiment
Secondly, the saturated helical mode was first observed is significant. The spectrum effect for n=1 RMP field pen-
in both high βp [111] and high electron temperature Te etration has been studied and demonstrated the impor-
[112] hybrid scenarios on EAST. Active control of saw- tance of plasma response on determining the threshold
tooth has been demonstrated on EAST by varying the RMP current in this process [121]. The observed around
electron cyclotron current drive (ECCD) injection angles square root density scaling in EAST agrees well with the
in real time [113]. fluid theory, when all parameters were determined exper-
Real-time control of tearing mode (TM) or neoclassi- imentally, especially the observed energy confinement
cal tearing mode (NTM) is an important topic and needs scaling (close to in Ohmic SOC regime) rather than the
to be further verified and studied. NTM control system Neo-Alcator was used for the estimation of momentum
was developed on EAST in 2015 [114, 115]. TM/NTM diffusion time [122]. This provided a good validation of
suppression by electron cyclotron waves (ECW) has been fluid field penetration theory and solved the longstanding
studied on EAST since 2015 [116]. At the same time, a discrepancy between field penetration scaling observa-
comparison with the numerical simulation has been car- tion and theory. A similar scaling in RF heating plasmas
ried out [117–120]. The modified Rutherford equation was obtained. It agrees well with MHD field penetra-
is used for experimental data analysis, and its compari- tion theory and modeling results [123]. The penetration
son with the numerical simulation has been done [117]. dependence on toroidal field strength and q95 has been
Simple relations are found between the minimum ECW further studied experimentally and agrees well with the
power and the plasma and wave parameters, which can theory [124]. Further, to have a better connection with
be used to predict the ECW power for mode stabilization. ELM control, the penetration of n=2 RMPs has also been
It is demonstrated that a threshold in ECW power for studied in detail [125]. It was again demonstrated that the
disruption avoidance exists by stabilizing the magnetic penetration threshold depends on the RMP field taking
island with ECCD, and its reason is given by analyzing into account plasma response. An interesting nonlinear
the modified Rutherford equation [118]. The diffusiv- mode coupling between the penetrated n=2 mode and
ity of fast electrons is found to degrade the efficiency of an n=1 mode has been directly observed. This is poten-
NTM stabilization by ECCD by 2-3 times for modulated tially important for understanding the nonlinear coupling
current drive [119], which will have a great impact on effects in RMP ELM suppression.
the NTM suppression system in ITER. In addition, new
control strategies are being explored to improve the effi- 4.2.2 RMP controlling ELM
ciency of NTM stabilization by ECCD, including utilizing A set of in-vessel RMP coil systems has been installed
the resonant magnetic perturbations to make magnetic in EAST in 2014 for ELM control, as shown in Fig.  9
islands rotate non-uniformly [120]. [126, 127]. It consists of 2×8 coils with up and down

Fig. 9  RMP coils in the EAST tokamak (From Ref [119])

Hu et al. AAPPS Bulletin (2023) 33:8 Page 16 of 24

symmetry located at the upper (U) and lower (L) parts collisionality regimes. To give a clear physics, we devel-
of the last closed flux surface in the low field side, oped the rotation braking modeling (NTVTOK) and car-
which can generate a range of RMP spectrum during ried out Neoclassical toroidal viscosity (NTV) physics
one discharge for ELM control [127]. The measured studies in many devices [142–152]. Density pump-out
intrinsic error field is of the order ­10-5 (normalized to is the most common behavior observed in almost all
toroidal field) [117], which provides a good opportunity tokamaks during the application of RMP for ELM con-
for RMP ELM control and related 3D physics studies. trol in low collisionality regimes. Density pump-out on
ELM suppression with low n (n = 1 and 2) RMPs in main ions and impurities [94, 128, 153, 154] and turbu-
zero toroidal rotation plasmas with radio-frequency (RF) lence transport studies [155, 156]. A similar effect on a
wave dominant heating and collisionality ν*e,ped ~ 1 has high-frequency Alfven-like mode during the inter-ELM
been first demonstrated in EAST in 2015 [128]. Evidence phase has also been observed [157]. This mode can also
of a nonlinear transition from mitigation to suppression be completely suppressed by RMP before accessing ELM
of the ELM by using RMPs has been directly observed suppression.
