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Osteomancy Alpha

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Brittle Bone Armor

Osteomancer At 2nd level, you learn the basics of osteomancy, using

it for protection. Once per short rest, as a bonus action,
Osteomancers are powerful wizards who understand the if you're not wearing any armor or wielding a shield, you
power that can be harvested from bones. Often said to can force a frame of bones out of your body to protect
be cursed and talked about under cover of night, this you. This grants you temporary hit points equal to 2
sort of magic makes the uneducated shiver and the times your level in this class.
scholar morbidly curious. Those who have the cunning,
bravery, or simply foolishness to pursue research in this This armor lasts for one minute, or until you lose the
field find themselves rewarded with afflicted knowledge. temporary hit points. While you have these temporary
These accursed souls are known as Osteomancers. hit points, you gain resistance to slashing and piercing
damage and your AC increases by a number equal to
one-third of your level in this class (rounded down,
minimum of 1).

Anatomical Expert
Also at 2nd level, your pursuit of osteomancy has
required many hours studying the anatomy of all
creatures. You gain proficiency in Wisdom (Medicine)
checks, and they are considered Intelligence (Medicine)
checks for you. In addition, when this check concerns a
creature that possesses a skeleton, you can add double
your proficiency bonus to the check, instead of your
normal proficiency bonus.

Bone Puppetry Improved Bone puppetry
Beginning at 6th level, as an action, you focus your grim Finally, at 14th level, when you use your bone puppetry
magic towards a creature with bones within 60 feet of ability, you gain control of the creature for 1 minute
you. It must make a Strength saving throw against your instead of one round. The creature can’t resist your
spell save DC. On a failure, you take control of its command, it doesn’t suffer disadvantage on attacks
skeleton. You control what the creature does on its against its allies, nor do they have advantage on saves
next turn, at the end of which, it regains control over against effects caused by the creature. The creature can
its body. If you make it attack its allies, it has repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns,
disadvantage on attack rolls. In addition, its allies have ending the effect on a success.
advantage on saving throws from effects caused by a
creature under your control, as it resists your Once under your control, when the creature repeats
command. the saving throw against your Bone Puppetry, you can
choose to expend one additional use of the feature to
You can only have one such creature under your give the creature disadvantage on the save. You must
control at a time. You can use this feature a number of decide to do so before seeing the result of the roll.
times equal to your Intelligence modifier (a minimum
of once). You regain all expended uses when you finish
a long rest.

Skeletal Mastery
Starting at 10th level, you are a master of your own
body, you can reshape your bones, including those of
your face to appear as a completely different person.
You can cast the alter self spell at will without requiring
a spell slot. If you cast the spell using this ability you
can only use the change appearance or natural
weapons abilities of the spell.

In addition you also gain the ability to dissolve or

restore your own skeleton as an action. Your speed
becomes 10 feet, moving through sheer muscular and
magical control. While in that form you can fit in
minute spaces and crawl under barriers, although you
must take care to protect your organs, making sure they
are not squashed or crushed. For simplicity's sake,
assume you cannot travel through any space smaller
than 5 inches in diameter. While in this form, you are
considered prone, you cannot use your hands, you can't
attack or cast spells, although you can temporarily
regenerate the bones in your hands as an action to
exert finer control over them.

Druid Wickerbone Behemoth
Circle of Symbiosis Starting at 2nd level, you can unleash the vicious
natural powers held amidst your flesh. As an action, you
may expend a use of your Wild Shape to awaken
The Circle of Symbiosis allows druids devoted to
Nature’s wrath, turning into a behemoth, rather than
Nature to become one with it - in the most real sense
transforming into a beast form. A deer skull, wooden
of the word. These druids have mastered osteomancy
skin, goat hooves or other such natural gifts overtake
and use it to sever their own limbs and replace them
your body. While this feature is active, you gain the
with fragments of the natural world. To become
following benefits:
“awakened symbiotic entities” - something others
would decry as aberrations - they graft one or multiple
● Your size becomes Large
limbs to their body. Deer hind-legs replace their own,
tree branches take over their arms, while the most
● You are under the effect of the barkskin spell,
devoted and zealous of them replace their head with
although you do not need to concentrate on it. In
that of an animal.
addition, whenever a creature damages you with an
attack, all creatures you choose within 5 feet of you
By revelling in such powers, the Circle of Symbiosis
take 1d4 magical piercing damage, as your skin
seeks to make all living beings one with Nature, or else.
No sacrifice is too great for the cause, as such even
children of the Circle are forced to undergo these often
● The stress of battle stimulates your organism to
deadly abscissions, developing their rampaging powers
fight and survive. Whenever you take damage in a
later on in life. As these druids age, they become
round, you regain half as many hit points (rounded
indistinguishable from their grafts, their humanity
down, minimum of 0), or a number equal to three
slowly waning to make way for something more
times your Wisdom modifier, whichever is lower, at the
implacable, more unyielding. Their practices have
start of your next turn. This regeneration doesn’t work
shunned them from most civilized locales, a
if you are unconscious at the start of your turn.
punishment that hasn’t stopped them from recruiting
- or abducting - more to join their cause.
These benefits last for 10 minutes, or until you use your
Wild Shape again. You cannot use this transformation if
you are wearing armor.
Your fusion with nature through osteomancy grants you
GM Note: Here’s an example of how the
access to certain spells. At 2nd level, you learn the
regeneration works: Since your turn ended you’ve
Shillelagh cantrip.
been damaged 3 times, you took 3, 3 and 5 points
of damage, for a total of 11 hit points. It is now the
At 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th level you gain access to the
start of your next turn, your healing factor kicks in,
spells listed for that level in the Circle of Symbiosis
and should restore 5 hit points. That number is
Spells table. Once you gain access to one of these spells,
lower than 3 times your WIS mod, of 3x4=12
you always have it prepared, and it doesn't count against
(assuming 18 WIS). So you do regain 5 hit points.
the number of spells you can prepare each day. If you
gain access to a spell that doesn't appear on the druid
spell list, the spell is nonetheless a druid spell for you.
Grafted Powers
Druid level Spells
The multiple aspects of nature that you forcefully
implanted within you manifest themselves in other
2 shillelagh aspects of your life. Also at 2nd level, You gain one of
the following benefits.
skeletal tail* ● Bear Back. You count as one size larger when
osseous cage*, determining your carrying capacity and the weight you
plant growth can push, drag, or lift as well as for grappling checks. In
commune with nature, addition, you can add your Wisdom modifier to any
7 Strength check that you make.
maiden of bones*
forest of dread*,
tree stride

● Deer Head. You have advantage on Wisdom
(Perception) checks that rely on sight or smell. In
addition you cannot be surprised.

● Goat Hooves. You have advantage on Strength

and Dexterity saving throws made against effects that
would knock you prone. You gain a climbing speed
equal to your walking speed.

These elements can be visible or not, or be represented

by other natural aspects. Choose at your discretion
when creating the character.

Extra Attack
At 6th level, you can attack twice, instead of once,
whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
Moreover, you can cast one of your cantrips in place of
one of those attacks.

Nature’s Wrath
Starting at 10th level, your natural grafts succumb to
your osteomantic powers and allow you to tap deeper
into Nature’s fury. You are permanently under the
effect of the barkskin spell.

In addition, when using your Wickerbone Behemoth

transformation, whenever you damage a creature with
bludgeoning, piercing or slashing damage, you gain
temporary hit points equal to 1d6 + your Wisdom

At 14th level, your fusion is complete, and your heart is
absorbed, sacrificed, making way for a new heart, one
that can fully channel the rage of the natural world.
Your melee weapon attack deals bonus damage equal
to your Wisdom modifier on a hit.

In addition, whenever you drop to 0 hit points, you may

choose to unite your body with those around you.
Choose two creatures twithin 30 feet of you. They gain
the benefits of your Wickerbone Behemoth
transformation for 1 minute.

Once you've used this ability, you have to complete a

long rest before using it again.