in the magnetic measurement during the application of In the application of RMP for ELM control in a future
n=1 RMPs in EAST [128]. In 2019, full suppression of fusion reactor, the influences on fast ion confinement and
type-I ELMs using n = 4 RMPs as planned for ITER has related energetic particle-driven modes have to be con-
been demonstrated for the first time in EAST [129]. The sidered. The understanding of detailed loss mechanisms
energy confinement drops by a factor of around 20–30% may also be helpful to study the control of fast ion pro-
during ELM suppression with a similar amplitude of n = files in the future. Influence on energetic particle-driven
2 RMPs in a similar target plasma [130]. mode has already been observed in EAST recently. An n
ELM suppression has also been achieved during the = 2 TAE mode excited by the application of a static n=2
application mixed n RMPs with n = 3 static and n = 2 RMP has been observed for the first time in EAST [158].
rotating fields in DIII-D [131] and EAST [132]. Theo- We have also carried out lots of simulations on how RMP
retical modeling has reproduced the linear and nonlin- affects fast ion confinement in EAST. To study the mech-
ear responses observed on magnetic sensors during ELM anism for fast ion loss during the application of RMPs,
mitigation and suppression [133]. The best spectrum for various resonant orbit loss effects on trapped particles,
ELM suppression in EAST is consistent with the resonant such as bounce-drift resonances, recessional resonances,
peak of RMP by taking into account of linear magneto- stochastic orbit, have been identified [159]. When plasma
hydrodynamics plasma response by using the MARS-F response was taken into account, i.e., strong shielding
code [128, 134]. Clear density pump-out and magnetic effect on resonant harmonics, it was surprising to find
braking effects [135] are observed during the application that the loss rate of passing particles with a shielded field
of RMP. A new criterion for controlling edge localized with negligible magnetic island width can be even larger
modes based on a multi-mode plasma response is pro- than that with vacuum one with big magnetic islands
posed to explain this phase shift [136], and the detailed [160]. For better comparison with observations and to
modeling of plasma response with or without rotation study the SOL effect on fast ion loss, a new code SOFT
zero crossing has been performed using the MARS-F has been developed to simulate the full orbit of particles
code [137]. In addition, multimode plasma response has in real geometry including the SOL area as well [161].
also been directly observed using various methods [138,
139] and agrees well with modeling results. A numeri- 4.2.4 Disruption and runaway electrons
cal code TOP2D using field line tracing for modeling of Disruption and their consequences show great challenges
three-dimensional magnetic field topology under RMPs during the design and operation processes in tokamak
has been developed and validated via comparison to the reactors. To further clarify their sensitivities, a series of
observed strike point splitting on the divertor using vac- works have been carried out in EAST. First, Two single
uum [140] and plasma response modeling [141] in EAST. deep learning algorithms are trained on a large data-
Injection of fueling pellets has also been demonstrated base of experimental EAST data to classify disruptive
for density compensation and stored energy recovery discharges and distinguish them from non-disruptive
during RMP ELM suppression in EAST [96]. discharges, as shown in Fig.  10 [162–165]. In addition,
EAST, together with C-MOD and DIII-D, carried out the
4.2.3 3D physics cross-device disruption warning research [166–168]. Sec-
To understand ELM suppression physics, a series of stud- ond, detailed disruption-related studies have been under-
ies on 3D physics have also been carried out in EAST. taken on EAST [169, 170]. Data from the halo current
Rotation braking may play an important role in deter- measurement system [171] shows a significant difference
mining RMP field penetration near the edge in low in “W-Like” graphite divertor and “ITER-like” tungsten
Hu et al. AAPPS Bulletin (2023) 33:8 Page 17 of 24

Fig. 10  The disruption prediction category implemented in the real-time computer of EAST PCS (from Ref [157])

divertor [172]. For W-Like’ graphite divertor, most of the required for the RE avalanche onset, have been experi-
halo current flows from the plasma to the copper plate mentally observed [179]. The threshold electric field for
of the divertor. For the ITER-like tungsten divertor, the the RE avalanche onset is 1.2-fold higher than the RE
halo current flows from the outer plate to the inner plate, detection onset field required for the primary genera-
through the cassette [172]. A massive gas injection valve tion. Runaway plateau has also been detected in the unin-
(MGI) based on the double-layer eddy-current repulsion tended disruptions [180]. The highest runaway current
mechanism has been developed [173] and employed to corresponds to the lowest loop voltage and this anoma-
carry out disruption mitigation [174]. lous behavior is attributed to the acceleration of the pre-
The runaway electron issue is also a great concern in exciting wave resonant suprathermal electrons by LHW.