Spells Bone shield
1st level abjuration (druid, ranger, warlock, wizard)

Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you take when you are

Cantrips hit by an attack
Range: Self
Brittle Bone Throw Components: V, S
conjuration cantrip (sorcerer, warlock, wizard) Duration: Instantaneous

Casting Time: 1 action You generate a barrier of elongated femurs that

Range: 60 feet protects you. You reduce the incoming damage by 6
Components: V, S, M (bone powder) and if the attacking enemy is within 10ft of you, deal 6
Duration: Instantaneous slashing damage to them, as the osseous barrier
You hurl a splintered bone fragment at a target within
range. Make a ranged spell attack, on a hit the target At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
takes 1d8 piercing damage. On a miss, you can shatter spell slot of 2nd level or higher, both the damage
the bone mid-air, and redirect the remnant towards reduction and the slashing damage increase by 6 for
another creature within 15 feet of the original target. each slot.
Make another ranged attack roll, on a hit the new target
takes 1d4 piercing damage.

At Higher Levels. This spell's damage increases by 1d8

and 1d4 respectively when you reach 5th Level (2d8,
2d4), 11th level (3d8, 3d4), and 17th level (4d8. 4d4).

1st Level Spells

Bone claws
1st level transmutation (warlock, wizard)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S, M (a tiger’s claw)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

Choose a creature within range. You infuse them with

osteomantic energy, growing sharp claws from their
carpal bones. For the duration the target’s unarmed
attacks deal an additional 1d4 slashing damage on a hit.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a

spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the damage increases to
1d6 at 2nd level; 2d4 at 3rd level; 2d6 at 4th level; and
3d4 and 5th level.

Fractured Shell 2nd Level Spells
1st level transmutation (warlock, wizard)
Bone Cocoon
Casting Time: 1 action 2nd-level abjuration (druid, sorcerer, warlock, wizard)
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S, M (a porcupine's carapace) Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you take when you see
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minute. a creature drop to 0 hit points
Range: 30 feet
You touch a creature, forcing spiked bone plates to grow Components: V, M (a shrunk rib cage, worth at least 50
from its body, piercing its skin. They take 1 point of gold)
piercing damage. For the duration of the spell, each Duration: Concentration up to 1 minute
time a creature damages the target with a melee attack,
the attacking creature takes 2d4 piercing damage. You conjure up a cocoon made of cartilage and bones,
which protects a creature of your choice. While in the
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell cocoon, the creature can’t be damaged by attacks or
slot of 2nd level or higher, the damage dealt to effects originating from outside, has total cover, is
attacking creatures increases by 1d4 for each slot level considered restrained, and makes death saving throws
above 1st. When cast using a spell slot of 5th level or at advantage.
higher the spell no longer requires concentration.
The cocoon has 25 hit points, an AC of 11 + your
Phalangeal Shot Spellcasting modifier. It has resistance to cold, fire and
1st level evocation (sorcerer, warlock, wizard) necrotic damage, and immunity to poison and psychic
damage. If you lose concentration or the cocoon is
Casting Time: 1 action brought to 0 hit points, it is destroyed.
Range: 5 feet wide and 30 feet long line
Components: V, S Arm Cannon
Duration: Instantaneous 2nd level evocation (sorcerer, warlock, wizard)

You point your fingers forward, your phalangeal bones Casting Time: 1 action
are fired outwards, akin to the bullets of a gun. They Range: 30 feet
regrow immediately, leaving your hand unscathed. All Components: V, S
creature in 30 feet long and 1 foot wide line in front of Duration: 1 round
you must succeed a Dexterity saving throw or take 2d6
piercing damage. You fire out the bones of your forearm through your
hand, healing the wound instantly. Make a ranged spell
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a attack. On a hit the target takes 4d8 piercing damage
spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the damage increases and must succeed on a Strength saving throw or be
by 1d6 for each slot level above 1st. pushed back 15 feet. If pushed into an obstacle, the
target is impaled on it, and is restrained by the bone
until the start of its next turn. Creatures that are Large
or larger have advantage on this saving throw.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a

spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the damage increases by
1d8 for each slot level above 2nd.

Calcified Memories Rolling Bones
2nd level divination (warlock, wizard) 2nd level divination (cleric, druid, warlock, wizard)

Casting Time: 1 action (Ritual) Casting Time: 1 minute (ritual)

Range: Touch Range: Self
Components: V, S Components: V,S,M (1 gp worth of bones of a small
Duration: Instantaneous mammal)
Duration: Instantaneous
You touch the bones of a deceased creature. When you
do, a ghostly grey illusion of the fallen creature appears You roll bones, allowing fate to give you an omen of the
above its corpse to reenact the last 6 seconds of its life. future. Roll 1d6.
The illusion only shows the creature, such as reacting to
an unseen monster or trying to extinguish the flames of ● On a roll of 5 or 6 you know if you are: not likely,
a fiery trap, but does not show the monster or effect likely, or very likely to encounter hostile creatures
causing the behavior. This spell has no effect on undead within the next hour, and if yes, what the type of
creatures. Once a corpse's death has been revealed in enemy you will fight will be.
this way, it cannot be shown again for 24 hours.
● On a roll of 2, 3 or 4, you learn if you are: not likely,
likely, or very likely to encounter hostile creatures
within the next hour.

● On a roll of 1, the material components of the

spell are consumed, and you take 1 psychic damage as
fate rebels, you don’t learn any information and you
can’t cast this spell again until you take a short rest.

If you cast the spell two or more times before

completing your next long rest, there is a cumulative 25
percent chance for each casting after the first that you
get a false reading. The GM makes this roll in secret.

Rupturing Curse
2nd level evocation (warlock, wizard)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You focus your magic to shatter the body of your

foes. Choose one creature within range, they must
succeed a Constitution saving throw or take 3d6
piercing damage and be knocked prone by the pain
on a failure.
In addition, if they take bludgeoning damage
equal to 5 times their CR or more in a single
turn, before the start of their next turn, their
movement speed is reduced to 0 for the
duration of the spell, as their skeleton shatters.
If they do not take such damage before the start
of their next turn, the spell ends. A creature
without bones is immune to this effect.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using

a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the piercing
damage increases by 2d6 for each spell slot level
above 2nd.

Skeletal Tail Osseous cage
2nd level conjuration (druid, ranger) 3rd level conjuration (druid, warlock, wizard)

Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action

Range: self Range: Self (10 foot-radius)
Components: V, S, M (a scorpion’s tail) Components: V, S
Duration: 1 minute Duration: 10 minutes

You grow a long, scorpion-like tail made of sharpened You cause a cage of cartilage and bones to erupt from
bones. Whenever a creature moves in in a 20-foot the ground that surrounds a 10-foot radius area
radius centered on you, you can use your reaction to try centered on you. The bones are thick and provide
and pierce them with the tail. The target must succeed three-quarters cover to creatures inside and outside.
on a Dexterity Saving throw, or take 2d4 piercing You, and any others you designate, can pass through
damage as the tail pierces them, and be pulled in an the cage at will. The osseous cage has AC 12, 100 hit
empty space adjacent to you as the tail retracts. points, and vulnerability to bludgeoning damage. If you
cast this spell again whilst already having a cage
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a summoned, the previous cage turns to dust.
spell slot 3rd Level of or higher, the damage increases
by 2d4 for every slot level above 2nd. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
spell slot of 4th level or higher, the cage’s hit point total
increases by 20 per spell slot level above 3rd.
3rd Level Spells
Osseous Impalement
Displacing Maw 3rd level conjuration (sorcerer, warlock, wizard)
3rd level conjuration (warlock, wizard)
Casting Time: 1 action
Casting Time: 1 action Range: 60 feet
Range: 10 feet Components: V, S, M (a calcified bamboo stick)
Components: V, S Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Duration: Instantaneous
Massive bone spikes sprout under up to 4 creatures on
Your rib cage opens up violently, trying to devour an the ground of your choice within range. They must
enemy in range. The creature must succeed a Strength succeed a Dexterity saving throw, or take 3d10 piercing
saving throw or be devoured by the maw formed by damage and be impaled by the spike, becoming
your rib bones, taking 4d8 piercing damage and be restrained and held aloft 5 feet in the air. A creature
transported through magic to a point of your choice on restrained in this way takes 1d10 piercing damage at
the ground within 60 feet of you, where the maw the start of each of their turn and can try to break the
reappears and regurgitates them. On a success they bone spike restraining them as an action by making an
take half as much damage and are not transported. Athletics check contested by your spell save DC,
breaking free on a success.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
spell slot of 4th level or higher, the damage increases by At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
1d8 and the teleportation range by 10ft for each slot spell slot of 4th level or higher, the both damage
level above 3rd. increase by 1d10 for each slot level above 3rd.