future reactors. The study of runaway electrons during Two distinct types of RE-related relaxation phenomena,
disruptions and analysis of synchrotron radiation emit- including kinetic instability driven by medium-energy
ted by runaway electrons have been carried out in EAST REs and MHD activity, have been found to cause an
[175–180]. The result during disruptions shows the com- amount of RE loss during a runaway plateau.
petition between the radial diffusion of the induced elec-
tric field and the growth of the runaway current, and it 4.3 Pedestal and edge physics
also indicates that half of the decreasing magnetic energy The H-mode operation of EAST was first achieved in the
can be converted into runaway electron kinetic energy 2010 campaign. The following research suggests that the
during the disruptions [175]. By comparing the synchro- L-H transition power threshold PL-H is highly correlated
tron radiation spectra of runaway electrons based on the with the edge neutral density, the ion ∇B drift, the diver-
full expression, their asymptotic expressions, and pure tor pumping capability, and the hydrogen concentration
circular orbit expressions, it is analyzed how radiation [181–183]. A clear ‘U-shape’ dependence of ­PL-H on elec-
spectra and total radiation power of runaway electrons in tron density has been observed in the helium-dominated
a tokamak can be analyzed correctly and efficiently [176]. plasma [90]. Direct probe measurements demonstrate
Analysis of synchrotron radiation patterns from runa- that zonal flows play a role in the slow L-H transition
way electrons indicates that the energy, pitch angle, and [184], while the shift in radial wave number spectrum of
q profile can significantly affect the synchrotron radiation turbulence induced by mean flow shear can mediate the
pattern. Particularly, an asymmetrical synchrotron radia- fast L-H transition [185]. Pedestal structure studies indi-
tion pattern can be deduced when the effect of the drift cate that the pedestal width has a strong correlation with
orbit shift is considered, which can explain the asym- the poloidal pedestal beta and could be influenced by the
metrical ring-like synchrotron radiation pattern from heating schemes and lithium wall coating [55, 186]. The
runaway electron beams in EAST experiments [177, 178]. characteristic of the coherent mode in pedestal has been
In the discharge flattop, two different threshold electric extensively studied [55, 178–195], including the edge
fields, characterizing a lower field required for significant coherent mode (ECM) and the magnetic coherent mode
seed RE generation and sustainment and a higher field (MCM). ECM and E × B flow shear are found to facilitate
Hu et al. AAPPS Bulletin (2023) 33:8 Page 18 of 24

the achievement of small/no ELM operation at high ped- recycling with a Li-coated wall, FLiLi could continuously
estal collisionality [189, 196, 197]. Massive efforts have increase fuel particle retention and bring higher fuel par-
been made to develop active ELM control techniques. ticle retention including both short-term and long-term
Reproducible steady-state ELM-free H-mode discharges retention as well as lower recycling [212]. Through vari-
have been achieved using the real-time injection of ous wall conditions, the effective control of particle recy-
lithium (Li) [198] and boron aerosol [199]. Triggering cling is achieved on EAST, facilitating the acquisition of
of ELMs has been demonstrated using low-velocity Li EAST thousand-second long pulse and more than 300-s
granules with nearly 100% efficiency [200]. Sustained H-mode discharges.