Rubber bones
3rd level transmutation (sorcerer, warlock, wizard)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Touch
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes

You touch a creature. Its bones become soft and

rubbery, it gains the following benefits:

● It can expend 5 feet of movement to escape any

grapple without requiring an ability check and can
squeeze through a space that is large enough for a
creature two size smaller than it.
● It has advantage on Dexterity saving throws
● It has resistance to bludgeoning damage.
● Its range with melee attacks becomes 5 feet longer
than normal

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a

spell slot of 4th level or higher, you can target one
additional creature for each slot level above 3rd.

4th Level Spells

Maiden of Bones
4th level conjuration (warlock, wizard)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S, M (a virgin's carpal bone)
Duration: 1 minutes
Dread Scarecrow
A target in range must succeed on a Strength Saving 4th level illusion (bard, warlock, wizard)
Throw or be trapped inside an iron maiden formed of
bone that appears in its space. The creature is Casting Time: 1 action
considered restrained and incapacitated, behind total Range: 30 feet radius
cover, immune to all damage coming from the outside, Components: V, S, M (A flute made of a femur worth
and takes 3d6 piercing damage at the start of each of 50gp)
their turn, as spikes of bones dig in its body. At the end Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
of each of its turns a trapped creature can repeat the
saving throw, escaping on a success. The bone maiden You create the horrifying illusion of all your bones
has AC 14, 80 hit point, immunity to psychic and breaking and your body bending in impossible ways,
poison damage, and vulnerability to bludgeoning accompanied by the sound of a shattered skull. All
damage. If the maiden is destroyed the creature creatures of your choice in a 30 feet radius centered on
trapped inside is freed. you must succeed a Wisdom saving throw or become
frightened for the duration. While frightened by this
spell, a creature's movement speed becomes 0 and it
falls prone, its legs giving out under the fear. If the
affected creature takes damage in a round, at the end of
its turn, the creature can make a Wisdom saving throw.
On a successful save, the spell ends for that creature.

Graveyard Shuffle
4th-level necromancy (cleric, druid)

Casting Time:1 action

Range:30 feet Components:V, S, M (a piece of spinal
bone and an opal worth at least 150 gold, which the
spell consumes)

You drain the bone marrow of a creature, attempting to

steal its life force and move it back inside another
creature of your choice. Make a ranged spell attack
against a creature within range. On a hit, the creature
takes 4d6 necrotic damage. Choose another creature
within range, the target regains hit points equal to half
the damage dealt, and if the target was dead for less
than 1 minute it returns to life with hit points equal to
half the damage dealt. If any of the targets do not have
bones, the spell fails.

5th Level Spells

Chisel Skull
5th-level evocation (sorcerer, warlock, wizard)

Casting Time:1 action

Range:60 feet
Components:S, M (a piece of skull bone)

Choose a target within range. You cause its skull to

snap, piercing its insides. The target must make a
Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the target
takes 6d10 piercing damage and is paralyzed until the
end of its next turn. On a successful save, the target
takes half as much damage and is not paralyzed.

Ancestral Bond
5th level divination (Bard, Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer,
Warlock, Wizard)

Casting Time: 1 minute

Range: Self
Components: V, S, M (The bone of a humanoid, which
the spell may consume)
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minute

You touch the bone of a humanoid, and visions of its

descendants come to you, as ephemeral spirits that
scour the world. As part of casting this spell you learn
how many living relatives the humanoid left behind,
and if they have any living descendants.
In addition upon learning that information you can
choose to select one of the descendants whose
existence you can feel through the spell. By destroying
the bone to amplify the power of the magic, you can
attempt to determine their location. The target must
succeed a Wisdom saving throw, on a failed save you
learn their exact location, no matter where they are.

Forest of Dread
5th level conjuration (sorcerer, warlock, wizard)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 20 foot-radius
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minute

You touch the floor under you, 20 feet tall tree-like

bones sprout from the ground in a 30-foot radius
centered on you. All creatures of your choice in that
radius must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw, taking
4d8 piercing damage on a failure, or half as much on a
success. In addition, once sprouted, the trees remain in
place as long as you concentrate on the spell.
The area they cover is considered difficult terrain and
when a creature moves into or within the area, it takes
2d8 piercing damage for every 5 feet it travels; you are
immune to that effect. The forest of dread provides
three-quarter cover to any creatures inside it.

6th level Spells 7th Level Spells
Wall of Bones Boneyard
6th level conjuration (sorcerer, warlock, wizard) 7th-level necromancy (cleric, sorcerer, warlock, wizard)

Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time:24 hours

Range: 60 feet Range:Touch
Components: V, S, (a calcified egg shell) Components:V, S, M (enchanted bones, incense and
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes herbs worth at least 1000 gold, which the spell
A grim wall of fractured bones appears at a point you Duration:Until Dispelled
choose within range. The wall appears in any
orientation you choose: horizontally, vertically, or You touch a point and infuse an area around it with
diagonally. It must rest on a solid surface. The wall can Osteomancy. The area can have a radius up to 120 feet,
be up to 60 feet long, 10 feet high, and 5 feet thick. and the spell fails if the radius includes an area already
The wall blocks line of sight, and creatures can’t pass under the effect a boneyard or hallow spell. The
through it. The wall has AC 15, 150 hit points and affected area is subject to the following effects.
immunity to poison and psychic damage. Reducing it to
0 hit points destroys it. First, you know the exact location and hear the
thoughts (if any) of any undead creature within the
When the wall appears, each creature in its area must area, and you know as if they are under someone’s
make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a control.
creature takes 4d8 bludgeoning damage, and it is
pushed to the first available free space. On a successful Second, all creatures within the area lose resistance and
save, it takes half as much damage but is still pushed. immunity to necrotic and piercing damage.
Until the spell ends, you can use an action to summon
a Minotaur skeleton with a murderous killing intent Third, whenever a non-undead creature dies within the
from the wall by sacrificing 20 hit points from the wall. area, you can choose to have its skeleton ripped from
The creature appears in a space of your choice adjacent its flesh and rise again under your control. If you do, the
to the wall. When you summon a Minotaur Skeleton in creature is resurrected with 1 hit point, its creature
this way, designate a creature you can see within 60 type becomes undead and it becomes immune to all
feet of it, it becomes the sole enemy of the summoned damage until the end of its next turn. On its next turn,
creature that will try to kill it in any way, it is immune you may control it, give it any commands and have it
to charms and doesn’t listen to orders you issue, only use any of the abilities it had during its life, except for
attacking its target. Once its target is dead, it vanishes Legendary Action if it had any. At the end of its turn, it
in a pile of dust. dies and cannot be resurrected by any means short of a
wish spell.
You can have a maximum of 3 summoned creatures by
this spell at once.

Amputate Osteophagia
7th level evocation (druid, warlock, wizard) 9th level conjuration (warlock, wizard)

Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Touch Range: 5 feet
Components: V, S, Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Instantaneous

You coat your hand with vicious Osteomancy. Make a The most lethal osteomantic power. You can cause the
melee spell attack roll against a creature within range, skeleton of a target to liquefy in a matter of seconds,
on a hit you deal 10d8 slashing damage. In addition you causing the target to collapse in on itself. Choose a
rip off one of the creature's limbs (leg or arm or other creature within range, the target must succeed on a
similar appendage). Constitution saving throw or die.
A creature is immune to this effect if it is immune to A successful save prevents the death by skeletal
slashing damage, has legendary actions, or the GM collapse but still deals 10d6 necrotic damage. Creatures
decides that the creature is too big for its limbs to be without bones and creatures whose CR or character
cut off with this spell. Such a creature takes an level is equal or higher than the caster’s CR or
additional 5d8 slashing damage instead. character level are immune to this spell.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a

spell slot of 8th level or higher, the primary damage
increases by 4d8, and the secondary damage by 2d8 for
each slot level above 7th.

9th Level Spells

Aspect of Death
9th level conjuration (warlock)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: self
Components: V, S, M (the skull of a fallen hero, worth at
least 4000 gp)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You focus threads of magical energy around you which

coalesce into the aspect of death, an avatar made of
bones which surrounds you and fights on your behalf.
The avatar is large, occupies its space, is centered on
you, and moves with you. While it is summoned it
protects you from foes; you are considered behind
three-quarters cover at all times, have resistance to all
damage, and no other creature can enter the space of
the avatar.
In addition, while active, you gain a +1 bonus to spell
attack rolls and saving throws, and when you cast a
spell that deals bludgeoning, piercing or slashing
damage damage, it is considered as if casted with a
spell slot 2 levels higher than the one expended.


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