ELM suppression has been achieved using CD4 seeding
from the divertor region [201]. ELM suppression by ICRF 4.4.2 Radiating divertor and detachment
heating has also been observed where the role of E × B The divertor detachment induced by impurity seed-
flow shear induced by the RF sheath has been highlighted ing is acknowledged as the most promising means to
[202, 203]. A highly reproducible stationary grassy ELM control the steady-state heat flux and tungsten sputter-
regime has been achieved [69, 204–206]. The good com- ing for fusion reactors. During detachment, the elec-
patibility of this regime with low torque injection, high tron temperature on the divertor target can be reduced
plasma density (up to ~1.1nGW), high bootstrap current to less than 5eV, while the heat load reduction is much
fraction (fBS up to 70%), and radiative divertor has been more than 50% normally, with the increase of radiative
demonstrated. In addition to the generally considered power. In recent years, great efforts and progresses have
high q95 and βp, EAST results indicate that a wide pedes- been made on the radiative divertor physics and active
tal with a low-density gradient can facilitate the achieve- feedback control of detachment with tungsten divertor
ment of such small ELMs. This might have a positive operation in EAST [66, 213]. The detachment feedback
implication for future fusion reactors where a low ped- control techniques using divertor Langmuir probe meas-
estal fueling and a flat pedestal density profile are antici- ured divertor particle flux js, electron temperature Tet,div
pated [207, 208]. [214], Tet,div guided X-point radiation [69], and IR-camera
measured target surface temperature Tt,peak [68] were all
4.4 Divertor and plasma‑wall interaction successfully developed. Simultaneous double feedback
4.4.1 Wall conditioning and recycling control of core radiation with neon seeding and divertor
Controlling of fuel recycling and hydrogen content in Tet with Argon seeding from different gas puffing valves
deuterium plasma is very important, not only to avoid for core-edge integration is now under developing. The
diluting reacting core deuterons but also the enhance- actively feedback-controlled H-mode detachment at
ment of plasma performance. During recent years sev- Tet,div ~ 5 eV and H ­ 98 >1 has been achieved using neon
eral techniques of surface conditioning such as baking, or Ar impurity seeding, with neon being more compat-
glow discharge cleaning (GDC), ICRF discharge clean- ible with sustained good core performance under the
ing, and wall coatings, such as lithium coating, have all present H-mode plasma parameters [214]. The experi-
been attempted in order to reduce the H/(H+D) ratio ments in EAST demonstrate that a closed divertor is ben-
and wall recycling in EAST. The necessary clean vacuum eficial for neutral trapping and thus detachment access
environment is provided in EAST by a long first wall [213]. The impurity seeding from around the strike point
baking and discharge cleaning, with a high ultimate vac- is much more effective for detachment access and com-
uum of 3.6 × ­10-6 Pa and a low outgassing rate plasma patible with the core plasma confinement than that with
of about 1.5 × ­10-4 Pa ­m3 ­s-1 Operation [209]. By using seeding from the upstream scrap-off layer [215]. In the
vacuum evaporation and real-time injection of lithium EAST 2021 campaign, the new lower W divertor with a
powder to complete the lithium coating, the H/(H + D) more advanced geometry and active water-cooling capa-
ratio can be routinely reduced to approximately 3% [210, bility for the steady-state operation has been success-
211] and the global recycling coefficient could reduce fully upgraded. By employing the new lower W divertor,
from 0.94 to 0.82. The in-vessel cryopumps also provide active detachment feedback control via Tet controller
an efficient method for particle recycling control in the with Argon seeding has been extended to 30 s long-pulse
divertor region, reducing the global recycling coefficient H-mode operation, with active detachment-control dura-
from ~1.0 to ~0.8 during ohmic heating of the plasma tion being 25 s [216]. A slight decrease of the plasma
and provide 1 ­020-1021 D atoms exhausting rate [209]. stored energy (~8%) was observed, which was not seen
In addition to the lithium coating on EAST, the flowing with neon seeding long-pulse H-mode discharge, dem-
liquid lithium limiter (FLiLi) can also effectively reduce onstrating the compatibility of long-pulse detachment
the particle recycling. Comparing the retention and and core confinement in EAST.
Hu et al. AAPPS Bulletin (2023) 33:8 Page 19 of 24

4.4.3 Tungsten sputtering and erosion control electron-driven modes are widely observed. The first
The upper and lower divertor materials of EAST were reported fast particle-driven mode was the BAEs exited
upgraded from graphite to tungsten in 2014 and 2021, by LHW [224]. In this study, the strong tearing mode
respectively. After the upgrade of divertor material, a also played an important role: the magnetic reconnection
high-time resolution spectroscopy [217] was developed accelerated the electrons and helped to excite the BAEs.
for monitoring the EAST divertor W sputtering, and Subsequently, double pairs of BAEs (BAE quartet) with
many dedicated experiments were carried out to investi- the radial discrete structure were observed [225], which
gate the W erosion control. Experimental results reveal can be explained by taking into account physics such as
that the W erosion rate is strongly related with both the the drift effect and the parallel motion of the ion. The
divertor plasma temperature and the impurity concen- coupling of BAEs, GAMs, and magnetic islands was also
tration. It is experimentally found that the neon (Ne) investigated [226–228]. It is proposed that the twin BAEs
seeding from the divertor target can increase the W sput- can be excited by the nonlinear interaction between
tering by increasing the local Ne concentration when GAM and magnetic islands. Other fast electron excited
the local electron temperature is above 25 eV [218], but modes were also observed, such as TAE exited by LHW
the W erosion will be well suppressed after the diver- [229] and by ECRH [230]. Sometimes the low-frequency
tor detachment is achieved [219]. ­D2 gas injections from (20–50 kHz) BAE and high-frequency TAE (120–250
both the outer mid-plane and the divertor target are also kHz) could be nonlinearly coupled and generate many
proved to be effective ways for W erosion mitigation by harmonics (daughter waves).
reducing the electron temperature on the divertor tar- Typical fast ion-driven modes have been observed on
get [220]. The real-time Li injection technique devel- EAST. Figure 11 summarized the existed modes and their
oped on EAST can change the wall condition during the parameter range in βN − q95 space. The modes lie in two
discharge. Li aerosol dropping from the upper divertor regions. Actually, the two regions are in the range of the
region can cool the edge plasma and make an overlayer two main scenarios of EAST. The fishbone instability is
on the W surface at the same time, and thus, a signifi- easily excited for the high βN scenario with lower q95,
cant reduction of W erosion is observed [217, 220]. Intra- which was firstly observed in the year of 2015 [231]. Later
ELM W sourcing and temporal evolution are analyzed on numerical simulation by M3D-K [232] and by MEGA
EAST. The effective W sputtering during ELMs shows a [233] confirms that the fishbone is mainly driven by low
positive correlation with the pedestal electron tempera- energy beam ions via precessional resonance, and the
ture and a total W source mitigation is achieved by apply- frequency of the fishbone chirps up and down with cor-
ing RMP [221]. Due to the migration and deposition of responding hole-clump structures in phase space, con-
first wall materials, W erosion on the EAST divertor is sistent with the Berk–Breizman theory [232]. Besides the
well reproduced by using mixed material modules [222, fishbone mode, the EPM and TAE instabilities [234] are
223]. Simulation results indicate that carbon impurity also observed in the high βN scenario. Interestingly, the
plays an important role on W erosion for both inter- and establishment of ITBs is often accompanied by the burst
intra-ELM phases although the energetic ­D+ originated of fishbone [235, 236] or RSAE [237, 238] instabilities,
from the pedestal region also contributes a nonnegligible and the possible reason is caused by the redistribution
part of W erosion during ELMs. of energetic ions. The BAEs [239], RSAEs [240, 241], and
EPM instabilities are excited by energetic ions in the high
4.5 Energetic particle physics βp scenario with higher q95. Similarly, the establishment
The energetic particles are mainly driven by NBI and RF of ITBs is also accompanied by the excitation of RSAEs
heating. On EAST, all the three RF waves (LHW, ECRH, (BAEs or AITG-like).
and ICRH) primarily heat the electrons (On EAST the Resonant magnetic perturbations (RMPs) could affect
main heating regime of ICRH is the minority heating, it fast particle behavior. It was observed that TAEs were
eventually mainly heats the electrons). The fast ions are excited in an ohmic heating plasma when the current of
mainly from the NBI. The ICRH could further acceler- a static n = 2 RMPs exceeds a threshold value [158]. The
ate the NBI-driven fast ions, leading to a higher energy behind physics is that the energetic electrons may be
tail. This is the so-called synergy effect. This effect was accelerated by the magnetic islands, which are formed
observed on EAST. After the ICRH power was added to by the forced magnetic reconnection induced by RMPs.
the NBI heating plasma, the neutron yield increased and RMPs could also enhance fast ion loss. Numerical sim-
the energy of fast ions was accelerated to larger than 300 ulation on EAST showed that both linear and nonlin-
keV [Zhang W. et al., Nuclear Fusion, 2022, submitted]. ear resonances play an important role. And the primary
Generally, on EAST RF waves (especially the contribution from resonant components and the side-
LHW) dominants the heating power. Therefore, fast band contribution from non-resonant components are
Hu et al. AAPPS Bulletin (2023) 33:8 Page 20 of 24

Fig. 11  Parameter range of the fast ion-driven modes existed on EAST

comparable [161]. The experimental study of the fast ion H-mode plasmas in a thousand seconds timescale, to
loss induced by RMPs is under investigation. support ITER operation and future fusion reactors, like
5 Summary Acknowledgements
In summary, this paper reviews the machine status and Contributions to the EAST experiments from domestic and international
collaborators (institutions and individuals) are deeply appreciated. This work
recent research progress on EAST tokamak. Since the
was supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of
start of the project, EAST is making steady progress China under Contract Nos. (2016YFA0400600, 2017YFA0402500), the National
towards fusion energy research. Continuous upgrades of Magnetic Confinement Fusion Science Program of China under Contract Nos.
(2019YFE03030000, 2019YFE03040000, 2022YFE03030000, 2022YFE03050000),
EAST hardware during the past 16 years, especially the
Major Science and Technology Infrastructure Maintenance and Transfor-
PFC components and H&CD capability strongly sup- mation Project of Chinese Academy of Sciences(DSS-WXGZ-2020-0011,
ported the scientific mission of EAST. DSS-WXGZ-2021-0009), Performance Improvement Project of EAST, Hefei
Comprehensive National Science Center(E05AH105I1).
Aiming at steady-state and high-performance plasma
operation, different scenarios have been developed on Authors’ contributions
EAST. Typical results could refer to long-pulse diver- All authors contributed equally to this work. Weibin Xi, Jian Zhang, Liansheng
Huang, Damao Yao, Qing Zang, Yanlan Hu, Guizhong Zuo, Qiping Yuan, Zhiwei
tor operation (>400s), long-pulse H-mode plasmas with
Zhou, Xinjun Zhang, Mao Wang, Handong Xu, Yahong Xie, Zhengchu Wang,
steady-state advanced high βP regime, development of Kun Lu, Junling Chen, Fukun Liu, Jiangang Li, and Yuntao Song contributed to
low q95 H-mode plasmas related to ITER baseline and the EAST development and upgrading. Jiansheng Hu, Jinping Qian, Haiqing
Liu, Youwen Sun, Liang Wang, Guoqiang Li, Xianzu Gong, and Guosheng Xu
possible extension to a hybrid scenario, helium H-mode
contributed to the EAST experiments. Hongxing Yin and Yao Yang contributed
plasma with pure RF power in support of ITER. Various to writing the manuscript. All authors review the results and commented on
physics studies have been carried out in these scenarios, the paper. The authors read and approve the final manuscript.
including transport and confinement, MHD and 3D
Authors’ information
physics, pedestal and edge physics, divertor and plasma- All authors belong to the EAST team in the Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese
wall interaction, and energetic particle physics. Academy of Sciences.
In the near future, EAST will continue to develop
advanced scenarios for plasma operation, such as Not applicable.
Hu et al. AAPPS Bulletin (2023) 33:8 Page 21 of 24

Availability of data and materials 24. L. Cao et al., J. Fusion Energ. 34, 1451 (2015). https://​doi.​org/​10.​1007/​
Supporting information is available from the author or from the reference. s10894-​015-​9951-2
25. Z.B. Zhou et al., J. Fusion Energ. 34, 93 (2015). https://​doi.​org/​10.​1007/​
Declarations 26. G.N. Luo et al., Nucl. Fusion 57, 065001 (2017). https://​doi.​org/​10.​1088/​
Ethics approval and consent to participate 27. Y.T. Song et al., Fusion Eng. Des. 85, 2323 (2010). https://​doi.​org/​10.​
Not applicable. 1016/j.​fusen​gdes.​2010.​09.​020
28. J.P. Qian et al., Plasma Sci. Technol. 13, 1 (2011). https://​doi.​org/​10.​1088/​
Consent for publication 1009-​0630/​13/1/​01
Not applicable. 29. B.F. Gao et al., Fusion Eng. Des. 156, 111616 (2020). https://​doi.​org/​10.​
Competing interests 30. L. Wang et al., J. Fusion Energ. 40, 3 (2021). https://​doi.​org/​10.​1007/​
The authors declare that they have no competing interests. s10894-​021-​00290-9
31. Q. Zhuang et al., Fusion Eng. Des. 179, 113137 (2022). https://​doi.​org/​
Received: 30 December 2022 Accepted: 23 March 2023 32. G.S. Xu et al., Nucl. Fusion 61, 126070 (2021). https://​doi.​org/​10.​1088/​
33. J.F. Shan, in Proceedings of the 23rd IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Daejon,
Korea. A new 4 MW LHCD system for EAST (2010) https://​www-​pub.​
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